#and then he pulls out the 'the vessels are important too and you dont care about them dying if you get more perspectives' card
tai-janai · 5 months
oo, could you tell us a bit more about the contrarian narrator au please?
like, conty is generally shown to be empathetic in the stranger, doesn't want to actually hurt anyone, wants to help when he realises he has. so why is he tormenting the other voices? how? what is happening there? what do the other voices think about what's going on? what about the vessels? what's going on with them? how much do they know? you don't need to answer all these questions of course I'm just very curious. good au. makes me think as good aus do.
"tormenting?" no, nonono.... he's not tormenting anyone.... he's just having a bit of fun? you think he should stop having fun?
I mean, they're just voices.
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it doesn't really matter if they die. they get to go again, and try something new, instead. How lucky!
the vessels know this isn't who they are meant to see, but they have a role to play, and they'll play it.
the other voices have only interacted with the princess until the first chapter ends. then, they are put into new chapter twos. (except for the hero, he begins by meeting the stranger, of course.)
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Good Ending/Reunion AU
(daddy issuesn't AU)
Chapter 8 (part one)
Guys I'm normal I swear
AU by: @future--ghost
Name and Help by: @iheardasimplesong
(Soo uhhh how ya doin?)
Despite the amount of panic going through Dark Choco, he did his best to keep his composure. He stared at the sword that had controlled him for most of his life. The infamous Strawberry Jam Sword and the cookie who used to wield it. More like it used to wield him, he was more or less a vessel for the sword. So many cookies crumbled because of his loss on control over the curse. He felt sick just looking at it. The gem ingrained in the part where the blade and the grip meet. It glowed a much brighter red that Dark Choco knew all too well. "Dark Choco. You can tell me." His father reached out to him. "Just tell me what you know about this strange sword, okay?" His father had his hand on his shoulder. "It's cursed." He said "What? Are you pulling on my leg, why would you use a CURSED sword?" Dark Cacao scoffed. "Why do you think I tried to kill you. What would be the point, I have self-control. If it were my choice I wouldn't have tried to kill you." Dark Choco elaborated. "You did something to anger that curse or what made the curse. It wants you to suffer." His father stared at him in disbelief. "... So why did you do it, why did you take a cursed sword?..." His father all of a sudden became sorrowful. Dark Cacao understood something big must've driven his son to do that. "You taught me that power was everything, and so I sought out for a powerful sword so I could help the kingdom." He stared at the table then looked a little to the side of the room his father wasn't on. "And possibly get some sort of attention or care from my father." He muttered under his breath. "I... I'm so sorry Dark Choco..." His father tried to do his best to comfort his son but to no avail. "You happy now? Just hide that stupid sword so no one can find it." Dark Choco was irritated. "I will but I'd like you to assist in it as well, you know what will be the most effective way to hide it." Dark Cacao started to walk towards the door. "Dark Choco...? Is that you?" A voice that he knew all too well. Sure enough the sword was glowing a bright red color. "I knew you'd come back! Your old man has been so depressing! Let's go have some fun, maybe put him out of his misery?" They teased. "Dark Choco what are you waiting for?" Dark Cacao was at the door turned to face his son. "If it's that dangerous I want to get rid of it." His father looked slightly determined. "It's already started to talk, I think I have a better solution though. I suggest we take the gem out of the Strawberry Jam Sword so it can be studied or propmtly destroyed." He said. "Hiding it in a place where no cookie could find it though would probably have an interesting outcome." He concluded. "Dark Choco, I hope you know I'm not going to tell you which option I'm choosing. I swear to the witches that if I see you in possession of another cursed item I will kill you." Dark Cacao was giving off a threatening feeling to desuade Dark Choco from trying to change his mind. "I'll be right back, dont you dare leave." His father walked away with the Strawberry Jam Sword in hand and left the Grapejam Chocoblade in the room. "what" He thought to himself. "what on earthbread just happened?" Dark Choco was extremely disoriented. His father just questioned him on several different horrendous moments in his life, then pulled out one of the things he finally thought he escaped from, only to leave and threaten him. Dark Choco was genuinely considering just disappearing without a trace, he could move to a place his father wouldn't go on his own will and a place with little importance to the Cookies of Darkness. He considered his options, there was the option of obeying his father's orders, but he despised his father and following his orders would just be a pain. There was also the option of just sneaking out of the Citadel, deceiving his father would be a good course of action, if he made it look like he had climbed through the window and ran on the roof until he reached the outskirts of the kingdom it would leave a golden opportunity to sneak through the Citadel without suspicion.
You guys decide what he'll do since I'm torn between it.
Will Dark Choco:
Stay and see what happens
just straight up leave like nothing happened
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solomonish · 3 years
Dork Solomon Agenda
You say sexy shady sorcerer I say nerd and love of my life
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Solomon is a sad lonely little man why just wants a genuine connection us that so much to ask???
No but seriously like. It's totally fine if you hc Solomon as this man-turned-lowkey-sex-god with a million succubi and more at his whim whenever he wants and would be a tough one to put the ol' ball and chain on like to each their own for sure! But that's not MY hc
(Thats not to say my hc means he doesn't ever engage in casual sex like that and wanting a genuine long term relationship at some point [or finding out thats what you want when you meet someone] are not mutually exclusive yknow)
So like Solomon isn't the type to be short with you or keep you at an arm's length (i mean...u get what I mean. Once you're close enough and all that jazz) or get annoyed by you wanting to be affectionate?? Hello??
He LOVES the little things you do (some on accident tbh). You feeling affectionate today and give him a kiss or three on his face before you leave to go to your separate classes? Adorable, he's fallen in love again. You do that thing where you like.. forget how to walk straight and just accidentally bump into him? No come back he likes being close to you :( He doesn't SAY these things but there's a light, airy laugh he has that gives him away.
If you're ever facetiming he will say "boo!" when you connect instead of just. Greeting you like a normal person.
His fuckin. His devilgram name is monSOLO. My mans is a star wars fan!!! I dont know any of The Discourse bc I'm not super into star wars myself but he has IN DEPTH opinions about the movies. Seriously rivals Levi in this aspect. Please make time for movie nights where you watch the movies together 🥺 especially if you haven't seen them before he'd love to convert you 🥺
Didn't Solomon also have a thing for TSL??? Or am I just imagining it??
I feel like his ideal date would be exploring something new, whether its this new spooky forest or "hey have we been down this alley before? Let's check it out!" but ideal date number TWO is movie night. Even if it isn't Star Wars. He likes to sit on opposite ends of the couch throwing popcorn into each other's mouths (and big candies like peanut m&ms where you both have almost choked before) and maybe a footsie war if he's feeling real devious. Then at some point you grab a blanket and snuggle up to him and you both fall asleep on the couch
Simeon yells at him when you leave because there's popcorn EVERYWHERE
LOVES when you laugh super loud. Idk man he just thinks its great when you have such unbridled joy and then he laughs too 😊 not as loud though he's more of a quiet chuckle kind of guy (most of the time).
Is friends with Asmo so is extremely great at slumber party gossip. Catch him in his pajamas, cross-legged on the floor while clutching a pillow to his chest and listening intently to you rant about the brothers.
"Come here I have a secret to tell you" (blows air in your ear) "okay okay I'm sorry but come here again" (blows air on your neck) "okay okay last time! I actually have something to tell you. Please? Its important...." (kisses ur cheek) "like u a lil bit xo"
Never the type to send "good morning beautiful" or "good night 💞" texts. Instead he'll send you something at 4 am like "the infinite cosmos will eventually swallow whole all familiarity and life as it is now presently known and despite the adaptations humans or demons or angels could make i will still have to adapt and face the world as an alien in the realm I love so dearly. Funny how the strongest of beings bow to the whim of space and time. But sometimes my eternal journey doesn't seem so daunting when I realize that with my everlasting life will be the memory of you no matter how distant and the survival of the vessel you loved...."
And then at lunch that day when the brothers pull you away he'll send you a picture of the lasagna they're serving with "this kinda looks like you? Don't worry I'd still hit it" and then two minutes later "you not the pasta"
Is the type to think randomly "oh damn I love you so much" but has an impressive filter about it. Or he thinks he does until Luke grumbles "ugh get a room thats the fifth time you've seen that since monday" ok, sometimes he has a good filter about it
He can't help it! Sometimes you just say something really smart (or something SPECTACULARLY dumb) or you do something cute like lean on him or smile a specific way or-
Sir.....you're head over heels sir :/
The type who would go to a playground at night with you and just swing on the swings talking about life
Wants to have a secret handshake with you!!
If you're ever on a road trip with just the two of you, you can get him to join in on the terrible singing but he'll be a lot quieter than you
Also will only join in if he isn't driving. If he is and you aren't talking, he's just humming underneath his breath. Will drum on the steering wheel though
(Yes, it gets its own section because MAYBE I'm obsessed with the idea of MC teaching Solomon to cook and the food still turning out terrible but at least it isn't a void when MC is helping)
The type to flick water at you every time he washes his hands. Will chase you down just to do it.
"Hey, tilt your head back and open your mouth MC" (proceeds to dump too big a handful of shredded cheese in your mouth)
100% the type to lean over you just to hinder your cooking abilities. Who cares if the sauce splashes he's tiiiired.... you'd let belphie do it :(
Puts a hand on your lower back when he passes behind you. Hopes you'll lean into it/step back and offer him a kiss 🥺
Believes in always having a proper table setting. Prepare for whatever juice they have (or water) in wine glasses if you're having a nice-er meal
Under the assumption that a spell ruined his sense of taste (and not that he's just bad at cooking) he hates spicy food. He can feel the burn but he gets none of the flavor??? Wack. Don't hurt him like that MC. If you do because its hilarious to watch him try to be cool about it he will pout
Gets cheesy aprons. He just likes them.
Will hit you on the top of your head with a whisk to hear the noise it makes
Will buy every kitchen hack tool there is. A ketchup dispenser that looks like a gun? He's got it. A fish that helps you squeeze out the egg yolks? Yes! A dinosaur soup ladle? You bet! Pizza scissors? A tool that makes hard boiled eggs into cubes? Something that's gotta be like 200 years old and no discernable purpose? Absolutely! He wants a hot dog toaster. Do they even have hot dogs in the devildom?
Will sneak bites just because it bothers you
Look at him. He hasn't had friends in centuries. He's playful!
His funky little WAND
This is a man who is a huge nerd, thrives off of cliches and just wants to have a good time. So let him! Its mentally exhausting having those pretenses up all the time.
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weirdmageddon · 3 years
five years too late let’s analyze this. the commentary has gotten me back into gravity falls reigniting thoughts and insights i came to years ago
i love everything about this commentary in general it hits the points of humor, genuine analysis of the characters, but most of all im so glad hirsch addressed that the droid not detecting any fear from dipper here doesnt make any scientific sense because that was a massive CinemaSins moment for me
IDK the fact that dipper can fucking stand after an airship crash because theres a bigger threat at hand is literally one of the defining capabilities owed to adrenaline lol...... IM SORRY im a biopsychology student if i dont point that out iwill seethe and die because that was just . its a grudge ive held for a long time about this episode but didnt rant about because it was something so minor and i’m sure nobody would care.
i was 13 when this episode came out and i’m almost 19 now, i had a special interest in biology and i still do but now i’m actually having college classes in biopsychology so i can give my arguments more oomph now. and i have to say, now that i know more about the brain and autonomic nervous system the more this scene bugs me, if that was even possible. and it says a lot of dipper and ford’s relationship.
if dipper clearly wasnt calm before, why would he be now just because he’s put up an outwardly confident facade? before he was in the flight but now hes in the fight. my boy just rode on top of a spaceship by nothing but a magnet gun that could detach at any time if it failed and then the ship crashed, he sustained injuries, is in emotional turmoil because he thinks his uncle is Fucking Dead and the threat of a security droid that detects adrenaline is on his tail and produces a Big Fucking Gun in response to dipper saying “i hAvE a MaGNeT gUn” and hes screaming and has his teeth clenched but sure there’s no adrenaline coursing through his body in that moment i can totally believe that
when dipper asks what happened, ford says “the orb didn’t detect any chemical signs of fear, it assumed the threat was neutralized and self-disassembled” but i don’t think measuring someone’s heartbeat alone is particularly relevant in detecting ... chemical signs of fear?? they dont really tell you this shit but noradrenaline (and maybe adrenaline too if the acetylcholine from sympathetic outflow always activates the adrenal medulla??, theres two pathways) is always active in small quantities to make sure your parasympathetic nervous system doesnt slow your heart to dangerous levels on its own, regardless of your emotions. it’s just a homeostatic mechanism. your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are CONSTANTLY modulating control of your organs on a see-saw, literally with every breath you take. simply standing upright causes specialized mechanoreceptor neurons in blood vessels to signal your brain to project signals to release catecholamines via the sympathetic nervous system to constrict your blood vessels so that blood is able to reach your brain and not pool in your legs. i have a deficiency in my body’s ability to adapt to this which is why i know so much about it. if i stand up my heart races to compensate. i’m not feeling fear, my body is just adjusting—albeit grossly and incompetently lol.
but what im saying here is that the security system is flawed. it’s a cool idea to have security droids detect fear, but in practice by detecting adrenaline, and not even directly by detecting the molecule itself—it’s done in a roundabout way by reading the heartbeat, could be a recipe for false alarms. like what if someone’s on beta-blockers. that’s not really an adequate way to measure “fear”; there’s so many variables that could interfere with the measurement the farther you abstract from what you’re really trying to detect. and besides, adrenaline is NOT just a sign of fear, it’s just for preparing the body for action. i know the sympathetic nervous system and adrenaline is constantly linked with the “fight-or-flight” reaponse to a stressor, but 99.9% of the time the sympathetic nervous system is used in your life is to balance out your parasympathetic nervous system to maintain homeostatic equilibrium for mundane things.
i think detecting amygdalar activation would be more efficient in detecting fear. the amygdala sends projections to the hypothalamus which then in turn modulates the autonomic nervous systems. but the amygdala is intensely activated specifically in response to a fear-inducing stimulus (it does activate in response to other emotions but they’re mostly negative and is most activated by startle and fear), and wouldnt be highly activated by many other confounding variables like measurement of the heartbeat could be. the amygala is one of the first stops directly from external stimuli.
to show you how integrated the amygdala is as the first step in registering fear after receiving input from sensory stimuli let’s look at the auditory-amygdala connection for example
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see how the auditory thalamus projects to the primary auditory cortex and auditory association cortex? the cortex is where conscious awareness of what the stimuli is comes from. this is the “high road”. it goes sensing -> perception -> emotional response. but sometimes you can be startled without even processing what it is you’re sensing, like the startle response of an alarm or a phone ringing in a quiet house before you even register what it is. this goes sensing -> emotional response, without perception happening until after you’ve already felt the startle. that’s when it takes the “low road”. here’s a simplified version:
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even if that were the case with these droids though it’s obvious dipper is still fearful on some level here. his body language, voice, expressions all give it away. for the amygdala, aggression isnt too off from fear so it would be detected equally.
the reason this is so important is because ford uses this as evidence for why dipper is special, “i did it?” “you did it. this is what i was talking about, how many 12 year olds do you think are capable of doing what you’ve just done?”
but like....did he really? i’m not saying this to shoot dipper down or make him out to be more of a wuss, he was incredibly strong-willed here and i dont want to take that away from him because it WAS growth on his part. but the underlying psychophysiological reactions of aggression and fear shouldn’t be that different and this was a total asspull. maybe the droid was so old that it fucked up. maybe dipper being covered in grime and dirt made it harder for the droid to measure the correct heart rate through photoplethysmography (im assuming since they use a camera and are non-contact).
