#and the superpower wiki
turtleblogatlast · 9 months
One of my favorite things about Leo’s portals is the fact that they’re tangible.
He can throw those like frisbees and hit people with them like?? The boys’ abilities are so fun and magical and even sci-fi-esque but this aspect of Leo’s portals are so distinctly a Looney Tunes flavor of cartoon-y that I absolutely adore.
And sure this aspect of the portals can be used for fighting, but moreover the sheer amount of visual gags this does and can create is infinite.
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hc-artz · 4 months
I think, for me, the hardest part about making Jojo OCs is creating their Stands. Naming them is pretty simple, but thinking up unique designs and abilities is a different story. How do you guys do it? ;_;
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ghostinthegallery · 4 months
Also if you ever want to do this unprompted please go nuts, I love reading behind the scenes thoughts!
Ooh, free space! Hmmm, which fic to talk about?
I'd actually love to talk a little bit about Memories in Wisps of Smoke, which I think kind of went under the radar! Since it was for a holiday exchange, I don't think it ever posted to the main AO3 40K page.
This was an interesting one for me. I am shockingly rough on space marine lore, so this was an "open every tab on the wiki" type of fic. The process of training/making a marine, specifics of Salamanders and Nocturne, if there was any info about Sa'kan, the main character for this fic (there is very little and some of it is contradictory in true 40K fashion).
I knew I wanted a follow up to the animated Pariah Nexus show because I loved the characters. I just didn’t know exactly what to write. Barging in and punching Szeras in the robot kidney would have been fun, but didn’t feel right given the prompts and also how much time I had. I knew it had to be smaller and more character focused.
Then I remembered a moment early in the show where as the Salamanders’ transport is being shot down, a guy falls when the hull is ripped open. I genuinely thought this was going to be our protag, sole survivor as everyone else died in the crash. But no, we just never see that guy again. That unlocked the story for me. “Find an ally” was a much more manageable story goal than “defeat one of the worst people in this galaxy.” I gave that rando a name, and it was off to the races.
It was fun getting to write with a focus on a different faction. Although there were similarities. I based a lot of the developing friendship between Sa’kan and the Deathmark around their shared roles as tools of war. Shaped by masters who don’t care if they live or die. Then added in an OC to act as a foil to Sa’kan. Giving him two arcs (present with the Deathmark and flashbacks with Kal’en) challenging his initial impressions of both those people, so on and so on boom character development! (With some kissing because I have no impulse control)
Gotta say though my favorite scene was the one with Sa’kan and his family. The fact that Salamanders maintain those relationships is one of my favorite things about them. And tossing a crying baby at an Astartes is hilarious to me. “Brother! The codex has not prepared me for this. Why is it so small?” D:
Thanks to @two-reflections for the prompt that gave me an excuse to write this!
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mask131 · 2 months
There is something I deeply HATE when it comes to Wikis and how they describe things.
More precisely: the "power description" system everybody has been using. It drives me INSANE.
If you don't know, it is a system that originally comes from websites such as super-heroes related Wikis and a specific Wiki about super-powers themselves. In these contexts, the powers are each broken down and classified depending on their very, VERY specific nature. For example you have "Ice Manipulation", "Cold Control", "Snow Repelling", "Frost Shaping" and other VERY precise qualifications. They literaly have a term and name for everything.
Problem is... it is a system that the Wikis brought OUTSIDE of the world of super-heroes and super-power theories. Why is this a problem? Because this idea of putting a list of very specific abilities is inherited from the super-hero world where powers are precisely biological, scientific and technical matters, "rigid" structures you have to be clear-cut about. But with other fictional worlds... it is useless or even counter-productive.
And don't start coming at me with your "hard magic system" bullshit. Let me give you an example of... I don't know, a Wiki article about gods and deities. Let's take I don't know, the example of a love goddess. Now you can write "She is the goddess and personification of love, with absolute control over this emotion". But this idiotic Wiki power-system will rather go "Actually she has Love Manipulation, and Love Destruction, and Love Embodiment, and Love Influencing". Or take in a fictional series, I don't know... a spell which manifests as some sort of wave of dark energy but leaves everybody touched by it living a nightmare despite not being asleep? You can go "The spell X does Z things and looks like Y". But with the Wikis' obsession with making pullet-point lists they don't even MENTION the spell they just go "X character has Energy Manipulation, because in the Y spell we see this. X character has Nightmare Control, because in the Y spell we see this. X character has Nightmare Manifestation, because in the Y spell we see this."
