#and the third closet copy of The Eternal Ice is 1500 miles away
tallgreenlady · 2 years
(This is going to be my long-winded way of saying go support @solradguy and his scanlating efforts with a Ko-Fi donation if you can, Gearsters)
A really big reason why I want to support Guilty Gear archival efforts is that I’m also very into another 90s series with tons of niche old content: Magic the Gathering.
Of the old, foundational novels from the game’s early history (back before there was a even a coherent story depicted in sets!) the Ice Age trilogy is my favorite. However, it’s quite simply not available (legally) as an ebook atm. If I hadn’t been fortunate enough to pick up the whole trilogy in the ~1 year where it was for sale on Amazon as an ebook, the only way I could have read it without fan archival or some potentially very long distance library loans would have been to shell out 100-200 bucks for some battered old paperbacks. And this is for one of the most consistently popular, eminently collectible, English language runaway successes from the 90s. In the country it was originally published in, even!
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