and in all honesty everything i just said brings into question the interpersonal healthiness of ford’s judgements, what he thinks, his expectations, and how he communicates that. in this video alex already talks about how ford is projecting onto dipper. and i think ford may be projecting his expectations for himself onto people who are not him, and the fact that it’s on dipper here makes it far more unfortunate. you realize how much this boy idolizes ford, right? how much impressions matter? dipper even tells himself before he leaves in this same episode, “all right dipper, this is your first big mission with great uncle ford. don’t mess this up.”
even though it’s unstated, the implicit message dipper is perceiving from ford based on their dynamic is: “do you have what it takes for me to be proud of you?” and to accomplish this he must be like ford, even though he’s clearly not and he knows this. he says “i don’t think have what it takes. i was tricked by bill, i was wrong about stan’s portal, heck, i can’t even operate this magnet gun right.” then, by simple chance without even knowing what he did, he activates the magnet gun and pulls out the adhesive, which immediately takes the focus away from what dipper was telling ford about his feelings of inadequacy to ford saying, “yes! dipper, you found the adhesive!”
these thoughts of dipper’s hang in the air without resolve or comment from ford. we don’t know what ford would have said. but it then becomes painfully self-evident in the scene immediately after when the droids emerge and ford tells dipper, “they’re security droids and they detect adrenaline. you simply have to not feel any fear and they won’t see you”, to which dipper replies with an exasperated (and rightful) “WHAT?”
dipper goes in a panic trying to indirectly tell his uncle that this isn’t something he can do. and he is completely right and valid to be freaked out by that full stop. that IS crazy. you can’t control your fear. you can control how you interpret that fear in your higher brain regions but the physiological changes will stick around for longer than it takes to cognitively calm down. it’s easy for me to detach from my emotions to analyze them, but being able to do this does not come naturally for everyone. even i have an irrational fear of wasps and i can’t control it by detaching myself, my body is just automatically primed to get the fuck out of there. i know it’s stupid and i know it’s irrational and isn’t helpful to get myself worked up but i literally can’t stop how my body reacts no matter how i cognitively think about it. expecting composure from dipper in a situation like this when he’s being made to consciously be aware of his anxiety is absolutely fucking insane. look what you did, placing these cruel expectations on him, now he’s afraid of being afraid! this isn’t a case where two wrongs cancel out, they just stack on top of each other.
there’s a good reason these scenes were put side by side but it seems up until now it had remained unanalyzed.
what dipper fears from ford is disappointment. not living up to his uncle’s (quite frankly badly placed) expectations for a twelve year old with anxiety. not once did ford say or subliminally communicate “i don’t expect you to be able to do what i can since you are not as experienced as i am and that’s perfectly okay, no judgements”. you don’t put a child on bike before training wheels. you don’t throw a kid into a swimming pool without giving them swimming lessons. the way ford is doing it, there’s no room for trial and error or mistakes that are an opportunity to grow and learn; instead, it’s life or death. he only seems to pride dipper on what he can do while ignoring the underlying struggles that plague him and never making it known it’s okay for dipper to fail in front of his hero and that he won’t think anything less of him for it.
and that’s why i found the ending scene for dipper and ford’s adventure in this episode to feel so.. wrong. on a scientific and social level. because by the sound of it ford focused more on what dipper had done to dismantle the droid (the droid not detecting any fear) instead of how dipper displayed love and protection for him even if he was truly afraid. what if the science was accurate and the droid detected adrenaline while dipper was confidently standing up for his uncle. would ford still be proud of him regardless?
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
chapter 1
3 and 1/2 pages of exposition.
these three pages of exposition are centered on a raindrop. i dont know how said raindrop is going all over the fucking place?
can raindrops change color if they go through smog clouds? just googled it and actually smog cloud stifles rain, so i dont know why it's raining so damn much
first page introduces the previous (now dead) chief commissioner kenneth. why is he introduced? no one knows. because he isnt a major character. he's just kind of? mentioned? why?
nesbo introduces two of the minor characters in the first chapter: kite, a reporter, and tortell, the sitting mayor. lots of critique of tortell, but that's for later
mentions a "soviet vessel leaking so much rust into the water that it looks like its bleeding". is that... possible?
glamis reference
duff entrance! duff's my sweet boy and i'll have lots of furious rambles about how jo nesbo did him SO dirty later on.
duff is described as having "the hands of a concert pianist", "miserly lips", "intense blue eyes", a "nose like an aggressive beak" and a massive scar that "splits his face in half" put a pin in his scar, it's important. (and i have thoughts on that reveal).
the norse riders show up. they're so fucking - listen. for such minor characters, nesbo describes them a lot. my man does not shut up ever.
"the anonymous tip-off duff had recieved" how on earth did this happen fr.
seyton is like "we should call in SWAT" and duff's like "NO NO WE'RE NOT CALLING SWAT STFU" like bestie- bestie you are outnumbered!
9 police people to 12 norse riders.
duff challenges his men to leave for the ms glamis on friday - ALL OF THIS HAPPENS IN A WEEK??
we're still on chapter one.
oh my god.
"he knew his appearance and confidence attracted a certain type of woman" oh my god SHUT UPPPPP
duff about to send the youngest officer to pin the gang people. hOw CoUlD tHiS pOsSiBlY gO wRoNg (said with sarcasm)
macbeth had called to help out and duff said NO??????
seyton: can you smell it? duff: smell what? seyton: their fear. WHAT THE HELL.
duff: macbeth and SWAT are asleep in bed.
hard cut to macbeth and SWAT, not in bed.
im going to gouge my eyes out this is still chapter one.
banquo sounds... so british????
first mention of fife, this nameless shithole of a town's sister town.
banquo: this is why we should have guns :) macbeth: what.
introduce olafson, some sharpshooter guy
oh and angus hiiii angus :D
does the s in a ZIS-5 actually stand for stalin or is this book set in the 1950's?
this will be a common theme: did this happen or is this book set in the 50's?
this chapter is... so long
introduces bonus! this could've been a different chapter
anyways bonus is like "i shouldnt drink so much :) but im gonna anyways."
hecate hiiii
oh shit wait i forgot hecate was a man in this. im so sorry hecate that this gross ass old man did this to you :,,(
hecate has the villain monologue and is ominous and shitty blah blah blah jo nesbo is so fucking. he writes so long and its so frustrating to me, a bitch who has already written a macbeth adaptation. i was sooo worried in posting my rewrite to ao3 that i wasnt descriptive enough and now i know there's such thing as "too descriptive"
cut back to the harbor. duff and the gang have fucked up
they got sivart. is he supposed to be young siward? who knows. not me.
jo nesbo and his villain monologues. take a shot every time there's a monologue.
duff's like "ohhhh im such an idiot" like yeah....
macbeth insulting his men asmr.
i dont CARE about angus and olafson's backstory, okay??? like?????
macbeth fucking... pulls??? a lamp??? off a storefront?????????????
macbeth saves the day!! and chapter one ends.
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cl-01-kestis · 4 years
A visit to the Senate
Dismay - Grand Admiral Thrawn x Rebel!Reader | Part 6
Summary: You’re sent on a mission along side Omani and Mon Mothma to attend the Naboo Senate, but things don’t go exactly as planned.
Warnings: sexual themes, angst
(Paragraphs in italics mean that the reader is in the past, it’s also the sexual part, so you’ll know when to stop scrolling if you don’t want to read it).
Chiss have fangs dont @ me ✋😌
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You had to admit, this was the worst bed you’d ever slept in. You couldn’t get comfortable, the springs poked out, and you would rather much sleep on the floor if the ship’s captain wasn’t so against it.
You had this room by yourself, Omani was in the room beside yours with her friends and you could hear their chatting through the walls. Their chatter didn’t bug you normally, but you were trying to get to sleep. You were exhausted, mostly because this journey took a few days and you were now in the middle of it, but with hardly any sleep.
The pillow done you justice in blocking out the noise of chatter in the room beside you and only then did your body finally allow you to rest. You didn’t care about how much sleep you got, just as long as you got any sleep at all.
Your mind didn’t do you any justice as you slept, bringing back long forgotten about memories that made you toss and turn in your sleep, letting out small noises and squeaks as your mind flashed you different images of your past at the Empire.
Tapping the code into Thrawn’s chambers, you looked from side to side and made sure that the stormtrooper at the door wasn’t looking or being nosy. You were dressed in full black, your commander uniform all crinkled due to a messy interrogation and a blow to the face that caused your eye brow to split open. You’d just returned from the medbay after recieving stitches, the blood all cleaned up but the wound was bruised and still raw. You held an ice pack to your brow as you entered Thrawn’s chambers and made sure the door closed behind you.
Your immediate thought was to see where he was, you expected to see him in his chair as you turned around but he wasn’t there. The door to his training room was open and you smiled to yourself, tip toeing your way to the doors arch and leaning your body on it as your eyes landed on Thrawn who was wearing a white vest and black joggers. He wrestled a sentry droid with his bare hands, no weapons required. His face was full of determination, red eyes ablaze as he eventually took down the droid who was banging its fists on the floor to try and lift itself up.
Thrawn looked up and spotted you standing at the door with a smile on your face. He yelled out the word ‘rukh’ and the droid powered down in seconds, it’s red eyes fading into a dull lifeless grey. You took the ice pack of your eyebrow when Thrawn stood up from the droid and walked towards you. Without a word exchanged, he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you softly.
“Who did this?” He asked, eyes trailing to the slit in your brow which was coated with two small medical stables and an invisible layer of bacta spray. You smiled at his concern and cupped his cheek.
“Bad day at interrogation... someone got the better of me, but I’m fine” You said with a calm exterior, leaning on your toes and planting another kiss on Thrawn’s lips which caused him to make a small noise of disapproval.
“Should send them to execution, whoever it was” Thrawn frowned, stroking your temple with one of his hands and grazing the surface of the staples in your brow. You winced slightly at the contact but Thrawn was quick to apologise and keep his hand away from your face.
“They’re an important vessel, according to Vader, so I can’t exactly go against his word” You defended as Thrawn let you go to walk out of his training room and go to his refresher. You followed behind, placing the ice pack near your eye once more and cursing out in Cheunh. Thrawn grinned at your words and opened the door to his refresher, stepping inside before turning around and leaning out as you approached.
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” Thrawn teased, his large hands holding onto the arch of the door and supporting his weight as he leaned his body forward. You stuck your middle finger up at his words which made him let out a sharp laugh.
“I’m sure that’s no way to treat a Vice Admiral, Commander” Thrawn smirked as you approached him, your free hand cupping his cheek and trailing his jaw with your thumb. You tilted your head to the side slightly as your fingers grazed the skin on his neck, peeking under the material of his vest to see purple marks over his skin. You smiled at the sight of it, pulling the vest down slightly to get a better look at it which made the Chiss man stretch his neck out for you to get a better look.
“You look good with my marks on your skin” You commented on a sultry tone, letting go of his vest and turning around to walk towards his bedroom. But before you even got the chance to take the first step, Thrawn grabbed your wrist and spun you around, dragging you into the refresher with him and closing the door so he could pin you up against it. You gasped at his actions, unable to fight back the shit eating grin on your face as Thrawn’s knee placed itself between your legs.
“You’ll look better with mine” The Chiss growled before ripping open your uniform top effortlessly and burying his head into your neck. You cursed at Thrawn, raking your nails down his shoulder blades as his teeth sunk into your skin, his small fangs poking into your skin and making you hiss out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. As if you hadn’t bled enough today, Thrawn sucked and nibbled on your skin where his sharp K9’s had jabbed, his tongue slowly lapping up whatever blood he caused to come out.
“Do you always have to bite that hard?” You whined, clutching his vest and trying not to make too much noise in case anyone outside heard.
“Yes, it’s the best way to make you remember who you belong to” Thrawn replied, his whole demeanour was dominant and empowering as he held you still against the refresher door. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head with one of his hands whereas the other touched the bare skin of your chest and stomach, past the ripped Commander top and underneath your bra which made your breath suddenly catch in your throat.
“Thrawn” You moan, struggling against his hand that he’d your wrists as he pressed his fingers into your skin slowly but surely. You sighed at the feeling, closing your eyes for a brief moment as Thrawn kissed your collarbones, nipping the skin with his front teeth very softly.
“Care to shower with me?” Thrawn asked with a smile, leaning back up from your chest and letting go of your wrists. You blushed at his suggestion and nodded.
“How could I say no to that?” You chuckled.
Your eyes slowly opened to the familiar pitch black of your room on the ship. Lifting your head, you looked up to see Omani shaking your leg softly as she sat on your bed with a concerned expression.
“You were crying in your sleep” She whispered, her voice full of distress and panic as though she witnessed something traumatic.
You sat up abruptly, hands raising to your eyes and feeling nothing but wet tears staining your cheeks. You wiped them off with urgency, apologising to Omani who watched you in silence as you swallowed your emotions and sucked in a breath.
“Bad dream” You excused your tears, sniffing lightly and raising your legs out of the bed to hand them off the edge. You combed your hair with your hands, feeling your body tremble as your eyes stung with unpleasantly.
“You don’t cry whenever you have bad dreams” Omani shuffled over beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, bringing you close to her as you found it difficult to breathe. You stayed silent at her comment and hung your head low, remembering the visions you saw in your dream and trying to shake them off due to how upset they were making you.
“I’d rather not talk about it” You breathed out, avoiding Omani’s confused stare which soon turned into a sad and frustrated one. You understood she was an adult now, at least an adult in Chiss culture, but you didn’t want to tell her about what you saw. Those memories were for you to deal with, memories you shared with literally no one. Regardless that Thrawn’s her father, you’re sure she wouldn’t want to know what you were dreaming about anyway.
“Well we’ve almost arrived on Naboo so you woke up at the right time” Your daughter pushed aside the tension you created and stood up from your bed, her arm unwrapping itself quickly from you and returning to her side as she approached the door.
“Be careful though, there might be some Imperials here today” That was Omani’s way of saying ‘be careful, dad might be here’. You smiled at her and nodded your head, watching her turn around and leave your room so you could get ready for the mission ahead of you.
Turning the lights on to your room, you were blinded immediately and forced to cover your eyes with your hand. Your eyes pounded in your head and you took a few seconds to adjust to the light in your room. As soon as you were sure you could see properly, your eyes landed on the suitcase you brought with you. You lay it out on the floor and opened it up, taking out a beautiful Senator dress you owned and wore only a few times. Omani mistook the dress for a wedding dress when she was a child and thought for a moment you were getting married, she started crying and making a fuss and you felt terrible.
You took out the shoes that went with the dress as well as a gold necklace, you had Omani do your makeup and hair for the event. She was more excited about it than you were, but she was mostly excited to see you take the stage and speak to other Senators. She had never been to one of your conferences before so this was a real treat for her, regardless if the senate was Imperial or not.
Omani fit herself in a navy dress that clung to her waist but was poofy at the skirt. She wore normal blue flats on her feet considering she hated heels, and for jewellery she wore diamond studs. She tied her heir up in a tight, neat hun and done her makeup very lightly.
Before you left the ship though, Omani gave you your locket from Thrawn back for you to wear at the senate. You suggested for her to wear it but she saw it fit that you would be the one to have it around your neck.
The rest of the rebels who were supporting you at the senate were dressed in navy’s and blacks, doing their best not to be noticed as you landed on Naboo and walked to the Senate. A member of the Senate escorted you and the group to the building and by the looks of it, it was a new republic Senate instead of an Imperial one. You sighed out in relief.
As you took your seats at the Senate, you received many strange looks from other senators and their parties. You ignored their looks and kept a stern expression on your face, determined for this to go well and stand up for the rebels in hopes to get support from Naboo. It wasn’t as though you had no experience, Bail Organa took you to many of his own Senate’s back when you were pregnant and in need of a new job.
It was going to be a while before the Senate started, so you decided to chat with Omani and the rebels in your group to calm their nerves and reassure then that this wasn’t going to be a catastrophe. Omani seemed headstrong about the Senate, the only thing she was worrying about was if the Empire made an appearance, and one man in particular. Beside you, Mon Mothma was with her own party and you felt a little more assured that you were no longer alone. You exchanged a few words with her before a few more senators arrived and the room started filing up quick.
