#and their horns rubbing together when she does so makes her Secretly Very Happy
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beresaad · 6 months ago
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there's nothing like rubbing your horns together in sappy displays of affection with your wife
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w2beastars · 4 years ago
Waezi2′s thoughts on “Beast Complex” chapter 17.
Sorry it took so long to write this blog. I've been in pain for a couple of days and couldn’t coventrate when I tried to write a blog.
Chapter 17 of Beast Complex is about the goat Kiyosumi and the turtle Abu.
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Kiyusumi is a seventeen year old student with a pair of big horns. She sits behind Abu who almost always hide inside his shell that has the word “Hell” tattooed on it. These two big teens haven never spoken to each other despite them sitting this close to each other in class. Abu is literally a withdrawn person and Kiyusumi is the sort of quiet girl who does’t speak unless spoken to. In fact, she is rather passive and only do something if told to. But she does exactly what she IS told to, even if she doesn’t want to. Like when she is asked to look out for students who smokes at school since she is part of the school’s disciplinary committee.
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But Kiyusumi is not exactly the embodiment of authority, so when she does find a couple of smokers on school ground, the scoundrels just laugh at her as well as intimidate her into shutting up.
But who comes to our big-horned goat’s rescue?
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Abu the Turtle. It so happens that he likes to take naps behind the school building and he asks the smokers to go somewhere else as he is not exactly fond of cigarette buds and smoke.
And he scare off the smokers since he is tattooed like a gang member. They leave, apologizing for invading his “territory.” 
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Once they are alone, they can let it sink in that this is the first time they actually talked to each other. Kiyusumi is baffled by both finally seeing more than just Abu’s shell and hands, and that he has tattooed most of his body. Abu explains that he is passionate about tattoos and practice tattooing by using his own body so that he one day can do it for a living. And he takes Kiyusumi by surprise by telling her that he always wanted to tattoo her dangerous horns.
And her horns ARE dangerous. Kiyusumi’s horns are still growing, and they will eventually penetrate her skull if she doesn’t get them removed. but Abu is the first to notice it, or at the very least pointing it out.
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Abu takes Kiyusumi with him after school and show her his tattoo studio AKA his grandpa’s garage. It is obvious that he is extremely passionate about his craft
Kiyusumi allow Abu to work on her horns. He is grateful, but he also points out that they could be the death of her and ask if she has ever thought about having them removed. Kiyusumi explains that she has thought about it for years... but due to anxiety and lack of confidence, she never did anything about it. Instead, she hoped that someone would tell her to do something about her horns, point out that they would eventually stab her skull, that she should get rid of them, anything.
This is a classical trait of depression. Doing something, or in this case NOT do something that results in self destruction of a sort and hope that someone tells you to stop. To show that they care. there are some cutters who secretly hope that someone will notice their self inflicted scars.
But it seems like no one cares enough to tell Kiyusumi that they are worried. OR that they prefer not to “meddle.”
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Abu points out that people prefer to mind their own business. They prefer to ignore it if someone has drastically changed or are in pain. and they do so because it is convenient to act like nothing. Heck, when Abu tattooed his shell for the first time, no one seemed to notice, or they just acted like nothing when seeing a guy with the word “Hell” on his back. He had to get tattooed way more than just on the shell before people had to notice and he now has to hide his head, arms and legs so he doesn’t disturb people with his art.
Trust me, Abu is not exaggerating. I seen people walk past a man who was clearly having issues with his stomach as he lied on a bench. Most prefer to look past what they don’t want to deal with.
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After finishing the decoration of Kiyusumi horns, the two teenagers decide to spend the night together and just hang out. Do stuff teenagers do. And they are both extremely happy. Abu is not hiding in his shell and Kiyusumi is smiling and laughing.
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We cut to one week later where someone finally notices Kiyosumi since she decided to get rid of her overgrown horns. One of the girls in her class(a tiger) tells her that it is surprising to see her horn-less, but that it makes her face look brighter. Suiting, since Kiyosumi feels brighter. This is the first time she can recall making a choice of her own, and a very good one since it means she is not gonna die.
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Abu is congratulating Kiyosumi in his own way by tattooing his shell again so that there are flowers growing out of the word “Hell”. His first tattoo is a very cynical and provoking one, so his adding the same type of flowers on it as the ones he made on Kiyosumi’s horns before she had them operated off is a sign of optimism.
I like this chapter a lot. We dealt with depression before as well as suicidal behavior, but this BC chapter deals with the quiet cry for help, the sadness that follows when no one gives a shit, and how much effort people put into ignoring someone because they rub them off the wrong way. A great detail is that at no point does Abu tell her that she should have her horns removed. He just points out that they are dangerous and asks if she had considered. She had to make this decision for herself. If he had told her to do it, she would have since she automatically does as she is told, but even though he noticed the horns, Kiyosumi was the one who made the choice that prevented her early death.
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lovelyparkers · 5 years ago
my bday special random head canons with peter!
hi it's my birthday!!! as promised i'm writing a bunch of headcanon requests and they will all be here in this chapter MWAH <3 yuh let's get into it
-so first off my fave request
-so ur an avenger on a mission in the snowy mountains
-you and peter are teamed up ofc
-being you, you decide to get way too into the battle and not care about your own well-being
-peters yelling at you like
-but he really does care about u and he's scared asf
-anyways so
-you get hurt
-basically some creature
-who the fuck knows
-launched you in the air and into the freezing snow and knocked you out
-peter couldn't find you and immediately got nervous
-he was able to track you down with stark's tech and dig you out of the snow where you were lowkey freezing to death ok
-he pulls you up into his arms and holds you tight and starts crying because he doesn't know if you'll make it
-he swings over to the cabin tony bought just for the mission
-because we all know tony is extra asf
-bruce checks you up to see if anything's broken
-it's not
-you most likely just have a concussion and knocked out for awhile
-peter carries you bridal style to the living room where the fire is blazing
-he sits on the couch with you in his lap
-you have layers of warm clothes on
-he strokes your hair and makes sure your head stays up comfortably
-he wanted to be there when you woke up duh
-and when you do wake up your really confused and have a headache
-but when you recognize peter you automatically feel safe :)
-and he's like crying again bc he's so glad you woke up but also mad at you for going crazy
-he'll squeeze your hand a lot and cup your cheek to make sure you're actually there
-and he'll say "you scared the crap out of me y/n. don't do that ever again. promise me?"
