#and then i toss out leafeon and you go '...okay?'
mayonakano-archive · 2 years
Leooo!!!! I see you as either a ghost or Fire gym, and you'd have a chandelure and this is probably based off of your theme right now tbh
Can also see you as a normal type trainer? With a delcatty ? And.. for some reason... a porygon z.
.. also grass you'd have a leafeon<333
You give off a lot of different pokemon types vibes tbh, maybe you're like blue in gold/silver and have a mixed team then.
omg. chandelure <3 <3 <3
OMG DELCATTY. I love Skitty and Delcatty soooooooooooo much. SO MUCH. and yes porygon z my beloved fucked up little robot dude :)
leafeon <3 <3 beloved to me <3 <3
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starcountesseevee · 4 years
A Rocket Coincidence (Part 26)
Part 25 / Part 27
     Kali was pacing excitedly around the kitchen, it was Monday and Cliff was finally back in town after what felt like forever. While he had “work stuff” -his words- during the day they had already made plans for the evening and Kali couldn't wait. Mara had insisted that Kali take today off but she found herself actually kind of wishing she was working just so that the time would go faster. The sound of Mara’s bedroom opening alerted Kali and she looked over with a grin as Mara came into the kitchen. 
     “Good morning!”  
     "I thought I smelled bacon." Mara plopped down. “You’re certainly in a good mood. And up early.” 
     “Why wouldn’t I be?” Kali beamed. “Although, that’s the last of the bacon so I'll probably run out to the store today, need anything else while I'm out?" 
     "Yeah I think we're low on patience, too. Think you can pick some of that up?" Mara teased as she made up a plate for herself. 
     "Oh hush. I'm plenty patient."
     "Says the girl who's been counting the days...nay hours until today." 
     "Okay so I've just been a little excited to see my boyfriend, is that a crime?"
     "Ahh to be young and in love…" Mara batted her eyelashes at Kali and threw her hand across her forehead dramatically. 
     "I...don't know about all that." Kali mumbled as she felt her cheeks flush.
     "Sure you don’t.” Mara rolled her eyes as she passed Kali to head back to her bedroom. “But everyone else does. And by everyone else I mean me. I'll be at the studio if you need me!" She called back, cutting off any further argument Kali could have had. Love, Kali thought to herself with a scoff. Mara didn’t know what she was talking about. 
     Kali checked the time again as she headed down Skiploom Street. It wasn’t even noon yet and a trip to the store wasn’t going to waste the hours she had until this evening so she decided to take a longer walk and scan some Pokestops to maybe get her mind off the time. It had also been a while since she’d been able to stock up on some supplies and she would need the coins to do that anyway. Most Pokestops in the city only gave five to ten coins a day so getting a decent amount to spend was a job but there was one just around the next corner that Kali was pretty sure gave twenty. 
     “Hey,” Zeke nudged his co-trainee, Bradley, as he saw a red-headed girl with a pokeball dangling from her belt turn the corner. “Looks like she might be a trainer, guess we’ll get to show off to the boss after all.” He thought he had said it low enough but Cliff overheard from where he was leaning and rolled his eyes. They weren’t here to show off, they were here to do a job, he thought as he scanned through his emails from the weekend. Their training was over and this was supposed to be their first time out on their own, Cliff was just there to make sure their training paid off but so far he wasn’t impressed. 
     “Yeah she’s cute too, maybe I’ll get her to bet on more than just leaving when I win.” Both boys chuckled. Cliff frowned at that, he didn’t support that kind of talk. Another tick in the unimpressed box, he thought as he paid a little more attention to what was going on to make sure they didn’t start harassing whoever it was.
     “What do we have here?” Zeke stepped forward taking the lead. Kali sighed as she spotted the two. Of course she would run into a Grunt here she thought as she questioned whether or not she felt like battling or turning around.
      “Looks like a little troublemaker.” Bradley chimed in, mimicking Zeke by crossing his arms as well. Kali raised a brow and glanced between them. She had been considering backing down but “troublemaker”? What were they, five? 
