#and then being held captive by Miranda
mx-mongoose · 3 months
Oh cool! A fic about an MLM ship I like, lets check it out! ... Oh, it hates women.
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xanadontit · 10 days
Oh dear god and all the angels.
As previously mentioned, I work for a small business (as in 5 people plus Insane Owner - and I guess her husband too? including her son and daughter-in-law who is married to her other son) owned by someone best described as Miranda Priestly meets Lucille Bluth meets 3 personality disorders in a trench coat. She's finished renovations on her Newport Beach beach house (not to be confused with her Newport Beach family residence) and would like to have a company retreat and host us at the beach. Fine. I kinda wanna see this joint even though the idea of being held captive there makes me twitch.
The issue is scheduling since she wants us there Thursday-Saturday. We all have lives outside of work and weekends are precious. She's arguing with me about people leaving Friday night ("it will conflict with dinner") and telling me to tell them they must stay through Saturday morning.
And. Um. WHAT?
Lady, we can have a big team dinner on Thursday. Also have fun telling people they can't leave lol.
Anyway, there's been lots of back-and-forth and I won't bore you with the details but it's a true case study in "you cannot reason with the unreasonable." And my patience for that shit is paper thin, my friends.
One of my coworkers said working for her for years prepared her for parenting toddlers and lol I believe it.
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zapiarty · 4 months
Sandman - Dead Boy Detective
1389 - Dream & Death meet Hob Gadling; who refuses to die 1489 - Dream & Hob form their Arrangement 1589 - Hob brags about how good he's got it, with a wife, a son, riches and a knighthood. Dream decides to leave early upon meeting William Shaxberd 1689 - Dream waits for Hob's arrival, who is at his lowest point in his life thus far, Dream expects Hob to ask for death now and is surprised when Hob laughs in his face and says "Death is a mug's game, I've got so much to live for!" 1789 - Dream warns Hob against getting involved with the Slave Trade, Lady Johanna Constantine interrupts their meeting, Hob comes to Dream's rescue briefly which amuses him 1889 - Hob wants to learn things about Dream, dares to suggest he's lonely and that they are friends, Dream storms off in a huff declaring he doesn't need Hob's company
1916 - Edwin Payne dies via ritual sacrifice to Hell by classmates at 16 - The Corinthian begins his mayhem in the Waking World - Dream of the Endless is captured & imprisoned by Roderick Burgess 1917 - Sleeping Sickness officially acknowledged - Unity Kincaid remains asleep
1926 - Ethel Cripps becomes Roderick Burgess' mistress - Roderick has his son Alex kill Jessamy the Raven - Ethel gets pregnant, steals the helm, sand, and ruby and flees - Roderick dies, Alex decides not to free Dream like he'd promised 1927? - Ethel Cripps gives birth to John D
? - Ethel bargains away the helm to a demon, sells the sand
1989 - Edwin Payne escapes Hell - Hob Gadling waits for His Stranger but he does not arrive (As Dream is still held captive in the Burgess' Estate) - Charles Rowland is murdered by classmates via hypothermia & internal bleeding at 16 in December of '89 - Edwin is there for Charles to ease his death; Charles decides to stay with Edwin instead of going with Death - Some point Edwin & Charles form the Dead Boy Detectives
1994 - Infamous Puppy Debacle (Charles got too attached to a living puppy?)
March 22, 1994 - Devlin Murders occur in Port Townsend, Washington
1997 - Great Fenwick Pixie Escape (puts Edwin at a loss)
2006 - Great Chewing Gum Debacle (stressor for Edwin?)
2015 - Rose Walker & her little brother Jed are split when Rose and their mother Miranda move but her father refuses to let Jed leave with them
2020 - Lyta's husband Hector dies via a car accident, Rose's ill mother dies near the end of the year
2021 - Dream/Morpheus is released & searches for his tools to rebuild the Dreaming - Unity Kincaid wakes the moment Dream is released - Johanna Constantine purchases the sand but left it at a girlfriend's place when she left her 6 months prior (resulting in her death via the sand) - Dream faces Lucifer in Challenge for his helm; wins & humiliates Lucifer - John D uses the Ruby to nearly destroy the world in an attempt to make a better one; causing mass destruction and death, destroys the ruby in an attempt to destroy Dream and replace him but this only returns the stored power to Dream in full
8 Months later: - Death & Dream have a talk, Desire & Despair plot to knock Dream's ego down as Desire's previous attempts failed (Nada, Roderick Burgess); focus turns to Rose Walker (Desire's Great-Granddaughter) - Dream reconnects with Hob at The New Inn; 30 years late but acknowledging their friendship - Rose Walker is the Vortex and looking for her brother Jed who dreams of being The Sandman (thanks to Gault) - Unity Kincaid asks Rose to meet her in London to reveal she's her Great-Grandmother (the Great-Grandfather being her Gold Eyed Man aka Desire) - The Corinthian attempts to use her to create a New Dreaming - Lyta Hall gets pregnant from her ghost husband in the Dreaming; Dream banishes the ghost from his realm as Ghosts shouldn't be there - Morpheus collects all his lost Dreams & Nightmares; returns the Corinthian to his base form - Dream of a Thousand Cats - Calliope's most recent "owner" slips up and she is able to send a message to Morpheus who comes to free her (by driving the man who binds her insane with ideas)
Late 2022 - Crystal Palace & David the Demon enter into a relationship
2023 - Edwin & Charles take on the Case of Crystal Palace on behest of Emma the Ghost
- Becky Aspen case in Port Townsend, WA; meet Esther the Witch, get trapped in Port Townsend by the Cat King - Niko Sasaki & the Dandelion Sprites Case - February 17; The Devlin House Case (Charles' history brought up, meet Monty) - Case of the Lighthouse Leapers (Charles & Crystal kiss, Night Nurse fed to Sea Monster, Cat King taunts Edwin with Monty & Charles' likeness in an attempt to get a kiss) - Case of the Two Dead Dragons (Edwin realizes he's truly in love with Charles as he comforts Charles after a breakdown, Monty steals Edwin's first kiss thinking Edwin was talking about him) - Case of the Creeping Forest (Monty's betrayal, Crystal's Awakening) - Case of the Very Long Stairway; Edwin gets taken back to Hell & Charles goes after him, Edwin confesses he's in love with Charles - Edwin meets Despair and she decides they are "friends" now - Case of the Hungry Snake; Niko dies (?) saving Crystal from Esther Finch in an attempt to rescue Edwin & Charles - The Lost & Found Department of the Afterlife "officially" allows the Dead Boy Detectives to work cases to help them help ghosts cross over in exchange for allowing them to stay together on Earth
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tumblydovereviews · 3 months
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Hamilton: Why it Worked
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your king, George III. Welcome, to Hamilton."
I've been in a Hamiton funk lately. In fact, while writing this post I was actually watching the Disney+ recording of the musical!
It's not just because today is the Fourth of July and Alexander Hamilton ultimately played a major role in helping America become what it is today. It's not just because Moana 2 is dropping in a couple of months, which Lin Manuel-Miranda won't be a part of, and I'm coping by listening to his music and work. I've always been a Hamilton fan, and while I haven't had the time nor the money to actually go out and see it myself, I have enjoyed it via listening to the soundtrack, reading the giant book I have on it, and generally appreciating the work itself.
A concept like Hamilton was fairly unique at the time of it coming out- after all, who has ever heard of an idea as abnormal as a sung-and-rapped musical about one of the Founding Fathers? In a way, though, Alexander Hamilton himself held many characteristics of a perfect protagonist for a show with this concept; he was restless, impulsive, and always moving, just as the show is paced to be. Lin Manuel-Miranda got the idea for the entire musical by reading a Hamilton biography. He was inspired by Hamilton's personality and compared it to that of a rapper; namely, Tupac Shakur, joining the past and the present together to form a new creation.
Any great musical would need to be propelled by music totally, and Hamilton is no exception; in fact, the musical holds a unique advantage over other generic shows- as mentioned before, it's a sung-and-rapped through musical. The majority, if not all, of the show is sung-through. Not only does this allow for a unique point-of-view inside of the personal issues of the characters, but it also allows the musical to be highly accessible. As I mentioned before, I haven't actually watched Hamilton in-person; my main way of consuming Hamilton media is by 'watching' the musical via its array of songs. Unlike other musicals, I didn't need to worry about gaps in the narrative not being able to be sealed by dialogue or body language.
And, speaking of the songs, they're great as well! In a variety of genres, such as rap, jazz, and pop, there's a Hamilton song for everyone, really. Lin, Leslie, Renee, and the rest of the class are amazing singers, and the orchestra and sound department also aids in elevating the play's most dramatic moments. Some are my personal favorites are the opening song, Alexander Hamilton, What'd I Miss, You'll be Back, and The Schuyler Sisters.
But, perhaps the main factor in the wide appeal of Hamilton was how well the writing and casting managed to humanize people that seemed so far away from our time, people who we'd usually think as being foreign to our modern-day issues. The cast of Hamilton are diverse in race, ranging from Hispanic to Black to Asian, and are given personalities that can relate to what people nowadays are like. Hamilton is ambitious and prideful, while Burr is more introverted but vengeful to a fault. Instead of random historical names, the two men, and all of the other characters in the play, become real. There's a reason that people of all ages, from young teenagers to fully-grown adults, have all managed to grow captivated by these characters. They are human. They are us. Hamilton is us.
And, ultimately, this is why Hamilton has become such a big success, in my opinion. Hamilton works because it doesn't just act as a play; instead, think of it as a river, using music, characters, and comedy to connect two oceans together- the past and the present. What started off as a random idea that was scorned down upon by others has ultimately become a global phenomenon, and with the feats mentioned above, it's no wonder that Hamilton managed to become such a success both on and off Broadway. To this day, the play still sells out tickets regularly, and is viewed, listened, and acted to by millions all around not just the USA, but the entire globe.
So, this fourth of July, you don't need to bolt out the national anthem while wearing red, white, and blue and bursting out oodles of fireworks everywhere you go. Instead, if you have the ability to, I'd highly recommend watching or listening to the soundtrack of Hamilton. Because, no matter the holiday or the country you lie in, there's something for everyone in this musical.
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sooperstarx · 4 months
Mia's focus wavered as she was meant to review a document. Rather than reading, she found herself observing the woman seated across from her, Miranda. Familiar with her name, Mia watched as Miranda, a taller woman, diligently wrote on a piece of paper. Miranda seemed engrossed in her task, unaware of Mia's inquisitive stare. Mia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Miranda's intense concentration, with narrowed eyes and a furrowed brow. Mia felt a surge of panic as Miranda glanced up, likely catching the sound of Mia's laughter. Hastily, Mia averted her eyes from Miranda, coughed lightly, and refocused on the document in front of her.
"Is there something you need?" Miranda's tone carried a hint of annoyance, mirroring the disapproving look Mia could sense without directly looking at her. Mia felt a sudden dryness in her throat as she struggled to speak,
"I'm okay." She couldn't shake off the embarrassment creeping into her thoughts, fearing she must appear foolish. Miranda placed the paper on the table, letting out a sigh as she did so. Mia tried to sneak a peek at the writing by craning her neck, but was unsuccessful as Miranda quickly turned the paper over.
