#and then Beerus with Bulla
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months ago
Beerus’s treatment of each generation of the Saiyan Royal family is hilarious to me.
He has beaten up and humiliated King Vegeta (over a pillow mind you) and has possibly even done similar treatment to previous Saiyan kings.
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Years later he kicks the shit out of and disrespects his son, Prince Vegeta.
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And then comes King Vegeta’s granddaughter, Bulla, who Beerus has a soft spot for and babysits.
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whirlydoodle · 4 months ago
Happy Halloween from Beerus & Bulla 🎃🎃🎃🎃
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chelseajackarmy · 11 months ago
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Dragon Ball
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upgradewater · 1 year ago
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db dots - ch01, pg 28~29
updates on fridays!🟠🟠🟠
| beginning (pg 1~3) | pg 4~6 | pg 7~8 | pg 9~10 | pg 11~12 | pg 13~14 | pg 15~17 | pg 18~20 | pg 21~22 | pg 23~24 | pg 25~27 | pg 28~29 |
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duhragonball · 1 year ago
Dragon Ball Super Movie 1: Broly (2/3)
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Well, enough of that flashback stuff. Let's move on to the present.
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So after the destruction of Planet Vegeta, uh all of Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball Super happened. This is kind of a weak point for this movie, because it's story is rooted in Goku's origin tale, but the climax takes place when Goku's a middle-aged man, so a lot of lore has happened in between. There's a similar thing going on when Raditz and Frieza show up in DBZ, and when Broly made his debut in the 1993 film, but Goku was 24-30 in those stories, so it wasn't quite as big a strain.
The thing is, the stuff we had to skip over was extremely important, and the movie simply can't go over all of it. If someone who knew nothing about Dragon Ball watched this thing, they would probably think that this is a story about Goku and Vegeta trying to avenge their people by defeating Frieza, except that already got dealt with in 1991. Goku, Vegeta, and Frieza have each been killed and resurrected... twice. This movie doesn't have time to explain all their baggage, much less how Goku and Vegeta became pals. So no one even tries to fill in the audience on who this big purple cat man is. You either saw Battle of Gods or you just have to roll with it.
And you know what? Good. No one was there to explain Ox King or Mr. Popo to me when I first got into this thing. I've been watching this stuff for a quarter century, and I still don't know what the fuck Tien's third eye is all about. Context is for the weak.
Anyway, this scene takes place on a private island Bulma bought some time ago. She had a resort built here so Goku and Vegeta could spar without damaging West City. And the food is good, so Beerus and Whis tagged along, although neither of them really have any impact on the plot at all. Whis asks Goku why he wants to get stronger, and Goku explains that he's feeling inspired after the recent Tournament of Power arc from the tail end of the DBS anime. Vegeta, on the other hand, is only concerned with Frieza, who was restored to life during that storyline. Frieza's more powerful than ever before, and Vegeta expects him to get even stronger and menace the Earth again.
Sure enough, Bulma gets a call from Trunks as Capsule Corp, who informs them that Bulma's collection of Dragon Balls and the Dragon Radar have been stolen by goons wearing Frieza Force uniforms. But the joke's on them, because Bulma only had six of the Dragon Balls collected. The seventh is on the Ice Continent, so they know exactly where to go to intercept the thieves. Beerus doesn't want to tag along for the trip, so Bulma leaves her infant daughter Bulla with Beerus.
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So what was Bulma planning to wish for? She admits that she was going to ask Shenron to make her look five years younger. Why only five? Because if she got too young all at once, people would think she had work done.
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So what does Frieza plan to wish for? Immortality was what he wanted on Namek, but not this time. No he only wants to grow about five centimeters taller. Why not just use his second or third forms to be tall? Because he wants to be taller in any of his forms. Why only five centimeters? Because he wants it to seem like he's still growing.
I've never been too happy about this gag. I mean, it's a good gag, but I liked it better the first time, when Commander Red planned to use the Dragon Balls to make himself taller. It does add some complexity to Frieza's character, though, since he's not just stubbornly trying the exact same routine that got him wrecked on Namek, and then killed on Earth, and then re-killed on Earth again.
This time, he's not trying to take the Dragon Balls by force, because he knows Goku and Vegeta are too powerful to challenge head-on. So he's using stealth instead. The minions he sent to Earth are weaker guys, which mean Goku and Vegeta wouldn't sense their ki. And it seems like Frieza's plan is to just sneak down to Earth, make the wish, and head out before anyone can stop them.
