#and then i couldn’t even tear his gaff tape on the first try. he was like Abby this is so easy. IM SORRY
munamania · 4 months
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me rn 😔 or ig like half an hour ago..
#sat down frank had me helping take a camera apart#this is like my second time touching a more professional camera since his actual class mind u#like three people had to help me with ratcheting the sticks off 😭😭 and he was like Do u remember how we did it yesterday#and like yes but i think i’d need to sit w these for like twenty minutes alone to just get used to it. and also yesterday crucially it was#kind of fucked up and the ad had to help me with an actual. not screwdriver idk the tool i don’t fucking know#NOT to be like waaahhhh i can’t do it. i’m just so uncomfortable with it rn. and then we had to change the lens 😭😭😭😭#i’ve changed lenses before but i was already so frazzled i couldn’t even get it lined up right#he was like dude the white dots just line those up. king im trying i swear 😭 i just wasn’t letting it drop enough ig. um#then just to make me feel like i knew something he was like And where do we put the lens cap? one of three places#😔 sorryyyyyyyy#and like it’s fine i recognize i’m very um fresh and realistically it was fine and the ad was trying to mess around w me#while i was doing it to lighten the mood but i was so . again just whatever.’i took everything they said very literally#and then i couldn’t even tear his gaff tape on the first try. he was like Abby this is so easy. IM SORRY#to be fair to me i’ve used the shittiest cheapest tape my whole career i could tear that however#this shit was Tough. i got it the second he showed me how. small wins
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svtegg · 5 years
dead and buried (SVT apocalypse!au)
♡ wordcount: 4,7k ♡ chapter 9/? (ch.1, ch.2, ch.3, ch.4, ch.5, ch.6, ch.7, ch.8)
♡ rating: PG-13 death/violence, language
♡ pairing: svt x reader
I breathed out as the door clicked shut behind me. Leaning against it slightly as I ran the back of my hand across my sweaty forehead. After breathing for a moment, I slowly moved over to the tattered dresser along the right wall of the room and placed my baggage down. The rifle leaning carefully against the beige painted wooden panel of the dresser. I reached into the backpack and pulled out the content. A small emergency first aid kit, about three meters of rope, a foldable saw that reached about 15 centimeter once unfolded and my thigh strap, with the knife lodged inside. I took the last one into my hands as I backed up to sit on the bed, running my fingers along the familiar object resting between my fingers. It looked exactly as I remembered, the frilly gaff tape on the end of the sheath. I clasped my hand around it, my eyes unwillingly filling with warm tears.
I sat on the floor, my legs crossed as to not put pressure on the slash along my leg. It burned, the air around it feeling like it was on fire. My hands wrapped a piece of tape around the end of the sheath where the knife had poked out and cut me just 6 hours earlier. It was the middle of the night now, and the dim light from the flashlight I had in my backpack was barely enough to light the small storage space I was currently sitting in. The figure of the man I thought I knew was sprawled out on the floor on the other side of the room and as I glanced up at him, with eyes that would have killed him if looks could kill, he moved. He groaned as he turned around, his face was barely visible in the lighting so I picked up the torch and got up over to him.
As I moved closer, I started talking to him in a voice I couldn’t recognize as my own. “Why’d you do it?” I barked in a low voice. The man didn’t answer, he just looked up at me with an expression I couldn’t read. “You bastard…” I seethed, my teeth clenched to hard together I could feel my molars starting to hurt. I took the last few steps over to his limp body and kicked his upper arm a little harder than I meant to. He groaned again, his eyebrows furrowing as he moved away as best as he could. “I’ll kill you” He rasped as he looked up at me, trying to get up. I looked at him for a few seconds, his eyes where completely empty. Nothing. There was absolutely nothing. The man that had once almost given his life to protect me was lying on the floor beneath me, threatening to kill me and I had no idea why.
