#and then after that the red hood story tehe
swupwise · 1 year
Sorry I cant hear you over the when I close my eyes I turn on detective mode in real life
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connieslover · 4 years
the librarian and the princess
༄ؘ fem! princess reader, librarian armin
༄ؘ royal au, fluff
(play this song for the best ~ vibes ~) also if this does well ill consider doing an eren ver tehee
✧˖*°࿐ in which you are a princess and armin is head over heels for you. 
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armin was your average librarian (with way above average looks). he was a male with short blonde hair and bangs that reached his eyebrows. his large ocean blue eyes and small pointed nose made up his young boyish features.
ever since he was a child, he had a fascination with the ocean and the world. this curiosity lead to him becoming interested in books. before he knew it, he was in love with the world of reading. it was his getaway from reality. 
the woody earthy smell enveloped armin as he entered the library with a small smile on his face. he made his way over to the counter and looked through the list of books that were borrowed. 
after greeting a few regular visitors, helping some children to look for a book and dusting the shelves, he remembered the large pile of returned books. he sighed before deciding to go organise them back into their spots.
as he slid a book into a shelf, the bell of the library rang, indicating that someone has entered. 
“welcome!” he greeted, eyes moving from the book in his hands and towards the figure at the entrance of the library.
the figure wore a dainty plain coloured dress that fitted her nicely. a few locks of her hair peeked out of the green cloak she was wearing. her fingers pulled down her hood, revealing her face. her reddish lips were slightly open as her dazzling eyes gazed upon the library with such astonishment until it paused at him.
with fluster, the books in armin’s free hand slid out, causing them to fall onto the floor with many thumps. his cheeks reddened in embarrassment and he quickly bent down to pick them up. as he clumsily picked up the books, his and the figure’s hands grazed upon each other. he looked up and felt like his breath was taken away for the second time.
his eyes was met with her e/c orbs.
“oh! here,” she quickly grabbed the book and handed it over to armin who simply nodded as a thanks. she stood up from the ground and patted her hands on her dress.
armin was still speechless.
“this library... it’s very astonishing...wait no! it’s enchanting,” she marvelled, looking around.
“t-thank you,” armin sheepishly thanked. 
the book that armin held caught her sight. 
“i love that book!” she beamed, “the little mermaid was my favourite story when i was a child. well it was one of my favourites but anyways isn’t it romantic how ariel traded her legs for the prince? it was kind of stupid of her to do so but it was still romantic,” she rambled, her eyes gleaming as she did so. armin could only give a small giggle.
“i’m y/n by the way. what about you?” she introduced herself, reaching a hand out to the male. armin’s eyes darted towards her and her hand.
‘y/n? that name sounds...familiar,’
“armin arlert. i take care of the library,” he introduced himself, shaking her smaller hands.
you gave him a smile, “nice to meet you, armin. perhaps you could show me around the library?”
armin nodded almost too enthusiastically. you giggled at the way he almost dropped the books in his hands in excitement.  
as armin continued to give a tour of the library he loved dearly, you asked him a few questions regarding the library and the books. armin admired your interest and how your eyes sparkled whenever you spoke about the books. it was the first time he felt so excited to talk to someone who had the same interest as he did.
“where i live, my library books are all just about history, politics and more lame stuff. whereas here...there’s so much more genres that i can explore! it’s so fascinating,” you gleamed, your hands outstretching as you speak. 
“w-well you can borrow as many books as you want,” spoke armin, fiddling with his fingers.
your eyes grew wider, “really? thank you so much armin!”
after picking up a few interesting looking books, you gazed at the clock on the wall and gasped. 
“oh my, i have to go back soon. but i’ll make sure to come back here tomorrow!” you wore your hood again and gave a thankful smile to armin who returned it.
“i’ll see you tomorrow then,”
the male couldn’t sleep that night. he was spent all night thinking about the beautiful stranger he befriended.
and so, a week passed by. a week of you visiting the library, exchanging conversations with armin about your day or the most random things or about the books you’ve read. 
and a week of armin slowly falling in love with you.
armin constantly looked at the clock, feet tapping against the wooden floor. once he heard the bell ring, a delighted smile made its way on his lips. 
“hi armin! i finished the book you recommended to me yesterday. i didn’t expect the plot twist at all. jane’s character development was something else. this might be one of my favourite books now. oh! not to mention the part where mark-” your cheeks turned pink, feeling embarrassed that you were rambling for too long.
“i-uh sorry for rambling. but i really loved the book!” 
