#and then a parallel of that same song later where she realises she doesn't need to be like Chris and there's things only she can do
hamartia-grander · 11 months
Horrible idea. Resident Evil musical with the main six. No one wants that. We should do it
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Gimme Love, 1/9 (Miz Cracker/Blair St Clair) - Grinder
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AN: Welp! I started this back in March. It was supposed to be a oneshot and then I realised it was 200 odd pages. Whoops! Another songfic based on music by Joji. This one is Gimme Love, which some of you would probably know, it was circling TikTok for a while. Anyway, more song fics to come!! I hope y'all enjoy! Stay safe in these crazy times!
TW: Mental health, panic attacks
"OK, so you got your apple juice, your finger sandwiches, and grapes. And most importantly, you got your best outfit on. Ready?"
No. I wasn't ready. They were going to eat me up. I knew just by how the 3 bitches off to the side stared and laughed. One of them was swinging from the bus stop pole. It sounded evil, but I hoped she would have fallen over.
"No." I clung to my Mother.
"Brianna." She uttered. She was tired, already having dealt with this before leaving the house. And it didn't help that Grandpa only laughed instead of helping out.
"No!" I said louder, squeezing my tiny fists into her shoulders.
"Look. Everything will be fine. The day will fly in, trust me. And I'll be right here when you get off the bus later." Mom continued.
She gave me a kiss on the forehead and shook me off.
As she smoothed her skirt down, I stamped my foot in a huff. For me, this was the second most ultimate betrayal that had ever happened to me. My Mom was making me go to school. How dare she.
"I love you, girl. Be good and have a great day." Mom said before walking away. My gaze followed, feeling the faucet in my eyes turn on. I was prone to cry baby behaviour around this age.
Now that my Mom was gone, it was all game for the bitches.
"Awww, the little baby needs her Mommy." One of them cooed in her fake voice. "Didn't you know the pre-school bus picks up two hours later?"
"Yeah!" Another decided to join in, "And I bet that's not even your real Mommy."
"She is too!" I clenched my tiny fists at my side. This was half true. I was an adopted child, but to me, Roberta was the best Mother I could have ever asked for. And no one had the right to question that.
"No, she's not! Your real Mommy didn't want you 'cause you're ugly!"
"Yeah, look at your hair. It looks like a fur ball."
"And your clothes are obviously hand me downs."
I stamped my feet again. "That's it! I'm giving you the finger!" I flipped them off. I picked it up from Mom, from the many time's drivers pissed her off. When she'd warn me never to do that, I knew it had some sort of power to it.
But it did nothing. The girls just laughed even more. I had no defences; therefore, I was left helpless.
The bus pulled up, and I was last to get in. The girls warned almost everybody to watch out for the "girl with the weird hair".
I moved down the middle of the bus, my head moving from side to side, hoping to find a seat.
Everybody with a free seat either put their bags on the chairs or put their feet up. I wanted to snap, demanding that they let me sit. But the fear inside rendered me silent.
I was nearing the back, where the 3 girls sat. They smirked upon seeing my face, relishing in the fact I was on the verge of tears. All I wanted was to turn back, get off the bus and lock myself in my house.
But as if someone above heard my innermost thoughts, that's when I heard it.
"Do you need a seat?"
I looked towards the voice. And I froze. There she was, an absolute angel. She looked like a Disney Princess with her bright blonde hair and blue eyes.
I hesitated for a moment. But the bus began to move. So I sat down next to her.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey." Her eyes were observing me, looking me up and down. And I felt even more stunned. "You have funny hair."
"My Mommy says I have lovely hair," I replied in defence.
"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I just never seen hair like that." The girl replied.
My hair wasn't even bad. I just had a massive head of untamed brown curls. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then again, I had never seen anyone with hair like hers. She looked like she had gone to a salon beforehand. "Your hair looks golden."
"Thank you." She smiled. "I'm Blair. My favourite colour is yellow, and I wanna be a singer when I grow up. How about you?"
"I'm Brianna. My favourite colour is pink. And...I wanna be a politician someday."
"What's a pola...polatichon?" Blair asked.
"A politician." I corrected her. "I don't know what they do. They just shout a lot. And that's what I want to do."
Blair had no idea what I was talking about, but she laughed anyway. And that made my heart skip a beat.
I felt something pelt the back of my head. I grabbed it, looking at the small rolled up bit of my paper in my hand. It was wet. I had just been spitballed for the first time.
Blair looked over her shoulder, and I did the same. It was the three bitches from the bus stop. They weren't even hiding their giggles.
