#and the pictures are obviously a date with beau
trentknd · 1 year
"What's their name again?" Kylian's question came with a raised brow, his hand adjusting the costly watch sitting on his left wrist. You were both in the backseat of a taxi heading to the venue, your beau in Jordan's and a tan cargo, unsuspecting of the event you were attending.
"Deftones." You had finally convinced your boyfriend to come with you to a concert and the moment you saw your favorite band playing in Paris, you couldn't have passed the occasion. Aware of his status and busy schedule, you knew you had to make the most out of all the hours you could spend with him during the week, and surprising him with a new experience seemed fitting.
"And remind me what kind of music do they play?" You cozy up next to him on the seat, linking your arm with his and dropping your head on his upper arm.
"Oh, just R&B. You'll love them I promise." You tilt your head with the most innocent smile you could muster up and squeeze his hand on your lap, leading him on. With the hand holding yours, his thumb sticks out to trace meaningless patterns on your skin.
"I trust your taste." If it wasn't for the absurdity of the situation, you could've melted at his words and the preciosity of his naivety. Despite everything, you knew telling him you were going to see a metal band would've sprung an immediate reluctance and you had to use a bit of ingenuity to make him get rid of his bias.
For now, the aux you had politely asked the driver to plug was playing a Brent Faiyaz song, Kylian's light foot-tapping to the rhythm almost as melodious as his voice. You spent the entire ride bickering over who got to pick the next song, ultimately letting him win the fight each time, scared that he'll hate the music later anyways.
"We've arrived." At the driver's announcement, Kylian whips out a beanie and some sunglasses he had stolen from you, his usual attire to hide away from the public. What made you smile at the whole ordeal each time was that he didn't know that those two accessories did not conceal his identity but made him all the more attractive to your eyes.
As soon as you step out of the taxi, a man you assume to be a tour manager greets you both and leads you to the back entrance of the relatively big concert venue. Kylian puts a hand on the small of your back to guide you through the lengthy alleyways and your cheeks redden, not at the gesture, but in anticipation of what was he was about to discover.
The manager's small talk abruptly ends as soon as he opens the door to a secretive area of the arena and lets you both in. You take a few seconds to take in the grandeur of the place, your eyes sparkling with pure exhilaration and joy. Kylian uncharacteristically ignores the man's request to take a picture with him and his ramble about the world cup final. He was too enthralled in the way your eyes were flicking from one spot to the other, taking in the energy that reverberated throughout the room and your beam making his heart swell at the sole look at it.
The young footballer was snapped out of his trance when you turned to look at him over your shoulder and mouthed to take the picture with the poor man, which he did in a hurry to get back to your date. "Excited?" He asked when he came back to you and finally removed his beanie and shades in the secluded area. He was still oblivious to who was about to perform in a few minutes, despite his attire so obviously clashing with hundreds of fans clad in black jeans and black eyeliners.
In that sense, you were glad you had taken him to a Deftones concert, almost certain that their audience was probably not one to freak out upon seeing him. You selfishly gloated at the fact that it'd humble him just the slightest. "Beyond." Your nod came with yet another squeeze of his hand and the brightest grin adorning your features.
As soon as the lights turned off, your heart dropped and Kylian laughed upon seeing you excitingly tapping your feet up and down on the floor like a child. When the band members started coming out, he started suspecting you had not brought him to an R&B concert but he'd have even attended a country music concert if it meant seeing you as happy as you were in that moment.
Once the band had started playing their first song, 'Change' which coincidentally was your favorite, you turned around in the confined space that was your private spot on the balcony to look at him. To your surprise and much to your despair, his eyes were fixated on your frame rather than the stage.
"Look at them, not me!" You scowl at him, to which he only slowly shook his head, a smile slowly creeping on his face.
"Why? It's a better view." His arms were crossed across your chest, his head laying on top of yours while he swayed you both lightly at the music. You rolled your eyes at his corny retort, content nonetheless that he seemed to appreciate the music.
"It's like you never had wings." Your mutter of the song's lyrics came in a slow breath before whipping your head back up to your date "Now, you feel so alive." In the same cadence as the main singer, you dramatically resume your theatrics and hold his cheek in your palm "I've watched you change."
"Media says it a lot but I wouldn't say I've changed that much." Kylian says matter-of-factly, earning a slap on his chest from you and a dirty look. His apology could not even be heard when the crowd started screaming the chorus and banging their heads in what looked like perfect unison. This was definitely not his crowd nor his typical Sunday night but oddly enough, he felt a deep sense of gratitude that you had put up a plan to bring him to your favorite band's concert. You were aware that he would have rented out an entire arena for them to only perform for you if you had told him the truth initially.
"And when he smashed his guitar, that was so cool, right?" Your face was painted with elation, your lips slightly parted and your eyes wild. Kylian mindlessly nodded, too absorbed by your frantic rant to be able to answer with a coherent thought. You were both now walking around Paris, experiencing a dreadful post-concert high and gushing back and forth about your favorite parts of the show.
Your lover's impression of the concert was only amplified by how happy just two hours of music had made you. His heart swelled more and more, each minute you both passed strutting down the streets of the city, now in a comfortable silence. His infliction had come to an end upon arriving on your apartment's doorstep in Montmartre, the sun just now rising and leaving a pink hue on your face in the process.
"I'm glad you chose me to come with you tonight. " His clamor of adoration for you would come in upcoming sunrises. The farewell words put on his lips to mutter already heavy with a meaning you both didn't know the full amplitude of just yet.
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heartshapedbubble · 2 years
I had this headcanon for a real long time, and wanted to write it myself but im too much of a coward to start writing cause idk how tumblr works, anyways Joseph with an S/O who knows french??