-you promise and just cuddle into his side
-he presses several kisses to your head
-and you him in response
-u two just hold each other so close
-okay next one!!
-i LOVE this
-after meeting peter you ask HIM out and ofc he says yes
-you guys totally hit it off ok
-like theirs just natural chemistry between you guys
-there's so much flirting and you get to know each other while having a picnic on the rooftop garden
-he kisses you on the second date and you m e l t
-and gosh he's so pretty like hot damn
-from then on you guys become a couple
-because we ALL know the avengers love to tease
-especially sam, bucky, and tony
-nat would be here for it tho let's be honest
-you go to her for boy advice and she's so chill and begs you to tell her who u like
-she probably knows it's peter tho bc she's smart
-you have to try really hard to keep it a secret
-and that's not easy living with the avengers
-you find yourself holding hands and then tony will walk in whatever room to get you guys for a mission and you pull apart real quick
-another time you and peter were in the movie room
-like awe
-you were cuddling duh and just holding each other
-sharing kisses every now and then
-your head was on his shoulder and his arm was around you
-then bucky and sam walked in
-with popcorn tho
-and you and peter scooted away from each other real quick when he heard the door open
-sam would tease u guys anyway
-"what's up guys? confess your love yet?"
-and bucky would be like
-"pretty sure we heard you guys making out a second ago"
-they obviously didn't hear or see anything but like to tease the only teenagers who always flirted
-but OH GOSH
-it was late at night
-like LATE late
-peter snuck into ur room ofc
-and you guys were just sitting on your bed making out right
-hands in each other's hair
-lip biting
-all that good stuff
-and nat just barges on because she knows u never sleep and likes to just talk with you or play a game or watch a movie
-this time u forgot to lock the door
-and she screams
-you jump up off peters lap and shut the door after pulling her in
-"i knew it i knew it!"
-she's smiling though and laughing
-shes genuinely happy u two are together
-but peters all blushing
-and shy
-because you guys just got caught making out by an adult
-she'll ask you a bunch of questions too
-and ur like "nAt u cant tell aNyBoDy pLEaSe"
-she promises bc she knows it's not her place
-shes great at keeping secrets bc she's an ex assassin
-but she's very happy for u guys and tells u to always be safe and all
-then you and peter go back to making out hehe
-ok my fave requested this next one hi ily
-also this is best friend peter who has feeling for you but doesn't want to admit it so ur just friends but he loves u and u secretly love him
-so this is still avenger!reader bc u guys know i'm a hoe for this shit
-"i mean i'm not a slut but who knows"
-so u guys have a lot of energy one day bc u got a day off from training since tony and steve were out all day
-u slept in that day and could NOT fall asleep the next night
-u and peter had been texting late at night
-it's like midnight i'll say
-and u tell him to meet you in the grand kitchen
-so u bring urself and a blanket and run down to the kitchen in your pyjamas
-shorts and one of peters tee shirts hehe it's summer and it's hot!
-peter walks in with a big smile on his face and just wearing some shorts
-that is all
-ok so you dig into the freezer and get ice cream out for u guys
-i cant have dairy ahahha rip
-off track but let's go
-peter gets the spoons and you don't even say a word bc this is just how it always goes
-you migrate toward the living room and flip down on the couch side by side
-he is very close to you
-bare arms touching
-he just groans bc he's bored as he hands you a spoon
-u guys always talk and eat ice cream
-passing the tub around
-peter eventually says something dumb
-like u know when u pull all nighters w ur friends and it gets to that point of the night when someone says something really dumb or weird and everyone just loses it?
-this ALWAYS happens with you two
-he deadass says something like
-"i think we have the same size feet"
-and you start cackling bc what the fuck
-"y/n no hold up ur foot to mine"
-so u do bc why not
-u do not have the same size feet ❤️
-but wow how intimate
-but you honestly CANNOT with this boy
-so you flick a blob of ice cream at his nose
-and it just immediately drips down onto his chest bc he tries to look down at his nose
-so now there's ice cream on his bArE cHEsT
-like that's hot
-jk idk u decide
-and he is literally whining
-"y/nnnnnnn what the hell?"
-ur just laughing softly but admiring his toned abs and chest
-"want me to lick it off for you?"
-peter just freezes not believing the words that just came out of your mouth
-he's stuttering and mumbling and BLUSHING SO MUCH
-he don't know what to do
-you laugh and say "KIDDING"
-bc again u say weird shit in the middle of the night
-u get up and get a paper towel tho
-peter is still very flustered
-kinda wishing u did
-but you come back and lean a hand on his shoulder and start cleaning the ice cream off his chest for him
-and he's just looking up at you bc
-god ur so pretty and ur practically on top of him rn
-peter probably gets horny i'm the middle of the night too let's be honest here
-but after that moment where peter felt like he was the main character
-everything is fine now and you continue talking
-eventually u turn on a movie and lay your head in peters lap
-much to his surpRisE
-and just watch the movie together
-he like doesn't know where to put his hands
-so he just lays on over ur waist
-he cant stop staring at u bc omg ur laying on his lap and omg ur so pretty and ahhhh
-when u laugh it makes him tremble
-and when the sun starts coming up u guys make pancakes and like
-y'all still aren't tired
-and ofc u spend the day together then eventually crash on the couch on top of each other
-it's very cute and tony takes pictures
-okay now for my own lil idea
-like the amount of love he would show u
-so ofc he would sleep over the night before bc he's in love ok
-u guys watch movies and cuddle and kiss
-at midnight he throws confetti on you and blows a horn
-he says hbd like a million times
-and he gives you a long passionate kiss mwah
-cuddles cuddles cuddles
-u sleep in each other's arms
-peter wakes up early before you to make ur fave breakfast
-he's practiced cooking so it's perfect for ur special day
-he presents it all pretty too
-then he goes to wake you up
-because you always told him to wake you up when he gets up so you can spend time together
-ur like that
-and he loves it
-he wakes you up by pressing kisses all over your face
-and rubbing your arm and fixing your hair
-you wake up with a sleepy smile and he just melts he's in love
-you give him a big hug and kiss his cheek
-then he tells you about breakfast
-he helps you walk to the table while covering ur eyes bc SURPRISE
-peter's presentation is very much adequate
-he has little gift bags lined up for you
-and balloons
-and streamers
-he just wants to make you feel so special :,)
-ur so grateful for him
-you give him big hug and kiss again bc UR IN LOVE TOO
-you sit together and eat and peter makes you open his gifts
-he made some homemade gifts too because how heartfelt it that
-he gets you one really nice present
-and a bunch of little ones like snacks
-maybe an inside joke gift
-you guys just burst out laughing when you open it and it's so cute
-he's just admiring you
-you spend the day either going on walks
-having a nice date
-or just staying in together
-lots of cuddles again of course
-peter parker is a cuddler
-a must
-like ugh i yearn for bday makeouts
-he takes care of u so well phew
-it's very intimate and hot and passionate let's be honest
-ned just screams
-mj was like "really? y'all knew we were coming over"
-but she's soft for u
-gives u the best hug and tells u hbd
-you guys have a mario kart tournament bc that's really fun
-snack snacks snacks
-the four of you have cake and they make u so happy
-after ned and mj leave it's more peter time
-more making out
-maybe sumn else😳
-he treats u very good to say the least
-overall it's a lovely birthday and peter is the best ok
thank u guys so much for the birthday wishes <3 i seriously don't deserve you guys ur all so sweet!!! hope u enjoyed this lil hc special mwah!