“it’s fine. i like listening to your rambling,” armin chuckled. and he wasn’t lying. he really did like listening to your rambling. something about the way your eyes would light up, the way your hands would move animatedly as you spoke and the little sound effects you’d make to add depth into your story was all utterly adorable to him. 
you placed your elbow onto the counter and leaned against your palm, letting out a sigh,
“i wish i could stay here the whole day. this library...is the only place i can escape reality. it’s so calm and comforting,”
armin nodded to your words, agreeing. before he could speak you stood up straight again.
“well, i’ll be searching for more books now,” you did a twirl and excitedly skipped towards the many rows of books, humming delightfully.
armin looked at you with such fondness with his eyes that he didn’t even hear the bell ring.
“could that be the lady you are so in love with?” startled, armin let out a squeal, dropping the pen he had in his hand. his cheeks flushed red as he picked it up.
“e-eren, mikasa, when did you guys come?” he squeaked, hiding his reddened face behind a book.
“just now. but you were too busy staring at the girl,” the pale black haired female responded.
“soooo aren’t you going to introduce us to her?” eren raised a brow, staring at the female who was looking through the books on the shelves.
as you were reading the blurb of a book, you felt a tap on your shoulder. you turned your head around, greeted with armin and two figures behind him. at the sight of your face, eren gasped loudly,
“p-princess y/n?” 
armin’s eyes nearly bulged out of its sockets.
that explained why you had such a short curfew. why you always wore the green cape. why you were very cautious and why you had this some sort of royal elegance radiating from you.
eren and mikasa had their heads bowed, startled, armin followed suit before jumping to his feet.
“oh my goodness forgive me! i didn’t know that you were a princess y-your majesty,” armin fretted, bowing once again. 
the tips of your ears grew pink in embarrassment and you ushered armin to stand straight.
“i’m sorry for not telling you...this is the only place where i really feel like myself you know? and you...you’re my first friend outside of the castle. i didn’t want you to treat me like i’m...a royal,” you apologised, fiddling with your fingers.
“it’s alright. i should’ve known you were royalty when you introduced yourself, your highness,”
you gave out a laugh, “you don’t have to call me your highness. that counts for the two of you too. y/n is fine. anyways, you were introducing me to your friends?”
"this is eren,” armin introduced a brunette male who was the opposite of armin. he had a more mature face, accompanied with a muscular build. his brunette hair reached past his ears and down onto his neck. he was quite attractive.
“and she is mikasa,” the pale skinned woman with enchanting grey eyes and short black hair simply nodded at you.
“nice to meet you, y/n.” eren stepped forward and took your hand, kissing it lightly. he straightened his back, “armin has told us a lot about you,”
a rosy pink covered his cheeks and nose.
you simple giggled, raising a brow to armin, “oh really?”
"you shouldn’t tease him eren,” scolded the female.
your eyes glanced at the clock, realising it was your curfew. 
“it was nice meeting you, eren and mikasa. i hope we can meet again! i have to go soon,” you placed your hood back on and before you stepped out the library, you turned your heel, waving the book in your hand, “i’ll be borrowing this book! thanks armin,”
“so, whats your plan on charming the princess?”
you didn’t come the next day.
or the next.
and the next.
hundreds of questions ran through armin’s mind. he was worried that your parents had discovered that you were sneaking out of the caslte when you weren’t supposed to. asides from feeling worried, he felt gloomy. gloomy that your bright and cheerful presence wasn’t here to make his day better.
“what am i thinking? she probably won’t visit the library ever again...i should’ve told her i liked her...no...she probably doesn’t even like me that way. besides, a princess like her...deserves someone whose worth more than a librarian.” muttered the boy to himself as he dusted the shelves.
the bell rang.
“welcome,” he greeted, already knowing that the person he was looking forward to wasn’t the one standing by the door.
well, that was what he thought. 
the blonde male turned around and to his surprise you were there. you had a smile on your face, your upper body leaning towards him. the close proximity startled the poor boy, making him fall onto the floor.
his mumbled an ow as you chuckled, a hand reaching out to help him out from the ground. 
“w-where did you go? did your parents find out? are you okay?” blurted armin, his doe eyes blinking rapidly.
“i’m fine armin. sorry for not visiting the library for the past few days. something important came up,” you explained. 
armin gave a sigh of relief, knowing that you weren’t in any sort of trouble.
“speaking of the something important...princess historia, my sister, is hosting a ball tomorrow as it’s her birthday. i was wondering if you’d like to come? oh and eren and mikasa too!” 
armin’s mouth flew open.