It is so... so frustatingly broken and dumb. Especially since I have seen this system applied to fantasy works or magic-involved fictional works where precisely we don't know exactly what the characters can or cannot do, or what are the limits of their powers. It is just a manifestation of the Wikis obsessions with categorizing and listing and classifying everything, which is sometimes good when the fictional work was designed for it. You can list your bending arts in Avatar or your covens in Owl House. But if you try to apply this system to a more oniric or poetic work of fiction - like, I don't know, a Neil Gaiman work - then you are basically forced to completely miss the point of the characters and/or the story.
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disruptedlogic · 9 months
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drew starkey. 33. cis man. he/him. ┊┊ cerberus corp has been watching NOAH RASK. some of the public has dubbed them ARES because of PAIN MANIPULATION gifted by A CAR ACCIDENT. having been an extra ordinary since 2019, they’re doing a good job at hiding THAT HIS OWN PAIN TOLERANCE LESSENS WITH THE MORE PAIN HE INFLICTS. when they aren’t working their day job as a TRAINER, they are fond of PHOTOGRAPHY and are never seen without A POCKET KNIFE FROM HIS DAD. at first glance they seem ADVENTUROUS & CONFIDENT, though their close friends know them to also be SHORT TEMPERED & BLUNT. they consider themself a VILLIAN.
tw car accident
001.  GENERAL.
name  noah james rask nicknames  no age  33 date of birth  november 4th, 1990 zodiac  scorpio place of birth  answer current residence  nyc gender  cis man pronouns  he/him sexuality  idk he likes pretty people occupation trainer
faceclaim  drew starkey height  6’2 tattoos  some small ones piercings none distinguishing features  those blue eyes positive traits  athletic, adventurous, confident negative traits  short tempered, blunt, labels / tropes  answer likes  being an ass, causing trouble, working out, coffee, dislikes  trusting people (you can thank his big brother for that), getting close with others fears  answer hobbies  photography habits  clenching his jaw
near death experience… (lemme make this better later)
 car accident on christmas and his brother was driving and he was thrown from the car
he somehow survived the incident but it was only because he unknowingly stopped himself from feeling any pain
but eventually he was found (when? idk) and woke up in a hospital a couple of days later but they had him down as john doe and he gave them a fake name to be released
can sense and manipulate mental, physical and emotional pain
can also sense and manipulate pain and suffering
can manifest emotional pain into physical
can increase, decrease or inflict pain
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… 
the more he uses his power the more his own pain tolerance lessens
he can only take away his own pain so much
codename…  he chose the name himself at some point bc he’s lame and thinks he’s super cool
003.  EXTRA.
come back later
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a-gastly-trio · 1 year
Hey Raven, how does it feel to turn into a shadow. Does your body morph into a 2 plane or goopify and overlay a dark spot. How does a Gengar take charge of a person's shadow exactly?
So I'm not good at science jargon and shit, but basically, it's a technique called "Umbrakinesis".
It's a mix of the 2d-plane thing as well as phasing into the shadow to become it. Then, we use umbrakinesis to manipulate it to our will. Gengars can also manipulate shadows around them! It works by bending light to make the shadows look like they're moving around and shit.
There might be more to it, but again, I ain't a scientist.
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jontheketeld · 1 year
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indeed we can
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lesser-mook · 1 year
One of my favorite sites on the internet.
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amaryllisbia · 1 year
If you’re ever having troubles finding a good superpower for your superhero or villain, try your luck with the below wiki.
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dingusships · 1 year
if you were a ppg what would your color be. and if u want your special power that the others don't have (like Blossoms ice breath)
OHHH.....GOOD QUESTION i've never thought about it.
hmmm......my favorite color is blue but bubbles is The Blue One.... purble is second favorite but bliss and/or bunny are The Purple Ones....
wait i'm dumb i draw my s/i in teal a lot so i suppose i'd be the teal one LMAO
As for the special power...I cannot think of anything cool & unique that isn't what already comes w being a ppg lemme get back with you on that
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myfriendskickass · 2 years
hey pokemon fans, a question for you:
Give me a superpower that IS:
Based in psychic powers more than magic/fairy typing
Connected to Uxie’s domain of knowledge
Ties into the healing theme (heal pulse is already a thing i am looking for something Extra)
Is suitably OP enough to be worthy of being restricted to her Super Form
Being able to raise the dead is a hard limit, so that is off the table. Reblog/reply with ideas! Character is a pokemon doctor for reference.