OOOO as someone whos learning french myself this one intrigued me... here you go nonnie!! super cute prompt btw :] and dw! tumblr is no rocket science once you get the hang of its functions
ALSO!! im occassionaly gonna put some tunes to listen 2 while reading... so have some gackt era mm 4 today :] this song reminds me lots of dating joseph/joseph in general!! (alsothisiskindashortimsosorrynonnie)(sobs)
joseph with a s/o who knows french hcs📷
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while dating joseph, your knowledge of french was kept a secret to him
(to josephs delight, of course)
joseph is and always has been a huge romantic he just can't help it okay?? you have him making up date plans in his head and making you presents and thinking of ways to make you red in the face the next time you two meet
(also if it isn't obvious already this man loves to plan. even if we're talking dating and relationships)
and obviously there are gonna be french pet names in play!! he's literally uncontrollable, he's so in love with you and just can't help it okay
he LOVES the idea of him whispering you sweet nothings in french as he holds you tight and you just pulling him closer to his chest... AND the idea of him writing you french poetry and your fingers slowly tracing over the foreign words and phrases, imagining them being softly cooed into your neck
...and all those plans are sent directly to hell during one cuddling session
as he pulls you closer to his chest, he whispers out:
"je suis folle amoureuse de toi, mon ange"
and you, uncontrollably, reply back:
"je t'aime plus, mon beau"
he suddenly jumps up, flustered and red in the face
like that was NOT according to the script to his head 🤨🤨🤨 but uhm who is he to complain
like he's still a bit >:((( for not telling him before but now he's got a new thing to obsess about
would 100% write you romantic poetry in french and gently put the paper under your pillow as he tucks you to sleep... he's expecting you to write to him back ofc >:o
he'd take pictures of you (you're his personal muse obviously🙏🙏) and make collages of you in his diary and write some MORE poetry and his lovey dovey french ramblings into it
congratulations you have officialy fried this man's brain you're on his mind 24/7 and he can't help giggling like a drunkard whenever he thinks of you
during matches you two often discretly chat or tell each other things in french to avoid attention
would probably quietly sing some french tunes on the hunter's side of the queuing room thinking you can't hear him (you can. and he's got a pretty nice voice🥰)
often holds afternoon tea parties for you two to chat in french (reason #2 of him holding them is to stuff your face with macarons and eclairs (HE REMEMBERS YOUR FAVOURITE FLAVORS)(AND TOPPINGS)(HOLY SHIT))
enjoys dancing ballroom dances with you sm... it's something he secretly misses from his mortal life/life before the manor
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fullyvisible · 1 year
I found it interesting/useful to make a list of all the songs in Heartstopper Season One paired with what's happening in the show while the song plays, so I decided to do the same for Season Two! Obviously, spoilers ahead:
1. Shatter - opening scene, Charlie and Nick texting and meeting at school
2. Out of My League - sleepover!
3. Pressure to Party - sleepover dancing!
4. The Beach - Charlie telling Tori he'll make sure it's better for Nick; end of episode one
5. Coming of Age - beginning of episode 2; parent teacher conferences
6. Paradise - playing with Nellie in the park and then kissing and looking at the photos
7. Welcome to the Sidelines - Elle at the art school open day making friends
8. You Wouldn't Like Me - sad texting about being grounded and it being hard to come out; Nick's reassuring voice message; Tao looking at posts of Elle and her new art school friends
9. Retrospect - exams, easy writing, Tao looking up how to ask out Elle
10. Things Will Be Fine - cinema date
11. The Sound - arriving at the end of term party
12. Le Temps de L'Amour - in the cinema
13. Miss U - the party continues; Tao and Elle are sad, Nick is unwell
14. Lovesong - Charlie holds Nick; end of episode 3
15. Obsessed - beginning of episode 4; loading up the busses
16. Trésor - arrival in Paris and driving past the sights
17. Un Peu Plus Souvent - wandering around Paris in pairs
18. Mona Lisa - Tao and Elle explore the museum
19. Freak Out - Charlie sees the hickey and almost says fuck; end of episode 4
20. Nobody Really Cares - beginning of episode 5; Nick texting his dad then checking on Charlie; resumes to go down to breakfast
21. Doesn't Matter (voleur de soliel) - climbing the Eiffel Tower
22. Fall in Love With a Girl - first kiss!!
23. Never Be the Same - Nick and Charlie run through Paris to meet Nick's dad; end of episode 5
24. On Était Beau - beginning of episode 6; Nick and Charlie meet Nick's dad
25. Bros - Paris Gang explores together
26. 3D Feelings - Tara's birthday party
27. Then It All Goes Away - Party continues; Tara is unhappy, Tao and Elle are in the bathroom, Isaac is surrounded by couples, Nick and Charlie see Ben
28. Hot & Heavy - Isaac goes back to the party after kissing James; Nick and Charlie on the balcony
29. Pretty Girl Lie - Charlie shuts the door on Harry; party plays spin the bottle/truth or dare
30. Deep End - Mr. Ajayi and Mr. Farouk talk; fade to black; Nick and Charlie sleep; bus back to England; end of episode 6
31. We Can Be Anything - beginning of episode 7; Tara and Darcy have a sleepover; Nick looks through his photos and worries about Charlie; Charlie looks at photos and gets message from Ben; Elle gets into Lambert; Tao dances around his room
32. People Watching - prom outfit shopping
33. Cry! - the gang arrives at the art show and they find out Elle got in
34. Crush Culture - Isaac looks at the piece on being aro/ace and gets his leaves moment! Continues through Imogen arriving and Darcy leaving
35. Skin - background while Tao and Elle talk
36. Blush - Nick googles eating disorders; Darcy's mom yells at her and Darcy leaves; end of episode 7
37. Colors Of You - beginning of episode 8; Nick wakes up and looks at pictures of him and Charlie and posts about being boyfriends and bi
38. Run Away With Me - Tao and Elle agree to be boyfriend/girlfriend; prom setup
39. Young - the gang arrives at prom
40. Happy New Year - prom; Tara is looking for Darcy
41. Just Like Heaven - Tao and Elle dance, Mr. Farouk arrives, Isaac takes the ace book, Imogen watches Sahar play
42. All the Things - prom continues; Nick and Charlie hold hands and decide to leave; Darcy arrives
43. Seven - Tara and Darcy say "I love you" and the gang has their own prom party
44. UR So Pretty - Charlie and Nick kiss and Charlie leaves; contemplates texting "I love you;" end of season 2
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mortemoppetere · 5 months
Would you date this man? [it's a picture of beau. this was obviously supposed to be sent anonymously but beau forgot to turn the feature on]
[user barely looks at the picture.]
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Commitment
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Sabrina and Juno had to pack up earlier than the rest of the family because they had to get him to his dad's before it got too late. As has become normal, the two sit for a moment to chat.
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Marquise: I didn't think it would quite be this hard to get back out on the dating scene. Everyone has so many hangups.
Sabrina: It's not easy getting back out there, especially when you know what you're looking for and aren't willing to compromise.
