#and then I have an entire Moment(TM) over it even tho it's not the first time I've heard it or thought about it??
howthesleeplesswander · 7 months
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((Tonight on: I dissect a single line of a character's dialogue bc I'm oh so very normal about my love for them—
In the fateful scene where Kaeya and Dainsleif finally meet face-to-face, Dain casually reveals that Kaeya's family, the Alberich's, founded the Abyss Order. When Paimon asks Kaeya if he's involved with the Abyss Order in any way, Kaeya's response is simply:
"So what if I know my ancestry? Do I strike you as the type who would be bound by that kind of thing?"
Not bothering to confirm or deny it. Merely suggesting that the idea of him being bound by "ancestry"—by family—is absurd.
Of course, it's understandable for Paimon and the Traveler to immediately have that concern when they learn about Kaeya's family. But the irony here is that they've got it backwards:
Family doesn't bind Kaeya to Khaenri'ah.
It's what would have bound Kaeya to Mondstadt.
He hasn't seen his birth father in twenty years. At this point, they're family in name only. Crepus Ragnvindr was the one who raised him and cared for him, unlike his biological father who abandoned him in a place that would hate and reject him if the truth ever came out.
Whether he was a legitimate part of the Ragnvindr family or not, they were the only ancestry that earned Kaeya's love—and thus, could bind his loyalty.
This line of dialogue was likely the only thing Kaeya said in that entire conversation that wasn't a lie. The catastrophic falling out between Kaeya and Diluc quite literally burned that bridge of loyalty long ago. Between his biological father's abandonment and Diluc's apparent hatred, both sides of his lineage have forsaken him.
So, no: Kaeya isn't loyal to Khaenri'ah out of familial obligation. He's learned better than to place his trust in people (no matter how much he foolishly cares for them).
He's loyal to a nation that still suffers punishment for one single mistake, and to its citizens who have been cast off, abandoned, and twisted into monsters—just like him.))
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alice1505 · 4 months
I made the mistake of rewatching Sherlock because I never did finish it back in the day (I was -clenches fist- seething over the queerbaiting and rage quit after not fully watching episode 1 of s4) and I'm here to make my side hyperfixation (what year is this??? Who am I???) Tumblr's problem. The more I sit with s4, the less I like it 😂 There were pieces and elements I liked, but overall, it left a bad taste in my mouth. Forgive me if any or all if these points have been talked to death, I missed all the discourse and I'm hella late, but I need to flail and send my thoughts into the void because what even WAS that season? I can't believe I avoided it for years, got drawn in by a couple of tiktoks making fun (affectionately) of superwholock Era and That Scene about the fucking phone charger port, binged all of it, only to be left with..... that. Not nearly as disappointing or rage inducing as spn's ending but by God, did it leave a hole in me. So please ignore my rambling thoughts as I slap them down here for my own sanity.
• First and foremost, what - and I can't stress this enough - the fuck was UP with the assassination of John's entire character???? What was that??? Why????
• Related to that point - I can appreciate the angst point and potential it provides, as I'm reading many, many fics, but AYO WHY didn't anyone rip John an entire new one for that beat down he did on Sherlock????? Hello???? 911?????
• Tell me why everything felt so stilted and borderline icy. Like I get the high emotions and shit, but after a certain point... 😭 was there a falling out between Benedict and Martin that I'm not aware of? Did they just try to ungay everything so hard and were so pissed at the audience picking up everything THAT THEY PUT???? into this show and their interactions that they just hit the brakes hard enough to make everything feel weird???
• A lot of it felt weird. Off kilter a little. Forced in some places, toned down in others (and toned down where it shouldn't have been), a nod to ships but weirdly/hatefully??? Idk if that makes sense. Like the whole Sherlock and Molly phone call (I do not mean any hate to this ship, I really hope it doesn't come off this way. Not my cup of tea but you are valid). Why was Molly so upset BEFORE the call? Did I miss something? Also I don't personally think or feel she'd still have those feelings for him??? I??? I am bamboozled.
• to that whole point, Eurus was.... Hmm. Mmmm. She was. Something. (Confused derogatory)
• I like Mary as a character. I also hated her. (Definitely biased by my shipper trash ass self for johnlock, I'm sorry). Wtf were those messages, please. Edit: AND ANOTHER THING. John's reaction to Sherlock's death - awful, gut wrenching, beautiful, my heart breaks with and for him, utterly devasting. John's reaction to Mary's death - had me sitting there like🧍‍♀️(it was weird. so weird. awkward. w h y. (we know why, but also the acting choices were Something TM, in both cases! for different reasons!) i'm sorry i just can't get past my anger and put off-ness with mary, fun as she could be)
• why did mycroft and John switch roles 😭 pls. The last episode was just. So Much. The lackluster responses from John, to John, to Sherlock, between them, like.... hello???? Who are these people?? Help me. Moriarty saved me for a brief shining moment tho, God bless.
There's more I could spew, but that's what's sitting right at the top of my head. I guess all this just to say, if a show runner/writer really just fucking hates the audience they got (instead of the one they wanted), they probably shouldn't have fucking become a show runner/writer in the first place. Either hand it to someone who can actually handle it and listens, or fuck off. I will never understand when shows and plots and characters gets kamikaze'd because of a show runner being pissy and egotistical. Like ????? Grow up. Learn from Bryan Fuller and Hannibal or something.
Sorry for all the rambling, bless anyone who reads this and makes sense of it 😂
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bloodydeanwinchester · 6 months
hi jenna gif questions for u 💜 what's your favorite part of making gifs? what's the most valuable thing/tip/trick you've learned? what's some of your favorite gif sets you've made?
hi ida!!!! sorry i took a couple days to answer this i wanted to wait until i had some time to think about it before i answer! i loooove these questions tho so thank you so much for sending them 💜💜
my favorite part about making gifs is probably coloring and like...that moment when i get the gif to look exactly how i want it to. i like to play around with coloring and try a lot of different things with it and that can be so fun! i think over the last like 6-8 months my coloring has really improved a lot and i've been having a lot of fun learning new ways to do things! but i actually had a really hard time coming up with an answer for this question because i mostly enjoy the entire process! the only part that i don't really enjoy is picking out the frames for each gif. i always start with way too many and then i have to cut stuff out and i hate that part. also it's reaaally hard sometimes to not end up with like 20 gifs cause there's so much i want to include!!!
okay im gonna cheat on this one and give a few things i've learned since i started that have been sooooo valuable to me. first is the importance of having a good quality download to start with. i think my gifs got significantly better when i finally downloaded all of the episodes in 1080p instead of using the screen recording on netflix like i had been before. second sharpening is so important! i did not do any sharpening on my first gifs i made! sharpening makes the gifs loook sooo sharp and crisp and pretty. third and kind of similar to sharpening was learning/figuring out how to use the camera raw filter. there's sooooo much you can do with camera raw filter (coloring sharpening lightening). and finally one thing i learned that i think made my coloring look significantly better was to try not to lighten the gif too much and/or to figure out ways to lighten darker gifs without it messing up the background too much (sometimes when they're lightened too much it will like pixelate the background and it looks awful)
and finally (in order of when they were made from oldest to newest) here are links to some of my favorite gifsets:
Bloody Dean Throughout the Seasons Set - this one actually came out really good considering the fact that it was made only a month after i first started making gifs! if i remember correctly it's the first set that i ever used sharpening on.