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seizasa-a · 6 years ago
These are Hard Times for Dreamers &&. Love Lost Believers (   ALL MUSES // HARRY POTTER AU   )
Below the read more is a summary of each muse’s role in this AU. Ages and occupations may change according to the plot of any threads written in this verse.
House: Slytherin Year/Age: Fifth/15-16 (Prefect) Familiar: White fennec fox Wand: Maple wood, unicorn hair core, 10 ¾", hard flexibility Patronus: Rat
Although they are commonly regarded as vermin or pests, rats have impressive traits that signify them as worthy opponents, including sociability, resourcefulness, and ambition. Despite their timidness, rats are known to be stubborn and full of devious ways. Thus, they should be treated with caution.
One of the few to break the mould Slytherin has crafted for itself throughout its history as a house of evildoers and ne’er-do-wells, Tobirama is a pillar of blind justice, though his drive and ambition leave little room to question his rightful Hogwarts house. He aspires to become an inventor of spells, determined to learn everything there is to learn about magic and how it works. Above even that, though, he longs to make a name for himself that stands alone from “Hashirama’s little brother”. He respects and, to a degree, admires his brother’s achievements in the wizarding world, but he’s never been one to settle for walking in the footsteps of someone else.
House: Ravenclaw Year/Age: Sixth/16-17 Familiar: Gyrfalcon Wand: Ebony wood, thestral tail hair core, 12", unbending flexibility Patronus: White stallion
Those with the white stallion patronus possess a strong sense of self. It is difficult to convince them to turn away from personal beliefs or change who they are. Strength and durability in character make the white stallion especially formidable compared to the conjurers of other horse type patronus. However, those who wield the white stallion can often be provocative and rub people up the way.
Madara is but a young wizard trying to find his path in life. He detests the supremacist ideology held by nearly all “purebloods”, largely because the Uchiha are a branch family of the Otsutsuki and are still treated as lesser to this day. Their distant Senju cousins don’t receive the same treatment due to their famous contributions to all of wizardkind in the form of both magical and legislative inventions and advancements. Both the Senju and Uchiha became branch families when their ancestors “tainted” the bloodline with muggle blood. Madara has resented the Otsutsuki for as long as he can remember and he dreams of one day absolving the Uchiha name by abolishing the widespread elitist pureblood propaganda that has plagued the wizarding world for centuries.
House: Ravenclaw Age: 40 Familiar: Siamese Cat Wand: Ebony wood, dragon heartstring core, 11 ¼", rigid flexibility Patronus: Hyena
Often given a bad reputation, hyenas are cunning hunters and scavengers that know what they have to do to survive in the animal kingdom. They live and hunt in packs/clans and are very social animals. They often communicate with those in their clans by making a variety of noises, including the “laughter” they are so famous for. Hyenas are loyal, creative, and fierce.
Tetsujin was Ravenclaw’s poster boy of idle curiosity and devotion to his studies during his years at Hogwarts, so it was no surprise that he was Head Boy in his seventh year. He’d dabbled in such a wide array of magical genres that he didn’t have a clear idea of what he wanted to do until his last year of school. He’d known he wanted to work for the Ministry of Magic since the summer following his fifth year, but the specific position he wanted didn’t come to him for some time. Having achieved his latent desires, he now works as an Obliviator for the Ministry, though few know of this occupation. He doubles as Hogwarts’ professor of Ghoul Studies and only the Headmaster knows of his second job. He’s been assigned to keep an eye on the students should any issues with confidentiality arise.
House: Gryffindor Age: 54 Familiar: Natterjack toad Wand: Silver Lime wood, phoenix feather core, 13 ¾", quite bendy flexibility Patronus: Badger
The recognizable mascot of Hufflepuff House, badgers represent determination. Badgers mostly keep to themselves but are aggressive when threatened. Connected to the earth, the badger is grounded and celebrates individuality. This creature’s stubbornness and instinct to protect make it a formidable enemy for Dementors!
In the glory of his youth, Jiraiya was fondly known as “the Bastard of Hufflepuff”, a title that began in mockery but became a moniker of great pride for its owner. It had been no secret that his muggle father was a deadbeat and that his witch mother had never wanted to give birth to him, but growing up an orphan only strengthened Jiraiya’s resolve to find his own family. He’s still very close friends with some of those from his Hogwarts house, as well as some from the others. He’d made a point of becoming everyone’s friend during his school years, and while he didn’t succeed by a long shot, he still made some everlasting connections that he wouldn’t trade for the world. Currently he’s an accomplished author of magical erotica and spends the rest of his time managing a small inn in Hogsmeade called Hiffle & Piffle Inn.
House: Hufflepuff Year/Age: Fifth/15-16 (Prefect) Familiar: Mini rex rabbit Wand: Cypress wood, dragon heartstring core, 10 ¼", quite bendy flexibility Patronus: Doe
As the Patronus of Severus Snape and Lily Potter, the doe is fiercely protective of its loved ones, as displayed through its caring and nurturing nature. The doe is also representative of gentleness yet strong determination, and with its high level of intuition and sensitivity, it battles life’s challenges with the utmost grace and vigilance.