"That," Miranda hissed. "Is none of your concern." Miranda's bitter words fell upon Mia's ears, yet she found herself captivated by the mesmerizing hue of her ocean blue eyes. Mia remained unfazed by Miranda's statement, as it held no relevance to her. Miranda flinched as Mia remained silent. The blonde woman cast a furtive glance to the side, appearing disheartened by the absence of any response to her menacing demeanor. Unfazed, Mia paid no attention and redirected her focus to the document before her.
A couple of tense moments elapsed, during which Mia appeared to be engrossed in her 'reading.' However, in truth, she found it difficult to concentrate on the words. The piercing gaze of Miranda made it even more challenging for her. Mia squirmed uneasily, stealing a daring glance at the blonde woman. Unfazed, Miranda maintained her unwavering gaze, almost daring Mia to look away. Miranda enhanced the intensity of the eye contact by leaning into her hands, placing her elbows on the desk. She maintained complete silence, and her emotionless face revealed no trace of humanity. Mia struggled to maintain eye contact, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity. She felt compelled to avert her gaze, afraid that she might utter something foolish.
"Is there something bothering you?" Miranda cooed, a mischievous grin apparent in her tone. Mia swallowed nervously. Miranda's actions seemed to derive pleasure from making Mia uncomfortable. Mia couldn't help but hold her breath until Miranda finally averted her gaze. The fair-haired lady rose from her seat and pivoted to inspect her neatly styled hair in the mirror. Once content with her appearance, she confidently strolled across the room, passing Mia from behind and causing a chilling sensation to run down her spine. Mia took a trembling breath... Miranda extended her hand towards the document that Mia had neglected to read, smoothly shifting it into a position where she could peruse its contents. Mia's gaze fixated on Miranda's elegant and slender fingers, but she quickly dismissed any intrusive thoughts. "Darling, have you managed to read any of this?" Mia involuntarily trembled upon being addressed as darling. She shook her head in response.
"Not exactly..." Contrary to Mia's anticipation, Miranda refrained from scolding her. Instead, she neatly folded the document and placed it in the pocket of her pristine white lab coat.
"It is of utmost importance that you read the documents in the future, Mia," Miranda sighed. Mia's response was limited to a nod, as she remained slightly flustered by Miranda's unexpected behavior, which could easily be misinterpreted as affection. In an attempt to divert her attention from any unwelcome thoughts, she lightly tapped her fingernails on the desk while humming softly to herself. Miranda's attention was seemingly captured by this, as she shifted her gaze towards Mia and inclined her head. "What is that melody you're softly singing? It's quite lovely." This display of warmth was out of the ordinary. Mia couldn't help but feel skeptical. She simply shrugged her shoulders.
"I'm not quite certain where I picked it up from." Miranda responded with a head tilt, reminiscent of a curious bird. It was endearing, almost adorable. Mia couldn't suppress a giggle, although she chose to remain silent. Miranda appeared to comprehend the source of Mia's amusement as she giggled. She recoiled and averted her gaze, expressing her discontent with a muttered remark. Mia realized that Miranda was feeling embarrassed. Miranda was embarrassed because Mia found her bird-like head tilt amusing. The poorly illuminated room barely allowed Mia to discern the faint blush creeping onto Miranda's cheeks. Mia found herself at a loss for words, prompting her to resume tapping on the desk. In a swift and unexpected manner, Miranda's pleasant demeanor vanished, giving way to her authoritative and aloof attitude. "Make sure to visit my laboratory before you depart. Punctuality is crucial." Mia's stomach churned with anxiety as she felt a swarm of uncertain butterflies. Could she be facing trouble? Miranda abruptly turned and departed, her heels resonating against the ground, synchronized with the graceful movement of her hips. Despite Mia's desire to avert her gaze and erase the entire incident from her memory, her eyes involuntarily followed the elegant figure of the tall blonde. The hypnotic sway of Miranda's physique resembled the pendulum of a clock, leaving a lasting impression on Mia's thoughts. The endearment of "darling" uttered by Miranda lingered persistently in her mind, impossible to dismiss. Despite her diminishing love for her husband, Mia felt compelled to stay faithful to a certain aspect of her existence as she was already entangled in a web of deceit. However, Miranda evoked unfamiliar emotions of allure within Mia. Miranda's impeccably groomed, sleek blonde hair, her piercing icy blue eyes brimming with resolve, and her voice, which was both velvety smooth yet cutting like a snake, yet as light as a bird's wings. Mia dismissed the thoughts with a blink. Pursuing a woman like that would never be within her reach, after all.
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incorrecthifirush · 1 year
Chai, being held captive: What about my Miranda rights? You’re supposed to say I have the right to remain silent! Nobody said I have the right to remain silent!
Peppermint: Chai, you have the right to remain silent! What you lack is the capacity.
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cricket-reader · 2 years
Cricket-reader’s James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes Masterlist
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
You do not have permission to repost or translate my work on any other platforms (even with credit). I reserve the rights to all of my original characters.
💔 - Angst 💕 - Fluff ❤️‍🔥 - Smut ✨ - Favourites
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Vanilla 💔💕❤️‍🔥✨
In which Bucky falls in love with a girl from around the tower. Scared of damaging her—like he does with everything—he pushes her away. Sweet, gentle caresses and hands that smell of vanilla make him rethink his actions.
I’ve Got a Secret I 💔💕✨ Part II
A fight brings both of them to go separate ways. That is until Natasha clears the air.
Excitement is in the air as Miranda nears her due date. Bucky is absolutely thrilled.
Side of the Road 💔✨ (incomplete series)
Whilst driving home from their flopped mission, the Avengers find a women on the side of the road, badly injured. They bring her to the compound to help her.
Christmastime 💕
Expecting to be alone this Christmas, Bucky is pleasantly surprised when a certain someone shows up at his door bringing festive holiday cheer.
Stowaway 💔(💕?)
Bucky takes home a woman he found whilst out on a mission. Quickly he learns that it might have been too rash of a decision to make. (March Trope-a-Thon day 2)
Your Warmth 💔💕❤️‍🔥✨
Stuck in a snowstorm, she doubts she’ll make it out alive. What happens when an unexpected person rescues her from the storm? (March Trope-a-Thon day 1)
Agony 💔💕
Bucky ’s girlfriend is sick and in a lot of pain. He just wants to make her feel better. (Whumpril day 4)
You Got It Easy 💔💕✨
Whilst in an argument, Bucky says something that he will always regret.
Treasures Left Unprotected… 💔
Bucky remembers someone from his time at Hydra in a nightmare and goes to find them. (June of Doom day 2)
Mutual Agreement 💔💕
whilst on a mission, you and Bucky get caught in the cold. Your body doesn’t handle the temperature well, being you’re not a supersoldier. Your state brings back memories of Bucky’s life before Hydra, making him fear for your health. (June of Doom day 4)
Selfish Touch 💕💔
Bucky is scared to have you stay the night, terrified that he’ll hurt you. You assure him that it’ll be okay. (June of Doom day 6)
Something in Common 💔💕
you get captured and held in captivity. Bucky finds you and has an argument with your dad, Tony. Later, Bucky confesses his feelings for you. (June of Doom day 8)
Broken Promises 💔💕✨
the asset had promised you that he would save you, that he’d come back for you if he ever managed to escape. He didn’t come back for you. Something that both of you needed to work through if you ever wanted to heal. (June of Doom day 13)
Don’t Leave Me 💔
Safe and Sound 💔💕✨
you and Bucky were out on a date. Everything went wrong so quickly. (June of Doom day 15)
Bucky finds you. Everything goes wrong so quickly. Can Bucky forgive himself for something he blames himself for? (June of Doom day 16)
Sabotage 💔💕
after a particularly rough mission and some gaslighting, you’re there to help Bucky pick up the pieces. (June of Doom day 17)
The Fall 💔💕
Bucky remembers the fall (June of Doom day 18)
Prince Charming 💔💕
Bucky is confused as to how you have been able to keep your abusive relationship from him for so long. (June of Doom day 29)
Easy A 💔💕
after a truly awful date, you are comforted by Bucky. (High School AU)
A03 Works:
Bucky Barnes Doesn’t Understand 💕💔
a series of one shots in which Bucky learns a lot of new things.
Coldest Winter 💕💔
It was almost too easy for Brock to convince the Avengers that Bucky and him were dating. No one blinked an eye at the fact that he was now living in the Avengers Tower with his "boyfriend". (Winter Whumperland day 4)
Unloveable 💔💕
Quiet 💔💕
Vanilla (part 2) 💔💕(❤️‍🔥?)
Side of the Road (part 4) 💔💕
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svturn-exe · 9 months
honestly with how Long mia was exposed to/infected with the mold (3 years!!!) i can't imagine the serum zoe threw together real quick in a Blender (she was doing her best. work with what u've got) would just. instantly reverse all damage and leave her completely fine and healthy (bodily . she's probably got like 5 new mental illnesses)
i think girlie's got damaged lungs. maybe straight up asthma. she can't breathe so good anymore
and it certainly doesn't help with the trauma and ptsd when she's bolting awake at fuck o clock in the morning believing she's still being held captive by a hellish amalgamation of eveline, jack baker, and mother miranda . and she can't fucking Breathe
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kaijuposting · 1 year
Okay so the fact that Ethan Winters doesn't recognize Lady Dimitrescu from his jazz albums made something click-
RE8 would make a lot more sense if it was a dream.
Like, you remember the fairy tale at the beginning of the game, right? If we take everything that happens in the game at face value, the whole situation is... very odd. The game's main villain is reading Rose a story that's obviously vaguing the hell out of her, and also foretelling what Ethan's going to do to her. Which Miranda probably wouldn't clock as like, an actual prophecy at the time or anything, but surely she'd notice that this story really hates her.
On the other hand, if we assume that Ethan put Rose to bed and zonked out himself before dinner, it makes a lot more sense. Ethan has a dream where his anxieties manifest through images, ideas, and events he's recently encountered.
Within Ethan's dream, Miranda represents his anxieties about Mia. (Is it coincidence that their names both start with M?) She is a controlling, intimidating figure who threatens to take his child away. She literally tears out his heart and crushes it, reflecting how Ethan feels impacted by Mia's behavior.
Ethan's dream positions Mia as a captive of Miranda, reflecting his desire to believe that the Mia he's been dealing with in waking life isn't the "real" Mia, but is somehow held captive by some hostile alien force that be can defeated. Rose draining Miranda's power represents a belief that somehow, having a baby will bring out Mia's better self again.
The others might also be inspired by people Ethan actually knows; perhaps Heisenberg reflects a local mechanic who wants to be friends with him, but whom Ethan finds intimidating because he lacks what Ethan would consider social graces. Maybe he even has an older sister he doesn't like, and Ethan subconsciously merged her with Lady D. Perhaps there's a reclusive young woman who influenced his image of Donna. Perhaps there's a mentally disabled man with scoliosis who influenced his image of Moreau.
