#and then a bit of fun a bit of country and a bif of me missing my homes aways from me
✨ 🎶 when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶 ✨ <33
Just choosing 5 is haaaaaaaaard!
Already just with Scorpions or Dire Straits/Mark Knopfler I could have given you a top 10. 😂
And because rules are meant to be broken, here is a 6th (a classic of my generation in France).
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wellpresseddaisy · 3 months
The Potion Master's Guide to the Magical Ton pt.1
Narcissa suppressed the urge to bite her lip and forced her face into a smooth visage, even though no one else sat in her boudoir with her. She would not give Mother even one forty-sixth of an inch to get her claws in the next time they met. She heard what Mother said to Bella at the last Lattimore-Comstock card party about her complexion. No, she would not frown or bite her lips or do anything that would allow Mother to find either wrinkle or imperfection, which made the letter in her hands all the more irksome. Who on this earth did Frank Longbottom mean? Lucius, while certainly exceeding pretty, hadn’t been considered ‘little’ for a great many years. Possibly never, if Maman Amelie’s complaints over birthing him were to be believed. Narcissa patted the soft swell of her abdomen and hoped her child would be quite a bit smaller than Papa at birth.
Lucius also hadn’t made a curtsey at Almack’s, so that let him quite out. Purebloods only ever complained when they found one of their number who’d curtseyed unchaperoned in London, specifically. She’d no idea why London made them get their backs up when meeting in a country lane did not, but there lay the hypocrisy of Society. Social conventions must be honored, but only where everyone could see. But why would Frank think it her problem? She and Lucius had guardianship of precisely 0 young men who’d curtsied.
Could he mean Severus? Surely Longbottom knew Severus was not actually under their purview? He was the only one Narcissa knew who might get into anything termed a row with anyone, although he generally had good reason. Docile, Severus was not. Lucius had, after one full day of Severus at his most waspish, likened his personality to a bear trap in a moment of frustration. As much as Narcissa adored their young friend, Lucius had a point.
She rose from her escritoire and went in search of Lucius. Perhaps he could make heads or tails of any of this? She thought he’d been rather close with Longbottom, once. Perhaps he would still understand how the man’s mind worked? She ran him to ground in his study, frowning over a pile of ledgers.
He’d taken off his coat and rolled up his sleeves. Merlin and Morgana. She took in the sight for a moment, appreciating the soft, golden light of a Summer afternoon shining off his hair and highlighting the breadth of his shoulders under crisp, white linen. She could be half dead, she decided, and she’d still get up off her bed to see her husband in shirtsleeves and waistcoat, especially when he’d removed his cravat and his shirt fell open at the throat. He had such a lovely throat.
“Trouble, darling?” she asked. She could ogle him later.
“My beloathed Pater biffed off to France just as the ten-year audit is beginning and left me holding the bag,” Lucius grumbled.
“Of course he did, dear one. What do you think he’s dodging this time, beyond the  responsibility?” Narcissa joined him behind the desk and enjoyed running her hands over his broad shoulders.
One made one’s fun where one could, of course.
“I’ve no idea. He’s left running the estate to me for the past few years. It could be his investment account, I suppose. He doesn’t much like me seeing what he’s doing there.” Lucius sighed and raked his hands through his hair.
“Hmm. Yes, most likely. Would you have a moment? I received the most intriguing letter from Frank Longbottom in the morning’s post. I can’t make out precisely what he means.”
“Why would Frank—” Lucius reached for the letter.
“That was my question, as well.”
“Oh Merlin, he’s trotted out all his titles. He really must have been in a snit while writing. My dear Mrs. Malfoy—” Lucius read.
My dear Mrs. Malfoy,
It is with great displeasure that I felt I must write to apprise you of the shocking lack of  conduct of one under your guardianship.
“He hasn’t changed a whit,” Lucius commented. “Still as officious as ever. He wasn’t this bad at school, though.”
This morning, I went into London. It was there I found your ward, unchaperoned and in the midst of a row with the proprietor of a shop. I will not assault your tender eyes with an account of the invective or the opprobrius epithets
“I wonder how many times it took him to spell opprobrius?” Narcissa asked. “If I remember correctly, he was always in disgrace with professors over his spelling.”
“So was half of both of our classes.”
“There is that, I suppose. Parents should take much better care over early education.”
“Shall I continue?”
“Please. You do ‘insulted stuffed shirt’ so well.”
Lucius snorted and continued.
the opprobrius epithets hurled at the poor shop keep. I, of course, stepped in and remonstrated sharply with your ward. He behaved much the same to me. While I do not wish to cause trouble, I would recommend a sharp word with him regarding his conduct. I would further recommend, when you or your husband are unavailable, that he be assigned a chaperone who will brook no nonsense.
I cannot believe one who is under your tender care would so forget his conduct as to behave in such a thoroughly disgraceful manner. Thankfully, I know you and your husband will see to it that it never happens again. I hope you will not think it amiss that I took him under my own authority and saw him through the nearest Floo to your home. I did not feel that he, in that state, ought to be allowed to go any further astray.
I do hope that your husband will impress upon him the dangers a pretty little lad might face unchaperoned and unprotected in London. Do tell him, from me, that I think six would suffice. Eight if he’s quarrelsome and willful.
Ever in your service,
Francis Longbottom
“I’m not reading the full collection of titles. It’s positively indecent putting them all in.” Lucius scoffed at the closure. “Ever in your service? Salazar’s wand he’s become insufferable. And it shows he doesn’t know me at all. I would never subject anyone to six of the best. Beastly. I’ve always been able to get my message across in other ways.”
“I blame his mother,” Narcissa commented idly. “She behaves as if every word from his mouth is straight from Merlin. I have an idea of who he might mean, but surely not. He has to know it can’t be.”
“Just, for one moment, consider that Frank Longbottom is famous for having no sense of humor at all. Further consider that absolutely exhausted little joke the Slytherins made, and still make, about Severus being our first.”
“No,” Narcissa breathed in horrified delight. She hated being correct on some occasions. “He wouldn’t be so mutton-headed.”
“Frank is capable of a great deal of mutton-headery, I’m afraid. You know he voted for the guardianship bill that came up last Wizengamot seasion. I can do the whole speech if you’d like.”
