#and then Jonathan just casually signing the same way the party does to help Steve out once his hearing really starts to go
sp0o0kylights · 1 month
Grass is green, water is wet, and Jonathan Byers does not like Steve Harrington.
These are known facts in the universe.
Computers were going to take over the world, a “mobile” phone was being invented, and Steve Harrington had lost most of his hearing.
These were unknown facts--rumors even, if you will. Eddie had never seen even a grain of truth to support any of them. 
(Well, maybe the computer thing, but only because Grant and Dustin both had made a couple of convincing arguments.) 
So he doesn’t think about it, when his freshman gang up on him. 
Doesn’t even factor the “can’t hear well” thing in, when he was tasked (demanded, whined, bitched and moaned at) with helping them explain to Steve why going to the release party of the new D&D box set, located at a hobby store only a mere 2 hour drive away, was important.
Eddie’s not even sure how the little shits got him to agree to do it until he’s standing in the parking lot in front of the former King himself. 
“The store’s leading up to the release with a handful of one-shots.” He’s explaining, unsure whether to pull out the bored act or play up his court jester persona, and thus mixing and matching on the fly. 
He does not care if Harrington doesn’t know what a one-shot is. 
“They’re releasing the set at midnight. You have to be there to get it though, you can’t have someone else pick it up for you because they only got a certain amount in.” 
Harrington’s frowning (no surprise) but it’s not until Eddie is well into his spiel about how his van is already full with the elder members of Hellfire, and thus has no room for the freshmen, that he realizes Steve isn’t quite looking at him. 
Is in fact, looking over his shoulder.
Eddie stops. Follows Harrington’s gaze.
Parked across from Steve’s Beemer, is Jonathan Byer’s barely working clunker car. 
A handful of steps in front of it, and thus nearly right behind Eddie, is the man himself.
His hands are still moving, mouth shaping words silent as he goes, his gaze locked not on Eddie or the kids--but on Steve. 
Who turns back around as Harrington’s eyes slide right back to him. 
“And this is taking place next Friday?” He says, in that sort of annoyed but resigned way parents aim at their children. “After school?” 
“I’d like to go during  school, but the freshmen insist you wouldn’t let them ditch out.” Eddie tells him. “They had two separate arguments about it.” 
Loud ones, that had interrupted the game and given Eddie a migraine. 
Once again Steve’s eyes slide away from him, to Jonathan. 
“They’re not skipping school.” He says suddenly, a glare forming and Jonathan makes an annoyed noise. 
“They argued about skipping, they’re not going to.” He says aloud, and finally steps up so that he’s next to Eddie instead of behind him. 
“Munson slow down, I can’t sign as fast as you’re talking.” He adds, in the hang-dog grumble he’s notorious for. 
Eddie stares at him. 
“Can he seriously not hear me?” 
“No.” Steve and Jonathan answer together. 
“I can kind of still hear,” Steve adds, gaze returning to Eddie’s face. “But its more loud music or noises. I can lip read, but you’re also talking too fast for that.” 
Without pausing, he turns back to Jonathan and says; “Why can’t you take them?”
“It’s Friday.” Byers deadpans. 
Eddie’s not an expert on sign language, but his hands somehow looked deadpan too. 
He’s not sure how Jonathan did that. 
“So?” Steve snarks back. 
What follows is an argument that Eddie is not, at all involved in, mostly because he’s too busy handling the fact that Jonathan Byers has learned sign language, for Steve Harrington, apparently, and given the tone the argument is taking they still don’t even like each other.  
Eventually the argument ends, Steve throwing his hands in the air and demanding that Jonathan owes him. 
(Eventually Eddie will corner the ever so quiet Will Byers and ask why the hell his brother learned sign language for someone he clearly fucking hates.
“Oh they don’t hate each other.” Baby Byers would say, in that shy, quiet way of his. “I think they’re actually friends now?” 
“You think?”
“Well--you’ve seen them.” Will shrugs. “I think being mean to each other is kinda their thing.” 
‘What the hell.’ Eddie would think, right up until he stumbled across one of the kids sign language books. 
Byers the Elder, he decides, isn’t the only person who should learn sign language to chew out Harrington properly.
The pay off is immediate. 
Or at least, the pay off of watching Steve’s shocked face the first time Eddie signs something vulgar at him is, anyway.)
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collecting-stories · 5 years
The Dating Game 2 - Jonathan Byers
It’s Thanksgiving time and Jonathan is starting to question his feelings. 
The Dating Game 1 2 - Jonathan Byers x reader
November 20th 1984
“My dad’s family does this big shindig at our house every year. Tons of food, it’s really something.” Steve mentioned when you asked about his upcoming holiday plans. He was sprawled out on the la-z-boy in the basement, playing you in a competitive back and forth game of tetris.  
“Sounds nice, my dad’ll probably just work that day. Maybe somebody at the office will give him a can of cranberries or something.” You shrug. After everything that had happened following Halloween, not including your odd relationship status with both Jonathan Byers and Steve Harrington, you were trying to bring some normality back into your life. Things seemed to be better between Steve and Nancy, not great, not dating again, but better than Tina’s Halloween party. She wasn’t screaming bullshit at him anymore. But she was hanging around Jonathan more and more these days and you were hanging around him less and less. Despite the arrangement you’d made with Jonathan things hadn’t gone to plan after Halloween. Things hadn’t even gone normally after Halloween and there was little time to be made for school projects when the safety of the world seemed to be at stake. But you and Steve stayed close.  
“Come to ours.” Steve offered.  
“I couldn’t.” You kept your eyes on the tv screen as your turn on tetris started.  
“It’d be cool, Nancy is gonna stop by. The more the merrier. You can even sign the famous Harrington Family Thanksgiving Tablecloth and put some shit about what you’re thankful for.”
“Dear Harrington Family Tablecloth, I’m so thankful that Steve isn’t as much of a tool as everyone said.” You laughed as he threw a pillow at your head.  