And he's not pursuing the same wish he had twenty-odd years ago. Really, Frieza was never that interested in immortality in the first place. He only decided to wish for that because it was the one thing he didn't already have. But now he's been dead twice over, and that's given him a new perspective on life and death, and he seems to think being unable to die would be similar to the unending torment he experienced in hell. Neither does he seek an invincible body. I'm not sure Shenron could give him greater strength, but Frieza feels that would take all the fun out of "the game". If nothing else, it's interesting to see Frieza consider this at all. Back in the Namek Saga, he never thought about wishing for greater power, because he believed he already was the strongest in the universe. Now that he knows otherwise, he seems fairly content with that.
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Meanwhile, we meet the last two players in this drama, Leemo and Cheelai. They're operatives in the Frieza Force, but they're not warriors. Leemo's been with the Frieza Force from the beginning, and Cheelai's a recent recruit, having joined up to avoid the consequences of stealing a Galactic Patrol ship. Their orders are to find more warriors to join the Frieza Force, since their ranks are pretty threadbare. Remember, when Frieza destroyed the Saiyans, they made up half of his fighting force. The other half was still quite formidable, but all of his best troops ended up getting killed during Frieza's disastrous invasion of Namek. Then Frieza came back and tried to attach Earth in Resurrection F, and he brought like a thousand soldiers with him, and those guys all got killed as well.
As Cheelai observes, Frieza is down to women and old men like herself and Leemo. There just aren't many warriors available in the universe these days, because all the good talent got killed off a long time ago. As they discuss this, Leemo picks up a distress signal from Planet Vampa. Thinking their might be a reward for it, they head over to answer the call, and find...
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Paragus! Also a bunch of alien monsters. Fortunately, Paragus isn't alone...
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They also find Broly on Vampa, and he's all grown up and stronger than ever. Their scouters measure Paragus' power level at 4200, which isn't too impressive these days, but it's way better than anything the Frieza Force has at the moment. And Broly's power is too high for the scouters to measure, so they definitely want him to come along. On the way to Frieza's ship, Cheelai feeds Broly rations and takes a liking to the big guy.
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When the four of them report to Frieza, Paragus explains that he had to cut off Broly's tail because of the frequent full moons on Vampa, which cause Broly to lose control of himself as a giant ape. Occasionally, Broly still loses control of himself anyway, but Paragus can rein him in using...
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... a shock collar, which he can activate with a remote control. Leemo and Cheelai are horrified to learn of this, but not so horrified that they turn down the generous reward Frieza gives them for their discovery.
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Now, one thing that always bugged me about this movie is that Frieza immediately starts making plans to use Broly against Goku and Vegeta. He wasn't planning to attack them this time around, but now that he has Broly on his team, it seems much more favorable. Later, when the fighting starts, Frieza is disappointed to find that Broly can't transform into a Super Saiyan, but why would he expect Broly to be able to do any of that? Sure he's a Saiyan, but Goku and Vegeta have mastered power levels far, far beyond what other Saiyans have ever dreamed possible.
But I keep forgetting that Frieza can sense ki these days, the same way Goku can. Back in the Namek Saga, Frieza had to rely on scouters like the rest of his goons, but when he trained to become Golden Frieza in Res F, he learned to sense energy. So when he sizes up Broly, he's not just guessing at how strong this guy is. He can actually perceive the untapped potential in Broly's body, and he seems to recognize that Broly would be capable of giving Goku and Vegeta a hard time. So it makes sense.
Anyway, Paragus is happy to cooperate, since he still despises King Vegeta for what happened, and he's down to attack Prince Vegeta to even the score. And Broly has to do whatever Paragus wants or he gets another shock.
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Later, Cheelai tries to get to know Broly better, but Paragus forbids Broly from speaking. While they argue over this, another henchman tries to drunkenly hit on Cheelai. I really like how Leemo tries to defuse the situation here. He's not a fighter, so it suits his character that he'd try to employ a nonviolent solution, like offering to buy this guy a drink. Being a noncombatant in the Frieza Force, he's probably grown accustomed to swimming with the sharks like this. But it doesn't work, and then Broly steps up to use a non-nonviolent solution, which is violence.
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But Paragus doesn't want to offend his host, so he gives Broly another shock. Cheelai confronts him over this, and while she chews him out, she swipes his remote control. Then Paragus gets summoned to talk with Frieza. While he's gone, Cheelai destroys the remote, and they listen to Broly tell the story of his green fur wrap.
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It's a pretty simple story. The closest thing Broly had to a friend on Vampa was one of the large green creatures on the planet. Paragus used the creature to train Broly, goading it to attack, and then having Broly dodge it. But over time, the creature became accustomed to Broly, and they became pals. But Paragus wanted the creature to be hostile, so he shot its ear off with a laser pistol to piss it off. Ever since, Broly has kept the ear and wears it as a memento of their friendship.