6x20 F+TM King Set - this one is a favorite mostly just because i love the song so much and tmwwbk is one of my favorite episodes. i think some of my favorite sets to make are the ones that i add lyrics to.
2022 Nov 5th Set - i was really happy with how this one came out! it's so hard to get gifs from episodes over different seasons to look the same! and this one had gifs from 12 different seasons! also i think this was the first set i ever made that got over 1000 notes which i remember being really excited about!
Laughing Dean Set - this one is a favorite purely based on the content of the set. it feels like injecting serotonin every time i look at it<3
1x12 Faith Set - another one based on the content of the set. i just love this episode so much.
Season 9 Dean Set - i LOVE the coloring in this set! and season 9 dean is so beloved to me. he is just so beautiful and bloody and sad.
2023 Cas Day Set - another f+tm lyric set! i love the space overlay that i added and the blue-pink of the coloring so much!
4x18 Destiel Every Episode Set - i loooove this scene so much! this gif series has by far been more popular than any of the other gifs that i post and this set is definitely the most popular in the series. no other set has ever even come close to getting 4k notes like this one did. also i really like the purple coloring a lot<3
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captain-cargoshorts · 1 month
I just got done with my first day of work and it went... Well. It certainly was something.
So I had a 4 hour shift today training on registers. It's scary bc they're the old style with a tiny screen so you can't see what you're doing until the end and if you do something wrong it yells at you. I have a trainer with me pretty much the entire time though so I'm doing okay. She says I'm picking it up pretty quick and doing a great job (validation!) and I've figured out how to keep conversation going with customers so they follow the pin pad prompts and everything.
The first three hours go great. My trainer seems pretty tired tho and between customers she talks about how she's burnt out and wishes she could leave retail bc it's a lot. I share about my previous jobs and we both agree that retail is hard and customers are awful. Then about half an hour before we close a Chinese family (I promise it's relevant) comes in and start looking around. They have a toddler with them that immediately goes to the toys by the register and pulls out all the cars to play with on the floor. Irritating, but not a problem until he starts climbing on the fixture. I try to get the mother's attention without leaving the register unattended bc I'm not supposed to and she ignores me until I'm pretty much yelling "MA'AM YOUR BABY" over and over. Finally she turns around and gets him down, but she shoots me a dirty look as she does so. She then goes back to talking to her mother (I think) in mandarin. Guys, I don't speak mandarin. I didn't know what they're saying, and I don't really care? Until I notice my trainer looking Extremely Nonchalant (tm). You know the look. Turns out, she understands mandarin and the ladies are major gossips. I don't ask for a translation bc there's still other customers and it's my job to ring them up and talk about the rewards program. But they've been standing in the kitchen area for like thirty minutes.
It's now time to close. They ignored the warnings 15 and then 5 minutes out and haven't moved. My trainer meanwhile has started getting extremely antsy. Not only are we supposed to be starting on closing tasks, but the ladies have noticed her looking over and are now talking about her. "That girl with the yardstick keeps looking at us" etc. Apparently. Again, I don't speak mandarin. She sends me away to do a sweep of the store for stuff that's out of place, etc, so I don't know what happens for a bit but my trainer stays up at the front to check out the ladies and let them out whenever they finally decide to leave because the door is locked to prevent other people coming in. She doesn't approach them to ask them to hurry up though. Like, she's ADAMANT that she won't. I, being extremely new, don't know what to do. They don't leave.
Eventually our manager comes down from the cash office and asks them if they're going to buy anything, because we're very much closed for business. It is now 20 minutes after closing, and they've been here almost an hour. They grab one (1) spoon and check out with the manager, which is a massive waste of everyone's time because they don't seem to even want the spoon? But finally they leave and we can take out the trash and do the bathrooms and stuff.
To the surprise of literally nobody, we get out late. Apparently we usually get out at like 7:45. It's 8:15. We're going to have to explain that to the store manager tomorrow. I walk the other non-manager employee to her car bc it's polite, but I noticed that the manager bad the trainer stayed back to talk so i check back in with them. The moment I get within earshot they stop talking and are like "what's up? You were leaving?" I said yeah but you stopped and we usually make sure everyone gets to their cars. I just want to check that everything's okay. They say they're fine and I get the feeling that whatever is going on is Absolutely Not My Business so I start walking back to my apartment.
There's a dead raccoon on the sidewalk on the way home.
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sonohban · 1 year
honestly while Piccolo was kind of an ass in dbssh, I think its justified to a degree. He has ulterior motives (getting gohan to fight) but he still had a good reason and total control over the situation... and he was kinda right about how Gohan SHOULD have sensed his energy... (which I think is out of character for Gohan, ngl. He should've been more than smart enough to know it was piccolo)
i think you're kinda right. i think it's in character for piccolo to be mad that gohan slacked off on training (i don't really blame gohan tho. i know phd students it's rough out there) and even kidnap pan to get him back in the game but i still think it was kind of an insane move considering piccolo would know how gohan would react to that emotionally considering what was at stake (at least in gohan's eyes?). which i know was the whole point (gohan sees loved one in danger> goes insane pipeline) but the fact that piccolo specifically put pan "in danger" even knowing about cell max just to get him to train more was kinda wack. i also know pan was supposed to not be in any real danger but like cell max should have set off some alarm bells imo. i'm not really upset about this choice too much anymore because again i think it's kind of in character for piccolo and also dragon ball doesn't go deep into exploring complex emotions so whatever it made for a good movie
AND YES IT WAS OOC THAT GOHAN DIDN'T SENSE PICCOLO'S ENERGY WTF.... me and my friends joke that he was so frazzled from being in The Zone that he just was totally out of it but the second he saw red ribbon goons show up he should have been more on guard. now that i think of it it's funny that he was treating them like a casual nuisance not just because of his strength but because it's also a very "you're goku's son alright" moment but in the end he should have at least noticed one of them had a strong ki signature :[
ok this is also entirely unrelated- was gonna write this in the tags but *i* think it's too funny for that. like if they had showed gohan visibly sleep deprived and/or hopped up on caffeine MAYBE that would have conveyed the obliviousness a little less ooc BUT ALSO how funny would it be if beast gohan was a DIRECT result of the unholy cocktail of massive sleep deprivation and energy drinks. beast gohan more like monster (tm) gohan
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brendaonao3 · 1 year
Just read mile high after seeing you share it in the discord and I'm just<3 l'm not really one for smut as my brain tends to just skim it without even meaning to but the description was such an interesting premise that I had to click!