Marquise: I just want to be with someone who wants to be with me just as much. No more pining, unrequited love. Someone ready to commit.
Sabrina: Don't lose hope. It hasn't been that long yet. These things take time. And like I said, I can be your wingsim! Just send your dating profile to me and I'll see what I can do to really sell you.
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Marquise: Think I'll take you up on that. Thanks Sabrina.
Sabrina: Hey, what are friends for? Now, I better get ready to head out.
Marquise: Headed home for the night?
Sabrina: Actually, I'm going to Beau's. He just got a new spot and wanted to have a cozy housewarming date.
Marquise: Oh, that's great. Well, don't let me hold you up. Enjoy your evening.
Sabrina: Thanks. And I'm serious, send over your profile and I'll have a look at it.
Marquise: Will do.
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Soon after, Sabrina arrives at Beau's new place. It's definitely a major upgrade from the simple college bachelor pad Beau lived in for all these years, even post-grad for quite some time.
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Beau: I heard the landlord was thinking of selling the place and that the entire building would be torn down and rebuilt. Something about making it more "college-friendly" or something like that.
Sabrina: About time. That place was an eyesore. I don't know who the original architect was but they obviously were a student themselves.
They both laugh.
Beau: That, I have to agree with you on. Just glad I finally earned enough money to move. It was time for a change in scenery. That place held many memories, don't get me wrong, but it was time to start making memories somewhere else.
Sabrina: Well I'd say this is a pretty nice place to start doing that in. You did a good job making this place your own.
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Beau: Well having you as my first guest is an honor I don't take lightly. I hope you can feel at home here.
Sabrina: Trust me, I feel very at home.
Beau: Oh, is that so?
Sabrina: Mhm. So why don't you show me around the place a little bit more?
Beau: I can do that. Let's finish up here and I'll give you a tour.
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Once the two have finished their meal, Beau cleans up the dishes, which gives Sabrina a moment to themselves. They walk around the living room space and find themselves in front of Beau's copy of their little family picture. Seeing this photo on the wall shows Sabrina that Beau is really serious about them and Juno, and that he wants them to feel like this is a safe space for both of them to be in. It's a sentiment that could almost bring tears to Sabrina's eyes.
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The thought is interrupted before they get to that point, however.
Beau: Hey, ready for that tour?
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Beau: This is the master. Not humongous but it's cozy.
Sabrina: Anything's an upgrade from that last place. This is really nice Beau. Look at you, you even have a little desk to get work done in here!
Beau: Well I needed some sort of office space. This place doesn't have a lot of extra room so I wanted to maximize the space I do have as much as possible.
Sabrina: Isn't this a two-bedroom apartment, though?
Beau: Yeah, come on and I'll show you.
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Beau then guides Sabrina into the second bedroom space.
Sabrina: Very pink.
Beau: Yeah, I think it was a nursery for the last tenants. It's empty right now, as you can see.
Sabrina: Yeah. So you didn't want to make this into your office? It's a nice size, I'm sure you could do a lot in here.
Beau turns to face Sabrina.
Beau: I know, this place has so much potential. I was thinking it can be another bedroom with time. For Juno.
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The statement catches Sabrina off-guard just a little.
Sabrina: O-oh?
Beau: Yeah! This is ample space for a growing boy! Could be just what he needs as time progresses. Of course, he may need to share if we ever decide to have a kid ourselves.
That statement takes Sabrina even more by surprise.
Sabrina: Y-you're thinking about starting a family together?
Beau: Well nothing set in stone of course. We haven't had a chance to discuss that yet. I just wanted to think about these things ahead of time. That's why I chose this apartment.
Sabrina: Beau...
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Beau can sense he may have put too much on Sabrina all at once, so before they have time to retreat into themselves he grabs their hands.
Beau: Sabrina, I don't want you to feel any pressure at all. This room is empty because I want to give the future a chance to shape it. Whether Juno uses it exclusively, or he has to share with a little sibling, or if it ends up being an office after all, I just want to allow us to decide on that together. This is just my way of showing you I'm serious about us. I'm serious about the family we can become. I love you and Juno and want to be there for both of you. I know he has a dad and I have no intentions of overstepping, but I want him to know this is a safe space for him as well.
Sabrina takes a deep breath.
Sabrina: Beau, you know I've never had a father. It's always been just me and my mom. I mean, my cousins and their dad were there, but it was different.
Beau: I understand-
Sabrina: -Please, let me finish. I say all this to say that I never wanted Juno to feel like he was missing something. He's so lucky to have three men who have been willing to step up in his life, one of them being you. I know Juno loves you, and he sees you as important just as he sees his father. And I love you too.
Beau smiles warmly.
Beau: You don't have to make any decisions right now. This is still new, and I want to honor the pace you want to move at. I just want you to know this is always here. For both of you.
Sabrina: I appreciate that, Beau. Really, I do.
Beau: Then that's all I need to hear.
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0 notes
iinkheart · 7 years
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ft. lots of Christmas cheer and @seonhwang‘s Adara Nott, Arabella Wood, Molly Weasley and Liam Matheson, @litanyofdreams‘s Auden Burke, @prongslily‘s Anastasiya Krum and Barbara and Beau Griffiths, @fleurdelecours‘s Sibella Rosier, and @whispcr‘s Brent Nott, James Potter and Scarlett Macnair.
Send me a 👀 to see my Muses Instagram Page.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Do You Two...Fondue? (2)
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Strong and Brave, Part Two (see Part One or series)
Summary: Your relationship with Steve goes public.
This is pretty soft!Steve that is (I’m trying) extremely in-character. There are lots of adorable and awkward convos!
Word Count: 2k
Getting to that point of 18+, gang. Minors Do Not Interact.
Those brief touches of his warm hands fuel you for days at a time. Knowing how soft his lips can be and how hard his body can pin you anywhere fuels your nights.
You don’t consider yourself a particularly sexual person. Well, yes, obviously you have a sexuality, and in answer to ‘what is your sexuality,’ you may as well hold up a picture of Steve Rogers. That’s beside the point though because you love your job, you love learning new things, and you love your independence.
In the beginning, it actually feels more comfortable that, when in public, Steve says ‘hi’ in an almost devastatingly formal way. He’s not unkind, but it’s very clear he remains guarded. You are, too. You want space to feel this out as well. It’s been so easy in the past for you to just binge on time with a new beau and completely miss out on your own life for a spell.