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I like how easily Cheelai and Leemo sympathize with Broly in this movie. They're not good guys at all. Cheelai's an opportunistic thief, and Leemo's a cog in Frieza's evil empire. But they're not heartless, and Broly's story is so tragic and innocent that you can't help but feel for the guy. Leemo compares Paragus to his own rotten father, so you can tell that he can relate to what Broly is going through. And Cheelai can tell when someone's being used. Paragus can dress it up all he likes, but he's just using Broly's power to serve his own selfish interests.
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Moving on, Frieza's team on Earth have located the seventh Dragon Ball, and Frieza's fleet moves in to join them for the wish-making. But Bulma, Goku, and Vegeta get their first. They probably would have arrived sooner, but Bulma wanted to stop somewhere to buy cold-weather gear. Let's just take a moment to admire her safety-yellow snowsuit. She looks like a baby duck in this thing and it's great.
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Frieza confronts Goku and Vegeta and introduces Paragus and Broly. I never really noticed these guardsmen who stand by while Frieza steps out of the ship. Paragus should have gotten one of those uniforms, since that pink shower curtain he's wearing looks dumb as hell.
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I mean, look at Goku. Bulma got him a sweet blue coat and he looks like a million bucks. He tries to convince Paragus and Broly to get along as fellow Saiyans, but that doesn't get him anywhere. You'd think he'd know better by now.
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So Broly's rarin' to go, and Frieza sees no reason to make him wait, and it's on. Broly attacks Vegeta, and that brings us to the final leg of this movie, which we'll cover next time.
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christopher-bryant · 2 years ago
there is nothing greater than when a powerful and grumpy character ends up being besties/babysits/becomes the grandpa to a baby of one of the other characters
this is specifically about piccolo & pan and Beerus & Bulla.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years ago
Half asleep DBZ AU idea based on the idea of Bura becoming the next God of Destruction mixed with Kuriza x Bura.
Just Frizea being so pissed that the position of God of destruction had been taken by a Saiyan, not just any Saiyan but Vegeta’s child. 
And then his child ends up falling in love with them, and he’s stuck between so angry because Kuriza is marrying a Saiyan, Vegeta’s child, but also realizing his son is marrying God of destruction and is very conflicted.Connection to God of destruction but also... connection to Vegeta.
Kuriza meanwhile totally chill being trophy husband to God of destruction Bura and just gets to drink wine while watching Bura destroy whole planets and kick ass.
Also just Bura who is the Saiyan the least interested in fighting and battle being the one to have the huge power and become the next of God of destruction (And being Beerus’s favorite)
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2darklymelanatedstories · 2 years ago
Dance with my mother (ft Trunks)
Inspired by the song
Dance with my father
Luther Vandross
"What do you mean you can't?!",father shouted, his fist clenched with her necklace in it.
"I'm so sorry but I can't. It's against the Grand Priest's orders.",Shenron said, he looked truly sorry that he couldn't do anything. Grand Priest forbid the Dragonballs from bringing someone back to life until all the Super Dragonballs were found. Sounded pretty suspicious to me. But what did I know. I was a kid.
"Damnit Shenron!!" My father slammed his fist onto the ground, breaking half of the lookout in the process. He held back otherwise it would've been obliterated.
He couldn't hold it back anymore. He broke into tears. I ran over to him, tears also running down my cheek, and for the first time in forever, I embraced him. At first he pushed me away but I guess he needed a reminder of her so he pulled me back. We were on our knees crying. Fxck Saiyan pride. It didn't matter.
He didn't care about his pride at that moment, he didn't care that everyone saw him at his most vulnerable. What he cared for most was gone. My mother was gone. And she wasn't coming back.
It's been 4 years since the incident and to be honest we still weren't coping but we survived.
To be honest I think the only real reason we tried to keep it together was because of Bulla. My spoilt, little sis. Daddy's princess. I remember how I was disappointed when I found out I was getting a sister but now seeing her blue hair, pretty eyes and fascination with my mothers old tools, it just reminded me of mom. She was a little version of my mom. Stubborn, beautiful and smart...even for a baby.
I was babysitting my little sis and she ran off somewhere when I wasn't looking.
"Not again." I sighed.
I went around our large house to look for her and finally reached my parents old room. Father doesn't sleep there anymore. Too many memories that it hurt him to wake up with my mother not next to him.
I quietly entered and found the little troublemaker playing with my mothers old CDs. I quickly grabbed them before she could damage them. Big mistake.
She burst out crying and I didn't know how to calm her this time. So in panic of getting a huge scolding and maybe a "discipline" from my father, I quickly put it in her CD player and played it. On it came one of her favourite old songs by this one artist. Luther I think. Luther Vandross, Nothing better than love.
