#and then alt martha stirred shit up
powermove102 · 1 year
1888 is the FUNNIEST Dark era for me.
First up, you've got Jonas appearing out of nowhere, middle-aged, after being missing for half a year, and he's all like 'leave your damn families, *I'm* gonna save you xx', before plonking them all off in said 1888, which I can only imagine going down with a 'Where are we, Jonas?' '.... fuuuuuuck....'
Then the previously discussed 'how do you do, fellow kids?' energy because he is *50 years old* and they are *not*, paired with the fact that he is likely awkward as FUCK since they don't have much to talk about anymore (and this man is socially deprived, he only gets to chat to someone about the loop every once in a while).
And the building resentment. Oooooooooo do we like some yummy tension within the group, because they can't really trust him, he feels he's failed them but is still determined to save them whist STILL resisting Adam-ification. Juicy, I tell you.
Also what are they doing all day. Literally. Jonas I assume spends most of his time tweaking the machine but like? What else? What do the others do? It's so damn hilarious how bored and annoyed out of their minds they must be that they (at least Magnus) WISHED the apocalypse had nuked them too.
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