     “Really? That’s the best you’ve got? Did you forget to pick up your brains this morning with your uniform?” Kali quipped and Cliff’s head shot up, he knew that voice.
     “Hey, watch what you say, you’re messing with Team Rocket you know!” A sudden firm hand on his shoulder caused Zeke to turn around. Kali couldn’t hide the look of surprise on her face as Cliff pushed his way between the two grunts with a smirk.
     “So these two idiots are yours?” 
     “They’re a work in progress.” They began to protest but one look from Cliff had them retreat a few steps and he turned back to Kali. “This is a nice surprise.” He said low enough for only her to hear. As much as he might have wanted to pull her in for a kiss right there he didn’t want to presume that she wanted their relationship status publicized, especially not in front of others from Team Rocket. And he was on the job. But mostly the first reason.
     “It is.” She smiled coyly at him. “So that means you’re going to let me go scan that pokestop, right?” Cliff opened his mouth to answer but immediately shut it. There was no way he could just let her waltz right by with Zeke and Bradley watching. Not only would he look weak but they would probably go back to base and tell people he broke the rules. Kali must have read his silence correctly; when he glanced back at her she was eyeing him with a look that said are you really thinking about doing this? Okay so maybe challenging his girlfriend wasn’t the best idea but on the other hand maybe it was about time they had a battle.  
     “I think you know how this works, the only way you’re getting by is battling first.” 
     “Seems like a silly rule, but okay. Which one of those kids do you want me to trounce?”
     “Neither, I think it’s about time we faced off don’t you?” 
     “Oh?” Kali held his gaze for a long moment. “Alright, if you’re so ready to get your butt kicked so be it.” 
     “I don’t think that’s how this is gonna go. But I’ll tell you what, I’ll even go easy on ya.”
     “You can, but I won’t.” Kali could practically taste the tension hanging in the air between them. Cliff had a bit of an advantage as he had seen her battle before but she was pretty confident she could win regardless. And now that she had said it there was no backing down.
     Cliff could hear the two idiots, as Kali so eloquently put it, behind him snickering something along the lines of “she’s gonna get her butt whooped” and had an idea that would probably shut them up. “How about we up the stakes then? If I win you have to go on a date with me.” He kept his expression neutral as he heard the two guys gasp behind them. 
     Kali bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, he was trying to show off in front of those kids wasn’t he? “And what if I already have a boyfriend?” She decided to play along. 
     “I’m sure he won’t mind.”  
     “I dunno, he’s a pretty big guy. Tough. I don’t think he’d like his girl making such deals with another man.” Kali stood her ground as Cliff took a few steps closer and crossed his arms over his chest. 
     “Maybe he is, dollface, but so am I.” He winked.
     “Tell you what if you win, and that’s a pretty big if, I’ll think about it. But….” She glanced behind him to the QR code a little further down the street and decided on a term of her own. “If I win you have to abandon this pokestop and can’t block it off ever again.” She looked back at him challengingly. 
     “What?” Cliff frowned, fighting the urge to turn around and yell at the peanut gallery behind them, and lowered his voice before continuing. “That’s not something I can promise, doll.” 
     “Then don’t lose.” Kali smirked and reached for a pokeball before proclaiming loudly to get this match started, ending any further arguments on the matter. "Standard match I presume? Last one standing out of three?" She questioned as she racked her brain for any time Cliff had mentioned pokemon so she could pick a starter. If she remembered correctly he had mentioned Tyranitar and maybe Onyx and Torterra as well, all of which were rock types. Maybe there was something there. 
     “Right.” This had suddenly gone from playful banter to something a little more serious. He was a Leader with Team Rocket, there was no way he could just promise to not do his job. Didn’t she understand that? Not that he was going to lose.
     “Ready when you are.” Both of them tossed pokeballs forward at the same time. Kali had chosen Clover, her Leafeon, gambling on her rock type theory. Her choice paid off as an Omanyte appeared across from her. Perfect. “Razor Leaf!” She tried getting the upper hand with a first move but Cliff was just as quick to have his Omanyte attack, but Mud Shot wasn’t going to do much against her grass type. 
