#and then in k-2 we learned phonics and I got even better at reading
menlove · 1 year
always continually realizing how lucky I was to be taught how to read using phonics. I feel so bad for kids who do not learn phonics.
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douglaseveryday · 4 years
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— 1st 6 Weeks Recap
Our first six weeks of homeschool has come and gone. Can you believe it? I’m still not sure exactly where the days went, but I’ve been extra grateful for this week, and I’m more confident in our homeschool calendar now more than ever. This week off has given me time to reflect on what worked well in our school and what didn’t. One of the most obvious areas in which I lacked was record-keeping. I’m hoping that with this blog I’ll do a better job of documenting our journey through homeschool, especially as this is our first year. If you’re interested in catching up on our first six weeks recap, click the Read More below!
— Week One
Our first week of homeschool! We used this time to talk about our expectations and goals for the year. Eli wants to learn more about animals and Brilynn wants to learn to read (a pretty ambitious goal for a 3.5 year old!). 
In Math, Eli learned about The Months of the Year, Equal and Not Equal, Greater Than/Less Than, and Counting Down. 
In Language Arts, Eli covered One-Letter and Two-Letter Words, Sight Words, and Phonics.
Brilynn worked on the Letter A this week and counting to 10!
We originally began our school year using the Level K Torchlight Curriculum, kicking off the week with a study on European Russia.
— Week Two
Week one down, ready for week two. We were slowly getting into the swing of things, figuring out what did and didn’t work for us! For the first time in his life, Eli wanted to read more. That is a huge accomplishment for my struggling reader. 
In Math, Eli worked on One More, One Less, Down the Number Line, and Growing Patterns. 
In Language Arts, Eli worked on Two-Letter Words, Three-Letter Works, Independent Reading, Phonics, and Sight Words.
Brilynn learned all about the Letter B and Butterflies
We continued with Torchlight. This week we learned about North Africa. It was at this point that I realized a lot of the material was going over their heads and maybe they weren’t quite ready for this curriculum. It held absolutely zero interest for them beyond learning what animals came from what region. We decided to switch things up a bit. 
— Week Three
This we worked on our morning basket. The topic of the month was Dinosaurs. Eli is obsessed with dinos and has been since he was two. He can tell you things about dinosaurs I have no clue about. 
In Math, Eli review previous lessons, learned about Evens and Odds to 2, and Two More.
in Language Arts, Eli covered Short and Long Vowel Sounds, Three-Letter Words, CK, Phonics, and Sight Words. 
Brilynn worked on Letter C, and we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar as a family. 
We spent a lot of time in nature this week, going on Nature Walks and looking for minibeasts. 
— Week Four
We were excited for this week! We started a new curriculum called Passport to Adventure, created by a homeschooling mom using The Magic Tree House book series as a spine. Over the summer we had read the first two Magic Tree House book, Dinosaurs Before Dark and The Knight at Dawn. They loved them, so I thought this would be a huge hit. 
In Math, Eli learned about The Octagon, Two Less, and Fact Families this week. 
In Language Arts Elijah covered, Short and Long Vowels, SS, FF, LL, CVC Words, Phonics, and Sight Words. 
Brilynn worked on Letter D and learned about shapes
In Passport to Adventures, we read Mummies in the Morning. We had a lot of fun with this unit and learned about Ancient Egypt, Pyramids, and Mummies. Some of the highlights of the week were learning about King Tutankhamen and watching the Who Was show on Netflix, playing Top Trumps Ancient Egypt, and writing our names with hieroglyphs. But, our absolute favorite thing was our Apple Mummification experiment (see Photo 8 above). We learned which agent (salt, sugar, or baking powder) worked best to mummify our apple slices. 
— Week Five
This week we read Pirates Past Noon and learned all about Pirates, Blackbeard, and studied some geography in relation to the pirates. We watched Who Was Blackbeard on Netflix, made Pirate-related snacks, made up our own pirate names, learned to talk like a pirate, and so much more! To end the week, I drew up a treasure map (complete with instruction the kids had to follow) and sent them into the yard to hunt for gold (chocolate coins). They had a blast! 
In Math, Eli worked on Making Ten, One Day, and Pennies and Dimes. 
In Language Arts, Eli worked on Short and Long Vowels, Reading Comprehension, Dictation, Phonics, and Sight Words. 
Brilynn worked on Letter E and learned all about Elephants.