Now mind you, this is not to say that I'm picturing a scenario where the mold doesn't exist; there just might not be any mold where Ethan's currently living. Like I'm picturing a scenario where RE7 happened and Ethan is still moldy - which leads to my final proposal: Ethan's dream is also his subconscious mind piecing together the truth of his existence, with Eveline personifying Ethan's own unfortunate assumptions of what being made of mold means for him.
After Ethan wakes up from his nap, he and Mia are going to have a very interesting conversation.
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
Okay aside from my hatred for how it treated Eveline, the DLC also just, wasn't great? And didn't matter? Spoilers below the cut
Okay so getting big thing out of the way: The DLC takes place before the 8 epilogue of Rose at Ethan's grave. Meaning that everything we see doesn’t matter. Rose was never going to lose her powers, she was always going to escape the mold mind palace (btw I’m gonna call it “mold mind palace” this whole time) and it just felt cheap to have the ENTIRE epilogue shown at the end. Like just show her on the bus, we know this scene. I kept waiting throughout the scene to see if they would show us anything new or different, but they didn't. That ending was pointless.
K was also such a nothing character. I speculated that it could be John, since the two characters' faces are similar, but it wasn't. Rose calls him K. John's HWS name is Lobo. If it were Dion she was meeting, that nickname might make sense (K9. There's actually a file in 8 that refers to Canine with that shortened nickname so it would've been possible) but Dion obviously doesn't look like this guy. Not to mention the reveal that he was never there doesn't do anything for us. We knew nothing about this guy, had no attachment to him, so Miranda tricking Rose the entire time means nothing to us. If it had been an actual former HWS member, or, hell, CHRIS then we might have felt something.
Also just the insinuations that 1) Chris is STILL leading HWS 16 years later 2) they're inviting more people to be part of HWS 3) HWS hasn't been shut down yet despite them having been a rogue team when we saw them operating in 8 and they went straight to BSAA HQ, meaning they probably would've received some consequences for going rogue and 4) they've asked Rose, a 16-year-old, to join their team, are all absurd
The DLC is also just really lazy. They recycle ideas, like Miranda using illusions to trick someone into seeing a person that wasn't even there, they recycle models, like seriously Evie looks exactly how she did in RE7, and her model there wasn't great and was still super clunky here and she wasn't proportioned like a child, and they reuse her tantrum animations from 7, they recycle locations just making things more messy or adding the new bloody mold goop to indicate this is the mind palace and not irl. They're lazy with Miranda's motivation too, like there's no reason for her to need Rose as a vessel for Eva anymore. If Eva's consciousness was truly in the mold like Miranda believed, then great! You're in the mold now, Miranda! Go find her! Why are you wasting time with Rose?
The "Michael" mystery was stupid. There was no real reason for him to not reveal himself to Rose right away. It wouldn't "complicate" anything, in fact she'd be more likely to trust you. He kept telling her to turn back, meaning if she had listened, they never would have gotten to speak, which is kind of what Ethan wanted. He wanted her out of the mind palace, safe, even if it meant he never saw her again. She probably could've taken solace in speaking to her dad, even if it wasn't face to face. Also the wording of "Not an enemy" was sooo dumb. Say you're a friend! Say you're family! "Not an enemy" makes her even less likely to trust you, because you aren't being anything reassuring to her right now
The game also tries way too hard to tug on the heart strings, and it doesn't work. I'm gonna bring up Evie here a bit although I'll do my best not to. I do not feel bad for Rose. As a long time fan and player of most games in this series, I can name more characters who have been through worse shit than Rose has than I can count on my fingers. Actually I will, this is my post, fuck it, feel free to skip the list
Sherry was orphaned at 12 and was infected with a virus that nearly killed her, then was held captive in a strange man's house for eleven years, that's 5 years of her adult life still in captivity, before gaining a false semblance of freedom by being forced to become an agent, on one of her missions was kidnapped and tortured for 6 months, and oh yeah her body stopped aging at 20
Manuela was infected with a disease that should have killed her, lost her mother at 5 years old, nearly died several times during DC, became an orphan at 16, and was locked up after being rescued because she still had powers and was still infected. Despite controlling her powers, she was not given any freedom, because the government was cautious (KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER)
Claire, Chris, and Leon are all orphans, Leon definitely when he was a child, Chris and Claire it's up to speculation. The three of them went through the horrors of the early games as young adults, Claire only being 19.
Jill was kidnapped, brainwashed, and forced to become a murderous slave for a genocidal maniac who she sacrificed her life to try to kill
Ashley was kidnapped multiple times, infected, and had her body taken control of by another person against her will
Natalia was an orphan (WHO WATCHED HER PARENTS DIE BTW) who was isolated from her peers, kidnapped, tormented for months by Alex, experienced hallucinations, had an adult woman try to take control of her body, and despite having seemed safe, apparently is still suffering ptsd or worse from what Alex did to her. She was adopted by a normal family and treated like a normal child, but she was still safely monitored and there's no indication she had a normal social life (KEEP THIS IN MIND FOR LATER)
Lisa Trevor was kidnapped at age 14, became an orphan when her parents were killed and she was infected with a virus, and went mad as she was continually tortured and experimented on until her death at 35 years old
Alexia and Alfred Ashford were given a life of comfort, but were still an experimental vanity project that their father enacted because he was in love with one of his ancestors, which they learned of at only 12 years old. Alexia willingly infected herself at age 12, Alfred was forced large political power at that age, and went insane without his sister there to support him, and when Alexia woke up from cryo sleep, the first thing she saw was her brother's dead body
Eveline was created to be a bioweapon. She was never given a choice as to if she had these powers. She was younger than her ten-year-old physical appearance, because she was aged up artificially, she was tortured, abused, forced to kill people with powers she couldn't control, and denied any source of comfort despite having the wants and needs of a child, and she was murdered by a man who called her a little bitch as she cried and lamented why the world seemed to hate her.
Now. What struggles does Rose have? Why, her dad is dead and kids at school call her a freak, of course! Now Isn't that sad? Don't you feel terrible for her and can't wait for her to pick off Eveline, who was taunting her, like a bitter child would?
Also yes you read that right, kids at school. Rosemary Winters, who shows physical proof in public that she is an actively infected person who cannot control her abilities, is allowed to attend public school and receive childish bullying. Un-fucking-realistic. Such bullshit.
Like I said, they lay on the pathos thick. There is an entire section, with no real gameplay, as you walk around the house from the beginning of 8 as you get to hear Ethan's voice and Rose's commentary on things her dad said because wahhh isn't it sad that Ethan died? They tell you how Rose feels through dialogue instead of allowing the character to feel for the obviously forced pathos. The letter was also written way too on the nose to try and tug at some heart strings. The ending where Rose talks to Ethan (while still HILARIOUSLY obstructing his face) goes on for too long and not a single line isn't something sad/sweet/sappy to try and get in the audience's feelings. (Also Rose bringing a physical object of Ethan's ring out of a MOLD MIND PALACE makes no sense but w/e)
Okay but is the gameplay at least good? Nah not that either. You get two weapons, a handgun and a shotgun, the occasional pipe bomb, and Rose's freezing powers. Now I know that this is a DLC and of course there doesn't have to be a lot of content, but this was pathetic. There are only two real puzzles either. The playthrough I watched was 3 hours long. The only part I thought was really scary was running from the Mia mannequins, but gameplay-wise they're like super easy to defeat.
The story jumps forward 16 years for no real reason. We don't get any insight into this new world Rose is living in, 16 years from the current furthest point in the timeline, we meet no new characters except for K who we can't really assume told us anything real since he was an illusion. This story was unnecessary, a mess, none of the gameplay was spectacular, and it went out of its way to torture and villainize a character who had already suffered in life, not even giving her peace in death. Really shitty DLC, really bad time.
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lingeringscars · 2 years
?? give me
send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours! / always accepting
maya & mariana/stef/layla/spencer. gay is all i know.
mason & shane. i do think they'd be neat. also maybe finch but I would have to think about that.
link/amelia & one chicago. crossover of my dreams.
amber & everyone is unhelpful but hello??? callie. mariana. vanessa. idk everyone.
alberta & gigi/sonya/mal/june. some guardians and sonya.
callie & harper/thea/christian. :')
daisy & logan. i cannot remember if we talked about them but i want it so bad. the parallels. the not being able to control powers and it overwhelming them. daisy just deserves to help so many people with learning to control their powers.
angeline & harper. thank u. also luna?? and lydia. i think they could all help her in different ways. sydney is currently bribing people to tutor her, so maybe spencer too. shauna!!!!!!!!!!!!! needing to adapt to society.
deborah/tasha & jacinda. moms doing their best for their kids and also mechanics. jacinda is also a cook.
mermia & june. we haven't really talked about them. i also think lydia here too. thank you.
mikhail/sasha & valerie. i'm thinking about sibling duos and val being protected from the supernatural and just. lots of thoughts.
tasha & prue. they deserve to be in love that is ALL. i have been saying you have been saying we agree. i think even dax has been saying. we're RIGHT. i also think any of my ouat muses could be fun to play with. valerie. taking care of someone who is closeish to your age after parents deaths. val & hayden have a v ozeraesque relationship. it'd be a lot.
octavia & finch/stiles/ruby. i'm right. also octavia & eden/june/mal but like. t/100. at least until i can figure out how to v/a eden (unless i u know. have. in our messages at some point.)
simon & sonya/lydia. i'm literally so curious about this. spirit users with someone who was manipulated by spirit. lydia who was held captive... sonya who turned ... what we talked about w/ lydia & bellamy. i am LITERALLY so curious.
claire & eden. my little geniuses working together. jake. tell me they would not be besties i dare you. reina. the things you do for knowledge. lydia. knowledge is power but also lydia as a mean girl turned someone who helps. lydia and miranda both having similar powers and it giving credence to things that are happening.
eve & lydia. i think. they should date? i just care a lot about the transformations is all. also see above about lydia and miranda. mariana. i'm not sure but i do think similar energy. spencer. spencer said eve is my favorite barista. marian & jacinda can also work with her.
kara & spencer/serena. they should hook up at some point.
malia & finch/ruby/logan. struggles with powers. struggles with society. struggles fitting in. rachel/shauna/fatin. having horrible things happen to you and needing to readjust to society once you return. christian. murdering parents who try to kill you, too.
allison & christian. hello we could do something so fucking hot here with allison coming back and christian's parents... june. being manipulated by the people close to you about the deaths of the people close to you. inej. knife wife and bow gf. thea. not having any hobbies. moving around and not having friends. pleasing parents. hehe so much there. faran. intensity about your own thing.
alex & june. i am sooo right about them. i can't explain this outside of like becoming weapons. fighting from the inside. learning about corruption. using your wealth and power. losing your families because you were betrayed by someone you trusted.
liars & glass house. i just know that they would all hang out thanks. specific: hanna & stiles like we have been saying. aria & peyton/jess. emily & gigi. they can work together at the brew. alison & ryan. ryan giving her a chance when she returns. mona & layla. something about layla & carrie and layla giving mona a chance in season 3 because she was sick and needed help and they aren't so different. caleb & tyler. they would be so fascinating.
echo & alina. not having a home. being manipulated by someone in power. not having an identity to hold onto that can really be yours.
hayley & jacinda. and vanessa. yaaa. whew okay for jacinda like she gives up her daughter because she believes it is the best thing for her, and I think it would be such an interesting dynamic.
jo k. & jacinda. mom friends. i also think emma s. i think they could really help each other. sylvie. more friends.
isabella & layla/bellamy/spencer/rachel. this is about parents. this is about mental illness. this is about not being trusted.
josie & harper. that arc when josie leaves the school and goes to a regular hs. i think they could get into loads of trouble. i think it would be loads of fun.
lizzie & lydia. also aurora and lydia. i think these could be a dream come true for me.
nicki & elsa. maybe their medical student runs overlap idk. they have such different personalities i think it would be very interesting to see. theo. i see no reason why they wouldn't overlap sometimes because hospital/first responder stuff.
laurel & lydia. i don't know i'm just right. but god valerie. younger siblings who have died and come back. protectors. caretakers. maybe ironically val decides to go to law school once she and hayden move.
sam & fei. they/them icons. doing what you can to protect your family. loving your family intensely despite their flaws. supernatural worlds.
scott & hope m/kaitlyn/finch/glass house. in the spirit of supernatural creatures coming together and forming a pack. in the spirit of trying to save people and failing. in the different perspectives and mindsets.