“You killed Junghyun, Jicheol! You killed a little boy, then you tired to kill me! Why??? What happened to you?! Why are you doing this!?” I yelled and kicked him again when the memory of Junghyun flashed through my mind. “Why did you kill him?! He was only a little boy!!” I cried, as my foot kicked him some more even though I hadn’t meant to do it. Tears where falling down my face without me knowing as I continued to pace around the man on the floor. “You killed him…” I repeated, tears still cascading down my dirty face. I kept pacing for a few more seconds before I looked over at the man in anger, my hand reaching down to where my knife hung around my thigh. He had fallen unconscious again. I walked back over to my previous seat with heavy steps, the room filling with uncontrollable sobs as I pulled my legs up to my face to hide the unfamiliar man on the floor from my view.
There was a sudden knock at the door, my head snapping up and my hands shooting up to my face to dry the tears that had made their way down my face. As I scrambled to my feet there where a few more knocks on the door. “Y/N?” A muffled voice that I vaguely recognized as Minghao spoke from behind the door. I sniffled a few times, as quietly as I could, as I placed the knife back on the dresser. “Yes?” I answered but my voice slightly gave away the fact that I had been crying. As I sniffed into the back of my hand in a hopeless effort to mask the sound of my blocked nose to the man outside the door, I heard the creaking of metal against metal, then three soft footsteps. “You okay?” The boy asked, his voice not soft but neither harsh. It was a weird mixture of comforting, curious and uncomfortable. I nodded, not trusting my voice enough to answer Minghao properly. The sound of wind rustling the treetops outside took over the room as neither of us spoke for a few seconds.
“Well I just wondered if you wanted some food, the others have all eaten but I’ll sit with you if you want some company.” Minghao’s voice sounded so incredible soft as he spoke, the way his tongue twisted cutely around the words lifting my mood slightly as I forgot the memory I had previously been thinking about. The smell of dirt and wood blew through the air as the wind picked up some more, strong breezes bending even the biggest trees backwards. The clouds raced through the sky in a hurry seemling to run from the horizon where some darker clouds could be seen. “It’s probably gonna rain,” Minghao said as he followed my gaze up to the darkening sky. I looked over at him, his coal black hair moving whimsically in the strong winds. He had his hands stuffed into his beige cargopants that pooled around his ankles, giving away the fact that the garment was too big for his slender body. His torso was covered in a deep red hoodie with a black zipper on the front. It looked worn and dirty but as I looked at the sweater, I felt chills sneaking their way up my exposed arms and I almost regretted not wearing one of the tops I had gotten from the utility room earlier. I hummed at Minghao’s statement. The gravel beneath our feet crunched in tandem with our steps as we reached the A framed building. Minghao reached out and opened the door wide enough so we could both sneak in quickly.
We sat in comfortable silence for a while, Minghao sifting through a book he had found in one of the book cases in the hallway while I ate the food that was left in the kitchen for me. I looked up at the boy in front of me while I slowly chewed the food. I was half expecting him to ask me why he had found me crying but he never said anything. He just half smiled when he looked over the edge of the book and met my eyes. I quickly looked down at the plate in front of me, shoving the piece of tomato around my plate with a fork. “Why did you offer to sit with me?” I suddenly asked, my voice quiet. I didn’t dare to look up at him after asking that. I hadn’t even thought twice before the question slipped past my lips. To my surprise the man answered almost straight away with a clear and definite voice. “I just wanted to keep you company. No one eats alone around here.” My eyes glanced up at him after I registered what he had said, but he was still looking at one of the pages in the book. I mumbled a light okay and finished the rest of my food slowly.