“As much as I would love to hear it, darling, I think we’ll have to save that for later. Where’s Severus? If that happened this morning…oh, the poor dear. He must be fuming. Mipsy!”
A quiet pop heralded the arrival of an extremely tidy elf.
“Mistress called?”
“Could you locate Mr. Snape and ask him to attend us in the study?” Narcissa asked.
“Mipsy will find Master Severus.” She popped out again.
“Does he know they call him Master Severus?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ve no idea. He hasn’t smashed a decanter over it, so he may not know precisely what it means.” Lucius looked up from his ledgers. “Do you think I should play the angry prefect with him?”
“Don’t be cruel, darling. He’s going to be confused enough being called to the study as it is.”
“And he always responded better to that face you made — the ‘I’m not angry only terribly disappointed’ one.”
“We’ll be as normal as we can be about Frank Longbottom crashing in where he isn’t wanted,” Narcissa decided.
“Did you hear that he ordered his wife to stop working the minute he heard she was expecting?” Lucius asked. “In front of all her colleagues at St. Mungo’s?”
“And he isn’t searching Lancashire for his bits? Mrs. Longbottom has more patience than I could ever muster.”
“Between the husband and the Dowager, I’m surprised she’s ever allowed to express an opinion.”
“Er, you wished to see me?” Severus sidled into the room, holding a stack of cards and looking shifty.
“Yes, dear heart. Oh, please don’t look so nervous. Come and sit.” Narcissa crossed to Severus and pulled him further into the room. She easn’t entirely sure the Study would help calm him at all. When Severus got in a state nothing would, really.
The sofa was a deep and squashy one, perfect for afternoon naps while avoiding work. Narcissa perched on the edge of a chair while Lucius pulled Severus down to sit on the sofa with him.
“I received a perfectly ridiculous letter just now,” she began.
“Bloody Longbottom!” Severus interrupted, flushing. “The apothecary promised faithfully to provide the finest quality ingredients, and at the time I specified. He had nothing ready when I got there and then, then he tried to sell me inferior belladonna. I specifically told him I needed the premium quality and I don’t know what I’m going to tell Master Cavallieri when I go back. This was meant to be part of my Master Work. On top of that, bloody Frank Longbottom scruffed me in bloody public and told me to mind my manners like the nice lad he knew I was!”
Narcissa blinked. “And you didn’t bite him? ”
“I think I was too shocked at being scruffed,” Severus admitted.
“Did he say anything else?” Lucius asked gently.
“He apologized for my reprehensible conduct.” Severus looked angry enough to spit tacks. “And then he dragged me out of the shop and to the nearest Floo, since he couldn’t allow me to run about loose and unsupervised as I was clearly overwrought. Overwrought! I have never been overwrought a day in my life!”
Narcissa could argue with that, but kept her counsel. No sense in twitting Severus when he’d been so embarrassed already.
“I hope you got him with something truly awful,” Lucius soothed.
“Er…” Severus bit his lip. “It was immensely petty of me, I know, but…flatulence.”
He muttered the last so low that it took Narcissa a moment to fully understand. She snorted.
“Excellently done,” Lucius said. “He’s grown into an appalling windbag, I fear. Now, would you like to continue to be angry or would you like a solution?”
“Why don’t we take this to the family sitting room and have some tea?” Narcissa rose as she spoke, moving toward the door.
“Wondeful idea, my love. Outrage does make one so parched.” Lucius chivvied Severus after her.
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gordvendomewhore · 4 years
Do the preps have any hobbies?
hey anon!! thank you for the ask, this was pretty fun and easy to work on since i already had a pretty set idea on what the preps like to do in their spare time :))
hope you enjoy reading <3
putting down poor people.
jokes aside (god knows this isn’t a joke though), i think derby is secretly a big nerd
he probably spends a lot of time analyzing old historical literature and artwork, or even studying french (since it’s canon that he knows at least a little bit due to his voice lines)
and while those things seem all fancy and rich and cool, it’s still,,,, SUPER nerdy
and derby definitely knows this, oh of course he does
but he hides behind the prestige of it all in order to cover his ass smh
huh it’s weird how the arts used to be so heavily associated with wealthy culture AKDJSKDKD now all creative people are just gay and depressed
which,, derby fits into the categories of
he’s probably a day drinker too ❤️
bif has no personality outside of being a boxer. he is, sadly, a one trick pony.
OKAY but to not do bif any injustice, i will say that he is 100% the type of person to have a little backyard garden that is essentially his child
he’d name his plants, set up watering schedules, talk to them about his day and the latest bullshit derby has put him through, play music for them
canonically, bif would NEVER do this. but that does not change that he is the TYPE of person who would.
shopping. his hobby is shopping.
when he’s sad? shopping. happy? time for a trip to aquaberry. angry? no better way to blow off some steam than by shopping. stressed? daddy’s credit card is already out and ready.
gord probably gets bored of shopping for himself all the time so he forces the other preps to be his little dolls and dresses them up
they all hate it with a passion, but will gord ever stop?
no. the answer is no.
