#and then i gotta scroll through posts of people cancelling each other over what characters they like
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veritasrose · 3 months ago
I love scrolling tags of my faves, but unfortunately it means seeing fandom drama and I am just so damn tired. I am too old for this shit. Same old arguments and ship wars and insults and accusations…
Is life not hard enough already? Do they have so little real life issues that they gotta stir up something? I just do not get it.
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onceuponamirror · 7 years ago
11 questions game
tagged by @raptorlily, who prepared 11 questions for her tag-ees:
1. The core four + Kevin and Cheryl are attending a literary character party. What costume does each of them wear? Bonus: What costumes are the Southside Serpent characters wearing?
OH BOY. well, betty is elizabeth bennett. her instinct is obviously be nancy drew, but then decides she wants to play dress up a little bit. she tries valiantly to get jughead into a darcy couples costume, but his instinct is to just be sal paradise because he won’t have to buy anything for the costume. 
betty tells him that if she’s not going to be nancy, he should go outside the box too. he then decides on dressing like the titular mummy from jane loudon’s the mummy! (he’s still a weirdo, remember)
veronica goes as daisy buchanan if not purely for the extravagant opportunity to dress like a flapper, archie comes as jim hawkins from treasure island, cheryl bucks expectation and attends as a female robin hood (she already loves archery), and kevin is absolutely sherlock holmes. he’d look so natural in a trenchcoat!
2. What extracurricular activities are Reggie, Ethel, Fangs, Midge, Toni and Sweetpea involved in?
besides sports, reggie’s extracurricular activity is definitely selling ground up oregano to middle schoolers and telling them it’s weed. 
ethel is canonically a drama geek and that’s valid, but she’s also probably in band. i’m gonna go with....flutist. 
fangs is also canonically a drama geek and a regular geek (less we not forget jughead used a larping club to lure fangs out of a self-imposed suspension) so i honestly am just waiting for him and kev to start up their dungeons and dragons club. (wow they are perfect for each other tho??? a dorkier bughead)
midge (RIP) was probably into 4-H bc i can’t get the concept of “klump farms” out of my head. she seemed like a genuinely sweet person who also was a regular teenager and was a cheerleader and probably volunteered at hospitals too idk 
toni wanted to get laid so bad she became a cheerleader. or, ok, seriously i mean my headcanon is like, it’s bring it on, where toni was into gymnastics and dance in a v serious way but southside didn’t offer any curriculars that would allow her to do that, and she couldn’t afford gymnastics herself. turns out the closest thing riverdale has is cheerleading, which’ll do. 
sweet pea is probably the lowkey nerdiest of them all. i was joking earlier that he’s probably secretly into anime, but more seriously: feel like he’d go for basketball officially and also probably has an interest in engineering. i mean, that interest began with pipe bombs, but. yanno. ya dreams gotta start somewhere!!!
3. Give me three of your favourite headcanons for Reggie
had a crush on betty until high school
does his dumbest shit for his dad’s attention, painfully unsubtle about it
is cripplingly afraid of being alone, which is why he surrounds himself by teammates at all times and/or can’t get past the pack mentality. has difficulty being vulnerable in spite of all that, can’t be honest with himself and/or with others. 
4. It’s Saturday night and the core four are all hanging out by themselves at home. What is each of them up to?
betty is listening to the memory palace podcast while laying on her bed, feet crossed up in the air, doing her homework. cleaned her room earlier. wants to call polly. she doesn’t. stays up till two am for no reason other than her room is warm and full of golden light and it’s the only time the house is quiet. plugged back in her old nightlight, half out of spite after polly nearly threw it out, half genuinely. sometimes she thinks she’s still afraid of the dark. the irony isn’t lost on her. 
jughead is working on his novel, american crime story is playing on the TV in the background, a bag of popcorn slowly rotating in the microwave. the trailer is empty and he chooses to think his dad is at work. emails his sister. he doesn’t remember when, but they’ve stopped talking about their mom. his tattoo itches. toni told him not to scratch at it. 
