#and then i saw *gestures* on tumblr and went..? can't remember them ever being all THAT friendly?
batsplat · 3 months
☕️ on marc/dani as teammates? bc so many ppl on here especially have such a simplified and maybe even rose-tinted view of their dynamic imo…..
hm yeah it's a tricky one because I do think there's a lot of genuine interpersonal fondness there that was forged in the aftermath of some equally genuine animosity. for me, it's that development that's particularly interesting... what I personally have always found the most appealing about this rivalry is just how ruthless marc as to someone he genuinely admired and considered one of his heroes or 'references'. like, I think it's a bit different from the dynamic with valentino because it's kind of... vale's the childhood hero vs dani as a rider who's ahead of you who you want to directly emulate in rising through the ranks. with valentino, marc didn't really think they'd ever be competing at the top of the sport because of how big the age gap was, but with dani? different story
which does affect the emotional approach, I reckon - you can admire them and still dream of beating them, you know? like, say you're fourteen years old in 2007 and are getting out your customised casey stoner voodoo doll while he's bitch slapping your two guys, what fantasies are you cooking up in your little brain about meeting your heroes? with valentino, it's probably him grinning at you while handing you your tenth consecutive motogp trophy and telling you how amazing you are... how you're his successor, the one carrying on his legacy... lots of daydreaming of him like, hyping you up after he's retired and calling you god's gift to motorcycle racing, etc etc. who knows, maybe marc was also fantasising about beating valentino in epic duels, but he wasn't really expecting to be fighting valentino, right? whereas with dani? oh yeah, marc might have thought he was great... but in an ideal world, he's ripping the crown off dani's head when dani's a three time defending motogp champion! so crucially marc wasn't blindsided by actually fighting him on-track, and was kinda more prepared for that to get ugly? dani acts as a 'direct' reference, where he's just a few years ahead and marc can see how it's done, basically. but what this still means... he'd admired this guy for years, he had posters of him and all that shit, but the moment they're direct competitors and teammates? all that is just... locked away. no interest no mercy, all he cares about is beating the guy. and marc did still talk about using dani as a reference point, about how much he'd learned from him... but of course that scary fast learning of his was all about beating dani
from dani's side... I'm glad he's gotten to a stage where he's at peace with his career, but. god, it must have been tough. at the end of 2012, he's the in-form rider - more so than jorge. he won six of the last eight races that year. incidentally, this is how jorge is talking before the 2013 season:
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obviously, jorge is trying to fuck with dani here, but he's also not really wrong. all four of the aliens have got a lot going on early 2013, but if you had to point at the guy who is dealing with the most pressure? well, it's got to be dani, doesn't it. he was the one who still had something to prove in the premier class, who was now being thrown together with the super hyped rookie. this is how dani spoke about marc at the start of the year:
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and here:
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and then of course marc beat dani at qatar and then won at cota... granted, dani does a good job of keeping his head and regrouping for the next few races - but it was still an auspicious start, provoking a lot of discourse that wasn't particularly kind to dani. so in that first year, you've got all these different elements - you've got how marc is competing on-track, dani's injury, how marc is already attempting to assert himself within the team, how you've got the behind the scenes warfare between their two teams (again, see this article)... and then dani's issues with marc's actual riding (x, x). now, I think it's worth saying that aragon 2013 is not a case where marc has clearly fucked up. he makes a mistake, yes, but he couldn't have known the slight contact he made with dani would lead to that wire breaking and dani's highside. here's what dani said:
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this is a case where different racing philosophies clash, right? what dani's saying is that what happened was a direct consequence of how marc approaches riding - that he's always flirting with contact and this time it finally went wrong. it's the kind of riding dani has consistently disliked, and it's something marc is the poster boy for. in this case, this crash essentially ends dani's title bid. he couldn't walk for three days afterwards. dani criticised race direction for choosing not to give marc a penalty (apart from the penalty points) - this was not something he just brushed off
and, look, you do have to bring it up... dani's experiences with sic will inevitably have influenced how he approached the marc rivalry. I mean, it kind of did for all of them - there's elements of that tragedy that will have bled into how valentino, jorge, dovi and dani reacted to marc. with casey, it's one of the reasons why marc never even had an on-track rivalry with him. now, obviously, dani had big, big issues with sic, a lot of tension including harsh comments in the press and refused handshakes and all of that, as a result of sic's very aggressive approaching to racing. dani was also the one who suffered the most as a direct result, in particular after the broken collarbone at le mans. he's spoken after sic's passing about his regret about how he handled that relationship... how it changed his approach to rivalries, that reminder that there might be things he'd never have the chance to fix
the other sic-related element is that of course, there were easy parallels to be drawn between him and marc, and his shadow did at times loom uncomfortably over debates over hard racing during that period. I think you can feel it most strongly in jorge's response to marc... the echoes of when jorge had gotten in a verbal clash with sic at one of the 2011 pressers and his frustration when his complaints were just laughed off by journalists:
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this press conference was from the race before le mans, where sic was responsible for dani's broken collarbone. so if two years later, you've got marc publicly shrugging off jorge's complaints in an only slightly more respectful manner, how can you not be at least a little concerned? yes, marc did have a better feeling of where the limit was, he didn't really push things too far, but... this was still a very recent trauma for everyone and nobody knew how far marc would or wouldn't push it at the time. especially not after the kind of reputation he'd gotten himself in his 125cc/moto2 days. (though of course it's important to note that sic's death wasn't caused by his style of racing, and if anything he'd gotten more sensible in the latter stages of 2011). so the influence goes both ways, right? on the one hand, it all feels a bit too familiar, on the other... well, that's actually a reason why you probably don't want to be too harsh on this kid. because you never know
in the end, the tensest year of their teammate partnership was 2013 - because after that title was sealed marc had won. by the end of the year, it wasn't really dani's team any more. his internal position had already been de facto undermined by casey, but not to the same extent because casey wasn't really interested in playing these games - plus the end stretch of 2012 had definitely cemented dani's role in the team. I've already given most of my thoughts here about how marc takes control of that team, which inevitably touches on some of his nastier behaviour. lying about what parts suited him is the obvious example... he's a ruthless teammate, he openly admits to it. and obviously, dani wasn't always just fine with that. who would be? he's accepted that's part of who marc is as a competitor, and at the end of the day he also had to accept losing. sometimes you just gotta make your peace with a status quo, yeah? it's tricky to strike the balance between not losing the competitive edge and not letting losing to your young teammate year after year drive you insane... dani's always been quite good at focusing on himself, even if a lot of the time 'focusing on himself' involved 'recovering from some horrid injury'
so you know, it's nice that their relationship has gotten warmer since they've no longer been teammates, and for the most part they did keep things civil while they were directly working with each other. also, you do just get over things when you're no longer competing with someone... I've said this before, but there's really only a relatively small number of truly burnt bridges in the paddock ecosystem. thing is, it's quite impressive of dani to seemingly not hold any grudges over what marc did to him... but he easily could have, and it kinda would've been justifiable? it's also primarily down to dani that this teammate dynamic didn't get worse than it was... which, y'know, you can argue if that was the right or the wrong approach, but it also meant he increasingly had to accept a subordinate role within that team - become a non-problematic teammate that honda was happy to sign again. and then you've got marc, who spent years looking up to dani and then spent years being pretty vicious to him and never saw the slightest contradiction between those two things, because of course he didn't! and of course he still has some historical fondness for him as a result of once being his fan... which is an element that has gradually snuck to the foreground again after marc increasingly managed to dismiss dani as a competitive threat. overall, then, as teammates they had their early tensions, then they were 'reasonably friendly coworkers', now they get on quite well. over the course of his career, dani's hardly been immune to drama with other riders, but at the end of the day he's pretty feud-proof on the whole. what kind of a nutter would you have to be to start a feud with dani pedrosa, eh
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Loki x Reader
1989, chapter 13
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 7,224
Warnings: angst, some unreliable narrator, and… closure.
A/N: this is the last chapter of the series (besides the epilogue) and so the secret message of the song will not be at the top of the post but rather at the bottom. A perfect closer. Thank you so much for reading this, I worked so hard to write it and I am so happy that I get to finish it with you guys. I am so emotional right now.
A/N: a special thank you @chrissquares for the amazing dividers she made me, and to @nacho-bucky for beta reading all of this!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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Loki sat in his room on his soft bed; he used the soft delicate covers under his fingers to ground himself as he drifted into his thoughts.
He loved you, he loves you, he will always love you. He knew that, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding the feeling that erupts within him whenever he sees you smile at him, or when you touched him and everything else faded away but your touch, or even the feeling thumping in his chest when he spent the day without you.
He was in love- it was as simple as that.
You loved him, you love him. He knew that, you never let him doubt it when you saw him doubt himself at the very beginning of the relationship. He was clever enough to know that you never lied to him.
Will you continue loving him when you will give it all up? When this is all over?
"You what?" Loki was sitting on your couch and you were curled up against him, you fiddled with your shiny new necklace, a bright smile on your face as you looked up at him through your lashes.
"I love you, Loki." You straightened up a bit more so you could get a better look at him. "I really do."
"You love the necklace I got you," He stated, looking at the empty box on the table and then back at your passionate eyes. He was scared of what he saw there, he must have heard you wrong because you made no sense to him. You always surprised him like that.
"Yes, I do love the necklace." You chuckled a bit and then you took his hand in yours, forcing him to look at you. "But I was talking about you. I love you. It's as simple as that."
But it was not simple, not to him.
"No but. I just love you. I loved you even before we got together." You held both of his hands now. Understanding flashed in your eyes as you saw what lay behind his. "Don't you ever doubt that."
He squeezed your hands and leaned in to kiss you softly. He knew he loved you. But when he pulled back the words died in his throat. He opened his mouth only to close it shut. Emotions like the ones you introduced him to never came easy to him.
"I know." You said. And of course you know- you always do.
He sighed in thankfulness and you brought him to you again with your hand on his cold cheek.
He will find a way to tell you someday.
So why would you want to leave him- forget his trace on your life? He wondered to himself. People fleeting from his life wasn't something unfamiliar to him, but he has never been so sure of someone staying than you, ever since he found you on that fateful rainy day and every day that has passed since he never thought you would leave him out of your own will.
Being wrong about people did not happen often to him, he could read everyone but you didn't make sense to him now.