“Hey, I didn’t invite myself over your house to avoid responsibility so that you could be mean to me.” He said, dodging the pillow you chucked back at him. “Besides it’d look good ya know, my fake girlfriend should be at Thanksgiving with me.”
“With you and your ex-girlfriend who you’re desperately trying to get back together with?” You laughed, “How’d you convince Nancy to come anyway?”
“I asked. I’m a charmer man, the ladies love me.” He replied, “plus I told her it was just as a friend.”
“Alright, I’ll stop by. Now finish your round, I’ve got work in twenty minutes and Keith freaked out last time I was late.” You had gotten a job a few days before Halloween at the arcade and adjoining video store in Hawkins. It wasn’t your dream job and working with Keith was definitely not what you wanted but money was money and your dad was insistent that you get a job to pay for, what he considered, unnecessary goods.
Possibly the worst part of working at the arcade was the fact that it was a common hang out for Hawkins youth. While you only ever had to deal with people like Tommy and Carol when they came in to rent a movie, or last week when Tommy and some guys snuck into the private room of the video store to look at the porn, you still got stuck seeing all the middle school kids on the daily. Some of them, like Dustin or Jonathan’s little brother Will, were more bearable than others but they were still kids and fighting a pack of demadogs with them was a lot different than saying hi where everyone could see. Because while you didn’t have anything to prove to anyone you still felt a mild amount of embarrassment every time Carol and Tina saw you being friendly to Will Byers or his friends. It was bad enough that you worked with Keith.  
After your heated game of tetris Steve dropped you at the arcade with five minutes to spare. He was going to have dinner with Nancy, a big step in their developing friendship/ex-relationship. His plans to whoo her back weren’t going as smoothly as he imagined and she wasn’t falling for the bait that you two were dating, no matter how much time Steve inevitably spent hanging around you. He might be able to convince Tommy and Tina and Carol and all his other friends with some BS story about meeting at Halloween after Nancy split on him but she clearly wasn’t as gullible. She was friends with Jonathan after all, she knew what being ‘just friends’ looked like.  
Nancy was dressed and ready to go to dinner with Steve when Jonathan pulled up to her house to drop off Will. She waved, walking down the driveway to say hello. After everything that had happened to them this year and the year before Nancy had re-evaluated what was important to her and what wasn’t. These days gossip around the school or graffitied signs on the movie theater didn’t mean a thing to her. People whispered about her friendship with Jonathan and about her break-up with Steve but Nancy didn’t care about their bullshit.  
“Mike said you’re taking them to the arcade?” Nancy asked, leaning down to rest her arm against Jonathan’s window so she could talk to him. Behind her Will ran inside, slamming the door after him.  
“I promised Will.” Jonathan shrugged, “he’s really looking forward to it.” Jonathan and Joyce were trying their hardest to give Will a normal life amidst the turmoil of demagorgons and the upside-down. Sometimes Jonathan felt like his mother was a little too overbearing with his younger brother but he understood why she was and he did his best to watch over Will as much as she wanted him to. Like today, before all of this Will would’ve easily gone to the arcade with Mike and Dustin without needing an accompanying babysitter but Joyce insisted that Jonathan go, claiming that it would be nice for the brothers to bond, as if they didn’t already.  
“That’s good.” Nancy nodded. She looked back at the house to make sure that the boys hadn’t come out yet and then back to Jonathan, “how’s he doing?”
“Alright?” Jonathan offered, hating the question. Even when it was Nancy Wheeler who asked it. He never felt like he knew what to say. Was Will really alright? Would he continue to be alright? Would all this continue to be normal now that Eleven closed the gate? It was hard to say and frankly he’d rather not dwell on it too much.  
The conversation was interrupted by Will, Mike, and Dustin running to the car. “Well,” Nancy patted the window the same way her mother did when she was ending a conversation. “I’ll see you later.” And then she was walking to her mom’s car and getting in.  
While Jonathan drove the boys to the arcade Nancy made her way to dinner with Steve. An upgrade from the diner, Steve had chosen a nicer restaurant in town. It was an Italian place near the theatre that played live music and had some pretty decent garlic bread. He was already waiting outside for her when she pulled into a parking space, his hair in perfect place and his clothes suggesting that maybe this was more than a casual dinner. But Nancy had dressed up a little too, though she tried to play it off.  
“Nance,” Steve opened the door to the restaurant for her and pulled out her chair when they got to the table. “Uh, how’ve you been?”
“Good, since yesterday.” She laughed.  
Across town Jonathan was walking into the arcade behind Dustin, Will, and Mike. Though he had agreed to take the three boys there to meet Max and Lucas he was already starting to regret it. The arcade was dimly lit and loud, a sensory overload for someone with such sensitively inclined vision. He stood off to the side, trying not to crowd his brother and friends, instead attempting to fade into a corner until it was time to leave. Which could be hours from now he realized.  
“As I live and breathe, you creeping in the corner on purpose Byers?” You teased, bumping your hip against his as you stopped next to him.  
Jonathan looked over, letting out an uncomfortable laugh and then shaking his head, “I brought Will and his friends.” Just as he pointed them out Will looked over and you shared a wave with the younger Byers.  
“How’d they pry you away from Nancy?” You asked, curious that he wasn’t spending his time with her and wondering if he knew about the non-date/date Steve had arranged.  
“I don’t...we don’t hang out all the time.” Jonathan replied.  
“Well if you’re looking to kill some time you’re welcome to hang out with me. I’ll let you in on a classified secret,” you joked, leaning closer to him, “I’m tons of fun.”
You and Jonathan hadn’t spent much time together since Halloween. A couple of meet-ups at Benny’s to talk over plans for the writing assignment that you still hadn’t told him you wanted to base on his drama with Nancy. Otherwise you had only seen him when you were with Steve around school or the few classes when you sat together. You still liked Jonathan, that was undeniable, but with everything that happened pretending to date wasn’t nearly as important as saving Will’s life. And you understood that. You didn’t expect him to make time for you and stupid school junk when he was battling some tornado with legs. But things had died down and you couldn’t help taking this opportunity to spend some time with him.  