“You know you’re welcome here right. We need more people, and you’re more than welcome to stay.” Minghao spoke up after a few minutes of comfortable silence. I had been looking out the window behind me when he started speaking but as he finished, my eyes met his on the other side of the oak table. I blinked at him a few times, not knowing how to answer his statement. “Thank you.” I breathed, my body filling with something I recognized as relief or maybe even happiness. He gave me a quick smile before he continued talking in that voice that could make even the toughest man smile. “I don’t know if you trust us all yet, and it is completely okay if you don’t, I would understand that, but you can trust us. You’re one of us now.” He reassured, his bangs flopping down in his eyes as he leaned onto the table slightly. We held eye contact and I could feel my eyes welling up again, so I quickly looked away. I breathed out to signal I had accepted what he had said. I blinked back the wetness in my eyes and looked back up at Minghao. He slightly flicked his head to get the hair out of his eyes and gave me another one of his half smiles. I smiled back at him, and quickly looked down at my empty plate. He took the hint and picked up the utensils that where laid out in front of me. “You done?” He asked as he stood up with my plate in his right hand, and my empty water cut in his other. I nodded and got up as well. “You go up to your room, you’re going to need all the sleep you can get before you go on that run tomorrow. I’ll wash these for you, but you’ll owe me!” He snickered as he made his way through the dining hall and into the kitchen in the back. I laughed back at him, a genuine and real laugh. It had been months since the last time I had laughed a sincere laugh, and my lungs almost felt rusty as my breath shook the walls of my chest. I could hear Minghao’s giggle from behind the kitchen door as I made my way back outside.
The wind kept racing through the treetops during the night. I had opened the small window over the bathroom counter and the sound of leaves rustling and tall grass swishing in the strong gusts of air that blew past the four walls of the housing complex filled the empty room. The clouds in the dark atmosphere above where still rushing across the sky, small droplets of water suddenly started hitting the window that I had opened. In the blink of an eye, it was pouring down. The temperature was colder than usual this night, I guessed the reason was because its nearing the end of august and fall was approaching fast. That meant my birthday was coming up, I would be 24, I think. I couldn’t remember anymore. The years and months having melted into each other and my concept of time being something I had forgotten when I was much younger than I was now. I gazed up at the sky, my mind going completely blank as the rain continued to fall heavily from the heavens.
I didn’t sleep much that night and after what felt like 5 minutes of sleep, there was a knock on my door. I got up, getting dressed in the green cargo pants I had recently gotten and one of the tank tops I had stuffed in the dresser drawer. I grabbed the flannel that was still laying on my bed and collected my supplies. I slid the pocket knife I had found in my old backpack into my back pocket after I secured my backpack onto my shoulders. As I adjusted the straps I looked over at the rifle leaning against the wall, and suddenly an image of my friends practicing their aiming skills flashed across my mind. I zoned out and I didn’t know if it had been 3 seconds or 3 minutes when I heard another set of knocks on the door to my room. “Y/N! Get ready, we are leaving in 5!” Joshua half shouted from outside, and I reached over and grabbed the weapon before slinging the door open and skipping down the stairs in a hurry.
As Joshua, Soonyoung and I backed our supplies into the car, I got a glimpse of Mingyu and Seungcheol opening the gate down by the watchtower to let the car get through. As I looked down at the silhouettes of the men I heard someone clearing their throat beside me. “You ready?” Soonyoung asked quietly, his hand coming up to wrap around my shoulders for a millisecond. He gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze before he let his arm fall down to his side again. “Yeah..” I sighed. I gave the boy beside me a weak smile as I looked up at him. He returned the gesture and went over to the car, where Josh was waiting for us to join him so we could start our venture.
“Seatbelts on, guys.” Joshua stated as he turned the key and the car shook awake. The feeling was unfamiliar. Sitting in a car. I hadn’t done that since this whole zombie thing started. As the vehicle rolled though the gates I spotted Mingyu waving enthusiastically beside Seungcheol, who gave the car a curt nod as it passed him. And just like that their figures became smaller and smaller every second. I turned around in my seat, looking back at the men, and the camp. It was tucked away between large trees and hadn’t it been for the watchtower it would have been almost completely concealed by the greenery that had taken over every corner of this new world. As the car rolled through valleys and streets I busied myself with tying the thigh strap onto my leg very carefully as to not rip the tape apart even though I knew it was sturdy enough to handle almost anything. I let my fingers run over the covered thigh where I knew there would be a scar under. The slash that had once burned my skin was now hidden by the camouflage green fabric that stretched across my legs. I focused on the feeling of the new fabric under my dry fingertips, the chattering between the two boys up front becoming a backing track to my mindless activity. The outside scenery raced past the car in a fast motion movie as unfamiliar buildings came into view, I guessed we were nearing the city.