I'll admit I didn't really absorb much of the sex/ beginning hotel room scene(except the dialogue- jakes thoughts getting caught for a sec on workouts lol and I love me a good hungman joke) but the whole flight I really loved the dynamic between them and Jake just really going for it with the terrible flirting was very amusing(thank the Gods Mav was Into It^TM).
And the banquet. My goodness the banquet was just. "R.I.P. his entire career." The mortification he was feeling at that moment had me all like *gasp* and ~oh fuck the / revelation/~. With the *Jake felt like he was having the weirdest out-of-body experience ever." And "Jake slumped against the wall, groaning, as his entire life flashed before his eyes. I showed goddamn naked selfies to a living legend, he groaned, mournfully. Where was an enemy MiG to take him out when he needed one?" And how fairly soon afterwards he just was like my god he's even hotter/more impressive than before.
and Starbucks at the end was perfect in how it referenced the moment of shock and wtf-ness with the embarrassment of being reminded of it. Dunno, it just felt that it helped balance and round the fic with some humour at the end. Nice and light
Sorry that this wasn't a very like full comment? Like I didn't actually include much substance i guess and I’m sorry. But comments are something I'm still getting use to doing and attaching a name to it on ao3 or direct in the discord was a bit intimidating so I thought I'd just send an anon with the thoughts my brain keeps returning to after reading it! Like I read it and I'm just sitting here like oh oh I need to reread this line or that paragraph and even tho it's not my usual sort of fic this is definitely going on my Remember/TBRR(To-Be-ReRead) list because it’s like super amazing and I love how you’ve written Jake’s enthusiasm/praise kink(his reactions to praise I guess? Is it a kink probably but there might be another word for it that I’m missing)
Thank you so so much for writing this fic and sharing it! It was a pleasure to read and sorry for word vomiting about it in your inbox
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Hi there, Nonnie!!
First off, never apologize for leaving comments like this in my inbox - I've been kicking my heels like a little kid ever since I got it. It's a beautiful and beautifully detailed comment about what you liked and what grabbed you and what kept you reading, and I love reading it <3
And second, I'm thrilled that my fic made you click on a rating/trope you normally would have skipped!! That's the goal!!
So thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you find many more fics (mine or other people's) to enjoy!! (And don't feel bad about skimming over sex scenes - I promise, you're not alone there)
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!!!! HELL YEAH!!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Oh DAMN! Truly a choose violence ask game... since I don't do screenshots, and I won't ever put someone's username on a post like this (because I enjoy being catty, but not like that) descriptions will have to do :D
I saw a post asking whether or not Roy Mustang actually groomed Riza Hawkeye like... two minutes ago and that might have been one of the worst FMA takes I have seen in the fandom in some time. And I do have my strives with the fandom as a whole, but that might have just taken the cake (? how do you conjugate sayings???).
Also just pretty much every discussion about the brain "not actually being fully developed until the age of 25" (which is bullshit btw) and the subsequent people infantilizing grown ass adults. But those mostly just make me angry, so...
13. worst blorboficiation
Hm... Tim Drake for DC for sure. Like... every member of the Batfamily suffers from blorbofication, but there is a certain subset of Tim Drake content out there - especially in fanon circles - where Tim Drake just becomes a meek little puppet without any characterization outside of his blorbo-ness. And again... to a certain degree the entire Batfam suffers from this. Dick's Happy Family Man demeanor is an absolutely horrendous crime against his actual character core, and whatever the hell Jason has going on in fandom circles... I don't even want to know.
What was that saying? Fandom is the 5 good friends who share your tastes and the block button? Something like that.
Ed also suffers from it in FMA - I think with him it is the most obvious with all the post-canon content that refuses to acknowledge all the ways in which he grew up during the series? When he keeps his alchemy, automail, height issues and stays with the military... its like... wasn't his entire character arc about growing up? About healing? About accepting loses? About respecting boundaries? About making sacrifices? For me his character loses a lot the moment his character growth is lost - and I would describe it as blorbofication, since his Cool Powers :tm: are what drew people to him in the first place.
24. topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
Do you have to ask? Shipping, of course.
Tho... FMA has a special spot reserved exclusively for War Crimes Discourse and the fact that fics from 2010 manage to be more complex and in depth about the military state in FMA than many fics from 2023. You'd think the world would be getting more anti-military, but then you read fic in a fandom with present and well-rounded military characters and suddenly everyone wants to suck their dick. Like... I am very much not condemning the porn. Really, I support the porn. I am talking about plot heavy, worldbuilding stories in which canonical anti-military characters, who canonically criticize the military state, are suddenly on board with being soldiers and officers without question. This is also not about stories that tell us about this world from the Point Of View of a soldier - I am talking about the lack of a conversation about what the political system in FMA actually is in fics which deal heavily with the politics of it all.
But yeah... shipping. People going nuts over which FICTIONAL pairing is morally okay to ship. The things I've seen, the words I'm swallowing down because I want to keep my head.
Thanks for the ask!!!
[choose violence ask game]
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ventruevitae · 1 year
Went back and played nightroad between other responsibilities and it’s always interesting to see some subtle edits made between updates. It’s definitely been over a year since I last read it so ofc I’m sure my memory is fuzzy kinda but there were some small alterations made to a couple things that made me go ‘huh interesting.’ Like I’m pretty sure the malkavian at pattermuster’s morgue believed he was Christ reincarnated last time I read, whereas now it was something like ‘he had met Christ’ or been blessed by him or smth. I played the mobile version so no code diving but I’m curious to see if there’s maybe a note about these minuscule edits somewhere in it. I don’t remember seeing pattermuster or olivecrona’s people at the final scene either.
Anyway Iris/Lettow forever, they’re off in their plane going east and who knows what’s gonna happen. It’s kind of bittersweet with the whole beckoning thing but imo these two seem like they’re probably going to end up blood bonded at some point so I’m not entirely sure anyone cares lmfao. Julian was #disappointed I guess that he got blown off that badly by his ex but Iris is still very staunchly ‘you lied? So much? What did you expect’ about it which is Fair. I think half of his beef was probably just emotional hdjdjd I don’t think he necessarily still has feelings, but it was more of a blow to the ego that she wasn’t just going along with his plans again. She’s Tired okay.