—  Week Six
Finally, week six! I’m starting to feel like we got the hang of this homeschool thing and feel more absolute in my decision to withdraw Eli from public school. We read Night of the Ninjas this week and learned about Ancient Japan, Ninjas, and Samurais. We played Pirates vs. Ninjas (a dice game), dressed up like Ninjas and practiced our stealth skills outside, talked about Ancient Japan, and made candy sushi. The kids really enjoyed our ninjas obstacle course made out of pool noodles and streamers. 
In Math Eli reviewed previous lessons and learned Subtracting From Ten. 
In Language Arts, Eli worked on reviewing the concepts we’d learned thus far and Reading Comprehension. 
Brilynn worked on the Letter F and learned about Flower this week! We also talked about how much pennies and nickels are worth. 
Another important (unrelated to homeschool) event... Eli turned 7! We surprised him with a small birthday party, a PS4, and Minecraft! He was so excited. 
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 36
3401. How well can you read between the lines when others are talking? it depends how well i know the people talking. 3402. Would you ever speak in front of your peers about peace and social injustice? i’d have to learn a lot more than i already know about it to be confident enough to discuss it. 3403. Where does peace begin? in the masses. 3404. Does America practice the ideals it preaches? If yes when and where? If not, why not? let’s be real, not at all. 3405. In conversations do you assume that you know what will be said? If yes, isn't this a form of closing yourself off to new ideas? no.
3406. In what ways are you closed minded? i do tend to stereotype people in the way they look/dress when i see them for the first time but i’ll always treat everyone equally. 3407. do you prefer beans or rice? rice. 3408. who's a better tv dad?--dr. huxtable (bill cosby) or danny tanner? danny tanner. 3409. detroit or new york? new york, i’ve never been to detroit. 3410. What's your favourite Star Wars movie? none haha. 3411. What's your favourite Star Trek movie? none. 3412. How about Batman? idk. Indiana Jones? idk. Lord of the rings? never watched it. harry potter? i liked the second one. star wars? already asked. 3413. If you could ask one question and one question only to the following people, what would that question be: Saddam Hussain? George W Bush? John Lennon? an alien? how did you come to be and what is the history of your kind? God? Someone you knew who has died? Steven Speilberg? JD Salinger? 3414. Have you seen AI (artificial intelligence)? i have but i hardly remember the plot. If yes, what were the beings at the end of the movie? Do you see this as a possible future for humanity? What'd you think in general? 3415. If a-l-k-a-s-e-l-t-z-e-r spells 'relief' how do you spell: love? happiness? evil? sexyness? yummy? what? 3416. Have you ever been to a Braodway show? yes. What one? the lion king. 3417. Nighttime shows or matines (sp?)? night time. 3418. How are your family get-togethers, loud and rambunctios or quiet and formal? loud, very loud. 3419. Would you be able to survive shippwrecked alone on a desert island? i have no idea. i think i’d last a couple days. 3420. Speaking of islands, does Gilligan EVER get off his? no idea. 3421. What movie has the BEST soundtrack? aladdin. 3422. Do you ever go into chat rooms? If yes, what ones? years and years ago. do they even still exist? 3423. Is english your first language? yes. If not...How you say hello in your language: another word in your language + english translation: boob in your language: 3424. Make up a religion (make it up): no. what would it believe: 3425. Create your own country- Name of country: no. Ethnic background: Language (make it up): Other details: 3426. How would you celebrate these holidays? Dogs in Politics day: Magic circles day: Be bald and free day: National mole day: Syliva plath day: Increase your psychic powers day: Waiting for the barbarians day: Air day: omg no. 3427. -Why do you think Steve got kicked off Blue's Clues: maybe he just got over it? 3428. Hooked on heroin or hooked on phonics? lol wtf. 3429. -Have you ever taken an insanity quiz and said, "Hay, thats a good idea!" nope. 3430. - Have you ever covered yourself in blood and layed down on the side of the road to make it look like you were in an accident? You don't know what you're missing. nope. 3431. Can you flare your nostrils? yes. 3432. -do you want to swim in a vast lake of gatorade? or, any other beverage for that matter? hell no, i’d get sticky af after. 3433. -have you ever sneezed at the same time everyday, consecutively, for over 3 months? nope. 3434. -how did the first person discover that pigs feet would be so good that we call them a delicacy? no idea. i feel like in those days people would try everything they could to see if it were edible. 