The world outside the shelter of the humming car was unlike what I could remember from when I was young. When cars, busses, trucks and trains would be zooming through a bustling city filled with tall buildings, people rushing to wherever they had to go. Back then street vendors littered the streets and the smell of oily foods and sounds of people talking loudly over the music pouring out of the shops lining the asphalt would be ear deafening. Dogs on leashes, TV ads, planes, helicopters. Green parks and grey streets. No longer. Now, rusted up remains of abandoned cars, cracked and broken gray asphalt and fallen buildings and bridges dominated the world. Trees, plants and grass growing where there previously had never been plants. In some of the broken-in-half sky scrapers you could see greenery almost spilling out of the shattered windows in the top floors.
Many parts of the city had also been filled with water, old pipes exploding and dams in the mountain being destroyed by the negligence I’m guessing. As I stared out at the broken, run down apartment buildings in the neighborhood we were carefully driving through I let my mind wander to the time I had tried teaching Junghyun how to swim. It was a couple of days after we had made our way back into the city, and Jicheol had managed to break down the metal door in one of the security guard rooms of an old subway station. We had gathered enough food to finally have a real meal, and as Eunju gathered the old cans and bowls we had used to eat out of, I had taken the youngest boy out to one of the platforms to play. He laughed and screamed in excitement as we threw a dirty and stained tennis ball between each other. He looked like he could do this for the rest of his life and he would be completely content, a huge smile covering his tan and dirty face as another spout of laughter shook his ribcage.
Then, lost in my own thoughts for two seconds, I missed the ball he threw at me. It landed with a hard splash in the trench, where the subway would have pulled up maybe 7 or 8 years ago but now, it was full of green looking water that slowly trickled down into the darkness towards the next station. “Oh no!” The young boy sighed in sadness, watching the ball float slowly away from him. In less than two seconds I had made up my mind. The ball wasn’t even that far away, and if I just jumped in the water I could get it. So I did. Junghyun whisper yelling my name as I resurfaced from the murky water. It took maybe 5 seconds before I was at the edge, where the boy was on his knees with a terrified look on his face. I handed him the ball.
“What are you doing?” He mumbled as he took the soaked ball from my hand, looking at my face. My hair was dripping water in rapid succession down my face as I smiled at him. “I’m swimming.” I answered, realizing that the young boy had probably never seen anyone do this activity before as the only body of water he had seen was the shallow stream behind the farmhouse we used to call our home. In reality I was just standing in the water which reached to my neck, feeling the cold water lightly take a hold of my clothes and pull them gently with the stream.
It took about 5 minutes of convincing the boy, promising him that it would be alright, that I would hold his hand and make sure he didn’t drown before he sat down at the edge. His small feet submerged in the chill current as I held both his hands. “Whenever you’re ready, Junghyunnie.” I smiled reassuringly at him. And he trusted me enough to resultantly jump in, his breaths becoming labored as the water surrounded his small frame. He kicked his feet desperately in an instinctive frenzy and I couldn’t hold my chuckle as I held him. His black eyebrows where almost under his hairline, his eyes blown wide and mouth agape as he took quick breaths.
“Its okay, I got you. Relax.” I laughed, squeezing his small hands in my palms. Then he relaxed. His body floating in the gentle stream, shoulders bobbing up and down in the green water. A laugh filled the entire subway station as he floated around the water, his head thrown back in happiness and glee. His hair was damp from splashing water and his small cat like eyes in almost a perfect c shape as he squinted up at me. “I’m swimming! I’m swimming Y/N! Look!”