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Like Glass
Alcina Dimitrescu x female reader 
Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenburg
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu almost looses you and becomes even more protective than ever before. 
Warnings/tags:abduction, being held captive/against your will, being held for ransom, being starved, severe bodily harm, mentions of torture, trauma, night terrors, angst, hurt/comfort, protective Heisenburg, protective Dimitrescu daughters, upset Alcina, protective Alcina, vulnerable Alcina 
y/n= your name 
y/L/n=your lycan’s name 
Alcina Dimitrescu had always been protective of you. Even when you were simply her “pet,” her “toy,” her “human play-thing.” Her protection had doubled when she had confessed her feelings for you and had taken you as her lover. It had then tripled when she asked for your hand in marriage, you now being her wife AND step-mother to her girls.
You and Alcina had been careful in hiding your relationship because as pure as your love was it was dangerous. You could very well have been used a ransom bargaining chip to hand over Castle Dimitrescu to an enemy family. So Lady Dimitrescu kept you close and safe...that was until one winter night. You had  ventured out into the grounds that night to watch the snow fall and as you enjoyed the peace of the snowfall you had been taken by an enemy house. The word has slipped, unbeknownst how, but it had slipped just the same. You had screamed and fought as best as you could but the ones that took you were by far stronger than you. By the time Alcina had heard the screams and had gone racing out of the castle, her daughters leading the charge, there was no sign of you except for the signs of a struggle in the snow.
As expected, two days after you had been captured a note was left at the castle doors demanding Castle Dimitrescu be handed over in exchange for you safe return. The letter stated they had three days to comply or else the next thing that would be showing up the doors would be your dismembered body.
During the next two days Alcina, the girls, Heisenburg (who had grown fond of you) and your lycan (a wedding present from Heisenburg) were tearing the countryside apart looking for you. The troop barely stopped to rest and when they would Alcina could be heard muttering; “Alcina you fool, you should have turned her when you had the chance...you idiot...she could have fought them off if she was turned...you should have been watching her...Alcina you idiot...” she went on and on. Your captors had been very thorough in covering their scent and their headquarters was extremely well hidden.
It was close to sunset on the third day and Alcina had collapsed on her fours sobbing into the grass, “I’VE KILLED HER! LUBIREA MEA I’M SO SORRY!” I’VE FAILED YOU MY POOR DRAGA MEA!” The girls surrounded their mother holding onto her crying on her shoulder, even Heisenburg knelt down and placed a comforting hand on his sister’s back. Their moment of despair was interrupted by y/L/n howling and barking down a lone well about 50 feet away. The group rushed over peering down into the well which had no water at the bottom.
“Call the pack y/L/n! She’s down there and we are going to destroy every single one them! They fucked with the wrong family!” Heisenburg commanded y/L/n who immediately turned tail.The girls and Heisenburg quickly descended down the well leaving Alcina, who couldn’t fit down the narrow entrance.
“There’s a tunnel mother! We’re coming y/n!” Daniela screamed as she, Cassandra, Bela and Heisenburg surged forward.
“Be careful my doves!” Alcina called down after them. Lady Dimitrescu stood over the well for five minutes...fifteen minutes...it felt like an eternity for her. She strained her ears for the slightest sound of anything she could hear. In the distance she heard the lycan pack fast approaching. Y/L/n arrived at the well and sat waiting with the rest of the pack behind them. Some more time passed when finally Alcina heard frantic running.
“Hurry Cassandra! Dammit don’t drop her! I should have carried her!” Daniela screeched.
“Hurry, hurry, hurry...you guys stop arguing! She’s lost so much blood we need to hurry!” Bela screamed her voice choked with tears. Alcina’s heart dropped to her feet as she saw the girls and Heisenburg at the bottom of the well you draped over Cassandra’s shoulder. The girls and Heisenburg made quick work of ascending the well passing you into Alcina’s arms. Lady Dimitrescu let out a combination of what sounded like a scream, a sob and a wail. 
“MY DOVE! CEL MIC WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?!” Alcina wailed at the sight of her lover. You were absolutely battered within an inch of your life and covered in blood. There were deep chain marks around your wrists and your protruding ribs indicated you had been starved by your captors. 
“Come lycans! Tonight we will taste blood as we ruin a family line forever!” Heisenburg dropped down into the well again as the lycans followed suit one by one leaving the girls with their mother and you. 
Alcina was broken from her despair by the girls tugging at her dress. 
“Come mother! We must get her back home!” All three of them yelled in unison. And with that the Dimitrescus made a mad dash back to their castle while you lay limp in your lover’s arms. 
It had been several weeks since you were abducted and you were back to your normal self....well as normal as you could be now that you had suffered severe trauma. You woke up every night screaming and thrashing. In your night terrors you were captured over and over. You were beaten and starved over and over. Alcina would always hold you in her arms comforting you as you sobbed eventually falling back asleep. You had gotten the run down of what had happened a few days after your return; Heisenburg, y/L/n and the pack had absolutely decimated the underground home of the rival family. They had weened out the few directly responsible for taking and beating you. They still resided in the basement being tortured every day by the girls and Alcina. It was safe to say they wouldn’t be bothering any you ever again.
Ever since your abduction Alcina had been insanely protective of you and it was starting to become ridiculous. She didn’t let you outside unless supervised by the girls or herself. You hadn’t been alone for more than five minutes and Alcina had a death grip on you every night. She wouldn’t even let you walk down the stairs for fear you would “trip and break your neck.” Although Alcina had lamented not turning you when you were gone she still hadn’t done it because she was so preoccupied with keeping you “safe” and of course the normal commotions with Mother Miranda. You knew she was acting like this because you were taken but it was annoying you and not helping you in your recovery. One night you snapped.
“Alcina, drag mea, I know you want to keep me safe but you can’t treat me like I’m made of glass for the rest of my life!” you sighed pushing the log you were going to put onto the fire until Alcina had grabbed your waist pulling you back from the fire asking if you had burned yourself when you hadn’t even been close to the flames.
“I won’t apologize for keeping you safe cel mic it’s my JOB,” she stated gesturing for you to come back and sit on her lap where you had been. She furrowed her brows when you didn’t move.
“Look Alcina my love, I know that incident was a close call but I’m fine now and nothing has happened since,” you finished snapping your head around to look at your wife. Her whole body tensed. 
“Nothing yet...it is my job to protect you y/n.You’re my wife and the step-mother to my daughters and you will NEVER be away from me or hurt like that ever again!” Alcina was now yelling her eyes filling with tears. She let out a sigh resting her elbows on her knees placing her head in her hands. You couldn’t see but you knew she was crying. You strode forward quickly kneeling down so you could look up at her. You took her hands in yours leaning up to place a kiss on her chin.
“Alcina I-“
“I will never get that image of you out of my head!” Alcina sobbed taking your face in her hands. “You looked dead! I thought you were dead! We almost didn’t make it in time! And even when we did I couldn’t come get you myself! You wake up every night screaming and in tears because I failed to protect you! I should have turned you before we were wed and even now I STILL haven’t gone through with it! I’m a monster who almost lost the one person I have ever loved!” She finished her sobs racking through the room pulling you up into her lap. You went without protest wrapping your arms around her neck as she sobbed into yours. You two had never really addressed what had happened. The only time you did was when you first woke after being passed out for almost an entire day after you were returned safely to the castle. Lady Dimitrescu had not left your side the entire time you were recovering.
“Then let’s do it draga mea...” you whispered, “I think it is time. I’m ready to spend eternity with you and the girls.” As you said this Alcina lifted her head looking into your eyes and a smile stretched across her face. 
“Ok my sweet dove, we shall then,” sniffled Alcina as you wiped her eyes with your sleeve. “There is a full moon tomorrow? Does that seem right?” You let out an amused laugh and she did too. 
“Yes lubirea mea, that sounds simply perfect,” you agreed pressing your lips to hers. You were ready to become like her and the girls. You were ready to shatter your human form and embrace your new body. 
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a-n-conrad · 3 years
Pet (Karl Heisenberg x Reader)
[Summary: After being gifted to Heisenberg, you manage to survive his games. From there you start to develop an interesting relationship. And as you start to play the role of his pet, things get a bit interesting. (She/Her pronouns)
Warnings: SMUT, unhealthy relationship dynamics, Author belongs in horny jail, Reader has “female” anatomy, themes of pet play, swearing, biting (Blood), reader is losing her sanity a bit, spanking, oral (both receiving), hair pulling, unprotected penetrative (vaginal) sex
Request: Literally, not a single person asked for this. You only have me to blame.]
You felt a bit foolish, being in the situation you were in. You had been one of the people gifted to the “Lords” of the village to do with as they pleased by Mother Miranda. You had to admit, when you were frightened, even more so when you were handed over to the infamous “mad wolf-man”. He had quite the reputation. But unlike the others, you had proven yourself useful enough for him to keep you around, instead of experimenting on you or feeding you to his lycans.
You survived at first by staying out of his way. It was like a game to him. Heisenberg liked games, and you adapted to them rather quickly. At first, the game was to be the perfect assistant. You’d clean, cook, do minor repairs, and stay out of his way as needed. You were there when he needed you to do something, you’d do it perfectly, and then you’d be out of his sight. And he’d try to catch you slipping up, making you nervous with whispered promises of the punishments that awaited you if you did.
It was an odd dance, having to learn the ins and outs of Heisenberg’s moods. Learning how to tell when he was in a bad mood, and when he was in the mood to joke. And as time went on, it seemed that there were more days when he was in the mood to sit and banter with you. And you started to bond a bit, less as captor and captive, and more as something close to friends, though you wouldn’t necessarily call it friendship.