A shutting of the door knocked him out of his own head and of course there you were, studying him before you quietly approached him and sat on the bed.
Silence spread as you looked around the room, noting the various large bookshelves with the clearly well loved books.
"Your room is nice, it's very you," you commented over the deafening silence, you couldn't bear it.
"I always figured you'd like my book collection, and the balcony. I thought I could read to you while we are drinking your favourite tea and sitting out there. We could laugh at all the oafs that passed right below us." He let out a humorless chuckle.
"That sounds like a perfect day." You bit your lip nervously.
"Then why would you give that up?" now you turned to face him, you failed to notice the unshed tears on his face.
"Loki," you choked on your words. "I don't plan to give that up, I don't plan on giving you up!"
"But you heard what he said! And you want to go through with that nonsense, when I told you that I will figure out a way for him to leave you alone." He ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you really want to get rid of your powers that bad that you don't mind losing me, or even your Avengers family?"
"I don't want to lose anyone, I just can't stay with these powers inside of me when now for the first time I know exactly how they feel and what they do- I don't want that poisoning me. It's like a wine stained dress and I don't want to- I can't wear it anymore. I can't Loki." You went to take his hand but he slipped beyond your reaches. You scoffed and went and this time took his hands to get him to look at you. "But just like you said, I believe that you can and will find a way out of this, I know you will find a way for me to get all of my memories back- I don't doubt it one bit because you are brilliant and more so determined. So this is the way that I can lose my powers but keep everything else that I love so so deeply."
"No, no but- I love you, Loki, and I would never give you up out of will especially after all those times you got taken from me and even when you left me. I will never let you go away. I know you can do this- and that is why I want to go through with this. I want to lose my powers, you called it ever since we met again at the tower- that is not my life, and these powers aren't mine. And that is my decision. Which is why I need you to understand me right now, I need you to understand that I'm not going to lose you, and that I still love you forever and always."
Loki couldn't help then, but remember you in your favourite dress standing with him and staring at the sunset, he told you he would always remember that moment-and he did, but it wasn't until now that he realized what you were asking him.
You never took your eyes away from his. You could see the battle inside of him when he finally relaxed in your grasp and pulled you tightly into a hug. But sometimes a hug is just an excuse to hide your face. You didn't see the tear that slipped from his eye.
"As you wish, darling."
"You're insane, you are completely insane." Steve shook his head and looked between you and Loki, before talking to the god. "How come you are okay with this? No, this is insane."
"Steve, I understand you're scared but Loki will find a way to bring me back- it will all be okay. It might take some time but I will be back here making sassy jokes at you in no time." You walked to him and wrapped your arms around him.
"Punk it'll be alright, just think of it like when you put me under again in Wakanda." Bucky chimed in and he wasn't wrong- but for Steve it only made it worse, first Bucky couldn't remember him and he lost him for a long time and now if you go through with your plan then you won't remember him either. How can he be okay with it?
"Loki, don't you have anything to say here?" The captain walked away from your hug. The god averted his eyes to the floor; he opened his mouth calculating his words.
"It's her choice captain, I had my own reservations regarding it," Loki now looked directly at the captain. "But all I want is what's best for her, I will do what is needed."
"What about Odin, huh? He can't just do whatever he wants- so what if he wants to take away your powers! I will fight him if I have to, he can't force you to do anything."
"Well Steve, my father might actually send an-"
"I never knew that was an option, I never thought I would be able to live like I used to- without my powers. I know you can get me out of this, I know Loki can get me out of it but I want this. I agree to this." You cut Thor off and brought the attention back to you. Tony rose up then.
"How do you know that you can bring her memories back, mischief?"
Loki scoffed.
"I only lost the battle of New York because I wanted to so give me and my magic more credit." Then Loki surprised you and walked towards the door. "Captain, if I may?"
Loki gestured outside and you were surprised at how Steve went without any issue. The door closed behind the two of them.
It was a while later that they came back and you could see Steve's eyes were red.
"Why don't we order pizza and you can pick a movie to watch?" he suggested. You nodded at him and you could say that you didn't tear up then but that would be a lie.
So there you sat with your friends- with your family, and you ate pizza and laughed at the movie. You talked about everything and nothing. You lay against Steve's chest and he hugged you as the movie kept playing.
You treasured every second with them. You knew you will come back to them soon enough but it didn't make you any less emotional during the entire night.
Just because you will not remember forgetting anyone of them, just because you won't feel the lack, doesn't mean you won't miss them.
You fidgeted with Loki besides you as you got ready to enter the room that will end all of this.
"Are you sure this is what you want?" Loki rubbed your back and took both of your hands to stop you from fidgeting.
"Yes, I don't know why I'm so nervous."
"It's okay to be nervous my love, but I will take care of you."
"I know you will." You shyly smiled up at him and returned his hug. "I trust you."
Loki opened the doors and walked with you inside. The throne room looked the same and yet for you it felt the difference all the same. Walking with a different form of dread into the cold room and a loud beating heart- you couldn't deny the fear that still lingered there.
"So, you finally came. Step to the side my son." You scoffed at that when Odin rose from the throne, stepped down, and raised his long staff.
"Wait!" you yelled and grabbed Loki into a hug. "I'm going to miss you, even if I won't know it. Promise you'll get me back Loki, promise you will set it all back to normal." You didn't look at him.
"I love you, more than I ever thought I could. I know I claimed it impossible but I have fallen in love with you all over and over again." He pulled back to cup your face and whispered in a weak voice. "I don't know how to say goodbye to you."
"There's only one way I'd accept it." You smiled at him through the tears, "If you've ever loved me, say it like you are going to come back."
That brought a small chuckle out of Loki.
"Well then my love, it really was enchanting to meet you." he held your hand and bowed before you. "I'll see you around, my love."
You smiled widely as you curtsied and brought him back for a kiss. It was slow, delicate, and yet it held every emotion you needed to show and every ounce of love you needed to feel.
"I'll see you in a minute, Loki."
With a soft smile he stepped back from you, his own smile faded though when his father raised the staff and he heard a chant in the background and he sent an old ancient extortion spell your way. You kept your eyes on Loki, smiling at him and memorizing him. He will get you back, you will get him back. You had no doubt about it.
His eyes teared up but he watched you.
You watched him until the pain hit you and settled in your brain, until your eyes felt foggy when you looked on at the man in front of you, until white blinded your vision and everything turned black.
Opening your eyes slowly you saw the golden sun rays seep into the room from your window as you woke up. You stretched out on the bed and reached your hand out to your side and it was cold. You looked at your hand and at the space next to you, why would you reach out there? Something at the back of your mind felt odd but you shook your head- who was for some reason aching, and got out of the bed in your apartment.
You mind felt foggy, you couldn't remember even getting to bed but you must still be tired- you just need to wake up fully. It'll all focus up in a minute surely- you had no doubt about it.
You smiled to yourself as you heated water for your tea; the routine was familiar to you and helped you clear your head. You took the time to look around your apartment, it wasn't much but it was yours. You still remembered when you first moved to New York- it was so loud and foreign but you refused to let it take over you and so instead you let it be a new chapter, a new beginning, you let it change you into who you wanted to be.
You snapped out of your thought and made your tea like you always did, it was a Saturday morning and you couldn't wait to have a chill day in, reaching out into the cabinet for another glass, but you faltered- you must have forgotten that you already made your tea.
Sitting on the couch you saw the flowers on the table they were dying of thirst- you were never good with flowers, which is why you never got any. It was probably time to throw the flowers away, so you groaned before getting up and discarding them in the bin.
Finally settling on the comfortable couch you turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until you found your favourite show. Sighing, you sipped on the tea and enjoyed the content feeling this warm moment gave you.
Loki lay on the headrest of the bed in his bedroom. It was morning now, it's been a day since you disappeared. By morning gone was any trace of you from his life, and yet you still were all over him, he couldn't find a part of him that you didn't touch. He could never wash you away.
He saw you all around his bedroom now, with countless books open and scattered on his desk, his bed, and the entire floor. He searched all of them, trying to find what you told him he would.
But now all he found was an answer he did not want to think about. So he sat and stared at the wall.
The knock on the door hardly startled him, and he was not surprised when Thor closed the door behind him and leaned against it.
"How are you doing, brother?" Thor stayed put, noticing the blank look in his brother's eyes and the books that seemed to block his way forward. "Were you up all night?"
"How could I sleep?" he let out a bitter chuckle.
"Did you manage to find something?" Loki rubbed his eyes, he didn't know how to answer that question. His lonely heart was already starting to grow colder with each hollowed hour that passed through him. He sank into his mind again.
The captain followed him outside of the room you were in. he could feel his frustration and it matched his- just almost.
"What, Loki?" Loki continued walking forward until he found a vacant room where no one will see the two of them. The soldier stopped at the door for a moment, but once he stepped through then Loki closed the door shut behind him.
"I want to show you something, captain." Loki turned to him. Steve stood taller, his blue eyes were questioning when he saw what laid in Loki's eyes, it was the first time he was sure what he saw in the trickster was real. "But you are not going to like it."
"I suppose I did find an answer." He replied to Thor, remembering back to two nights ago, when he found the way out. Just not for him.
"Well, that is tremendous news!" Thor's smile dropped when Loki did not smile with him. "What is wrong then?"
"What do you want to show me?" Loki walked to Steve with two arms open and up in the air. "Did you manage to find something?"
"I want to show you a time from before you knew her, you see, I have always loved her- but I want you to see this before we talk." Loki asked him a silent question and Steve nodded when Loki put his hands on his temples and he felt a buzz course through him before he found himself sitting in an apartment he had never seen before and there you were sitting next to Loki- you looked so much younger, so did the god.
Steve continued watching the intimate moment between the two of you, he watched the way you looked at the god and the way Loki in turn looked at you when you didn't face him.
He almost felt uncomfortable, knowing that Loki out of all people was letting him look through his own mind and memories. And then he heard you.
"I could never be a hero." His look of confusion matched that of Loki who was talking to you on the couch. He could only assume that you did not know about Loki being a god back then.
That was when he really looked at you- seeing you. He opened his mouth and closed it, his heart sank when he realized what he saw in you that was so different. You were so… light, rather than heavy. Your eyes were brighter, and more innocent- more hopeful. And mostly you were just-clean. Clean of all the blood that you have seen with your powers, clean of all the guilt and hatred. He knew you were happy with them-he knew you felt the same way as he did- but you were different here, there was no weight above your shoulders and you were clean of it all and all that was left was peace and calm inside of you. He never saw that in you. As happy as you were with him and the rest of the avengers, and as much as he knew you, he never knew you like that- he never saw who you were before.