The two men in the front seats where talking about something funny Wonwoo had said the other day as we turned a corner slowly, their voices slowly coaxing me out of my daydream. My head turned quickly from the window I was staring out of to look out the front of the car as Joshua seemed to be slowing down even more. “Fuck.” I breathed, noticing how the road in front of us was blocked up a huge rusted and broken plane, along with half a building that had crumbled over the top of the remnants of the bulked-up aircraft. “It must have fallen during the storm last night.” Joshua mumbled as he looked at the scene in front of us, his right arm flexing as he put the car in reverse and quickly turned around. “We’ll have to take the bridge.” He continued, glancing back at me in the rearview mirror. Soonyoung groaned beside him, running a hand through his hair and basically throwing his head back in the car seat in frustration. “That’s gonna take us 20 extra minutes. That means we might have to stop before we get to the S-Oil station just to be sure we don’t lose the battery.” The younger boy grumbled, crossing his arms across his chest as he leaned even deeper into the gray carseat. “Damn it.”
The ride was quiet, the only sound filling the air between the three of us being the tires of the car crunching against the dry asphalt under us. I suddenly spoke up. “I know this place.” I fixed my eyes on the surroundings outside the car, the dilapidated bridge on outside the moving wagon looking scarily familiar. My shoulders tensed up as I took a shaky breath in, the sinking feeling in my stomach making me feel uncomfortably anxious. “Oh?” Joshua inquired, signaling me to continue. But I didn’t. As the car rolled slowly across the bridge, avoiding the old broken cars that scattered the road ahead I moved to press up against the window, my eyes fixated on the railing outside. My body was rigid, almost cold. I could feel my hands start to shake as I took a deep breath through my nose. My mind suddenly going back to the time I had last been on this bridge.
“Y/N?” Joshua asked, his eyes observing me in the rear-view mirror. I kept my eyes on the outside, my breathing becoming labored as images of my old group manifested behind my eyelids. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying hard to forget the events that occurred on the spot outside the car maybe a month ago. I saw the man that had threaten to kill me, the man I had trusted with my life, the man I had considered my family. “No, no-” As I opened my eyes I saw Jicheol, right there, at the edge of the bridge, right at the highest point, he had a young boy almost over the barricade of the bridge threatening to let his grip on him go, to let the boy fall to his death. “No! NO!” I cried, I saw the two of them, clear as day as my mind started to go fuzzy. I couldn’t tell if it was real or if I was dreaming, or maybe even hallucinating. I banged against the car door, trying to get out as I helplessly looked at the scene outside the car. I heard my name being called, but all I could see was Junghyun crying out for me. Begging me to save his life. “Junghyun! NO!” I finally managed to frantically open the car door. As I scrambled out towards the two males in front of me, I heard someone yell my name again, the voice sounded so near but I didn’t care. I had to save him. I had to save Junghyun.
As I scrambled up from the asphalt beneath me to get to Junghyun before it was too late, Jicheol let him go and I could hear his scream pierce through my ears. It seemed to go on for ages, and I cried out for him. I couldn’t save him. The man who had once saved me had killed the only happiness I had left in the world. The young boy who brought me laughter and smiles every day of his short life. The boy who had never known anything other than us, the boy who trusted us with his life. He was dead. “No…” I cried, my body almost not able to take in breaths as I sank back to the ground. Everything seemed to slow down, and I felt arms wrapping around my torso and dragging me back into the car. If I had been able to take in my surroundings, I would have seen Joshua standing on the other side of the car, looking both worried and sad as Soonyoung held me up to his chest. Soonyoung was muttering words I couldn’t quite register in an effort to calm me down as I cried for the boy, I had just seen lose his life. “Come on Y/N, you’ll be okay. Calm down.” He muttered as he hauled me into the backseat of the running car. And before I manage to register what was going on, the car was moving again. And Soonyoung had engulfed me in a hug as he shielded my eyes from the outside.