     “Dodge!” Cliff was cursing inwardly as Kali’s Leafeon hopped swiftly around his slower Omanyte getting in far more hits than he would have liked. Within moments it was apparent that his Omanyte was outmatched and he swore under his breath as he was forced to return it. The two Grunts snickered. 
     Kali grinned as Clover returned to stand anxiously in front of her for Cliff’s second choice. By the look on his face he was not as amused as she was. “Alright, what’s next?” She murmured to her Leafeon as he tossed forward another ball. It was clearly something large, Kali thought as the pokemon began to take shape in front of her before becoming recognizable as an Electivire. Alright, so maybe her theory was wrong but an electric type wasn’t a huge obstacle and her Leafeon hadn’t taken much damage from the Omanyte anyway. At Cliff's command the large yellow pokemon charged forward, electric energy cracking between the two antennas on the top of its head. "Clover, dodge!" Her Leafeon jumped aside but not quickly enough and a jolt of electricity hit its hindquarters causing it to stumble. It quickly recovered as Kali called for it to use Razor Leaf again. The larger pokemon took the hits as it shot a few more bolts of electricity at Clover who managed to dodge most of them. 
     "Use Thunder Punch!" Cliff called with a grin, he might have had a rough start but the match was turning back around in his favor. The Electivire charged at Kali's Leafeon again, this time gripping its tail to get more of a charge on its attack. 
     "Hold and use Energy Ball!" Pulling this move off meant that Clover would most likely take the full force of the Electivire's attack but it should also be enough to knock out the opponent as well. The leaf shaped sprout on its head began to glow white as a green ball of energy started forming in front of its open mouth. “Now!” Kali called as soon as the Electivire got close enough and the ball of energy shot forward into the other pokemon’s chest but just like Kali had predicted it was able to hit Clover too, both pokemon skid backwards and were spent. As she returned Clover she made a mental note to make sure it got extra treats later. 
     “Dammit!” Cliff swore under his breath as he was forced to return his second pokemon. He had hoped to get Electivire’s charged attack in before it got hit but it was too slow. The smug look on Kali’s face was only fueling the well of anger rising in his chest, he couldn’t lose in front of two trainees! He had an example to set!
     “I thought he was supposed to be tough.” Zeke whispered to Bradley but not quietly enough and his eyes went wide as Cliff rounded on him. 
     “One more word out of you two and it’s desk duty for a month!” 
     Two down, one to go. Kali took out her second pokeball as Cliff reached for his third. She wasn’t about to let up and chose her Vaporeon, Lyra, who was arguably her strongest Eeveelution. She was very much relieved when she saw Cliff’s selection, a Tyranitar. They had plenty of training against this particular pokemon after training with Cole so Kali knew she wouldn’t have to give Lyra much direction as they had a tried and true strategy. 
     “Water gun!” Lyra jumped into action sending small but quick jets of water at the Tyranitar that was advancing. Its stubby arms swatted away at some of the jets as it went in for an attack and Lyra just managed to jump out of the way of its teeth, although Kali had to admit Cliff’s was much faster than the one Cole had. 
     “Use Iron Tail!” The large green creature swung around deftly as its tail began to glow white and before Lyra could jump out of the way its tail crashed into her Vaporeon’s side. Cliff wasted no time in having his Tyranitar attack again as the Vaporeon got back on its feet. 
     “Dodge!” Lyra obeyed and before Kali could call for another attack she was already shooting more jets of water at the Tyranitar, she seemed angry that it had gotten a hit in on her and was retaliating in full force. “Yes, go girl!” 
     That Vaporeon was too damn fast. Changing strategies Cliff shouted for his pokemon to use Stone Edge, hopefully this would give him the upper hand again. Turning to face its opponent the Tyranitar slammed its hands onto the street and a wave of rock pillars shot towards Lyra causing her to stumble as she scurried to avoid them. “Quick, Iron Tail while its recovering!” But Lyra wasn’t falling for that again and shot a quick jet of water at the Tyranitar’s face to distract it before moving swiftly behind it. 