Jonathan laughed, “do you have anywhere quieter than here?” He asked, throwing another glance his brother’s way.  
“Follow me,” you beckoned, leading the way through the heavy red curtain that separated the arcade and the movie rental. “Keith usually hangs on that side and he should be back any second from lunch.”  
“It’s dinner time.” Jonathan pointed out, grabbing a stool from behind the counter to sit on. You took the other and sat beside him where your school books were spread out.  
“It’s second lunch time for Keith. He’ll take a break for dinner in like two more hours.” You laughed, “don’t question the logic just go with it.”
“Sorry I’ve been so MIA lately.” he mentioned after a pause of silence between the two of you. He was watching older women shopping for movies to rent so that he didn’t have to look toward you as he apologized. Nancy had been right when she told him that he had a crush on you. He did. And while Nancy didn’t fall for stupid high school tricks like you’re fake relationship with Steve Harrington but Jonathan was not above being fooled by the rumors. It wasn’t that he believed all the stupid shit that Carol and Tommy talked about but he had ears and he heard them mention your name in conjunction with Steve’s enough times that he thought maybe you really were dating. Things had worked out the way they planned at Halloween and things definitely weren’t going the way he wanted them too with Nancy but maybe you had managed to score Steve while he was still fumbling over his own nonexistent love life.  
“Can’t really be mad about that can I? It’d just make me look like a massive dick.” You teased. “And in case you haven’t noticed I’m the opposite of that.”
“I’ve noticed.” Jonathan replied, laughing as he loosened up.  
You couldn’t help the flutter in your chest at the sound of his laugh and the implication that he’d noticed you, even if he was just joking. A silence settled over the two of you as you watched a lady nearing the checkout with a movie in her hands only to turn at the last moment and keep looking. You leaned against the counter top, reading over your textbook as Jonathan reached over and took the homework handout to look over.
“Have you done that yet?” You asked, not looking up from your work.  
“Ah, yeah I finished it during study period.” Jonathan put the paper down again. He looked over at you while you were distracted with your homework. It sounded funny to say but ever since you had interrupted him watching Nancy that day in English it was almost as if you had disrupted his entire focus. Before October, and even before last year Jonathan would’ve said that he had a crush on Nancy Wheeler. His brother’s best friend’s older sister was just the picture of what a high school dream girl was supposed to be and however shallow it was he had fallen into the trap of wanting her as much as any other guy. And realizing that she wasn’t just some girl-next-door pretty enough to be in a catalogue had only made him like her more. And yeah, maybe the fact that she was pretty and she could hold her own against a demagorgan were the only reasons he liked her but they were in high school, he shouldn’t have to need more reasons.  
When he thought about it, really took the time to go over it in his head, that split second in time that should’ve been so insignificant threw him for more of a loop than he expected. One second he was sitting in class staring at Nancy Wheeler and wishing she would give half as much of her attention to him as she did to Steve when you called his name and started talking to him. He’d turned his head to look at you and suddenly it was like he could quite put his focus back on Nancy. At Halloween when he left you on the stoop at Tina’s house in your Stevie Nicks get up he couldn’t stop the resentment he felt toward Nancy beneath his general concern for her well-being. He found himself wanting to know if you had looked at him the same way he was looking at you or if he was imagining it.  
“So you and Steve?” He asked because he couldn’t stop himself from wondering. Had he really pushed you into Steve Harrington’s arms or had you liked the Patrick Dempsey of Hawkins Highschool this whole time.  
“What about me and Steve?” You asked, tilting your head to the side to gauge Jonathan’s expression. He was so hard to read and most of the time he just came off as shy and awkward.  
He shrugged, trying to ‘play it cool’ if that was even a possible action for a Byers, “I’ve just...seen you around him a lot and I heard that you were dating.” If you were dating would he tell you that your boyfriend was out with Nancy right now or did you know?
You thought about telling him the truth. That you and Steve were playing everyone the way you and Jonathan had intended on playing Nancy. He would keep a secret, that much you were positive about. But why was he asking? Because he was genuinely curious about your relationship status with Steve or because he wanted to make sure that Nancy really was off the market. Or was it something else? The something else that made you get butterflies when he laughed at something you said or when he saw you across the hall at school and waved just to you in the midst of a chaotic surge of students. The something else that had you wishing his gaze lingered on you the way it lingered on Nancy. So you decided to lie, to see where this was going. “Yeah. I guess so.”  
His brow furrowed and a frown set on his face and he opened his mouth to say something when Will came through the curtain divider and asked him to look at a high score. “Oh, alright.” He finally said as he stood up and followed his brother back to the arcade.  
What did alright mean?
November 22nd, 1984 - Thanksgiving
Though you hadn’t intended to when you set out on Thanksgiving around 5pm you had dined-and-dashed at the Harringtons’ . And hardly dined to be honest. You’d arrived at Steve’s a little after leaving your own house, dressed a lot nicer than you usually did and carrying a store-bought pumpkin pie. The last one that you’d been so desperate to grab you’d stolen it from the cart of an older woman while she was looking over the bread selection in the grocery store. You didn’t want to show up empty handed after he was nice enough to invite you and the personal guilt you felt over having baked nothing for them but having a perfectly baked apple pie sitting in the back seat of your car waiting for you to go to the Byers forced you to buy something.  
It was because of the Byers that you had dressed up too. Or, a specific Byers, Jonathan had invited you to his family’s Thanksgiving dinner on Tuesday night at the arcade and you couldn’t say no. Not that you wanted to say no. The opportunity to spend any amount of time with Jonathan and the fact that he wanted to see you enough that he had brought up Thanksgiving in the first place and invited you. Sure, Steve had invited you, unprompted, to his house for dinner too but that was different. You were friends with Steve and you wouldn’t quite call whatever you and Jonathan had ‘friends’.  