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hylianengineer · 6 months
I have discovered the Batman wiki and become overwhelmed with the absolutely insane things that are canon in this fandom. Vampires, for instance. Also Gotham is canonically cursed because an evil warlock was buried under it long ago. The main universe is called Earth 2 because I guess the comic writers want to be confusing. There is an entire list of evil alternate universe Batmans who have teamed up to attack Earth 2 for some reason. There's also a Man-Bat and a messed up Batman clone named Batzarro and frankly probably lots more I don't know about. There are multiple contradicting timelines, some due presumably to writer error / carelessness and others that are definitely due to Time Travel Shenanigans. So, so many villains have origin stories that are like 'fell into mystery chemicals, gained superpowers and/or insanity.' There are canonical people with names like Ichabod Crane and Jim Kirk and as far as I can tell they have nothing to do with who those people are in other fictional universe. There used to be a hero named the Gay Ghost but he's not homosexual, he's from before gay meant that, and he got trapped in an alternate dimension and now doesn't want to come back because he's embarrassed about the new connotations of his superhero name. He IS really a ghost though.
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janmisali · 3 months
Super Mario Bracket: WALUIGI vs WARIO
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"I will defeat you... And reignite my passion for challenges!"
SEED: 4 (90 nominations)
DEBUT: Mario Tennis
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: Waluigi's always been my favourite Mario character, this guy's awesome. Characters like Mario, Wario, Luigi, Peach, etc. were all born special, they were destined for greatness. Meanwhile Waluigi's just a guy. He's just a dude who likes to play sports and sh*t and hype up Wario, no superpowers or anything (apart from that one time when he swam on land but what's canon anyways?). He cheats because he knows he's at a disadvantage going up against people like Bowser or Mario, accusing them of cheating because they were born special. Waluigi is the proletariat. A true everyman. And the fact that 2023 was the first year since his inception in 2000 where he did not appear in a video game is sickening, Nintendo is silencing the voice of the Mario universe's everyman and they should be called out for it.
[Super Mario Wiki article]
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"Wario! I gotta win!"
SEED: 13 (45 nominations)
DEBUT: Super Mario Land 2
NOMINATION EXAMPLE: Love the games, love how he plays in smash, love that despite originally we was going to be just an evil mario he evolved as a character and has so much personality that still persists and translates really great into his stories and games
[Super Mario Wiki article]
[link to all polls]
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asimp4bee · 26 days
Astra A.K.A Starfall | X-men self-insert oc ✨
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Astra (Star - Celestial body - illustrious person)
Astra is a demihuman who came from a shooting star that crashed on earth. The remnants of the star took shape of a young woman and thus, Astra came to life. She was discovered by an elderly couple who took her in, which marked the start of Astra's new life on Earth.
Astra has two forms. Her human form and her celestial form which is composed of the star that she had come from. Her abilities are as follows;
-Super strength
-Light generation (The ability to generate light with various intensity)
-Stellar Manipulation (The ability to manipulate stars)
-Star bursts (Bursts of stars used to fire at opponents)
-Object creation (using stardust to create objects and or weapons)
-Solar flare (The ability to emit a bright flash of light of high intensity. Rarely used by her since it's a little risky)
-Super nova (Stellar explosion. Hardly used. Very dangerous unless used somewhere that isn't on earth. Preferably in space.)
(Most of her abilities are from the Superpower Wiki about Star-based abilities. It's a super helpful wiki ngl :D)
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reachartwork · 1 year
me when im reminded of the existence of a thing i worked on like 4 years ago. it's a stand generator for jjba. it makes really, really weird stands. no "random page on the superpower wiki". i mean *weird*. never finished it. would like to someday maybe.
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Do you think the general public in the dc universe knows all the superpowers of each hero in their own city (or the bigger heroes). I just thinking, heroes probably don’t advertise their powers or what abilities they have so the flashier and more used powers are more well known, but the subtle, or not outward powers are probably more obscure knowledge or speculated on.
Just imagine like people making Wiki articles or known powers of each hero and getting in debates of what powers so of them have. Like on Reddit there is a long ongoing article of weather or not Superman has super-hearing and x-ray vision or has echolocation. Like when Batman first showed up some people adamantly thought he was a shadow demon or could control darkness, and there still resents of that with like people trying to spread ‘gotcha facts’ that Batman can actually control clouds and that is why it’s always overcast in Gotham. Or like ‘Top 10 Superpowers you didn’t know these Justice Leaguers had’ videos and on there is like, “Martian Manhunter has Telepathy, there has been reports from people who he has saved of him talking to them in their mind while saving them.” Even misconceptions of what group a hero is a part of. Like some people adamantly believe Starfire is a Super just from a different family and that’s why her powers are just slightly off, like they confidently believe that Tamaraneans is just the group of Kryptonians she is from and refuse to do any research or listen to new information.
Just the general public in the dc universe speculating on things about the heroes that wouldn’t be as well know or known really at all by the general public.
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