Eventually, he started to grow a bit fond of you, occasionally joking with you that he had started to see you as a pet. He’d grin a bit as he called you pet names, names that were somewhere between affectionate and demeaning. He’d pat your head, like he was praising a dog, when you did something right. He had even joked about making you a collar to show the rest of the Lords that you were his pet.
You knew you probably should’ve hated it. You should’ve gagged at the idea of a collar, and you should’ve hated his pet names. But you didn’t. You found yourself grinning when he called you a “good girl”. You leaned into his touch when he’d pat your head. You could feel yourself losing your sanity. You had to be insane to feel this way, but as you got to know Heisenberg, you found yourself feeling as though it was worth it.
Karl Heisenberg was an interesting man, and one you had to admit that you were fascinated by. He had a biting form of humor that had become much funnier as you realized you weren’t in the danger that you thought you were, and you could hear the intelligence behind it. His jokes were always at least a little clever, as long as he could keep his head. He was complex, with motivations and actions that didn’t always match. And his emotions were so complicated that you were pretty sure he hadn’t even started sorting through them, choosing to instead deny their existence.
He was a mess of a man. He got mad enough to throw metal scraps of rusted metal around the room when an experiment went wrong. He’d rant for hours about the issues he had with his “family”, having to hold himself back from breaking things when he got to Alcina. He felt as trapped as you did. He thought of letting his appearance go as an act of rebellion. Because of that, he’d go a full week without washing his clothes, letting the blood and oil stain the fabric until it might as well be dye. And he didn’t sleep for days sometimes, choosing instead to stay up all night in his workshop, only leaving when he starts to border on collapsing.
But between his anger issues and dysfunction, you saw something in him that you weren’t sure that even he saw. You saw it in the sparkle in his eyes when he figured out an issue that had been bothering him. You saw it in his sleepy groans when he woke up in the middle of the day after staying up all night before. You saw it in his smirks and smiles as he thought of something clever to say.
He was charming in his own way. Not in the way you thought of charming. He wasn’t elegant like Alcina, but he was warm. He was like a fire. Volatile. Deadly. Beautiful. And warm. And perhaps you were a bit of a pyromaniac, as you found yourself staring into a fire pit, longing to see the damage it could do if you let it free. You wanted to see what Heisenberg could do to you. You wanted to let him.
- - - - -
You were a bit suspicious that you weren’t hiding your feelings very well. Heisenberg was clever, and he was incredibly observant. He needed to be. His “family” didn’t exactly get along with him very well, and knowing what you knew about his “siblings”, they would’ve taken any opportunity possible to kill him and take his place as a favored lord. So he was constantly on his toes. And that meant that you were sure that he had noticed you were acting a bit off recently.
And you were sure that he had figured out exactly what was causing you to act that way, by the way that he teased. There was a glint in his eyes when you started to get flustered that was new to you. The way he smirked at you as he praised you, his hand resting casually on your arm for a few more seconds than before. He had even gone through with his collar joke, though he hadn’t given it to you to wear.
He’d wink at you as he held it in front of you, though. It was a silver chain that was about an inch thick, made into an easily adjusted necklace by the extra bit of chain that hung through the loop. The extra bit of chain that also worked as a built-in leash. He’d hold the collar in front of you, dangling it casually from one of his fingers when you started to get sarcastic with him, making comments about how his “pet” needed to be put in her place. And you’d try your best not to show how much you truly wanted that.
It had become another one of Heisenberg’s games. You could tell that he knew. And he knew that you knew that. So the game became how long you could go without breaking.
“So, kitten,” you jumped a bit as Heisenberg appeared behind you. You were making dinner, and had thought that Heisenberg was still working in his shop. He usually didn’t leave for dinner until you came to get him if he ate dinner with you at all, “You seem a bit spaced out. Care to tell me what you’ve got on your mind?”
You could say what you really wanted to. You could say that you wanted him to rail you until you couldn’t walk. But that would end the game. And Heisenberg only liked to end games if he could win them in a satisfying way.
“Nothing you need to worry about, sir,” You muttered, finishing the food you were cooking and pulling it off of the stove, “Just lost in thought.”
He hummed a bit, noticing how you refused to make eye contact. That wasn’t new, but you weren’t usually so awkward about it, “Come on, pet. I’d like to know if you’re planning your escape or something,” A bit of metal began to dangle in front of your face and you knew exactly what it was, “Honestly, (y/n), I really might have to put this collar on you if you’re going to be keeping secrets.”
“It sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to put a collar on me, Karl,” You had gotten a bit bold, knowing that the line of how much you could get away with was quite a bit further back, “You can just admit that you’re into that.”
He chuckled a bit, resting the arm that he was holding the collar with on your shoulder and leaning into you just a little bit. You could feel his body heat radiating off of him. You always wondered how he was always so warm, living in this factory, surrounded by the cold metal walls, “I don’t know, pet, you haven’t been protesting quite as much. It seems like you may be coming around to the idea. Maybe you’re projecting a bit.”
He had set his chin on your shoulder by the end of his statement, his breath brushing against the shell of your ear. It had sent a shiver down your spine, and you could tell he felt it by the satisfied hum that passed his lips.
“You’re not arguing with me, kitten,” he purred as you failed to muster up a rebuttal, “Is that what you want? You want me to put the collar on you? Do I need to put my needy little pet in place?”
Fuck. You shifted a little, trying not to make the throbbing between your legs obviously. You were trying so hard to think of a comeback, but the teasing had been going on for so long that you were reaching your breaking point. You wanted him to fuck you so badly that it made you look stupid.
He grabbed your shoulder and turned you around to face him. It was so much harder to keep a poker face when you were looking into his eyes, when you could see that glint in them. The kind of glint that made you think he wanted to eat you alive. And you wanted him to.
“If you ask like a good girl, maybe I’ll give you what you want,” his voice came out so much smoother than usual. It intimidated you a bit, knowing that he was holding himself together so well. You knew that there was no way your voice was going to come out nearly as smooth.
“I’m not going to beg, Karl,” Your voice was shaking, but you tried to hold your cool. He always had fun when you talked back a little, and you were hoping that translated to this situation as well. And the wolf-like grin that grew on his face told you that you were right.
“We’ll see about that, kitten.”
- - - - -
You weren’t quite sure when the collar had appeared around your neck. Somewhere between the kitchen and Karl’s bedroom, though, it had snaked its way around your neck, even though his hands never seemed to leave your hips. You were a bit too occupied trying to keep up with his ravenous kisses.
His lips were latched onto your neck as he pushed you through the door to his room. You landed on his bed soon after with a slight bounce. You had been in his room before to clean, but the context was different now. The actual room itself was entirely irrelevant, as Karl climbed on top of you, throwing his hat and glasses to the side, not caring where they landed. All you could look at were his eyes, glowing bright yellow as he looked down at you.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten how much of a fucking brat you’re being,” he growled, looking down at you, “You’ve earned yourself quite the punishment.”
He sunk his teeth into your shoulder, biting just below the hickey that was already forming on your neck. He growled a bit as you squeaked in surprise, biting down a bit harder. You both felt when he broke the skin, and something told you that the mark he was leaving was entirely on purpose. He didn’t want anyone to doubt who you belonged to. His fingers dug into your skin, one hand holding your wrist above your head and the other digging into your side just above your hip. You had a feeling you would be covered in marks and bruises in the morning, and you were alright with that.
He pulled your clothes off quickly, throwing them to the side of the room. He wasn’t wasting any time, so you were pretty sure he had ripped through a seam or two on your dress. And he didn’t hesitate to rip your underwear completely in half.
He threw you around so much easier than you had expected. You knew that he was strong, you had just expected it to take at least a little bit of effort. You supposed that you shouldn’t have underestimated his inhuman strength, because in seconds he had flipped you, moving you so that you were on your hands and knees in front of him. You were entirely vulnerable in front of him, entirely bare as he remained fully clothed behind you.
It was weirdly hot, being at his mercy. He wasn’t a good person, and you knew that. In fact, there was still a feeling in your chest reminding you that he could kill you whenever he wanted. But that didn’t matter at that moment. The fear just made it better in some sick way. You knew you were insane, you had to be, but if insanity felt this good, you were going to accept it.
“Now, kitten, be good and stay quiet through your punishment, and maybe you’ll get a reward,” he stated, sliding his hands from the place they were resting on your waist to rest on your ass instead, “Do I make myself clear?”
You nodded in response, not trusting your voice as his hands slid further down, reaching the back of your thighs, one of his thumbs dangerously close to your pussy. His hands were callused, so as they slid across your skin, it created an interesting sensation. Your eyes almost rolled back into your head as his thumb brushed lightly against your clit, and you heard him chuckle a bit at your reaction. However, before you could enjoy yourself too much, he pulled his thumb away, sliding his hands back up to your ass.
There was a pause for a few moments, and you felt his eyes scanning your body. They always seemed to feel so much more intense than anyone else’s gaze ever could. Before you could get self-conscious, though, one of his hands raised from its place, only to come back down hard. The smacking sound echoed through the entire room, and you couldn’t hold back your yelp.
“Now, now, pet, I thought I said to keep quiet. I’ll let this slide once because you’re cute, but any more, and I’ll have to add some more punishment,” he cooed, grabbing the leash of the collar around your neck and pulling it towards him. He leaned forward until he could actually look at your face, seeing the tears prick at the corners of your eyes already, “I’d hate to break my toy right away, so try to behave.”
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before shoving your head down into the bed and resuming your punishment. You bit your lip, trying your best not to actually break the skin, as you did your best to stay quiet. You were a bit surprised by how much you enjoyed it. After the first few, the pain started to melt away, hidden behind a numb tingling that sent electricity shooting through your whole body. And it was pretty obvious to Heisenberg as well, when slick started to drip down the inside of your thighs.
You lost count before he stopped, but it couldn’t have been more than fifteen. He let out a satisfied hum as he looked at the handprints that were already starting to form, rubbing his hands gently over the forming bruises. You almost started purring as his hands continued to slide across your body.
“You’ve been such a good girl, kitten,” he praises as he moves your body, eventually making you stand in front of him as he sat on the edge of the bed, “Do you want your reward now?”
You nod, far too gone to even try to not look like a desperate fool. He looked proud of himself, seeing you so needy and bare in front of him. It was like a work of art. You had never seen so much admiration and need in his eyes. It wasn’t love. But it was need, and want, and possession.
“Ask nicely.”
You were too desperate to argue. You needed him more than you could remember needing anything, “Please, sir.”
You swore you saw the bulge in his pants twitch at the word “sir” and the glint in his eyes confirmed your suspicions. The grin he gave you showed his teeth, highlighting his fangs like a predatory animal about to lunge.
“Good girl,” He drew it out, shifting his body so that his legs were spread as far as they could be comfortably, before commanding, “Kneel.”
You do as you’re told almost by instinct. It was almost as though your body moved without your brain giving it permission. You had been entirely possessed by your lust. And it only got worse as his hands moved to unzip his pants, only removing enough of his clothing to free his cock.