      “Hydro Pump!” Kali practically yelled with excitement. Before Cliff’s pokemon could react Lyra opened her mouth and a large, forceful jet of water slammed into the Tyranitar’s back causing it to crash forward into the ground. 
     “Get up, dammit!” To the creature’s credit it did try to but wound up slumping back down onto the pavement defeated.
     “Yes!” Kali cheered as she recalled her Vaporeon. “Told you I’d win.” 
     “What the hell?!" Her elation was short lived as Cliff stormed towards her with a scowl. 
     "What the hell, what?" She glared back at him, why was he so angry about this? This was certainly new, was he really that big of a sore loser? 
     "There's no way you should have been able to beat me with just a couple of Eeveelutions!" 
     "Excuse me?! Just what is that supposed to mean?" A hot spark of anger flared in her chest as her hands clenched into fists at her side. 
     "It means I shouldn't have lost to a...to a pipsqueak like you! You’re not even on a Team!" 
     “Pipsqueak!? Did you forget who you’re talking to?” Kali glared up at him, she wasn’t going to show it but the not being on a Team comment stung more than the name calling. She was clearly just as good as anyone else regardless of not being on a Team and he knew it. 
     Cliff took a deep breath as he met her furious gaze. “No…” He relented a little and lowered his voice before continuing. “But really, you had to beat me in front of my trainees?” 
     “I told you I wasn’t going to go easy! I’m not going to lose just so you can show off!” Stars, she was angry. “You know what, forget this.” Kali spun on her heels and stalked off towards the corner. 
     “Kali, wait!” Cliff jogged after her, catching up right before she reached it. “Babe look I-” 
     “Save it.” One look told Cliff he should probably back off for now. 
     “Alright, we’ll talk later then.” He replied weakly as she walked off. It was probably better to wait until they both had a chance to cool off anyway.
Part 25 / Part 27
A huge shout out to @rubystartrail for always being willing to chat through writer’s block! And to @nenalata for being an avid reader!
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umbraastaff · 5 years
Pokemon: Century Version
1.3 - Integration II
[first] [previous] [recent] [teams]
“I can’t belieeeeve,” Taako moans, lying on his back on his bed, head not even up on his pillow. His new eevee is standing on his chest as he pets it.
“I cannot believe!” Lup parrots, pacing up and down the room. Her eevee is playing around with her raichu at the side of the room, darting up and down beside the wall.
“All the damn work we do to keep off the higher-up’s bad side and here they are insulting us. Like we don’t already have teams planned for this mission!”
“God, they’re adorable, though. I hate this.”
“They’re cute as hell.”
“I’m naming this one Gingerbread. You hear that, Gingerbread? You have an adorable name and could get away with crimes.”
Her eevee looks at her and squeaks.
Taako rolls his eyes and looks at the eevee on top of him. “You don’t get a name. You’ve gotta earn it.”
“Just admit you can’t think of a good one,” Lup says.
Taako scoffs. His eevee purrs at him.
“You sure these things aren’t cats, Lulu?”
“I don’t know. Taxonomy’s a bastard.”
The IPRE’s massive greenhouse is a place where the department’s grass-type pokémon frequently roam free, but Davenport finds Merle’s party all gathered around the dwarf.
He approaches the party briskly. Merle and his Ludicolo are leading the rest of his pokémon--along with a few tagalongs Davenport doesn’t recognize--through a dance exercise. Given that most of them are quadrupeds, the dance doesn’t translate very well, but the instructors still cheer the rest along without hesitation.
“I’m glad to see you’re getting your eevee acquainted with the rest of your party.”
“Hey, Skip! Take five, everyone.” The pokémon halt at Merle’s command, except for the ludicolo, who keeps dancing to an unheard tune. “Yeah, it’s goin’ well! Kid’s got moves.”
The eevee climbs up the ludicolo’s arm as it dances, perches on its shoulder, and sings/squeals along to the swaying movements.