veronica is drinking chamomile tea on a tray, scrolling through pinterest and making a european vacation mood board for the post-graduation trip she’d like to take with her friends. she wants to surprise them with it, all-expenses paid. she resists the urge to book flights years in advance. browses the barney’s website. doesn’t know why she gets such a thrill from online shopping. isn’t sure why she can’t stop. 
archie is in the garage, his fingers strumming aimlessly over the strings of his guitar. wonders why his mother can’t be a lawyer here in riverdale. isn’t sure if music was ever his own, or something he thought he should want, because he didn’t want to work construction. or worse, because a woman found it attractive. brought his history textbook out with the intention to study. doesn’t. practices wonderwall, even though jughead laughs whenever the song comes upon. 
5. What’s your headcanon for Jughead’s hat? Why does he wear it? What’s the origin story?
his mom made it when he was a kid, and growing up in threadbare clothes donated down the line of serpents or thrift store finds, it was the one thing that was truly his---made for him. with love. 
being scrawny and quiet and outgrowing his pants too fast to replace them already set him apart. might as well let the hat seal the deal. 
6. What is your Riverdale guilty pleasure ship? One that you don’t necessarily ship in canon but wouldn’t mind reading fanfiction for?
don’t think i have one, honestly? 
7. Can Chuck be redeemed in your eyes? Any caveats or things that would need to happen to make this count?
yeah, it’s really interesting answer this question post 2x18, but---yes, i definitely think chuck can be redeemed. i never wanted him to be a villain in the first place, for so, so many reasons. 
i mean, comics!chuck was a deliberate bucking of specific stereotypes that riverdale slid right back into without seeming to think about what it was they were saying by doing that. (related readings: x) and then the way they did it---ack. 
outside of the vacuum of comics vs. show, i think that where we’re at culturally, we’re really asking men to unlearn their toxic masculinity. especially of adolescents who are still growing and changing---and what chuck did was certainly part of the vacuum of male privilege/toxic masculinity, but he faced consequences  for that, and then he acknowledged it. actively has announced he wants to change, and i genuinely believe it at this point. 
and while i wish chuck wasn’t the character they’re doing this with in the first place, “cancelled culture” can be really frustrating because it’s way too binary. it undermines the growth and self-crit we want people to be doing. 
obviously, it doesn’t apply unilaterally, some people are abusive or cruel or malicious to the point where they lose their ability to profit off of it, and rightfully so---but with a character like chuck, whose main crime appeared to just be slut shaming, i actually appreciate a narrative where a male character owns up to how that was bad, why it was wrong, and how they’re going to change. 
8. What is a storyline you’d like to see most explored on the show?
just---more familial dynamics. i cannot wait for gladys and JB, i think that’s going to be so meaty and tragic and emotional in the right ways. i want more of polly and betty’s relationship, and/or how betty feels watching her sister run away constantly, or just their dynamic in general. more of archie and fred navigating dreams vs. reality. i kinda don’t love veronica’s parents tho, and i’m not sure where they could take that in a way that i enjoy. 
9. What is your favourite Riverdale fanfic trope or cliché?
pining, man. just. pining. 
10. What is existing scene or storyline would you rewrite to better suit your tastes?
HAH. how much time do we have 
BONUS:  Archie starts a band. He settles on ‘The Archies’ but what were some of the other suggestions for the band name? Name three songs that show up on their debut album.
jughead’s suggestion is: red drum, red drum and he thinks it’s hilarious
three songs: midnight ride, smoking gun, and can’t fly
my 11 questions for my taggees 
1. which twist did you least see coming? genuinely. 
2. we all know riverdale loves hopscotching through genre elements (true crime, musical, grease, etc), and sometimes it’s too much, but which has been your favorite? what other ones would you like to see from the show?
3. riverdale does dirty on its secondary characters. what storylines would you give to reggie, kevin, josie, etc? or, what would you like to see for them in s3? anything you thought the show really fumbled? did right?
4. what are your backstory headcanons for sweet pea, fangs, and toni?