Even though she's ahead of the times, my mom found nothing more enjoyable and nostalgic than playing an old song her parents listened to when they were teens.
Immediately Bulla calmed down as she listened to the music. I lifted her up and started swaying to the beat. Usually I would hate listening to this but I felt connected to my mom when I did. It reminded me of the times we'd dance together.
When I'd dance with her. How I'd love to dance with my mother.
All the memories came flooding back. When my mom's favourite song would play and she get us to dance, and force my dad to as well, though I could tell he enjoyed it.
Family bonding, she'd call it.
I danced with little Bulla in my arms. She smiled and giggled which warmed my heart a bit. Dang, I become such a softie when I'm around her.
Unfortunately our moment was ruined when an angered force entered. Father.
The music stopped and my heart sank.
"What are you doing?",he asked angrily.
"I-I was just, Bulla got-"
He held the disc in his hand and I could see and those emotions he bottled up were ready to be set free.
"Get out!",he yelled, startling Bulla. The poor thing started sobbing which broke my father's heart. His eyes told me.
He sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just-"
"It's okay, dad. We'll leave.",I said as I headed to the door trying to calm Bulla. "Come on sis, let's go watch SpongeBob."
The mere mention of his name perked her up.
I heard my dad sigh and the door shut. I turned around but he was nowhere to be seen.
"He finally went into the room."
As Bulla and I were watching her favourite ridiculous show, I heard something. Something breaking.
I put her down on the carpet and ran towards my mother's room. I listened outside the door.
It reminded of the days I would do so when he locked himself in there. When he was tired of being vulnerable in front of people and just needed to be alone to let out his sadness.
I heard something else break.
I kicked the door down and lunged myself at him to stop him from destroying a framed picture of our family on vacation. My mother looked especially beautiful, like always. I grabbed the picture from him.
"Stop!",I yelled.
My father's eyes were red and a bit puffy but I tried to ignore that. He bared his teeth in anger.
"Boy!!" He raised his hand and I shut my eyes preparing for impact. He's never been violent with me before, it's the first he's even raised a finger at me. I guess he finally broke. And you know what? I was gonna take it.
He brought down his hand and muttered an apology before leaving.
I looked at the picture frame in my hand and realised I crushed it by accident. Tiny shards of glass fell onto the floor in slow motion. The picture was still okay. That what mattered.
If I could get another chance, another step, another dance with her. I'd play a song that would never end.
"How I'd love to dance with you again, mom."
I just put my lil'sis to bed and my father was nowhere to be seen. I understood his pain. There's a reason Saiyans were raised with little love and emotion.
I went to my room early. Today was too much. My emotions were killing me. And I was only 12. Where have the years gone?
I played the CD I saved, in my room and shut the door.
I let myself fall onto the bed and listened to another song by Luther Vandross. Dance with my father.
The title and song needed tweaking for me.
I decided to rest my eyes a bit and enjoy the music.
I opened my eyes to another familiar setting. The lookout. Shenron was in front of me with the grand priest.
I was on my knees, tears in my eyes. Next to the Grand Priest was my mother. My dear mother. I tried to stand and grab her but it was as if I was stuck to the ground.
"Why are you here child?",the Grand Priest asked.
"I want-I need my mother back. Please!",I begged. "Me, my father, Bulla. We need her. Our family isn't the same without my mother."
"I'm afraid I can't do that. For you see-"
"I know, damnit!!!",I shouted.
"My, my, what a feisty child.",Grand Priest said. "Just like your mother."
"I'm not asking for much." Tears started flowing to my eyes. "Could you just bring back the only woman he ever loved? Please. Dear Lord he's dying...to dance with my mother again."
The grand Priest tilted his head and tapped his chin.
"Hmm.",he hummed. "No."
My sadness turned to anger. I turned Super Saiyan as I tried to attack him but I was stuck. "Damn you!!"
"If I could get one final step, one final walk, one final dance with her...",I whispered. But a miracle happened. He heard me.
"Very well then."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "What? Really?! But-"
Before I could continue, I heard my mother's voice as she ran over to me. And as if the weight of what was holding me down was lifted, I got up and ran towards her. She hugged me and I felt compelled to keep her in my arms.
"I'd play a song that would never ever end." I looked my mom I'm the eyes. "Because I'd love to dance with my mother again."
She wiped a tear from my cheeks, her eyes starting to water. "Don't cry mom.",I whispered. I was so happy. She was here again.
As if on cue the music started playing. Yep you guessed it. Luther Vandross. I felt a bit obsessed with him.
I started dancing with my mom enjoying every moment until I felt an arm on my shoulder. I looked back to see my father with Bulla in his arms. I took Bulla in my arms and watched as my parents danced together. Like the good old days.