The grand chancellor of Naboo walked up to his stand and the Senate was in session. Many exchanges were made and you and Senator Mothma took to the stage with your heads held high and determination flowing through your veins. You tried not to dwell too much on the fact that the Empire could possibly turn up but you made sure to focus on the most important thing at that moment, and that was hopefully gaining support from Naboo with essentials like food, weapons and more bases.
As Omani was watching you, she had a curious look around the room. Her red eyes switched from person to person like a dot to dot game, eventually falling on the door at the back of the Senate and feeling her body go stiff when Imperial figures emerged from the doors and spectated the Senate from a respectable distance. She tugged on the dress of another rebel who was with her and pointed to the top of the stairs, alerting the Empire’s appearance to the party who then shared it on to Senator Mothma’s party. You sat back down and noticed how scared Omani looked, her blue hand shaking as it tapped your shoulder and pointed to the back of the room. Your blood ran cold when your eyes fell on an imperial woman with an unmistakable appearance that pissed you off.
It was Arihnda Pryce. What was she doing here?
You looked to Senator Mothma who exchanged a wary glance with you, her hands clenched nervously in her lap as the next person took to the stage to support the points you made. You kept looking back at the room to speculate Pryce and her band of goons in the Senate. She wasn’t a Senator, so why was the here? Was she here to order a massacre because the Empire wasn’t here? Or was she here in an attempt to act like a Senator? Both thoughts made you clench your jaw in anger.
Looking back to the Grand Chancellor, you noticed his eyes on Pryce. He spotted her at the stairs and requested that the Senate take a current pause due to the situation.
“And what might you be doing here? The Empire rejected our invitation” The Chancellor said in a loud, booming voice. Pryce never flinched, she only smirked and started making her way down the stairs of the senate. You glared at her the whole time, blocking Omani from her sight even though she was no where near you.
“That is true, Chancellor, but any Senate without the Empire is illegal, therefor this Senate shall disperse immediately” She grinned, making you want to punch her right in her annoying face as she rubbed her nails on the chest of her grey Moff uniform.
“That is not fair!” A Senator cried out, as did another, yelling different insults her way which she wasn’t the least bit effected by. Omani held onto your hand out of fear, her red eyes looking at the woman who you came to loathe so much in your Imperial days.
“I’m afraid it’s perfectly fair, this is against the rules of the Empire” She snapped at whoever yelled at her, her eyes narrow and brows furrowed into a menacing expression. She glared at whoever was around her, eventually stopping once her gaze landed on the Chancellor once again.
“This is my Senate! I shall do and say as I please!” The Chancellor exclaimed, apaulled by Pryce’s words and slamming his fist on the table he was standing at.
“Actually, you can’t” A new voice errupted from the entrance at the back of the Senate. The whole Senate fell silent, including you and Omani, and the rest of the rebels with you. You looked at Omani immediately, eyes glassy with shock as you grabbed her arm and looked back at the new face at the top of the stairs.
“Grand Admiral, what are you doing here?” The Chancellor asked with a stunned tone, clearing his throat and trying to seem confident as Thrawn, who’s eyes were looking straight into the Chandellors soul, made his way slowly down the stairs. Pryce turned to look at Thrawn with a smile, a smile you wanted nothing more than to smack off her face.
Omani spluttered and trembled behind you as she spotted the face of the man she knew as her father, gripping onto the sleeve of your dress tightly as she sat frozen in fear.
You stole a glance at Mon Mothma who was glaring right at the Chiss man making his way down the stairs, her fists clenched underneath the stand in front of her seat. You felt an underlying guilt fill you up the more you looked around the court, noticing everyone’s fierce glares towards the man you had a child with.
“Just stay behind me” You whispered to Omani, squeezing her hand as tight as you could without hurting her, pushing away the feeling of nausea stirring in your stomach.
“The Empire doesn’t have jurisdiction over my Senate, you aren’t wanted here” The Chancellor defended with a loud tone of voice, making his point as transparent as he possibly could whilst looking right back at Thrawn.
“I see... very well,” Thrawn sighed. “In favour of this... chancellor to continue this illegal debate, please stand?” Thrawn looked around the room with an amused smirk. There were a few people who stood up right away, not afraid of the consequences they’ll face by standing by the New Republic.
You looked down at your lap, looking to Omani who shook her head at you, silently begging you not do what she thought you were going to do. Smiling at her, you let her hand go and stood up from your seat, looking right at the Chancellor and nodding his way, earning one in return from him as he sent you a grateful smile. Omani and the others looked at you, horrified, but Mon Mothma smiled, though she did not stand herself.
A few Senators stood up after you, you were thankful that Thrawn’s attention didn’t seem to direct itself to you but sooner or later, stormtroopers appeared and approached those who were standing, including yourself.
Keeping your calm, you smiled and started chuckling at the situation you were in. The silence in the room emboldened your soft laughter and soon, everyone’s eyes were on you. A stormtrooper appeared behind you and grabbed your arms, putting you in cuffs and tugging for you to follow him.
“What’s so funny, Senator?” Pryce stepped forward, her gaze sharp and heavy on you as you stepped out of your Senator chair and gave Omani a reassuring nod.
“This is ridiculous, you Imperials do nothing but ruin everything, this was a peaceful negotiation until you showed up, Governor Pryce” You glared, eyes piercing right through her which caused her to let out a disgusted scoff.
“Arrest this woman at once-“
“That won’t be necessary, Pryce” Thrawn interrupted her, sending her a bone chilling glare that made you want to laugh right in her face. Her pride was torn apart as he stepped forward and looked right at you. Shit.
Thrawn noticed the smile forming on your face, it wasn’t because of Pryce, it was for him. He knew it.
“Senators deserve respect, not violence, get her out of the restraints” Thrawn ordered in a calm, yet demanding voice, causing the stormtrooper to immediately let you out of the handcuffs and step away from you. Thrawn smiled pleasantly at the sight of you glaring at the trooper with a deadly scowl.
“We all share different views in this Senate, though we might not all agree with them, but politics shouldn’t resolve to violence” Thrawn looked at you the whole time with a glimmer in his eyes, he was protecting you like he said on the hologram.
Omani was watching behind you, her eyes wide with surprise and confusion at the same time. She was relieved you weren’t going to be arrested or taken away, but the order was given by Thrawn of all people? She was absolutely positive it was a matter of being biased, if you were someone else he would’ve said nothing.
“This is still an illegal gathering and I unfortunately cannot let it continue,” Thrawn looked back to the Chancellor who’s frown returned to his face. Sighing, he nodded his head and gave in to Thrawn’s request without a single word. Small murmurs of defence echoed around the room but nothing dramatic came out of it.
“Wise choice, we shall take our leave then” Thrawn turned to Pryce, nodding at her to gather her troops and leave the Senate as everyone watched. Omani stood up beside you and wrapped her arms around you, holding you tight as she sobbed in your shoulder. Her cries were thankfully muffled by the sound of footsteps, drawing little to no attention as you held her close and kissed her cheek.
From a distance, Thrawn had turned back around to look at you, but he got a pleasant surprise when he witnessed you embracing no one else but your child, Omani. His frown slowly melted into a look of ease and he smiled at the sight. Whilst Omani rest her chin on your shoulder, she opened her eyes only to spot Thrawn looking right at her with a small smile. Her heart dropped to her stomach but through her tears, she smiled as well. Did he know? Or was he just smiling because she was one of his kind?
“He’s looking at us” Omani whispered in your ear, and in response you let her go and turned around, looking up slightly to meet his gaze and nod your head curtly at him. Thrawn nodded back, looking back to Omani who was shocked at the interaction between you and Thrawn, but she stood her ground and made no actions towards him.
“Am I missing something here?” Omani mumbled under her breath but you heard her, looking at her with a smile and shaking your head.
“Nothing important, let’s just focus on getting out of here” You patted her shoulder, kissing her head lovingly and sneaking another glance back at Thrawn when she turned to the other rebels who were there. The Grand Admiral looked hesitant to leave, his hands were clasped behind his back but every time he looked like he was about to move, he didn’t. Senators were starting to leave and so was Mon Mothma, but for a brief second it felt like no one else was in the room apart from you and Thrawn.
“Are you coming?” You turned to see Omani and the other rebels leaving the pod. You looked back at Thrawn and then back to Omani, nodding reluctantly and taking her hand as she walked out.
Thrawn watched from a distance as his daughter walked you out of the Senator pod, it was obvious you didn’t want to leave and he noticed the way you kept looking back to see him. His heart ached in his chest but he forced himself to look away, eyes landing on Pryce who’s face was full of fear. Saying nothing, Thrawn walked right past her and made his way out of the back entrance, the stormtroopers following behind him.
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nyctoheart · 5 years
quick question: do you think there’s any real merit to the MoM!demyx theory? bc I cant help but feel there’s not really much actual support for it other than they’re both kinda goofy sometimes, and everyone is looking for secret identity plots bc of luxu and reaching for evidence? i feel like it would kinda rob that reveal of its impact too. i trust your kh opinions so if you think it holds water i could probably accept it haha
In all honesty I’ve tried not talking about it too much because people just get so excited and I dont want to rain on people’s parades, but no. I personally don’t think that Demyx nor Luxord are the Master of Masters. I hope it’s okay I talk about Demyx, Luxord, AND Xigbar (since people think he’s the one in the ReMind teaser) here since I’ve been debating to anyway, I may as well take the chance now. It’s long but half of it are images.
[ If you’re reading this and you LIKE the “demyx/luxord/xigbar is the MoM” theories a lot, don’t keep reading lmao. You’re just having fun with theories and thats valid. And I could STILL be wrong, Nomura plays 4D chess after all ]
Now before the ReMind teaser came out, I was absolutely sure that at least Demyx and the Master of Masters are indeed two different people. And this was because of Luxu’s Observation Excerpt 3, where it seems the MoM wouldn’t return unless Luxu pulled off a number of major tasks. But when the ReMind teaser came out, I had to question myself because it truely does seem like the MoM returned during YX and YE’s youth only to disappear again.
But now that I’ve had time to digest the remind trailer, I still am confident they are not one in the same. Here is my thinking: Besides the chains and coat pattern, Xigbar is the only character in a black coat who’s design changed– and this is definitely to make him resemble Luxu’s Back Cover design more. So we know that KH3 is very careful with how characters look in terms of their proportions– something previous KH games have a lot of goofs in (take YX in BbS where he’s taller and more built)
So far we’ve seen the Master of Masters twice in KH3– the secret ending and the ReMind teaser. 
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Demyx’s shoulder pads are much too big to match MoM seen in the Secret Ending. And the sleeves are much too skinny to be Luxord (not to mention the left picture shows no goatee on the chin)
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Now for ReMind’s teaser, all the above arguments still stand, the proportions don’t fit Demyx and Luxord– and they don’t fit Xigbar either because his torso is a bit wider in proportion to his arms. However the proportions fit the MoM from Back Cover perfectly. So chances are Luxu isn’t YX/YE’s master.
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NOW, I understand the argument “Well maybe it’s Luxord/Demyx/Xigbar in a different vessel, duh hello!!” But at the same time…. we could use that argument for anyone. That argument is redundant in my opinion because it doesn’t narrow down the possibilities, it expands it. Dilan and Aeleus, Vexen, Ansem the Wise, even people in UX like Elrena or Ephemer. They could ALL be the MoM in disguise under that argument.
Plus for Demyx specifically, KH3′s Keyblade War is definitely too important for the MoM to miss out on if he’s existing during the time. Maybe ReMind will add a cutscene of Demyx watching from afar, but because for now we haven’t seen him observing or interfering with KH3′s climax at all, this leads me to believe it wasn’t actually that important to him.
For Luxord, I really think that the MoM would know what’s in the box, something he denied to Sora. True, he could be ‘playing dumb’ like he mentioned to Xigbar in ReMind’s teaser, but even then why would Luxord give up so easily in wanting to know who Xigbar is. Especially if that scene really does take place after Xigbar says “May your heart be your guiding key.” chances are Luxord overheard that, and that’s what eggs Luxord on to asking who Xigbar is. If it was the MoM, then i’m sure they would be extra curious into figuring out who Xigbar is. But Luxord simply says “It doesn’t make a difference to me anyway.”. If Xigbar was MoM’s long lost apprentice, then it would be vital that the MoM double check to make sure Xigbar succeeds in resurrecting the Foretellers, especially since that scene comes AFTER the final passage of the Book of Prophecies, the last thing the MoM ever saw. So the MoM would need reassurance that Luxu would succeed– the MoM would pry more I would think.
For anyone, why wouldn’t the MoM be able to see past the final entry in the Book of Prophecies. That passage is coincidentally the final event before Sora changes time. Therefore we can believe that it was Sora changing time that fucked up the MoM’s vision, and that’s why he couldn’t see passed that event. But if Demyx or Xigbar (both who lived passed that event) are the MoM, then the MoM would have known that time would continue after the Book of Prophecies final passage. The only way I can accept this otherwise would be if a new vessel would take away his ability to see the future, since a vessel has new eyes. but even then, there’s still the fact that KH3′s Secret Ending seems to have Back Cover’s MoM’s body.
For anyone: Why would the MoM have a specific body style in Back Cover, then either disappear or fake his disappearance, and then a generations later still have the same body style in Xehanort’s youth, only to suddenly use a new vessel out of no where to be Demyx or Luxord, and then go BACK to that original body for KH3′s secret ending? It doesn’t ANY sense. If the Master did change to Demyx or Luxord, there would have to be a damn good reason he would revert back for KH3′s secret ending. But for now, I’m counting it out. It just makes WAY more sense if the MoM has the same body throughout this entire time instead of going back and forth.
As of writing this, I don’t know how the MoM is talking to Young Xehanort. I really don’t. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m inclined to believe he’s someone we already know. I think either the MoM returned to the modern age to talk to YX, where Xigbar’s going to be pissed in learning about and go rogue (possibly foreshadowed by the Luxu piece being the center highest on the 2nd game of chess, with the MoM piece being on a lower row off-center) OR that scene takes place during KHX before the Master disappeared. And since the recent KHUX teaser showed the MoM talking to Luxu and appears to be the EARLIEST scene of KH ever shown, it wouldn’t surprise me of MoM + YX’s talk happened around this time.
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“whaaaaa??”“When I was still just a boy…”  (provided by @_KH_ENGLISH on twitter)
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lcving-ateez · 5 years
You’d never know ♡
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Plot: Your best friend had always cared about you but after an especially hard day, while he wants to show that even more, an upset you wants nothing more than to be alone. A heated argument brings the two closer than you'd ever imagined.
Word count: 1,979
Extras!: The first half is a bit of a Snapchat AU and the second half is in normal paragraphs.
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞 sent a snap!
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: so you are ignoring me
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: it shows that you're opening my messages
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: seriously?
Me: Mingi leave me alone please
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: can I have an explanation as to why my best friend cried in the library
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: didn't come to two of her lectures
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: totally ignored me on our lunch break
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞 is typing...
Me: yeah I get it
Me: I'm sorry okay?
Me: I'm a horrible person, happy now?
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: oh shut up you know I didn't mean it like that
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: what's up with you?
Me: nothing
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: that works on school counselors and parents
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: not the boy you've known since the second grade
Me: well maybe it's no-ones business genius. Can you not just accept that???
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: right then, I'm sorry for caring?
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: But go ahead and tell Yoosung since apparently your boyfriend of like three months is more important
Me: he is the problem
Me: Gi he broke up with me
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: no
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: this had better be a joke
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: he did what????
Me: he broke up with me Mingi
Me: he said I wasn't good enough
Me: that he dated me because he wanted to make his ex jealous
Me: it worked and now...