“I came to ask about evolving it. Lucretia has asked me to put in a request for an Ice Rock sample, and I want to confirm with you about getting a Moss Rock piece as well.”
Merle squints. “Why?”
“Well, forgive me for presuming, but I thought you might be inclined to evolve it into a leafeon.”
“Oh,” Merle says, but the confusion doesn’t leave his face. “And what’s the Moss Rock got to do with it?”
“That’s…how an eevee evolves into a leafeon, Merle,” Davenport says.
Merle laughs. “An eevee doesn’t need a stone to evolve!”
“It’s not a--”
“Rock, stone--whatever, man! Eevees evolve through exposure. Positive experiences in the greenhouse will get this one to evolve into a leafeon, if it wants to evolve at all. Just like an eevee living by a volcano will grow into a flareon whether you give it a fancy ol’ Fire Stone or not.”
Davenport crosses his arms. “Alright, so no Moss Rock? And you’re sure it’ll evolve before the mission?”
“If it wants to,” Merle says noncommittally.
“Well, that’s good. Let’s not be in the business of forcing anyone to evolve.” Davenport shrugs. “Alright, I won’t keep you from your, er, dance lesson any longer.”
“Wanna join us?”
“Ha. Maybe next time.”
“This is Big Boof,” Magnus tells his new eevee. The arcanine sniffs at the small, new arrival.
The eevee shakes as its face comes close, whining. After a few moments, it falls over altogether.
“Oh no!” Magnus reaches out to help it stand back up. “You’ve got some jellylegs, don’cha.”
The eevee squeaks. Boof sits back when Magnus waves at it, giving them some space.
“D’you mind taking a break? The newbie’s a little nervous--we’ll work up to you!” Magnus says. Big Boof looks disappointed, but it obliges when Magnus holds out a pokéball.
Some time later, there’s banging on the door to the dorm room. It startles Magnus’ rockruff and eevee out of their play, and the eevee almost falls over again.
“Hush!” Magnus shouts as he runs for the door, taking wide steps over the paper scattered in the main room. “You’re scaring the baby!”
He opens the door to Lup. “Oh! Hey.”
“Hi!” Lup says, stepping into the room as soon as Magnus moves out of the way. “How’re things going with your eevee?”
“Better before you nearly knocked the door down! What’s up?”
“Oh, sorry. Is Lucretia here?”
“Nah, she has a late class.”
“Aw, lame.”
“That’s what I said when she was picking out schedules last year! But she says lots of seminars and stuff happen around noon, and she kept missing them ‘cause of class? So…”
Lup crosses her arms. “So, you named your eevee yet?”
Magnus leads her past the painted papers and back into his room, where Lassie is still trying to coax the eevee into playing again. “I was thinking Jellylegs? Is that anything?”
“Oh, that’s cute!”
“Right? What about yours?”
“I’m going with Gingerbread.” Lup tosses a pokéball, sending her own eevee out into the fray. Its sibling and the rockruff immediately come over to sniff at it.
“I know.” Lup says. “Is your rockruff trained not to hurt friends with its neck?” she asks, watching carefully as the three pokémon hop around each other.
“We’re workin’ on it,” Magnus says. “It knows to stop if someone acts hurt, though.”
A knock sounds on the lab door. “It’s unlocked,” Barry calls out, his hand not pausing in its scribbling.
The door creaks open, and Lucretia peers through. “Hello.”
“Oh, hey! One sec, I’ve gotta…” Barry writes increasingly incomprehensible scribbles into his notebook as he tries to speed up, and then drops the pencil with finality. “Sorry, writing, uh, reactions to…” he catches himself before he launches into an explanation. “...Stuff. What’re you, uh, what’s up?”
“I thought it would be good to have my eevee battle another at its own speed. Unfortunately, none of my pokémon are both small and patient enough for that.”
“Ah, so you wanna pit it against its sibling instead?” Barry says mockingly, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh, please.” She rolls her eyes. “But yes, I thought it might be good for them.”
“No, yeah, that’s actually a great idea,” Barry says, fishing in his bag for the right pokéball. “You wanna do this now?”