You two get to have your moments, however. On HQ’s campus (because that’s the only place you’re together mostly) in private, he greets you with a chaste peck on the lips.
As Steve Rogers, a man who grew up in the 1930s, he has a set way of letting your relationship develop, and it happens to be a bit opposite of yours. He takes getting to know you very seriously. Where you have hesitation to jump headlong into a relationship, Steve has a full-on labyrinth to get back to second base.
One of your earliest dates is a hike around a nearby state park, but it’s winter. Steve openly adores how cute you are in all your many layers while he stays plenty warm in a slightly thicker jumper, no gloves, and worn jeans. You two agree on a spot to stop. He sketches and you write, your backs propping each other up while sitting on the crunching leaves. Conversation is easy, so is silence. You feel free and relaxed.
Then you go for another hike around the compound on a day Steve feels pretty restless. You keep up with his large strides well, but it mists rain unexpectedly for the whole return walk. You honestly didn’t think it was that cold.
By the time you reach the building, you’re shivering so badly that Steve tries to take you to the infirmary. It’s a weekend. You flatly refuse and start walking off to his room without asking. Your wet things come off, but dry clothes provide no heat. Chivalrous Steve holds you against him under the covers of his own bed while you aggressively tremble in your undergarments. You can’t help it. You tuck your icy hands under his shirt, and as gloriously intimate as it becomes when his shirt and jeans come off to give you more warm surface area—science for the win—nothing happens.
After that, you convince yourself he’s waiting for you to make a move, so while saying a short goodbye before you leave for holiday, you chance a kiss. It takes quite a lot of mental hype over the course of a few hours, but you get there. Your lips meet his, and he molds to you like a plaster cast. There isn’t even tongue. He doesn’t grope or cop a feel of any sort. He just keeps a firm, supportive hold across your back.
It’s slow and aching moments like this that wipe all doubts from your mind. He’s genuine and the perfect amount of protective. He likes you healthy and happy. He always asks if you’re comfortable, thirsty, hungry, warm enough, and you think to yourself ‘with you’ and ‘for you’ while answering Steve politely in return.
You spend Christmas and New Year’s with family, grateful you don’t have to actively weigh how much time to devote to Steve without seeming clingy. You miss him, and he texts less than you’d like. His default is to back off when you are with family, a sweet and thoughtful practice, and he doesn’t say much about what he’s up to. It’s early days in the relationship yet, so you can’t push too hard on conditions and labels. You aren’t sure if you can even call it a relationship when only a few people in each of your circles knows. Ro and your parents do not know exactly who you are dating. When you say anything at all, it’s vague, and you call him Sketch. That’s also your super-secret nickname for Steve that makes him blush every time you use it.
As Captain America, the Avenger, he has a very public and official life beyond fighting, but a lot of these functions make Steve cranky. He tends to hyperfocus on getting through the event rather than garnering a single ounce of enjoyment from it. For a couple of months, you don’t go to any.
Keeping him secret-ish is for security (yours and his, just in case it doesn’t work out). His being guarded is wearing off on you a little. You don’t know if that means you’re closer than you realize or just ready for the other shoe to drop.
Steve doesn’t have a nickname for you yet, nothing specific, at least. He uses the odd ‘doll’ and ‘honey,’ but something always seems off and hesitant when he uses those. You’re convinced it’s a sign you’ve read the whole thing wrong, that Steve really enjoys your company but that he can’t bring himself to say he’s not physically attracted to you…
…except then you remember that oof kiss in the hallway and fall apart at the seams all over again. The truth of it is that, despite your efforts, you love to be around Steve Rogers, in any capacity he’ll allow, and yes, you’ve known for a while that you already love him. It doesn’t feel like the right time yet. You’re not ready to not hear it back.
Glimpses of damn-fine chemistry pepper your time together like sampling versions of that oof kiss, embraces where the feel of his fingers in your hair makes your scalp tingle for hours afterward and the weight of his body lulls you briefly into a kind of euphoria you cannot put into words. You’ve tried. Several pages have failed to properly capture the feeling.
But you’ve figured one thing out for sure: Steve is not waiting for you to make a move. You have. Multiple times. You suppose that the ball is in his court now. It matters a lot to you, but you know you’ll go out anytime he asks, whether he holds you or not, kisses you or not. You have no clue how to broach that subject.
True to his word, Tony Stark throws an After-Holiday Party which includes a Superlatives presentation. He’s even had little, custom trophies made and kept the whole thing as locked down as the Oscars.
The party is a big deal for you because it’s the coming out of you and Steve as a couple in front of most of HQ. Suddenly, the rumors people have heard are true, and some people know the girl Cap is dating personally. There’s a lot of activity around you two the whole night, a steady rotation of conversations that wear you and Steve down a bit, and by the time Tony is ready for his presentation, Steve has had your hand in a warm grip for a solid half-hour. He’s a calming force that lifts your spirits as much as the glass of champagne in your other hand.
You aren’t expecting Tony to announce that you win something called the “Best Golf Swing” award. A projector behind him lights up with security footage of you tossing your full weight and a test-tube tray up into that gunman’s chin.
“Oh god,” Steve whispers while his grip turns into a vice. He’s never seen what happened, and you’d been purposefully vague. All you had done was assure Steve that the blood wasn’t yours before you washed it off in his shower. You didn’t want to talk about it. You didn’t want to risk the nightmares or returning to therapy meetings, so you just moved on. Truth be told, a lot of your nightmares may have been replaced by some very graphic wet dreams about the man gripping your hand.
Natasha’s bouncy curls whip around in front of you as she stares. You can’t control whatever is happening to your face, sure the look crosses a grimace, a scowl, and a fake smile all at once. You have to walk through a sea of people to go accept the damn thing.
One sentence from Stark and you realize you’ve dodged an invisible bullet. When he shakes your hand, he says beneath the din of cheering that he’s seen some other footage which he’ll sit on for “personal enjoyment.” It’s the first time someone other than Natasha Romanov (and probably Barnes) knows about your ‘reunion’ with Cap in the hallway, but that also means that Stark can virtually enjoy a repeat of something you and Steve have yet to recreate in real life.
So ends your first large event as the actual date of Steve Rogers.
Thanks, Stark. Great timing.