As the heiress of the pureblooded Hyuga family, Hinata has been taught since birth to be graceful, dignified, and leaderly. She is decidedly none of those things due to a predisposition toward clumsiness and anxiety amoung other flaws. She’s just as disappointed in herself as her family is, though she hopes that by her seventh year at Hogwarts, she’ll have learned to become to woman they want her to be. At the same time, however, she secretly yearns for an escape from her life as little more than an heiress. She wants to explore herself and her possibilities beyond a duty to her family. She just needs a push in the right direction.
House: Hufflepuff Age: 23 Familiar: Ferret Wand: Maple wood, phoenix feather core, 10", pliant flexibility Patronus: Dolphin
Intelligence and sociability are among the main attributes of the dolphin. Also known for their playfulness and loyalty, dolphins live and work together in groups to aid the sick and injured and to defend each other from predators. Its incredible intelligence is put to good use in the form of solving complex problems and other such challenges. The dolphin does not enjoy dull, routine activities, so keeping busy with interesting tasks is a must!
Kagami actually hails from Mahotokoro in Japan and he is a professional Quidditch player for the Toyohashi Tengu. His team’s championships eventually led him to visit Hogwarts in England, where he giddily requested to wear the Sorting Hat out of pure curiosity as to what house he would be in. Once he was assigned Hufflepuff, he was offered a tour of the common rooms, which he gracefully accepted. He’s made similar requests all across the globe, ever so happy to see what the different magic schools were like on the inside. It was during his stay at Hogwarts for a scrimmage between one of their Quidditch teams and his that his wand broke and he had to order a new one from Ollivander. He’s quite fond of it and would say that it’s quite fond of him as well.
House: Slytherin Year/Age: Seventh/17-18 Familiar: Maine coon Wand: Pine wood, basilisk horn core, 12 ½", rigid flexibility Patronus: Dragon
One of the most powerful and formidable creatures of the magical world, dragons are ambitious and dominant. With the ability to breathe fire, they quickly assert themselves, garnering both fear and respect from those around them. They are unafraid to take risks and prefer to live by their own set of rules. They are quick to lead and do not back down from a challenge. Dragons are strong in their convictions and will stand for what they believe is right. Those with a dragon for a patronus are sure to be fierce fighters, and the Dementors better be ready for a challenge!
Known Parselmouth and heir apparent to a family of notoriously pureblooded Death Eaters, many Hogwarts students regard Indra as a Voldemort groupie, with respect to his wealthy status, of course. He has yet to make his stance clear on either his family’s affiliation with the Death Eaters or Voldemort himself, so it’s become a hot topic for gossip and rumours throughout the school. He shares an unnerving aura of stoicism and ruthlessness with his maine coon familiar, whose eyes follow everyone who dares come too close to his owner. Despite being a dead ringer for Slytherin’s reputation of villainy types, his goals and ambitions are a mystery. He largely keeps to himself and any rumour of his being seen willingly socializing are just that—rumours.
House: Gryffindor Year/Age: Fifth/15-16 Familiar: Chinchilla Wand: Sycamore wood, unicorn hair core, 11 ½", unbending flexibility Patronus: Siberian cat
Siberian cats are perfect as patronuses. Fearless yet easygoing, they seem to always know when their humans need them for support or comfort. They can be quiet, with soft melodic purrs and chirps. While these may not be the cats to chase down a Dementor, they will stay with you, protecting and calming you until the Dementor fades away.
Having witnessed the death of her childhood best friend at a young age, Ryuzetsu has enjoyed, more or less, the company of thestrals for the majority of her life. She finds comfort in their presence as if they were remnants of Muku keeping an eye on her. Her mother and father head the family business of dragon keeping, a career she’s very much interested in taking up after graduating from Hogwarts. She’s always felt a certain kinship with dragons for their strength and ferocity, striving to become a strong and ferocious woman of her own.
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My Eyes - Part 19 [END]
Pairing: Bucky; Steve x Fem/Reader
Word Count: 5,294
Story Description: Steve is a good man, America’s golden boy, a hero. He’s Captain America for christ’s sake! So it’s normal to want what he has… right? Bucky knows he doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t even deserve the second chance at life he’s been given. But Bucky can never let him know. Steve can never find out that his friend is in love with his best girl.
Story takes place post “CA: CW” and all tension has been resolved.
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“Y/N, I’m not going anywhere.” Bucky pleaded, almost sounding like a child.
“If you don’t get out of this house… So help me god, Bucky.” She snapped back.
Meanwhile, Jimmy was looking between his two parents with awkwardness. He already had his hiking boots on and his backpack hanging off one shoulder.
“You are suffocating me. I can’t take it anymore.” Y/N lectured as she moved about the kitchen, grabbing things.
“She does have a point…” Jimmy offered quietly.
Bucky glared at him. “Who’s side are you on?”
“Mine, obviously.” Y/N answered for her son. “We both decided that you need some fresh air. And I…I need 5 damn minutes without you hovering over me. I love you, Bucky. But if you can’t stop treating me like I’m completely helpless, then I’m kicking you out of the house for a few hours.”
“Come on, Buck. We haven’t gone on a hike in months.” Jimmy added lightly.
It was their thing. Bucky was a Brooklyn boy. But Jimmy, having grown up in a nature paradise, couldn’t relate to the love of a busy and loud city. He was more like his mother in that way. So they started going on hikes together. It was therapeutic for both of them.
“Y/N, your due any day now. I’m not leaving you alone.” Bucky was attempting his final defense.
As if someone heard it, the front door opened.
“Well, I’m not going to be alone.” Y/N smiled, knowing that she had finally won the battle. Seconds later Nat, Wanda, and Pepper walked around the corner.
“Barnes, she had to call in reinforcements. Go on the damn hike and get out of here.” Nat smirked, already knowing that Bucky was being stubborn even though she hadn’t witnessed the ongoing argument.
Bucky finally sighed and nodded his head.
“Can I drive?” Jimmy asked excitedly. Now that he officially had his license, he felt the need to drive absolutely everywhere.
Bucky tossed the keys at him. Jimmy caught them and kissed his mom on the cheek before practically sprinting out the door and to the car.