He took a moment to look at you again, promising to himself he will remember you like this- he knew now why Loki showed him this.
"Loki, get me out." He whispered with a defeated look on his face. A moment later he was back in a vacant room with Loki. "Is that what you want?"
"Do you understand me now, Captain?" Loki nodded and lowered his eyes a bit.
"I do." Steve refused to shed the tears he felt behind his eyes.
"I have decided to let her go." He struggled with getting the words out, but he knew he would follow through with his decision- it's what's best for you.
"You what? Loki, what do you mean you are letting her go?"
"I am not going to chase after her and get her back to me- that will only lead to bad things." Loki stood up from the bed and started to whisk the books away and back on their shelves. The night was long but he knew all that he needed to know now.
"Brother, she counted on you getting her back! She trusted you with that!" Thor has seen his brother act without a thought in rare times, but now it is clear that he has thought of it for a while and yet despite of all of its nonsense he still decided to act on that.
"She trusted me to protect her, so I am. Don't you think she deserves a life free of dangers and worries?"
Thor looked at his brother and shook his head, looking down.
"Perhaps she does, but perhaps you deserve a life full of love too. Perhaps you will get that once you stop self sabotaging any good thing that comes your way."
Thor walked out the door, leaving Loki in that empty room.
The rain kept pouring all around you as you walked through the park in the dark. You didn't know what it was about the rain, but somehow you found your peace in the middle of the storm, the more the rain gushed around, dancing with the wind, the more you felt calm surrounding you. You let yourself drown in the rain that surrounded you now until you could breathe again- standing there with your umbrella you decided to sit on a bench you found up ahead, you often found yourself sitting there all alone when you felt something was missing from your life.
You sat there in silence, letting the rain soak through you without it ever touching you. You opened your coat pocket and looked at the letter that was inside the open envelope. You've had to make up your mind at some point, every part of you should say yes and you knew that it did with every time you reread the message that was written inside. You were still a bit nervous, it was exciting so of course you were a bit nervous. You knew you would not say no to this opportunity, no matter where it came from. With a small secret smile you put it back inside of your coat. You brushed the place on your neck where a necklace should be and got up to head home, and as you looked up to the stars you could almost see a twinkle in the sky, from the brightest star in the sky.
"Do you think it's a wise idea, Tony?" Steve sat in the genius' office. Tony shrugged at that.
"It's been two months Steve, I can't take it and I know you can't too!" he took off his glasses. "Don't you want her back?"
"Of course I do Tony, but I saw her- she seemed really happy."
"She was happy with us too!" Tony threw back the whiskey in his glass before filling up another one.
"Pour me one too," Steve said and ignored Tony's look. He was too tired, they all were. "But I think maybe Loki was right to choose what he did."
"Then call this a loophole! As long as we keep it up, she won't notice a thing and then we will all get what we want. We can keep an act up and soon enough it will be like nothing's changed." Tony raised an eyebrow at him before drinking from his glass. Steve downed his- it didn't faze him at all but he wished it would.
"Okay then, do it."
"Already did." Tony smirked and Steve just groaned at his friend.
"Of course you did."
"Now we just wait, my letter was pretty convincing so I am sure she will get here soon, and then she will be home in no time." Steve clucked his glass with Tony's before walking out of his office and getting on with the stuff he had to do that day.
He took the elevator down to the ground floor and looked through the paperwork he had in his hands when the doors opened. He stepped outside only to see you walking to the receptionist's desk. He stood there staring at you as if he hadn't been tracking you for months, he noticed all the ticks you had when you were nervous. That's when he snapped out of it and went to get you before the Stark worker could talk or, even worse, recognize you. He could feel his own emotions bursting inside of him and he held himself back from taking you into his arms and hugging you.
When you looked into his eye and he saw that you didn't recognize him- not really- it hurt him more than he thought it would.
"Hi." Was all he managed to let out.
"Hi, Captain Rogers," you smiled at him and he found himself returning the smile. "It's an honour to meet you."
"Please call me Steve." He rushed out and then bit his tongue.
"Steve," you repeated and you were about to turn your head to talk to the Stark Industries worker when Steve stopped you.
"You're Y/N, right? You have a meeting with Pepper."
"Yeah I am, how did you-"
"I will take you to her." He turned to the worker and nodded briefly, "it's fine."
"Captain, I need her to sign in first-"
"The captain said we are okay here." You looked behind you to find a blonde agent that you recognized from the TV as Sharon. She looked at you for a moment, looked behind you, and then she sent you a small smile.
"I'll walk you up, is that okay?" you looked back at him again and you nodded, you didn't know why but those blue eyes seemed so… kind. Your nerves were already put at bay because he started talking to you.
"Yes, thank you Steve." You smiled at him again before he walked you back to the elevator.
When the doors closed you broke the silence, for some reason you could feel his nerves rise- you could see it in him, in the small ticks. "Don't you have other stuff you should do?"
He laughed a bit at that and you called that a win. Steve thought back to the day he met you.
"Yeah, but you seem much nicer."
"How can you tell if I'm nice or not? I never said I was nice, maybe I am mean and evil."
"No offence, kid, but you don't seem too threatening to me," You scoffed at him, and you didn't know why the chemistry between you was so natural, but you didn't care.
"How can you be so sure? I could be threatening, or I could even be a spy!" you raised an eyebrow at him when he laughed again, this time harder.
"I could still take you down if you are, it's easy." He had a shit eating grin on his face that you didn't like. Steve was waiting for you to retort back.
"Oh just fuck off!" you shook your head but then you burst out laughing when Steve replied, you were so much brighter and he loved it.
He missed you so much.
You felt a bit lightheaded as Steve walked you through the halls, you walked with him as he told you that he will take you to the kitchen. It was eerily empty. The couches seemed so inviting and the floor to ceiling windows showed a stunning view that you could stand there and watch all day, now you wished that you didn't have the interview because all you wanted to do was stay right where you were.
Steve was worried about you though.
"Hey, are you okay? Is this too much for you?" He asked and you furrowed your eyebrows when you saw the concern in his eyes.
"It's fine, I am probably just worried about the meeting with Mrs. Potts, that must be why I have a headache." You ignored his other question and while it did seem odd to you how easy he interacted with you, you didn't question it- he always seemed kind on TV.
"Come on, I will get you some water from the kitchen."
When you entered the kitchen you realized where you actually were.
"Is this the Avengers' private quarters?" Steve faltered for a bit and when words failed him he decided to just nod. He cleared his throat before turning to you with a glass of water.
"You really didn't have to bring me here, I would hate to waste your time and intrude!" you took a sip. "I also don't want to be late for my meeting, which I already am…"
At the cringe in your voice he pulled out his phone and texted Tony about your situation, making sure no one will be around you just yet in case you will get overwhelmed. He couldn't know how the spell Odin put on you would respond to that.
"I talked to Pepper, don't worry about that, you don't need to worry when you are with me." He looked serious enough that you nodded and continued sipping on the water, you could already feel the headache fade away, Steve continued. "And you can feel comfortable here, I'm sure you will get the job so you will be here a lot- if you want, that is."
"Why would I be here?" Steve wanted to curse at himself for saying too much, of course you didn't know that detail- you shouldn't know that. Hell, you probably didn't know the details of what you will do- Tony could have bullshitted anything to get you to come here even when you had no reason for being chosen.
He couldn't help himself, he felt as if nothing has changed by the way you act and talk around him, but it was hard to remember that a lot has changed for him.
"Well, umm you see- it's in the job description- working for Pepper and all, it just makes sense that you will be here too because she is here a lot." He stuttered when you still had a look of confusion on your face, your head tilting a bit, you couldn't quite place him. "And also- Tony, they are husband and wife of course and- and he might need help too. Stark Industries is his after all so, that is what I meant, that's all."
"Okay…" you tentatively replied, noticing the blush that came up his flustered cheeks. He was trustworthy, so it is probably true. "I guess that I don't actually know why I am here- but this is an opportunity that I couldn't miss out on. I don’t know why he chose me or how he even knows me but- I want to be here, I just do."
The words seemed distant from you, and you looked to the ground not noticing the small relaxed smile Steve let out.
"Well, I'm sure you will fit right in here. Let's get you to Pepper then."
His smile only prompted your own and you let him take you to her, hopefully this will be a new start for you, and hopefully it will also quiet the small tingles you started getting in your head ever since you got that letter.
A month later you woke up to an alarm clock. You turned to your side and stopped yourself when your hand went forward. The alarm drew you out of your thoughts and you twisted around again to turn it off. You got up to start your day before you had to go to work.
You looked at your wardrobe before you decided to try out the shirt you got yesterday you couldn't help but buy it. It was in this beautiful shade of green that you were compelled to get it. You paired it with a tight black skirt and walked to your dresser. Opening it, you noticed a glimmer shining from the daylight that came through your window. You got out all the boxes and stuff that was blocking whatever it was from your view- you really needed to clean all of it, but you didn't care- you just wanted to get to that small box.
Like you thought- it indeed was a box. It was old, the golden glaze of it darkened but it was still beautiful.
"Now where did you come from?" you wondered aloud and you sat on your bed when you decided to open the delicate box. It was a bit heavy in your hand, you didn't know what it was made of but it seemed unreal- it was so naturally out of place with its beauty. You opened it slowly and in there you found a necklace, it was golden and unlike the box it was still shining. The symbol engraved onto it seemed so familiar and yet you could not remember where it is from, it was different from anything you have seen before, you must have bought it ancients ago. You must have. It took your breath away when you picked it up, so you needed air. You went out into your living room and there you sat on the couch, staring at it. Your mind was racing, no- it was searching- you didn't know what for, and tingles spread throughout your whole body.
You put it on and fiddled with it, the light weight of it on your chest was comforting as it lay right next to your heart.
You didn't notice the smile that lit up your face until you looked into the mirror before getting out of the door and heading to the Avengers tower.
Loki prepared himself as he walked the Bifrost leading to where Heimdall stood. He tried to calm his breathing and his racing heart, he felt as if he was going to pass out from the nerves. He just needed to get this over with fast.