baking 💕💕💕💕
i know that tad baking was only mentioned in one singular voice line but GOD how did rockstar ever expect me to NOT latch onto that voice line for the rest of my life
anyway yes tad loves to bake 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
he probably hid his interest since,,, he got into baking in order not to get teased
and he 100% stopped baking after the Pitchfork Incident
but i like to think that at one point he opens up about it even if it isn’t anytime soon, or even fit for his canonical personality
i just want tad to be happy :(
also this isn’t exactly a hobby but tad is the type of person to fold laundry when he gets sad
i feel like parker would be into real soft domestic shit, like crocheting and sewing
he probably makes little sweaters for the gnomes at the harrington house
or maybe even little stuffed animals for himself
like,,, there’s no way to convince he otherwise
one year he made all the preps matching mittens and everyone wore it for the entirety of winter in order to not hurt parker’s feelings
parker is so cute i PHYSICALLY cannot handle it
chad is one of the preps who has canonical hobbies outside of boxing, so we got got some starting ground woohoo
so canonically, chad boxes and takes flute lessons, and then he used to be apart of the glee club and he used to run track
we also know that the scar on his cheek is from fencing, so yeah we can assume that he fences
(or used to fence, since i HC that chad quit after he got his scar)
look at my boy being so multitalented omg i love him
as i have said before, and will ALWAYS repeat, i think chad is a completionist
he likes to try everything at least once, and so i think he has a lot of skills and hobbies that he does on the side
he’s the type of person that gets stressed if he has too much free time LMAO he constantly needs to be doing something
justin fucking does SPORTS for FUN
he canonically boxes and swims, but he probably does,,,, other,,,,, sports,,,,,,,,
uhhh what are. sports
HAHA okay okay but he probably plays tennis, lacrosse, golf, maybe he even does archery
justin would do those rich boy type of sports, the ones that have prestige and make him seem all cool and fancy
i think that he’s is similar to chad in the sense that they both need something to keep them busy and occupied since they don’t like having too much free time
and to fill up his time, justin does a lot of hobbies that involve physical activity which is valid
he watches a lot of movies/tv shows in his free time
he probably listens to a bunch of audio books too lmao
it’s a good way to escape reality and are all good forms of media that keep bryce entertained yet not too distracted
he canonically works at boat & yacht which is,,, a yacht club LMAOO it’s in the name, but with bryce just being a high schooler, i really doubt he’s doing any high ranking special job
so he’s probably just stuck with working the front desk or working as a server/water
(or a caddie if boat & yacht is also a country club; a caddie is someone who carries around a golfer’s clubs and sometimes they help with other things)
so he has a lot of time to watch/listen to things as he works his job!!
she owns a blog where she trashes on people at bullworth and rants about her life
she would be totally dedicated to it LMAOOO she’s the 2000s equivalent of those dumb tea spilling accounts
oh and the 2000s equivalent of vloggers
pinky also loves doing nails and like gord, forces the preps to sit down through hours of home nail care and spa days
imagine the preps with all these colorful nail colors,,,, they said screw toxic masculinity
and that’s it!! so sorry this post is long akdjsjd im on mobile and my posts also don’t pop up in the tags if i add a cut
but yeah thanks for reading!! i tried to be a lot more lighthearted with this post, since i think i worry too much about making everything seem perfect or accurate
in the long run it’s just my interpretation of some random video game characters, so who cares whether or not it’s perfect??
reblogs are appreciated and also feel free to leave more requests woo 💕💕
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nimiumcaelo · 4 years
“Indeed, Miss?” -- Chapter 8
Chapter summary: And so it begins. Florence Craye pays a visit to the Wooster abode with Aunt Agatha stepping in as chaperone. Rosalyn is somewhat jealous.
Chapter 8: Miss Wooster’s First Suitor
Overall, I believe that Miss Wooster was charming throughout the affair, albeit in her bumbling, vacant way. She does not often intend this, but her simple ingénue manner around handsome men seems to be exactly what they find attractive. Perhaps that is why Miss Wooster found the ordeal so unpleasant in the end.
He had arrived a quarter of an hour later than he was expected and Miss Wooster sat on the settee twiddling her fingers absentmindedly whilst she waited. Mrs. Gregson was acting as chaperone. When the young man finally deigned to arrive, I opened the door and let him in, announcing a Mr. Florence Craye. He was a tall, willowy individual with bright blond hair and a noble countenance. Miss Wooster and I had had the chance to make his acquaintance previously, and I found that my former dislike lessened not at all upon finding he was one of the “suitable young gentlemen” Mrs. Gregson had selected.
Miss Wooster, to her credit, straightened herself and smiled. I removed myself to the kitchen to begin preparing tea.
“Good afternoon,” the young gentleman said. “Bertie—Mrs. Gregson.”
“Ah, Florence, darling, do sit down,” Mrs. Gregson cooed. “We are so pleased you could find the time to join us.”
“Oh, yes, absolutely,” Miss Wooster added. If her voice was a touch more bland than was usual, I do believe I was the only one who could notice.
“How was your literary meeting, my dear?”
“Oh, it was great fun, Mrs. Gregson, but terribly long-winded. They’re thinking of adding a new clause to the group’s constitution, which would let the members, instead of the board, vote on which books to include in that month’s recommendations column. I was one of the primary instigators,” he added importantly.
“Lovely, lovely. Bertie, here, has several friends in literary circles, too.”
“I do? Ow! Yes, I do! It’s um—what were their names again?”
“That interesting fellow in New York? I believe his name was Todd.”
“O-oh, Rocky! Yes. He’s a real brick, Rocky. I wonder if you’ve ever read his poems, Florence?”
“If I have I can’t recall. What has he written? Is he a modernist?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Miss Wooster said, “but he’s a real corker with words. Penned something about being today and not tomorrow and all that rot. Not much of one for clothes, though.”
There was a tense pause.
“Oh?” Mr. Craye uttered delicately. “How do you mean?”
“Just that he hardly ever gets out of his pajamas. I say, I’ve seen that man crawl out of bed at two in the afternoon and then simply put on a sweater! Poor Rosalyn just about fainted.”
“How very… unique of him.”
At this point, I re-entered the room with the tea-things, breaking up what may have become a brawl between Mrs. Gregson and Miss Wooster, the former of which was glaring at the latter with such venom that I wondered Miss Wooster did not clutch her breast and pass away. As it was, Miss Wooster spotted me and relief flooded her features.
“Oh, wonderful! Would you like a spot of tea, Florence? Aunt Agatha?”
I handed the teacups to their respective recipients.
Miss Wooster sipped at hers, then attempted to change the subject. “Speaking of friends, I got a letter the other day from Ginger. You know Ginger, don’t you, Florence? Pale sort of filly with pointed elbows and legs too long for her? Looks charming in riding breeches but awful in a swim-suit?”
“Yes,” said Mr. Craye over his teacup. “I know Ginger. I was engaged to her, once, if you recall.”
Miss Wooster, conscious now to the fact that she had touched upon a nerve, smiled sheepishly. “Ah. Yes, well. Love’s tides, what?”
“Quite. You said something about a letter?”
“Oh! Yes. See, Ginger ran away with this secretary chap and they biffed off to Italy for their honeymoon—but guess who they ran into?”
“Gussie and Matthias!”
“You don’t know them? Oh, well, Gussie’s another pal of mine and Matthias is her fiancé.”