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: Y/N
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: he is in no way allowed to talk to you like that wtf
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: he's nothing compared to you, do you even know how perfect you are
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞 is typing...
Me: you don't have to say anything to make me feel better
Me: Idk who I was, thinking someone so far out of my league would ever want me in the first place
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: dont you dare beat yourself up because that asshole doesn't know how to act
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: how did it happen?
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: I'm so so sorry
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: I should've asked you nicer, I should've known you were hurting and I shouldn't have spoke to you the way I did earlier
Me: well I asked why he didn't come outside when we went to pick him up this morning
Me: he told me he 'wouldn't be caught dead in that piece of shit car your dumb-ass Mingi ever so proudly drags around'
Me: and then I told him not to talk about you like that
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: what kind of guy has that little self respect?
Me: then he told me about the whole ex thing and said what losers we both are and
Me: I just feel so stupid
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: Don't?? You're the smartest funniest prettiest girl I know
Me: you're just saying that because you feel like you need to right now
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: why on earth would I 'need' to say anything?
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: Y/N I don't bullshit when it's serious like this
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: I knew he was no good
Me: are you really playing the I knew it card right now????
Me: also why wouldn't you tell me then?
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: uh because you were happy??
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: I didn't want to ruin that for you
Me: I'm so done with guys
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: bit dramatic don't you think?
Me: let's just not talk about him
Me: I just stopped crying
Me: one more tear and I'll die of dehydration
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: you deserve better you know?
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: your first boyfriend was meant to be special and perfect for you
Me: well jokes on you minki
Me: he wasn't 🥵
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: I'm serioussss :(  you deserve someone who suits you and makes you happy
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: cute height difference
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: knows your favorite foods
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: knows your favorite memes
Me: if only such a guy existed
Me: and no one like that would be interested in me lol
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: YOURE SO SLOW
Me: awe aren't you lovely? 😘
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: Y/N L/N I COULDN'T BE ANY BLUNTER
Me: I told you I'm stupid 🤷🏻‍♀️
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: eye-
Me: 🥰🥰🥰
Me: Mingiiiiiiiii did I offend youuuu?
Me: open my messages rat
Me: don't be sad 😔🤠
Me: Minmin I love youuuUU
Princess minki 🧚🏻‍♀️💞: Look outside dipshit
Me: am I gonna see a spooky clown 😱😱🤪
     You turned off your phone and rushed down the stairs, quickly unlocking the door. Mingi's soft brown hair covered his eyes in a messy mop; evidence of him jumping out of bed to come see you. He rubbed his hands feverishly up and down his biceps in an attempt to generate warmth.
"Extra ass" you sighed, yanking him by the shoulder into your house. Once he was inside and you'd locked the door again, you turned to him angrily.
"Why are you here? Mingi I told you I’m over him. I’m fine”
"Bold of you to assume I'm here to talk about that jackass" He huffed walking right past you and into the kitchen, fully knowing you'd follow him. You stomped behind him waiting to see what he'd do next.
Mingi ran his hands through his fringe while he opened the fridge, scanning its shelves for something to drink. Although you were a lot less emotional than you were this morning; today had been a lot and you weren't in the mood to speak to anyone, not even your best friend.
"Can you leave? I'll see you at uni tomorrow" you whined as he picked out an apple juice box and pulled the straw from it, totally ignoring you in the process.
"I'm serious, I don't want to see anyone. My parents are out for a while and this is the only time I get alone" The boy shut the fridge door and turned to you, leaning on his forearms against the granite countertop. It was awkward when he looked at you, holding eye contact as he slipped the straw between his lips, staring down at you condescendingly.
His expression was an uncanny blend of amused and standoffish. His brows were perked up and his eyes were blank in a way that seemed to challenge you without saying a word.
Go ahead, get mad. I dare you
And oh boy, did that piss you off.
   "I'm sorry did I say you could come in and open my fridge?" you asked leaving a pause for him to answer while you organized your angry thoughts; you weren't actually that mad about him taking a single juice box, it was more like the straw that broke the camel's back. Mingi simply shook his head, just waiting for you to go off.
"Then can you maybe have a single ounce of respect and ask before you come over for once?! God, guys are all the same you're so- so selfish and rude! I said I wanted to be alone today and you couldn't respect that, you didn't even try to comfort me or talk like a normal person!" Your rant was cut short as loud slurps irritated your thought process. He was stood there crushing the small carton, squeezing every last drop into his mouth before tossing it into the bin to his left.
Your head felt like it would explode into a million little pieces right then and there. His cold nature had you right on the verge of breaking out into tears of fury.
"Are you really that childish? Knock it off right now, Mingi. I've had one of the worst days of my life and I just- I just need to let it pass right now. You're not helping by being such a fu-" your voice was breaking and tears were unknowingly streaming down your cheek, but a sudden action surprised you enough to bring them to a sudden halt.
Mingi hated seeing you so mad but he knew you needed to let it out somewhere, and if he had to be your vessel then so be it; When he saw you start crying though, everything single brain cell in his head thought of how he could fix this. And being the quick - totally irrational - thinker he is, all Mingi could think of was to kissing you.
And kiss you he did.
As soon as he pushed off the counter his hand found the back of your neck like a magnet to metal. His grip was strong enough to show you how desperate he was but gentle enough to show you he meant no harm. His lips connected to yours in the blink of an eye while his other arm found its way around your waist, holding your much smaller frame tightly against his.
His lips moved slowly against your own, the feeling of electricity rushed through your veins as you melted wholly into the kiss, feeling loved and warm for the first time today. His plump lips were colder than yours from being outside and tasted faintly of the drink he'd had moments earlier, as you moved your head to the side the fruity smell engulfed you.
You could definitely get used to this.
With his fingers running a final stroke through your hair, Mingi pulled away gently as if asking for permission to do so. You complied and took a step back breaking away from his warmth as you ached for more. A satisfied smile graced his face, you'd never know how long he'd been waiting to do that.
Your mind was blank and the room was dead silent for far too long as you stood there, trying to process what had happened and trying to calm the furious red shade consuming your cheeks. Mingi broke this silence by laughing after he licked his lips. It started as a light giggle but quickly turned into a painful wheeze.
"W-what?" You asked, quite frankly seeing that smile on his face brought one to your own, his laugh was contagious.
"For a sad girl, you’re still so extra. Are you really wearing cherry flavored lip balm?" He continued to laugh, licking the glossy remnants off of his lips; you could've sworn your heart had stopped.
"’Min, that's gross! You can't do that!"
"But it tastes good" he frowened like a lost puppy, suddenly all was forgiven
"What are you doing to me?" Your head was clouded with far too many emotions to work normally so you thought out loud, hoping he'd have an answer.
"Hopefully cheering you up a little?"
"Song Mingi stop it right now! Can you just not mess with me like this? If you like me you can say so just don't if you...don't" your words wouldn't have made sense to anyone sane, but Mingi wasn't anyone; and he sure as hell wasn't sane. Your mum had always told you that guys only want one thing and it stuck with you, but He wasn't like that; your whole being wanted to believe Mingi wasn't like that.
"I would never hurt you Y/N. I wouldn't kiss you like that if I didn't mean it" He didn't need you to ask what he meant, years of friendship meant he could read your expression like an open book.
"I really really like you Y/N. God it feels good to say that. So I've like, liked you this way since freshman year but you've always treated me like a little brother - even though I'm a billion times taller than you - and I didn't think you'd want to date me anyways" Mingi kept that childish glint in his eyes as his hand rubbed the nape of his neck, waiting with baited breath for you to say anything, anything at all.
"Well you know, you could've said something because I thought you had a thing for Yunho" You snickered walking over to trap him against the countertop, your arms either side of him.
"You- That's kinda fair though. Yunho is a fine piece of ass. But what do you say?"
And just like that the words you never thought you'd hear from your previous best-friend left his lips
"You gonna be my girlfriend, L/N?"
"I might just, Song”
Happy Mingi Day xx
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littlebird-99 · 5 years
I Don’t Do, I Love You
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Dean x Reader
Part 1
Mentions: a slight mention of self harm, language
Characters: Dean, Reader, Mentions Jody and Donna
Any and all mistakes are mine. Hasn't been Beta'd
Italics are flash back
Bold is songs
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“You pushed her away Dean, you broke up with her, and now you're admitting you love her, you miss her, you're pathetic” he says, shaking his head. “Dean, you realize it's been 5 years since she left us, 5 years before you made her leave us” he says.
Dean just looks at him, before he looks down, “I know Sam. I know I did, and I'll get her back.”
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She moves, turning to turn her music on, frowning then the song Why Ya Wanna By Jana Kramer starts playing, “oh great.. even the music” she groans.
Y/n went to work that morning, her eyes puffy, her makeup a mess, and her hair even messier. She growls getting out of bed, “come on y/l/n.. he's an ass and you hate him” she says softly, looking at herself in the mirror. “He didn't look for you for five years. He broke you heart, all because he couldn't say I love you” she says.
She starts getting dressed listening to the song. She chewed her lip and thinks, “out of all of the places, in this little town, yeah you had to come walking in here and sit down… I'm hiding and hoping, my face ain't to red since we've been over been trying like crazy to get you out a my head..
So oh.. why ya wanna show up in a old tshirt that I love, why ya gotta tell me that I'm looking good dont know why, you were thinking, you were doing moving in for a heart like ya dont know I'm coming in glued. Why you gotta, why ya wanna make me keep wanting you” she sings along. She shakes her head, biting her lip as she think, she removes her make up, before she hops in the shower, washing the heartbreak off yesterday off.
“He's already left town, just like you'll do”
“He really had left town, no way in hell is he still he, he's a Winchester.. they only care for family”
“Wasn't I-I family?”
“Stop it.. he's gone.. again, just forget again”
She spoke her head, sitting down in the tub as the water washes over her, shivering and shaking she cries.
“I wasn't family.. I'm not blood either”
She never heard the door to her motel open, nor the knock on the bathroom door. But she did hear.
“Is that really what you think?”
She jumps, grabbing a towel, quickly wrapping herself around in it.
“What're… why are you here?” She stutters, he shakes his head, “is that really what you think?” He questioned again.
She shakes her head, “get out Dean” she all but whispers, “no, damn it, please talk to me. Is that really what you think?” He questioned again, this time more umph in his voice.
“Yea..  Because you always said you'd be there for me Dean, but you weren't… were you? Where were you?” She asks, her voice cracking.
“Oh don't start with me…” he says, “I was there--”
She laughs half heartedly, shaking her head, “no you weren't! You kicked me out, told me we were done Dean” she says. A new song started playing, Wasting All These Tears By Cassadee Pope.
She listens to the music, shaking her head. “Get out Dean… please just let me move on” she cries.
He stops, she hasn't moves on yet, that's a good sign, he needed to try. “Y/n/n please” he whispers, stepping closer, his own tears filling his eyes “please”
She shakes her head, moving to step out of the bathroom, he stops, time freezes as he looks down, “what.. your.. damn it!” He growls, he shakes his head, holding her arm gently. The scars have been added too, ones he knows what happened.
“I did… I made.. oh god” he whispers. Y/n pulls her arm away quickly, “get the fuck out of my room!” She yells, he shakes his head, “I'm not leaving you!”
She goes to push him, but he holds her back, shaking his head, “stop it” he says.
She shakes her head, “you stop. You didn't even fight for me! You just pushed me away, I thought… i thought you were different!”
“I am different! I care about you! I miss you! I miss my best friend” he yells back. “I'm not going anywhere” he says softly. “Ever” he adds, holding her tight against him, before he slides to the floor. Both of them surrounded by the sounds of tears and the music.
An Hour Later
She pulls away, shivering “i.. I need a drink” she spoke quietly, but trusting her voice, “a-and I need to get dressed” she adds.
He stands up, helping her stand up, “I've got Jack in my car.. you get dressed I'll be back” he says. She nods, still standing there.
He walks out, leaving her be for a few moments, quickly grabbing the whiskey from the trunk, and going back in, finding her on the bed, in a giant shirt that.. that was his.
“I can't keep kissing strangers pretending they're you Dean..” she said slowly, “I can't keep pretending that every night, I'll crawl into our… your bed back at the bunker” she says.
“I'm broken… I'm just a vessel than when I was with you” that sentence broke him. He slides over the whiskey and she opens it, chugging from it quickly.
He watches from the couch, giving her space as she talks.
“Wanna know what's even worse?” She questions, looking over at him, through her lashes, he could see the years of hurt. “The worst of it… is that seeing you? Makes me wanna jump right back in” she says.
“But I'm stronger than that... I'm stronger then just running back to you.. at least that's what I'm telling myself” she says, she takes another chug, this time it was worth 5 shots.
He frowns, “hey.. hey give me that” he says, quickly going over and taking the bottle. He puts the cap back on, and sets it next to him on the ground.
“I wanted to stop loving you.. but it's those damn green eyes. Those perfect emerald eyes..” she spoke, “you don't understand… i'll never stop calling you, no matter what I do”
He sees her wheels turning, before he speaks softly, “I did search for you.. I thought you'd go to Jody's, so I went there, she didn't see you. Went to Donna's, no sign. Garth's: nope..  you weren't anywhere” he says.
“Letting you go.. letting you go was the hardest thing I've had to do” he spoke with a soft voice.
Her next question makes him freeze, snapping his head up to look her in the eyes, why couldn't you love me back?” He shakes his head..
“Seriously?” He growled, before he took a deep breathe, “I fucking loved you more than anything” he spoke, saying that word. “I'd travel to hell and back, just to tell everyone how I felt”
“I couldn't tell you back then because i was fucking terrified! You were the one person who gave a shit about me.”
“Can't you see.. I'm poison, people get close to me they get killed.. or worse. I couldn't let that happen to you!”
She scoffs, the whiskey hitting her head, giving her the push she needed.
“Fuck you Winchester. You don't get to do that. Not now! Not while I'm drinking. Not while we're both crying” her voice was raised, the tears starting to fall again.
“I can't believe you… I won't not matter what I try” she whispers, “but I will. In my head, those words will live on, because I still fucking love you because I'm a--” he rushes forward, crashing his lips into hers.
It was heated, full of sadness, regret, mostly love. Tears fell from both sets of eyes, both of them clawing at the other.
He pulled away first, his forehead resting on hers, “then lets sleep.. sober up, calm down. And talk” he says, he pulled away. Grabbing the Jack, and his jacket, walking to the door.
A small voice stops him as his hand hovers over the doorknob, “please stay…” she whispers.
He nods, he walks over, sitting down, he takes his shoes off, then his shirts, and his jeans next, before he pulls the blankets back, covering her uo, then himself and facing her, running his fingers through her hair.
“Sleep” he spoke softly.
Feedback is important!!
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yoongitexts · 6 years
• 。Honesty  。•
Jeon Jungkook X Park Jimin Smut
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(Sub!Jimin, Dom!Jungkook, hair pulling, oral, orgasm denial, implied anal sex)
Summary: Park Jimin was Jeon Jungkook’s best friend at university. He was probably the most adorable person Jungkook had ever met. The two never talked about anything sexual and Jimin never mentioned any interest in girls and it made Jungkook feel even more comfortable around him. He was always considerate of Jungkook and his feelings. But it wasn’t long before he realized that Park Jimin was no where close to as innocent as Jungkook thought he was and that he was so much closer to being in love with Jimin than he could ever anticipate. All Jungkook had to do now was be honest.
“Jungkookie you have to finish the assignment tonight!” Jimin protested over the phone while Jungkook walked down the street just outside of campus. As per usual Jimin was keeping him on track for school work cause without him Jungkook would teeter right out of his college scholarship. “I know Chim, I just can’t bring my self to doing it, I feel brain dead.” Jungkook smiled through his words as he heard Jimin sigh over the phone. 
“Jungkook I know you can do it, just think about it this way; either you do the assignment or else you’ll die.” He said.