"Not nice." Blair stuck her tongue out at them. Then, turning back around in her seat, she put her hand on mine. "Don't worry about them. I'm your friend, Brianna."
"Really?" My eyes brightened.
"Of course!"
As much as that statement had made my heart soar, how it made me feel like there was nothing to be afraid of…
It was the biggest lie I heard that day.
As soon as I got off the bus at the end of the day, I waved to Blair, unaware that she would be sitting with the 3 bitches the next day.
And then it went on for years, being that ugly girl with weird hair. And it didn't help that I needed glasses later in life.
But I wasn't completely alone. So let me tell you about Jujubee.
"Hey, asshole! I'm pulling in there!"
Jujubee was hanging out the driver side window, flicking the indicator aggressively.
"Juju, can you just...not do that?" I asked, my eyes glued to my phone as I checked how many people had seen my Instagram story. It was a picture of the two of us, showing off our outfits that had been gifted from Alexander McQueen.
"And let that asshole steal my spot? Absolutely not." Jujubee protested. She flipped the guy off, only to receive the same gesture back at her. She wasn't prone to behaving like this. I usually found it absolutely hilarious how loud she could be.
Now, you're probably wondering - two well-dressed ladies in their Alexander McQueen outfits should be seated in the back of a limo, sipping champagne.
I wasn't a fan of limos. They only drew attention.
And with Jujubee hurling dog abuse at the other drivers, I was sure the attention would be on us.
But we made it to the event without any trouble.
Jujubee was hilarious, intentionally and unintentionally. I learned that all the way back on my second day of school. When it was clear to me that I wouldn't be friends with anyone else, I ventured off on my own, exploring the playground and looking for bugs. But, instead, I found her sitting alone in the sandbox.
"Leave me alone. I'm trying to dig to the centre of the Earth." She had said, blowing her shiny black hair out of her face.
I knew she would only reach the bottom of the pit, so I laughed, and I helped her dig. We had been inseparable since.
We grew up together, all the way through elementary, high school and college. And through those years, we had one thing in common - we were the weird ones. The kids who everyone bullied.
Ugh, I hated that word; bullied. It made me feel pathetic and helpless. Jujubee and I, however? We were far from pathetic and helpless. After all, how would we even be where we were if that was the case?
OK, maybe I was pathetic and helpless growing up. No, I was. I had just accepted all the name-calling, the shoving, the damage. Jujubee, on the other hand, would fight against it all.
But back to the current situation. We were now sitting at a table with the other project workers. Everyone was having a great time, and the event hadn't even really begun yet. They passed jokes around, talked about trials and tribulations, and I laughed along.
But I may as well have been alone as I was stuck in my own thoughts. How it was even possible, we were all gathered here for this moment.
I looked at Jujubee, sitting next to me, and felt an overwhelming need to hug the shit out of her. If it weren't for her being so encouraging, then maybe this wouldn't have happened.
"What's up?" She caught me staring.
I lowered my head for a moment, breathing a laugh out through my nostrils. I didn't want to get sappy with her, even though she deserved my gratitude. My best friend, my ride-or-die bitch. Lifting my head again, I smirked. "Nothing. I'm just glad you're on this team." I raised my glass to her before sipping the bubbling champagne.
"Proud of you bitch." Jujubee reaching over and squeezed my free hand.
I was proud of me too. Because, despite all of the shit I dealt with in school, here I was, the manager and director of this whole operation.
All of the hard work paid off - years of trials and tribulations, so many arguments and disagreements. We finally did it. We found a gateway to another world, a parallel universe, a portal in the middle of the space just waiting to be explored.
Of course, people doubted me. They said things like, "Well, it is a dream, all right." How could anyone blame them?
But here we were.
The speaker, Michelle, called me up onto the stage to receive a certificate, all encased in a glass frame. I exchanged air kisses with her and graciously took the award. Jujubee cheered me on as I stood up there, letting people take pictures.
And then came the obligatory speech.
I couldn't lie; I hated public speaking. It was always something I struggled with. But, I never backed down from one. I just liked to keep them short and sweet.
"Long story short, I had dreams, and I worked towards them. So, here I am, an example of the walking embodiment of success. And I thank each and every one of you, ladies and gentlemen. Have a great night."
Short and sweet. The crowd applauded.
Yes, I was told in the past that I'm arrogant, but I disagreed. I'd say confident. And there was nothing wrong with confidence. After all, there has been a stigma around that word. Doesn't it come from a sense of insecurity, the need to tear successful people down because you're afraid to strive towards your goals?
I deserved to feel this successful, for all those times I was laughed at and ridiculed. I look down on all those assholes and let them know that I made it.