Lucretia holds up her pokéball in affirmation. “Let’s act like it’s a regular battle? So they learn how they’re handled.”
“Sure thing… I choooose…” Barry finally recovers the correct pokéball from his bag and tosses it forward. “Goldilocks!”
“You already named it?”
“Yup. You haven’t?”
“Well, kind of…” she throws her own pokéball. “Eve, come out!”
“That’s gonna be weird when it evolves.”
“I knowwww. But nothing better came to mind, and now it’s stuck.” She raises an eyebrow. “And Goldilocks is going to be just as strange unless you end up with a Jolteon.”
Barry shrugs. “Got me there. Byte, what’s the expected moveset for these guys? Eevees, three weeks old.”
The rotom dex beeps a few times, then says, “Tackle. Growl. Tail Whip.”
They wait a few moments, but it says nothing else. Barry chokes back a laugh. “Arceus. Is this what it’s like when you start a journey?”
“Little more exciting,” Lucretia says with a smirk. “Speaking of, these two are getting antsy.”
The eevees are fidgeting and squeaking at each other, unsure of what to do without orders. But it seems they’ve at least been trained in battle behavior, more or less.
“Hmm,” Barry says. His eevee twists around to look at him. “Well. Growl?”
It lets out a little rumbly sound that might well be a purr. Its opposing sibling’s hair stands on end as though it suddenly grew horns.
“You growl right back,” Lucretia says, and her eevee obliges, making Barry’s step back with trembling hind legs.
Barry stares at them for a few moments, and then he looks at Lucretia, deadpan. “Growl.”
Her eevee reacts just as dramatically as the first time.
“Oh no,” she says. “Oh, you’re not winning this. Growl.”
His eevee staggers to the side, unbalanced by the forced weakness.
“Growl again.”
“Annnd growl.”
This time, mid-growl, Barry’s eevee sneezes. Lucretia’s jumps nearly two feet in the air and lands with its hackles raised to the sky.
Barry and Lucretia break down laughing. “We can’t,” Lucretia wails. “Oh my god, this battle’s literally never going to end.”
Barry’s voice breaks as he tries to respond, “W-We can just--let’s just call a truce and use Tackle--”
“No, no, we’ve been growling for a minute straight, do you know what growl does--”
“Oh my god,” Barry says, a new wave of laughter coming with the realization. “Holy shit, the attacks are gonna do nothing.”
“Do you ever think about the consequences of your actions, Barry Bluejeans!”
The eevees are chittering and hopping below them, unsure of what’s going on but clearly enjoying the happiness in the room.
“Okay, okay, okay, wait, we can fix this,” Barry wheezes, and he points at his eevee. “Tail whip.”
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Okay, because @earthsong9405‘s blogging reminded me of it, my old list of MLP Teams needs updated, especially since it was made before Alola. 
So, here’s the thing I always see with giving characters Pokemon Teams: they stick to one ‘type’. Now, who actually does that when they play? Nah, you get what you think is cool, and balance your teams if you’re smart. 
So while I tried to keep to ‘types’, they also have some ‘themes’, or tossing out a theme altogether. And I sort of did the thing with their pets as well. But their ‘Companion Pokemon’ is something related to their Special Talent. I’ll list their team of 6, and some will get a ‘why they were chosen’ thing added. · 
Twilight’s Team- Some people make Spike as one of Twi’s Pokemon, but tbh he’s his own person with his own team. That said, her team is mostly Psychic Type, as it’s the closest to a ‘magic type’. 
Of course her Companion is a Psychic Type. 
Newest member as  Owloysius
Okay, Lucario really shoud be a Psychic/Fighting type. Like, Auras???? Using them to read minds???? Come on my dudes!!
Probably a gift from Shining Armor, as it’s a Psychic Type and a protector
Alolan Raichu
Like, my guy, it’s a ghost tree. As soon as I found this I had to make a Golden Oaks reference. 