“We already ordered pizza.” Pepper announced before her, Nat, and Wanda moved out of the kitchen and into the living room.
It was just Bucky and Y/N now.
“Are you mad at me?” He muttered, looking like a kicked puppy.
Y/N couldn’t help but giggle softly. She stepped towards him and pinched his chin. “No, you drama queen. I’m not mad at you. But we’re both getting a bit crazy. Me being cooped up in this house isn’t all that bad. I’m a homebody and I have my greenhouse and my garden. But you’ve never stayed in one place this long. You need this more than you think.”
Bucky nodded slowly.
Y/N kissed him. It brought a bright smile to his face.
“Plus, Jimmy misses hanging out with you. He needs some father/son time.” She added softly.
“You’ll call if you need anything, right?” Bucky asked.
“I’m not going to need anything.”
“I know but if you do…”
Y/N kissed him again. “Stop worrying.”
Before Bucky could say anything else, Jimmy was honking the car horn outside.
She playfully shoved him in the direction of the door. “Go! Have fun. Try to relax. And don’t worry about me.”
Bucky smiled at her bossiness. It wasn’t an every day occurrence for Y/N, but Bucky secretly liked it a little. He started walking backwards but then rushed forward for one last kiss.
“I love you.” He muttered after he barely pulled away from her lips.
“I love you too.” Y/N laughed and then pushed him again. “Now go!” 
Luckily for Jimmy and Bucky, they didn’t see a single soul as they hiked. Jimmy usually chose the more challenging trails, sometimes even dangerous. Anything else was too easy for him and it got boring quickly. Despite the workout, neither of them were breathing very hard. It was basically a walk in the park for them.
“Hey, Bucky?” Jimmy asked behind him as he jumped between two boulders gracefully. “When did you…ugh…umm…”
Bucky stopped moving for a second to give the boy a look of concern. Jimmy was blushing and appearing somewhat uncomfortable. Steve used to look exactly the same when he was forced to discuss a risqué subject.
“What is it, Jimmy?” He tried to ask in a reassuring tone.
“Right.” The teenager took in a deep breath. “When was the first time you…you know…with a girl?” He stared at the ground as he asked, but his eyes managed to find some sort of bravery and flickered up to Bucky.
“Is this about Sam?” Bucky couldn’t help but smirk slightly.
“Kinda.” Jimmy admitted.
“I don’t know if I’m the best person to have this talk with. Maybe you should ask your mom, Jimmy.”
“She gave me that talk a long time ago, Buck. That’s not what I’m asking.”
Bucky smiled to himself as he imagined Y/N talking to Jimmy about the birds and the bees. She had always complained about the conservative take America had on sex. Y/N prided herself for being sex positive with her son.
Bucky could tell that Jimmy genuinely wanted to have a discussion about the topic. So he stopped the hike for a second and found a ledge with a view to sit for a moment. “What exactly are you asking me, Jimmy?”
He followed Bucky’s lead and sat next to him on the rocks, looking out below him at the trees and blue sky.
For a few minutes, they both just sat in silence and listening to nature.
“When do you know when it’s the right time? Or that they’re the right person?” Jimmy finally asked.
Bucky sighed and rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. How had he ever ignored the possibility that this conversation would come up at some point?
“I gotta be honest with you, Jimmy. When I was your age, I didn’t always treat girls all that great.”
Jimmy’s brow creased. “But mom and Sam say that you were a ladies’ man…”
Bucky shook his head. “She told you that?”
“Well…she might have said it a little bit differently.”
“I was charming and smooth. But I got bored easily, chased after a new girl every other week. I even dragged your poor dad into it when it was necessary. He was forced to make a fool of himself in an attempt to be my wingman.”
Jimmy nodded slowly and then glanced at him. “Did you sleep with all of them?”
Bucky shook his head. “Not all of them. Things were different back then. But…there was a decent amount.” He didn’t say it with any pride. More with embarrassment.
Jimmy was quiet. The distance in his eyes made it clear that he was deep in thought. “Did you love them? I mean…the ones that you did sleep with.”
To his surprise, he saw Bucky’s eyes light up a bit at the question. “I’ve only loved one woman in my life, Jimmy.”
“How did you know?” Jimmy voice was quiet.
“How did you know that you loved mom?”
Bucky’s jaw clenched. Jimmy was only vaguely aware of the weird timeline between Bucky’s love for his mom and his father’s death. He figured out a lot of it on his own. No one ever flat-out told him that Bucky loved Y/N while she was still with Steve. Jimmy didn’t think it was appropriate for him to ask either of them about it. Every once in awhile, he was brave enough to ask Sam or Nat, but never his mom or Bucky.
“I know it was before dad died.” Jimmy confessed gently.
Bucky just nodded, not all that surprised by it. Jimmy was smart…practically a genius with his privileged and enhanced education.
“Every time I saw her, I felt this draw to her. After everything with Hydra, there was a weird weight inside me. But whenever I was even just in the same room as Y/N, I felt normal again. You can’t rely on another person as your only source of happiness, Jimmy. But whenever I saw how kind and beautiful your mom was, it just became a challenge to make myself better.”
“To make yourself worthy of her?” Jimmy offered softly.
“Exactly.” Bucky looked back to the scenery in front of them. “Your mom never treated me like the Winter Soldier. I was just your dad’s best friend. She cared about me even though I was terrible to her.” Bucky sighed, trying to figure out if he wanted to say the last part. “I knew I loved her when I could see her with your dad, completely in love, and be okay that it wasn’t me. Because all I ever wanted was for her to be happy.”
Jimmy smiled shyly. That sounded like his mom.
“When we first moved here, I was the weird new kid. One of the guys in my grade saw me as an easy target, I guess. I was walking to the bus, him and his friends tried to pick a fight. When I ignored them, they grabbed my sketchbook out of my hand and threw it in a puddle. Sam, she was shorter and smaller then…like me.” Jimmy laughed lightly at the memory of his tall and athletic girlfriend before she grew into a young woman. “She came out of nowhere and yelled at them, even pushed the boy into the mud. She grabbed my sketchbook and told me how much she liked my drawings. Sam was always popular and cool. People love her. I never understood why she did that. Or why she kept talking to me as if I wasn’t this weird and shy new kid.”
Bucky grinned at Jimmy.