5. what’s your theory on the old riverdale riots?
6. it’s the ten year high school reunion. where did everyone go to college? (core four + the secondary pals) what’s your headcanon for their future careers? who’s still together? who wishes they were still together? who hooks up unexpectedly in a storage closet? 
7. what’s a storyline you just didn’t buy this season?
8. any headcanons for the riverparents? like, how they grew up, who they were in high school, why they went the directions they did?
9. what’s one trope that you’d wish the show would do? or something you wish you saw more in fic?
10. thoughts on reggie? will he ever be fleshed out? will it make him more of a villain, or less of one?
11. if you could have anything happen in s3, what would it be?
and i tag @village-skeptic @stillscape @sylwrites @lessoleilscouchants @myrmidonofmelodrama @heartunsettledsoul @raptorlily (tagging back, bc i want your answers on these too!) @theatreofexpression​ @imreallyloveleee​ 
or anyone who wants to answer!!! just tag me, i wanna see yer answers. these games are fun 
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cosmosogler · 7 years ago
hi guys. it’s already ten!!!
i went to bed later than i wanted to last night. then snoopy yowled all night. it woke me up 5-10 times. i lost count. i also didn’t know what time it was. i was just in limbo hell of “doze off, get immediately woken up by repeated and continuous meowing, still dark out.”
i was so tired when i got to class. i was so tired. i was only five minutes late. today i put on a light jacket and some gloves so the wind wouldn’t be miserable.
i met with my professors after class... the quantum mechanics professor gave me a Look. the classical mechanics professor told me this is becoming a problem because he can’t post the homework solutions for my classmates. it was... kinda stressful, i guess, honestly. i ended up caving and just asking suzanne for her solutions this evening when it became clear that i did not have time to sit and even start working yet again.
after my first two classes and the professor meetings my friends and i headed out for spaghetti day. it was great. we got there at a reasonable time and we had like 45 minutes to just relax in the grass and eat some spaghetti. 
every week harrison has been asking how many regretti i have at the end of each meal when i split off for group therapy. i have been slowly increasing the amount in my reply. 
oh yeah between classes luis was sitting at the desk next to me. i think one time he noticed when i was lost in thought because he held out his arm for a high five at the edge of my field of view. but anyway he said i was a northerner and i said arizona wasn’t really that far north of florida. he said i am sitting in the desk to the north of him so that makes me a northerner. i put my face in my hands.
group therapy went really well this week. the others seemed to think we didn’t talk about “anything heavy” but i think tax worries can get pretty heavy... i got to  share some of my achievements over the last week and talk about advice i’ve been trying to implement.
like when i was advised to start periodically writing down all my feelings in a notebook or a phone memo, i started stopping myself sometimes during the day and mentally scrolling through all the words for feelings that i could think of. i’d ask myself why i feel this way or that way, if that word fit how i was feeling... it’s not really making feelings come back? but it’s helping me kind of redefine the parameters i want to use for these feelings i guess. i said i haven’t been writing them down yet though, because i haven’t. i should do check ins a little more often even if i don’t put them here.
after group i went to get a hair cut!!! i just got a few inches off, to get my hair above my shoulders. on the way back to the department i noticed when people were looking at me way more than i usually notice. i was really worried something was wrong with my hair, or my face, or whatever i guess. when i finally did get back to the department i went in the bathroom to check the mirror and my brain said “oh!! it is my hair but shorter!” and that was a relief. when i was walking into the building my hair had formed a perfect ringlet directly into my eyeball so i put my bow back in. i had to wait for it to dry is all.
the other students were still all in class so i watched a youtube video. well, i watched two, since they were both around 20 minutes. after that keegan asked if i wanted to play smash and i said yes. harrison also joined us. 
we finally figured out a really good system. harrison and i are put on a team (with team attack on) against keegan and that way we win sometimes. actually as we kept playing harrison and i both got a lot better at working together and we started winning more often. we took out keegan when he was trying his hardest as, i think, marth, so he switched to captain falcon and kneed us both in the face until we flew off the edges.
