#and then I'd sweep my lantern around and discover something horrible and it was always the same warped log
threepige0ns · 2 months
While I'm waiting for my friends to catch up with the finale I wanted to share my personal most terrifying silt verses experience
I was solo camping, 18 hours driving distance away from my nearest friend, having spent the last 16 straight hours on the road and listening to my latest podcast obsession, The Silt Verses. I arrive to my campsite at 2 am, no cell phone service. Totally expected and normal. To not wake the other very asleep campers, I pitch my tent far enough from everyone else to where the sound of me getting settled in won't bother anyone. Right by the river. After 16 hours of River Horror Podcast. I'd never been scared to sleep outdoors in my life before, but I think I tried to send texts to multiple people that if my phone was found somewhere and I'd gone missinf firever that the damn trawler man had gotten me. 10/10 would recommend
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