I posed for pictures as I held my award, knowing they would be everywhere the next day; in the papers, magazines, the Internet.
This wasn't the first award I had received. I had a shelf full back home, along with all of my past badges. They reminded me that, once upon a time, I was just any other office worker with her yellow badge. And now here I was, the director of the project with my black badge working closely with the government.
I got off the stage and moved back to my chair. Jujubee rolled her eyes, but her smile remained.
"Where's the after-party?" I asked as the audience shifted their attention from me.
Sometimes I never understood how she put up with me. "Don't worry. I got us covered."
She wasn't lying. A few hours later, we were in the apartment of some other rich somebody. Music was bouncing off the walls, the speakers apparently on full blast.
The main lights were out, replaced with multicoloured LEDs dancing around the place. It was as if we were in our own private club.
Jujubee and I were in the crowd dancing, but because I was absolutely wasted, I lost her many times.
No need to panic, however. Jujubee wasn't a drinker. So she'd find me. She always did.
I really did feel sorry that she had to deal with all of my shenanigans.
"Juju, where the fuck are you??" I roared, not that it would do much. Midsummer Madness by 88RISING was blaring now. Starting to stress out now.
I grabbed a champagne flute as a waiter walked by.
"Brianna, I love the dress." A woman leaned over and shouted in my ear. I had met her before at another event, a fashion reporter if I remembered correctly.
"Thanks. It's Versaci."
As I said earlier, it was fucking Alexander McQueen. I was faded.
Somehow I ended up in the bathroom, throwing up all the alcohol I had consumed into the toilet. After I finished, I washed my mouth out, looked at my reflection and said, "Baby, you're a star."
And somehow, I made it back downstairs. I was searching for Jujubee but found someone else instead. And it was fucking Ed Sheeran.
"I love your new song." I lied.
"Which one?"
"The new one." I smiled. "Hey, Ed. You wanna be the first person to go through the portal?" I wrapped an arm around him.
He looked absolutely taken aback. "Of fucking course. My manager will be in touch."
I really hoped he was joking. Why the fuck had I even suggested it?
I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Jujubee. My nerves settled, and I leaned closer to her. "Let's go outside."
I had no recollection of making it out to the balcony. The only thing I remembered happening before then was rambling to many strangers about how much I adored Jujubee.
A few other party attendees were outside too. I wanted to tell them how I didn't deserve Jujubee and that she was an angel. But she quickly steered me away.
I looked out over the city, a happy smile on my face.
"Are you having fun, baby girl?" Jujubee asked, using her favourite pet name for me. She sparked up a cigarette. I wanted to ask her for one, having gone from chain smoker to social smoker in recent years. But I was too distracted by the view.
"Yeah. I can feel it, Juju." I replied, looking at my hands. It was almost like I could actually feel it. The euphoric feeling of success running in my veins. "Good things are coming."
"Oh, I feel it too." Jujubee blew out the smoke and followed my gaze. "You know what? Your Grandpa was a great guy. And I know that he's proud of you."
My smile dropped. And I was silent.
I preferred to avoid speaking about things like this. Emotions weren't something I liked to deal with - another difference between Jujubee and me.
Just the year prior, we both went to see Midsommar. During the scene where the main character is having a breakdown on the ground surrounded by the Hargan woman screaming along with her, Jujubee was captivated. She looked almost like she wanted to scream along with them. And as she squeezed my hand and leaned over to me, she said, "I need someone to do that with me." I replied with a quiet, "Can't relate."
I'm not insensitive. I just feared emotions for two reasons.
1. They could be weaponised against me. And as much as I tried not to let the online hate get to me, I knew that if it ever became personal, then it would hit difficult.
2. The most important reason of all; a childhood full of breakdowns and too many emotions.
Jujubee nudged me. "You wanna go?"
I didn't want to. But I said, "Yeah. I'm...so drunk right now," and turned away from the city view.
"Can I be that annoying whore and ask if I can stay at your place?" Jujubee asked, taking my hand.
She didn't even need a reason. "Yes, you can."
We waded our way through the crowd, made for the door and left. And before I knew it, we were back at my place, lying in my bed. I loaned her a t-shirt to sleep in. I wanted to sleep in my Alexander McQueen. But Jujubee wouldn't let me.
We both lay there, facing the ceiling. I could already feel the oncoming suffering. Usually, I loved moments like these, when time became fluid, when I didn't have to worry about how I had even gotten home.
But my head was pounding, and the loud ringing in my ears was the cause. If I was bad now, I'd be dead by morning.