“Perhaps,” Mrs. Gregson interrupted with a withering glance at Miss Wooster. “Florence might like to tell us a bit about his upcoming book.”
“You’re writing another one?” My sympathies were with Miss Wooster on this point.
“I don’t know, yet. I’ve thought about it, but there’s always the issue of how much societal criticism one can put into a children’s book without it becoming droll.”
“Societal criticism? What of?” Mrs. Gregson inquired politely.
Mr. Craye evidently felt, on this point, similar to Sherlock Holmes about his work. At Mrs. Gregson’s prompting, he began rattling off myriad reasons why, to his knowledge, the practice of regulating prices was something to be desired in this our fair country. He informed Miss Wooster how, over a holiday, he had become acquainted with an interesting young gentleman who was very favourable towards the cause of socialism. The young gentleman, it was told, had persuaded Mr. Craye towards his cause and the two had parted on the best of terms—as, Mr. Craye put it, “comrades.”
Miss Wooster valiantly attempted to follow along with this half-soliloquy, but her knowledge on the topic of government structures is somewhat lacking. She put in an “Oh?” and an “Ah.” every third sentence or so, yet it was obvious that she was grasping only the blunt points of Mr. Craye’s speech.
“Do you understand, then, the tenets of socialism, Bertie?” Mr. Craye asked at the conclusion of his tirade. “It is of the utmost importance that you do. I shan’t think I could live with myself if I had let you get away without true knowledge of the world.”
“Oh, ah—well, that is to say—I rather think I do?”
Mr. Craye sighed. “Bertie, Bertie, you have so much potential; it nearly makes me weep. There is so much that I could do with you, if only given the time.”
“Oh, ah, yes, rather.”
“I’ve always thought that is the way with spouses,” Mrs. Gregson put in. “There is quite a gratuitous amount of time spent together and each one ends up understanding the other so well, in the end. It is a beautiful prospect, is it not, Florence?”
“It is, Mrs. Gregson. I quite agree.”
Miss Wooster ducked her head and swallowed down the rest of her tea.
It was only after I had closed the door on Mrs. Gregson for the evening that Miss Wooster allowed herself to unbutton.
“Rosalyn!” she cried, collapsing on the settee. “I apologize for being rotten to you earlier! I take back all I said—you’re the most delightful person I have left to me, anymore!”
“Thank you, miss,” I said, setting beside her a small whiskey and soda. (Mrs. Gregson had searched the flat for any alcohol before she left, though she neglected to search in all of the cupboards.)
Miss Wooster, agog, grasped at the drink like a dying man to a priest’s hand. “Rosalyn, you utter brick. You wonderful, beautiful, amazing person. How did you hide it?”
“Mrs. Gregson, miss, does not know about the cupboards in my room. I assumed it might be prudent to relocate several items before she began her search.”
“It bally well was. Good Lord,” Miss Wooster moaned, downing the whiskey and soda quickly. “I could kiss you right now.”
“Thank you, miss,” I said. It was not her fault that I was so besotted.
Miss Wooster stretched herself, then sighed. “Do you think Florence’ll pop the question?”
“It seems likely, miss.”
She sighed again. “Well, I suppose there’s nothing for it. I don’t fancy you’ve got any more of that stuff tucked away?” She wiggled her glass meaningfully.
“I shall fetch the bottle, miss.”
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kittyboones · 6 years
Sage Holland Drage - Bully Self-Insert
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This is my Self-Insert for Bully/Canis Canem Edit! I made the art myself and would appreciate if you didn’t use it! The Template was created by Silkvale and it can be found here! I added an extra, maybe not as necessary category in the Hot Encounters category, just for fun!! And I added a few teachers! This is the finished version of this OC/self-insert! if you want to see previous versions, please go through this tag to see previous versions!
If you are interested in reading the current info about my Bully Self-Insert, please read under the cut!
Biographical Information Full Name [& Pronunciation] - Sage Holland Drage ( S AI J ) ( H AW - l uh n d ) ( d r ai j ) Meaning - Herb or Prophet, Ridgeland, Dragon Set Age - 14-15 Certified Birthdate - 12 January 1992 (not my real birth year, but shh) Astrological Sign -  Capricorn Pronouns - They/them or He/Him Aliases & Preferred Nicknames –   Dumbbell - Sage might not actually like the nickname, but Mandy WIles insist    on calling Sage it whenever Mandy sees Sage, so Sage is kind of used to this  nickname   Dragon - As some people may not be able to pronounce Sage’s surname,          Sage just call themselves Dragon to make it easier for everyone.   Ms. Shy - Even though Sage prefers to go by he/him or they/them pronouns,    people insist on calling them ms, and many people consider them shy because of how they seem terrified of new people. This nickname was first given by          Gord Vendome.   Puppy - A nickname Sage got from Kirby Olsen, that they claim matches their general personality and as Kirby claims, matches the fact Sage has puppy eyes ‘that could melt the coldest of hearts’.   Handsome Holland - because of an incident with the greasers, Ricky started calling Sage handsome and man does Sage blush every damn time   Dragonborn – Because of Sage secretly is a bit of a nerd, they obtained this nickname from the nerds when they found out they enjoyed roleplaying games like   Freddie Mercury - Mostly because of how much of a drama queen Sage can act like when they feel like it, some of the Preps have realized Sage fit the description of Bullworth’s Freddie Mercury and maybe it’s because of the fact that Sage, just like Mr Mercury, is Bisexual   Posh Spice – Maybe it’s because of how posh and ladylike Sage gets when they are dressed extremely nicely, or maybe it’s because of how Sage is not such an innocent girl like Victoria sang herself back in 2001 Ethnicities  Distant Descendants : American, British, Italian Dominant Descendants : Norwegian, Swedish, Danish Physical Description  Hair Color - Brown Eye Color - Blue Weight –  Height -  Typical Clothing Wear :  Maroon or pink vest, purple skirt, blue bow, purple bow, pink shoes - School   uniform  Pink silk dress and blonde wig - Halloween costume, that is supposed to   resemble Carrie White from the movie Carrie  Faux fur coat, faux fur ushanka - Winter attire  Plaid