3435. -why did the first person to ever eat pigs feet eat them? to see if it was edible. 3436. -do you like the idea of 'like father, like son'? it’s not always true. 3437. Put the following musical acts in order from best to worst by numbering them..(1 for best, 2 for 2nd best, etc... 20 for worst). Avril: Ashanti: Joan Jett: David Bowie: the Bee Gees: The Doors: Tool: DMX: Iggy Pop: Creed: Weezer: Ministry: Thursday: Kittie: Adam Ant: Rancid: the Clash: Led Zeppelin: Moby: Tom Waites: not doing this, i haven’t listened to all these artists so it would be hard to judge. 3438. Would you rather be an evil dictator or a sitcom family member? sitcom family member. 3439. What is the wave of the future? technology. 3440. What's your favorite old movie (before 1990)? grease or sound of music. 3441. When someone tells you that their signifigant other lives REally Far Away..do you ever suspect that they are single and making someone up? no. 3442. Alaska or Hawaaii? hawaii. 3443. Why did Kentucky Fried Chicken change their name to KFC? easier to say. 3444. What is there no place to hide from? the truth. 3445. Which makes you happier, giving presents or getting them? giving. 3446. What can you never have just one of? undies. 3447. What comes to mind when you think of Hulk Hogan?/ the wrestler. 3448. What would you be the patron saint of? bath and body works hahaha. 3449. Do you still look at the world with wonder like you did when you were a kid? yes. 3450. For 5 seconds clear your mind. Good. Now write the first thing that you can think of!: the world lol. 3451. When was the last time you ate too much? on friday. omg. 3452. Describe the sexiest person you can imagine: no. 3453. What have you seen that's...bizzare? this drunk girl at a house party on the weekend, just casually chomping on a whole tomato. 3454. Are there any stores or brands or products that yoou boycott? What and why? no. 3455. Do you want things to REALLY get out of control? no. 3456. Are you too tense? sometimes. 3457. Where would you be without love and bubblegum? still here. 3458. Why aren't comic books popular anymore? i feel like they still are. 3459. Think of one friend (who?): my boyfriend. When is the last time you saw each other? yesterday. Do they smoke? yes. Do they believe in God? yes. When you first saw this friend what was your impression? ew. Their age? 26. The top five things you think they think about? me, family, friends, sports, work. 3460. Do you say what you mean? Do you mean what you say? yes. 3461. Could you eat meat if you had to hunt it yourself? if that was the only way i could survive, then yes. 3462. Order from greatest to least importance: spirituality, creativity, intellect, great body, open-mindedness, magicalness, great dancer, interesting dresser, wit and cleverness, niceness, stability no. 3463. Complete the sentence. When a problem comes along You must: try and solve it. 3464. Pick the two most important attributes for food-- fast, cheap, tastey, healthy cheap and tasty. 3465. What do you think is the best metaphor for romantic relationships? (e.g. a car wreck, a cruise): a rollercoaster. 3466. Kittens or no kittens, that is the question. no kittens. 3467. Is gaining 15 lbs in a night possible? i don’t think so? unless it was an operation of some sort. 3468. Do you get emotional watching movies? sometimes. 3469. What amkes you feel nostalgic? looking at old photos. 3470. Do you feel like you've been misplaced? no. 3471. Have you ever fought someone, just for fun? no. 3472. What gives you an adrenaline rush? traveling. 3473. What would you do if you loved someone more than anything else, and you could never have them? try my best to move on. 3474. Rank these events in order of best/most exciting to boring: drinking and dancing to your favorite music at a club: 6 taking a walk in the woods and a bath in a stream: 4 having great sex: 3 winning the lottery (one mil): 1 getting followed home by a stray animal: 9 meeting someone interesting to talk to: 7 seeing your favorite band in concert: 2 seeeing aa broadway show: 5 halloween: 8 3475. Can you keep a secret? yes. 3476. Where is the tenderness? in the heart. 3477. What's one song you REALLY like from the: 30's? 40's? 50's? 60's? 70's? 80's? 90's? 00's? lol idk. 3478. Would you rather have a video phone, an electric scooter, or a digital camera? digital camera. 3479. If a ban on all violent video games was put into effect, would you be outraged by this decision? somewhat. that’s probably more than half the video games out in the market. 