You didn’t want to read too much into the invitation from Jonathan but that didn’t stop you from the nervous anticipation as you checked your appearance in the mirror a dozen times before leaving your house. You’d brushed your teeth twice and changed your clothes more than that as you tried to imagine what would look best. What would tell Jonathan that you liked him and that you were better than Nancy. Or maybe not better but a viable second option. Did he know Nancy was going to Steve’s? Was she going to Jonathan’s too? Was he going to hers?  
“I thought you were leaving?” Steve called, walking over to your car and breaking the reckless train of thought you were trapped on.  
You’d said goodbye to everyone at least ten minutes ago and then walked out to your car, headed for Jonathan’s. But then your brain started to work again and all those thoughts about Nancy and you and Jonathan and the stupid fake dating scheme with Steve bubbled up and you worried that maybe this was all a terrible idea. Maybe you should just drive home.
Steve called your name.
“Sorry, just a little on edge today.” You apologized.  
You managed to drive all the way to the Byers without incident though you had been tempted to turn down your street and go home the minute you were stopped at the corner. You worked through it though, forcing your foot on the gas pedal and going straight to the Byers. Then you sat in the car outside their house, parked beside Chief Hopper’s truck as you tried to pep talk yourself into going inside. You might’ve stayed there all night if it wasn’t for Will coming outside.  
He knocked on the car window and you were so startled you hit the horn.  
“Sorry, I’m so sorry,” you apologized as you got out of the car. Will looked concerned more than upset and the front door flew open to reveal both Jonathan and Joyce.
“Are you alright?” Jonathan asked, coming down off the porch.
“Fine, fine...hit the horn is all.” You continued to ramble as you got the tupperware from the backseat. “I made apple pie, is that okay? It’s about the only thing I can make.”
“Of course.” Joyce always looked so warm. Even now she looked so genuinely happy and warm that you found yourself wishing she was your mom. She took the tupperware from you and Will headed back inside after checking that you were okay and apologizing for startling you.  
Jonathan stayed though, grabbing your upper arm when you started to follow the rest of his small family inside. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?”  
You weren’t sure if it was because Will had been through so much and he always expected the worst or if you genuinely looked that freaked out but Jonathan was looking at you like you might pass out at any moment. You smiled and nodded. What could you say, that you’d worked yourself into a panic over the meaning of his invitation and were so terrified to go inside that you had chosen to just sit there and creep on them? That sounded crazy. You were just...friends?
“I’m fine.” You promised.
Jonathan let go of you and led the way inside. Joyce hadn’t decorated quite as festively as the Harringtons but it was certainly cleaner than the last time you’d been inside her house. The first time you’d been there, with Steve and Billy. Chief Hopper was there, sitting on the couch drinking a beer as Joyce finished setting out dinner. The two of them were talking about different people in town. You could Will down the hall talking to El in his bedroom and the sound of music coming from somewhere else. You weren’t usually so obtrusive but you couldn’t help following the sound, not even realizing that Jonathan had followed you down the hall.  
It was his room the noise was coming from. He’d been in his room before you arrived, trying to find the cleanest shirt he could from the various shirts left around the small space. It shouldn’t have mattered, you weren’t Nancy and he had a crush on Nancy. But somehow it did matter and he felt nervous about you coming for dinner. He’d cleaned the house that afternoon. Every spare plate, every out of place magazine or toy that Will had left lying around. He’d wiped down the table and vacuumed and swept the porch. It was a little unusual but Joyce didn’t argue and she didn’t ask either.  
“I thought he was hanging around Mike’s sister.” Hopper commented as he came into the kitchen, keeping his voice low so no one would overhear him.  
“I thought so too.” Joyce shrugged. She’d only met you once before, “I thought she was Steve Harrington’s girlfriend.”  
“The kid with the hair.” She gestured to her head, swooping her hand back the way Steve always did.  
While they debated Steve Harrington, you and Jonathan were in his room. He stood back near the door as you thumbed through his music collection, listening to the cassette that was playing right now. You picked up a small plastic case, a hand-drawn picture on the jacket and popped it open. A mix-tape. Tiny writing on the inside of the jacket listed all the songs on the cassette and just a date was where the title would be. You laid it down and picked up another, similar tape. Jonathan fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, not sure what to say as you looked over his music collection.  
There wasn’t a lot that Jonathan shared with people. His music collection and his photographs were the most private things he owned. They belonged to him solely and he only ever opened up about them with people that he knew he could trust. His mom, Will, Nancy had seen a few pictures. But no one else. But here you were looking through his personal music collection in his room, as if you had just stepped inside his brain and decided to take a tour.  
“This mix is really good.” You commented as the next song started to play.
“Thanks.” Jonathan took another step into the room.  
“I’m terrible at making mixes. I mean...I try ya know but I just can’t get the songs in the right order.” You admitted, putting a cassette down and turning toward Jonathan.  
“I uh,” Jonathan began to speak but quickly backtracked. He wanted to offer to make you one, it was right there on the tip of his tongue, waiting for him to say. But whatever social awkwardness plagued him he knew well enough that mixtapes were for girlfriends or boyfriends and not for random English partners that were just at Thanksgiving because he was so anxious he blurted out an invitation while he was waiting with you for his brother to be finished at the arcade. They weren’t for girls that he thought he didn’t like but that now caused his chest to tighten and his palms to get clammy when he was in the same room as her.  
“Sorry,” you laughed, taking his silence for a different sort of discomfort than the kind you were currently suffering from. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”  
The words ‘you are’ danced across his lips but he only shrugged and said, “we could listen to something else?” He walked all the way into his room, coming up beside you and shuffling through his collection until he came to a cassette that he was particularly fond of. “I made this one a couple weeks ago...took all day Saturday.” then it was his turn to laugh nervously, “sorry that sounds lame.”