pink pyjama pants, striped yellow and black crop top - Pyjamas Figure/Build -  Distinguishing Features/Scars/ or Birthmarks – A mole just over their lip Explain:  Tattoos:  Piercings:  Frequently Worn Jewelry: Choker belt around their neck Personal Information  Current Living Arrangements - Sage currently lives with five of their American relatives, but also they technically live at Bullworth, in the girl’s dorm Originated from - Norway Travelled Territories -  Hobbies -   Fears – Spiders, snakes, insects, heights, scarecrows, most of the jocks Religion/Beliefs – Atheist Why?: Sage grew up in an atheist family, as simple as that. Health Behaviors  Physical Ailments/ Disabilities/ Issues –  Addiction(s) [Sex, Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Other] As stupid as it sounds, Sage is kind of addicted to eating sugar icing. Why?:  Any regular medication taken? – Medication for their Iron Deficiency and for their Hives Chronological Information  Profession - Student Likes -  Dislikes -  Goals/Ambitions –  Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience -  Story behind experience:  Weapons/Equipment - Sage mostly fights using their hands but can use a baseball if they need to. Personal Attributes  Personality -  Strengths -  Weaknesses -  Good Habits -  Bad Habits -  Fetishes/Strange Behaviors -  Stereotype - Shy kid with few friends As you know them better(and you like them) :  As you know them better(and you hate them) :   Ratings on Personal Qualities  Physical Strength : 4/10 Sage might not regularly train, but surprisingly Sage is stronger than they seem Attractive : 5/10 Sage doesn’t consider themselves the most beautiful and mostly blames it upon their parents and grandparents for how they look Honesty : 7/10 Sage hates lying in general, but still does lie if they need to. Rule Abiding : 3/10  Sage thinks certain rules are to be broken and others are to be broken. Sociability : 3/10  Sage is quite shy when it comes to meeting new people, but if they muster up enough confidence they can make new friends. Bullworth Academy Information  Reason for enrolling: Sage has lacked disiplince and Sage’s parents had relatives that lived close Bullworth, so they decided on sending them to a Clique -  Standing and Rank in Social Circle  - Room Number – 4 Roommate(s)-  Zoe Taylor & Beatrice Trudeau Favourite Subject(s) – English,  & Art Why?: Sage loves English because they’ve felt so motivated and  Least Favorite Subject(s) –  Why?:  Favourite Teacher – Mr. Galloway & Mrs. Philips Why?:  Mr. Galloway - Sage takes a liking to Mr. Galloway, mostly because he encouraged and gave Sage a warm welcome to the school, during Sage’s first day at Bullworth Mrs. Philips - Sage got a few compliments Least Favorite Teacher –  Mr. Slawter Why?: Sage is quite afraid of Mr. Slawter, mostly because he yelled at Sage during their first class Knowledgeability  Language(s) – Norwegian, English Schooling Level - Grade 8-9, Expertise –  Chemistry –   Math –   English  –   Geography – low / Sage knows a few things, like where certain European countries are, but after that, nothing more Politics/Law – low / Sage doesn’t really find any reason to take interest in politics and doesn’t really understand it Economy –   Cooking/Culinary –   Shop –   Botany/Biology –   Mythology – high / Sage knows a lot about Norrøn Mythology and enjoys learning more and more about it Art – high / Sage highly enjoys Art and feels that they know a lot about the rules about realism and perspective Photography – medium / Sage knows how to use a camera, and what settings look good or not, so they consider themselves at a 5/10 Reading Level –   Overall Intelligence Level(s) -  Interpersonal and Naturalistic.  Relationships Statuses   Trusted Companions  Closest Friend(s) –    Milliz - “I trust her with my life. Nothing more or less to say. And might I add that her and Earnest are really freakiNG ADORABLE?”   Friend(s) -    Kirby Olsen - “Damn, I consider him my best friend out of most of the students at Bullworth.” Despite Kirby being a jock and Sage being afraid of most of the jocks, Kirby and Sage are pretty close   Beatrice Trudeau - “She might be a nerd, but I’m lowkey a nerd so we gotta stick together” Sage might not act like it, but they’re a big nerd and therefore easily became good friends with Beatrice.   Pinky Gauthier - “excuse me? She’s one of my best friends!” Sage and Pinky quickly became friends, mostly because of how Sage was wearing Aquaberry when they first came to Bullworth and the fact that Pinky was friends with Sage’s cousin from before.
Hated Rivals  Worst Enemies –  Intolerable Students -  Harmless Acquaintances  Tolerated Students -    Zoe Taylor -       Tolerated Townsfolk - Hot Encounters  Hinted Attractions -    Bif Taylor - Sage finds Bif a bit charming and he surprisingly acts slightly kind to them, but he’s dating their cousin so😔   Tom Gurney - Sage realized really quickly that Tom was the least violent one out of the bullies and found him a slight bit charming and funny, but they don’t really hang out that much so..   Ricky Pucino - Sage found Ricky a small bit scary in the start, but quickly developed a small crush that they seem to forget about really easily Crush(es) - Gary Smith, Jimmy Hopkins and Petey Kowalski, before Sage started dating them Lover(s) - Gary, Jimmy and Petey, after they started dating them Ex(s) - Just some Norwegian guys they used to go to school with that Sage happened to like Admirer(s) -   Ivan Alexander -    Bucky Pasteur - Sage, only really being friends with Beatrice and    Casey Harris -    Dan Wilson -  Extra Information  Eating Habits Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore – Omnivore  Favourite Food(s): Sage likes pizza, but they just like just food in general Favourite Drink(s):  Disliked Food(s):  Disliked Drink(s):  Added Information  Proclaimed Theme Song(s) - Either Dancing Queen by ABBA or Dum Og Deilig from Knutsen Og Ludvigsen Scent –  Favourite Color: Sage can’t really decide between pink, maroon or beige. Favourite Season: Winter Favourite Animal: Sage can’t decide, so they usually just say dogs Favourite Music Genre: Sage can’t really choose, but they are very fond of country and Pop Most Memorable Quote – “ Various Quotes Through Interaction :  “ Walking around –  “I sure hope Mandy was joking when she called me a dumbbell...” “I don’t know jack dritt about math, how am I supposed to get a good grade?” “Gary mentioned something about rats, wondered what he was on about.” “I’m considering joining a