A laugh escaped Jungkook’s throat suddenly but Jimin didn’t make a sound, indicating his seriousness.
“But I know I won’t die Chim.” He said.
“Well you still have to think that way! Or else it won’t get done!” He said. Jimin’s honest tough love always worked no matter what.
“I guess you’re right, oh there’s a Starbucks right here I’ll do it now.” Jungkook said walking into the café.
“Of course, I’m always right, now go write the best paper ever!” Jimin said quickly hanging up the phone. Jungkook took his phone off his ear and smiled. ‘What would I do without him?’ He thought to himself. As soon as he sat down and got comfortable he looked out of the window and saw huge dark grey clouds rolling into town. ‘Fuck I should just go back to the dorms before it starts pouring’ he said to himself picking up his backpack and walking out.
He absolutely needed Jimin’s help with this paper, Jimin was so amazing at writing and never ever bragged about it ever. Jungkook walked back onto campus as it started drizzling and made it through the door just in time. ‘Down the hall and the first door on your left’ Jungkook remembered the first time someone told him those directions to Jimins dorm when Jimin was just his tutor who he went to for more formal assistance. Right away after the first tutoring session him and Jimin became close friends. They talked about music and shows and stupid memes, Park Jimin was really his missing piece.
Jungkook knocked on the hard wooden door three times before opening it with ease.
‘Of course it’s unlocked, only Jimin would have that much trust in people.’ He smiled.
He walked around the corner to Jimin’s bedroom and expected to see a four eyed boy with his face shoved in his computer.
“J-“ Jungkook stopped his mouth from moving or making a sound before he was able to embarrassed himself.
Jimin was sat upright on his bed with his head tilted back, letting each golden lock of his hair dangle and defy gravity right behind his neck. His glasses were off letting the darkness of his eyes show. Soft but very audible breaths escaped his mouth and Jungkook wished he wasn’t correct but he knew what he was doing.
Jimin’s completey exposed dick was being caressed by his right hand and he seemed to be in a state of euphoria. Sweat dripped down his neck as he heard one small hum of satisfaction escape his vocal chords. He had earbuds in but he wasn’t sure if he was watching porn or not.
Jungkook was taken back and tried shuffle backwards out of his room as quickly as possible without tripping. He closed the door swiftly and made his way back to his dorm.
That night Jungkook couldn’t get the thought of Jimin’s dick out of his head and the sounds he was making and the ethereal way he looked pleasuring himself. He picked up his phone and texted Hoseok, the one who suggested that Jimin tutor him.
Hoseok omg omg
Ugh this is so weird
What is it Gguk
Okay I kinda walked in on Jimin jacking off but he didn’t notice me so I ran away and I just feel so awkward now
There was no response from Hoseok for a few minutes and he thought Hoseok immediately texted Jimin about what happened and your heart began to race. He typed quickly.
Hobi whatever you do DONT TELL HIM
HHAAGAHAHA IM NOT chill out dude
I just don’t know what to do, I saw everything Hobi
Look you know all guys jack off it’s really nothing I’m sure he won’t care kook
But Jimin isn’t all guys, he’s my chim chim, and yeah I guess he’s normal too but I just never thought I’d see it
Kookie I think you need to get some sleep
Jungkook turned his phone off. ‘Well Hoseok is no help right now and I can’t talk to anyone else about this’
Jungkook angrily pulled his douvet over his body and slammed his head into his pillow. As his body began to unstiffen from anger the moments played again in his head. Jimin’s moans... his sweat, fuck...his dick. It was glistening in the light probably from precum or lube. He shook the thought away before it turned into something he didn’t want it to be. He forced yourself to shut off his brain and sleep and forgot about that stupid paper. The next few days he avoided Jimin at all costs and constantly came up with excuses for not being able to hang out. “Too much work.” “I’m sick.” “Just not feeling up to it.”
Jungkook felt awful for lying to him but he didn’t know how to look him in the eye and still refrain from telling him about what happened. Jungkook scrunched his face at the sound of his alarm and tapped the Stop button on his phone as hard as he could. He walked down the hall to the bathroom when he collided with a body as he came around the corner leading to the lounge.
“Sorry-Oh, Jungkookie, I was wondering where you were.” Jimin said fixing his glasses.
“Oh Jimin I’ve been meaning to talk to you.” He said awkwardly.
“Like hell you have, what’s up with you, you’ve been so weird lately?” He said.
Jungkook’s heart shattered as he realized how stupid he was being and how much he might have been hurting Jimin.
“Jimin there’s something that happened a few days ago that I need to talk to you about.” He said.
Jimin immediately looked extremely worried. “Are you okay? Is your family okay?” He asked frantically.
“No they’re fine, c-can you just come here so we can talk in private?” He asked edging towards Jimins dorm.
Jimin followed behind him. Jungkook sat down on his bed and Jimin sat right beside him with his leg propped up on the bed to face Jungkook.
“So a few days ago, I came to your dorm to ask for some help with my paper-“
“Oh yeah did you ever finish that?” Jimin asked.
“No, but that’s not important right now, anyway when I came here I didn’t know, but you were doing something kinda private and I just wanted to let you know that I saw cause I don’t want to keep secrets from you.” Jungkook said. Jimin stared at him in confusion until his face showed his realization.
“Ooohh you mean you saw me jacking off, I’m sorry Kook if I’d known you were coming I would have locked the door.” He said. Jungkook couldn’t believe how casual he was being but that was how Hoseok was saying he would react too.
“So you’re not mad at me?” Jungkook asked softly.
Jimin giggled and then sighed. “Why would I be mad at you?” He asked.
“I-I don’t know.” Jungkook said awkwardly.
“At least you know how sexually frustrated I really am now.” Jimin said.
“Haha yeah me too...” Jungkook said trying to lighten the mood.
“How about this? From now on we have to be honest with each other about everything, no matter what it is, that way we can avoid situations like this.” Jimin said standing up organizing some things on his desk. “Okay.” Jungkook said. Jimin smiled in agreement.
“I’m gonna go finish that paper.” Jungkook said standing up. Jimin shewed him out of the room and he went back to his dorm. Jungkook sat at his desk still thinking about what Jimin said about being honest with each other. He tapped the end of just pen against his desk until he chuckled in thought. ‘Honest? Honest means telling him I can’t stop think about his dick and how beautiful it is and how much I would love to have it in my mouth right about now.’ The thought ate away at him. ‘Jimin... Jimin Jimin Jimin, What is he trying to do to me?’ In the middle of his thought he got a text.
Finish that paper yet?
Nope :)))
Get to it boy!
Jimin Do you really want me to be honest with you?
Of course kookie
I can’t stop thinking about you
Jungkook didn’t get a response after that. His heart was racing. A rejection would be better than nothing at all but there he was, angry, frustrated, heartbroken and teary eyed because of his best friend. He began to whimpered through his sobs. His chested clenched with each breath, his blood vessels lagging and shooting through his heart like tiny pumps of venom. He heard a knock on his door and frantically wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his black sweatshirt. His room was dim, only his desk lamp being on and he hoped the person aquanting him wouldn’t see his glazed irises.
“C-Come in.” Jungkook said still wiping the tears.
A soft figure floated through the door. “Jungkookie... are you crying?” Jimin asked walking over to him and crouching slightly to be at the sitting level Jungkook was at. He looked down away from Jimin as the last two of his tears spilled out. Jimin wiped them away with the pads of his thumbs. “I can’t stop thinking about you either Kookie... I never do.” Jimin whispered. Jungkook didn’t believe him for a second. He shook away the thought and absorbed all the pity in Jimin’s sentence without really listening. Jimin lifted Jungkook’s drowsy face by his chin and planted a soft kiss on his best friend’s face. As their lips parted Jungkook muttered under his breath, “What... is happening?”
“Jungkookie... honestly I want you so bad, I have for some time now...” Jimin breathed.
“So then do something about it you idiot.” Jungkook said chuckling away his tears.
Jimin reached his leg over Jungkook’s lap lowered himself onto his thighs carefully and cupped his hands over Jungkook’s cheeks. Jungkook was the first to quickly lean forward and pull Jimin into a kiss. One of Jungkook’s idle hands trailed up Jimin’s wrist reached for his palms and intertwined his fingers with Jimin’s bringing their clasped hands down to his sides. Their lips quarreled and begged for more from one another. Jimin’s gentle hands tugged at Jungkook’s thick black sweatshirt. He quickly pulled it off from the collar and revealed his bare torso and the two tiny birth marks on his collar bone that Jimin secretly so adored. Jimin traced them with his free hand and Jungkook suddenly lifted Jimin never breaking their connected lips. Jimin wrapped his legs around Jungkook’s hips and he placed Jimin down on his mattress. Jimin lied beneath him staring back up at him, watching Jungkook undress down to his boxers never breaking contact. 
Jungkook sighed, “...Ah Jimin, always so beautiful.” He said softly as he climbed onto the bed over the fully clothed smaller male beneath him. 
Jungkook pinned Jimin’s wrists above his head and leaned down towards his ear. “I don’t want to hear a sound from you.” Jungkook whispered. The contrast of Jungkook’s warm breath from the cold air that hit Jimin’s skin sent chills and goosebumps through his entire body. Jungkook’s lips lowered down to Jimin’s neck and had full control over his senses. Jimin held back his moans in the back of his throat. Jungkook kept sucking over the skin of his carrotted arteries until a small whimper managed to escape Jimin’s mouth. Jungkook immediately stopped.
“What did I say?” He asked, his voice now raspy with lust. Jimin’s face began to turn pink. “I-I’m sorry.” Jimin said abruptly swallow a mouth full of saliva.
“Sorry’s not gonna cut it baby.” Jungkook said. Jungkook pulled down Jimin’s grey sweatpants and his boxers along with them.
He kissed along Jimin’s V line down beneath his belly button and over his pelvis but right before he could reach Jimin’s dick he lifted his head. “So how long do you think I should make you wait to cum?”
Jimin froze realizing the situation he was in. “H-how ever long you want Kookie.” He said being the kiss up he was.
Jungkook took all of Jimin in his mouth at once, bobbing his head up and down. Jimin’s mouth lead out  gravely moans with each breach Jungkook made. Jimin sat up and ran his fingers through Jungkook’s hair. Jungkook went at the same slow antagonizing pace for just enough time to taste Jimin’s precum and immediately come to a halt with his actions. The cool air hit Jimin’s cock as Jungkook’s warm lips were no longer around it. “Wh-wha-“ Jimin started unable to formulate full words.
“Oh, were you getting ready to cum Jiminie?” He asked gently caressing Jimin’s soft blonde hair. “Mhm.” Jimin moaned to the feeling of his scalp being massaged.
Jungkook suddenly grabbed the fist full of Jimin’s hair he was just running his hands through making Jimin’s head jolt. “Ah! Ow..” Jimin said in shock. 
“It’s too bad only real good boys get to cum.” Jungkook groaned maniacally still firmly grasping his locks now standing over the smaller boy.
“B-but I am a good boy...” Jimin said.
Jungkook chuckled lightly. “Oh Jimin, you’re so beautiful and so good on the surface but you’re so dirty, fucking yourself with the door practically opened, you were just asking for me to walk in on you, you slut.” He said. Jimin was speechless. He had no idea Jungkook could be so dominant and degrading but he’d sure as hell be lying if he said he didn’t like it.
“So let me ask you, do you think you’re really a good boy?” Jungkook asked. His eyes were so dark that any functioning human would immediately respond how they knew Jungkook wanted in fear of sudden death from his intimidating nature.
“N-no.” Jimin said looking down.
“Good answer baby.” Jungkook said keeping his aura purposefully bipolar. 
He reached down and gently ran his hand over Jimin’s hard cock, alternating the sides of his finger tips that he let lightly drag across him. He then wrapped his hand around Jimin and properly began stroking up and down over his smooth dick. “When you were jerking off did you wish I had been the one doing this right now?” Jungkook questioned the closed-eyed overstimulated boy. 
“Mhm...yeah.” Jimin whimpered.
“You should have been honest baby, we would have avoided a lot of problems right now...” Jungkook wrapped his hand tigher around Jimin’s cock before finishing his sentence. “Wouldn’t we?” Jungkook said finishing his statement. Jimin’s head was too high in the clouds to respond. As Jungkook continued he began to palming himself off through his boxers. He kneeled down onto the bed behind Jimin and yanked open his nightstand drawer. He pulled out a small tube of lube and carelessly squeezed out all of it into his hand and delicately massaged it over his dick. 
“Kookie?” Jimin asked.
“Yes Angel?” Jungkook responded. 
“Please start slow.” He said. Jungkook paused and realized just how vulnerable he had made Jimin. 
“Just relax baby.” He whisper. He slowly pushed his cock into Jimin and was taken over by the feeling of Jimin surrounding him so perfectly. Jimin let out the breath he held in while bracing himself. 
The room began to fill with moans and unfinished cusses. As Jungkook pounded harder into Jimin he reached for his manhood and attempt at finally finishing him off in order to ease the pain he was feeling and intensify the pleasure. 
Jimin didn’t expect to reach his high so quickly, it snuck up on him. “Aah-I’m gonna.” Jimin was unable to finish before he came on Jungkook’ s hand and it ran over his index finger and his thumb. Jungkook pounded into Jimin one last time before pulling out. He took Jimin’s cum and rubbed it all over his dick and used it as lube to jerk himself off. Jimin sat watching him intently as Jungkook’s head dropped back in complete Nirvana and he came all over his duvet groaning in pleasure. 
The room fell silent. 
“Are you okay?” Jungkook asked scooting over and embracing Jimin.
“I’m amazing, that was amazing.” He giggled.
“Maybe we should wash up?��� Jungkook asked kindly. Jimin’s eyes glistened as he took in his sweet change in tone. He loved each and every side of Jeon Jungkook and Jungkook loved him back just the same. 
“I agree.” He smiled getting up and slipping on Jungkook’s black sweatshirt he had been wearing prior to their eloping and gave Jungkook a very “how do I look?” pose. 
“Hey that's my sweate-...actually... it looks good on you.” Jungkook said cutting himself off. The sweatshirt fell just above Jimin’s knees and Jungkook admired this image, this moment in time. He quickly picked up one of the other thousands of sweatshirts in his drawer and they both slipped on shorts and headed to the showers. Despite being as intimate as two could get just moments before, Jungkook still went into a separate shower stall as Jimin. They washed up in piece not saying a word to eachother before Jimin spoke up. 
“I have a strong feeling you never finished that paper.” Jimin said.
“Nope.” Jungkook said turning off the water and hopping out. Jimin then turned off his water quickly not wanting to be left behind. As Jungkook walked past Jimin’s stall he whispered. 
“Maybe you can help me...” 
(I rly hope you guys like this it took me two weeks to write it cause I kept getting writers block in the midst of it asdjhakh but leave a like and reblog if u did)
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captain039 · 6 years
i know you dont
Castiel X female reader
Summary: You can’t deal with apocalypse and now you share a heaven with an angel?
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, fluff, reader is a self-harmer if this triggers you please do not read!
You’ve been hunting since you were little with your father who raised you to hunt he died when you were 20 selling his soul to save you stupid man. You hated yourself for making him do that when you died after a hunt he couldn’t keep you dead and he died in your arms you didn’t know how much you drank that night but that’s when you first saw the angel, Castiel.
6 months ago
Your dad was dead his soul taken by some black-eyed bitch you shot her, but it didn’t stop anything he got taken away his body lifeless you cremated him on a fire watched him burn some whiskey in your hand. You stumbled into the motel that night smelling of smoke having blood on your shirt and a bottle in your hand the receptionist didn’t care he was too busy watching something you collapsed on the couch that’s when you heard it something sounding like wings then someone in front of you with a knife through their heart. He simply pulled it out discarding it onto the ground you were confused stumbling to stand up he was a tad blurry though you couldn’t make out his face.