Relationship with the sire was way better here. Pattermuster is on good terms with his childe these days, which was a nice change. St Basil’s stays an abattoir purely thanks to that relationship, which maybe isn’t Iris’ best moment but she’s also just trying to get out of these situations with minimal disturbance. Caul got away and so did the Lampago, but only after some nasty fighting. Ngl that’s probably also another reason she was down to get on that plane, she doesn’t need those headaches in the future. Beckoned or not, being around Lettow offers more protection.
this was definitely the worst relationship I’ve had with Julian lmao. I’ve never played fully through the game with Iris as a Brujah so there might have been some differences in flavour text? On the plus side the camarilla Loved me so real estate was cheap as fuck. No ghoul this time bc I’m also still operating under this being a double courier au & Romina ends up with Raul. Failed the Reremouse mission too, didn’t have enough vitae for disciplines annnd i got the achievement for messy crits 🙃 like I didn’t frenzy but I did fly pretty close to the sun a few times lmao. You Can definitely get though this one with a physical focus for your stats, but having nothing in awareness made some spots trickier. I ended up picking options at the start that were like. I think drive/mechanic stuff so it was an even split between intelligence, drive, and dexterity. We Managed. Romina will probably have a more survival/charisma based build bc she’s not really djjfjf she’s not booksmart like that yk. She’s not the Car Girl TM.
Donati went down so easily tho, like I had maxed out combat skills and just. Sliced her down the middle and that was that hdjfkf like I don’t think that fight has ever been so smooth ever? Wild.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
umm ummmmm so thoughts on tying brett's hands up with his tie and him being all needy and stuff and just overall him whimpering for you to touch him (ride him, fuck him, etc. doesn't matter, he's just a man with needs that you need to feed into) sorry i just get rly blushy over a needy brett
YOUD THINK HE WOULDN'T LIKE BONDAGE,, BC OF THE WHOLE,, 38 HELL WEEKS THING?? But actually w/ you he really likes it!!
It feels,, vv safe for him!! He's in a controlled environment where he can just let his brain shut off and know you're gonna take care of him <333
<3 he has super sensitive skin so his tie is actually perfect?? Rope and Cuffs usually just ends with his wrists being super roughed up, which can be nice in the moment for,, Sensory Stuff, but is a lot less sexy when he's gotta do Work And Stuff (tm) with achey wrists lmao smndsm
AAAAA <333
Ideally he really likes having his hands tied in a way that,, his arms are facing up?? Like his hands tied above his head <333 he feels completely bare even if he's still got his clothes on <333
HE'S GONNA ARCH N DIP INTO EVERY TOUCH. Like if you lean or walk his entire body is gonna sway to follow your movements? he looks hypnotized!!
AAA tug on it?? he's gonna go limp. Just the slightest Yank to the tie, forcing his arms up further? and he's like butter in a hot pan
He's still very self conscious about making noise <3 he's gonna bite his lips red if you don't remind him you wanna hear him!!
SORRY HE'S GONNA CRY <33 they're good tears though!! These beautiful relieved sobs when you finally sink down?? <3 yea
the sound he makes when you clench is akin to The Air Being Knocked Outta His Lungs <3 this long, dragging moan? <3333333 its
LOTS OF FRANTIC NODDING TOO <33 he struggles to find his words so body language is his next best thing <3
you WILL get some words tho!! Lotsa 'y- uh-huh- mm-hmnm?' of him,, trying to remember how Syllables Work sdmnsd
IF YOU WANNA BREAK HIM?? add in some cockwarming.
waiting all that time, being so obedient and sweet, only for you to just,,, seat yourself down on him and wait?
yea if you want begging thats the strategy <33 it's not super intelligible but BY GOLLY FUCK IT SURE IS GENUINE SMNSD
'please? please?' just <33 over and over until it's this lovely, drawn-out humming
'I Love You' is also gonna get put on repeat. head empty only Adoration For You <3 esp if you start bouncing?? Or cooing about how well he's doing?? <3333
HES ALSO SUCH AN AFFECTIONATE GUY </3 not being able to touch you is also gonna make him get vocal <3 asking you to come closer, etc.
He'll start rambling about how close he is,,, probably a solid 5 mins before he actually starts cumming?? msndsmd his brain isn't active he just <333 wants to make sure you aren't taken by surprise
HE LURCHES SO MUCH WHEN HE CUMS <33 he probably twists his shoulder to fuck but <333 he just instinctively curls into himself when it hits!!
he'll always murmur smth, asking if you need anything - a very silly question to ask considering his legs aren't gonna be working for at least a 30 minutes smdnsd
MMMM it's snuggle time <33 lots of adoring giggles if you let him cuddle up in your arms!!! Esp if you start murmuring?? Just little, 'I know <3 shh, come here - It's alright, have a rest <3' HE BECOMES SUCH A LOVEY MESS <33
he really does try to stay awake <33 you can SEE him losing the battle with consciousness. You're just so warm </3 if you play with his hair he's a goner. Out like a light <3
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smallestapplin · 2 years
How would ingo and Emmet react to their s/o that is a mother hen.
Like they always are the big spoon(even if they are smaller than their partner, doesn't matter). Cuddles their subway boss close and pets their hair, cooing sweet nothings into their ears.
Readers backpack always has everything you could possibly need, snacks? Pokemon snacks? Berries? HMs? Tms? Medicine? Tissues? First aid? Hand sanitizer? Water? PokeBalls? Pokedex? Extra sunglasses? Sunscreen? Bugspray? Got you covered! Reader can sometimes fawn over them if they are working to late or seem stressed out. Always wanting to help them and make it easier for them.
They can also be very protective of them and gets on the defensive really quick if someone tries to mess with their partner. Won't hesitate to have a Pokemon or physical brawl. The love won't be just got their partner, I feel like the other twin would get some of the affection too, they are their partners twin after all. Their Pokemon won't be excluded either, they will be spoiled XD.
Like domesticality and nurturing to the max but it's one tough cookie that can hold their own in a brawl or battle.
You got it
- two mother hens fall in love-
- But no seriously, both of you are mama hens and both of you are over the top.
- You baby him and he babies you.
- Going through an entire list before leaving for the day to make sure you both have everything.
- To him it feels kind of nice to have someone to care for him like this.
- Gets his heart beating quickly.
- But he gets so concern when you square up with someone.
- There is no hesitation, just one moment you’re beside while he is dealing with the worlds rudest person, the next his depot agents are pulling you off them cause you moved too quickly.
- You get a hefty scolding for that.
- Over all? 10/10
- Oh he hates this, hates with a burning passion.
- He is the youngest twin, sure by like 10 minutes but everyone in his life babies him.
- He is a grown man he doesn’t need to be babied.
- But he likes you fawning over him, cause he does the same for you.
- He enjoys reminders before walking out of the house cause sometimes he will forget his keys.
- It’s a fight for dominance 99% of the time, that 1% is he lets you win and lets you be big spoon.
- He probably asks you to drop it by twelve notches.