Pinkie’s Team- Mostly Fairy Type, as they’re usually cute and pink. Pinkie would pick those ones, and I also associate her with Faerie things, so.....
It’s pink, likes singing, fluffy, and has an elastic-like body. It’s perfect for Pinkie. That, and she reminds me of Guildmaster Wigglytuff. 
As Gummy, of course
As it’s based of Kitsune, which are trickster spirits, I feel it fits well.
Fairy, Ghost, and in need of a smile!
Fairy and Rock, for the Rock Farm.
Rarity’s Team- Her team is mostly pretty Pokemon, as she’s definitely a Coordinator. 
It’s a Gem Hunter Pokemon. Also, I love the idea of Rares having a ‘not traditionally pretty’ pokemon as her Companion, but she loves him all the same!
Opal. Opal is very much a Purugly. Fat, angry, but very loved.  
So, personal headcanon is that Rares is actually a fairly powerful Unicorn, but she never had a reason to learn anything more advanced. So a powerful Psychic type is great for her.
Applejack’s Team- Aj’s team is farm based. Like, farm animal Pokemon and the like. 
Weird that a horse has a horse, but a Draft Horse Pokemon is great for Cider season. And considering AJ’s talent was appearently ‘being an apple horse’.....
Winona, of course.
Rainbow’s Team- Flying and Electric types mostly, as a Weather Managing Pegasus. 
A flying type just as ‘Fight me” as Dash. 
Her newest member, Tank. 
So, I actually came up with a story for this. One time Flutters was taking care of a Minun that got hurt, but it’s Plusle sister was upset. So Rainbow decided to help out by keeping her occupied while Flutters worked. And the two ended up bonding so much that she didn’t want to go back to the forest, asking Rainbow to keep her. 
Fluttershy’s Team - Mostly healer/nurse types, but also has a few of her Animal Friends. 
A healing Pokemon, of course. 
For Angel
The same Minun that was with Rainbow’s Plusle. He wanted to stay with his sister, and she refused to leave him behind, so Flutters took him in. 
Okay, done with the Mane Six. Let’s add a few other teams. Spike, Sunset, the CMC and the Royals!
Spike’s Team- Good couple of dragons or dragon-related ones.
A dragon, of course. 
will evolve into either a Flareon, or a Dragon type, as soon as a dragon Eeveeloution exists.
Still think Charizard should be a dragon type but it’s twenty one years too late. 
A gift from Shining, like Twi’s Gardevoir.
Sunset’s Team - Psychic for Magic, Fire because Sunset, Ghost because, well, you know.
A Fire/Psychic type, starting her team. 
I still headcanon Philomena is hers
Alolan Marowak
Celestia’s Team -Sun-related, some darkness
She can have a Legendary because she’s an Immortal. 
Luna’s Team- mostly Ghost and Dark types. 
She’s an Immortal, she’s allowed. 
Cadence’s Team - some love-themed ones, or ones known for couples. 
The ‘Intertwining Pokemon’
Shining’s Team - definitly Guard related. Fighting/Steel types. 
Psychic/Fighting that’s a protector? Perfect. 
Alolan Sandslash
Discord - No real ‘theme’, but he loves them so much. 
Tbh Giratina’s Disortion World sounds like a Chaos Dimension to me. Also, despite Giratina’s size, he absolutely treats it like a small puppy, much to the confusion of everyone. 
Because it needs a friend and he relates!
Applebloom’s Team - mostly Steel and ground types
Because I still think her talent should’ve been building. 
Will evolve into Leafeon
Sweetie’s Team - Cute but kicks butt. 
Song buddies!
will evolve into Vaporeon
Scootaloo -likes flying and elecrics, like Dash, but has her own thing. 
Starts small and cute, but will become a big fighter
will evolve into a Jolteon
Big Mac’s Team - A bit of farm-related, but a lot of big ones. All sweethearts though. 
Ground and grass and big. 
Diamond Tiara- pretty pokemon, as her mom wanted her to be a coordinator(she likes it, but she likes regular battling too!). Loves them a lot
Rare and cute, is a star
Shiny Litwick
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