Heimdall did not acknowledge the solemn look on the prince's face as he got ready to go to earth. He barely bothered to hide the dark circles beneath his eyes that could only be described as numb. With the black suit he was wearing one would think he was grieving, and maybe in a way- he was.
Loki fixed himself to stand up straighter and got ready for his journey. All he planned to do was go to the Tower, just to check on how everything has wrapped up quickly before leaving, and maybe in a way he wanted to be there one last time and see other people who are also living a life without you.
He nodded briefly to Heimdall and in a few second he was in the Avengers Tower, right on the top of it. He took the elevator down and when he didn't see anyone in the living room he called out to the AI and asked for Steve's location. He was a few floors down rather than in the Avengers' quarters.
He took the stairs down. The hall room was fairly empty. Different elevators stopped at the floor that was a pass-through to the Avengers center from the Stark Industries. At the other end of the floor there was a balcony that looked over the skyline of the daylight, it will be easier to call for Heimdall from there- it will be faster.
He walked forward and saw Steve and Natasha leaning against the main desk of the security guard.
He nodded to Steve when he spotted him, but Steve's eyes only widened when he saw the god.
"Hello, Captain." He nodded to Natasha who had the same surprised look on her face. "Ms. Romanoff."
"Loki what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to come here to check how you were dealing with the group that took the weapons." The group that took you. Loki smiled shortly.
"Loki you should probably go-" the blond suggested and went towards Loki to try and lead him backwards to where he came from. Before Loki could question him, the redhead spoke up.
"Y/N is here, she is on her way here." Loki looked at Natasha and then at Steve who was standing in front of him.
"What?" Loki stammered, "Does she-"
"No, she doesn't know a thing, I promise." The god studied the soldier, his eyes sharper now.
"Then why is she coming here?"
"We hired her a month ago, so she could work here and we will see her." Natasha explained simply, blunt as always. He was thankful for that right now but he sent daggers towards Steve.
"I thought we had an agreement- that you understood."
"We didn't know you were coming. I do understand, and I promise that she is still safe, and she is having a peaceful happy life- she works for Pepper, not with us directly." Steve was quick to reply. "It was just too hard to say goodbye."
"You were not the only one who had to say goodbye." Loki's eyes were blank and Steve could see the hurt that seeped through. "But well then, I should go. I'm happy you got her back."
Steve stopped him when Loki moved to walk towards the balcony at the other end of the floor.
"Loki, you can come back too." Steve sighed, trying to get the god to agree to come back- he saw you being happy, but he also saw how you were lost- just lacking something a bit, he knew Loki was that something.
"No, I cannot. I'm a god- I could never give her the peace she deserves." Loki shook his head and lowered his blue eyes. He passed Steve and walked ahead when the elevator dinged and he looked up at the same time as you got out of it and walked towards Steve. When your eyes met his you stopped in your place.
Loki always loved when you wore his colours and now here you were- wearing his colours when you did not even know him. Only a couple of feet away, you stood in front of him and the world stood still.
You got out of the elevator and were walking towards Steve when you saw the person that was just a few steps away, in front of you. You were in the middle of the hall and yet you couldn't move yourself away, you couldn't stop staring at him.
You knew him, how couldn't you? You knew he wasn't from here, but he was different- it wasn't because you knew he was a god, but rather the feeling that came along with him and it felt as if it sucked you in.
You tried to snap out of it and you could suddenly breathe again.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to stare," you looked up again at the god who kept staring at you. Loki's eyes were wide, scared, in awe of finally seeing you again. Of seeing you not recognizing him. Before your mind could catch up you continued. "I'm Y/N."
You stretched your hand and walked forward a bit, waiting for him to shake your hand as you now stood a mere step apart. You got nervous when he didn't shake it, why did you want to shake his hand in the first place? You did not know.
Before you could take your hand back, his cold hand squeezed yours and you relaxed again, smiling shyly at him.
"It's nice meeting you." It's like you could see it all inside the shade of blue in his eyes when he smiled back.
He caught sight of the necklace you were wearing and he looked back up at you.
"That's a beautiful necklace." He said and you blushed at the compliment, his voice affected you in a way it probably shouldn't. You then realized you were still holding his hand and you took it back and fiddled with the necklace instead. You didn't see the hurt and disappointment in Loki's eyes when he too lowered his hand.
"Yeah, it's really pretty- I found it and I guess I just forgot where it came from," you looked back up at Loki who had an unreadable expression on his face and you didn't know why but- "but I still love it."
Loki swallowed and tried to form words while your own words were affecting him in ways you didn't even know.
You didn't know why you were so affected by him, he was so beautiful and your heart was speeding up and yet you felt so calm now, so relaxed, so- whole? You didn't want to break whatever it was that you felt right now, too curious by this feeling to recognize the two avengers that stood a couple of feet behind Loki.
"I heard you were working here, do you like it here?" he looked at you fondly, he just had to ask- he had to know that you really were happy like this, even if he is not in your life.
"Yeah, I do. I am so happy that I get to work here with Pepper!" you smiled at him, tucking your hair behind your ears.
"I'm happy to hear that, then. It's good that you are happy."
"The job is amazing," you chuckled. "But if you decide to throw another invasion, I hope you will think of me, I'd love to be your right hand woman."
He laughed and you treasured that look, you liked his laugh.
"As you wish, darling." He needed to let you move on, but he didn't know how to say it. "I won't keep you any longer, and I should go, but- it was enchanting to meet you, love."
You frowned at that, not wanting him to go. But you still had a silver of hope left inside you that maybe he will come back again.
"I hope I'll see you again, Loki." You smiled at him and he returned the smile. He looked you up and down, smiling softly at you again, before he did the hardest thing he had to do and walked past you.
You turned to watch him go, yet your mind was screaming something incoherent at you as if he was slipping away from your reach.
Loki walked out into the balcony with a heavy heart, but at least he got to see you again one last time, at least he got to see you smile and hear you laugh one last time. At least he knew you were happy now, and at least he got to call you his love one last time. He looked back at you as he got taken away and he found comfort he hadn't gotten before in your smile. And he knew it will be okay.
You still looked at him when you saw him get taken away by the bifrost, and smiled when he sent you one last look.
Then you turned your head back, touching the golden necklace again you smiled to yourself and stepped forward.
"She lost him, but she found herself, and somehow that was everything."
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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softysuho · 4 years
pretty boy & zombies
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pairing: yunho x reader
summary: In the year 3013, the government unleashed their first wave of "natural selection". They took out elderly by offering a vaccine that was told to prevent further sicknesses and stated that it was mandatory. After the elderly were wiped from the earth, phase two was put into action. There they unleashed a monster. The government started the zombie apocalypse in hopes that the elite human race would show itself.
word count: 1.9k (a/n its been awhile and this is lowkey shit, I also can't figure out how to put "keep reading" in with the new Tumblr update, but I hope you all enjoy this drabble💖)
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It was day like every other day, humid and way too hot for any sort of physical activity. The small house you sit in does little to keep the warm weather out, it was a cute place from what was left. There had been an old couple in here prior, from what you gathered. They looked cute and happy in the photos that were scattered across the walls. Most of the food leftover had gone bad, but they did have a decent amount of medical supplies. 
You sighed as you thought back to your home, your parents and your little baby sister. It was hard to keep track of the days you have been without your family, four or five months maybe. Your college days were long behind you now, no more parties, no more all nighters doing homework. Everything had been taken from you. 
On an average day supply run, you can still see the tall billboards, promising a better future. The face of the man who decided to play God and Mother Nature. What bullshit. You wondered if he is dead now, if the zombies got to him like they did to everyone else in the towns. 
One could only hope. 
As for other survivors out there, you know that there are some sharing the near city with you. One day stores could have shelves of food and the next day there seems to be half. Although you haven’t crossed paths with any. Who knows if they would be friendly. 
Maybe they’d put you out of your misery. 
Most days that sounded nice. To be able to join your family in the afterlife. Somedays you knew you didn’t want to die, the fear of what comes next after death chilled your bones. You certainly don’t want to feast off human guts and brains for the next eternity. What if the undead are still the people they were before? Maybe they can only watch themselves turn into a monster.  
As you were running low on filling meals, left with light snacks, you decided it was best to into the deeper parts of the city. It was risky, considering it used to be the most populated, but desperate times come to desperate measures.
You grabbed your gear and your sharp machete and adjusted your makeshift armor straps before taking off. Staying low in the tree was one of the safer moves, taking the longest way into the city in hopes of avoiding hordes. The nature was a beautiful sight, the refreshing smell of pine and the distant trickling of water. Normally it'd be calming if you didn't have to fear the undead lurking.
You wondered if nature would begin to go back in time, before the greedy human fingers that destroyed their beauty. However, you wondered if there would be any animal left once the zombies come and eat them as well. One could only hope they'll be okay.
As the trees began to thin out, you could see the city that used to home to many. The streets were covered in half eaten corpses, trash from the chaos and blood. In the beginning, this sight had you emptying your stomach in a near by bush, 10 deep breaths and one 'you can do this'. These days though, it was just the normal sight you'd become accustomed to.
Normally, these trips would be to the same grocery store you've been too for the last few months. You knew these roads now, and every nook and cranny on the way there. But today was different. You were tired of looking like you just crawled out of an old ladies closet, no offense to her. So you decided to head towards one of the stores with both clothing and food. Hopefully you'd find a new blanket to take as well.
There was a light pep in your step as you made your way there, a small amount of excitement you haven't felt in a long time at the thought of some new clothes. You wondered what else there would be there besides what you need and that thought was fun to think about. So similar to what would've went through your head before the destruction of humanity.
You stuck close to the walls of the tall buildings, trying to be as quiet as you could. You couldn't afford to risk being caught now, out in the open by the dead before you even had a chance to see how bad the rest of the city really was.
What you didn't realize, though, was how lost you were in your thoughts. You inched closer to that dark alleyway you would've avoided originally, one that could hide several lurking bodies within.
It was too late by then, a large and warm hand covered your mouth as an arm wrapped itself around your torso. Alarm bells were going off in your head, slowly realizing that you had to escape before you met your doom. Tears were threatening to spill from your eyes, praying to whatever was out there to let you live for another day.
"Would you shut up? I'd rather not regret saving your ass." It was a harsh whisper against your ear, but it did its job as you calmed in the unknown (hopefully) humans arms. "You were being followed." This time the voice was soft, hand finally falling away from your mouth to pull you closer and further into the darkness.