“Sam saw me before the world found out that I was Steve Roger’s son.”
“And before you went through puberty.” Bucky teased, taking in Jimmy’s 6’3 height and broad frame.
Jimmy laughed lightly.
“Sounds like you already have it figured out, Jimmy.”
He shrugged. “I just wanted you to know.”
Bucky gripped his shoulders. “I’m glad you told me.” Their little moment was over and he got back to his feet, stretching slightly. Then he pointed seriously at Jimmy. “But if don’t use some kind of protection, you’re getting your butt kicked at training, do you hear me?”
Jimmy rolled his eyes and got to his feet too. “Did you forget who my mother is? She started buying me condoms like over a year ago. And I’m gonna talk to her too.” He didn’t want to admit it, but he wanted to a female perspective on the matter. Sam was really important to him. He didn’t want to do anything to upset or lose her.
Bucky’s cellphone started ringing in his back pocket. “Speak of the devil…”
“Don’t talk about my mother that way!” Jimmy joked as he started climbing a rock wall that was a completely vertical angle.
“Are you having fun?” Y/N asked lightly
But Bucky instantly noticed something wrong in her voice. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
Jimmy’s head whipped around at the question and he immediately jumped down from the wall to rejoin Bucky.
“So, everything’s completely fine. Don’t panic.” Then she took in a deep breath. “It’s just…ugh…my water may or may not have broken.”
“What!?” Bucky and Jimmy yelled at the same time.
“The girl’s are taking me to the compound right now. The team of doctors are already waiting for me.” Y/N felt so bad for making Bucky feel so bad about being overprotective. Now he was miles and miles away from her as she was going into labor.
“We’re on our way right now.” Bucky tried not to yell.
“Hey, Bucky?” Y/N asked lightly.
“I love you, okay?” That’s when she finally sounded scared.
“I love you too, Y/N. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Okay…” She didn’t sound convinced.
“Y/N.” Bucky voice turned firm.
“I promise, everything’s going to be okay. We’ll be there soon.”
“Okay.” She sighed in a small relief.
With that, Bucky hung up.
He shared a look with Jimmy.
“Race you to the bottom?” The teenager asked. 
Jimmy was holding on to the handle of the car door as he sat in the passenger’s seat. Bucky was screaming down the roads at a speed he’d never witnessed before. He wasn’t complaining, but he’d never seen Bucky so panicked before. Even when Y/N had been kidnapped by Hydra, Bucky maintained a calm and collected soldier mentality. But this…this was something different.
They were sprinting into the medical wing of the compound an hour after they hung up the phone.
The entire team was waiting outside the room.
Nat was the first time talk to them. “Well you two sure made it in record time.”
Jimmy elbowed Bucky. “You go in. I’ll stay out here with everyone.”
Bucky just nodded and rushed into the room.
To his surprise, it was Sam who was sitting next to Y/N’s bed. He was holding her head as she squeezed every time a contraction hit.
Sam looked at him. “Wanda and Nat’s hands already got bruised by her grip.” He explained before Bucky could ask.
“Bucky!” Y/N sighed in relief.
Without saying anything else, Sam pat Bucky on the back and left the room.
“Hey, doll. I’m here.” Bucky sighed, ignore the chair and sitting next to Y/N right on the bed.
Y/N nodded and was taking deep breaths. Her skin was sweaty with pieces of her hair sticking to her forehead. Bucky couldn’t understand how she still managed to look beautiful through the pain and exhaustion.
“You’re doing great.” He whispered to her and kissed her forehead.
Y/N grabbed his metal hand. “Whatever you do… just don’t leave.”
Bucky shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere doll.”
The labor went on for hours. Y/N handled it like the badass woman she was, never complaining, only asking if the baby was okay every other minute. Bucky didn’t know how she did it. Y/N was his hero.
But the room disappeared when their child finally entered the world.
Bucky swore his heart stopped when the doctor’s announced the new arrival.
It was a girl.
They’d decided to keep the gender a surprise.
Bucky had tears filling his eyes as soon as he saw her.
Now Y/N was fast asleep in her bed. The doctors brought their daughter into a crib at the side of her bed.
But Bucky had struggled with finding sleep after all the excitement. He couldn’t believe he was a father.
Instead of resting, his eyes just watched his two girls sleep.
That is, until the little one started fussing.
Bucky jumped up, not wanting Y/N to wake up. He tiptoed to the crib that was next to the bed. Ever so gently, he picked his daughter up.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. Daddy’s here.” He whispered to his baby. She instantly quieted at the sound of his voice. “Your mom’s so tired. We gotta let her rest. She’s been carrying you around for so long and then you caused quite the ruckus when you decided to come out.”
Bucky carefully cradled her to his chest, put most of her weight on his flesh arm. He was already scared of accidentally harming her with his metal arm. Y/N immediately noticed the awkward shifts and movements he made and caught on. She kindly reminded him that he never once harmed Jimmy in all of his life. It made Bucky relax a little bit, but he couldn’t completely stop his paranoia.
“I still can’t believe you’re here.” Bucky whispered. “Frances Stevie Barnes.” He said the name with pride.
Y/N had said she wanted to use a name from Bucky’s true time period. Frances was his grandmother’s name on his mom’s side. His parents used to tell him that he got his charm and good-looks from her. Y/N reminded him that he’d mentioned it to her. She always loved the name. As for the middle name…Well, it was for Bucky’s best friend and the first man that Y/N ever loved.
Y/N didn’t know if it was the right thing to do. But Bucky insisted.
So here she was: Frances Stevie Barnes.
She was healthy and beautiful. Bucky instantly asked the doctors a hundred times if her health was okay. It took Y/N sending a calm surge with her powers for him to finally believe the doctors when they said Frances was perfectly healthy.
“Don’t tell your mom, but I started to hope you were a girl.” Bucky’s voice was so soft and breathy as he rocked her. Then his eyes stared at Y/N, sleeping peacefully. “She’s so beautiful, isn’t she? If you’re lucky, you’ll look more like your mom than your old man.”
Frances cooed as if she didn’t quite agree with him.
Bucky sighed and decided to sit down in the chair next to Y/N’s bed. “I’ll be honest. I don’t really know what I’m doing. But I promise I’ll protect you with my life. I’m going to do my best. I’ve made a lot of mistakes before I got you. I hope I’ve learned enough from them to be the father you deserve.”