“y-you don’t have to force yourself to come. i just thought that it would be nice if-”
“i’d be delighted to come,” he sputtered.
your eyes twinkled and you could barely hold your excitement. you placed your hands onto armin’s shoulders,“oh my goodness thank you! i was worried for a second that you didn’t want to come. i could show you around the royal library! and introduce you to my cat. oh! i could introduce you to jean, connie, sasha and ymir too! that would be so much fun and-”
armin’s head tilted at your pause.
embarrassed that you were rambling once again you let go of his shoulders, “s-sorry. i got carried away again,”
“it’s alright, y/n. i’d love to finally see the castle,” 
“i’m sorry but i have to go back early. historia wants opinions for her dress tomorrow...make sure to be there by 8! and tell the guards that princess y/n personally invited you,” you wore your hood and waved goodbye to armin before skipping away. armin stared at your figure until it disappeared.
his heart was beating rapidly.
“d-did i just get invited to a royal ball?”
“woah look at the ball room! it’s so...huge. and there, isn’t that captain levi? and erwin smith? holy crap!” eren loudly whispered to erenn and mikasa, pointing at a tall blonde male who was stand next to a shorter yet intimidating looking male.
but eren was right. the ball room was huge. royal and exquisite.
the walls were white, with sparkling chandeliers hanging down from it. there were carvings on the walls which resembled beautiful flowers and greek gods and goddesses. 
armin could only feel anxious.
“where’s y/n? shouldn’t she be here?” wondered mikasa, adjusting the red scarf around her neck. armin looked around the ball room, eyes searching for you.
“there you guys are! i was looking everywhere for the three of you,” the three heads turned towards you.
armin felt like the air was knocked out of his lungs. this was the first time that he saw you truly dress like a princess.
you were wearing a dazzling simple ball gown that ended right at your ankles. the colour complimented your skin beautifully. your shoulder and collarbones were on full display. not to mention your hair, was let loose with slight waves at the end. your makeup was fairly simple, making your gorgeous features more prominent. the silver tiara that laid on your head pulled together the look. 
“h-hello?” you waved your hands in front of the trio.
“y/n, thank you for inviting us,” mikasa thanked, giving you a gracious bow.
“thank you, princess,” eren followed mikasa and bowed, winking at you. your cheeks turned the slightest shade of pink.
before eren could say more, mikasa had dragged him away, leaving you and armin alone. 
“you-” the both of you spoke at the same time. 
“you go first,”
you chuckled before speaking, “you look nice,”
and of course, you weren’t lying. instead of the messy blonde bangs armin usually had, it was slicked back (except for a few strands that stuck out). his undercut was even more prominent than before. he wore a dark blue attire which complimented his bright blue eyes nicely.
“you too, y/n,” a blush seared through his milky cheeks. 
“come on, i’ll give you a tour of the castle!” you grabbed armin’s wrist, thrilled to show him around the castle. especially the library.
once you were done showcasing armin the castle and the library, and introducing to him your close friends, the two of you ended up in the balcony of the ballroom. the music from the orchestra played while the two of you leaned against the railing of the balcony, looking into the dark and starry night.
“this has been the most fun i’ve had in a while,” you breathed.
armin turned his head to observe you. admiring your profile as you looked into the sky. he then turned his attention to the ball room where people were already dancing.
“would you like to dance, y/n?” he asked offering his palm to you. 
“yes, prince armin. it would be an honour,” you teased. you placed your hands on his shoulders while his hands were gently holding your waist. 
with the light from the moon, it made armin more handsome than usual. his eyebrows had a slight furrow as he was concentrated in following your rhythm as you both swayed. his concentration broke off when he accidentally stepped onto your foot.
“i’m so sorry!” he apologised, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment.
you simply laughed at him.
“thank you, armin,”
“for what?” he asked, slightly puzzled.
“for recommending books from the library and for you know...being my friend. when i’m with you, i feel like i can be myself. not a princess nor a royal but me,” you smiled, making armin’s heart skip a beat.
“i should be the one thanking you,”
“m-me?” you tilted your head.
“for making my days better. for being the reason i get excited to wake up in the morning and for teaching me what falling in love is like,” your cheeks were suddenly kissed pink, like a rose. you turned your head to the side to avert armin’s gaze, flustered and shy.
you felt him gently pull you closer by the waist. your chests against one another. you turned to face armin again. the blooming pink colour of his blush was adorable against his milky skin.
you moved a blonde strand of hair away from his forehead, placing a hand on his cheek. with affection reflecting into each others eyes, the two of you slowly closed your eyelids, sharing your first sweet kiss under the moon. 
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