Only then did you notice the scuffing of feet and deep voices. You could tell they weren't far, and they clearly would've seen you walking alone at some point. A thousand 'thank yous' raced through your head towards the person behind you and you could only hope they could feel how thankful you were. You turned to look towards the stranger, only seeing that is was a male who was taller than you. Or at least, thats what you assumed.
The two of you stayed within the alleyways darkness even after the group walked past and out of ear shot. You heard a breath of relief behind you, followed by a brief brush of shoulders. As the man peered out from the darkness, you saw the messy mop of black hair and a quarter of his face. Inching closer to the man, your eyes popped over his shoulder and scanned for any signs of movement. When you both deemed it safe, he motioned you with his fingers and brought you in the opposite direction of the group.
"The hell were you doing out in the open like that?" He said above a whisper. However you were shocked by the way his eyes sparkled in the sunlight, simply managing a small shrug. He rolled his eyes at you in response, "I'm Yunho.. I've been living in that upscale apartment complex a ways down for about a month, and I swear I've seen everyone who is left around here. You're new?"
You scoffed lowly and looked over your shoulder. Why was he telling you this? Did he want to take you back and murder you for supplies? "I've been living in the woods, there was a farm a little ways out and I've only stuck to the store on that side of town."
Yunho hummed, seemingly lost in thought. He didn't seemed too beat up for being out here alone, not like you at least. There were scratches on your arms from shrubbery as well as old blood from a run in with the dead. Yunho was handsome and from the glimpses of his smile, you could tell it was bright.
You had been walking side by side for awhile now, going into the town deeper than you ever had been. The building were getting taller, more expensive and grand. First floor windows were either boarded up or broken, probably either hiding or stealing. You could picture the busy streets, the high class fashion of the upper working class.
"If you've been here for a month, how come you haven't tried to make friends?" You said softly, looking up at Yunho curiously.
"I had ran into the leader about two weeks ago," He scratched his head, looking from side to side while he kept an eye out. "It was fine at first, we made small talk in one of the stores." Yunho pointed behind him and rolled his eyes, "Somewhere back there, I don't remember. We talked for awhile before one of his buddies came in and claimed he could see a bite mark.. All hell broke out after, but I snuck out the back."
You rose your brows and patted him on the shoulder. "His buddy sounds like a real winner."
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When you reached the building, you were pretty amazed at the shape it was left in. There was only one window that was broken, leaving the rest of them untouched. "I don't think anyone attempted to stay here so it was pretty much abandoned." Yunho smirked to himself and took a deep breath before he opened the front doors. "After you, ma'am." He bowed and gestured for you to take a step indoors. You gaped at the interior, if you thought hard enough you could see this place lit up and running as it should. The fountain glowing as the clear water fell into each bowl, grand chandeliers brightening the room. Your face was stuck, awestruck with a small smile. You wished you could've saw everything work in action or had the opportunity to stay a night here with room service.
"Woah.." You whispered when an arm was thrown around your shoulder.
"Wanna go room hunting with me? I've only been to the first five floors." Yunho whispered back as, he too, studied the hotel lobby. Pursing your lips, you shrugged and looked up at Yunho. Studying his features for a few brief moments. He was, indeed, very handsome.
Yunho watched you from the corner of his eye, his lips twitching into a smile. As fast as he could, Yunho turned his whole head to catch you in the act. The smile turning into a giant smirk. "See something you like?" He spoke first, head cocking to the side. "It's okay, I see something I like as well." A wink was sent your way, causing a blush to cover your features.
"Shut up," You joked, side eyeing him before your elbow met his ribs. He chuckled at you and took your hand to pull you to the stairs. "Find me some nice clothes and I'll reward you with a treat." Instead of your voice giving off a confident tone, it came out small and squeaky, leading your blush to darken a tenfold.
"Oh? And what is the treat? I think I should know before doing what I'm told."
"Guess it depends on how well you do."
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After several hours of searching, jokes and excitement from not expired food, Yunho was able to come up with a nice sturdy set of blue jeans, a pair of leggings, some new combat boots, three shirts and one giant ass hoodie. He looked at you with wide and innocent eyes, silently asking you for his treat.
With a long sigh, you plopped yourself down on the couch and gestured him to come closer. As soon as he was within arms reach, you gripped his shirt and pulled him down on top of you. "Y/n.. you can't have my shirt." He said with a shit eating grin.
"Just shut up and kiss me."
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msilwrites · 3 years
(A 3AM Short Story) - (SHORT 1/2) - The Dark Knight
A/N: Hi guys, I have a lot of drafts I've been editing inside the draft folder of my Tumblr page. Sorry that I have not published them, I'm aware I make a lot of grammar mistakes, therefore, just I want them to be written properly, for it to have a strong narrative voice and can be easily understood.
Nonetheless, here is one of them...
Let me add, I'm actually busy updating my other stories, so do standby for that!
Cast -
'Q' is an Original Character
'K' / Kieran Sorensen - Mads Mikkelsen
WARNING: SEXUAL TENSIONS.... you need cold water!
The Dark Knight
Even before Q was known as 'Q', she was first a trainee under 'K' or Kieran, her commanding officer. However, she didn't expect to work beside him after finishing her training and working for the MI6. Neither did she expect that he was preparing her to take over once he steps down. That he wanted her to succeed him.
It all started when she entered the training programme. He had interviewed her for the first time, whilst holding on to the piece of paper which contained information about her background.
A woman who spent her primary education in Dragon School, and a secondary education at top international school in Shanghai, before graduating tertiary in Cambridge. With these, she could've been considered a 'strong candidate'.
"Privileged..." was his reply, upon reading everything. He clearly wasn't impressed. "You're probably very intelligent, but do you have grit?"
She gulped nervously and was thankful enough that she didn't write anything about her grandfather being an admiral or her father being an officer.
She remembered what he had told her clearly the first time, which is why it was a surprise to her that he considered her as a 'successor'.
Her job was something classified, she was not a field agent, but her duty was akin to that of a chess player, a tactician, a strategist and her chess pieces, were the agents under her command. And the playground was the operations she led and handled. And after a long time, she became good at it.
Throughout the years, she slowly got the hang of it, and finally earned the respect of her colleagues and superiors, specially Keiron, who had eventually become fond of her.
Everything was fine until she received a piece of devastating news.
Q's mother had committed suicide and her sister had a breakdown. At first, she couldn’t believe it. She knew her mother would never do such a thing! Didn’t she just remarry a good man who also happens to be wealthy? and had told her that she is in love with her new husband? That didn’t sound like the jovial mother she had often talked to over the phone. But as the details and truth began to resurface, everything became clearer...
As Q dug deeper for the truth, receiving the suicide note, her mother’s diary, the Private Investigator’s report and her sister’s story, one thing became clear; the cause of her family’s ruin was her mother’s new husband; Vincenzo Rosello.
Much to the family’s dismay, the truth was something painful to learn. Q broke down and cried. She considered dropping everything, just to get to her sister.
Her sister Helene, according to the report given to her by the investigator, was locked up in a private mental institution/ rehab in Mallorca and was given medication that had kept her mind blank every day.
Her grandfather and father were willing to do anything to get Helene rescued. But Q knew that if both her grandfather and father made a move, it will cause a diplomatic problem for the country. It was enough pretext for them that they should not intervene or try anything. Besides, the fact that the information was classified and Vincenzo Rosello was no ordinary man, makes it no easy task for her grandfather and father who holds high positions in the government, compared to her, a 'small fly'. So Q talked her family out of it and took it upon herself to rescue her sister, whatever it took.
At first, Q leaks the story to BBC News and CNN through an agent contact in Madrid, believing that public sympathy and pressure would force the country to intervene. However, Kieron Sorensen had done something, causing the networks to retract the news as a hoax.
Q was angry of course, upon learning of what happened. But she couldn't show it, and couldn't let anyone know that it was her who had leaked the information.
She didn't know what was coming for her until Kieron summoned her to his office.
"Ah, Q, please take a seat," Kieron offers, as she closes the door behind her. She had a feeling he might try to pry something out of her, but whatever it was, she decided that she will not admit to anything.
"What did you call me for?"
"Straightforward as always! Well, do you remember the painting at the museum that we saw?" he starts.
She scratches her head and thought how random the question was. "Which painting?"
"In front of the painting where I first handed you your badge," he said.
She suddenly remembered the event years ago, when he had welcomed her officially to the agency, by giving her a gun and badge inside a box, at a gallery, right in front of a painting. It looked more like a transaction between two people instead of a 'welcome' due to its secret, unnoticeable nature.
"Yes... what about it?"
"What was the painting again?" he asked.
"A knight and a lady," was her answer.
"A yes! 'A knight and his lady'! remember what I told you that time?"
"That there is no knight in shining armour to the rescue, that you are your own knight..." she casually mentions.
"And?" asking her to continue.
"That we should not aspire to be white knight, but a 'dark knights'" she rolls her eyes, thinking that this was a waste of time. "If there is anything else, I would like to go. I have a lot more paperwork to do,"
Kieron smiled " I am glad you remember, what is this then?" he pushes a paper towards her, containing the report that was leaked to the networks.
" I do not know what is this about?" she feigns ignorance.
His handsome face twists into a cynical smile. "Oh Q, isn't that your sister in the news?"
"Yes, I can see that, but we have been estranged ever since our parents divorced..." she lied. In fact, she almost communicated with them every day.
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"I see..." Kieron folds his hands and takes a long hard look at her, which made her uncomfortable, but she was not going to give anything away. "I just want to remind you not to play the 'Dark Knight' in this situation. I'm not saying it was you who did this but consider the position your family would be in."
"Is that a threat, Director?" she clenched her teeth.
"No, it's a warning..." was his response, followed by a handsome smile, that she had so wanted to punch.
"Duly noted..." was her resigned response.
"I'm glad you understand, we have to always choose and preserve the greater good..."
"Greater good? so you want me to abandon my sister?" her voice was strained, as anger began to rise within her.
"I never said that... What I'm saying is, incidents like this can be considered as something against the agency and the government "
"I am aware of that and don't need you to remind me..." was her curt reply.
"I will not tolerate insubordination, and I will not back you up or rescue you if you continue this," he adds.
"I did not break any rules..." was her firm response, bent on not admitting anything.
" If that is so, you are to take a two-week compassionate leave,"
"I don't need it, I have a lot of work to do," she says, brushing it off.