clique... but which one?” “ “ “ “ When the fire alarm goes off –  “Stuff like this always happens when you least expect it.” “Sure hope this isn’t a drill, I don’t want my slippers to get wet again without reason.” ”OH SHIT!” ”I owe whoever did that my life!” Greetings Good Terms:  “Hiya!” “Hey there, best friend!” “How ya doing, sweetie?” “How are you doing, buddy?” “Hey, anything fun happen recently?” “Bro! What’s up?” “Heisann!” (Norwegian for ‘Hey there’) Bad Terms:  “Please leave me alone” “I rather not talk.” “Ew.” “Get out of my face!” “Leave me alone!” “Continue being around me and I’ll beat you up! Or cry! Or even both!” Saying goodbye –  Good Terms:  “Have a good day! “See you later!” “Hope you have a good night!” Bad Terms:  “”See you in Hell, I uhm mean class.” “Leave already.” “I’m getting a headache, gotta go.” “Byyeee, see you never.” When Flirted With –  Good Terms:  “I uhm...” “Thank you....” “Well I uhm, thank you so much! I uhm haha, we should hang out or something!” “I feel flattered. I’ll uhh have to go over there until the blushing stops.” “Continue acting this sweet and you’re going to be getting ladies really quickly.” “You’re such a sweetheart!” “If I were of age, I would marry you right here on the spot, but I’m still too young.” Bad Terms:  “I wouldn’t say I don’t like you, but I’m not that interested.” “Not to be rude, but no.” “That better not be trying to make me blush, because it didn’t work at all.” “Get lost!” “I ain’t interested!” “Yikes, no thanks.“ Watching a fight –  “I know I shouldn’t watch this crap, but damn it feels so right, right now!” “ Attacking –  “I’m sorry!” “I have no choice in this situation, so I apologize beforehand!” “I learnt this one from my friend!” ”Either you run away or I keep hitting!” While Fighting –  “I really wish it didn’t have to end with one of us being hurt!” “Ouch! Thanks, I guess!” Chasing someone –  “You can run, but you can also hide!” “Come back here! please...!” Out of breath –  “This always happens....” “Why do I have to have iron deficiency? When hidden from –  “We aren’t playing hide and seek!” Knocked out –  “This sure does remind me of my first day...” Stinkbomb explodes –  “I can’t see shit!” “I should be happy I can’t smell anything from before!” “I envy ducks: they wouldn’t have the ability to smell this!” Opinions on students who reside at Bullworth Academy– Bullies   Davis White:  Ethan Robinson:  Russell Northrop:  Trent Northwick:  Troy Miller:  Wade Martin:  Zoe Taylor:  Greasers  Hal Esposito:  Johnny Vincent:  Lefty Mancini:  Lola Lombardi:  Lucky De Luca:  Norton Williams:  Peanut Romano:  Vance Medici:  Jocks  Bo Jackson:   Damon West:   Juri Karamazov:  Luis Luna:  Mandy Wiles:  Ted Thompson:  Nerds  Algernon Papadopoulos:  Cornelius Johnson:  Donald Anderson:  Earnest Jones: Sage has a strange friendship with the leader of the nerds: There are times where Sage find him the most annoying person and would love to beat him up and there are other times where Sage can relate a lot with him and talk about video games to him Fatty Johnson:  Melvin O'Connor:  Thad Carlson:  Non-Cliques Angie Ng:  Christy Martin:  Constantinos Brakus: Sage has a strong grudge against Constantinos because he snitched on them when they were sending notes to Kirby in class. Eunice Pound:  Gloria Jackson:  Gordon Wakefield:  Karen Johnson:  Lance Jackson:  Melody Adams:  Pedro De La Hoya: “Doesn’t he like, pee his bed and get bullied a lot? I guess he’s okay, just too weak and manipulative for his own good.“ Ray Hughes:  Sheldon Thompson: “Oh look at me, I am Sheldon, all the teachers love me! I hate that kid. Annoying and desperate.” Sage has a literal grudge against him and just like everyone, thinks he is a teacher’s pet Trevor Moore: Sage has no general opinion on  Preppies  Bryce Montrose:  Chad Morris:  Derby Harrington:  Gord Vendome:  Justin Vandervelde:  Parker Ogilvie:  Tad Spencer: "Big fat ego. He’s the least best prep, after my cousin of course!” Opinion on Adults who teach and patrol at Bullworth Academy – Edna: “She’s... interesting. Underrated, but I wouldn’t consider her the best. She’s kind of rude.” Dr. Crabblesnitch: “Well, he might be my principal, but he sure isn’t much of a pal. I mean, he isn’t friendly, you know?” Miss Danvers: “She might not have done anything towards me, but she gives Derby special treatment and she kind of was a bit rude to Jimmy like last year, so I don’t whether to be respectful towards her or not.” Miss Peters: “She forced me into doing a show I didn’t want to be a part of, so she isn’t getting no respect.” Mr. Galloway: “Can I just say: Best teacher, obviously. He might be an alcoholic, but I don’t judge.” Mr. Luntz: “Strange but nice guy. I respect him.“ Mr. Matthews: “I am sorry, but I don’t know who he is because I might uh be skipping some of my classes.” Sage skips their geography classes, so they have no knowledge of who he is. Mr. Slawter: “He yelled at me on my first day, so I guess I’m kind of scared of him, because he has a booming voice.” Mr. Watts: “Strange man. Strange, very strange man.” Mr. Wiggins: Sage can’t find a reason to find Mr. Wiggins an interesting teacher to listen to. Mrs. Carvin: “I don’t really know her, but I know she’s the librarian so..” Mrs. MacRae: “That woman freaks me out.“ Mrs Peabody: “I don’t have anything against her, but she shouldn’t be so old fashioned.“ Ms. Phillips: “Favourite teacher! She’s great! She encourages the students to do their best and she isn’t against any kind of art!“ Neil: Sage doesn’t really know who Neil is and doesn’t bother learning, as they don’t have. Prefects –  Edward Seymour II:  Karl Branting:  Max MacTavish:  Seth Kolbe:  Opinions on People in the cities of Bullworth – Townies  Clint(aka Henry): Sage doesn’t like saying it, but they’re quite afraid of him and Leon Duncan:  Edgar Munsen:  Gurney:  Jerry:  Leon: Sage is scared of him and Clint. Omar Romero:  Otto Tyler:  Residents in the city of Bullworth –  Bethany Jones:  Denny:  Dr. Bambillo:  Krakauer:  Mihailovich:  Miss Abby:  Mr. Brekindale:  Mr. Buckingham: Sage thinks he isn’t that special compared to other people but thinks he is one of the nicest residents of Bullworth they have met. Mr. Castillo:  Mr. Doolin:  Mr. Huntingdon:  Mr. Johnson:  Mr. Martin: Sage sympathizes him and often can relate to what he is saying. Mr. Ramirez:  Mr. Salvatore:  Mr. Smith:  Mr. Sullivan:  Ms. Rushinski  Mrs. Lisburn: Osborne: 
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ginatida · 6 years
An attempt at finding Crooked Falls.