I was still sobbing, my breathing erratic and labored. I bowed my head into his chest, my hands coming up to cover my ears in an effort to shut out the screams I could still hear. “Focus on me, Y/N. Listen to my voice. You’re okay. Its okay. Just listen to me.” Soonyoung whispered by my ear as he took my hands in his. And as I eventually stopped crying and my breathing was evening out as well, I let my forehead press against Soonyoung chest. I had no idea how much time had passed by but Joshua was still driving quietly, his eyes focused on the road stretched out in front of us. I didn’t dare to look outside so I averted my gaze up to Soonyoung who was leaning against the car door I had fallen out of earlier. His eyes where closed, lips parted and one of his hands where resting on my back. He was sleeping. As I observed his face, I noticed a scar on his neck that looked fairly recent. And his lashes where short, but they looked so beautiful as they rested on his cheeks. His skin was smooth, his nose looked to be either slightly burned at the tip or covered in a natural blush. As I observed the sleeping man’s features, I felt my body calm even more. The world seemingly back to normal as my eyes started to glide shut. I let my head fall down onto Soonyoung chest and my body finally relaxed. His heartbeat filling my ears as I let myself slowly drift of with a sniffle.
I didn’t awaken until Soonyoung gently shook me awake, his hands gently rousing me from the comfortable sleep. I groggily blinked and reached up to rub my eyes as I sat up in the cramped back seat of the car. “Hi.” Soonyoung smiled softly, his legs stretched out on either side of my body. I made a sound of discomfort to show how I felt about having to wake up. I looked around the car, instantly noticing Joshua was not there. “Where’s Josh?” I asked, my voice scratchy. Probably from the crying. “Peeing. We have to park here and walk up to the station, the tank is dry as fuck.” The male answered, his eyes still trained on me. There where a couple of seconds of silence before either of us spoke again. “You wanna talk about what happened earlier?” Soonyoung murmured, his face becoming serious as his smile dropped. I looked up at him. I didn’t really know if I wanted to right now, but I knew I would eventually have to talk about it. If it wasn’t with Soonyoung, then someone else. They where bound to start wondering if I kept having these episodes. I hesitated, and looked from my hands back to him. I took a breath to prepare myself for what I was gonna say next, but on impulse I leaned over and wrapped my arms around the man, tucking my head into the crook of his neck. I could feel his surprise as his body tensed up for a few seconds, but then he wrapped his hands around my back as well and I breathed out in relief and content, maybe even a little happiness. “Thank you for getting me back down.” I whispered, my voice slightly muffled by his shirt. He chuckled slightly, his shoulders bouncing up and down making my body shake with his. “Of course. Always.”
wooo finally!!!!! an update!!! hope u like it uwu
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Kyle Busch leads Gibbs trio to win 2nd NASCAR championship
HOMESTEAD, Fla. — Kyle Busch casually collected the championship flag from his team and did a slow, subdued celebratory lap. The most polarizing driver in NASCAR had just won his second Cup title and wanted to soak in the moment with his true fans.
He didn’t do his customary bow to the crowd, asked NASCAR for permission to take his 4-year-old son along for the ride to victory lane, and when the duo finally got there it was then that Busch remembered he’d just won both Sunday’s season finale at Homestead-Miami Speedway and his second NASCAR title.
“I do remember taking the white flag and crossing underneath that — I had some tears rolling down my eyes for the last lap and I was just like, ‘Come on, man, we’ve still got to finish this damn thing. Don’t be such a siss,’” Busch said. “Emotions were starting to set in. I probably didn’t know where the hell my mind was at. I knew we had won and won big and were being a big more subdued about it.”
Busch emerged from the Joe Gibbs Racing juggernaut as NASCAR’s latest champion, winning his second title Sunday after teammates Denny Hamlin and Martin Truex Jr. were slowed by pit-road gaffes. He snapped a 21-race losing streak and beat Hamlin, Truex and rival Kevin Harvick for the Cup.
Busch joined seven-time champion Jimmie Johnson as the only active drivers with multiple titles. He’s the 16th driver in NASCAR history to win multiple championships, and one of only five to win titles in both the Cup Series and the second-tier Xfinity Series.
The No. 18 crew climbed the pit wall and handed Busch the championship flag for his post-race celebration, and he was met on the frontstretch by son Brexton, who immediately asked: “Dad, are you going to throw me in the air again?” about their celebratory tradition. He also asked to join his father for the final ride into victory lane.
Busch had raced for a second championship in each of the last three seasons and fell short a year ago in part because of his crew’s own pit error. This time, it was Truex and Hamlin bitten by silly mistakes. Truex dominated early but fell a lap back after his crew put tires on the wrong side of his Toyota.