Steve is appalled that you didn’t tell him you’re a murderer—although he doesn’t think that way, that’s you—and presses over and over during the next weeks, asking how you’re doing and feeling about it all.
Annoyed. You’re feeling judged and annoyed. You tell Sketch to back off several times with intense bitterness.
After the party, several social media posts about your relationship spark a bit of a press frenzy. The cherry on top is that news is wildly positive for Steve and cuttingly rude about you. He’s the national treasure who deserves happiness. Who the fuck are you? No one can fathom what he sees in you, so they offer other opinions, other options that better fit Steve Rogers as the public knows him. You try to ignore all that, but sometimes it’s impossible to hide your edginess.
The coddling and the criticism get under your skin slowly. You start acting up amidst the pressure of dating Captain No-Touching America.
“Why do your t-shirts fit me? You’re a big, grown-ass man, and your shirts are so small. They should be huge, tent things on me,” you yell in his room, pulling the hem down without it covering your butt, “and instead I walk around sucking in my stomach! Buy men’s shirts, dude.”
He thinks it’s charming when his Valentine’s Day gift to you is a pack of extra large men’s shirt—“so you’re comfortable.” Poor Steve has zero clue why you don’t speak to him for two days. Finally, you get a text. Several.
: Buck explained. I just want to say I don’t think you’re fat.
: Large.
: No, okay, I don’t think that.
: I can’t think of the right words, but please forgive me.
: Can we just try Valentine’s again?
Ten minutes go by.
: You’re not responding on purpose, aren’t you.
His pouting face at the lab door while you wiggle your perfectly working phone at him is priceless though. It doesn’t assuage all of your insecurities, but it helps for a while.
His redo gift though…
Steve’s a bundle of nerves while handing over a flat box, eyes trained on the wrapping like he’s had a talk with the contents about not failing him. He remains unconvinced until your face lights up. He’s given you a leather portfolio monogrammed with a single word: Keeper.
He tells you how Howard Stark foreshadowed your nickname nearly ninety years ago, how you showed up and just fit the bill right off the bat, and you’re so overwhelmed, you cry. Steve might be hard to gauge by modern standards, but he’s proud to be with you, proud of your intelligence, compassion, and your wit.
It’s a beautiful evening of slow dancing in his living room, one broad hand at your ribcage, his middle finger making the tiniest circles just beside your spine. Instead of holding your hand, his fingers are laced in your hair, just how you like, tilting you so his forehead can rest against yours.
The universe is just you two, Sketch and Keeper, for millenia and galaxies stretching endlessly. Whether his ocean eyes remain open and transfixed on yours, your mouth, the thrumming pulse at your neck, or whether they’re closed as he hums to the music, Steve sees only you, knows only you at this moment.
He mumbles again that he can’t capture you yet. You’re elated he wants to keep trying.
(Next part)
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tressasinterlude · 3 years
𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐓 #𝟑: Female Public Figures Dating Men with Questionable Views That Contradict Their Image & Alleged Politics
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥: These rant blog posts are really just reflective of my thoughts at the time that I make them and are posted here because I need an outlet to release all of this shit I have going on my busy ass mind. That’s it and that’s all. Now let’s get into it..
This rant was greatly inspired by none other than Ms. Robyn Rihanna “Tell Your Faves To Pull Up [in regards to social injustices directly affecting black people]” Fenty and her openly colorist boyfriend, A$AP Rocky. Aside from the fact that Rihanna tends to slip under the radar and is never held accountable for her problematic ways due to her conventional beauty (i.e. Her heavy usage of anti-Asian slurs, particularly targeted towards Chris Brown’s ex gf, Karrueche), it’s very alarming that a woman who has an entire makeup brand with a campaign based around the inclusivity of ALL black women is publicly flaunting a beau who once said that DSBW do not look good with red lipstick.
And yes, I’m very much aware that Rakim said this tasteless comment over 8 years ago but from the looks of it, not much has really changed with him. Don’t @ me about it neither because I don’t care.
Also peep how he compares a hypothetical darkskinned woman to a man (Wesley Snipes) while trying to explain how his antiblackness isn’t wrong because he said something about white women as well. Gaslighting at its finest. Don’t you just love it! 😀
Furthermore, you would think that somebody of Rihanna’s level of stature would know not to associate themselves with someone as messy as A$AP Rocky but... Stupid is what stupid does, I guess! I can’t even begin to place the blame on him anymore because he’s revealed his true colors and we all have made the deliberate choice to either accept it or don’t and have discontinued all support for him. Unfortunately, misogynoir is never the dealbreaker for most people and the hatred for [dark-skinned] black women is so engrained in society that it’s frowned upon when we publicly speak out against it. Very ass backwards if you ask me but that’s society for you. Now, enough about that. Let’s focus back on Ms. Vita La Coco.
As a woman who claims to be a girl’s girl and is always presenting herself to be someone who is the epitome of a pro-black feminist bad ass, it just makes her alleged activism come off so disingenuous when she’s also laying down with the same man that actively attacks the demographic she’s supposed to be standing in solidarity with. It’s “Black Lives Matter” on the IG posts but your vagina is getting moist for a man who openly stated he doesn’t relate to what goes on in Ferguson because he lives in Soho & Beverly Hills. Ferguson being the exact place where a 17-year-old black boy’s lifeless corpse laid on the hot concrete for FOUR hours after he was murdered by a police officer. He couldn’t 'relate' to the fate of so many black men, women, and children who are murdered or seriously injured from state-sanctioned violence because they’re poor and he is not or so he thought.
But then again, what can I really expect from a woman who identified as being “biracial” until as recent as roughly 6 years ago? What can I really expect from a woman who called Rachel Dolezal a ‘hero’ for cosplaying as a black woman? I’d be lying if I said my expectations for her were high in this regard because sis has always shown us she was lacking in this department. And just for the record, this is not a personal attack on Rihanna at all for the die-hard Navy stans in the back. I admire her latest fashions and bop my head to her music just like the next person but she’s getting the side-eye from me on this one.