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                     Shout out to Nadine for finding this photo.
First off I  would like to start off by saying.. STAY CLEAR of all "easy-going" and "laid-back" people. You may think that type of person is a good friend to have, you're WRONG! Kidding..... but for real though. There is a high chance that easy going person may get you lost or killed, and that easy going person is me. In all fairness, we always end up home in one piece so it's not entirely a losing situation, plus a good adventure story to have in your back pocket. Although the only people that may find it amusing or even slightly comical are the people who experienced it with you. That is after the initial annoyance and shaking their heads pass. Luckily I typically surround myself with equally "easy-going" and "laid-back" amigos. Lesson learned, don't put Gina in charge of a hike that she has never done. With a slightly sleep deprived weekend and already exhibiting questionable actions, I should have known it would make for an interesting day. When you start the trip making a left hand turn into oncoming traffic while the two other girls scream, an abnormally calm Heath mutters "You may want to get into the other lane" .. while I am thinking to myself " Why are these cars in my lane?!" .. it is then we should have known we were in for a bumpy ride. WE also should have switched up drivers.  It was indeed bumpy.. literally and figuratively. In my defense there are a lot of one way roads in Vancouver, but I also should be practicing what I preach.. "Never assume". As we went along our merry way I started asking Karen if she knew what to do if we were to encounter bears. This was just chit chat of course, I never expect to see any wildlife. Being from Ireland, the most they encounter are sheep and maybe some cute goats. I could see the slight fear in her eyes as  we talked about what to do with certain bears. All the knowledge I had was from word of mouth and the movie "The Revenant". She was shocked to learn that when a grizzly attacked, you have to let it and essentially play dead. Lets be honest.. at that point you would mostly be dead anyways. The not being able to scream part was what flabbergasted me.. I had only relearned what to do in the situation a few weeks back. I just laughed and told her not to worry, grizzly bears are not any where near us. The joke was on us when we came to the sign...
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It's a good thing we had already went over the basics of what to do right?! At that point I have may have started to feel a bit worrisome about taking this group into bear country with no bear spray, bangers or bell. Of course when you are in an easy going group the main consensus is typically, "Meh, doubt we will see one." So we continued on route. Minutes later we came across an abandoned school bus to our left that was stuck in a ditch. Okay yes maybe it had only been there for a week.. but still creepy alright. 
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We were already on high alert after the grizzly sign. Anyways no big deal, we head into the back country with no service on our cell phones down the pot hole riddled road, hoping we find where we need to go. Alas! There are some cars, we have made it the the trail head. We hop out and proceed to the route. I had read enough of the instructions that I assumed we would be okay. I mean how could you go wrong with "follow the gravel road until you see Sigurd Trail on a telephone pole and veer left". So we walked... and walked.... then walked some more. In our travels we encountered beautiful butterflies, what looked like part of a submarine on the side of the road (weird I know), some bullet casings and some questionable signs. 
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All while not passing ONE single person. We continued to trek along until the 4 and 5 KM markers then started wondering if we were on the right path. Of course no one was too concerned.. even with no cell signal, we continued to go onward as I continued to think to myself "I wonder if this is right", but also "La la la la la". We passed the 5 KM sign and there he was... a cute black bear about to cross the path in front of us. Luckily Cooper distracted our fear of the bear with our fear of losing him after he ran after the bear.... Thank goodness this bear WAS not indeed a grizzly and was more frightened of us. Off he went as we frantically screamed at an off leash Cooper to come back. Long story short.. he finally came back. So again off we went, enjoying the fresh air and good company.. because that's what really matters right?! By the 6 KM mark that read "666" yes we read into it too much.. and our offline partial google map we realized we were more than likely NOT on the right trail, very opposite actually. At that point we turned around and started the trek back. So in the end.. we had a nice walk in nature.. along the long ass logging road.. and encountered some cool wildlife. It could have been worse.. bear attack, lost, grumpy people, got wet from a cool waterfall, biffed down the hill.. so really it was a success. Being out in nature is always a success, yes I am turning this into an inspirational motivational positive event as per usual. Why wouldn't you?! Turns out the trail head was 2 minutes away from where we parked, but let's not talk about that. Learning opportunities are always welcome. 
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1. Bring an experienced hiker 2. Always be prepared for what you may encounter. 3. Obvs bring a selfie stick to document.  4. Surround yourself with like-minded positive and easy going people.  5. Get more sleep. 6. Don't put Gina in charge. 7. HAVE FUN!!!! The list goes on. 
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tlaasemckinney · 7 years
Marji Gesick 100 recap:
20:48:08 ride (and hike time.) That was nearly 6 hours longer than I hoped to be out there, but I'm glad I did it. Type 2 fun. I hurt all over, and I'm still tired. It's going to a while to fully recover from the Marji Gesick 100, and yet I find myself thinking over and over what I'll do differently next year.
The day started out with a 1/2 hour delay, which I was grateful for. The sun came up just about the same time as the race started, which meant lights weren't necessary any longer at the beginning of the race. The Le Mans start was sent off with an epic rendition of the Star Spangled Banner on bass by Evan Simula, who also happened to be riding that day. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, blocking out the thought of the epic and painful ride that we all knew was in store for us.