“Who the hell are you?” You slurred sitting back down on the couch your head feeling dizzy.
“I’m an angel of the lord” You scoffed laughing.
“An angel of the lord?” You laughed some more.
“I don’t understand what’s so funny” He questioned frowning at you.
“Listen Mr. Angel of the lord get out of my freaking motel before I load every god damn bullet into your chest” You growled glaring at him he didn’t budge though.
“Get the fuck out” You said standing up his face becoming clearer.
“I can’t do that Y/N I have something important to tell you” He said
“Tell me when I’m dead bitch” You said flopping onto your bed passing out.
That was six months ago and now he’s back standing in front of you.
 “Look I don’t care who you are what you are, but I would like to be left alone” You said sitting back on the edge of the bed.
 “Its your family Y/N there in danger” He said you frowned.
“I have no family dick head” You scoffed which made him frown.
“Your brothers Sam and Dean” He said you froze.
“I don’t know what your talking about” You said getting up looking out the window.
“You do and their in-danger Y/N the apocalypse has started” the man Castiel said walking over to you invading your personal space.
“How do you know about my brothers” You had a knife on his neck a demon killing knife.
“I told you I’m an angel” He said his face blank.
“Angels aren’t real if they were I wouldn’t be doing this shit” You glared at him.
“Hell demons, there are angels and heaven Y/N” Cas tried to explain but you just slit his throat he didn’t even move just sighed his skin healing.
“The hell are you” You said backing away from him.
“Y/N” Cas said walking towards you, but you were gone out of the building he was in front of you in a second touching your head with two fingers. You were somewhere else in a town you held your stomach sickness seeping up.
“What did you do?” You asked hunching over.
“I took us to Sam and Dean they’ll want to see you” Castiel said walking across the street.
“No, they don’t” He stopped turning to you.
“Why not?” He questioned his head tilting to the side a little.
“Because I left them” You said he frowned.
“They’re my half-brothers I left them with my mother left when I was 15 my little brother Sammy was 12 Dean was the same age as me but I left them ok because I couldn’t stay there I’m a-“You stopped looking up seeing two figures walking towards you they stopped.
“Y/N?” Sam questioned walking forward.
“Hey Sam” You said sadly.
“Hey Dean” You added his face was shocked.
“The hell you doing here?” Dean asked.
“Ask douche bag” You said pointing to the trench coat.
“Cas what did you do?” Sam asked.
“I brought her here she can help” He said you sighed shaking your head.
“They don’t want my help Cas I’m no use now take me back to the motel” You said turning to him a hand on your shoulder turned you around Dean looking you in the eye.
“You’re not leaving not again” He said his eyes teary.
“Dean I not what you think I am” You explained.
“I don’t care you’re my sister” He said his hand gripping your shoulder.
“You don’t need me” You said looking to Sam with a sad smile.
“You can do this you never need me ok?” You said slipping from his grasp.
“Y/N please” Sam begged you shook your head walking away again. You went straight to the bar ordering a drink tears down your face. The bar tender looked at you sadly and gave you one on the house. Sam and Dean were back at the motel with Castiel Sam still in shock.
“Why didn’t she come?” Castiel asked.
“Because she’s half angel” Dean said with a sigh Cas frowned.
“But I can’t feel it in her” Cas explained.
“She shuts it off she’s more human then angel” Dean said grabbing a bear.
“She thought she was going to hurt us, so she left” Sam said sitting on the edge of the couch.
“Why wont she help though?” Castiel asked still confused.
“Because she’s too broken up inside” Sam said sadly.
Your tears were dry walking to the closest motel you couldn’t deal with this being in this life things hunting you, you hunting things the whole apocalypse starting Sam opening the last seal Dean being the first you couldn’t take it. You knew Castiel was an angel could feel it in him he hasn’t seen the world like you have, you’ve lost to many people killed to many things you just wanted out. Angels demons fighting again humans going to do their dirty work you hated both sides. A knock at your door interrupted your thoughts you grabbed your knife opening the door slowly seeing Sam you put the knife away sighing.
“What is it Sam?” You asked.
“Can I come in?” You nodded letting him in and closing the door.
“Y/N you do know what’s happening?” Sam questioned you scoffed.
“Oh yeah apocalypse you opening the last seal being lucifers vessel Dean being Michaels vessel trust me I know” You said sitting down.
“Then why aren’t you helping” Sam asked.
“What am I supposed to do huh every day I have angel business up in my head talking saying they don’t want to do shit Sam nothing” You were yelling now tears in your eyes.
“I can’t do shit about it they wont what’s the point anymore were all going to die” You said quietly sitting back down.
“You can though Y/N” He said sitting in front of you.
“And do what huh kill some demons maybe some angel’s ah hell why don’t I just go gank the devil why I’m at it” You said sarcastically.
“Sam you need to leave” You said suddenly making him frown.
“What no” Sam said you got up looking out the window.
“Go to your brother now” You said grabbing your knife.
“Y/N no” He said getting up.
“DAMN IT SAM” You yelled pushing him out the door locking it. You had three demons climb through the window smirking at you.
“Hello Y/N” One smirked.
“What do you want?” You asked holding your knife ready.
“Oh, we just want to talk there’s been talk saying you’ve got a big price on your head” the woman said.
“I like being popular” You said joking.
“Yeah so do we” One said behind you stabbing you through the heart with something you have never seen before. You gasped as they all disappeared holding the knife that had been impaled into you. You heard banging on the door before it collapsed down Sam rushed over to you gripping you tightly.
“Y/N hang on just hang on” He said rushed trying to find something you grabbed his hand blood coming up out of your mouth.
“Sammy” You choked out he was crying.
“I love you and Dean very much ok?” You gasped out he nodded tears falling down his face.
“Be a good boy Sam” You said before your world went dark.
“NO” Sam yelled to your lifeless body he clutched you closely as Dean came running in getting Sam’s message.
“No” Dean said quietly looking at your dead body. The angel showed up he froze though as he burst into a white light and was gone.
You were in a garden with your mother in front of your house she smiled at you watching you plant something getting your hands dirty.
“How about we go get something to eat?” She said you nodded confused though. Your little brother Sam came rushing in smelling food as did Dean.
“PIE” He practically yelled he was 6 and Sam was 4. You sat down eating your pie your mother touching your head. These were memory’s where were you?
“Follow the road” Your little brother whispered to you making you frown. You went outside and then the scenery changed you saw a familiar trench coat in front of you.
“Cas?” You questioned he turned around walking towards you.
“Where am I?” You asked.
“Heaven we are in heaven” He explained.
“Heaven why?” You questioned.
“I’m not sure” He said looking around.
“Wait why are you here?” You asked these were your memories.
“I uh” He stopped when the scenery changed again it was a motel this time.
“I don’t remember this” You said.
“This is my memory” He said walking into the hotel you following him. It was another you passed out on the bed he walked towards sleeping you tucking a piece of hair behind your face.
“When I first saw you, I knew” He whispered placing his hand on your sleeping cheek you could feel it in real you.
“Knew what?” You asked walking closer he got up facing you.
“People who share a heaven are soulmates” He explained you froze your soul mate was an angel.
“Soulmates?” You asked quietly.
“Yes” He said. I bright light emitted out and Castiel grabbed you dragging you behind the couch ducking down.
“Don’t go into the light Zacharia is looking for us” He said you nodded but he soon disappeared into thin air.
“Cas?” You asked quietly. The lay out changed again and you were back home your mother crying on the phone it was probably John. You hugged your mother tightly telling her it was alright when someone else appeared.
“You need to come with me Y/N” He said.
“Joshua?” You asked he nodded tapping your forehead.
“This is the garden” You said looking around it was a botanical garden one you went with your brothers too.
“Yes, we don’t have much time, but god is on earth” he said you frowned.
“Earth?” You questioned, and he nodded.
“Then why isn’t he doing anything?” You asked angry.
“He thinks its not his problem” Joshua explained you scoffed.
“The hell this is his earth” You said Joshua nodded sadly.
“Son of a bitch” You mumbled.
“He seems changed” Joshua said you scoffed again.
“Yeah” You sighed.
“You have to help us Y/N help us save this planet” He said gripping your hands tightly making you frown.
“Why me?” You asked.
“You are special” He said then he tapped your head and you gasped waking up. You touched your chest no blade there only the dried blood you looked around you were in a hotel. The door opened, and Sam and Dean walked in Sam dropped the coffee running to you engulfing you in a hug.
“Woah hey gigantor” You said he let go of you giving you a small smile. Dean walked up to you giving you a hug too.
“Good to have you back” He whispered.
“How did you know I would be back?” You asked as the angel showed up.
“I told them” He said you looked at Castiel really looked at him for once this was your soulmate.
“Ok” You whispered nodding.
“What did Joshua say?” Castiel asked.
“Gods on earth apparently and he doesn’t want to do jack shit about the apocalypse Joshua asked me to help save the world I can’t do that” You whispered the last bit Castiel turned his back looking up you frowned.
“You son of a bitch” He mumbled.
“I believed” You made a pained face walking over to the angel touching his shoulder he looked at you his face pissed and sad. He placed his hand on your cheek leaning his forehead against yours sighing then he disappeared.
“Son of bitch” You grumbled Dean and Sam looking at you confused.
“You didn’t see that” You said walking past them.
  “Now what do we do?” Sam asked sitting at the small table. You had your car and things back Cas must’ve grabbed them.
“I don’t know” Dean said sighing. You all hit the road again going after some demons you found but Sam got hurt as did you demons chasing your car when you hit a dead end. Someone came to the rescue though holy watering them sending them back to hell with a quick exorcism.
“Who are you?” You asked gripping your side as it slowly healed guess being half angel was ok in sense of healing.
“Rob this is my milita” He said you raised an eyebrow.
“Be prepared that’s gonna get a hole lot worse it is the apocalypse” He said walking away.
“Hang on” You said making him stop.
“Your hunters?” You asked he nodded.
“Where in the same line of work” You said he didn’t believe you, but you showed him your weaponry and your brothers, and he believed you.
“Follow us back to camp” He said, and you nodded. You got into your car you wondered how you and Dean got the same impala just different colours but that didn’t matter.
When you got into the town it was set up devils traps a church guns salt everything. When in the church a father was there his name was pastor David his daughter Leah was apparently another prophet, but you didn’t trust her. They let you stay there in their little base they had going something was wrong you knew it.
“Where the hell is Castiel?” You asked downing your beer.
“Right here” he said slurred you turned around he had blood dripping from his nose and he couldn’t stand up straight.
“Are you drunk?” You asked.
“No” He said you put your hands on your hips
“Yes” You smacked him across the face which hurt you more than it did him.
“You’re a stupid son of a bitch I’ve been calling you for the last week” You glared at him.
“I’ve been drinking” He said.
“Yeah no shit sherlock” Dean said raising his eyebrows at the so-called angel.
“I hate you so much right now” You sighed pinching the bridge of your nose.
“You don’t hate me” He said you glared at him he was sobering up before you talk.
“Sleep now” You said tapping his forehead and he passed out.
“Wait how did you do that?” Dean asked the angel flumped on the couch.
“I uh a skill I have I guess doesn’t matter somethings not right in this town” You said looking out the window.
“Why not?” Dean asked.
“Because Leah isn’t a prophet I can feel it” You said eyeing everyone.
“What do you mean she’s not a prophet she has headaches then visions same as Chuck” Sam said you frowned.
“Who’s Chuck?” You asked they sighed.
“No one right now” Dean said you nodded but frowned.
“So, what she’s a powerful demon?” Dean asked.
“She wouldn’t be able to get past the traps” You said then again, she never really walked over them, but she still could. A bell rang causing you all to become alert.
“What is that?” You asked they both shrugged. You went to the church apparently, she’s had another vision.
“There’s more demons not sure how many but they are 5 miles away from here who wants to join me?” The father said. Rob and Adam put their hands up as did you and your brothers.
“Excellent” He said. You all went where she said and no doubt there were demons there making you question even more. You stabbed your way through them the people exorcizing them along the way. Something was wrong.
“Mind if I catch a ride home with you guys?” Dylan asked after you were done Dean nodded since you were in his car.
“Here” He threw the kid a drink.
“Don’t tell your mother” Dean added the boy laughed nodding taking a sip when he screamed and was brought under the car you ducked down stabbing the demon and went to the other side finding the poor boy dead. You threw your can away griping your fists tightly. Castiel showed up with a not so pleased face.
“Don’t make me sleep again” he sighed you rolled your eyes at him getting into the car. You let the boys head rest on your lap as you drove he was too young his parents were shocked Rob was angry saying it was your fault.
“Maybe it was” You whispered leaving the church you went back to the motel Castiel holding his head in his hands.
“Did you take a pain killer?” You asked he looked up shaking his head.
“here” You said chucking him a bottle of them.
“How many should I take?” He asked.
“Three maybe” You said getting him a glass of water. You sat beside him sighing looking at your lap.
“It wasn’t your fault” He said you leant your head back.
“How I wasn’t careful enough” You whispered your eyes watering.
“Something isn’t right here” You added.
“Your right she isn’t a prophet she’s a whore” Cas said.
“Nice way to put it” Dean walked in as did Sam.
“She’s a Babylon whore see” He said pointing to the book in front of him.
“She tricks people into thinking they’re saved and that some are sinning, and she will turn this town against each other and get everyone killed” Castiel explained.
“Great” You sighed.
“How do we kill it” Dean asked.
“This” Castiel said holding a wooden stake.
“But I don’t want Y/N going” He said you frowned looking at him.
“The hell, why not?” You asked.
“I need to borrow you” He said you felt your cheeks reddened but cleared you throat nodding.
“But it needs to be killed by someone who has faith” He said making everyone sigh.
“Of course, it does” Dean sighed.
“Wait her father” You said Dean nodded.
“We need to talk to him” Sam said going out the door already with Dean on his trail.
“What did you want Cas?” You asked.
“You need rest” He said.
“I am rested” You said frowning.
“No, you haven’t slept in the last week Y/N” He said sadly.
“So?” You asked.
“So, I want you to rest” he said raising an eyebrow you sighed shaking your head getting up, but he was already in front of you.
“Cas don’t” You said he held your arm pulling your sleeve up.
“And this” He whispered you looked away from him ashamed.
“I can’t deal with this Cas” You whispered sighing.
“I know” He said softly.
“End of the world, lucifer I can’t hold it up any longer” You said a tear dropping down your face.  
“Yes, you can” He said lifting your chin up with his finger.
“How?” You asked another tear falling he wiped it away quickly though.
“I know ok your strong Y/N” He whispered your face broke his heart.
“I’m not that strong” You said leaning into his hand that was on your cheek. He wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb gently as you cried.
“Your stronger than anyone I’ve ever met” He said you shook your head.
“I don’t wanna do this anymore” You said sniffling.
“I know I know you don’t angel” He whispered bringing you to his chest holding you closely as you cried.
“I know” He said softly.
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sharknadoslutt · 3 years
Prompt: Talieh (My OC) and Cikatro Vizago run into Imperial trouble and are without a working hyperdrive. In the face of death what is left to do but confess ones feelings?
A/N: Have I mentioned how hopelessly in love Cikatro is with Talieh? Well it’s v much so expressed here. I shameless love these two with all my heart so excuse the cringe I actually started rambling at a lot of points but this was fun to write so I could care less
Setting: Somewhere in the Outer Rim, Lothal Sector, 6 BBY (Approximately 4 months before Rebels S1)
“Talieh, my sweet, if I didnt know any better...” Cikatro began with a big grin, his cheeks flushed slightly from the alcohol in his system. “I’d say you were drunk.”
His eyes were pinned on Talieh, who sat in the co-pilots chair. Per usual the Zygerrian woman leaned back comfortably in her seat, arms crossed against her chest while her boots were hiked up on the dash. The only thing out of the usual was this was the rare smile on her lips.  