“You want this, don’t you?” He looked almost amused as your eyes locked onto his cock. You were practically drooling over it. He almost laughed as you nodded, “Enjoy your treat, pet.”
He leaned back a bit, his weight being put on one of his hands, positioned a bit behind him on the bed. He looked so casual as you moved your hands to timidly take the place of his own, which had previously been holding his cock in place. He had to admit you looked adorable, needy and desperate as you kneeled between his legs. You were practically drooling for him.
You started out a bit slow, which surprised him a little. The little kitten licks and kisses felt good enough for him to close his eyes to savor it. However, from the smirk that had formed on your face by the time that he opened his eyes, he realized that you were planning on teasing. He wasn’t about to let that slide.
The hand that he had rested on the top of your head tightened its grip on your hair. “Watch it, kitten. Don’t be a tease,” He growled, pushing your head down a bit until about half of his cock was in your mouth.
With that, your willpower to hold back faded, and you took the rest of him into your mouth. The tip hit the back of your throat just a bit, making you hold back a gag. And as you looked up at him through your lashes and found him smirking down at you, you could tell that he saw it. You reveled in the soft groans that slipped past his lips when you finally got to work, swirling your tongue around as you bobbed your head. You moaned as he pulled your hair, the vibrations causing him to curse and pull your hair even more, “Fuck, kitten, you’re pretty good at that.”
You continued like that for a few more minutes, his grip on your hair getting tighter and tighter. The salty, bitter taste of precum started to hit the back of your throat, making it a bit harder not to gag. But the sounds that slipped from his mouth fueled you even more. You felt proud, hearing how much he was enjoying himself. You almost felt a bit disappointed as he pulled you off of him by your hair, causing you to whine loudly.
“Aw, don’t worry, kitten,” He says, patting your head, “We aren’t done yet. Why don’t you lay down and let me take care of you? You’ve been such a good girl.”
You do as you're told, without saying anything. As you had gotten into the mode you were in, playing the role of Heisenberg’s pet, talking seemed unnatural. It felt right to listen to his commands, obeying him like a dog. So you laid on your back, spread out and completely bare. And you couldn’t hold back the yelp as he grabbed your hips and yanked you roughly to the edge of the bed, so that as he kneeled in front of you, his face was entirely level with your pussy.
You saw that glint in his eyes again as his warm breath hit your already dripping core. You were getting reckless, trying to inch your way closer to speed up the process, only for his grip to tighten on your waist, holding you in place. He had an iron grip on you, and you were thankful for that as he licked a broad stripe up across your pussy before diving in, focusing almost all of his attention on your clit.
You were practically screaming his name as swirled his tongue around your clit with dexterity you didn’t think was even possible to possess. His hands were definitely leaving fingerprint-shaped bruises on your hips, but at least they were holding you in place as you involuntarily started to buck your hips and arch your back. You could feel the knot tightening in your abdomen, your hands ripping the sheets so hard you were a bit worried that you were going to tear them. He slid a finger into you, hitting at just the right angle to make you squeal. You honestly couldn’t think of a time that someone had made you come undone quite so fast, but you certainly weren’t complaining as the tangled nerves in the pit of your stomach finally seemed to snap.
Karl had to admire you as you came, your head thrown back and your legs shaking. Your skin was practically glimmering from the thin layer of sweat that was already clinging to it. He couldn’t help the pride that flooded into his chest as you started to come down from your high looking absolutely destroyed. He wasn’t done yet, but he was glad to see he had it in him to affect you this much.
He slowly stepped back, his eyes never leaving you as you laid on the bed, trying to catch your breath. He made sure to lock eyes with you as he slowly stripped the rest of his clothes off, layer by layer. By the time you recovered, he was finally taking off his necklaces, dropping them onto the pile he had made with the rest of his clothing. Despite his strength, he wasn’t exactly ripped. His arms were fairly muscular and defined, but he had a bit of squish around his stomach. His body was coated in a layer of body hair, the bits of silver shining in the dim light of the room you were in.
He was attractive in the rugged way that made it make sense that he smelled like metal and cigar smoke as he crawled on top of you, keeping pace as you inch yourself further up the bed. It was only once you had settled into place that he leaned down, kissing you feverishly. It escalated with every second, the hand that he wasn’t using to support his body weight roamed your body. It wasn’t long until his hand was moving your legs, angling your hips to make it easier for him to line himself up with your entrance.
He pulled away from the kiss just long enough to slowly push himself into you, watching your reaction as you slowly adjusted to his width and length. It didn’t take you long to adjust, though, and he could tell when you did. He started off slow. It surprised you how gentle he was being, but you didn’t mind at first. Before long, though, you were craving more. You wanted him to use your body.
“Please,” You whined, “Harder.”
He grinned a bit at your begging, recalling your declaration that you wouldn’t beg. He honestly couldn’t tell what part he enjoyed more, the win he had earned or seeing you beneath him, begging for him. Either way, he wasn’t going to deny you what you wanted.
So he leaned back, shifting his weight to his knees so that he could grab your ankles. He pinned your legs to your chest. As he slammed into you, much harder than before, you could tell just how much the angle had changed. Your eyes nearly rolled back into your head as he continued to thrust into you. Your moans got louder, and he started to groan a bit too, cursing under his breath as his thrusts got a bit uneven.
“Fuck, kitten,” he breathed into your ear as he leaned down, your legs on his shoulders. You could feel him twitching inside of you, getting close to his own ending, “You’re such a good girl.”
You couldn’t help yourself as your hands moved to scratch down his back, digging your nails in as deeply as you could. He responded by biting into the same place he had earlier, a bit of blood from before sticking to the corners of his mouth. With a few more rough thrusts, his teeth sinking a little bit deeper into your shoulder, he finished. And the two of you both started to relax.
After a few seconds of you both catching your breath, he pulled away, rolling to the side so that he could comfortably lay on his back next to you. It was an awkward few moments, both of you laying there in near silence, only for him to break it with, “We should probably get that bite cleaned up, huh? My bad, pet. I forget how fragile you are sometimes.”
And with that he got up, moving to gently take care of you. He cleaned up your bite mark, and helped you clean between your shaky legs with a damp washcloth. It was a whole new side of him as he helped clean you off, making sure that he hadn’t been hurt too badly. And after a few minutes, when you had been cleaned enough that you weren’t actively uncomfortable, he climbed back into bed and wordlessly pulled you into his chest.
(A/N: So... um. I'm sorry for this. This is my second smut ever and I needed to get a bit... self-indulgent so my brain would stfu.)
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movedtodykedvonte · 3 years
Specific Father Ethan Au Character Stuff
There is like specific things that the characters do differently in the au or have to become accustomed to and I just thought I’d say some of the important things.
Alcina Dimitrescu
No more human blood for Alcina and her daughters, they can finish off what they have but now it’s just pigs blood or other live stock (Think Angel the vampire)
All the vampire wenches are purged, like the dungeon gals. Alcina is upset because those took time to make
Her castle is updated with tech and security systems. The systems are to insure they aren’t killing people anymore and  the tech is to slowly get her and her daughters used to the outside world
Starts to open up about her resentment of Mother Miranda and starts living a little more wildly (Miranda always told her to stay proper)
Now she wears dresses that come about her ankle and so do the girls (scandalous!!!) 
Donna and Angie
She can keep her garden but she has to put a limit on her hallucinogenic flowers. Like why do you have so many?
No more dolls with knives, Angie is most upset about this.
When they give her tech, she immediately falls in love with fashion blogs and toy review channels. Asks for more fabric to get into modern stuff
Shows her face more and tries to have more identity away from Angie. This is a mutual thing and Angie encourages Donna to be more head strong making friends
Invites a lot of Chris’s agents and task members over for tea parties along with the lords and the winters (so far only Moreau and Ethan/Rose have accepted)
least affected by Mother Miranda’s death and actively mentions that she was a horrible mom (never liked her dolls)
Salvatore Moreau
They start building canals that Moreau can swim through to get around the village and other lords homes. Walking in the cold climate has always been a struggle
When he gets tech, he immediately watches more movies, doesn’t really use it much other wise.
Starts to get a backbone and stand up for himself more. Will not hesitate to throw up on you (gross)
Chris and his crew try their hardest tp get him to a stable condition, because Chris can recognize an unstable umbrella virus any where
Doesn’t talk about Mother Miranda but he is still struggling to accept that she never cared (he went through a lot and he doesn’t want it to have been for nothing)
They fix up the reservoir and honestly Moreau is just happy people are willingly being around him for once.
Karl Heisenberg 
You can keep the lycans sir but be have to confiscate your franken-zombie-robot army
Doesn’t care, kinda happy he can just chill in his factory and no report to that bitch Miranda
He kinda just makes arbitrary death machines for funnies or helps Chris and his guys with renovations
Tries to leave the village often. He still wants to see the world and wishes the task force could get their tests over faster
Is glad Miranda is dead but feels a little hollow in the fact he didn’t get to finish the job like he planned (feels like he didn’t really get payback)
Kinda fucks around with his abilities even more (tries to fly on a sheet of metal, has been seen plummeting out of the sky)
Mia Winters
Technically she is allowed to leave but won’t leave Ethan or Rose behind
Has frequent nightmares of being held captive by Miranda and dreams of what life would be like if she just quit her job
She is aware of the bond of the mold and kinda feels left out seeing as everyone but her and the taskforce members have it. Also feels guilt over wanting what is effectively a dieses they are stuck with
Holds on to Rose more than Ethan, just because he constantly attracts the other lords and she can’t get use to them
Uses cooking to like destress, dives head first into the local cuisine again ( I know it was Miranda but I think it’s funny)
Rarely leaves their house as she is rightfully scared of the lycans (though they are relatively harmless to them... maybe... she should stay inside)
Ethan Winters
So goddamn tired of everything
He can feel and sense the mold and sometimes when he sleeps he slips into the hive mind. This kinda means he knows what the lords looked like before the transformation (the lords don’t necessarily realize it’s not a weird dream)
Pain tolerance is like up to max, he probably sticks his hand in fire to prove a point when Chris tells him to be careful.
Wishes Mia would give the lords a chance, seeing as they are going to be stuck together for a while
Senses the strength of the mold is Rose and is terrified about what that entails
Visits each lord frequently just because, they will come to his house and they will find every way in besides doors.
Just some character specific tidbits. Just getting thoughts out and down in case they become part of something bigger.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
May I ask for the the 4 lords reacting to a male reader who is Ethan's brother. Lets say Ethan never managed to escape capture so the brother showed up and is much more skilled and quick then Ethan? He always offers the lords (and daughters) a choice before taking them down. "Give me Rose and live. Or deny and die." Maybe he survived the horrors of racoon city so this is just another shit show he's ready to face.
Broken: A Brother of Ethan Winters that is more skilled and quick, a survivor of Racoon City. Oh, I can weave those words - Let the words weave together.