i really want to switch to smash 4 but neither harrison nor keegan have a 3ds.
keegan showed me how to... jump cancel dash grab? i think that’s what it’s called. it made me actually able to grab other characters in the game hahaha. i don’t use grabs very much but with a much quicker option that helped a lot so i could hold him in the way of harrison’s attacks. or just throw him at harrison.
we played right up until the extra quantum lecture at 6. so, an hour and a half. which is not actually that long, game session wise. 
i told keegan later that i find it kind of astonishing that, like... it’s not surprising that i feel better after playing a video game with my friends. but the amount that i feel better is really something. i’ve been picking up new moves and hitting more “frame perfect” attacks every time we play and we barely even play once a week. it’s just... nice to be able to learn fast and retain a lot of information really quickly again, i guess. 
i realized a little too late that the pace of smash bros is comparable to that of fencing. i’d tell harrison to do something or to cover me and i’d feel like i gave him so much time and he just stood there, but thinking about it i probably gave him less than half a second to react before it was too late. i have to remember he’s a beginner, both to smash and to the gamecube controller. reflexes are something you build up over, you know, twenty-five years of playing video games i guess.
actually keegan was better at reacting to my communication than harrison was and i ended up missing a lot of big charged attacks because i’d try to warn the kid to get out of the way. team combos were a lot of fun though.
i do need to practice melee a little bit though... keegan said he was very interested in one-on-one fights because he would also get to do combos. i’ve gotten a lot better at them in the last few months but i still can’t take him on head to head haha.
that sure was a lot of time i just spent talking about smash!!!
i think i was the only one in our whole class who was actually taking notes in quantum at 6 pm. i was starving and exhausted though. i think everyone else (including the professor) was too. taylor may have fallen asleep.
after class taylor and i talked to harrison for a little bit and then we all went home. when i got home i popped some veggie corn dogs in the microwave and hid some cookies for snoopy. when i went to brush her i think i hit a tangle because she hissed at me again. she didn’t bite though! and i didn’t flinch away, i just moved my hand away and then put the brush down where she could see it. i’m glad that she trusts me enough to just hiss angrily instead of biting me and THEN hissing. she knows i’ll stop whatever i’m doing now. 
i cleaned her food bowl... and did some to-do list organization. i’m... worried. i feel like i took too many breaks today, even though it was only, like three. lunch, the videos after my haircut, and then playing melee for a while. everything else was class, doctor, or maintenance. 
tomorrow’s going to be just as bad. i’m teaching four hours from 9:30 to 1:45. i might get out a little less late since my slower student isn’t at my section this week... but then from 2 to 4 i’m at the drc. when am i gonna do homework...? suzanne sent me a guide but i don’t even have time to just sit down and follow that. and it’s not just blindly writing down everything because i gotta try to catch mistakes she made. and i also need to understand the material if i’m going to pass the class. it’s more like a hand rail while i go up the stairs.
i guess.
i just want to be caught up to my classmates again... i want to be part of the peer group instead of behind it. i’ve been struggling so hard with the homework that i haven’t been able to contribute and answer other people’s questions even in quantum. and i only have three weeks left to do that before finals. i’m scared. i still need to retake my quantum midterm but i haven’t had time to sit down to review my notes for that either.
sometimes i feel that if i had two more hours each day i could get everything that needed doing done. i’m starting to learn that a big part of grad school is accepting that not everything is going to get done on your preferred schedule. ESPECIALLY for me. so even with an extra two hours i probably just... wouldn’t be able to work for the whole extra two hours. i’m already exhausted by the end of the day. i can’t even do anything after like 8:30 unless it’s home-related and i can knock it out in 10 minutes. 
anyway a good thing today is that i got the self esteem boost of participating positively in group therapy today during the discussion, and also of realizing that i am remembering everything i learn during our bouts of smash even though they are kind of short and spaced very thinly.
it’s probably because i am actively doing the stuff i’m learning instead of trying to get it out of a book and lecture. it would probably help if i did physics practice problems. that’s always been a problem.
um... i guess writing it all down like this i did a lot today. it just wasn’t class work, which is what i need to be getting done. maybe tomorrow will be better. i’ll just have to try again. maybe i can bully harrison into grabbing an extra meal with me or something since hunger is a big issue when i’m thinking really hard.