The next morning, Y/N woke up with Bucky sleeping in the seat next to her bed, Frances in his arms. The sight warmed her heart. She never doubted that Bucky would be an amazing father. This was just the first of many times he proved her right.
“Did you sleep okay?” Jimmy whispered when he entered the room. He’d already met his little sister in all the chaos. He yelled at the team to go away and leave his parents alone. But he also wanted to spend some time with Frances. He’d always hoped for siblings when he was younger. It might have come later than he imagined, but he couldn’t be happier to finally be a big brother.
“I slept like the dead.” Y/N answered with a light laugh.
“Looks like Bucky’s already a baby whisperer.” Jimmy giggled and then he picked up his camera and snapped a few photos of Bucky and Frances sleeping. He’d already taken a hundred photos yesterday.
“I have a sneaking suspicion that our Frances is going to be quite the daddy’s girl.” Y/N chuckled.
“She better be.” Bucky retorted with a husky voice, eyes still closed.
Jimmy and Y/N shared a laugh at his joke. ---
4 Years Later
Bucky was in the living room, lounging on the couch, and reading a book when his assassin senses heard it: someone approaching him from behind his head. He immediately smirked and pretended to keep reading as he heard the little pitter patter of feet that were trying so desperately to be quiet.
Then a small body was launching itself onto his chest. Bucky played up his groan from his daughter’s attack.
“Did I do it? Did I do it?” Frances was breathing heavily and her eyes were excitedly awaiting his answer.
“I was so surprised, Frankie!” Bucky gasped dramatically, making sure to widen his eyes.
Turned out that the older Frances got, the more she hated her name. She insisted on being called by the nickname Frankie. It suited her, seeing as she was such a tomboy. She never wanted to wear dresses or skirts and hated bright colors. It wasn’t rare to see her wearing a backwards baseball cap, making strangers sometimes mistake her for a little boy. But she never seemed to mind.
“You’re lying, daddy.” Her face scrunched into a frown.
Nat or Tony had once mentioned something to Frankie about her father’s old profession. Her young mind didn’t fully understand Bucky’s past. But she always wanted to be just like him. Therefore, she thought the first step was being silent, but deadly. This started a routine of constantly trying to sneak up on her dad.
“But you’re getting better.” Bucky encouraged as he brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.
Frankie had her father’s eye color and dark brown hair. But her facial structure was all Y/N. Bucky always thought it was a nice compromise. But he always frowned when Y/N made jokes about Frankie’s blue eyes winning her all the boys.
The little girl now splayed her body across her father’s chest, resting her ear over his heart. Bucky welcomed the movement and placed his book on the nearby coffee table before wrapping his arms around her tiny frame.
“Daddy?” Frankie asked softly without lifting her head.
“Yeah, sweetheart.”
She raised her head slowly to look him in the eyes and then placed her hands on his cheeks, squishing them sweetly. “Mommy’s sad today.” She whispered.
Bucky’s heart sank a little at his daughter’s observation.
Today was always a depressing day in the year.
It was the anniversary of Steve’s death.
Y/N hadn’t mentioned it to Bucky, but they both always knew when the dreadful day came.
“She hasn’t laughed. I don’t think she’s smiled too!” Frankie exasperated, her little voice filled with concern.
“Well, today is a little sad for your mom, sweetheart.” Bucky explained as he rubbed her back.
“Why?” Her curiosity had recently reached a high.
“Um… someone really important to me and mom died on this day… a long time ago.”
“Jimmy’s daddy?” Frankie asked. She understood that Jimmy was her brother, but Bucky wasn’t his real dad. And just like her brother, she was far smarter than other kids her age.
“Yeah, Jimmy’s dad.”
“Are you sad too, daddy?” She whispered, her blue eyes studying his so intensely.
Bucky just nodded.
Frankie leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “Mommy does that when I feel sad!” She giggled innocently. “It makes it better.”
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Truth be told, hearing his daughter’s laugh could kill any sadness. “Do my kisses help you too?” He asked playfully.
Frankie giggled again. “No, that’s mommy’s superpower! Not yours!”
Bucky’s eyes narrowed. “Are you sure?”
Before she could answer, he quickly grabbed Frankie and started attacking her with kisses. She tried to escape, but it was useless. Her laughter filled the entire living room as he added tickling to the mix.
“Daddy! Stop!” Frankie cried out through a smile.
“What’s going on in here?” Y/N asked with a shy smile.
The two of them paused their play at the sound of her entrance. But Bucky kept Frankie caged against his chest and sitting on his lap.
“Frankie says I don’t have magic kisses like yours.” He explained as if it was a very adult thing to say. Then he leaned down and pressed a few rapid kisses to his daughter’s cheek.
“Do mommy’s kisses work on you, daddy?” Frankie asked, beaming.
“You know how in Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, the knight’s kiss is the only thing that wakes them up?” Bucky asked. His daughter nodded. “Well… that’s what your mom’s kiss did for me.”
Frankie’s eyes went wide. “Mommy is your knight?”
Bucky smiled at her awe and nodded.
“I like that!” She declared to neither of her parents surprise. At the age of 4, she was already trying to dismantle gender roles and stereotypes.
Bucky then stood up from the couch with his daughter in his arms. “How are you, doll?” He asked Y/N as they walked toward her.
Y/N just shrugged. She gave him a side smirk, but it didn’t reach her eyes. No, her eyes were filled with a hidden sadness that even her daughter caught.
Frankie leaned up to Bucky’s ear. “Daddy, you should kiss mommy to make it better.” She whispered.
Bucky didn’t break his concerned gaze with Y/N when his daughter gave her instructions. But then he leaned forward and kissed Y/N. It was more than a peck and some parents probably would withhold kissing like this in front of their child. But Frankie didn’t seem to mind. At least she could see how much her parents truly loved each other.
Y/N was reluctant to pull away, staring deeply into Bucky’s blue eyes after their lips disconnected.
“I’m going to the grocery store to get stuff for dinner. Any requests?” She asked.
“We can come with you.” Bucky offered.
Except Y/N was already shaking her head. “I’ll be fine. You two stay here and keep having fun.” But what she really meant was that she needed some time alone.
Bucky just nodded slowly.