The first third of the race took us northwest from Forestville around Harlow Lake and back south to North Trails. There was a lot of comparatively "easy" riding on wide open cross country ski trails and two track, which may have given some a false sense of what the entire race was going to be like. The first major obstacle was descending Top of the World. The decent is a steep, bald granite rock face, with a few large grassy holes and scrubby bushes thrown in, with a sharp right to a technical decent. Nearly everyone around me, including myself, balked at the idea of riding this, as there was a major rainstorm on Friday, and the granite was still wet with condensation. On my way hiking down, a group of 5 or so folks totally sent it, putting the rest of us to shame. That was the first of more sketchy descents that I could ever imagine. From there, we wound our way back to Forestville, through fun and flow-y Ramblin' Man and Wildcat, to Pine Knob. Pine Knob felt like some sort of awful punishment for the enjoyment of the previous two sections of trail. Up and up, through somewhat technical terrain to downhill sections that didn't seem to end. From there, we rode around North Trails to Lowes Trail. Lowes Trail tends to stay pretty damp, and the previous day's rain didn't help. Lots of exposed roots meant slippery, punchy little ascents. I had my first reminder to be extra cautious with the temperatures that day, as I rode past a guy who was being attended to for hydration issues. Luckily, towards the end of that trail, Christina Bell & company had an impromptu aid station with cookies, Coke, and pickle juice. That came along at just the right time! Coke and pickle juice got me through a lot- they're magical. Lowes trail finished with a delightful ride through a culvert under US-41, which was 25 degrees cooler than the temperature outside.
A short ride down the Iron Ore Heritage Trail got us to South Trails, with a nice ride from Black trail to Pioneer Loop, where we made our way to Eh Line, a fun and fast jump trail. Somewhere in there, I met up with Grant Getschow, Aaron Klein, and another fellow who's name I didn't catch. I rode on and off with Grant & Aaron, and they were both great company, and riding strong on Saturday. We crossed McClellan Ave and pulled into South Marquette Trails trail head, for some much needed water refills, P.B. & J's, more Coke, and a shot of whiskey. Oh, and more pickle juice. I was feeling really good at this point- moving at a good pace, keeping myself hydrated, and trying to eat enough. I didn't wait long before heading towards some of the gnarly sections on Blue Loop, to a nice long slog up Mount Marquette Road to Scary, which is aptly named, to Gorge-ous/Yellow trail that takes you up and behind Marquette Mountain. Rode where I could, hoofed it where I couldn't. I was still feeling good as we passed under McClellan next to the Carp River. Rumor was that was a great place to soak for a while to cool down from the 95 degree heat index! The heat must have started getting to me at this point, as the exact names of the trail escape me. At one point we ended up on what think is Old Yellow trail, where there were a lot of riders sitting on the side of the trail taking breaks. I totally biffed it about a 1/2 mile before pipe dreams, and end up getting beat up and bruised, but ultimately none the worse for wear. I walked the rest of that trail, rode pipe dreams to a long section of two-track that lead out to lake enchantment road. Long sections of sandy ATV trail made me glad to be running 29+ tires, as it made for fairly easy going.
Before I knew it, I was at the Wurst Aid Station, where Nevin Brownellcleaned up my chain & tightened up my saddle, which must have gotten knocked around when I took a digger earlier. Thanks to everyone there for having Coke, pickle juice, and grilled cheese! That was one of the best grilled cheeses I've ever had. Thanks Laura MacDonald, Bill Tucker, Sarah Carlson & crew for being there for everyone!
It was a fairly short ride on some more ATV trail to the IOHT into the 65 mile check point in Negaunee. Waffles, cookies, and all sorts of other goodies were there in abundance. I was still feeling okay at that point, but the day was starting to wear on me, and I was antsy to get going, as it was around 5:30 or 6, and I wanted to keep riding as much as possible before nightfall. I rode out with Grant and Aaron again, but Grant was having stomach issues, and we parted ways around the base of Fence Line. I probably pushed it a little harder through this section than I should have, as it ultimately took me 6 hours to go 22 miles. Things got dark and hazy here. I should have had Chad meet me somewhere along this route, but hindsight is 20/20. I perked up a little when I knew I was seeing lights through the woods from Negaunee, but it still seemed to take FOREVER to get back there.
I pulled into the Negaunee aid station in a daze- I really didn't take in enough calories throughout the last 22 miles, and needed sugar and caffeine. I still had it in me to head out, but the thought of only 14 more miles was not a huge motivator. I knew there was some rough stuff ahead, but in the dark? Ugh. I took off, but had Chad meed me on the road to Suicide Hill (aptly named) because I was unsure of how much more I could do. I met up with him, and wasn't quite ready to call it yet, but was getting SUPER tired, to the point of were my eyes didn't want to focus from time to time. I remembered I had a 5 hr. energy in my goodie bag, so I took that and it helped, but it did take around a 1/2 hour to kick in. At that point, I had to keep reminding myself that it's way easier to keep riding everywhere I could. My body really just wanted to keep hiking. (*Note to self: mountain bikes make awful hiking sticks!) It was tough to keep riding though, there were so many steep uphill sections that most riders would have trouble tackling them on a good day, let along 90+ miles into a ride. That's most of what I remember from the last 14 miles- steep uphills and mud holes. I can't figure out how there was that much uphill and so little downhill.
I could see on my Garmin that Jasper Knob was getting closer and closer, and finishing was within reach. I hoofed it up Jasper's Knob, read the silly bit of trivia, and headed back down towards Downtown Ispeming. I was super impressed at the number of folks still at the finish line at 4:20 a.m., it was great having a cheering section coming in! I showed all four of my checkpoint poker chips to Danny Hill and got my finisher chip. I was done.
Chad had the foresight to grab me some food for after I finished, and I managed to devour a giant (and soggy) burger from Jackson Pit. It was great. MMMmmm.
I want to send a huge THANK YOU to the event organizers, Todd Poquette, Danny Hill, and all of the rest of you awesome folks working behind the scenes to make this event come together. This race was by far the toughest thing I've ever done, and all that hype was no joke. Thank you to all of the amazing volunteers, spectators, and friendly folks who decided to set up roadside or trail-side to offer support. Cold hoses, bags of ice, and cold, wet towels made that heat a little more bearable. Most of all, I have to thank Chad Carl McKinney for being there all along the way to make sure I had food, drink, and encouragement. He was there when I very nearly decided to bow out, and there to encourage me when I decided I could keep going. Thanks so much, I love you babe!
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