“No way, I spent all Saturday playing tetris by myself in the basement. You’re preaching to the choir.”
Somehow the tension dissipated and the room was left with an oddly peaceful silence as you sat on Jonathan’s bed with him, listening to the mixtape he’d put in. He was moving so minutely you weren’t sure you were even seeing it correctly. But you could swear that out of your peripheral vision you could see Jonathan just slightly bop his head to the song that was on. And you thought maybe if you turned your head you could even catch the barest movement from his lips as he mouthed the words.  
You kept your focus mainly trained on the comforter beneath your hands, only looking at him every once in a while, when you thought you could chance it. Jonathan’s fringe was a godsend in that moment and he used it to block your view of his eyes so he could watch you. Watch the tiny smile that came to your face when a certain lyric was sung. The way you looked so happy when you recognized a song and the way you would mouth the title as the opening chords came, trying to guess what the next song on the mixtape was. He let his mind wander to what it might be like if you were more than just friends. If he hadn’t found himself pining after Steve Harrington’s girl all over again. He wondered if you would be sitting together like this. Or would he be laying in bed with you, your head on his chest as you listened to a mixtape he made just for you. He let himself smile, thinking about the way you might kiss his cheek when a song you were really fond of started playing. Or maybe you’d listen in his car, driving in the rain and headbanging along to whatever music was playing. Maybe he’d pull over when the thunder got really bad and you’d make out in the back seat.  
Another glance over at Jonathan and you saw him blushing just the slightest. The faint red disappeared into the collar of his t-shirt. He looked over at you and while you had looked away every other time you found yourself staring right back. You smiled and he smiled back, as simple as that. And then you swore he leaned toward you, just like a movie.  
“Dinner!” Joyce’s voice pierced through the house and Jonathan nearly fell over his feet as he stood up. He gulped and ran a hand through his hair and started toward the door before realizing you were still sitting on his bed, laughing quietly at him.  
“Come on...my mom makes great stuffing.” He nodded toward the hallway for confirmation.  
This is so long I just kept writing sorry. There’s one more part left.
@cold-blooded-girls @waiting4inspiration 
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slashersteve · 5 years
Can’t Cheat Fate [8]
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pairing: Steve Harrington/Female Reader, slight Jonathan Byers/Female Reader || Fake Dating! Au
series summary: It started with an innocent kiss shared with Steve Harrington at an 8th grade party, then years later you’re in a fight with your best friend and long time crush and in a fake relationship with the King of Hawkins High himself. What was it about that party that has your junior year this insane?
warnings: cursing perhaps?? || word count: 3.2k+
<- Previous Chapter | Next Chapter -> *
It was already nerve-wrecking enough when Monday morning came along, especially when Steve showed up earlier than expected. You were trying to calm that nauseous feeling in your stomach by eating some plain toast. You weren't even dressed yet, just standing there in some socks and your hot pink pajama set.
The doorbell rang right when your mom was coming into the kitchen, your younger brothers in tow. She looked at the door, probably wondering who could be here so early, and sent your brother's to the table that already had two plates full of scrambled eggs and a strip of bacon. One of your brothers happily sang Good Morning to you, while the other ignored your presence and began to eagerly eat his bacon. You grimaced.
The doorbell rang again, and your mom muttered something about how Mrs. Thomas better be carpooling today. Of course, instead of your neighbor she was met with a teenage boy with very impressive hair. Obviously it was Steve, standing there with his hands dug into his zipped up, member's only jacket and very blue jeans. You nearly choked on your toast when you heard his voice.  
"Hi! Is (y/n) ready? Or?"
You had to lean over, coughing rapidly and your brothers looked at you very confused.
"Oh- oh you're the friend who's picking her up today," your mother said, pointing at him, Steve smiled cheekily.
"Bingo! Did she call me a friend or-" Steve titled his head, before shaking off his own question, "I'm Steve Harrington by the way, I don't know if you remember me from when your daughter was in middle school, we were pretty good friends" Steve said, your mom had to stop and think for a moment before she remembered him. He'd been over once for your birthday party, suppose he left much of an impression if your mom did remember him.
"Oh yeah! (y/n)! You didn't tell me your uh...friend was Steve!" she called back to you, Steve looked into the house and it wasn't hard to spot you standing there downing a glass of orange juice while one of your brothers cried for you to please stop drinking his juice. Steve chuckled at the sight of you, and you quickly stomped on over there.
"Good morning- are you wearing that to school or..." he pointed to your pajamas, you straightened out your jaw and crossed your arms. Steve winced, sensing right away you weren't happy. You shot an awkward smile to your mother before pushing Steve out and shutting the door behind you, "Oh- did I do something wrong?" he asked. You sighed.
"I thought this would just be a school thing- I don't...I don't need my parents thinking I'm dating someone," you said in a hushed tone on the porch of your house. Steve frowned, and shrugged weakly.
"I don't really see the harm in it...seeing as it isn't real, but...what was I supposed to do? I was waiting out here for 15 minutes and you never came," Steve said, you raised a brow.
"Steve- school doesn't start for another hour! Who picks someone up this early?" you exclaimed. He cringed softly and replied, "Me apparently. I just wasn't sure what you were used to- you didn't give me your number so I couldn't call you. Just- whatever! We'll work out more details on the way there, I'll wait out here for you, just...hurry up. We have a lot to talk about." You nodded.
"Fine, okay- I just need to get dressed. I won't be long." Steve nodded as well.
"Alright- go hurry up." He shooed you inside, and you shot him a look before opening your front door and getting inside while he jogged back to his car.
You zoomed past your mom who was nosily trying to hear your conversation through the door, not sparing her an explanation to your bedroom. Your mom blinked, then looked through the little side window seeing Steve leaning on the side of his car, hands back in his pocket. He saw her and gave a friendly waved.