Trust and believe me though, she’s not the only woman who I can call out for being a hypocrite. Of course not! This stone can be cast at a few others. So without further ado, why don’t we bring Ms. Kehlani Parrish to the front of the congregation? Prior to Kehlani’s recent declaration of identifying as a lesbian, her last public relationship with a man was with YG. Yes, the same YG who felt it was necessary to say him & Nipsey had ‘pretty light-skinned’ daughters to raise in the middle of his deceased friend’s memorial. By the way, Nipsey’s daughter is not even light (or at least not in my book anyways.) She’s a very deep caramel tone just like her father which makes what he said even more moronic. Yes, the same YG who thought it was clever idea to use slavery as an aesthetic for a music video to a diss track about 6ix9ine. And yes, also the same YG who has derogatory lyrics targeted at bisexual women. Just to end up sweating the red carpets with one. I swear the jokes just continue to write themselves.
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This raises the question once more; How high of a pedestal can I really put a multiracial woman who has a song titled ‘N*ggas’ and when received backlash for the song in question, she used the ultimate ‘I’m mixed’ copout while not having a visibly black parent in sight?
It’s also kind of suspicious to me that many were not privy to Kehlani’s secret romance with Victoria Monét (pictured bottom right) until Victoria did an interview with Gay Times revealing she fell in love with a girl but they subsequently broke up because Victoria had a boyfriend and that girl was pregnant in a polyamorous relationship. Fans began to speculate because both Victoria & Kehlani previously candidly spoke about their sexual orientations, Kehlani had just had Adeya and they both were seemingly close. Their short-lived fling would later be confirmed when Victoria released the song ‘Touch Me’ on her last project and Kehlani hopped on the remix. Meanwhile, Kehlani’s relationship with Shaina (pictured bottom left) was very overt and all over her Instagram feed from my recollection. And as you can see, Shaina looks absolutely nothing like Victoria. They look like the complete opposite of eachother in every aspect which is kind of alarming(?) to say the least because why is it that the women she proudly claims as her partners tend to have a very racially ambiguous look such as herself but her ‘sneaky links’ on the other hand are undoubtedly black women? Again, it could just be me jumping conclusions. You know, I’m kinda good for that however something tells me I’m not. Y’all be the judge of the material though.
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Last but not least, I’d like to touch on Ms. Raven Tracy very briefly. I was very weary about even including in this segment and if I should just put her in a entirely separate blog post with other women who openly date abusers despite their checkered past (alongside Nicki Minaj & her r*pist murderer of a husband, India Love & Sheck Wes etc.) being this particular blog post was based around the theme of lightskinned/mixed women dating men with extremely problematic views about DSBW. Raven obviously isn’t lightskinned or mixed however I refused to ignore how contradictory her [former] relationship with an alleged (I used this word very loosely and mainly for legality purposes.) serial r*pist while promoting a brand that is all about feminism & body positivity. This also traces back to A$AP Rocky by default being that Ian Connor is his very close friend and he came to Connor’s defense when several women came forward detailing accounts of Connor allegedly s*xually assaulting them. (I wish I could place the actual video of what A$AP Rocky said verbatim but Tumblr only allows one video per blog post. 🙄)
Back in June of this year, Ian & Raven had a back & forth on Twitter after Ian tweeted about Raven “fucking everybody” behind his back. I can only assume that he was alluding to Tori Brixx posting a video of her ex, Rich the Kid & Raven kissing on her story. Disgusted is not even the word to describe my feeling when she admitted she stuck by Ian despite of his many allegations of s*xual abuse because she loved him and her being a empath causes her to want to help everybody. Imagine aiding and abetting a predator and even paying for his bail & legal fees just to turn around and expect sympathy because this same individual cheated on you and exploited you all over Twitter for the public to see. The same man that you would get back with not even a WEEK after the fact & turn off your IG comments because it isn’t our “business” after making it our business...
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That being said, I just genuinely want to know: Why do these women completely go against what they stand for in regards to these men? Maybe it was never genuine from jump street and if that’s the case, why jump on the bandwagon of performative activism? Is it because it’s profitable right now? Is it because disrespecting black women is not an immediate death sentence to your careers and more often than not actually helps you advance even further? I guess that’s the billion dollar question that’ll never truly be answered. I just want the world to stop using black women as their stepping stool to get to where they need to go and then discarding of us when we’re no longer beneficial. Support us all the way or don’t support us at all. We deal with enough disrespect as is so we’d appreciate if y’all would stop straddling the fence and partake in your misogynoir out loud if that’s what you choose to do. We have no use for fake allyship and quite frankly, it’s doing more harm for us than good. Please and thank you!
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x reader (part 7)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 2.5k
warnings: um just implied smut and fluff and a reference to bdsm I guess?? but it's pretty chill overall
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Liked by starkcosmetics and others
y/n.y/l/n okay first of all, it takes an act of god to get a picture of this guy smiling, but it’s always worth it.  he really changed everything for me and I can’t thank him enough for that.  so happy ❤️ 
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caroldanvers 😍😍😍
flowercrowny/n oh my god this is so sweet i’m gonna cry
He smiled as he stared down at the post you’d made, remembering how much effort you’d put into finding the perfect picture (in your opinion; he thought he looked kinda dopey in it) as well as writing and re-writing your caption.
The speed at which your post gained likes and comments was inconceivable to him; even more impressive was the speed at which gossip rags were picking up the story.  Sure enough, his phone’s alerts to new headlines about you were not only going off like crazy, but had started to include news about himself as well.  
Y/N Y/L/N Shocks With Romantic Instagram Post, Confirms Dating Rumors
You’ll Never Guess Which Hollywood Starlet Is Dating Her Driver
Who is James Barnes?  Everything We Know About Y/N Y/L/N’s New Beau
Skimming one of the articles, he was impressed at how much information they’d managed to get without actually getting anything from you or him.  Born in Brooklyn, disabled Army veteran, worked a list of odd jobs before becoming your driver and bodyguard.  ‘No social media presence, prefers to keep a low profile’ one of them said; you can say that again, Bucky chuckled to himself when he read it.
He found another from People and didn’t particularly appreciate that it spent half the time going through all your past exes and rumored partners (turned out ‘rumored’ is a fancy word for ‘a bunch of fans deluded themselves so hard that it somehow turned into news without any proof necessary’).  But he still smiled when he got to the part that was actually about you and him.
‘The relationship is pretty new but they’re so happy together,’  a source close to the couple reported.  
Close indeed; that statement came from your publicist, who he’d never even meet.  
‘He’s a very private guy and she’s got this huge following, so they’re sort of an odd couple in that way, but she knows her fans are respectful and will let them have their own life outside of the spotlight.’ 