I hoped this song would never end.
Thing is...
It did.
Once it did, everything went dark. My mother vanished and my father turned to dust. I reached for my sister but the closer I got, the further she did.
I let out a scream and before I knew it...
I woke up. It was a dream. The same yet different. The songs never did play forever. Which was weird because this time I put it on repeat. I sat up and went to check on the CD. It was gone.
"He needs it more than me."
I went back to bed and thought about my dream. We were happy, after so long. But it never lasts. It never did.
Everytime I fall asleep, this is all I ever dream.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 month ago
Funny detail I’m probably looking too much into is one scene in Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Notice how in the Goku and Vegeta sparring scene, Bulla is not at all bothered by the noise and is peacefully resting while Beerus can’t even nap due to all the chaos.
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Goku and Vegeta’s sparring match is creating intense waves and loud thunderous booms that are resulting in the ground shaking, and a freaking destruction god is bothered by it, but not the Saiyan hybrid baby.
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ladypie · 2 years ago
—Devine Selfie 📸
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Took a little late to post this because im busy again.. but here's Bulla, Beerus, Whis and also Yogen-gyo!
[There's two more sketch coming soon 👀]
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jazzystudios82 · 8 months ago
LORE Dump: Things that are canon in the “Bride of the Destroyer” AU that aren’t in the Dragon Ball series
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Pt. 2 Pt. 3
Note: This is gonna be a long one! Also, this isn't going to be in order. It's written down from what I remember and what's in the actual story so far. Some of the things mentioned here haven't been put in the story just yet, so please keep in mind that some things may change in the future.
Beerus is married (the most obvious one) and has step kids with my oc, Brier.
Deities are capable of summoning creatures known as "daemons" as Familiars to help aide in their duties via a legally binding contract. The only known groups of deities who are known to practice this are the twelve Titan families from Brier's planet, Gardenia, hers included. This is typically done through a summoning ceremony.
Beerus has father-in-law issues with Arum, the Titan King, head of the Plantae family, and one of Brier's fathers. His relationship with Arum's husband and Brier's stepfather, Typhon II, is rather decent in comparison.
According to Whis, Beerus has once claimed that his wife Brier's beauty puts Heles, his fellow G.O.D., to shame.
Goku likes reading Spider-Man comics after his son Goten introduced them to him. Meanwhile, Vegeta enjoys the Invincible comics: Trunks was not the one to introduce him to it since he's a bit too young to read the comics and watch the show.
Vegeta secretly listens to Lady Gaga when working out.
Android #17 is married to Elena Corazón: an original character that is used for other fandoms such as the Spider-Verse trilogy and Delicious in Dungeon.
Vegeta's mother's name is Eschalot, which is what he wanted to name Bulla when she was born as a way to honor his mother: this obviously didn't go the way he planned, so he and Bulma compromised on making it their daughter's middle name.
Piccolo likes drinking fruit infused water that is served at parties.
Frieza is bisexual and/or polyamorous. He also starts a situationship with Montsechia (Monty), who is another antagonist for the Bride of the Destroyer AU.
Bulma made Vegeta, Goku, and Chi-Chi watch the Twilight films for a date night once: Goku and Chi-Chi thought the films were ok while Vegeta thought they were stupid.
Beerus has terrible and ineligible penmanship.
Vegeta often tells Goku about Saiyan culture after training.
The Grand Priest is married: his wife, Rosanna, is an OC that belongs to @aisururozu.
Whis is pansexual.
Cooler is part of this AU.
Kuriza will be part of the story in the near future.
Goku often brings Chi-Chi little souvenirs from his adventures: he once brought her a bouquet of rare flowers that she keeps in vase.
Piccolo will date Pan's teacher Janet in the future. He is also asexual and demiromantic.
According to Arum, he has a tattoo somewhere on his body. But whenever someone tries to ask him about it, he simply tells them that simply even knowing of the tattoo’s existence is more than enough for them to know.
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upgradewater · 7 months ago
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Dragonball dots
🟠 pg 57~58
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perfectly-cell-centric · 25 days ago
Reformed Cell AU- Uncle Cell meets Marron for the first time
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Piccolo has Pan, Beerus basically has Bulla, so Cell gets Marron >:3
Also might need to add another one to the Krillin owned count lol
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pleasantspark · 1 month ago
List of ships that give me the ICK in DBZ. (DNI and respect my opinions and I'll respect urs)
King Cold / Cell, Frieza / Cell & Cooler / Cell - Incest. Self explanatory.
Piccolo / Gohan - UM
Cell / Gohan - Pedophilla
Goten / Bulla - Pedophilla (GT)
Ships I find fine but will ignore asks on bc they trigger me.