"It's not a request, it's an order..." was his stern reply. "You're not into step into the office within those two weeks,"
"You can't do that?! I have a lot of work to do, and people who depend on me," she insists. She knew the moment she leaves the office, she will be unable to access some resources needed to rescue her sister.
"That's all taken care of," he said nonchalantly.
She felt her plans fall apart. It was obvious why Kieron was doing this. And that is to prevent her from taking any action, and this made her extremely frustrated.
" You have 2 days to finish whatever you can. After that, surrender your access card and gun before you go..." he adds, which finally broke the camel's back.
In a fit of anger, Q bolts out of her seat and attacks Kieran, pulling his arm forward, and punches his face the moment she had close the distance, which caught him off guard.
But a seasoned combatant like Kieron had recovered quickly and caught her body, swung her into his back and slammed her hard on the table.
Q, flinched in pain, but was not one to give up, countered his attack by trying to lock his arm, forcing him into submission. However, he was able to free himself from it and back throws her, causing her to land on the nearby couch with a loud thud.
But before she could even recover, Kieron had already gone on top of her and held both her wrist above her head, pinning her down the couch in a compromising position.
He leans close to her face and whispers to her ears, "You do that again, I will not be as merciful..."
She felt goosebumps on her neck with what he did. It was no mistake, she was turned on. It was also not a big help that Kieron is a handsome man. She did not want to look at him in the eye, or the feelings that she had withheld inside her, for him, all these years, might just spill...
He drags her back up and buttons the top part of her shirt, which she had not noticed was open. Some of the buttons were gone due to the physical altercation that had happened between them earlier. Her face felt warm as she looked away, as the gesture felt sensual and intimate. A significant other is supposed to do these things, not your boss! And certainly not after a fight!
He stilled her and gently tilted her chin to meet up his gaze. For a moment she was lost in his citrine eyes.
"Don't cause trouble, I would hate to lose you..." he whispered, and it felt more of a warning. "Go..." he turns around and walks back to his table, waving her off.
"Damn him..." she muttered under her breath as she went back to her small office. She had only two days to do her work, in addition to getting whatever resources she needs to rescue her sister. If Kieron thought this setback will discourage her, then he is wrong.
After two days of work, the moment she had reached home, she had finally decided to go off-grid. She knew the moment she had left the agency, Kieron would've probably put her under watch list.
Pushing a heavy bookshelf on the side, the self glided easily despite its weight, revealing a small secret room with a vault inside her apartment. On one part of the shelf, was two fake passports and identity cards she had procured over the years, on one part was a thick clipping of the currency 'Euros'. She takes them and throws packs into her bag, before coming back for the vault, and taking another handphone.
She leaves her handphone on the bedside table and didn't plan on taking it with her to Spain. Kieron surely would use it to track her and she couldn't risk anyone knowing her plans and ruin them.
But before leaving, she messages her father;
'Perseus is coming for Andromeda'
Mallorca, Spain
Q was not surprised that it was raining hard the moment she arrived at Mallorca. It was after one of their coldest seasons.
She wasted no time and immediately embraced her new identity, Geórgia Santos, a woman from Terrassa who will work as the cleaner at the psychiatric hospital where her sister, Helene is confined.
She eventually took on her role well, and immediately gained the respect of the medical staff within a few days of working as a cleaner. She even gained information who are some of the patients, through gossip with the nurses.
By the end of the week, she learned that the forbidden room she wasn't allowed to enter was the same room Helene is solely confined in. Not only because it was guarded. Moreover, thrice a week, a man comes to visit the room and stays there for almost a whole day, and he would ask the staff about his 'prisoner' in the room.
Upon learning the whole truth, she had sneaked in one night into her sister's room and found her in a state any family member would not like to see. Her informer was right, Helene was kept mentally blank every day. She had eventually bribed the nurse and the doctor assigned in Helene's room for information and their silence. According to the nurse she had bribed for information, the ‘stepfather’ would often visit Helene and stay at her quarters for a ‘very long time'.
Flabbergasted, Q calls out the nurse for not doing anything. But the nurse reasons that the ‘stepfather’ is a powerful man and they themselves were afraid to go against him. When she made it known that she wanted to take Helene from the institution and bring her back to England, the nurse and the doctor, though feeling guilty, advised her not to, as Vicenzo Rosello will not allow it. It will put the whole staff in jeopardy.
When she promised a way out, and a way to cripple Vicenzo, so that he would not misdirect his anger. Both of them immediately agreed and cooperated.
"Saint George, has seen the dragon" she sends another cryptic message to her father. What it actually meant is that she had seen Vicenzo.
The messaging window indicated 'typing' for a long time. She knew her father was holding back the anger, he was surely thinking of giving an order to kill. But no, he seems to have thought it through.
"Saint George should not slay the dragon," was his response followed by "Yet...".
Q chuckled upon receiving the message. Oh, the many ways they plan to hurt Vicenzo. After all, killing him immediately is an easy way out. They should torment him every chance they get, after what happened to her mother and Helene.
Unbeknownst to the agency, within her two last days before her compassionate leave. She had forged a directive signed by the agency's head to begin "Operation Persues" a rescue mission that is spearheaded by the SAS that she had developed within a short amount of time as 'Plan B" for her own attempt to rescue her sister.
On the night of the extraction, the moment the power was cut, Q hurriedly rushed to the floor where her sister was confined. The guards were out so she was able to easily enter her room.
When she entered Helene's room, she found her sleeping soundly in the dark, much to her relief. She checks her watch to see how much time she has. She could carry her sister to the nearby coastline herself where a boat is supposedly waiting for them, or wait for the soldiers she assigned to guide them there.
Her plan was to get Helene to Madrid and have her transported via car (as she was not mentally stable) to the south of France where their grandfather was waiting for them.
She felt her hands grow cold, as the clock ticks. The guards will be back any time now, and she has no gun to neutralize them if it comes into an altercation.
Suddenly, there was a sharp sound of a suppressor, followed by a loud thud on the floor. There was a knock on the door before it opened to reveal an imposing figure standing in the door frame, dressed in black night ops camouflage, with a large rifle. A normal person would probably be scared if they see him. After all, he looked like the stuff of 'nightmares' specially with his face covered, and his eyes were night-vision lenses that made him look like a multi-eyed monster.
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"She's not stable," she whispers to the man. " I'm afraid of her waking up, and causing a commotion. "
The man nodded in understanding, before signalling another soldier outside of the room to come in.
The other soldier takes out a syringe containing a sedative to calm Helene down, in case she wakes up. In any other situation, Q would be fine, doing it to the target. She had carried out a lot of operation that needed this course of action. But now that they're doing it to her sister, she felt a little conflicted.
Another soldier enters the room and carries Helene out carefully. The first soldier, who first entered the room pulls out a gun from one of his armour's holsters and hands it to her.
"Thank you," she says softly, glad that he was considerate enough to give her a weapon to defend herself.
In a few minutes time, the power will come back, they needed to get to the nearby coastline by foot, as the sound of the car can attract attention this late at night, at a quiet place like this.
The smell of the incoming rain was obvious to her, the moment they stepped out of the hospital, they needed to get to the boat before the rain falls. There were 5 soldiers, and the boat can only carry 5 people, which meant two should stay ashore, and leave in another way.
"I will see you at Bordeaux, give her to the Admiral as instructed..." she says, referring to her grandfather, as she instructs the soldiers and they respond with a nod. She trusted them enough to carry their duty. Moreover, it wasn't the first time working with the SAS.
She watched as the boat left the shore, and turned away once she can no longer see them in the distance.
Turning her attention back to the soldier who stayed behind with her, she realized that it was the same person who first entered the room earlier and passed her a gun. Though she could not see his face like the rest of them, it was his aura that separates him from his team. He seemed like a very seasoned soldier and she wouldn't be surprised if he was, as her guest and observations were often right.
"Thank you for staying behind, I do not know if you have a plan B, but I'll take care of us here, from now on. And we'll be back in London before you know it!" she tries to convince him, but he did not respond and just stared at her. She sighed in resignation and asks him to follow her, as the rain began to fall.
Not far from the hospital was a small cabin she had rented as her temporary quarters.
"Come in..." She opens the door and holds it open for him.
The moment they entered the house, he was met with countless papers, photographs, stuck on a corkboard, and a few, small spy tech, including a laptop. The rest, was just a small kitchen, a small fireplace, bathroom, a queen-size bed, and a small couch, nothing more, nothing less. The small house looked like an operational briefing room, instead of living quarters.
"I'm sorry about the mess, I'll burn them once we leave, go make yourself at home. You must be tired so you can take my bed and I won't mind it, I'll sleep on the couch" she uttered mindlessly, as she started packing some of the equipment for more space. "Besides, I need to forge a few papers here and there to get us out of here, I'll buy you new clothes tomorrow too," she adds, turning towards him, still without a response.
"So, uhh... I don't plan on seeing you in the raw, so... just cover yourself up with a blanket" she sighed, though she meant well, not wanting him to stay in his damp clothes, she felt sorry for the guy. He probably thinks she's a weird pervert now for saying that carelessly. "Sorry, I came unprepared for this part. I didn't know it will rain..." she reasons.
The man finally sits down on the couch and makes himself comfortable, and began slowly dismantling his rifle.
She heaved another sigh, before remembering the gun he has handed her earlier on. "Ah yes, I almost forgot, here's your gun, I-" she paused for a moment and disarmed it, removing the silencer and the bullets and then she felt a certain texture on one side of the gun and saw an engraved quote;
'This is a tool, I am the weapon'
There was no mistake, this was her gun that the agency confiscated before she left for her 2 weeks leave. How did a special ops soldier end up having it?
She looked at him confused. "H-How did you?"
The man's answer was silence and then he took off his night visions goggles and his mask, only to reveal Kieran, underneath the camo.
"Shit..." she muttered under her breath, as alarms started ringing inside her head. This operation was unsanctioned, to begin with, and the only way she was able to carry it was by using her and her father's money, forging signatures for approval and unprofessionally using the companies resources to carry out the rest, which she knew she had distorted the evidence so that they will not find out.
"How... how did you-?" she was lost for words.
