#and the survivors hope that if there is an afterlife that it lets androids in too so whumpee and their human can be together again
urlocalwhumper · 10 months
a group of survivors in a post apocalyptic world stumble upon a lonely little house on the edge of a forest. beside the house is a single grave, inside the house is android whumpee.
they've been there, alone, for years. they're visibly excited to have company, though there's this melancholic air and weight to everything they do. they don't have food for the survivors - they never bothered keeping any considering they don't need it - but they do have medicine and blankets and tools, and they're happy to share.
the survivors all flash each other guilty looks. because while they appreciate the supplies, that isn't what they need. one of their companions is an android, and in desperate need of repair. what they really need is parts.
parts that android whumpee almost certainly has.
when they admit this, whumpee goes silent. and then they readily agree.
when the survivors ask them if they're sure, that this will render them nonfunctional and as good as dead, whumpee tells them that the grave outside belongs to their owner. whumpee had been their faithful, beloved companion for over fifteen years. whumpee had tended to them in their final days, as infection from a wound they didn't have the means to treat slowly took them. whumpee had held their hand as they died. whumpee had buried them beside their shared home.
whumpee has not wanted to be here anymore from the moment they lowered the only person they've ever loved, their body lovingly wrapped in their favorite blanket, into their grave. for ten years they've wanted nothing more than to lay beside them and sleep forever.
but they stayed. to tend to the house, to their owner's grave, and maybe to finally help someone the way they couldn't help their love. and being essentially an organ donor for another android, one who still had a reason to live and people who loved them, was good enough for them.
"you can have the house. everything in it. it's all yours." whumpee said, unbuttoning their shirt so the group mechanic could more easily get at their chassis. "take any spare parts you want, as well. i won't be needing them."
they paused, looking up so they could meet the survivors' eyes. "just bury me next to them. please. it's all i ask."
the android survivor, the one they were giving their life for, reached over and gripped their hand. "i will. i promise."
whumpee gave them a small smile, then took a deep breath to settle themself. they pulled their shirt off, and sat propped up against a wall.
"it was nice meeting you all." they said.
"you too." one of the survivors responded. "thank you so much. for everything."
whumpee fixed their eyes onto a picture of their love that they'd hung on the wall - happy, healthy, alive - and powered themself off, content with the knowledge that they'd never power back on again.
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Book on Near Death Experience- God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience by Dr. Jeffrey Long. ACU Sunday Series.  
God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience by Dr. Jeffrey Long. ACU Sunday Series. 
  Doctor claims he has evidence of the afterlife - Dr. Jeffrey Long on the Today Show.
Dr. Jeffrey Long on the Today Show - 1/20/2010 This is an older appearance from earlier in the year, but I want to continue posting NDE-related videos as I come across them. It's always interesting to hear the wild variety of anecdotes when it comes to the survivors of NDEs. With any consistent evidence for the survival of physical death, I anticipate some very fascinating angles taken in the Atheist vs. Theist debate circuit.
    God and the Afterlife: Latest Findings from the Largest NDE Study Ever Reported | Jeffrey Long.
Watch this video presentation at- https://youtu.be/Lfiwd2PzXvw
Society for Scientific Exploration
Jeffrey Long, M.D. has scientifically studied over 4000 near-death experiences (NDEs). Dr. Long reviews this prior research and presents his current groundbreaking investigation of the content of NDEs that address humankind’s “Big Questions” which include: Does God exist? Is there an afterlife? What is the meaning and purpose of earthly life? NDEs have extraordinarily consistent information that address the Big Questions. Insights into the Big Questions from NDEs does not seem explainable by preexisting cultural or religious beliefs. This is the largest scientific investigation of sequentially shared experiences addressing the Big Questions ever reported. Bio: Jeffrey Long, M.D. is a radiation oncology physician practicing in Houma, Louisiana. Dr. Long has investigated over 4000 near-death experiences (NDEs), which is by far the largest number of NDEs ever scientifically studied. The results of his previous research were published in the New York Times bestselling book Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences. Dr. Long’s latest NDE research is presented in his most recent book God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience. Millions of people have seen Dr. Long discuss his re- search on shows including the NBC Today Show, The O’Reilly Factor, The Dr. Oz Show, National Geographic television, History Channel, and on television broadcasts around the world. Recorded at the Society for Scientific Exploration conference at Yale University, 2017 Support the SSE's commitment to open access content at: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23234339 Or take your support of our 501(c)(3) nonprofit even further by becoming an SSE member: https://www.scientificexploration.org... The SSE provides a forum for original research into cutting edge and unconventional areas. Views and opinions belong only to the speakers, and are not necessarily endorsed by the SSE.
  About Dr. Jeffrey Long’s book-
God and the Afterlife: The Groundbreaking New Evidence for God and Near-Death Experience by Jeffrey Long  and Paul Perry.
Based on the largest near-death experience study in history, involving 3,000 people from diverse backgrounds and religious traditions, including nonbelievers, God and the Afterlife presents startling evidence that a Supreme Being exists—and there is amazing consistency about what he is like.
In his bestselling book Evidence of the Afterlife, Dr. Jefferey Long showed us that there is a strong scientific case for life after death. Now, he goes further, revealing evidence that God is real. At the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Dr. Long studied the stories of thousands of people who have journeyed to the afterlife. Though there are a wide variety of differences in how people experience NDEs—some see a bright light, others go through a tunnel, still others experience a review of their life—he discovered that many of the accounts shared a remarkably similar description of God; a Supreme Being who radiated love and grace.
Expanding on his analysis begun in Evidence of the Afterlife, God and the Afterlife is the first intensive exploration of the people who have reported going to the frontier of heaven, met God, and have returned to share their journey. Groundbreaking and profound, it provides new insight into the human experience and expands our notions of mortality, offering possibility, hope, and comfort. 
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