You were once again sitting in the passenger seat of Steve's car, a place you were going to have to get used to. There was no music playing, just Steve blabbering off. You noticed the guy moved his hands a lot when he spoke, it was as if he always had to be doing something with them.
"Also- I think you should also come to my swim-meets, and some parties, not all of them though, I don't even want to go to all of them sometimes, but you know when you have a reputation to keep up- are you listening?" Steve asked, you looked at him now.
"Yeah. Something about...uh holding hands and stuff?" you said, Steve groaned. Oh yeah he said that first and you already responded to that. You smiled sheepishly.
"Byers must really be affecting you huh?"
That made you shoot him a look, "What does that mean?" He shrugged, keeping one hand on the wheel as he stopped at a stop sign. You were inching closer to the school.
"You've been so- distant. Not listening- are your grades slipping?" he asked curiously.
"Oh please," you said, as if you'd let your grades slip because of some dumb boy, "I admit I've been out of it, but not that out of it." You looked away from him and out the window, seeing your school in the distance.
Steve suddenly chirped, "Okay! I also did my entire essay over the weekend, I was so excited I couldn't sleep and then I thought of you which led me to think of my essay. I think it's pretty good." You couldn't help but laugh.
"Okay~ we will look at it tomorrow then." Steve nodded, and pulled into the school parking lot. You were nervous looking out the window, people were already turning their heads and his windows weren't exactly tinted. Of course everyone recognized his car. Steve looked over to you, smiling at you looking quite scared. He parked in you suppose a usual parking spot, since it was the same one you've seen every time he took you home. It wasn't very far from Jonathan's usual parking, so you couldn't help but look over there. It was empty.
You didn't know if you were relieved or upset.
It was a bit chilly outside, so you were glad you decided to bring a light jacket that you stuffed into your bag. Steve stopped you as you began to put it on, something he tended to just do now, and said, "Wait- you're not going to wear that right?" You scrunched up your nose, asking what the was wrong with your jacket. He shook his head, "Nothing. I just have something better for you to wear." And he began to zip down his jacket, and shrug it off his shoulders.
You sat there, with one arm still in your one sleeve of your jacket as Steve held his up for you to grab. It was the infamous Steve Harrington jacket, sure others had one just like it, but none were like his. None could rock it like he could. You should feel honored to wear it actually, if you cared about high school hierarchy. You removed your jacket, tossing it into his back seat, it falling over your bike and taking Steve's jacket from him. You looked down at it, feeling it between your fingertips.
"Won't you be cold?" you asked suddenly, watching as he rolled the sleeves of his dark blue shirt down and he shook his head.
"No, even if I'm cold, it doesn't matter. It only matters if my girlfriend- you," he poked you, "is warm or not. Boyfriend 101. Actually, add that to your list of rules. Now- remember rule #1." He clicked his tongue and got out of the car. You were going to say something like 'But I have my own jacket so you'll be cold for no reason' but him slamming his door shut ate up your words.
When you got out after he opened your door, eyes were already all on the both of you. You could feel it- you were getting uncomfortable already but Steve was just going about as if nobody were looking. You imagined he was used to getting all this kind of attention. Regardless, you put the jacket on, making Steve smile contently. It fell lose over your shoulders, the sleeves going just a little bit past your fingers. It was a little warm from Steve wearing it, kind of comforting in a way.
"There, happy?" you asked quietly as you looked up at him. He was standing close enough to hear you.
"Yes, and don't worry- you look cute," he complimented casually. You blushed, and Steve wrapped his arm around you now, holding you close to him. He was aware of your worries, about people staring and talking. He meant it that you just need to stick close to him, and that meant psychically. You hugged your books to your chest nervously, not feeling quite right with Steve's arm around you. You've never been this close to Steve, at least not close enough to inhale whatever cologne he was wearing, but you weren't complaining. It was quite a pleasant smell, most likely an expensive brand of sorts that didn't hurt the nostrils quite like others did.
"It's showtime- come on..." he said in your ear. You didn't respond, just putting your head up high and trying to make it seem like you weren't terrified.
Outside was okay, there wasn't much people- but once you got inside it's as if everyone just stopped talking and looked over to you. Your facade almost faltered, especially when the faces looked less curious and more...well you could say annoyed. Especially Tina Cline's, she actually rolled her eyes and looked away the moment your eyes met. You really could care less about her though.
There were definitely talking when it seemed like you were out of earshot, and snickers.
Steve simply grinned, and leaned in to tell you you were doing great. You nodded softly, sucking in a breath and continuing to walk with your fake-boyfriend. The hall seemed to part as you walked and Steve walked with you in his arm without a care in the world while you quite literally felt like you'd much rather die than have all these people looking at you and judging you horribly.
You decided to forgo the library, even though you both knew Nancy would be there, you both agreed that it would've made this whole fake relationship too obvious if he paraded you in front of her the first day. You had to make it as casual as possible, act like he forgot about her or something. So instead, you went this locker first to officially talk with his friends, Tommy H. and Carol. Truly, you hated them. If you hadn't known Steve personally, you'd probably have an extreme dislike for him just because he hung around those two assholes.
"Oh- so this...this is really happening here," Carol said in a surprise tone. Tommy H looked at you up and down and laughed softly, "Okay then."
"Yeah I thought it was some kind of prank," Tommy replied, you gave him a look and Steve raised his hand.
"Both you just be quiet- this is (y/n) and she is my girlfriend, so...play nice," Steve said, they stifled their smiles, which really ended up just being smirks. You forced a tight smile, and just waved awkwardly. Steve glanced at you and said, "See you guys later, come on..." you guys continued on your way, you were hoping towards your own locker, "Sorry about them- they could be like that sometimes." He apologized.
"I just need to get to their level, don't worry about it," you replied, because truthfully that's how you're going to get to them and because they were Steve's friends, you were going to be around them quite frequently, so you felt obligated to at least hold your own against them as Steve's "girlfriend." You were surprised how quickly adapted you were becoming to this whole thing.