Bucky wasn’t sure that the respectfulness of fans was such a given here, but he hoped you were right.  To be fair, they’d been very sweet on your original post insofar. 
However, when he scrolled to the bottom of the celebrity magazine articles and realized they had their own comments section, he discovered that they were a little less forgiving than the ones on your Instagram.  
Is this the best she thinks she can do?  So sad tbh :(
a military guy…. yikes, she could get any guy she wants and she goes for a murderer. 
He looks like a hobo that found a coupon for a free haircut lol
I don’t buy it, I know she’ll always love Pietro!
Pietro being your former co-star that so many of your fans were convinced was actually your soulmate.  From what he’d heard from you, those speculations had made things so uncomfortable between the two of you that it killed your friendship.  Those were nothing, though, compared to the comments about someone you actually had dated.
she’s obviously not over sam… they were so good together
He’d better watch out for her ex, he still likes tweets about her and they have so much chemistry
Wait, she’s not still with Sam Wilson??  I could’ve sworn they’d been dating for, like, five years.
You were scrolling through your phone with a smile as you walked past where he was sitting on the couch, and he just couldn’t help himself from asking even though he knew it wasn’t the best idea.  “Do I need to worry about this Sam thing?” he blurted out, trying to play it cool and not sound too anxious.  “People are really obsessed with you two…”
“Sam and I…” you sighed, staring off into space for a second.  He made himself anxious imagining what you were thinking about in that moment.  “I haven’t talked to him in… years?  I think it’s just because our relationship was so public that people are still talking about it.  And it had a lot of gossip material— we did a movie together, people thought it was sweet that we got together during production, it was great promotion for the picture… and from the outside, we made a lot of sense for each other.  But he has his own problems.  I loved him, but… he wasn’t ever going to be a one-girl kinda guy.”
“But you’re not just any one girl.  You’re… you know, you,” he emphasized.
“You’ve been reading too many headlines,” you shook your head as you sat down beside him.  “Please don’t turn into one of those guys who thinks of me as a celebrity first.  Before that—” you pointed to your own name where it was bolded on his screen in the trending topics page of Twitter— “was popping up on movie posters and in gossip magazines, it was just my name.  And I’m not perfect.  Not even close.”
Bucky sighed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him and holding you tightly.  “And before I knew you were famous, or rich, or incredibly talented, I was totally obsessed with you just for who you are.”
“You’re too fucking amazing,” you sighed as you held his face and gave him a gentle kiss— the kind of kiss that instantly melted his heart and banished his worries.  When you pulled back and looked up at him with a smile, it was like everything else just… faded away.  “Don’t read the comments, okay?  None of them matter.”
He smiled and brushed his thumb over your cheek, overwhelmed by not only the softness of your skin but of your spirit as well.  In all his life he’d never been handled so… gently, with so much care.  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he mumbled, not even really realizing he’d said it aloud until you gave him a beaming smile.
“I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend,” you giggled pridefully.
“Seriously?  I can… very easily believe it,” he scoffed.
“I just mean… you’re so…” you searched for the words.  “You’re actually good to me, that’s the thing.  I’m not used to that.”
“You deserve the world,” he assured.  “I’m just gonna keep trying to give you as much of it as I can find.”
He watched his hand trail over your face, down your neck and to your chest where he played with the hem of your t-shirt.
"It's odd to know there are millions of people who are jealous of me,” he admitted quietly, remembering some aggressive comments from some very angry dudes who had apparently also watched your nude scene a few too many times.
"Do you like it?  Do you like how it feels to know you're making them angry every time you touch me?"
"Couldn't care less," he refuted.  "Nobody else matters when I'm touchin' you."
“Do you maybe wanna… touch me a little more about it?” you smirked, opening your legs slightly in invitation.
Bucky had, thankfully, not let the newfound fame get to his head.  In fact, he had demanded that the two of you hunker down in the house, since he feared that going out would lead to being recognized.  What he apparently hadn’t anticipated was that that might not be enough.
“Will you get that?” you requested when the gate buzzed, too wrapped up in the book you were reading to answer the intercom.
He hopped up and held down the button to communicate with the gate speaker.  “Who is it?” he asked.
“I’ve got a delivery from Anjappar Chettinad on 23rd?”
Bucky didn’t even reply before hitting the green button and granting access to the driveway.  BEEP BEEP BEEP! you heard the gate signal its opening, and the car pulling around up to the door.  Bucky didn’t open it until there was a knock, greeting the delivery guy with a smile and the necessary cash.
“I’ve got a lamb korma, hyderabadi mutton dum biryani and an order of— woah,” the man suddenly stopped, staring at Bucky’s face.  “Are you—?’
“Hungry?  Yes,” he frowned.
“You’re the guy dating— holy shit, congrats man,” he beamed, smacking Bucky on the shoulder pridefully before leaning in with a mischievous smirk.  “Say, is she a freak or what?”
“She is,” you piped up from the couch, making both men turn their heads; but one was chuckling while the other looked mortified.  “You better not have forgotten my paneer pakora or I’m gonna chain you up and whip you.”
“Uh, I— no, I got it right here,” he promised weakly, handing the bag over to Bucky and starting to dash away before Bucky grabbed his arm, making the smaller man whimper fearfully.
“You forgot the money,” Bucky reminded him gruffly, stuffing the bills into the driver’s front pocket.
Finally, he let go, and the delivery man instantly pulled away, rubbing his arm and looking a bit like a kicked puppy as he went back to his car and drove away.
“You didn’t need to scare him that bad,” Bucky chuckled.
“I could say the same to you!  Grabbing somebody with the metal arm like that will put the fear of God into them pretty fast.”
“I didn’t mean to grab him that hard,” he admitted, examining the prosthetic hand as he came back to the couch with the bag of food, handing it to you while he focused on watching his motorized fingers curl and uncurl.  “I think I need to get this thing recalibrated… it’s been bugging out lately.”
“I dunno, it was working just fine last night,” you smiled, remembering how delightfully cool those fingers felt inside you.
Bucky seemed to miss it entirely, though, as he stared off into space.  “I can’t believe I got… recognized.”
“You’re a star,” you winked.  “And not just with random delivery drivers.  I’ve had a lot of press requests, everybody wants to be the first one to get nice pictures of us together— we’ve had a dozen event invites as a couple.”