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cwdcshows · 5 years ago
Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One
Here we go folks.... "Champions from across the multiverse" sure seems to encompass only two earths.... Did they just cancel Titans in a 1-second cutaway?
(Obviously, I know they didn't just cancel Titans in a cutaway.  But that would be epic way for them to do it...)
Man, Wesley Crusher's pissed about not being invited to be on Picard.... Wait, this universe destroying wave is making it's way towards the edge of the universe, where it will bounce back and destroy everything; and the only thing in it's current path before reaching the edge of the universe is Argos City?? ....(sigh)....Yeah, alright.... This is what Argos City gets for using AT&T as it's primary carrier.... Oh no, not Earth-38's Superman!  How could they kill him forever and ever?? We'll never see him or Lois again.....😐 You know, when you have three consecutive shots all set on the same Earth, you don't have to do that thing where the number next to Earth scrolls through different permutations and lands on 1 each time.  You can just put the number 1 after the first time; most of the people watching this already know that in spite of the name "Crisis on Infinite Earth" that it's mostly just two that that are predominantly going to be involved here; with the odd appearance of a few others.... (Sigh)....fucking "legends".....  but also....mmmm... Caity Lotz.....😍 Oh, thank God they told me we were back in the DEO on Earth-38.  For a second I thought Alex was standing in my living room.  And if you're wondering if my living room looks anything like the DEO, the answer is, no, but without the title card, how could I be sure? So, not surprisingly, Lyla arrived on Argo City at the last minute and saved Clark and Lois (along with the other residents of Argos City, I'm sure.....😒) - but then both Lois and Clark took time go change clothes too? Don't worry Kara, I'm sure you'll see your mother later; or some version of her - her double is married to your cousin's doppelganger on another Earth; which isn't...weird at all..... Also, holy shit, it actually has been nearly 8 years since Smallville went off the air.  And I haven't even been tempted to re-watch that show, and I've re-watched a bunch of shows numerous times in that same period; Buffy, Angel, Stargate SG1, and am presently on re-watching Burn Notice.  But definitely not Smallville.  I mean, I'm sure it's fine, it's not like it hasn't aged poorly or any of the cast have gone to jail anything.... So Kate does know Kara and presumably Oliver and Barry... so when the fuck did she meet them?  They met her last year, but she wasn't active until this year and didn't even have the red hair until like, a month ago.  Did the reality wave also bump all of them to like, last week or something; and then they got sent back...?   🤷‍♂️      
Wait, where's Barry?  And why hasn't anyone else asked "Where's Barry?"  With all non-powered people involved, the absence of one of the few meta-heroes you know should pique some curiosity. Not to mention, the acknowledgement of Earth-2 being destroyed would have reasonably elicited a bigger response from someone, like Barry, who actually knew people on Earth-2.
Finally, Oliver asks about Barry, but that still seems like a question that should have been asked before the meeting began.  I care less about him asking where the "legends" are, because honestly.....do you want to fuck this up.....?
Yeah, I guess "quantum tower" sounds better than "dimensional tuning fork"....
Oh fuck you writers.  Fuck, fuck you.  So now you're going to tell us that the Star City in 2046 was never Star City's future; and that the Waverider just casually took you to a parallel universe and back again and nobody noticed?? Fuck you.
Has it really taken a season and a half for Mia to properly suit up and become a "Green Arrow"?  I must be losing it, because I....swear she worn a costume/uniform out in the field.
What part of "I temporarily had my memory partial wipe in order to protect Supergirl's identity" a long story?  I mean, sure, there's a lot more to that to dig into, but that's a pretty concise recap and salient point in the whole brouhaha over Kara keeping her identity from Lena.... But I guess when the skies turn red and the world starts quaking....