"You made a small blunder... that's how I found out..." he says sternly, as he slowly approached her, his expression was cold. She knew what was coming. He was going to kill her in cold blood. It didn't matter if she was his prodigy and that they've been colleagues for a decade, or that he was fond of her. Kieran was first and always a cold-blooded assassin/operative, even before he became the division head. She heard the stories, and she witnessed how cold and cruel he could be. Nor does he take betrayal well. And this unsanctioned operation is considered betrayal in the agency's eyes, and his. And what happens when one commits 'insubordination? if lucky they can get away with getting court-martialed if not, they are 'neutralized'.
Unfortunately, she will be getting the latter.
But she didn't want to die. She wanted to reunite with her family, to finally be there for Helene, after years apart. To finally mourn her mother properly. She didn't want her family to have another person to mourn for. She wants to live, and she will fight to live.
Wasting no time, she throws the gun at his face, as she didn't have enough time to re-assemble everything.
"Fuck..." Kieran cursed under his breath when the heavy metal hits his chests and was followed by the silencer before she made a run for it outside.
The backwoods was dark, and she almost tumbled down, running. Especially now that it rained heavily, the place was slippery. This setback was certainly something she didn't expect. She needed to gather her thoughts and think of a plan C. She did remember that she had kept backup 'necessities' in a locker at the port. She just needed to get there safely and get Kieron off her trail.
However, before she could make her next move. A pair of strong arms wrap around her waist, swung her to his shoulders, and then throws her back down into the ground.
"That's for earlier..." Kieran mentions as he circled around her.
"This is not fair, I thought you were a gentleman!" she says, in spite of the situation.
"I am... I haven't injured you yet, haven't I?" was his playful remark. "Get up!"
She struggled to get up and glared at him. " You think this is a game?"
"And you thought I wasn't serious when I warned you? Remember, every action has a consequence and this is yours..."
She finally gets up and rushes forward to attack him. He immediately blocks her fist, but she kicks his knees, breaking his stance.
He quickly recovers and prepares for an attack, but she had jumped at him, wrapping her legs around his waist, and using the force of her momentum to throw him back down to the ground. She quickly grabs his back leg and twists it.
Quickly wrapping her legs around his, she cranks it the wrong way, pulling it forward, hyperextending it, in an attempt to dislocate and cripple him.
He screams in pain, as she put him into a kneebar submission. However, he quickly counters her move by kicking the back of her knee with his free leg and freeing his other leg out in the process.
Unable to continue the kneebar, Kieron immediately grapples with her once he was free. But she was too quick and got away quickly.
"Not bad..." he laughs.
She tried to catch her breath and glared back at him. She rather escapes than prolong this fight. Fighting against a veteran like Kieron is futile. However, before she could make a run for it, he moves forwards and quickly strikes her in the gut, causing her to lose air and then consciousness.
It was 4 am according to her clock when she gained consciousness once again and found herself with her arms tied up to the bedpost.
The only thing that serves light in the room was the small fireplace, and Kieron was in front of it smoking a cigarette, with nothing but a blanket on, wrapped around his waist.
If this was any other situation, this was a wet dream come true. She had always been curious about the body underneath those sharp custom made, Saville-Row suits and smart apparel he wore to work. He was like those silver fox models that were displayed in GQ and not once did she see him undone and raw like this. Heck, he looked good even when doing violent interrogations.
His body was muscularly lean and well-toned, with scars here and there. In short words, he's damn hot.
She sighs and takes in the sight before her. It was probably the last thing she would see and remember him for before he ends her life.
"Like what you see?" he teased.
"Put a shirt on... you're ugly..." was her rude response.
He laughs out loud and stares at her.
"Just kill me..." she pleads. She was not willing to go through torture and interrogation, and she knew that was coming next.
He gets up and seats down on the side of the bed. "But I'm not done with you yet...." he whispers.
" We can be done in a minute, I will tell you everything. I admit to it. I forged all your signatures for approval, used the agencies resources to gather information and used my own savings to fund this operation. That is all... now... do what you have to do..." she says in resignation. "And do it quick, I don't want it to be painful" she adds.
He takes out a knife and she closes her eyes shut, preparing for what's next. However, to her surprise, Kieran cuts of the rope binding her arms instead, before walking away and sitting back down in front of the fireplace.
"Kieron..." she calls his name whilst rubbing the lacerations on her wrist.
"You're a fool, you know?... I've advised you many times to not do this..."
"The agency will..." she began but he quickly cut her off.
"They're not aware, I've cleaned it up for you..." was his simple response.
"Why-why? you said...-"
"I'm not that heartless that you and others make me out to be..." he says nonchalantly, waving it off. "You're not trained as a covert agent... do you know how worried I was when I found out?"
"Who are you to care? we're nothing but colleagues and your nothing but the heartless department director who wants results! I am well aware that I am just your pawn!" She shook her head. Kieron Sorenson was too cold to even care. " Please save me the pretence..."
He glares back at her and gets back up to approach her. Closing in the distance like a predatory animal and she was his prey.
"Kieron... I-" before she could say anything, he crushed his mouth against hers and much to his surprise, she did not protest or struggle and welcomed it wholeheartedly. Returning the kiss with equal intensity.
He tried in vain to slow down and pull away for them to catch their breath. Only to find her looking back at him with longing eyes.
"Since when?" she asked. Of course, she was confused by this sudden 'confession'. She may admit that she does have a secret crush on the cold-blooded director. But not once did she expect that he had affection for her too.
"The museum..." he whispers huskily, referring to the time he had welcomed her to the agency. She looked so beautiful that day, her head held high, upon proving how wrong he was about her, as she sat beside him in front of the painting. " I wanted to kiss that witty mouth of yours... but that's just unprofessional..."
"You're being unprofessional now..." she remarks.
"I don't give a damn..." he says and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.
A/N: I think I might have made some grammatical errors. So I'd do soft editing. I'll write Part 2 (SMUT!!!) next after this.
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tsuki-kirigakure · 6 years
My Top 10 Voltage Men
I had a really hard time in doing this I can't choose. 😥 I'm probably gonna shuffle this again next time I do this because there are still tons of guys I haven’t added. 😅 I also took hours in making this because Tumblr is being a btxh and won’t let me save nor post this. 😒
Thanks for the tag @mandyinwonderland ♥
10th: Riki Yanase ♡ [Love Letter from Thief X]
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Riki is one of the guys I've been very addicted to.  I would spend my days (if I'm not at school) and nights reading his stories. He kinds of come out as an arrogant guy but he's really sweet and loving and passionate about the people he loves. He would always make them happy and safe and would put them and their happiness first. 
9th: Huedhaut ♡ [Star Crossed Myth]
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When I first saw the summary or the preview for Hue’s story, I knew that I had to read it and I wasn’t wrong. This guy is a snarky hot and smart guy which rules the Zodiac sign Aquarius. He makes the best wines and all but he’s broken and refused to acknowledge love again after losing you, the previous goddess of fate, the love of his life. He sacrificed one of the stars in his life to make sure that you live. His sarcastic and funny comments would make you laugh, his painful past with the goddess of fate would make you cry, but his sweet and flowery words and gestures would definitely make you swoon. I swear.
8th: Ryota Mochizuki ♡ [Our Private Homeroom]
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Before I played this story I had reservations about playing this game. Since I wasn't fond of teacher-student relationships and only went for student-student and teacher-teacher types, but boy did this story proved me wrong. I was practically smitten with him for being such a cutie and A MATH TEACHER. HE LOVES MATH AND SO DO I. We instantly clicked y’know? What’s better is that he’s kind to all of his students and cheers them on and just shows how damn good of a teach he is. Then he can like see and recognize your hard work and would totally cheer you on when you’re losing faith on yourself. He would also prioritize you, your dreams and your happiness above anything and would sacrifice his job that he loves and fight for you.
7th: Kyohei Rikudoh ♡ [Scandal in the Spotlight]
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BBY KYO ❤ THIS GUY MAKES THE ABSOLUTE BEST FRIED RICE APPARENTLY HEHE JUST A FUN FACT. It was love at first sight with this guy. He’s the sexiest man alive I think? Well that’s true for me at least hihi. Kyohei loves to tease you and do sweet things for you. He would sacrifice everything for you and always put you and your happiness first. He loves seeing you blush and smile and make all those “cute expressions”. He would protect, care, love and cherish those important to him. He’s strict with work but that’s because Revance is really important to him. He’s hot and he knows it. He loves spending time with you especially alone times hihi 😉 He may come off as arrogant to other people but really, he’s just a handsome and easily jealous cutie pie. ❤
6th: Toma Kiriya ♡ [Irresistible Mistakes]
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HERE COMES ONE OF MY SNARKIEST MOST SARCASTIC BUT LOVING AND SWEET AND UNDERSTANDING AND SUPPORTIVE CUTIE. He loves sugary drinks tbh he says it gives his brain the energy it needs. He loves to work and he’s good at what he does, usually handpicked for big projects. He’s unstoppable with MC beside him hihi. He’s so cute when he blush like he’s such a cutie pie. He’s probably the best guy to have a conversation with, like literally he cracks me up every time and makes me happy every time I see his face. I’m in love hihi. WHY CAN’T TOMA EXIST IN REAL LIFE?! HE’S JUST SO PERFECT.
5th: Tsumugu Kido ♡ [Our Two Bedroom Story]
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Here comes my awkwardly cute, blushes easily when he says or does something sweet or bold or when MC does the same, king of tightwads. He’s what you would call stingy but it’s just because of how hard it was for them in the past. He’s good with his work and has a “split-personality” hehe when he’s at work and at home. He loves the MC so much and knows how hard she works as well as how good she is at work but would never openly admit it in normal times. He’s such a cutie pie who loves strawberries and HIS SIBLINGS ARE SO CUTE AND PRETTY, sazuku being the cute and sakura and mizuki being the pretty ones. I love his puns and jokes. He loves seeing you happy and would be happy knowing that you are. HE’S SUCH A CUTIE I SWEAR BRO.  