Frieza / Yamcha
Zamasu / Cell
Frieza / Frost
Piccolo / Janet
Beerus / Cheelai
Broly / Cheelai
Grand Priest / Shin
Shin / Goku
Ships I FW
Zarbon / Cell
Vegeta / Vegeta (/j)
Goten / Trunks (GT/DSH)
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duhragonball · 1 year ago
Dragon Ball Super Movie 1: Broly (3/3)
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Sounds like there's been enough talk. It's time for the main event!
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So I said that I was going to cover this movie in three parts, but this third part is actually half of the film, and it's almost non-stop fighting. DBS: Broly isn't a perfect movie, but it has a lot to offer. Strong character development, tight plotting, exploration of the series lore, and then we come to this absolutely indulgent fight scene that's longer than a lot of the classic DBZ films' entire runtimes. Does this fight need to go this hard? Maybe not. The basic narrative of the battle is pretty simple, and it could probably be accomplished in half the time, with fewer twists and less ambitious choreography. But the fight does go this hard, and it's a visual feast.
I can't do it a lot of justice with words and still images, so if you haven't seen this movie, do yourself a favor and check it out. But I'll still be here, describing this thing with words and still images.
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Okay, so the basic narrative is pretty straightforward. Broly's got a ton of power, but this is the first real fight he's ever been in. He struggles at first, but keeps getting better and better as he goes, forcing Vegeta and Goku to raise their own game higher and higher in order to keep up.
We know Broly has the power to win this thing. Frieza could tell just by meeting the guy that he could take down Goku and Vegeta, which is why he offered to help Paragus with his revenge plot. King Vegeta III might be dead and gone, but Prince Vegeta IV is alive and well on Earth, so Broly can kill the son for the sins of his father. But as the fight goes on and Vegeta turns Super Saiyan, Paragus is completely surprised, since he never imagined such a think could happen. And yet, Broly manages to keep up anyway. Then Vegeta turns Super Saiyan God, and seems to shut Broly down.
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When this happens, Paragus admits that Broly is outclassed, and Frieza decides to withdraw, but Paragus can't call Broly off, because he doesn't have his remote for the shock collar he uses to control Broly. Cheelai swiped it earlier in the movie.
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Broly is so frustrated that he begins to lose control of his power, the way Paragus described before. Normally, this is where Paragus would use the shock collar to de-escalate, but instead Broly powers up with this minty green aura. The funny thing is, this allows Broly to stand up to Super Saiyan God Vegeta.
As they continue fighting, Paragus explains to Frieza that Broly has somehow internalized the power of the Great Ape form, without actually turning into a Great Ape, so he has the power-up without the bulky monkey body to hinder his movements. I'm a little unclear if Paragus is seeing this for the first time or not. I always interpreted this scene as Paragus witnessing some new depth of Broly's power, but on this viewing, it seems more like he's dealt with Wint-o-green Broly before, and this is just the first time he's seen this form play out, since he always cut it short with the shock collar in the past.
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So then Goku tags in and fights Broly for a while. It's not that Vegeta was in trouble, exactly, but he wasn't steamrolling Broly like he had been and Goku wanted a turn. He fights for a bit in base form, then in vanilla Super Saiyan, then finally turns it up to Super Saiyan God. I question the wisdom of using the lower forms when they clearly didn't work for Vegeta, but that's just Goku's style. He lasts longer than you'd expect him too, but it's not because Goku's that much stronger than Vegeta. It's the difference in their tactics. Vegeta was toying with Broly at first, then he started powering up to try to overwhelm him. When Goku takes over, he fights defensively, coping with Broly's offense without getting many hits in of his own. It's all intended to probe Broly's power, and take his measure.
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Goku finally gets serious and manages to immobilize Broly in his red God aura, but then Broly freaks out some more and cancels it with his green Maniac aura. So Goku's attempt to reason with the big guy end up falling on deaf ears. Broly's too upset to listen.
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From Frieza's ship, Cheelai and Leemo watch the battle, and pity Broly. Sure, he's winning, but they're still disgusted with the way Paragus controls Broly and forces him to fight at his command. It doesn't matter if Broly wins or loses, because he's fighting Paragus' battles, not his own.
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Goku takes a pounding and then Piccolo contacts him telepathically to ask what's going on down there. Goku tells him he'll teleport to Piccolo if they need support, then he turns it up to Super Saiyan Blue. I think this might be the first time we've seen Goku switch from God to Blue, and for some reason his aura goes green while he does it. Maybe this hints at what sort of power Broly is operating on. Like he's using divine ki but it's sort of a bastardized version of Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue. I dunno.