Steve hummed as a response, and gave a simple nod of the head. He pulled you closer to him as you walked, the closer you got the less afraid you were becoming.
The day went on, and when you finally did see Jonathan it was during lunch of course. People were talking to you now, people you'd never even talked to before such as Timothy Hale, the quarterback, Lucy Thompson, hell even Tina and her wicked friend Rhonda were talking to you even if it was throwing slight shade. You were practically surrounded by these new people at the lunch table, Steve had you sitting between his legs, hands resting at your waist and occasionally resting his chin on your shoulder as they all seemed eager to speak with Steve Harrington's new girlfriend.
It was in the midst of their questions, and their random topics of conversation when your eyes and minded wandered away, and your eyes met Jonathan's brown ones from the across the cafeteria. You might've subconsciously looked over there because of he was in your old spot, Marlene's back had been to you, her dark hair falling down her back. From how ever far you were, which just quite a few tables, you could see he was practically glaring over at you, clearly annoyed and not happy. You had to scoff.
It was Steve asking you if you were listening to whatever Timothy was going on about that made you pull your gaze away, and you turned to Steve, almost pulling away from how close your faces were. Thankfully Steve leaned away a bit to give you space as you said, "Yeah! Sorry! I just need to use the restroom!" You even put in a very awkward kiss on Steve's cheek before pulling out of his arms and making your retreat. People watched you curiously, and Timothy slapped Steve's shoulder, starting to ask the real question as to how this relationship started. Steve's eyes lingered on you before turning away to answer.
Eyes were looking up at you, and you only walked faster, purposely avoiding Jonathan and Marlene before exiting the cafeteria and making an escape to the bathroom.
Luckily, it was empty, some girls barely leaving and you had half the mind to throw water on your face. You thought you could handle it, you really could- but the suddenly beating of your heart and your breaths coming quick you started to think you weren't cut out for it. You were suddenly very hot, and had to tear Steve's jacket off. You looked down at it in your hands, his lingering scent on it.
The door opened suddenly, you quickly swung the jacket over your arms to make it look like you were washing your hands.
"Hey (y/n)," you looked up quickly, seeing it was Nancy. You almost gagged at the weird coincidence of this all.
"Oh- hi," you said too timidly, Nancy smiled as she went to the sink next to you, setting her bag down to wash her own hands. You looked at yourself in the mirror for a second, then looked down to continue washing your hand.
"So...you and Steve Harrington huh?" she asked suddenly, giving you a small smirk. You tried to look for any kind of hurt, or you don't know- you didn't exactly know what you were supposed to be looking for. Jealousy? Envy? Sadness? But you just saw Nancy, just a girl interested in Steve's new girlfriend. She looked down at the jacket, recognizing it.
"Yeah- it was crazy," you said as steady as you could, "He asked me during lunch last Friday, and to be honest- I thought it was a joke. But- we talked more, and you know...it happened. It's a bit overwhelming, I've never exactly dated...especially someone that popular." You were surprised, you were almost having a mental breakdown and was properly speaking without dying. Nancy nodded, listening to you, "But you know...so far I don't regret saying yes. He's actually..."
"He's nice," Nancy finished your sentence, you looked at her. If you hadn't known their history you might've looked over that comment, but you did and clearly it meant more.
"Yeah, very nice..." you looked away, the atmosphere starting to feel weird. Thankfully, Nancy dried her hands quickly and smiled at you, telling you to have a good day. You nodded, waving good-bye and then you were alone again, that overwhelming feeling going over her once more, that conversation didn't do anything to make you feel better, you just felt weirder. And you didn't like it.
Steve noticed it, how you were pulling away from him again. When you came back from the restroom, you looked very uncomfortable that Steve had to get up. He met you half way, and asked, "Hey everything alright?"
You looked up at him, face almost in a pout. You looked like you were going to talk, going to tell him what was wrong with you but of course the bell rings. That bell always ruins everything doesn't it. You shut your mouth, and shrugged.
"I'm great- I'm fine!" you said, your demeanor changing. Steve gave you a suspicious look, and you winced softly, "Let's just get go and this day will be over okay?" Your fake-boyfriend was still giving you that look, you hoped he'd let it go but you knew he wouldn't. He also noticed you weren't wearing his jacket anymore, just holding it. He frowned.
It was in his right to know if you wanted to stop, he told you last Friday in the pool that you could stop at any point you wanted if you didn't want to do it anymore. He'd understand, after one day, because it was too much, the staring, the talking, these people were all suddenly interested in your life and knew who you were. You hated it, it was as if you were having a constant panic attack with all these people breathing down your neck.
And that conversation with Nancy didn't hit you right, like she knew or something and it bothered you. You got through your classes, putting on a smile and talking with these new people, you even got asked to hang out a few times by the girls who were literally snickering at you when you walked in. You fake accepted the invitation, knowing you weren't about to go bowling with them or some shit.
When the school day ended, you knew you had to tell Steve. He'd already taken your bike out, and set it nicely next to his car, but you ignored that for now and went in search of him, knowing he would be at practice by now.
You entered through the same doors as the last time you were here with Steve, instantly hearing the sound of a whistle and splashing and people just overall talking very loud. All you saw as you inched closer was the coach standing on the edge of the pool, a whistle hanging out of his mouth and a bunch of teenagers in speedos and swimming caps just standing around watching you assumed the varsity swim team doing rounds in the pool.
You couldn't find Steve, not sure because everyone suddenly looked the same. Some of the freshmen noticed you standing there awkwardly, hitting each other and pointing at you. You pursed your lips together, and walked closer especially when the swimmers in the pool were all on one side now. The coach blew a whistle, he seemed to not have seen you just yet.