4th: Izaac Martin ♥ [Gossip Girl Party]
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YOU GUYS, DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN KNOW OR REMEMBER GOSSIP GIRL PARTY? BECAUSE I CERTAINLY DO. THIS GAME IS STILL AND WILL FOREVER BE IN MY HEART AND MIND AND NOTHING CAN EVER MAKE ME FORGET THIS ESPECIALLY MY BABY IZAAC. Y’KNOW SEEING THE FAREWELL MESSAGES THEY GAVE US WAS DEFINITELY HEARTBREAKING. I WAS FREAKING CRYING THE WHOLE ASJAKDDGDSNVKDJBVUD TIMES I READ THAT MESSAGE. WHY DID VOLTAGE HAVE TO REMOVE IT FROM GOOGLE PLAY? WHY CAN’T WE JUST KEEP THEM EVEN IF THEY WON’T UPDATE IT ANYMORE? 😭💔 But okay let me just say that Izaac is my forever babe even if I hated one of his stories that led me to uninstalling the app and reinstalling it again right away hehe. He’s like perfect. He would tease you with his words but would also say and do the sweetest things. He loves you so much and knows you so well. He’ll support you in the things you wanna do and he’d be really proud of you. I love this guy so much you know and I miss him so bad 😭💔
3rd: My Forevs Inspiration and Smexiest Cool Baby, Kiyohito Shirakami ♥ [Kings of Paradise]
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OMG BABY KIYO OKAY HERE IT GOES WE’RE DOWN TO MY TOP 3. Kiyo is what would seem to be cold and indifferent. He would also be considered as strict and is like a robot who constantly works and doesn’t feel or show feelings at all. That’s what I thought at first too but his harsh words are actually very sweet in his own ways because he believes in you. He doesn’t want you to be sad and wants you to regain the confidence you lost. His story has inspired me to overcome my anxiety and do my best in the things I thought I couldn’t do. He would tell MC to decide on her own and he would grade her as well as to go beyond because she can. The story doesn’t just revolve around sweet stuffs tbh it also includes growth in both Kiyo and MC and it’s one of the best y’know. Kiyo also loves it when MC is being honest with him and is greedy with him as well. His ways have truly changed MC and you guys his story is really meaningful. And bro age doesn’t really matter here. I even forgot that Kiyo is younger than MC. hihi. 
2nd: My Precious Hot Ninja, Saizo Kirigakure ♥ [Samurai Love Ballad Party]
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OKAY LAST TWO WOHOO HERE COMES MY BABE SAIZO!!!!! Okay so this guy is one of the best. He freaking write smuts HAHAHAHAHAHA kidding aside you guys saizo would seem like a cold, heartless killing machine but that’s because he was trained to be like that. He was trained in Iga to be a fearless killing machine that would carry out missions without feeling anything. But HAVE YOU GUYS EVER READ HIS POVS?!?!?!?! BRO THAT IS NOT HOW AN EMOTIONLESS KILLING MACHINE IS BRO HE’S SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS AND WOULD GIVE AWAY HIS LIFE FOR MC EVEN IF OFC WE DON’T WANT THAT! I WOULD NEVER WANT TO SEE MY BABY DIE LIKE I WOULD CRY AND MY WORLD WOULD STOP SPINNING AGAIN @voltageparty pls don’t do anything stupid. And so Saizo loves his little lady so much even if he doesn’t say it often but he would let you feel it. Your smile would brighten up his day and maybe even his life. You’re the only reason he wants to live because he wants to go home to you. He always wants you to be safe and happy. Baby ninja, always remember that the moon is beautiful. ❤
1st and would probably be always my first, the King, Eisuke Ichinomiya ♥ [Kissed by The Baddest Bidder]
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AND HERE WE ARE TO MY FOREVER BABE EVER SINCE IT WAS RELEASED. Yes you read it right, I just fell in love with him before the game was released because at that time I thought that game was too mature for my age when I based it off their trailer. But I still tried it hehe Eisuke is known as the “King”. He owns the Tres Spades Hotel and the head of the Ichinomiya Group. He’s aloof, bossy and isn’t the type to be full on honest but he has a kind heart. He’s DEFINITELY HANDSOME and is a great leader and businessman. Despite his heartless facade, women would always surround him and beg for his attention even if he wouldn’t pay attention to them. He’s easy to misunderstand for being cruel and ruthless, but don’t be fooled, he’s doing things for a good reason.During his first season tho, he thought of you as a pawn, just something that he owns to be used, but the character development after passing through that phase was definitely tear-jerking and heart melting, all in a good way of course.  Another thing that I love about Eisuke is how his stories understands and helps solving one of the social problems in the world, shaming people, both physically, emotionally and also mentally. It has helped not only me, but many other people out there to love and accept who they are and that they don’t need to change and just be themselves. I’m really glad that I got to meet and fall in love with Eisuke for this long. He has and will always have a special place in my heart. The moon is beautiful, Eisuke and it will always be. ❤
I'm still wondering why people hate Eisuke like why
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Hello! I'm so glad I found your blog bc as I can see there's not so much active aot blogs on tumblr now( Anyways, can you write a drabble (platonic!) at trainee squad with Armin? They've recently gotten there and reader is not talkative and even maybe seems to be a cold loner at first? It turns out that she can't humble the loss of her family and usually comes out the dorm and starts crying so no one can see her weakness. Armin sees it and talks to her and eventually they become friends
And with some more trainees as well!) Reader is actually a nice and caring person. I hope it’s not that much and sorry from any mistakes, I’m not from English speaking country. Have a nice day!
Hiya, I asked for a request with Armin aaaand I kinda changed my mind a bit. If it’s not too late, can you make reader pretty cheerful and optimistic outside instead of being reversed? She just hides her emotions behind that happy mask bc she wants to be strong but Armin notices that. Sorry I couldn’t write about this before, I’ll be more accurate next time! Of course you don’t need to rewrite it if you’ve already started
There’s more of us around than you think, we’re just hiding. ;D
I am so excited about this ask!! Hope you like it anon! :D
“Is it true you were in Shiganshina when those titans broke through?”
“Yeah, we all were.” Eren gestures to himself, Armin and Mikasa, who shrinks into her scarf. 
“So then… what are you doing here? With the scouts? If you know how dangerous they are?”
“They’re no big deal, really… I’m going to kill every last one of them!”
“You’re certainly braver than I am… I don’t want to take those things on!” Bertholdt exclaims, shivering.
“What?!” Eren yells, nearly climbing up onto the table. “What the hell are you doing here then?” Armin pulls him back into his seat with difficulty. 
“Eren, come on. Let them tell their side of things.”
“We have a mission.” Reiner takes a swig of water, downing his entire cup. “We have to join up if we want to get back home. It’s the only way.” Bertholdt nods solemnly.
“Home…I don’t think we’ll ever get back there…” Armin murmurs.
Noticing the dark shift in the table’s atmosphere, you squirm uncomfortably in your seat. Everyone’s lives have been devastated, yours included, but it hurts you to see them all in such anguish. You take a deep breath. You’re not sure if this’ll work, but you have to try.
“Come on now, everyone! Home may be far away, but if we give it our all and work together, it isn’t nearly as far away as it seems! Don’t lose heart, we still have a chance.” You force a smile, but it turns real as the light returns in everyone’s eyes. 
“That’s right! We’ll hit the books, get stronger. We’re not little kids anymore, we’ll turn ourselves into titan killing machines!” Eren bursts out. 
“Heh, yeah, no way I’m going to be weaker than a punk like you!” Reiner laughs as he grabs Eren in a light chokehold. With the table laughing and smiling again, you feel a sense of relief. Finally, you were useful, unlike that day…
Your smile drops as you remember the day the wall fell. Your family being trapped in the house while you had gone out to run some errands. By the time you ran back to them, it was too late. There were titans coming from every direction, and fearing death you had run. You’ve hated yourself for being such a useless coward since that day, and swore you would never stand idly by while people suffered ever again.
“Hey, Y/N, where did you say you were from again? You must be from a village further north with your lighthearted disposition!” Reiner asks with a big, teasing grin, still struggling with Eren.
With that, something in you snapped. Your smile vanished instantly, along with any feelings of warmth and camaraderie. 
Your heart beats faster.
“I’m from…”
Your hands clench into tight fists.
“from Shiganshina.”
Suddenly you’re back to your home on that day, watching massive titans stomp casually through the city, towards your small family home. You so desperately wanted to help, and ran to them as fast as you could, hoping to beat the hulking monstrosities. When you rounded the corner you saw one rip the roof off with a small tug. It paused to look at you, it’s big eyes empty of any compassion, filled only with dulled boredom. A warm trickle flowed down your leg, but your body refused to move. It wasn’t until a passerby tugged on your arm that you were able to run. Run from death. Run from pain. Run from your family’s screams as they were eaten alive.
“Y/N?” Mikasa asks, her face laced with concern.
You can feel your emotions rising to the surface and start to panic. 
“What? Me? Of course I’m fine I just… um… I have to go to the bathroom!” You force a fake laugh as you rush out of the mess hall. Rounding the corner you press your back against the cold stone wall and finally allow yourself to break down. You sink to the floor in a distressed heap, quietly sobbing as you hug your knees into your chest.
“Hey… Y/N?” Armin places a hand gingerly on your shoulder. you look up at him, startled, quickly wiping away the tears flowing down your cheeks. 
“Oh, Armin, I didn’t realize you were…”
“Are you alright?” He stared at you, his eyes filled with worry and genuine care. It makes you feel weak and worthless, always in need of saving.
“I’m sorry, I’m being such a burden… Give me a minute and I’ll be back to myself again. I promise.” You refuse to look him in the eye, ashamed of yourself.
A spark of recognition flashes through Armin’s mind as he sees himself in your pained, vulnerable form. As he watches you collect your broken pieces for his sake, he can’t help but notice your strength and wish there was some way he could support you.
“Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to be strong on my account, Y/N. What we went through in Shiganshina… it was hell. We lost so many people, good people, and we have to honor their lives by remembering them. Yes, it’s hard and sometimes painful, but it’s better than if they hadn’t been part of our lives at all. I lost my grandfather during that expedition to reclaim wall maria, and I miss him terribly, but I know he’d want me to remember all the good times we had, and to be happy. I’m sure your family wants the same for you. We were kids back then, there was nothing we could do, but it’s like you said, if we work hard then one day, maybe, we can make a difference.”
You let out a sob, your own body betraying your determined efforts to stay in control. Soon your eyes run like rivers, and your hands fly to your face in one last attempt to hide the hurt you’ve been holding in for so long.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You don’t have to pretend, not for me.”
“I- I’m sorry Armin, I didn’t mean to bother you with this. I’m so sorry.”
He sits next to you on the floor.
“It’s a relief actually, knowing I’m not the only one hurting.” After a moment of contemplation he wraps his arm around your shoulders, then sits with you in silence for as long as you need.
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