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Then the fight turns into CG for a bit. I've written about this before, but it always irritated me how Battle of Gods, Res F, and this movie worked in some CG actions sequences, not because they look bad, but because they look really conspicuous when they're surrounded by traditional animation. The figures just look a little stiffer and dead-eyed, and I wouldn't mind watching an entire movie in this style, but switching back and forth is just really disruptive. And then they made Super Hero and finally got it right. I'll get into that later, but DBS: Broly's CG walked so DBS: Super Hero could run.
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Goku Blue seems to have the upper hand, and Paragus concedes that there's nothing more Broly can do. But he still hasn't turned Super Saiyan, so Frieza things back to when Goku turned Super Saiyan and tries to see if he can make that happen again...
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So he Death Beams Paragus and calls out to Broly to tell him that Paragus was killed by a stray ki blast. Oh, and the ground is lava because Broly wrecked the Earth's surface around this area. Paragus was beginning to wonder if maybe King Vegeta had been right all along about Broly being too dangerous, but what he really needed to be worried about was the same treachery he used on Beets forty-odd years ago.
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So Broly flips out even more and turns Super Saiyan, which stacks on top of whatever Wint-o-green form he was using before. This is enough to make Vegeta nervous, so he turns Blue and tries to help Goku with a double-team, but it does no good. So instead they lead Broly on a merry chase...
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... to Frieza, so Broly attacks him for a while as Goku and Vegeta teleport to safety.
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Goku's plan is simple: He asks Piccolo to coach them on the Fusion Technique so that they can become powerful enough to defeat Broly before he kills Frieza and blows up the whole world. Vegeta despises this idea, but he can't offer a better one.
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But this takes like.... an hour, and Broly keeps clobbering Frieza the entire time. Frieza turns into Golden Frieza to stand up to Broly, but he doesn't really get very far. Then again, it says a lot about how powerful Frieza's become since he last tussled with Goku and Vegeta in Resurrection F. In that movie, he ran out of gas before he could properly leverage his Golden form, but here, he's getting beaten up for a solid hour and he's really not that badly hurt.
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Then Goku and Vegeta finally get it right and return to the battlefield as Gogeta. And from here on, Broly's power begins to level off.
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Broly seems to do reasonably okay, but then Gogeta turns Super Saiyan and the tide turns. Then for some reason, the entire background changes during the fight.
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Like, where the hell are they? Is this supposed to be another dimension, or is it just an aesthetic choice? Anyway, during this part of the battle, Broly's Super Saiyan hair turns that "Legendary" shade of green-yellow, and Gogeta goes Super Saiyan Blue.
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Things get back to normal, but by now it's clear that Broly isn't winning. He's still putting up a fight, but he can't do anything to stop Gogeta Blue.
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And then the Dragon appears, because...
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Cheelai has decided that the only way to save Broly is to use the Dragon Balls. And this is the part of the movie where it suddenly becomes clear that Gogeta really isn't having any trouble with Broly at all.
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This is kind of what makes this fight so special, because it starts out with Broly powering through Goku and Vegeta's best stuff. They use all their transformations and special attacks and it does nothing. They double-team him, and it gets them nowhere. They even trick Frieza into helping them, and it doesn't seem to make a bit of difference. Then they fuse into Gogeta Blue, and while he's doing very well, it says a lot that Broly's been fighting Gogeta Blue for several minutes and he's still in this thing. Broly is a very dangerous threat, and this is a pretty standard formula for Dragon Ball villains.
And yet, by this point in the fight, it's clear that Gogeta has it won. He's just teeing off on Broly at this point, and there's not much he can do except scream and try to fight back. At first, it seemed like the suspense was over whether Broly could be defeated at all, but now it's clearly become a question of whether Broly can survive this. He took on Goku and Vegeta because Paragus forced him to, and now he's completely in over his head and no one can save him. No one, that is, except...
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... Cheelai, who asks Shenron to take Broly back to Vampa. Shenron zaps him back home right before Gogeta's Kamehameha can finish him off.
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Back on Earth, Leemo pulls up in his ship and picks up Cheelai so they can flee into space. Frieza had been planning to use the Dragon Balls himself, so he's all set to shoot down Cheelai and Leemo. This is one of my favorite shots from the movie. I just like the colors. It has nothing to do with the upskirt angle view of Golden Frieza's ass. That's just a happy coincidence.
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But Gogeta spoils his shot and Frieza stands down and withdraws. Gogeta just lets him go because...................... Yeah, I still don't get this. I guess Frieza never actually hurt anybody this time. Well, he killed Paragus, but I'm not sure anyone knows he did it, and besides, Paragus was a jerk. Maybe Gogeta doesn't feel right about killing Frieza since he's not doing anything aggressive.