- You fist fighting someone tho?👀
- Oh he is your biggest cheerleader.
- He puts his whole body into cheering for you.
- His grin is sadistic when you threw a nasty right hook a someone who shoved him after losing a Pokémon battle to him.
- Coos over you like you do him.
- Sweet loving babies.
- 8/10
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synria · 3 years
I read a bit of The Remarried Empress Novel, and here are a couple highlights (this covers from the beginning up until navier visiting with heinrey the academy (already covered by the webtoon)
Navier and Heinrley (as Queen and Himself) relationship/Friendship felt more developted. There were more scenes / examination on why Navier feels happy / Navier being more explicitely happy. The scenes were very touching. The webtoon feels a bit rushed on her friendship with Heinrely/Queen, so it was a joy to see this.
I must have missed this before, but Heinrey allows the rumors that he is in love with Rashta in order to protect Navier’s reputation in his kingdom. So, if/when he goes to war, people dont (wrongly) assume Navier is the reason for him to do so, and thus make her reputation worst in both kingdoms.
The novel strikes me as giving a little more time with Heinrey/His pov
Also overall i would say that Rashta is one of the best adapted characters of the novel. The Webtoon is able to capture a lot of her interiority really well and at no point i feel like it missed something intrinsic of her, it captures really well her POV/emotions/feelings/actions/both bad and good moments and etc.
He is still determined to go to war, although he is concerned with Navier. I liked this little exploration of his thoughts
Sovietshu POV on his plan was, i think a little more explored, in that his secretary/friend did comment that Rashta could become greedy as an empress, and Sovietshu said he could deal with it/was confident in doing so. 
“Rashta is kind and gentle, i am sure she will give up the throne with no problem” > LOL
Re-reading it really highlight how Sovietshu communication problem is what destroyed his relationship with Navier and is destroying with Rashta. IE: He discovers about her first baby, and inwardly accepts it, but doesnt reassure her externally. Just nods and pretends to not have saw something. Meanwhile Rashta fear of abandanoment haunts her, and makes her more paranoid, as well as destroying her trust on Sovietshu. She knows he knows, but his lack of reaction scares her and she thinks of the worst
Just!! Its written so well!!! Even tho she doesnt breakdown down, you can see how this is devasting her and her thoughts are just *chef kiss*
Yeah Rashta’s pregnancy timeline is pretty fucked up. And yes it had to be retconned. (AKA : Navier comments that its been a year since she dinned with Heinrey)
Sidenote: Heinry hearing the mage convo. Since i know Spoilers^TM I SEE WHAT YOU TRULY MEAN HEINREY I SEE IT
Niceee. Heinrey hurt over the marriage of convineance does show on his thoughts, although he does  realize something happened to make Navier react this way.
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MC reacts to The Brothers (+Undateables)
In a crop top ~ Yum
Due to the *NSFW undertones, I will NOT be writing any for Luke, obviously.
Sorry this took me ages haha i ran out of creativity for these. On that note, let’s jump straight in 😉
The Undateables
Simeon 😇
Similarly to Beel, will not see your request as anything unsavoury you cheeky thing, you
“What is a ... ‘cropped top’?”
Basically wears them anyway
Is used to showing a little skin, so would think nothing of it
After all, God intended Human Beings to be naked, so this is not weird
The only thing odd about it, is that you specifically requested it
He still wouldnt see it in that way tho lol
The one he’d wear wouldn’t surprise you, because it’s not too dissimilar to what he normally wears around RAD
Black, sleek and skin tight - sleeveless to reveal his perfectly sculpted shoulders and with a high neck - cerulean blue accents to match his eyes
Your jaw fell slack at how attractive it looked on him
His piercing blue eyes crinkled as he smiled, “I guess this one suits me, then?”
Oop - ah well, who cares if he knows your staring?
He’s an angel ffs - of course he looks amazing
“You...” you couldn’t seem to find the words to encompass what the mere sight of him did to you
His face would fall a moment, “is something wrong, MC?”
You’d flush, shaking your head with a nervous laugh, “No... well, God probably wouldn’t forgive me for thinking it but -“
You can’t bring yourself to finish that sentence
Fairly certain he was aware of where your thoughts were headed, his cheeks would tinge rouge
He’d play Innocent TM as not to blur the line or complicate things...
You’d make it ducking difficult though
Yes i said ducking, Simeon is an Angel he legally cannot say fuck
It’s just... the way you were ogling him, undressing him with your beautiful and captivating eyes... fjdlficjsn
His chest would tighten, breath caught and heart in his throat
He was well aware what that feeling was, his brows downturned at the thought
“Is something wrong, Simeon?”
He’d hold a hand up, gently but firm, “No, i’m alright, thank you.”
You can’t help but feel a little guilty... after all you did just have certain thoughts about an Angel
Seeing your crestfallen face, he’d immediately snap to - gently reaching for your hand with that crinkly eyes smile,
“Don’t look so glum, MC. Everything’s alright.”
He was simply radiant, you couldnt help but return that smile
Depending on what floats your boat, i’ll let you imagine what the outcome was
Solomon 🧙‍♂️
Hahah oh boy...
“Oh? And why would you want me to wear that?” ;) TEASE
Would give That Smirk TM
This could literally go one of two ways:
One, he wears a cute cropped T and says “Well, what were you expecting from me?” ;) TEEAASSEE
He knows God damn well what you were expecting lmao
Quite literally wears some leather skin tight crop that shows off all his tatts, all his packs and muscles... like dayum haha
Either way you’re speechless
He is one cocky lil shit, he’d love it
“Finally i’ve drawn your attention from those brothers, have i?” “Wh-what?!” “;)”
“I’d like to request you wear one too, it’s only fair after all.”
Whilst having you gently ensnared against a wall between his palms, with those eyes entrancing you to keep you there
You’d never seen him in that light so deeply than after your request
Your eyes trail his form once again, surprisingly more muscular than you’d anticipated from under the RAD uniform
You’d flush from under his gaze, not quite sure where to look, what to say -
“Cat got your tongue?” Ajsksknxdn
He’d need want to hear you say it.
“I - i didn’t realise you’d tease me about it.” You look away with rosy cheeks
His teasing smile would falter a moment, asking more seriously, “why would you ask me to wear a crop top?”
You’d find his gaze, tongue tied for an answer
You’d swallow from under his penetrating gaze that seemed more serious than before
“I...” why did you ask him again?
“I just... wanted to see it.” “‘It’? That’s not very specific.” Ahsksknsk LOL such a tease
You’d hate that he made you admit it, you forced through gritted teeth, “I wanted to see what you looked like in a crop, what more do you want me to say?”
His smirk tugging on his handsome lips again before warm breath carasses the shell of your ear, “I want to see what you look like too.”