“You’ve got to be perfect, one mistake probably cost us the championship,” Truex said. “I’ve never had that happen. I don’t even know what to say. It doesn’t drive good with the left front on the right front, though, I can tell you that. It’s very tight.”
Hamlin fell out of contention when an aggressive aerodynamic gamble backfired because a large piece of tape placed across the front of his car caused his engine to overheat. Hamlin had to make an unscheduled pit stop to remove the tape.
Truex recovered to finish second, but Hamlin didn’t have enough time to overcome the miscue and was a disappointing 10th.
“I feel like I did all I could. I don’t feel I could have done a better job. I didn’t leave anything out there,” Hamlin said. “I was thinking we got a chance and it just didn’t work out. We got a little aggressive there and it cost us.”
Harvick, the only Ford driver in the championship field, never had anything on long runs for the Gibbs cars and finished fourth.
“On the restarts I could do what I wanted to do and hold them off for 15 or 20 laps,” Harvick said. “This race has come down to that every year. You kind of play toward that and they were quite a bit better than us on the long run. We had a really good car for those first 15 to 20 laps on the restarts and had a lot of speed, we just never got to try to race for it there.”
The finale pitted a trio of Toyota drivers from Hall of Fame owner Gibbs against Harvick, the hand-picked driver of former Gibbs protege Tony Stewart at Stewart-Haas Racing. The Gibbs group had the edge based on its tremendous season — Busch’s win was the 19th out of 36 races for the organization — and the trio insisted it would continue its note-sharing all weekend.
Las Vegas couldn’t chose a title favorite and the four had essentially even odds at the start of the race, even though Busch was probably the least likely contender of the group. Although he won the regular season crown, his last Cup win was at Pocono in June, his playoffs leading into Homestead had been mediocre at best and his mood soured with every missed victory lane.
“We had a cold spell there. It’s been well documented,” crew chief Adam Stevens said. “Quite a few questions about it. We’re in such a unique situation, as a competitive team that runs up front with the goal of winning the championship every year, everything we do is to make that happen, right? To win the regular season points championship, then try to maintain that and get to Homestead, that’s what it’s all about.”
Hamlin, Harvick and Truex had all won playoff races, and Hamlin’s win at Phoenix last week gave him all the momentum. But with friend and fan Michael Jordan in attendance, Hamlin failed to win his first championship in his third try. Hamlin is the only driver in the final four without a Cup title.
“Our year was fantastic in every way you can think of, and it just didn’t pan out in one race in our favor,” said Hamlin, who won the Daytona 500 and five other races a year removed from a winless season.
Busch, ironically, had one of his worst races in the pits in last year’s finale as his front-tire changer had hiccups on two stops. But he was flawless Sunday night and led a race-high 120 laps.
“Everybody always says you never give up. We’re no different. We just do what we can do each and every week,” Busch said. “Sometimes we may not be the best, sometimes we may not have the right track position. We had a really good car and I could race around and move around. That’s what’s so special about Homestead Miami Speedway, is the ability to put on a show.
“I felt like we did that there racing those guys. I know it kind of dulled out toward the end. It was exciting enough from my seat. It was a lot of fun to cap off such an amazing year.”
Busch gave Gibbs his fifth Cup title and bookended a season in which the Gibbs cars opened the year 1-2-3 at the Daytona 500. Gibbs this entire year has been mourning the death of his son, JGR co-chairman J.D. Gibbs, and the organization promoted a “Do it for J.D.” theme the entire weekend.
The season ended with a 1-2-3 finish in the finale as it was Busch, Truex and Erik Jones across the finish line for Gibbs.
“I know J.D. was looking down on us all year long,” Busch said. “I mean, damn, what a season Joe Gibbs Racing put together.”
Busch gave Toyota its third drivers’ championship in five seasons.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/11/18/kyle-busch-leads-gibbs-trio-to-win-2nd-nascar-championship/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/11/18/kyle-busch-leads-gibbs-trio-to-win-2nd-nascar-championship/
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