Augh.....You know Lena, fuck you and your pity party.  This woe is me crap is getting old fast; and the writers better fucking wise up and either have her snap out of it or completely crossover into the territory of irredeemable villain pretty fucking soon.  And if it's going to be the latter, don't dither by trying to dither by making her one of those "misguided" villains who just thinks they're the right and everyone else is wrong.  Go full tilt, fuck all bad guy wracking up the body count and pulling people's strings.
So apparently Oliver on Earth-16 had some work done, because for 2046, he doesn't look that much older than he does in the present day; and a lot younger than the last time the "legends" came here.
Well, retrieving Jonathan from Earth-16 seems to have been pointless....
Boy, Oliver and Kate sure love doing a lot of unnecessary gymnastics moves.  It's like they're to one up each other.   "Oh, you can do a spin followed by a somersault?  Well, I'm going to spin twice and roll forward into a handspring."
Brainy's had this huge fucking Legion ship this whole fucking time and it's never come up before now??
What is the point of Sara having this conversation with a version of Oliver who isn't the main, conventional version of Oliver?  Seems like this would be a more poignant moment between the "real" Oliver and Sara. And did if this is the Earth the "legends" came to in season 1, didn't Oliver meet her?  Did they go to an earlier point in 2046 than the "legends"? (and no, I will not stop putting "legends" in sarcastic quotation marks, or keeping the L in small caps.)
They've established that when Superman and Supergirl go "super flare" they're powerless for a full 24 hours.  And the one time Kara did it, it took a little longer than that - and that's when the skies were blue and the sun was shinning.  Since they fell out of the sky, are they powerless now?  
Oh, for fuck sake, are they going to make Kelly the new Guardian?  I guess it wouldn't be an Avengers rip-off without a so-called hero with a shield....
Well, I guess Superman and Supergirl aren't de-powered....
Seriously, the Monitor poofs all the other heroes away, whether they were ready to leave or not, but Oliver of all people gets to say 'no' and keep fighting?  Because of course he has a weapon to stun the Monitor. And he finally runs out of arrows.  About damn time. But why would he drop his bow?  He's used it before as a defensive weapon in it's own right.
Were they doing a legitimate evacuation of the entirety of Earth-38?  Because that's a tall fucking order....
Come on, how the fuck can Barry tell that this Wells is "Nash" and not one of the million other fucking Wells he's met over the last five and a half years? Augh.... between Wells/Pariah and Lyla/Harbinger, I really hope we don't have any more characters taking on the other comic identities.  I know Lyla is Harbinger from the Comics and the Lyla is even the comic book character's proper name, but the way they're introducing them in their new roles is just so fucking forced.  Especially when they've had weeks to get both of them there more naturally and squandered it. Especially Wells, I think.  They could have used someone like Harry from Earth-2, which would have had the benefit of more established character history, while also giving us a glimpse into the possible fates of some of the other Earth-2 characters we've met, who we can only otherwise assume died and aren't even being acknowledged.
You gotta love everyone's timing here; big climactic, literally world ending battle, a quest to retrieve a baby and whatever the fuck "Nash" has been up to and they're all popping in to the same place at the same time. And did Brainy or Sara coordinate with anyone about returning to Earth-1 instead of Earth-38?  You know, the Earth they originally left from?
Oh, no, Oliver has died.  And I'm sure he's never coming back.....  😐🙄
Not for nothing, I think it's worth noting, part way through this, I may have been scrolling through Facebook and commented on an article on a theatre page, where I criticized the content of the article and words were exchanged with the OP, who didn't like my criticism and tried to take a shot at my length of my post, rather than it's substance, by saying it was too long and they didn't read it - or, you know, "tld, dr;" because for some people, full sentences make them cry.  But it also made me laugh, because that post was legitimately not that long; and certainly had nothing on the crap I post on here....
At any rate, interesting episode.  I kind of feel like I need to watch it again, without constantly pausing it to type my comments, and let it sink in more.
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