Lmao #Exposed
Nosebleed 2.0
Barbatos 🕰
Yo, you would have some mad guts to request it when he’s working hahah
He would instantly flush and comment calmly how inappropriate your request is
Diavolo would laugh if he heard your request and his reponse from beside you both
But if you were alone with him, perhaps a little closer to him...
I stand by the fact i think ‘Barbietos’ is a Dark Horse TM
This man has a dark side lowkey yandere vibes maybe? Idk yet need to see more of him tbh
if you’re close and you ask, similarly to Solomon he’d smirk and tease
Barbatos is sarcastic but he wouldn’t snark you for this, especially with your blushing features
He’d utter your name, before finally mustering the strength to ask, “what kind of cropped top do you want me to wear?”
You’d have to be immensely private about it, ofc he can have a private life but he is literally at the service of the Prince of that realm
Not just the crop top request etc, the entire relationship would be kept under radar for a long time
I can see his crop being loose, the satin like material draped tastefully from his shoulders and revealing his midriff
The emerald green colour so dark you thought it was black until you saw it’s sheen under the light
You might have already seen his body at this point but you can’t help absorbing his features like a sponge
His abdominal muscles, his strong shoulders... he was also much stronger than he looked under a uniform
He’d stand before you, as you rise to your knees upon his sheets, eye level with his chest
“Tonight, I could serve you for a change.”
He’s probably not as quiet as we think
Diavolo 👑
If Lucifer ever heard about your request, you’ll be out of the Devildom faster than you can say Demonus
You’d have to be incredibly brave and or stupid to even ask in the first place...
However, Diavolo wouldn’t actually mind, “come now Lucifer! It’s a fashion trend in their realm! It sounds fun!” With That Laugh TM
Diavolo is actually pretty lonely, loads of people feel they can’t approach him so he’d acc happy that you felt you could ask that of him
If you were closer than that, you’d be visiting the palace upon his request
If and when you’re alone, you’d ask him to wear one
He still wouldn’t initially see it in that way, his own demon form is shirtless
“I’d like to try one! Have you any ideas in mind?”
After understanding the nature of your request, something will flash passed in those golden irises
“I see... so this garment will grant you a certain gratification?” BLUSH
It’s not secret that Diavolo is the biggest demon, he is one big muscle machine
You’d struggle to find a crop that fit him ngl
he’d have one custom made from your design idea
You’d want him in a maroon or black one, specked with elements of gold to match his eyes
It would be snug due to his size, seeing every inch of muscle from underneath like a marble sculputre
There was something so.. awe inspiringly beautiful about it your breath stopped short
Any prior thought was lost as you silently trace the edges of him with your eyes
“Do you like it?” :) - well... duh haha
“What are you doing still standing over there?”
All would fall silent save for faint breaths and the steady beating of your hearts as you trace the crop’s fabric with your fingertips
He’s surprisingly soften as he’d watch you doing so
He’d wrap his strong arms around you, gentle fingertips stroking your hair
he’d murmur “I’m pleased you like it.”
Soft kisses planted on your forehead and you’re a goner - putty in his arms
“Might I ask... would you wear one?”
You bloody well would lmao
Might edit these later and need to link to the brothers one but hey ho, enjoy! ✨
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vibinorion · 4 years
I can write too! Watch this!
The Fugio Valentine's Day Idea Dump TM
I feel like Gio is not much of a celebratory person, Because y'know- His parents kinda sucked- And Fugo over here isn't as extreme as most s/o's would be, but does like the whole aesthetic and history if Valentine's Day. He is still excited because he FINALLY has a boyfriend to give things to on Valentine's Day! But how? He is only an awkward guy...
So Mista just nudges Gio to ask Fugo out or do something special because "the love is in the air! You must get out there for your strawberry lover! He is waiting~"
And during that period Fugo is just
Gone. Disappeared. Poof.
Since he is actually a big brain and planning big brain things because he wants to make Gio happy and give him the best first Valentine's Day experience in history.
And shows he loves him
We all know Fugo shows he loves Gio everyday with the rocks and pebbles he hands him (and Gio handing him a flower everyday as well), but why not also show a huge majority of love for at least one day?
Both Gio n Fugo aren't always love declarers and stuff so they at least need one day to show for it, it's the day of Love itself after all!
At least Fugo thinks so, Rip his wallet and allowance though.. Fugo has many secret side jobs, he needs to help pay the bills somehow! Even tho Bruno never really lets him pay-
Meanwhile, Fugo decorates an entire area in him and Gio's secret place! It's your typical deep in the forest area with a gorgeous lake clearing straight out if a fairy tale~ After a couple hours of decorating it and having the most romantic picnic setting ever, it rained
and it was ugly and horrible
All of Fugo's hard work was soggy and ugly and he just stayed outside in the storm crying out of frustration.
Because there needs to be angst somewhere
So Giorno in the meantime bought the basic things to make the boyfriend feel appreciated tm without Mista's help because he wanted to be a good boyfriend! He sat in the living room, waiting for him. After about an hour he asked around to see where Fugo was because he searched everywhere for him and he was worried because it was raining heavily outside- like thunderstorm bad- And so he finally remembered the secret outdoor place and ran there with an umbrella in hand, panting and running like their lives depended on it.
He saw Fugo on the ground, cold, wet, crying, just a sad boyfriend tm moment
Giorno hugged him and covered them both with an umbrella- not caring Fugo was freezing cold. He takes off his sweater and gives it to Fugo so he can have some warmth.
So Fugo is here sniffling and wiping his tears away, not wanting to look at Gio because he thinks that he'll hate him for not being a good boyfriend. Then Gio finally realizes all the pretty Valentine's decorations, which were scattered everywhere and gasps gently. He was touched..
"Was it for me?"
"Naturally, yes- I know I'm not really the romantic type like Bucciarati or Mista... but I thought even if I could show you how much you meant to me for one day...you'll be happy-"
"Oh Panna, I already do know you love me very much, and I am touched by all this. It's better than what I got you, that's for sure"
"I sincerely doubt that, oh and I also got you this.."
Fugo gives gio a strawberry locket- containing a picture of them on their first date because he was a romantic all along!
The locket is rose gold, and the seeds and leaves are golden! The chain is rose gold as well. He has a matching ladybug one, it's also rose gold and gold respectively. If Gio wasn't crying before he surely was now.
So he goes around touching all the decorations and turning them into butterflies, so they just kinda vibe on him as the two head back inside. Everyone just peeks from the corner and Bruno freaks out because it's been raining for a good hour and a half and Fugo is dripping wet and probably going to get sick.
So he makes Fugo take a hot shower to warm himself up as Gio is still crying over the locket and showing everyone how sweet Fugo is for being such a romantic and being so considerate. The butterflies go to his room so they can dry and become the decorations again, while Gio goes to get the items he got for Fugo.