“Good thing you do know better, right Cikatro?” She quickly responded, followed by the traces of an amused giggle. She wasn’t drunk.. but she wasn’t quite sober either. What was she exactly? 
Happy. She was simply happy. 
Talieh felt her feline ears twitch slightly before falling into their relaxed default position. Never had she imagined herself being so comfortable with anyone. Yet here she was actually enjoying Cikatro’s company, more so than she’d dare to admit out loud.
“We should be arriving back to Lothal in two days time. Late afternoon I’d say.” He said, moving his eyes to meet Talieh’s. 
For a moment the blonde Zygerrian looked back at him and felt her heart skip a beat. She blinked a few times before nonchalantly shifting her gaze to the view port. 
“Good.” She sighed.
“Would be sooner, but I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to manually pilot through an asteroid belt.” He continued, his soft gaze lingering on her face.
“Sounds like fun.” She remarked, finding her smile growing wider for a reason she couldn't quite figure out. The fact that he was looking at her like that? Maybe. 
“Yes.” He sighed contently and shifted his view to the stars. “Fun indeed.”
The past week had certainly been interesting. While Cikatro's ship, The Horn, was in the middle of some hefty remodeling, the crime boss got word of a huge shipment of Imperial weapons for sale on Plemarkens spot, a little space station at the edge of the Lothal Sector. 
It ran rapid with pirates and smugglers alike. Vizago had a few contacts there. Contacts that were willing to hold those weapons for a few extra days for the right price. Despite his main freighter being out of commission, Vizago was a man of business, and getting these weapons would be great for business! 
So as to not miss out on the Imperial shipment he purchased another smaller freighter; an investment, as he told Talieh. He shrugged it off to being a necessary business expensive, assuring himself that having a secondary smaller vessel was important for his rising smuggling operation. Albeit a fully functional YT-1696 light freighter, it was missing a lot of perks and functions that most folk would want in a ship. 
A working hyperdrive being one of those missing perks..
If Plemarkens Spot was anywhere else in the galaxy this would be out of the question. However it wasn’t terribly far, round trip the exchange should take an estimated week tops. Or so that’s what he had told Talieh anyways.
Before leaving Lothal, Vizago had assured Talieh traveling without a working hyperdrive wouldn’t be an issue. This was partly due to the mans hope that flying in real speed would allow him to spend time with the Zygerrian and potentially fulfill his desire to earn her affections.. but it also had to do with the fact that he was absolutely cheap and refused to fork up money for a new hyperdrive until after he’d sold this new shipment of Imperial goods..
Whereas Talieh was somewhat irritated with the whole ordeal, she would agree to almost any job if the price was right. Besides, relaxing on the ship for a few days out in open space wasn’t too bad a way to spend her time. Especially since she was getting paid for every minute of it.
Things had gone very good through the entire trip. They arrived at Plemarkens spot a day ahead of schedule and gotten all of the goods loaded up on Vizago’s new freighter. 
The two had honestly enjoyed each others company through it all. So much so, in fact, that upon finishing the transaction earlier than expected Cikatro had talked Talieh into stopping by the space ports cantina and enjoying a few drinks before they left. The Devaronian even purchased a few jugs of Corelian Whiskey for the trip back; deciding time might go by faster with a drink in his hand. And it had seemed to work thus far.
So far they had spent this day in the cockpit, flying in real time through space, each one with a drink in hand. High spirits, smiles, and even some flirting had taken place. This is exactly the atmosphere Cikatro had hoped for from this trip! 
Everything was perfect! Perfect, that is, until an Imperial Star Destroyer appeared out of hyperspace not terribly far from their current position.
The flash of light from the hyper jump made both Talieh and Cikatro about fall from their chairs. Considering how their freighter was fairly small it was doubtful the Imperials had spotted them visually. But if they were scanning for ships they’d certainly be found.
“Why would the Empire be here, Cikatro?” Talieh asked, placing her glass of whiskey on the ground before looking back at the Star Destroyer. 
He gave her a weird glance that expressed something along the lines of ‘How should I know? ' But Vizago instantly regretted this once he earned that angry growl from her.
It was easy for the man to forget that Talieh possessed little to no knowledge about the Empire. She’d always been very private about her past, never sharing too much information, which he respected. Everyone has a past, right?
She always explained her ignorance of anything Imperial off to the fact that she grew up ‘in a place where the Empire wasn’t around’. Cikatro assumed that meant Deep Deep Wild Space. But he really did not know. Now was certainly not the time to ask questions either.
“By the Moons of Gasgohl!” He adjusted the ships speed, directing full power to the thrusters. “I dont know, Talieh!” He blurted in frustration, his tone a little on the defensive side. 
The sound of the ships engine speeding up calmed him slightly but he still felt the need to go on. “It could just be a coincidence... Imperials are not uncommon in this sector, you know. The Mining Guild is all the rage. First Lothal, kriff, t-they could be looking for moons to deplete of natural resources.” He paused. “It could be as simple as that.. or..” 
Cikatro paused as he collected his thoughts. If he remembered correctly he had spotted a few civilian mining ships when they had first approached the large cluster. It wasn’t that uncommon for people to do unauthorized mining on asteroids in this sector; it was a good way to make a living if you knew what you were doing. With the increased Imperial presence on Lothal, Vizago wouldn’t be surprised if the Empire was trying to put a stop to it.
“Or what?!” She hissed, panic setting in.
“I dont know!” He reiterated, shooting her a stressed scowl. “Maybe they have every piece of merchandise in this ship suited up with trackers and this was a trick! Maybe they are just making a stop out here to monitor this asteroid belt for unauthorized mining.. I dont know, Talieh! It’s the Empire.. they do whatever they want even if it doesn’t make sense! But who cares about why, we need to get out of here!”
Talieh’s face easily expressed her irritation but she remained quiet. Her cat-like ears pointed down to further express her mood. 
The Star Destroyer stayed in place, a good distance away from their transports current position. Considering that the Imperials hadn’t taken action against their little freighter it was likely they’d not yet been spotted. But that wouldn’t last, not like this. Without being able to jump into hyperspace they were sitting ducks. 
“I dont think they’ve noticed us, yes?” Talieh grumbled in her accented basic. “Otherwise they’d have sent out a comm-message or ships to scan us?”
“It’s positive thinking.” Cikatro pursed his lips. “But I do think that’s probably the case.” He half chuckled, whether it was forced or not Talieh didn’t know. “Otherwise we’d be dead.” 
Talieh nodded and stood up, her brows knitted as she stared out the view port.  “Maybe if we pull off over there,” She gestured toward an especially large cluster of asteroids. “We power down everything on the ship.. They’ll think we are just floating junk.”
Though he didn’t say anything at first Talieh could feel the gears in his head turning into a confident direction. 
“That could work.” He agreed, leaning forward to look at the power distribution on the ship. “Yes, this could work.” He repeated, trying to convince himself. 
“It’s our best shot, Cikatro.” She headed out the cockpit. “I’m going to make sure all droids are shut down as well. Go ahead and pull over. I’ll be back.”
It took about eight tortuously long minutes to shut down all power to the ship. Fortunately in that time it appeared they still remained unnoticed by the Imperials. That was somewhat comforting..
Other than the starlight seeping in from the view port glass the ship was dark. Dark and quiet. Nothing but the sound of Talieh and Cikatro breathing and the occasional creak of metal of the ship. The silence was too intense for Cikatro so he decided to speak up.  
“We are still alive. So it’s safe to say that the buckets did not come here because our haul was tracked.” His tone was that of relief, though there was still stress in his red eyes. “Probably just, uhh, an unfortunate coincidence.”
There was another long moment of tense silence where they just stared at the Imperial station. After a while the hatch opened a few small surveying ships started to go around and scan some asteroids. Granted those were all far away from their ship and seemed to be going in the opposite direction. However one of them did head towards one of the civilian miner operations. 
A spark of hope emerged and the two glanced at one another. It seems all the Empire was doing was scanning the asteroids for valuable metals, at the very least perhaps intervening with the unauthorized miners. As long as they remained hidden they would make a clean get away!
“By the moons of Gosgolt, I think we will be fi-”
“Cikatro, no..” Talieh interrupted him, extending her arm to point back at the Star Destroyers ship port. “Look.”
A small ship exited the Star Destroyer and went in the direction of one of the civilian ships parked on a rather large asteroid. This new Imperial ship had a large blaster extended on the top of its point and seemed to be firing it up.
Within seconds the brilliant laser exited the canon and beamed out to the civilian ship. It erupted with light, blasting rubble in all different directions. 
Talieh and Cikatro watched in horror at the slaughter. The Empire had just murdered those civilians without warning, by the looks of it no warning had been given to evacuate the premise. They just acted out of hate. Without justice..
The survey ship started to gather pieces of the asteroid that subsequently exploded with the initial blast to the miners. Meanwhile the canon ship went into another direction, only to continue blasting other asteroids. Fortunately no additional civilian mining operations were taking place but the sounds of the blasts caused tension in their own ship.
Talieh and Cikatro glanced at one another again, neither one too sure what the make of their current predicament. The Imperials were obviously here scouting the area for minerals but there were well armed and ready for a fight. For the time being they were safe enough, but if they came over in the direction of their ship.. that would change very fast.
Their ship which was filled to the brim with illegally obtained Imperial weapons. If they murdered civilian miners without bating an eye, what would they do to known smugglers?
Talieh and Cikatro watched for a long time, both too anxious to really say anything. After a while the ships only seemed to come closer and closer to their own ship.
“What do you think they’d do if they found us?” Talieh asked in a quiet voice, her pink irises glazing over as she looked out the window. Though the sheer gravity of the situation had sobered her up significantly, the Zygerrian woman's body could still feel the effects of the alcohol. She sat back, laying her arms on the rest of her chair.
“Kill us.” Cikatro said gruffly and without hesitation, turning his head to look at Talieh. 
When their eyes met she didn't pull away but instead stared him right back in the face. A wave of warmth overcame her as she rested her gaze on his crimson eyes. She was silent but her feline ears twitched slightly, involuntarily expressing that she was deep in thought.
“But they wont.” The Devaronian finally added, reaching over to place a thoughtful hand on her wrist. Cikatro expected her to bat him away with a threatening response, as she usually did to his romantic gestures, but she surprisingly did not. “We are going to get back home and become rich off of this shipment. Talieh, my sweet-”  The strain in his voice was fairly evident but he still charaded a smile. “You have nothing to worry about.”
Talieh’s gaze fell to his large hand and she considered him, taking her time with figuring out exactly what to say.
“Your words are warm and assuring..”  She then placed her own hand over his, her small fingers barely even managing to cover his knuckles. “This is sweet. You are very sweet to me. But you do lie.. you do not know this is truth. Yet you sit here, lying to my face... but, you only lie for my benefit.” 
Talieh used her fingers to affectionately trace small circles on the skin of his hand. “It’s not unappreciated. Far from it. I take note of all these things you do for me, Cikatro.”
Shocked at her actions Vizago just watched her. She spoke so softly and seemed vulnerable. He had never seen her like this.
She continued. “I really do not understand the this new world. The Empire. They do not seem to have an moral way of doing things.”
“And we do?” The Devaronian interjected. He forced a pitiful snicker, trying to be somewhat humorous to help ease this tense situation.
“Yes.. I do.” She whispered, gripping onto Cikatro’s hand in a way that actually made him worry. “The Republic was never perfect but it was better than this world you live in. There was a system of checks and balances.. Here there’s no order. It’s all random and dark! The Galaxy is out of Balance. The Jedi were the morale back bone of our society and now they are g-gone." Silence followed for a moment before she let out a shaky breath. "And what’s left? Stormtroopers hardly mature enough to handle their own blasters! Purchased officials and an Emperor with no light inside his heart!”
Vizago arched a brow as he listened to her. He really had no idea what she was going on about. The Republic? The Jedi? She sounded so scared and so desperate. It seemed more than their current situation that caused her panic.
Talieh looked back up at Cikatro and calmed down a bit, realizing she was actually beginning to shake with anger. It was not so much that she was afraid of the situation at hand. Talieh had never been afraid of dying. However, she was absolutely terrified of this unfamiliar world and this unkind Empire. What it had done to the world she had once known...
Even now the Zygerrian Jedi had no idea what exactly had happened to The Republic or The Jedi Order. What had happened while she was trapped in Carbonite all those years was beyond her knowledge. She had just recently started to come to terms with the fact that she would possibly never know. 
Talieh told herself she didn't need to know those things. It was the past and she was still living. She needed to move on, right?
“Talieh?” Cikatro spoke up, giving her hand a squeeze. “You are shaking, please talk to me, my sweet..” His warm voice was soft and assuring. Despite his charade of calm Talieh could sense the fear within him. How he, too, was unsure on what would happen to either of them..
She heard him speak but could not seem to find her own voice. Instead her expression fell to a solemn one as she thought of Vizago, and what he meant to her. Cikatro had a life to get back to. His sweet little mother back on Lothal. His other employees.. They relied on him. All though he was not good in the way the Jedi had taught her to see, she sensed the good in him.  
Talieh took in a shaky breath, suddenly overcome with emotion. Anger and nostalgia. Longing and contentment. But most of all she felt sure of herself and what she needed to do. She may not have known what happened to the Jedi but she knew about her life right here, and right now.
Her life on Lothal. Her life with Cikatro Vizago. He’d given her a job and invited her into his life without hesitation. And though she had always rejected his advances she was fully aware that all she need do was say the word.. and this man would be hers. Until this moment, she had never really considered saying yes because that was simply not the Jedi way. 
But where were the Jedi now? Gone. 
Here and now, the only thing she knew was she needed to keep him safe at all costs.
“I’m sorry, Cikatro..” She whispered. With a final tender squeeze the woman then pulled both of her hands away from his grasp.
“N-No, Talieh, my sweet.. You have nothing to apologize for!” He forced a toothy smile. His long devilish ears drooped slightly, expressing his concern. “I just want to understand..” 
He really did. She knew that. But that didn't matter now. Not when his life was in danger.
“You do not need to understand.” She then stood up and reached forward to the ships dash. Talieh flipped the switch for partial power in the left port of the ship, where the escape pods were. “Just let me do this.” 
Utterly baffled the Devaronian stood up and immediately pulled the power switch back down, reversing what it was Talieh was trying to do. 
“Are you crazy?!” He hollered with panic, turning to face her. His brows knitted in a stern yet concerned way. “Do you want them to catch us?" 
“No, just me.” She hissed back, glaring up at the taller man. “I just need you to keep the power on long enough for me start up the escape pod. If I can pull their attention on the other side of the asteroid field you can make an escape!” By the end of that statement Talieh had tears swelling in the back of her eyes. Tears that had been welling for years but had never fallen. “Once you're past this asteroid belt, they cannot chase after you!” Her heart was beating faster than it ever had.
“You...? Wait, Talieh, no!” Cikatro’s eyes widened as he processed exactly what she had just intended. “That’s.. just out of the question..” He crinkled his nose and shook his head slightly, overcoming his confusion and joy all at once. He was truly touched at the gesture but what Talieh wanted to do was impossible. There was no way he would let her do something like this.
“As you know I am perfectly capable of handling myself.” She spat, taking a step closer to him. “But the fact is, this situation is not looking too good for either of us, Cikatro. I can not just idly sit by and wait to be murdered." The tears hot salty finally rolled down her cheeks. "I cannot wait for you to be murdered.”
Talieh tried stepped past him, reaching for the switch only to have Cikatro grab her wrist tightly and yank her in front of him. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react to this! On one hand the woman he loved more or less just admitted her love for him through her actions, but on the other he was fairly certain she wanted to go out and get herself killed.
“So what? You plan to just take the tiny little escape pod over and take out an Imperial Star Destroyer?!” He forced out the most mocking laughter he could, thinking maybe embarrassment would calm her down from this half baked question of heroism. “Talieh, my love, it has no weapons! No shields! You will die before you even get within a blasters shot away from it! And what, you’re doing this for me? Why would you do something that rash for a man you do not love?”