3480. In your opinion, is violence in society inescapable? Why or why not? to a degree, yes. there will always be people who can’t control their anger. 3481. Have you ever mimicked a violent “action” from a video game you’ve played towards another person, whether it was to harm or just for play? no. 3482. Do you believe the violent content in video games influences aggressive and/or violent behavior in younger children? to some extent but it really depends on the individual. if they’ve been taught that violence is wrong at a young age they should be fine. there are millions of people, including children, that play violent video games. not everyone turns out violent because of it. 3483. What makes life a bitter sweet symphony? idk. 3484. Name four things that aare AWESOME: sleep, food, money, vacations. 3485. What's the most creative/funny answer you can come up with for this question: What are you doing? nothing lol. 3486. Can you imagine this world going on without you? yes. 3487. Are you the only person who really exists? no. 3488. Is everyone else a figment of your imagination? i hope not. that’d be lonely. 3489. Or are YOU a figment of my imagination? maybe. 3490. Can you prove you exist? How? my birth certificate. 3491. What do you HAve to get off your chest? nothing. 3492. If you cheated on someone would you confess to them? yes. 3493. Is it true that at least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you? Who? my immediate family and my boyfriend. 3494. Are you in therapy? nope. 3495. Do you go shopping on black friday? yes.  3496. What is the bane of your existance? rude people. 3497. Better movie: Weird Science or Caddy Shack? none. 3498. Who's the big winner? me. 3499. What are the 3 funniest: music videos? Movies? songs? idk. 3500. Guess what? no.
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nelsonsledge · 7 years
"Right"?!!!! o2 oK jUS breeeath i-K-no-W=oOW-twenty uNo YEARS of remembrance, the flying times, the Y-2 soon, hey BooBoo! & "HeyYouGuys"! Electric/"StaticCompany" un'RealizED. 💡 (ideas) RIPed. Little bit liquid 📺,a dash of heatED.D-Bait ~hookED. On phonics-vs-Ebonics (Norton)ed. Spoon Feeding G-MazZ & oG'z POP'ahhs A-DasHe'dD of Voc. BreakING down on the YIN-YangG stage like cCrOss-firED. Heated freedom debating with the black|white line drawn down the center of Hot-Topics, meltdown transitions via be back in two&two wit luv connections CHuck-abbey or ObBey that Giant Client Art Biz- compared and contrasting facts vs FAX, guess sponsors lead Mr Whipples squeezing addictions, Carols Mop vs Mob Closets after the shows Bloopers Gone WildER. MadDad plots to snagG the Bad Guys with the help of a few good fellows re-Union reunited (and it feels so good, need a razorback haircut:fellas bring in the boar'dD. NeverC c music factory members only free passAGE to FEAR INC. breaking down the Benny's for any whistlers that can name that tune before the SOAP Sands of time and the hourglass runs out, with Bill Nye and Tyson DeGrassE calls Spider Man, or Dr Phil, heck House,StrangeLove, since we got the Motts, and a time machine made from a GTO, and one from a Red and White Chevy Coop, WhoopWhoop, is that the CarRrrrrrrrrr Maaaaaaaa, Poes bedtime dittys, and Huey Lewis backing up the new with guest anchor Howard the Duck, Donald telling Nephews Huey it to late for little duck rogers and that half century in frustrations, still waiting on McFlys Release, cameo and name drops like Dexakota Droopy Daddy , and fill in the blank do it yourself at home you idioms, are you smarter the a K-12 these daze all blurRed and confused, no good stuff for the kid in you, prenatal Vitaminwater and a splashing, dunk in the question-able controversial drinking waters of standardized practices, ethics redefined methods and the playDoe response time of law and order. Hopefully get the ]aS[sist with pats and handshakes of the S.Green and BlessedD by McFarLandERs crew to take on those big bad data hoards of hidden monopoly monsters in the attic,the cellars and Hey Carol Berrnet, can you get the dustpan out of the hidden good riddance closet company, those under the rug sweeping package deal-e-O , find a sewer,find a leak, find the little god and dam em'all so one day we may be able to sleep in peace without the horse head found in a poor mans bed, with color crazied observers waiting their turn to deep freeze their own heads for future-Roma dunce shelving, next to their favorite dead presidents, what a tall drink of water, the hippie hip of fresh, and who needs to breath on Mars anyway, haven't they seen Arnold's , Hey Around (cartoon btw) how'dD your eyes feel after you got sucked out that Mission Two Mars, throw the mutant out the window, oh what, wait he is one of ours, nobody likes the other guys