#and then if all goes well and once I am injected with tetanus I will write fic in the library
amrv-5 · 11 months
being sooooo brave today (scheduling tdap appointment calling the bank taking a picture for a photo ID scheduling an appointment to pick up photo ID setting up direct deposit filing tax forms)
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Charcoal Arm 
Yeah, this is me, with activated charcoal spread all over my arm. Why, you might ask? Yeah, so I had a slight lapse of reason, there’s a story behind that too, but I’ll skip it for now, and allowed an MD to administer a vaccine to supposedly prevent me from getting whooping cough, diptheria & tetanus. It’s called the T-dap shot. 3 in 1, whoo-hooo. How convenient. I was a bit under the influence of an acupuncturist and homeopathic doctor who accompanied us on our trip to Belize recently. When she said she had gotten all of her vaccinations prior to the trip (and she goes to Belize bi-annually), my travel companion (who’s a chiropractor) and I both felt a little stupid about it, that we hadn’t even thought about it. The fact that I looked up to her and she put herself through the vaccine injections, as well as the fact that she was very involved in NATURAL medicine, caused me a bit of hesitation, allowing my brain to slip into some very bad judgment and I said, “sure, I’ll take the vaccine, why not?” OH MY GOD. So I know it’s a highly inflammatory subject, but ultimately it’s my choice, and I really really really am not a big supporter of vaccinations. Unless you are travelling and there is a real and eminent danger. But as an adult, in the U.S. if you were born here and you made it this far, you probably don’t need any more vaccinations. So.. I get this wretched shot, which doesn’t hurt upon administration... BUT oh holy hell it really hurts FOR DAYS afterwards, and i’m not talking like just a little. It practically incapacitates that arm for about 3-5 days. And to the point you might not be able to sleep without pain-killers. So, I began to panic. Because this is what I do. When I think that there is any kind of poison in my system, there are 2 main natural, organic substances to run to: CLAY AND ACTIVATED CHARCOAL. Most people take bentonite clay for detoxification, but there are other clays that would work as well. As long as the ingredients are nothing but clay, it’s probably safe to ingest and if you think that you are being poisoned, I’d mix it with some water, and drink it down! But activated charcoal is used across the board, by natural medicine practitioners to ER Medics. It’s what they force people to drink when they have overdosed on something in the hospital. I have activated charcoal capsules. I will take 4 of them at once if I feel I have been poisoned somehow by something I’ve ingested. I decided, in this instance, not only to take the charcoal caps internally, but to also make a paste by adding water and putting it on my arm above, below and around where the injection site was, with the hopes of sucking some of that garbage out through my skin. Just in case. It did seem to hurt considerably less afterwards. It could have just been in my head though. It was an awful experience, and 3 weeks later I developed a cough that I was told very much sounded like “whooping cough”. Yeah, no joke. So, not only is this vaccine useless (in my opinion), it’s quite dangerous. Final call: Stay away, from this and any vaccines if you are over the age of 14. I don’t know about how effective that HPV vaccine is but if it is more effective than damaging, I can’t write it off. Certain strains of HPV can be quite problematic.
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