"Harrington!" he called, your eyes widened and you looked in the pool to see Steve raise up his hand, "Do another round of backstrokes, watch closely boys." he pointed, and Steve put a thumbs up. He started, and you just watched now knowing which person Steve was. You weren't an expert on swim lingo, couldn't even tell if he was actually good or not, just taking his and many others words for it. It looked good from where you were standing. You never seen Steve without his hair though, a black swimmers cap covering most of his hair. You could spot a few strands sticking out.
Now the members of the varsity team, good friends of Steve were looking over at you and when the coach told Steve to stop- they told him you were there. He looked over to you, and you waved. He looked over to his coach, seeing he was about to get the freshman into the pool this time, so he climbed out.
And honestly, that was much more of Steve Harrington than you were willing to see. He walked towards you dripping wet, wearing nothing but a little black speedo. You couldn't stop the heat rising to your cheeks, and had a hard time keeping your eyes up north and not at his chest or any lower. He removed the little goggles, then even the swimmer's cap, his dry hair really standing in every direction possible.
"What's up?" he asked, you opened your mouth but no words came out, he looked over to see his team staring at him and he took your hand to see you a little bit farther away so whatever you needed to talk about couldn't be overheard. You took a deep breath.
"I don't know if I can do this," you admitted quietly, Steve grinned to your surprise and for a moment you thought he was going to say 'oh thank god me either'.
"You mean the whole...dating thing...or talking to me dressed like this," he asked instead. Your eyes widened and you blushed. He through his head back and laughed, "I mean it- I saw you struggling not to look when I was walking over here." He gave you a teasing look. You wanted to flick him like you always do but stopped yourself.
"No! I mean- yeah this too, put a towel on or something- but...the dating thing..."
Steve frowned now, and looked down, "Yeah I thought you were going to say that...I know I told you we could stop whenever you wanted but...after the first day? Come on at least it give it a shot? That's like me giving up on swimming after one loss."
"It's just weird okay! People are talking to me and I'm just not used to it-"
"Wait wait- you want to back out because...people are talking to you, noticing you?" Steve gawked at you, as if it wasn't good enough a reason to stop, "That's what happens! People talk, people want to get to know you, it's ...I don't know - just how it is. And yeah people talk- but that's just apart of life. Just ignore it." You bit your lip and glared.
"Well I'm not used to it like you are Steve, and it's...weird as hell!" you were raising your voice slightly, enough for the swimmers to glance over and Steve quickly lifted his hand and gestured for you to keep it down. You listened and in a quieter voice said, "And- I talked to Nancy okay? And it just felt weird to be lying to her...and like everyone?" Steve eyes shined at the mention of Nancy.
"You did, what did she say?"
"It doesn't matter anymore, I feel like she knows actually?"
"There's no way she knows," Steve waved you off, "When did you talk to her? I want to know." You rolled your eyes, getting off topic of how you wanted to end it already, Steve caught your look and scoffed, "Okay- sorry. But (y/n)...you seriously want to back out...after a day."
"You said I could back out whenever!"
"I didn't think you would back out in just a day!" The other swimmers were looking, and it was clear they were in an argument, something that definitly would get around that Steve and his new girlfriend were aruging. One of even said 'First fight?' and people snickered. Steve glared over there, and then looked back to you with these sudden puppy dog eyes, "(y/n) don't back out, give it more of a chance okay? Like...a month? It wouldn't make sense if we break up after one day- Just give it a chance okay? Please."
You stared at him, and you started to slightly agree with him. That wouldn't make any sense, and you did already agree to this. It was just one day, but you couldn't imagine a month, so you made another offer, "2 weeks." Steve thought for a second.
"Deal. But you have to try to give it an actual chance," Steve pointed at you, you groaned.
"Okay, okay," you agreed.
"Also- if you ever feel uncomfortable, just hold my hand or something and I'll find a way to like...get you out of the uncomfortable-ness," he said, you nodded again.
"Sounds good....should I like kiss you on the cheek to show we've made up?" Steve hummed and nodded.
"See! You're getting it, right here," he patted the corner of his mouth, and you leaned up to peck him lightly there. His teammates coo'ed, and you blushed as you leaned back down. Steve ignored them this time, giving you a satisfied smile.
"So- what did Nancy say?" You rolled your eyes, but smiled regardless.
"We'll talk about it after it school tomorrow, after I've read your essay." Steve pouted, then smirked.
"Fine, fine...see you tomorrow, I'll be there at the right time then, be ready this time," he said, you nodded.
"You got it, bye." You turned away now, but stopped with the door still open and said, "Wait! Do you want this back or?" you held up the jacket, Steve shook his head almost immediately.
"No it's yours for now." You blinked, looking down at it and just hummed. Alright then, you guess it's yours. You waved and finally left. Steve watched you go. When you were out the door, Steve turned around and blushed when his teammates were going 'Awwwwww' and making kissy faces.
You were quick to hop back to your bike, feeling slightly more better about everything. It was two weeks, only two weeks. That would go by fast, faster than you thought actually. When you got to your bike, you noticed there was a stack of stapled paper taped to your bike seat. You raised a brow and took it off, reading the note first and laughing. Almost as if he knew you were going to have that conversation ahead of time.
'(y/n)- I couldn't wait for tomorrow, here's my essay. I'm really proud of it. Also, don't lose my jacket! - Steve H.' and there was a poorly drawn heart.
You flipped the paper to scan through his writing, so far it didn't look as bad as you thought. You were definitely going to read this tonight. From where you stood, you couldn't see Jonathan going to his car, Marlene behind him talking about the pictures he developed of her. Jonathan wasn't really responding, not when he saw you standing by your bike next to Steve's car and grinning at the piece of paper.
"Jonathan, I said these came out really good," Marlene repeated for the third time, trying to gain his attention. He simply nodded.
"Yeah, I guess." Marlene frowned and Jonathan forced himself to look away from you.
Back to where you stood next to your bike, you re-read the note, and the stupid little heart, and thought that yeah...maybe you could do this
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