I could feel Jujubee's eyes on me, and I looked back at her. She was smiling, her brown eyes glimmering. "Almost there, girl."
Despite the pain I was in, I smiled back. I knew this whole thing, the thingy, the portal; it wasn't just my dream. It was hers too.
Fuck, I was hammered.
"Almost there," was all I could manage to say.
Jujubee turned on her side and treated me to some cuddly spooning. "OK, go to sleep, loser."
It was straining on my neck, but I kept my head turned, letting my eyes linger for a moment longer. God, I fucking loved that bitch. Nothing was ever going to come between us, and that made me the happiest.
I turned over, my back relaxing against her torso. Then, before giving in to my exhaustion, I checked my phone. The bright light made me squint at first. And the alcohol in my system didn't help matters.
I checked how many people had seen my story now. The number was blurry. So I aimlessly swiped notifications away.
But I stopped at one message in particular.
Blair: Hey Brianna! Long time no speak. I just wanted to say I saw pictures from your thing tonight. Congrats, girl! Look, I know you're probably super busy, but I'd love to have a catch up with you sometime.
"..." My eyes were wide. Now that was a name I hadn't heard in a long time.
"Do you see Cassiopeia yet?" Juju whined.
I was trying my hardest to find it in the telescope. But the stars were all in clutters; there were so many. "No. I think I see the big dipper, though."
"Really? Let me have a turn!" Juju begged.
I pulled away from the telescope, allowing Juju her turn. Usually, I would have refused, only letting her use the scope after finding what I was looking for.
I really hadn't found the big dipper, but Juju bought it. "Wooooow. That's so cool."
"I know, right?" I smirked.
The backdoor opened, and Grandpa came out in his winter jacket, pj's and his signature slippers. "How many have you girls found now?"
He was carrying two mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream. I cheered excitedly because Grandpa's hot chocolate was the best, and I'd fight anyone who tried to tell me otherwise.
"We found the big dipper. But that's it." Juju replied, sounding very much let down.
"Don't lose hope," Grandpa gave us our hot chocolate, "some are harder to find than others. I bet there are a lot more constellations out there that haven't even been discovered yet."
I sipped the hot drink, and I could feel it already warming me up. I was so tempted to take my gloves off and let the mug warm them up. But we promised my Mom we would stay wrapped up. "Do you think we could discover one?"
Grandpa took a seat on one of the old deck chairs. "Brianna, you can do anything you set your mind to. Anything is possible."
"One day, I wanna get into a rocket ship and fly away," I said, looking up at the night sky, imagining the scene in my head.
"Hey, Mr Caldwell, are there other people like us? Just looking up at the sky?" Juju asked, taking a sip of her hot chocolate.
"That's an interesting question. I'd say yes, what with how nice the sky is tonight," Grandpa let his gaze trail up, the stars reflecting in his eyes, "But did you know, somewhere far, far away, there are two little girls who are exactly like you. They look the same, they talk the same and even have your names. And they are doing exactly what you're doing right now."
My brows knit in confusion, "what do you mean 'far far away?"
Grandpa looked down again, seeing how intrigued Juju and I was. "Let's just call it the other world. It's basically like our world, but...certain things are different. Like," he paused to think, "maybe cats bark and dogs meow. Or, maybe the sky is pink and not blue. Maybe you girls are actually older, and I'm the young one."
"Do horseys fly in the other world?" Juju asked with much optimism.
"Probably. I don't see why not." Grandpa shrugged.
I glanced up at the sky as if I would somehow just see it. Another world where life was somewhat better.
"Would my Mommy and Daddy have given me up in the other world?" I asked quietly.
Grandpa was silent. His lips were pursed, forming a tight line like there were words on the tip of his tongue that he knew he shouldn't say.
Juju hugged me from the side. I wanted to hug her back but didn't want to cry.
Her hold made me feel safe, so I offered her a half-smile.
Since my first day at school, when those cretins had tried to tell me Roberta wasn't my real Mom, it stuck with me. Yeah, I knew deep down those girls didn't know shit, and Roberta was the best Mother in the world, but I was only human.
As much as I loved my Mom, Grandpa and other family members, I just wanted to feel acceptance from my biological parents.
"Brianna, honey, whoever your family is in the other world, I'm sure they love you from the bottom of their hearts. Just like we do." Grandpa said. He extended his arms out, offering me a hug.
I didn't want it. But I knew I needed it.
That night, we didn't find any constellations. Not that it mattered. After my Grandpa went back inside, Juju and I were set on finding the other world instead.
And this interest went on for nearly a whole year.