Fugo then emerges with comfy nerdy clothing, and his hair tied up because he's tired and wants to be comfy, fashionable, and show that he reads books in his free time.
Gio just bursts in and excitedly gives Fugo some bouquet of flowers because yes, a box of dark chocolate, PLUS dark chocolate covered strawberries because it's Fugo and he is sophisticated homosexual.
Best part was that also gives him a strawberry plushie with a cute owo face, because it's Fugo and he deserves the best things.
"I also had a jewelry idea, though it's not as good as yours I think it works for us. We are polar opposites and that brings us together, we match so well and I find that the most beautiful love. You're the moon to my sun and the stars in my sky. I love you so very much and I hope this reminds you of that.."
He takes out two jewelry boxes, inside was a golden charm bracelet with a sun, ladybug, and heart charms, and the other was a silver bracelet with a crescent moon, strawberry, and diamond charms.
"I have this one for myself, so I always have a part of you with me. I know I'm new to these celebrations, but I wanted to show that I loved you so much, and that I always will. My love for you will last for eternity and longer."
Now it was Fugo's turn to cry, not out of sadness, but of joy and love. And there was no where else he would rather be.
The two sat their, hands intertwined as they share a heartwarming kiss.
🐞The End🍓
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fandom-101 · 3 years
Ok wow! I have been gone for MONTHS!! Sorry! Found new hyperfixations (tht u would know if u check my blog) that i couldnt come back from BUUUUT! I did finish SIEGE AND STORM. I didnt do a live blogging of the rest of it cuz, quite frankly and dont @ me, i just couldnt. cuz book #2 was quite boring for me and definitely landed waaaay blow my expectations.
But i do have Thoughts(TM) that i would like to share. Also they are entirely my opinion but i would also like to discuss it more with the fandom.
Things i particularly didnt like about S&S:
Alina's POV being dry:
This is something tht i find a bit weird in the fact tht Alina herself is very snarky. Her actual dialogues and conversations are funny and sarcastic but POV, her monologue, is so DRY tht it made it hard for me to stay engaged and interested in the story (hello ADHD! Self diagnosed) I have read 1st person POV intimate (whatever u call) before and i held the authors who do it in great admiration cuz i believe (im not a writer but an editor) it must be hard to tell ur story while establishing the world, your character that we are following as well as the caracters we meet with proper personalities and motives, all in one perspective. One of these authors is Rick Riordan with Percy Jackson and, for me, the best and easiest part was that he made the story, the journey, the plot interesting because he is sarcastic and funny and entertaining in his monologue. Fyi, im not comparing the two, im just observing how Rick made his 1st person pov so energizing (even tho u can argue tht aside from a few–all–sarcastic comments, Percy is usually silent) whereas Leigh had her 1st person pov very dry even tho Alina herself is snarky and salty (which i absolutely adore!)
The pacing of the story:
Now! this is something that irked me the most and definitely the biggest factor on my constantly losing focus as well as my difficulty in finishing the book super fast (i am a fast reader). So! the book/plot started pretty quickly with The Darkling finding Alina in the very first chapter and, from then on, things happened consectively until we reach the point where Alina decided to go back to Os Alta as the commader of the second Army (and refuses Nikolai's offer to be her bride) by Chap 9. In between, we had character moments and bonds between Alina and Mal with Sturmhond and his crew (very much needed to establish these characters) along with crucial plot points (the sea whip, Alina's second amplifier, the return to east? Ravka, Sturmhond's reveal etc) And then, we are off to Os Alta that, for some reason, we got extensive details about (aside from the fedyor thing which, maddeningly, was dealt with in mere paragraphs!). Then we reached Os Alta but we still got the whole fucking journey to the grand palace for some reason (even tho, aside from the Vasily thing, we could easily be made aware of the state of town/city in a paragraph or two instead of telling every.single.unimportant detail). And it doesnt help tht we have the dryest POV to get us through. Then we reunite with the Royal Family and the remaining Grisha and just when things picked up they again fell when we were told of the meetings and the new training in fast forward. We got every detail about the travel to the grand palace but we cant know how the tiniest of details about how Alina is settling back at the little palace and as the leader of the grisha and working im a diplomatic setting–something she didnt have any experience with. Aside from the barest mentions).......AND D0NT GET ME STARTED ON THE FACT THT THE BATTLE HAPPENED ON THE SECOND LAST CHAPTER AND WAS OVER BEFORE IT REALLY STARTED! (which in a way makes sense to showcase how powerful The Darkling and his Nichevo'ya army is but still! i wish we could stay on tht for a while)
Also and another example about the pacing being just wrong. I wished the book ended on when Alina and Mal were buried in the collapse of the church/tunnel. Cuz 1. Better cliffhanger. 2. I didnt like tht we rushed past their extraction, the reveal of Tolya and Tamar being the Apparat's spy, the introduction to the White Cathedral as well as their settling in it (we dont know how the others are fairing cough Genya cough), reunion with Apparat, Alina's new look and how she feels about it, and then the final reveal of Alina losing her powers. WHICH, BTW, WAS ALL IN ONE CHAPTER!!!! I would have liked if we had stayed in these moments for a few chapters (maybe 3 or 4).
The actual plot of Seige and Storm:
WHERE. THE. FUCK. WAS. IT!!?!?! 'Seige and storm', im assuming, meant what happened to Ravka with Alina in West Ravka after the events of S&B, right? The coup by The Darkling (and the Apparat) against the king that went Royally bad and caused great upheavel for every living being? Grisha at war with the Otkazat'sya? BUT WE DIDNT SEE ANY OF IT!!! We (Alina) only saw the aftermath. I know its one of the cons of 1st person POV but why have a story where, clearly, the main plot happened/is happening so far away from our main protagonist that makes it impossible for us reader to know what happened and in what extent? How can i feel any of the devastation that Ravka and her people went through when we didnt read about it. Not only that but we got bare mentions about its state whenever Alina found out through outside forces. I was genuinely interested in that! I wanted to know more about it! I thought we might get detailed accounts about the riots and the fights and the coup and how it failed and whatnot. Instead we have that whole travel to Os Alta where nothing remotely interesting happened (certainly not interesting enough to take 3-4 chapters!) and the battle we have been waiting to happen, only to end in approx. 1 chapter (and the unnecessary Malina drama–but thats for another post maybe) Yes, im very bitter about it wbu.
Things i particularly like in S&S:
Nikolai Lanstov.
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makowo · 4 years
For the prompts, may I get an "11 “Why are you staring at me like that?” platonic or romantic (you can decide) for Yashiro and Itsuki? I hope you have a good day
thank u :) i really enjoyed writing this, though this is my first time writing for tms so the characters may be a bit ooc!! i hope u still enjoy this tho!