Note: Ethan's Brother is Armani Winters - An Older Brother and Army Man. He was known as the Silent Knife during his time in the army. Just like Ethan - he has mold in his body but he was from an Army Enchantment Program and he can control it better. Armani got a call from Chris Redfield about what happened to Ethan, so it's up to the Eldest of the Winters Sons to save him. Also, Armani is single and doesn't have children so his niece means a lot to him.
[When Armani got in mission information about his younger brother, Ethan, and his niece, Rosemary, being held captive by the High Priestess of the Romanian Village, The Silent Knife knew that he had to do something before it was too late. He heard from Chris that Rosemary was cut into pieces and crystallized before being divided and sealed into 4 Flasks that were given to the 4 Lords that served Miranda. The First Target was the Lady of the Castle - Alcina Dimitrescu.]
[Armani crept to the castle and pushed the door open but kept the shadows - using the mold in his body to remain as quiet as a mouse on cotton balls and kept his ears sharp for the sounds of heels clicking or flies buzzing. First - he wanted to see if Ethan was in the castle and the one place they would keep him in the dungeon, and if Rosemary's Flask was there, the Lady of the Castle would have been sure to keep it in her private area.]
[The Eldest Winters made it down to the dungeons - happening to catch a glimpse of the tall woman while she was getting a bottle of wine & he was crawling through a rock tunnel - and came across creatures with bodies of women that were drained with blood that learned from the journals down there were referred to as the Moroaica: Women who had their blood drained and used in sickening experiments. Killing them was mercy. He continued on his way until he heard the sound of buzzing flies.]
???: I can't believe Cassandra caused all this mess.
[There she was - the first daughter: Bela Dimitrescu. Armani knew hold to handle her but first, he needed a weak point. He ran up the stairs and broke through a wooden barrier but stopped in the room when he found a window. He turned to face her - that sickening bloody smile on her face.]
Bela: You look like that man-thing that Mother wanted but ever got.
Armani: That 'man-thing' is my little brother, Ethan. Tell me where he is and tell me where I can find my niece's flask.
Bela: Your brother, huh? I wonder if your blood will be good.
Armani (Pulls throwing knife out of his leg sheath): Not that you ever would.
[Armani threw it at the window and it shatters - covering Bela in painful frost. When she solidified, Armani charged at her and took her to the ground before she says anything, and stabbed a small needle connected to a vial filled with liquid nitrogen.]
Bela (Sightly panicked): What...What have you done to me?
Armani: Liquid Nitrogen is -196 °C, that's -320 °F; in other words, it's extremely fucking cold. I know about you and your sisters, you can't stand the cold and if you're in it for too long...you die. That little device I stuck to your next with releases small amounts into your body to keep you from moving but...(Shows her the button) If I push this button, it all goes in, and then no more Dimitrescu Daughters.
Bela: Mother will come for you...
Armani: I'm hoping for it.
[Amani hunted the other 2 daughters and 4 Masks - using the masks to open the door to the chapel and bringing the daughters with him before placing them side by side as she opened the casket and obtained the Dagger of Death's Flowers. He wanted for a while until the thundering footsteps were heard and Alcina Dimitrescu came storming into the chapel, glaring at the man leaning against the coffin with the dagger in his hands.]
Armani: Alcina Dimitrescu - First Lord that serves under Mother Miranda, it's about time you decided to up.
Alcina (Unsheathing her claws): You man-thing, is this your doing?! Where are my daughters?! What have you done to them?!
Armani (Gestures to the daughters with the dagger): They are alive and unharmed...just unable to move and their lives hang on your answer.
Alcina: You bastard, I will...
Armani (Lifting his other hand - showing the remote with his hand on the button): I wouldn't do that if I were you, Alcina. You see, there are needles of Liquid Nitrogen in the back of your daughters' neck, right on their spines. Right now, the amount in their systems will only keep them from moving but if I push this button, then all of it goes into their bodies, freezing them from the inside out and then...well...I'm sure you get what will happen.
Alcina (Looks at her daughters before looking at Armani): What do you want from me?
Armani: I want 2 things: My Niece's Flask & the location of my younger brother, Ethan Winters; tell me that and I will give you your daughters back. Do this and you all will live, resist and I'll kill them then you before tearing this castle apart for the flask and information.
[Alcina looked at the man again before walking out the chapel, soon returning with a yellow box-looking flask in her hand.]
Armani: Place it on the ground and step away from it. Now, tell me where my brother is.
Alcina (Walks to the corner and watched the man as he walked over to the flask): Mother Miranda gave the man-thing to my foolish brother, Karl Heisenberg.
Armani (Picks up the flask): Alright. Now, I'm gonna leave, and when I am out - I'll release your daughters; you come for me and it will not be good for you. Get them inside.
[Armani left the castle and pressed the deactivation button to free the daughters from the trap and continued on his way to find the next target.]
[The Second Target was one of the saddest of souls that Armani had ever heard - a child that was judged and bullied for a scar, her life torn apart by the disappearance of her sister, her life then altered again by Miranda under the false hopes of having a family again. How much can one soul take before it's too much? He wanted to ask Donna - he was going to save her and her tormented soul.]
[He walked through the misty forest - dolls hung from the trees by their necks and he swore he could see things in the mist - he thought he saw her...heard her...but there was no way that was possible; she was gone. He reached a door that had a mail slot and he was asked to give up his memories. Digging into his back pocket - he withdrew a picture of himself with his allies in the army and...her. He slid it in the slot and continued on his way.]
[Armani continued on his way - through a lift, across a bridge, and to the vast but foggy estate of Donna Beneviento - The Last of the Bloodline. He opened the door and looked around, the house was nice, and - while he wasn't a fan of dolls as much as his niece was - he had to admit the dolls were well put together. He investigated and found a few interesting things: A book on hallucinogenic plants with an illustration on them - those were the same plants he saw while walking through the trail when he saw...her, then he happened upon a portrait of the Head of House Beneviento; she looked lovely but...if that is what she looked like, why did the image Chris sent him to show her in a veil? Was she in mourning? If that was the case, it made him feel worse about breaking into her house.]
[Armani continued through the house - happening upon a book that explained the purposes of the yellow flowers found along the trail: hallucinations that are so real that whatever happened in the illusion would happen in reality; with this information, Armani knew not to trust his eyes...or his nose for that matter. He continued through the house until he came to a door, he opened it and found... the Doll of Donna Beneviento - Angie - sitting in a chair in the center of the room, as limp as a doll should be but in her lap sat a flask with the Beneviento Crest on it: Another piece of Rose. He walked into the room, reached for the flask...and the lights flickered into darkness and a raspy voice was heard.]
Angie: I've been waiting so long... I'd make a much better daughter than Rose. Please, won't you stay with me - forever?
[The light flicked back on and the room changed...but it also seemed that Armani was now lacking his weapons. He did not panic, he remembered what the book said about the flowers and what the file said about Donna - nothing around him was reality at the moment but it could still affect him as if it were real so he had to be careful. First step - examining that doll that looks like his sister-in-law.]
- Timeskip -
[Armani covered his ears as the mutant bab fetus wailed in his face against the gates of the lift as it ascended; once the large creature was out of sight, the man took a needed breath. The file said that Donna Beneviento was the weakest of the 4 Lords but whoever said that was only thinking about physical strength and not how much the mind could affect your body. For someone to create illusions so real that it could really kill or injure you, that was nothing to laugh at and he was still in Donna's world...or the moment.]
[The lift opened and the man walked out before turning to the left and entering the living room again but...the air looked almost blue, it seemed heavier, and once again - Angie was sitting in the middle of the room...before the veiled figure of Dollmaker appeared behind the doll and spoke in her quiet voice.]
Donna: Don't leave. I can't let you.
[She raised her hand and - as if on command - Angie came to life, levitating, and Donna vanished into nothing.]
Angie: Ohh, you're still alive, huh?
[Armani looked down and noticed that the numerous dolls began to spring to life, shoot out weapons, and attack him.]
Angie: You better find me quick, before my friends murder you!
[The man knocked the dolls away just as Angie flew in his face.]
Angie: Tick-Tock! Your life's on the line! (She began to fly away to the door at the left)
Armani: Angie!!!
[In sets of 3 - don't you see - is when the game meets its peak. When Hunter and Prey have their roles reversed and an offer is made to end this curse. This was the 3rd time Armani had Angie pinned down with one hand and the scissors in the other but he was not gonna use them - he didn't the first 2 times he caught Angie. He looked into the doll's eyes as she struggled to get out of his grip. He opened his mouth to speak...but it was not the doll's name he called out.]
Armani: Donna Beneviento, I know your game - I know that you are controlling Angie and it's you have pinned; I heard your sobs, you're afraid that I will hurt you, just as you've been hurt in the past but that's not the case. All I want is to find my brother, niece, and sister-in-law; I have nothing against you and the lords. Just listen to me - release me from this illusion and give me my niece's flask, I shall leave without harming you...you have suffered enough.
[There was a moment of silence before a fuzzy light shined out and faded; showing Armani grasping Donna's neck to keep her down - he saw her face...her whole face. Unlike others, he rose up and looked at her, unlike others - he didn't look disgusted at her flaw. Instead, he held out his hand to help her stand.]
[With a confused look on her face, she gathered Angie in one of her arms and took his hand with the other. The man pulled her to her feet before letting go of her hand, placing his hand over his heart and giving her a light bow in respect.]
Armari: Forgive my aggression, Lady Beneviento; I didn't mean to frighten you.
Donna: I... It's forgiven. Why are you here?
Armani: I'm looking for my brother and niece - Ethan Winters and Rosemary Winters. I know that something horrible has happened to my niece and it involves a yellow flask. I would like you to give it to me.
[The Dollmaker looked at him for a while before walking over to the pedestal by the door and gathered the flask sitting on top before walking over to the man, placing it in his hand. He gave her one last thanks and apology before leaving the house of the last of the Beneviento Line with sadness in his eyes.]
Armani (Thinking): 'A lonely soul living alone... I might come back to visit her.'
['A being of twisted flesh' - that's what the file described the 3rd Lord as. He lived in the destroyed reservoir, hiding in the murky waters and destroyed buildings that were once the home to fishermen. Armani was careful with traversing the floating piles of wood and metal - running into some rather stranger creatures and gaining a new toy that could burst through the Acid Foam build-up.]
[Armani traveled deeper and deeper into the reservoir's ruined structure until he heard the sound of a static television and the sobs of the hunched over man, wanting nothing more than for the woman he sees as his mother to love him. The sight was enough to break Armani's heart but the mission came first - he couldn't let Salvatore hear him take the flask or they would have to fight and he would have to kill him - unlike Alcina, he didn't have children Armani could use as bargaining chips. And, unlike Donna, his power was more dangerous and he was more unstable; he was blindly devoted to Miranda and would do anything to upkeep her name.]
[Armani took a sniping position on top of a rotting elevated pathway - by the grace of God, it was strong enough to keep him. He reached into his pouch and pulled out a small Vial that a contained yellow elixir of some kind.]
Armani (Thinking as he loads the yellow liquid into the chamber of a dart bullet): 'Thank you for your knowledge, Lady Beneviento. The elixir I made from the pollen of your flowers will allow me to place Lord Moreau in a world of his own illusion long enough for me to get Rose's Flask and any information about Ethan's location.'