color red for catch-up, Hunt for something intelligent out there first before you bother opening that door markED d-Secret stash of Pandora and her that's Incredible Show by choice, or force, by dreams or those Hunts while sleeping Deeper in REM version of TommyBoys and Girls all watch the ball and sing a long, hey JOE, where are you going with that... It's a Jimmy thing in your hand, fix the ball that doesn't bounce, or be a better aim with the Nerf BB gun bully bullets with butterfly wings in Malaysia, that grrrreat, find me another Tiger for Tony, we are leaving the big aA 4 Montana, getting all the good dads on file, and we are going camping, shipping in like Ellis Island a game reserve, tagging predators with Chips, have me holding Swiss cheese signs reading To New York (Tony), badD guys are forever named Tony's uNo, unless they are Grandfathered Inn, Escapes a Far Cry after paranoia plays havoc with insiders trading listSinER, for get about it, smile your on candidate candid camera, with A World gone crazy, and family Funtime is lacking, after schools demanding the united to sit down with the kids and let them teach you what they did learn in school, every home no longer a gun but a stick, a bigG stick worth a full 316 bald guy inspired Austin TX. Your welcome, last stand, attention pleas, who ever gets the history lesson questions right before 3 strikes get a 10min Rampage with full screen HD envy the rest, the new and improved SORRY mad-e by POPS with a little love from Sam the Uncle, and the Butcher Too. Feeding the hungry Yogie Bears of the Rockys and any other don't get lost out there, family fun night alternating and mandatory, like the census or taxes, Neison rates the statistics and AOL digs deep in those lost and found, B-ing gets the S-Wing while Yahoo! Gets firsts dibs after the from this point on moral fabric of the Matrix gets all calls and filtering powers MSN gets to go darker than Dark after hours, Jeckle gives Hide the ok to Seek in the forbidden areas of commerce, spy vs spy gets grey and redrawn by daybreak the lines of right vs wrong, this vs that, who get to purge, who fasts til the neXt night time showing, Rodger the Rabid Rabbit shows Rodger More secrets then any pre-or post double 0's ever wanted to know, Redefined Epic spoofing of SpyHard get a legit static stasis, absurd becoming relevant , idiots getting FaceTime on NotFOXYenuff trilogy enuff realizes finally that it could never be... enough. Bob cat Screams "Hey You Guys" Bane is the Hero that says nothing in anticipated camE-O-S and Martin Larance sound bite starts it off, "WELLCOME TO HELL BITCH" Little Suzy gets the Uzi, and mom and dad flip. for drone cone control. And somewhere in real time, Bill Mare is Shaking his head in disbelief, as he is ask to guest star as Host to Host , Mike to Ike and Space Ghost drops the Mic on the Sprint vs Verizon cage match at the center of the black and white, fine print fair or festival, live and let die fine line ? About %and Y set up, upgrades and Southpark is the best way to feed you family the GoodBadUgly truth, in the next episode of this is you life, brought to you bye the letter ((•Y•)) & U , F-like andDdick crashing always everywhere every time, Y-K"not" You A Funny Guy Co U Sin Vinnie , What happened to Spider 🕷, you hate bugs I know, rats even more so, moles are not voles, get an enPshcoLaPeezDeeAhhh Webster get of MJs lap, you way to old you know better , exceptionalism's will be considered in drawning the weekly contestants from the official offensive offenders list. Shock and aweSHIT will be redefined by the best that no money can buy. Droned head start programs will be offered free at your local anaconda or library. Futures so bright, a little birdie told me, whistled actually so absurd 80s tune not picked in the GTA soundtrack anyway, Gotta Ware Shades, n0 respect, Tall and Fat , help me Rodney Dangerfield, (BACK TO SCHOOL) can I keep Pauly , got some things in the basement I gotta figure out, sickining me something awful, perhaps if I could go beat some carcasses, frozen side-shows of Moo-B's Ink. Dance to the aAbBcC's on the rooftops with the cast of friends and Kevin Smith and get the kick in the as by a better human then most, AMY the mars cat will help Arnold put his eyes back in his head, red blinders won't be all seen in the end of show, tantrums will fade out to a happy toon , maybe classical and instrumental versions at a slower role/ tempo Sunday Monday happy days, Tuesday Wensday happy days trursday Friday happppy daze SATERNDaY what a day got some ring for you... Ohh Henry / winkler vs Rolland's (Cane vs Able) Netflix playing he didn't die, I believe u&i..DK
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