“You seem to be getting distracted today, Aoi.” Yashiro huffs, twirling his sword in the air to form a near invisible barrier. “Why is that?”
The person in question says nothing for a moment, concentrating on narrowly dodging a Red Barbarian’s bolt strike, leaving part of the wood path scorched. At least he focuses when he absolutely needs to, but in a place like this, no one must let their guard down. What a miracle it is, that this man has survived thus far.
“Just thinking about something.” Aoi finally replies, his gaze drawing to the other swordsman once more.
An Ironclad Knight strikes at Yashiro, and he doesn’t dodge as the attack is reflected back, a large chunk of its armor knocked away by the force. He does not flinch. “And what might that be?”
“You’re curious?” The damned Lord’s (Conqueror. His recent change in class continues to slip his own mind, even now) expression is of innocent curiosity, but the smug stare shining in Chrom's eyes from beneath his red and black attire says enough.
“Do not mistake my question for such a thing. I only wish for you to actually focus on battle-” a strike of his blade, and the enemy knight is doomed, stepping back to watch the session that ensues as those not on the front lines tear into it, “-rather than suffer as our foes do.”
A crackle of electricity from above, and from the sky comes down a frightening bolt of lightning, a mutter of Ziodyne slipping past his lips as it strikes their next enemy. “Well… I’m still not over how you starved for several days because you didn’t know you needed to eat.”
“Quiet.” Yashiro snaps back instantly, a growl sneaking its way into his voice. Navarre shudders behind him, but says nothing, as is comfortable for them both. “I have… learned since then. I don’t see why it sticks out to you.”
Itsuki gives him an exasperated look, and Yashiro dreams of skewering him with Navarre’s weapon. “I’ve never heard of anyone that nearly starved to death because they had no idea they had to get food themself. It’s really sad.” Another bolt of lightning rushes towards Itsuki from the Red Barbarian, and is promptly nullified.
“It’s not… sad.” He embarrassingly fumbles with his words, stalling for time as he attempts to figure out what to say in response. He can’t just let that slide! “It’s-!”
His focus on their conversation rather than battle only leaves him vulnerable however, and in that moment, a mirage bursts from the shadows. A Cerberus specifically, Yashiro just barely able to spot its gnashing teeth as it charges towards him, a Gale Strike he can’t avoid at the ready. It’s too close, it’s too-
A hand grips his wrist, and thick, black blood splatters onto his clothes. A whine leaves the near unhinged jaws of the enemy mirage, Yashiro barely able to spot the tip of a sword piercing the very back of its head(body?) before he’s forced to face the one that just barely saved him.
“Tsurugi-kun,” Aoi begins simply, completely unfazed by the now dead mirage impaled by his weapon, “come by my apartment tomorrow. I’m tired of seeing you go and just buy food, so I’ll teach you to cook something yourself.” Itsuki unsheathes his blade from the creature, its body evaporating in an instant. “If you can, of course.”
Yashiro is silent for a long, long moment, and he has no chance to even reply. “We will be sure to stop by then.” Navarre hums quietly, much to Yashiro’s annoyance. “Thank you.”
He’s not entirely sure if he was going to accept or refuse the offer, but he supposes that Itsuki’s flash of a smile before he turns back to continue fighting is worth whatever hell may transpire in the man's kitchen the next day.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
Pop goes my corn?? More like pop goes my HEART 🥺💕💕 it's been a dang hot minute but you are making it very, very hard not to fall in love with all these men Lei--
(I say, as if I hadn't already been teetering on the edge of loving Icy Mr. Peacock(tm))
But ye, I do have to agree with you on those leaks man--though, now that Inazuma's out, it's good to hear you're having fun!! I have yet to finish chapter 1 because I'm a slow turtle, but! Thoma? Tohma. I am looking respectfully 👀👀👀
Thank you for the kiss btw! Now take one in return because your writing? Your ideas?? chef's kiss magnifique 😔👌 Childe is 100% the kinda guy who'd still think you're beautiful decades after your wedding and is not at all shy to say it. You may think otherwise with how wrinkly you're getting, but he's not letting that go so easily. It's his dream to grow old with you, y'know? And!! Baking with him? A timeless classic. The guy always tries to lick batter off the spoon no matter how many times you tell him he might get salmonella (something something "I'm too sexy to get sick"), and usually instigates fights by swabbing said batter onto your nose. Are there also times where you compete to see who can make the best pastries? Yes. Also!! You make sure to send his mom a picture of him eating the food as thanks. Yes, you tried taking it discreetly. Yes, he posed for it. And my gosh--can we talk about how nice it feels to wipe the smirk off his face? Granted, tugging on his shirt to kiss him may have spurred him on to tease you more, but it'd definitely be nice while it lasted 😂 you two usually have some banter going on when it comes to your respective heights from time to time, too. ("How's the weather up there today, Childe?" "I dunno, what's the ground like down there? See any neat bugs lately?")
ahhshsbdvajsbjajzvajj— i forgot i ever posted that thing. i’m glad that at least one of us liked it tho. ah whatever… as long as it made you happy. anw, a philosopher once said, “fall fucking deeper in love bitch <33”
i ended up going through the entire archon quest too quickly. i was so into it that i lost track of time lol but yes…
ngl i forgot what kind of shit i replied to you. most of them came to me in the spur of the moment so i highly doubt i said anything comprehensible. on a different note, childe, you little shit 💕 i wouldnt say im insecure abt my height but if someone comments on it, i would break their kneecaps and take it for myself. then again, i feel like he’d like it a lot if u said smth like that to him. honestly? all of these are perfect. if my work gets a chef’s kiss, your ideas get a nobel prize or smth. these can all singlehandedly fix the world’s a billion and one issues. but! but! imagine shopping with childe. he’d take a scarf and a pair of cheap sunglasses (might also take a wine glass from the home section for props) and he’ll obnoxiously gasp as you come out of the fitting room saying stuff like ‘marvelisimo! you— oui! good!’ he’s embarrassing. stop him before he gets too into the role of being a french haute couture instigator. so that’s wild right? but childe would also take you baby clothes shopping even if you weren’t expecting/planning to have a baby. he just feels like it. but if you are, then you could vaguely see his eyes misting over as he cradles a pair of baby sneakers’ “they’re so tiny!” he says in that high pitched squeaky voice he does when he’s feeling 🥺 and finally, apartment/house shopping. he’ll pose around the place asking you if he looks good bc no way in hell would he buy a place that doesnt accentuate his features w its lighting and whatnot. you can also expect to have him pulling you around like a golden retriever. by the end of it, you’re a laughing mess as he talks abt another one of his ‘mind blowing plans’ which may or may not include putting a trampoline in the balcony and a swimming pool at the bottom of it. might also makeout w you in every corner but who knows 🤷‍♀️
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