[Armani pulls out his dart gun from his weapons' stash and loads the dart into it before placing it to his lips and aiming for the soft spot under Moreau's Cloak.]
Armani (Thinking): 'Sweet dreams, My Dear Lord.'
[He blows the dart - it goes soaring through the air until it lands in Salvatore's neck, making him grunt. The effect is instant. Armani watches the man weakly stumbling around and yanking the dart out - realizing too late what it is before he falls to the ground, under the influence of his dreams.]
[Armani leaped from his porch and walked over to Salvatore's Room - taking the flask into his grasp and placing it with the others before looking for any information about his brother's location before the television's stack cleared...and the Crest of House Heisenberg was presented.]
[An interesting proposition was given to Armari - a possible ally in Mother Miranda's Circle of Lords; The Iron Steed Lord - Karl Heisenberg - contacted him while he was in the 3rd Lord's Domain and offered his aid; as a show of good faith, Karl told Armani the location of his flask but it would have the show the skills the get it.]
[Armani found himself in an abandoned fort of some kind - well, it wasn't really abandoned at the moment considering all the lycans that were crawling all over that place.]
Armani (Thinking): 'The chance to do some killing and let out some steam before taking to Karl... (He pulled out his knives) Just wanted the doctor ordered.'
[Armani killed off every single lycan in and out of a fort - even the massive Ursa Alpha that waited before him just before he reached the tunnel that lead him to the flask. He took it - at that moment, the television on the table sparked to life and the Crest of Heisenberg reappeared before him.]
Karl (Over Speaker): Whoa, those were some killer moves. Are you sure you and Ethan are blood-related? Neither one of you is adopted?
Armani (Places the flask in his pack): It would seem that way but no - we are twins, I'm just older than him. What's the next move, Heisenberg?
Karl (Over Speaker): Oh, eager to get started, are we? I can tell you and I will be great friends, Armani. Now, take those flasks to the Ritual Site and place them in the giant stone chalice. You'll know what to do then. Once everything is in place, come to my factory; it's not a trap. I'll tell you everything you want to know.
Armani: See you there, Karl. (Walks out the room just as the television turns off)
[Timeskip: After Doing What Karl Instructed]
[Location Skip: Heisenberg Factory]
[Armani walked into the factory doors and walked through the hall before coming to Karl's Personal Office. He pulled off the tarp from the wall and saw the diagram.]
Armani: So, that's Miranda's Plan. She can't be that stupid.
Karl (Comes into the room with a cigar in his mouth): Oh, but she is.
Armani (Looks at Karl): Karl Heisenberg, The 4th Lord. So, why did you call me here?
[Karl was about to speak when a loud engine roared and Karl walked over to a grate, yanked it up, and yelled at whatever was down there - silencing it again before pulling a chair in front of the hole and told Armani to sit; not wanting to aggravate the man, he did just that and asked Karl what was going on.]
[Karl explained that everything Armani went through was a test for Ethan to see if he was strong enough to join Miranda's Family but he didn't make the cut but then Armani came and showed he was more than worthy. Karl told him that Miranda was holding Rose and Ethan in her chamber and she was gonna try to use Rose to revive a dead baby but using the youngest Winters as a catalyst and she wanted Ethan to watch his daughter be erased and her daughter be reborn. Karl knew Armani wasn't interested in joining Miranda or harming him so he said the two of them would save Rose and Ethan, using Rose to grind Miranda to paste.]
Armani: The plan is solid it but there is one flaw - Rose is still too young, she can't access the power to destroy Miranda, even though she has more power in her pinky toe than they had together.
Karl (Takes off his hat and thinks): I suppose you're right. What do we do then?
Armani: Just like Rose and Ethan, I have control over the Mold but my control is better and I can use more power than Ethan can; he's not even aware of what he is yet. I've been training with my power for decades. The two of us, along with your metal army, and my comrade's forces - we can save Ethan and Rose as well as get rid of Miranda.
Karl (Slowly Nods): I like that idea.
Armani: Good. (Stands up) I'll make the call to Chris so he can get the soldier ready. Ready your army - we will march on Miranda and take them out.
Karl: What about the other Lords?
Armani: We will get them out of this place - with the death of the Megamycete, the Cadou infection will die as well so we are gonna find ways to save all the Lords and the Dimitrescu Daughters. (Reaches into his pocket and ut pulls out a vial containing 3 pills) Head there before the assault and have the daughters eat these - it will keep their Cadous from dying until we get the proper aid.
Karl (Takes the vial): Okay.
[Karl leaves while Armani calls in Chris and the others.]
[Just as Karl said - Miranda did have Ethan but she also had Mia Winters - Ethan's Wife & Armani's Sister-in-Law. Under Armani's Orders, Chris got Ethan and Mia to the chopper where the other lords were waiting with the exception of Karl - who was using his metal army to kill off any Lycans.]
[In Miranda's Chambers - Armani found Miranda crying over the Infant Rose - calling her Eva - but that joy turn to despair when Miranda felt her power leave her.]
Armani (Points his gun at Miranda): You really are a foolish woman. Did you think the Megamycete made you a god? That if gave you power over life and death? No - all it did was make you a zealot. Your little experiment didn't return Eva to you...all it did was strengthen Rose's Power; you can already feel growing weaker. Now, give my niece before I place a bullet between your eyes from the back of your head.
[Miranda didn't listen - she roared in anger and transformed, attacking the man who ruined everything but there was nothing the roaring woman would do against the Silent Knife. He killed her off and from her crystallized remains - he took Rose back and ran back to the chopper where everyone was waiting just as the Megamycete rose from the depths of its cave. He got inside and they took off - he pushed the button and with the death of Megamycete, The 4 Lords felt changes in themselves - the control Miranda had over them was gone but some things remained.]
[Alcina still had her daughters.]
[The Cadou made something of a heart of Angie - a completely different organ so she remained.]
[Most of Salvatore's disformities were gone but Umbrella could fix the rest.]
[As for Karl... Nothing really changed; the Cadou merged too perfectly with him - he still had his power...and his ego.]
[Armani took a seat next to Donna - the Former Second Lord looked away from his face, but he could see the blush on her face from the small opening of her veil.]
Armani (Smiling at her): I saw your face when we first met, ya know - I still don't see why you hide that beauty behind a piece of cloth.
[Everyone just looked at him and yelled the same thing]
"How the hell is he related to Ethan?!"
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sacrificialmaiid · 2 years
@fallesto cont. from [x]
To serve at the call of eternal masters. Was that all this one wanted. She could be so much more, become so much more…be something…unique even. If only she gave herself over. If only she asked it would be gifted to her, like all the others before her. The prophet was not cruel…none where ever forced to change. none where ever forced…to partake in the gifts she had. All. Each and every single one of them, from the mighty lords, to the village elders, right down…to mere common villagers. They had all sought her out and asked for salvation and it was delivered to them…just not in the way they had wished, but eternal life and these gifts…payments had to be made if one wished to live…forever in service to the black god.
“You serve the most favoured…well.”
They…went through so many of these little maids. Those daughters of the countess. Where always hungry, such disgusting creatures that she loathed. Tolerated only for the countess sake and will being and nothing more. How this one…was still alive and not devoured like the countless who came before, it was…interesting. That this little one had been spared. Was there something about her that stayed the hands of those creatures. Was she…blessed. She was…like all the others. Normal. Nothing unique about her, she was after all only human. As a golden hand was offered out, to take the warm one from her own and hold it in her hand as she glanced down at it.
“You are blessed child, to have retained your position, for so long.” A golden talon would prick into the palm of her hand, to break through the skin and allow a single drop of crimson to stain the gold. As her hand was retreated, the finger raised to slip under her mask as she would taste it for herself. Her eyes narrowing behind that mask for a moment as she allowed her finger to fall from her lips and her arm to move back down to rest at her side. “The black god, favours you.” Her back was turned. Such a rarity…to taste blood…that has not been spilled into this land. That has not been tasted by the slumbering god under them as well. The countess…was wise then. To spare this one. As she was not like the others, who where just…so…normal and plain. Truly someone as special as this, deserved even her attention.
“Yet…oddly I don’t see you at church, during mass and my sermons…” She would walk to the alter. The church within the castle, was where she remained to, speak to those who sought her out. The one in the village, too small now, her flock too large. Time was a delightful thing, humans where like cattle…place them in a closed area…like the village…and all they will do…is breed with one another, incr4easing the population a little more with each passing year and gifted her…all the specimens…she required…for her work and for her god as well…to keep him satisfied.
“You lack faith little one…there is only one god and you can see him…through me.”
There is something shameful buried deep inside of Milena -- a burning urge to serve that has been growing there and rooting itself deep between her capillaries, intensifying for each year that she has spent working at the castle. Her mistress has trained her well; her mistress has given her purpose, pleasure, and a life beyond any that she ever could have dreamed. Her mistress has given... and taken, taken, taken- 
Up close, Mother Miranda cuts a figure striking enough that even Milena - Milena, who spends her nights sleeping beside Lady Dimitrescu, who spends her days at the beck and call lady’s every whim - finds her bones chilled and her humble organs trembling. The church is so empty, so silent, that each clink of gold in the woman’s mask and talons chimes like a bell, each rustle of her robes sounding like a gust of wind. And Milena is held captive, her hand clasped by one paler, and longer, and adorned with golden talons -- but between the chains, the flesh is warm - warmer and more human than the touch of her mistress. 
At the gentle stab into her soft palm has Milena gasping - but in this, too, she is well trained and she does not flinch. Again and again the blood has been thieved from her body and yet still her eyes are wide and glistening as she watches Mother Miranda taste that stolen offering, her heart racing with something like terror. The priestess does not need the blood like the Countess does -- of that, Milena is quite certain -- she takes it simply to enjoy it, and simply because the blood that flows through the little maiden’s veins belongs to her by manner of principle alone. 
But she is pleased by her. And by extension, surely, that means that Milena’s mistress most certainly will be pleased as well, won’t she? She has to be. 
The girl takes her hand back when it is released, cradles it protectively to her stomach by the wrist, and holds its position there for comfort as she watches Mother Miranda’s retreating back. How easy it is, to become drunk on those words! How desperately she wants to believe it--! She wants to believe it, she wants to be something more, she wants to be worth something, she wants to know that those years of servitude have not been in vain, she wants to be special, she wants to be elevated in the eyes of her mistress, she is so disgustingly, sickeningly, piteously in love--! 
She is brought back to earth with a disappointing crash. 
“I... want to have faith, Mother Miranda.” She whispers it like a prayer. Her father had not been a believer -- he had warned her. He had told her to beware of false prophets. But so many things her father had told her are distant dreams now, had died out in her along with him when she entered the castle -- perhaps even before then. 
“I... I want to be obedient, and wise. I work during the sermons to maintain the castle and prepare it. I’m only a maid.” And it is a maid’s duty to serve in a lowly manner -- they have no need to attend mass, after all.
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