It sounded dumb, but we would play games where we were our 'other world selves'. Juju lived in a house full of cats, and they were 'cutest cats in the whole country. So cute they won every pageant!'
And I lived in a huge mansion with my Mom, Grandpa, and my biological parents.
We collectively agreed that our other world selves were the prettiest girls in school, and we had tons of friends. We were so cool, we didn't even have to go to school.
Of course, this started a minor argument between us. Juju would always say, "how can we be the prettiest girls at school if we don't have to go to school??"
"Shut up, Juju! Anything is possible in the other world!"
"Yeah, but it doesn't make sense!"
All of it was so ridiculous. But we loved every minute of it.
I'll never forget the time we built a fort in the woods at the back of my house, and Juju stood under the archway and shouted. "I'm the queen of 'Other World'. Beware ye bastards who enter our domain!"
Then she got upset because she said a bad word and thought she had betrayed her parents.
A few minutes later, I fucked up.
"I, Brianna Caldwell, am the Queen of 'Other World'. I sit on this throne along with my best friend, Blair St Clair!"
Juju was even more upset now.
"Why is she your best friend?? I'm your best friend!" She began to cry.
"Jujubee, it's only pretend." I tried to reason with her.
"No, Brie-Brie. You're always talking about Blair! I know you would rather be best friends with her than me!"
"That's not true!"
"It is!" She wept. "She'll never be your friend, Brie-Brie. She doesn't even like you."
"Take that back!"
My anger was bubbling beyond the boiling point. So I shoved her over. "Go away. Now!"
Juju ran off crying.
My teeth were grit, my fists clenched. For about 5 minutes, I stormed around the fort, screaming in anger and kicking the ground.
Mom was freaked out. She knew it was me screaming, so she came running. When she found me, she shouted at me for scaring the absolute fuck out of her.
This only pissed me off more. It took her 5 minutes to get me to chill out.
When I finally explained what happened, she told me it was OK and that we'd be friends again the next day.
It didn't help my mood, so she took me to the mall. It was a rare occasion for us to visit the place. We weren't the richest, what with Mom struggling to keep a job. She wasn't a lousy worker; someone else would just come along who was much more experienced. And without another parental figure to help out, it just meant not much money was being brought into the house.
But Mom decided we'd go to the toy store, and I'd find two dolls, one for me and one for Juju. I made sure they looked exactly like us. Well, considering the nice clothes and great hair, they were our other-selves.
And leaving the building, I was perched on Mom's shoulders, eating the biggest ice cream cone I had ever gotten, when I looked over at the jewellery shop. Two women were leaving the store, holding hands. They leaned in close to each other and kissed.
I just...stared as they smiled at each other, mesmerised by the adoration they so clearly shared.
"Yes, Brianna, baby?"
"Why are those two ladies kissing?"
Mom cast a quick glance to where I was looking. "Oh. OK, first of all, don't stare. It's rude. But yeah, they're just two ladies in love with each other. That's all."
I looked away, just as she told me to do. "They're in love? I thought only boys and girls could be in love."
"I guess they're still telling you that in school, huh?" Mom quipped. "Well, I'll tell you this, but keep it on the down-low 'cause I don't want no parents coming and knocking on my door saying you're putting ideas into their kids' heads." She laughed. "The truth is; boys can fall in love with boys, and girls can fall in love with girls. You fall in love with whoever your heart tells you to, Brianna."
I nodded. "Uh, huh. OK, I understand." But then, it hit me. "Fuck."
"Brianna." Mom warned. She knew I was prone to sometimes spurting a few cuss words. But she only had herself to blame.
"Sorry, Mommy." And as we left the mall, my brain couldn't stop thinking about what had popped into my head.
Maybe, just maybe, I was in love with Blair.
My mind was taking me back to years prior, still in my first year of elementary school. It was coming up to Valentine's Day, and we all had to make a card for someone in the class. Bit of a weird activity for a bunch of kids who were more concerned if they were getting bikes for Christmas or not.
And I slaved over my card, making it yellow instead of the traditional pink colour, and drawing daisies all over it.
The message read, "You really deserve this. You're welcome." I've always been a poetic genius.
And instead of giving it to any of the boys, I insisted it went to Blair.
I had vague memories of that day. I only remembered her confused face as I handed it over.
I never received a card in return.
Of course, the other kids picked on me for it. But Juju had my back.
"You're all just jealous 'cause Brie-Brie's card is unique!" I remember her shouting.
But of course, they weren't jealous. This concept was foreign to them - a girl gifting another girl with a Valentine's Day gift. But then again, they just didn't know any better.
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