Y/N grabbed her purse and keys. She tried to make her escape, but Bucky caught her wrist lightly. She looked at him, expecting him to say something like ‘be safe’ or ‘hurry back.’
Instead, Bucky pulled her in for another kiss. “I love you.” He urged afterward.
“I love you too, Buck.” She muttered back and then kissed her daughters cheek while she was still in her father’s arms. “You two be good.” Then she was out the door.
Bucky looked at Frankie. “Hey, I have an idea.” She looked at him curiously. “How about we make your ma’s favorite dessert?”
“Yeah! That will make her happy!” Frankie cheered in agreement.
“So you’ll help me?” Bucky asked.
She nodded energetically and scurried out of his arms to sprint to the kitchen.
They were about to put the flourless chocolate cake in the oven when the front door opened.
“Anyone home?”
Frankie’s entire face brightened. “Jim-Jam!” She practically screeched before sprinting in the direction of the voice.
But Jimmy was already entering the kitchen when he was attacked by his little sister. He instantly picked her up in his arms, like a natural.
Bucky smiled at him. “What are you doing here, bud?” He walked over to give the boy a huge while Frankie clung to him.
Jimmy ended up going to school at M.I.T. After a long discussion with Tony and Bucky, he agreed to go to college before he did anything even remotely close to Avenging. Everyone knew he did it more for his mom’s benefit than his own. He thought if he gave her four more years of normalcy, she would accept his risky profession of saving the world a bit better.
“Thought I’d come home for the weekend and surprise mom.”
“Mommy’s sad.” Frankie told her brother.
Jimmy shared a knowing look with Bucky.
“Well how about we go to the greenhouse and pick some fresh flowers to bring in, huh?” Jimmy asked her softly. She nodded.
Bucky watched them go out the back with a soft smile.
Frankie and Jimmy were thick as thieves. Some of their family wondered how the two would get along with the awkward age gap between the two. But Frankie has been following her big brother around since she could walk. When Jimmy went to college, she didn’t handle it so well. But he kept assuring her that he was only a few hours away. Even less if one of the Avengers happened to pick him up on a jet.
But it was clear that Jimmy would die before he let anything happen to Frankie. He loved her with all of his heart and felt even more protective of her than his own mother.
Bucky put the unbaked cake into the oven just as Y/N walked in with grocery bags in her grasp.
“Need any help?” He asked.
“Nope. I managed.” She answered.
There was still a distant look in her eyes as she started putting items away.
Bucky gently touched her forearm, halting her movements. “You want to talk about it?”
Y/N shrugged. “There’s not much to say. You know what day it is, Buck.”
“I know. I miss him too, doll.”
“I know it’s been so long. But I still think about him all the time.” Then she looked up at him with sudden guilt. “I hope you don’t think that means I love you any less.”
“I know you don’t, Y/N.” Bucky sighed. “I think about Steve every day.” He admitted. “It might sound weird, but I wish he could’ve met Frankie. I always thought him and I would raise our kids together, you know?”
Y/N laughed lightly. “No. I get what you mean.” Then she suddenly looked around the kitchen. “Speaking of Frankie… Where is the little monster?”
Then she heard the back door open and Frankie talking her head off.
Frankie was very different than Jimmy in a lot of ways. While her brother solidified a position as an outsider, Frankie could charm just about anyone. Bucky grinned any time he took her to the park and watched as she made about 5 new friends before they left. Everyone loved her. Y/N blamed it on the Barnes’ charm. But Bucky knew it was a lot of it was from her too. However, Frankie inherited the same gene of righteousness and protectiveness that Jimmy did. She was already standing up for her friends and calling out the meanies.
Jimmy rounded into the kitchen with Frankie sitting on his shoulders.
“Mommy! Look who’s here!”
“Oh my god!” Y/N cried out.
Jimmy giggled at his mom’s reaction. “Thought I’d surprise you.”
Y/N launched herself into her son’s arms. It was always comical to see the size difference between the two.
“Mommy, we picked you some sunflowers.” Frankie announced, still perched on her brother’s shoulders. She handed a bouquet down to her mother with a proud smirk. “And daddy and I made you cake!”
“Well aren’t I just the luckiest mommy.” Y/N hummed.
The rest of the night consisted of Bucky making the four of them dinner. Like every other night in the house, Y/N had her music blasting. But everyone’s laughter was a nice accompaniment to it. Y/N leaned against the counter laughing as she watched Jimmy dancing with Frankie on top of his feet. Every once in awhile, he would dip her or swing her body around crazily.
Actually sitting down for dinner wasn’t all that different. Frankie would joke around with Jimmy. Bucky would try to ask Jimmy about school whenever his daughter took a breath. But mostly Bucky would watching Y/N while she had a expression of pure happiness as she watched her children goofing around with one another.
Frankie and Jimmy did the dishes and then he promised to read her a story if she went to bed on time.
The night ended with Jimmy in his room calling Sam, Frankie was fast asleep, and Bucky was with Y/N on the back porch.
“You know… we did good.” Y/N sighed, cuddling closer into Bucky’s side.
He looked down at her. “We did, didn’t we?”  
“They’re such good kids.” Y/N whispered. “I don’t know how it’s possible that we get to be their parents.”
“Give yourself some credit, doll.” Bucky chuckled. “But I have an inkling that Frankie’s going to give us hell when she’s older.”
Y/N laughed in agreement.
“I already see the boys flirting with her on the playground.” Bucky groaned.
“Oh, don’t start with all that already.” She sighed.
“I know, I know.” He defended, fully aware what she was warning him about.
A peaceful silence settled between them.
Then Bucky took in a deep breath. “I never knew I could be this happy…never knew I could get this life, Y/N.”
She looked up at him. “I know you didn’t. That’s why I had to prove it to you.”
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that messaged me, reblogged, and reviewed this story. I never thought it was going to get reception it did. So truly...thank you. 
But it’s NOT OVER YET...technically. 
I thought it was would be fun for people to send me requests for this little Bucky x Reader (Jimmy & Frankie) Universe I’ve created. 
So if you have a ONE SHOT/DRABBLE involving Bucky with Frankie or Jimmy, please send me a message. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be specific. I hate generic requests. But also verify how old you want the kids to be (obviously the age gap between them will remain the same).  I hope this makes people excited and less sad about the ending of this little series of mine. 
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