The sounds of asteroids being pulverized fairly closely caught them both off guard. The surveying squad was getting closer. Though both Talieh and Cikatro were alarmed by the approaching sounds, they stayed right where they were, glaring the other in the eye.
“I will do what I must t-to get you home... because you have a life, C-Cikatro!” She bellowed, all the pent up emotion of the past year suddenly and uncontrollably flooding through. “However it is you think I see you must be wrong because I see you.. I see the real you. The man who takes care of his mother! The man who-”  
“-This is ridiculous, Talieh!” Vizago cut her off, his tone loud and commanding. “I will lock you in the brig if I need to. This is not negotiable!”
“You know that wont hold me.” She tried to wiggle her arm from his hand, but failed. Rolling his eyes Cikatro grabbed her free wrist with his other hand, holding her in place before him. 
“Then, as much as it breaks my heart, I’ll have to use my stun gun.”
“You’d never use that on me.” She huffed, finally gaining control of her tears. She took in a deep breath and looked up at him, still maintaining the look of determination but when in actuality she felt small and powerless. For the first time in her entire life, emotions had gotten the better of her. 
“You’re right.” He grumbled. Keeping the Zygerrian woman in place he stared at her helplessly. “So, this will have to do..”
Cikatro released both of Talieh’s wrist before taking a firm hold of her shoulders. The Devaronian took a leap of courage and ferociously pressed his lips against hers, hoping she wouldn't resist and would simply be carried away in the moment.
And she was.
Talieh was swept over by a sensation she was not familiar with. At first she just stayed still with shock and processed the gravity of the kiss. Her body felt cold and warm at the same time; but it was good. No, it was amazing. His lips were softer than she would have guessed..
After relaxing from what almost felt like an out of body experience Talieh closed her eyes and gave into her her feelings. Closing her wet eyes the Zygerrian leaned in, returning Cikatro's kiss with matching intensity.
Letting out a sharp breath from his nose, Vizago let his rough hands fall from her shoulders and down her arms. He took his time in letting the palm of his hands feel her fur and skin. Upon reaching her wrists he guided them to his head, and she wrapped them around his neck snuggly.
Talieh let out a soft purr as she let her hands caress the back of his head and the indentions of his horns.
Smirking into the kiss, Cikatro slipped his arms around the woman's waist. Reeling at touching of the indention of her hips with his own hands, he decided to be even bolder than he had already been.
He shoved his thick tongue into her mouth, rubbing against hers to create a friction he'd longed craved. Then he slammed her onto the dash, lifting her ass up to sit on the powered down buttons so that her legs were on either side of him. He leaned in close so their chests were touching and continued to kiss her.
Startled but willing, Talieh moaned loudly into his mouth. She let one of her arms trail down his shoulder to rub his muscular forearm. She'd long admired his muscles and being able feel them so intimately made her stomach feel tight and euphoric. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his hips.
"Talieh.." He whispered in a husky tone, drawing his lips to her jawline to playfully nip. He bucked his hips into hers, his member hard against her stomach. He smirked at the sound of her desperate moans. Pressing his lips against the corner of her feline ears he continued. "I've dreamed of this for so long.."
The Zygerrian woman's face was flush with stimulation, her innocent body and mind feeling joyously overwhelmed with each new sensation. Her eyes fluttered open as Cikatro pressed his forehead to hers, a moment of genuine affection to gage her comfort level.
"Holding you in my arms.."
Talieh lifted her hand from his arm, to cup his cheek. She smiled softly but remained silent.
"Your legs wrapped around me.." He added, a dirty chuckle following his proclamation.
She averted his eyes, overcome with embarrassment, but her smile widened. She felt the same however lacked the bold confidence that Vizago had in abundant supply.
"I've held you in the most intimate place of my heart for a long time, Cikatro..." She whispered, daring to lock eyes with him.
With a dirty grin, the Devaronian pressed his lips back to hers.
For the next several moments the pair snogged deeply and let their desperate hands explore the others clothed body. That was until a sound could be heard.
Talieh's feline ears twitched and she felt her lust disconnect as her mind went into alert. She wiggled beneath him and tore away from the kiss.
"C-Cikatro, stop!" She cried, trying to get him off of her so she could look out of the viewport behind her.
"D-Did I go too far?" He inquired smugly, pulling away with a slanted grin. "It's hard to when I want to explore every bit of your bod-"
"Sshhhh.." She snapped, pressing her pointer finger over his lips to hush him up. Cikatro, albeit disappointed, stepped back and helped her off of the dash as she wished .
The pair then both gazed out the viewport to find that both survey and attack ships had returned to the Starcruiser.
"Talieh, I think they are leaving!" Cikatro exclaimed.
Blinking in disbelief, Talieh let a smile creep up on her swollen lips. He was right! With a flash of light the Imperial occupation of the sector was clear. After a moment of silently staring into empty space, the couple slowly looked at each other with big smiles, satisfied that they would indeed live to see another day.
Then, they both jumped into the tightest embrace as their lips met once more.
Talieh was the one to pull away first, bringing a hand to the back of his head to rub affectionately.
"We need to power up and maneuver our way out of here through that field, Cikatro. We can't possibly know if they will come back."
"That is the responsible thing to do." He agreed, however there was a hint of irritation there. As if he would rather be doing something else.
"It is." She stepped away and began to power up the ship. Business as usual. "Please get us back to Lothal in one piece. It seems... we have many things to discuss." The flush in her face turned brighter as she evaded eye contact.
"Yes, we do, my sweet." He plopped into the Captains chair and gestured for her to take her seat at his side. "So strap in."
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internetdetectives · 6 years
11/26/18 - Chat with Nocta and Moonman
((Moonman says that it's time to clear some things up))
Dense 1:44 PM: Yeet the fuck
nocta 1:44 PM: what are you doing?
Jos 1:45 PM: okay
Jos 1:45 PM: lets me search the meaning of that term first
Dense 1:45 PM: Oh
Jos 1:46 PM: oh, i see, yup, i'm against no one
((Moonman claims that no one in this chat is enemies with one another))
nocta 1:46 PM: Idiot
((Moonman asks if Nocta can just let it go))
nocta 1:46 PM: No.
Jos 1:47 PM: sorry my lenguage is not english i think i fucked up a little up there, i am agaisnt no one, all friendly and nice
((Moonman says that Nocta was calling him an idiot, not Jos))
Jos 1:47 PM: i see
Jos 1:47 PM: Nocta, I think we need to clarify stuff, lets sit down, and lets talk cool
nocta 1:48 PM: Ha. 
nocta 1:48 PM: I will see you all around.
Jos 1:49 PM:  Are you sure this is the correct route?
Jos 1:49 PM: I hope so
Jos 1:49 PM: He is like
Jos 1:49 PM: "you are the bad guys oooo so lets talk about it nocta and he is like no0o0o0"
((Moonman claims that is not how the situation actually is))
((Moonman believes his life might actually be in danger at this point))
moonman31 1:51 PM: but
moonman31 1:51 PM: I can reveal some things that I could not before
moonman31 1:51 PM: The more you discover
moonman31 1:51 PM: The more I can reveal
moonman31 1:51 PM: It seems.
Jos 1:52 PM: So, you know about this "he is trapped?"
Jos 1:52 PM: Could mean tyler, could mean Samuel who hasnt posted a single time
((Moonman claims he knows nothing about that phrase))
Jos 1:52 PM: aw
Jos 1:52 PM: so, what is the new stuff you can reveal?
((Moonman says he needs to know who all is in the chat))
Jos 1:52 PM: ok
Jos 1:52 PM: so, we have Wolfcat, me, Circle Hunter, Dense, Glad Mans, Bianca, and Raven
Jos 1:52 PM: no one else
Jos 1:52 PM: x
Jos 1:52 PM: lets see if others are here
Jos 1:52 PM: post x
Wolfcat 1:55 PM: I think it's just you, me, jos, and raven
((Moonman says he believes there is a spy among our ranks))
Jos 1:57 PM: I trust you, I have a theory but I don't want to reveal just to mantain stuff secure
Jos 1:57 PM: anyway, i will find the spy soon or later
Jos 1:57 PM: and i have the perfect idea
Jos 1:57 PM: I see
((Moonman says "Well..."))
Jos 1:57 PM: Nothing else? well, We will be careful with what we say... thank you
Dense 2:03 PM: Oh nocta left
((Moonman says he was waiting for a response from us))
Jos 2:04 PM: oh, sorry, non english native so idk when something follows a reply lol
Wolfcat 2:04 PM: Dense is also here
((Moonman says "Obviously"))
Jos 2:04 PM: so, why are you at line?
((Moonman says we are right about some things and wrong about others))
Jos 2:04 PM: please, tell us the wrong part so we can see the both sides of the coin
((Moonman says we are right about "Greth"))
Jos 2:04 PM: Well, he is probably Nocta? The Johnisdead page points to to it, and have bunch of evidence, still, it could be wrong info.
Jos 2:04 PM: Nocta
((Moonman says that Greth is not Nocta, at least not as far as he knows))
((Moonman confirms that he is Greth, but he doesn't know us and Greth Vlogs is not familiar to him))
((Moonman says that he is not the person on the front page of Johnisdead, despite being Greth))
Jos 2:04 PM: Sorry, I have no words, im confused... Then, the guy from the front page must be another guy who looks really the same
Wolfcat 2:11 PM: It sounds to me like some stupid magic shit is going on
Wolfcat 2:11 PM: More time bullshit
Jos 2:11 PM: except if you cant remember
Jos 2:11 PM: because of the sp00ky stuff
Jos 2:11 PM: wait
Jos 2:11 PM: then
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: back when YSHDT.net was up, a lot of strange things were happening with various timelines converging into one another
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: maybe this is still happening somehow
Wolfcat 2:13 PM: as crazy as that sounds
Jos 2:15 PM: what if there are 3 , you, the greth from the vlogs, and the sp00ky one
Jos 2:15 PM: for some reason
Jos 2:15 PM: what if Patrem has been converted into a vessel for Kevin who is using the vlogs greth as vessel?
Jos 2:15 PM: idk,
moonman31 2:16 PM: Now you're losing me
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: I mean, that'd be a double vessel.
((Moonman says he doesn't know anything about that))
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: It seems like either way, Nocta is Kevin
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: That much we can be certain of
Wolfcat 2:17 PM: At least to some extent
((Moonman asks about Patrem))
Jos 2:17 PM: there is this entity called patrem, it needs a vessel to survive, a physical, weak body to assimilate,
Jos 2:17 PM: in the greth videos and the jid page, everything reffering this entity, is purple
Jos 2:17 PM: yet
Jos 2:17 PM: in the jid page, nocta has been referring as this purple sp00ky greth
Jos 2:17 PM: but nocta is kevin
((Moonman says he's not sure about that))
Wolfcat 2:19 PM: Maybe the "Wayward cretin" is just fucking with us some more
Wolfcat 2:19 PM: Tenebris, I mean
Jos 2:19 PM: What im saying "Kelbris" needs a body, maybe kevin did the same when patrem was weak, and took over patrem and then used patrem to vessel this sp00ky greth, so, kevin would be nocta at the same time of Greth vlogs
((Moonman says there are some very dark things happening on Astral Observatory))
((Moonman says he's frustrated because he believes it might be too late to stop it))
Jos 2:19 PM: i can use a proxy and access the truth part, if you are willing to help me...
Wolfcat 2:20 PM: Do you know if there's any possible way for us to access The Truth?
Wolfcat 2:20 PM: or is that still just completely out of reach
((Moonman says that the password has been changed and that he no longer knows it))
Jos 2:21 PM: shit, i should have asked earlier, but i didnt wanted look like impolite
CircleHunter 2:21 PM: I am here now
((Moonman says the old password was "pqbxhtlopa"))
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: oh fuck
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: shit
CircleHunter 2:21 PM: Whoa
Wolfcat 2:21 PM: the shit that was on jid.com
Jos 2:22 PM: FUCK
CircleHunter 2:22 PM: That means
CircleHunter 2:22 PM:Try the current title
Jos 2:22 PM: Now is when i want a tardis you know
Jos 2:22 PM: The timer wont reset tought
((Moonman asks what timer Jos is referring to))
Jos 2:22 PM: it was an old page in jid
Jos 2:22 PM: just a referrence tho
((Moonman says that it reminded him of something))
Jos 2:22 PM: what about?
Jos 2:22 PM: maybe its important
Jos 2:22 PM: i can provide old images of the page if that helps
Wolfcat 2:26 PM: Maybe "pqbxh" and "tlopa" on JiD was merely a hint towards The Truth, and not something about Nocta
CircleHunter 2:26 PM: Damn we were too late then
CircleHunter 2:26 PM: Has jid changed?
Wolfcat 2:27 PM: Not on my end
((Moonman says a post has been deleted since he lost access to The Truth))
Jos 2:27 PM: i will find that post
Jos 2:27 PM it must be the new password being hidden
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: I think it was the post in The Truth
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: There used to be two posts in there
((Moonman confirms he was talking about the post that was deleted in The Truth))
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: I want to test something
Jos 2:28 PM: aw
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: And the older post was deleted
Jos 2:28 PM: it was the old one right
Wolfcat 2:28 PM: But the newer one remained
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Just to be absolutely sure here, you were around for jadusable and posted the new wave bossa nova, right?
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Or was that this other greth?
((Moonman says he did in fact submit the NWBN during YSHDT.net))
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Ok, hmm
((Moonman says that the timeline seems similar up to a point))
((Moonman begins acting strangely and posts "Kevin, Tyler, Tenebris))
((Moonman then deletes this post))
CircleHunter 2:28 PM: Please tell me someone was paying attention to that
CircleHunter 2:35 PM: Kevin, tyler, tenebris
((Moonman says "save please tyler"))
Raven 2:37 PM: He's deleting everything
Wolfcat 2:37 PM: We'll save Tyler.
((Moonman then says "no save please"))
Jos 2:41 PM: what is going on
moonman31 2:41 PM: tylers
moonman31 2:41 PM: STOP IT
Wolfcat 2:42 PM: Who's doing this to you?
moonman31 2:43 PM: t\
moonman31 2:45 PM: he
moonman31 2:45 PM: is
moonman31 2:45 PM: Today at 14:16
((Users noticed that Moonman’s post from 2:16 now had an alien emote reaction))
((Wolfcat posted an image of the Bow and Arrow))
moonman31 2:47 PM: I feel ok
moonman31 2:47 PM:  for now
moonman31 2:48 PM: what did you do?
Wolfcat 2:49 PM: Can you tell us who he is? Do you know? The man with the alien mask?
Jos 2:49 PM: lets say
Jos 2:49 PM: its sp00ky stuff too
moonman31 2:49 PM: The what
Jos 2:49 PM: but we did it to save you
Jos 2:49 PM: wait, you cant remember? few seconds ago
moonman31 2:50 PM: The man with the alien mask?
Wolfcat 2:51 PM: Was he not the one who was just hurting you?
moonman31 2:52 PM: I don't know what does that
Jos 2:54 PM: lets see if this works ?
((Jos posts Epona's Song))
moonman31 2:55 PM: ???
moonman31 2:55 PM: Wait are you
moonman31 2:55 PM: god,im ((this was originally a cipher))
moonman31 2:55 PM: hold on
moonman31 2:55 PM: someone is at the door
Jos 2:55 PM: ok
Wolfcat 2:55 PM: wait no
Jos 2:55 PM: but dont open
Wolfcat 2:55 PM: don't pull this
Jos 2:55 PM: waito
Wolfcat 2:56 PM: dude you KNOW this never ends up well
Jos 2:56 PM: before he opens the door
((Jos posted an image of the Stone Mask))
((Moonman then posted the message "too late"))
0 notes