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Bulla update: She's doing just fine with Uncle Beerus. Still don't understand why he was even in this movie, but Bulla's cute, so it's fine.
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In space, Cheelai says she wants to meet up with Broly on Vampa, and Leemo decides to stick with them, since he'll be on the run from the Frieza Force no matter what he does. At least this way they'll all be together.
Three days later, Frieza's intelligence agents have confirmed that Cheelai and Leemo are with Broly on Vampa, and this suits him just fine. He believes that they'll help him learn to control his powers, and when that happens, he'll become the strongest fighter on the board. He hopes for this, because even though he's getting stronger, his foes are still Goku and Vegeta, and he'd like to have one other big shot in the game. I think the idea here is that Frieza thinks he can team up with Broly again some day, but this seems like a pipe dream. Oh well.
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On Vampa, Cheelai and Leemo aren't exactly thrilled about the living conditions on Vampa, but then Goku suddenly shows up and gives them some extra supplies and provisions. None of them know anything about Goku, so they're confused about how he found them so quickly without a spaceship. They don't trust Goku, but he doesn't care, since all he wants to do is fight with Broly in the future, since he enjoyed their battle on Earth, and he admires a Saiyan opponent with so much power. He also wants to teach him some things to help him improve even further, and Broly seems to find this idea appealing.
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Before he leaves, they ask him his name, and he says he's Son Goku, but also... Kakarot. I like this bit a lot, because it shows how much Goku has changed since he first learned he was a Saiyan at the beginning of DBZ. At first he despised his alien heritage, then he started to embrace it, calling himself a "Saiyan raised on Earth". In the 1993 Broly movie he angrily insisted that his name wasn't Kakarot, but here he is introducing himself by that name. By now, he's met a lot of other Saiyans, and he's learned that there's more to them than the despicable evil that Raditz described when he first came to Earth. Goku's embraced his Saiyan identity and expresses it on his own terms. He's always going to be Son Goku, but he doesn't mind Vegeta calling him "Kakarot" and now it seems like he wants Broly to call him that too. It's nice.
And that's the end of the movie. Again, it's good good stuff. Check it out if you haven't seen it, but that's about all I can think of to say. And with Broly out of the way, we just have one last story to cover, and we'll get into that very soon...
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skeletonqueen06 · 2 years ago
Listen I wanna read a Post Tournament of Power fic where:
1. A week after the ToP, Goku feels bothered somewhat leaving the Zenos behind. (kind of)
2. So, Goku suggests to hold an after-party event (picnic-style) where everyone is invited. Everyone means EVERYONE. The Zenos, participants who participated in the ToP, each universes Kaioshins and their respective Gods of Destructions, like literally everyone, including the Z gang too.
3. When he first proposed the idea to Beerus and Whis, Beerus goes like "Hell naw, not on your fucking life" while Whis goes like "Sounds interesting, maybe I should call my Father and see what he thinks about this." After lots of pestering, beerus and the kaioshins finally agreed and miraculously everyone from other universes are fine with it as well.
4. Then Chichi and Bulma got busy preparing for the after-party.
5. When the picnic finally happen, everyone from other universes were so tense because the Zenos will be there too. The gang from the U7 on the other hand literally excited for the picnic.
6. Goku formally introduced the Z gang and his family members to the Zenos.
7. When Chichi finally met the Zenos face to face, she was instantly on grandma's mode, and said, "Now that I see you up close, you're so small. Here lemme fix you up something real quick, so you'll grow big and strong like my husband.
8. Everyone excluding the Goku's family was hella sweating at this point. Beerus and Champa just kept on eating thinking that they might as well die with full stomach.
9. Goten and Trunks asked the Zenos to play with them. Goten and Trunks taught the Zenos lots of fun games.
10. Pan on the other hand fly around the Grand Priest's head while trying to touch his hallo-thingy. Bulla was crawling around his feet trying to get his attention.
11. At this point, other people from other universes thinks that either the people from U7 have the nerve of steel, or they just literally bunch of crazy bastards.
12. Many fun things happen in the party. Kame Sennin let his perverted nature loose, the Saiyans and other warriors have an eating contest and all. Bonus point if Chichi and Bulma bonded with Kale and the others over how stupid Saiyans men can be while Cabba docilely sitting as he heard their complains wishing it won't be him they go to.
13. Anyway in the end, everyone enjoys the party.
14. Before leaving back to Earth, Goku said to the Zenos that if they ever felt bored again, might as well come to earth and have some fun there.
Sorry for the bad grammar. English is not first language, you see. But I really want to put this idea out there hoping that someone will write the fic or something.
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