#and then Covid happened and she lost every single brain cell she had I swear
anarchypumpkincowboy · 4 months
When I was a kid my mom wouldn’t let us watch SpongeBob cause it “destroyed your brain cells”. I was instead raised on tv like Scooby Doo, Doctor Who, Robin Hood, Avatar the Last Airbender, and Star Wars. These taught me things like: humanity is capable of great compassion and mass atrocities, the rich and powerful care for none but themselves and will doom the world in the long term if it means they benefit from the short term, fascism bides its time in a politician’s smile, just because someone is born different doesn’t mean they were born wrong, standing up to oppression is always right, it is always morally correct to rebuke laws created from injustice, knowledge is important but not everyone will teach the truth.
As a result I read/listen to audiobooks/lectures often, I do everything I currently can to stand up to injustice, I don’t platform shitty people, I do my part in helping keep folks and the earth safe (i.e. masking), amongst other things
My mother however praises the rich, platforms grifters, takes the “both sides” approach to almost everything, and thinks masking leads to mass violence
My only conclusion to this is that she stayed up every night watching SpongeBob and idealized Mr krabs’ work ethic
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