“Seriously?!” he scoffed, snapping back to reality slightly enough 
“Yeah, and look what came in same-day mail this morning!”  You leaned over to shuffle through the mail on the side table before finding and handing him a letter in a gold-embossed envelope, watching him read what you knew was inside.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association extends an invitation to Y/N Y/L/N and James Barnes to the annual Grant Banquet in support of the Young Artists Fund.
“It seems like a good first event for us,” you explained.  “Relatively small and low stakes, it’s for a good cause…”
“Are you sure I’m ready to be, you know… seen?  By people?” 
You scoffed, hardly believing how insecure he could be sometimes.  “You look great, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Will I have to talk to anybody other than you?” he asked, grimacing as if that were a form of brutal torture.
“Probably,” you admitted.
His frown deepened.  “What if I say the wrong thing?”
“I’m not that worried about you,” you smirked.  “You’re a lot better at this stuff than you think you are.”
“I don’t have anything to wear…”
You smirked, a little too proud of yourself, when you remembered the email your publicist had forwarded to you just this morning.  “Hugo Boss will pay you $1500 to wear one of their suits on the carpet.”
“They’ll pay me to wear free clothes?” he repeated with wide eyes.
“Yeah, that’s one of the cooler things about fame,” you laughed.  “I make a grand every time I wear this watch outside!”
“I guess I should send them my measurements then…” he trailed off.  “Any chance I can get in on that watch deal?”
“No, but you can make $50 by getting papped at Jamba Juice.”
He paused for a moment, scratching the back of his neck as he thought.  “Is the smoothie comped?”
“I don’t know.  Do you want me to ask?”
“...kinda…” he admitted with a shy smile.  
“Well, I will, and I’ll RSVP to this invite saying we’ll be there next week,” you decided as you started to open up the food, but Bucky stopped you by reaching for your hands.
“Are we really doing this?” he asked.
“If you want to,” you mitigated.
“Of course I do.  I guess I have to accept that you’re actually willing to be seen with me,” he chuckled.  “It’s just sort of hard to believe.”
You leaned in and kissed him; it was meant to be a casual, reassuring peck but he held you closer and you melted into him, moaning softly at his touch as you started to climb into his lap.
“The food’s gonna get cold,” he reminded you with a mumble against your lips.
Unfortunately, your literal hunger was a bit too strong to ignore, even with the growing intensity of a metaphorical hunger for Bucky.  “Alright,” you relented, getting off of him and returning your attention to the meal on the table.  “Just know that I really, really want to be seen together, in public, just in case anybody missed the news about us already.  I’m not embarrassed by you or afraid you’re going to do something dumb.  I…”
One of those words that can’t be unsaid started to bubble up in your throat and you coughed, banishing the thought.
“I really like you.  I think we have something special.”
He smiled gently, giving you one more kiss on the cheek.  “I think so, too.”
Since this was slightly less of a big deal than a premiere or press tour, you had managed to convince your styling team to let you dress yourself, which was why he was laying on the bed and talking to you through the bathroom door while you put on your gown.
“Do you want me to hire a new driver?” you prompted him, voice muffled slightly as he imagined your head covered in the fabric, trying to navigate through the dress.  “I don’t want you to feel… I don’t know, like a servant?”
“A servant?  You’re still paying me,” he reminded you.  “You are still paying me, right?”
“Yes,” you laughed, “but still, I would hate it if you felt like staff.  You’re my boyfriend!”
(His heart still fluttered every time you said it.)
“No new driver,” he decided.  “I can drive just fine, and considering how things went between us… let’s not open the door for anybody else,” he smirked, making you laugh in that way you did when he made a stupid joke but you still liked it somehow.
“Okay, sure, but what about being my bodyguard?  Is that too weird?” you continued.
“God no,” he scoffed, “if anything I’m gonna be better at my job than ever.  As your boyfriend, keeping you safe is my job, but since keeping you safe was already my job… it’s, like, doubled-up now.”
He lost his train of thought when you opened the door.
“How do I look?” you asked as you stepped in and gave him a spin in your new dress.  Your whole body was draped in red silk, with the exception of your back which was almost entirely exposed, as if it were begging him to run his fingers down your spine.
“Like everything I ever wanted,” he blurted out before he could stop himself.
And it was so odd that you questioned his desire to drive you, because those moments where he could steer with one hand and rest the other on your thigh, when he could catch a glimpse of you looking out the window at the city rolling by, when he got to listen to you ramble about something to kill the time during a drive; those were his favorite moments, and he wouldn’t trade them for anything.
After a relatively brief trip, you arrived at the venue, and all of a sudden he was doing what he’d fantasized about more than he’d like to admit: escorting you down a red carpet.  It was almost overwhelming— yelling, chattering, reporters speaking into camera, flashes going off in every direction—
“Hey,” you whispered, bringing your hand up to his cheek and instantly taking all his attention.
“Hey,” he returned.
“Just follow my lead,” you instructed.
“That was the plan.”
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morningsound15 · 4 years
let me just, for a moment, say something that of course has already been said but that i just can’t stop thinking about re: episode 126 like… i know a lot of people in fandom (myself included) might gush more about ashley/yasha but holy FUCK what marisha did last night was so good.
like ashely is obviously the quietest player, and she’s been around for the least amount of time because of all the eps she had to miss. you can tell (other players/characters have picked up on it too) that in some ways she’s still finding her sea legs (no pun intended) with the group. she’s much more likely to fall quiet in group settings, not strategize so openly, she’s not usually the first one to engage npcs, stuff like that. this makes sense for yasha's character, but it’s so clear in every moment where yasha does speak, or every conversation she’s in, that even though she’s quiet she’s still so attentive, always paying attention, and she’s clearly working through some shit during scenes, even if she isn’t speaking (her face the first morning after beau woke up with the eye… destroyed me). and when ashley gets a little bit of space and time to really get into the rp… damn she’s so good. she’s so good! her little nuances and her sincerity, i love how funny and awkward and earnest she is. her scenes with beau are obviously great, but also her scenes with jester, and veth. (sam and laura are both great at this also! they really draw players into the rp, they’re great scene partners but their efforts are also more visible)
but i just have to give so many props to marisha. i mean the way she really thought through everything about how she wanted the night to go, from the tower changes to the order of things to the softness. just asking questions, prodding for backstory, gently giving space for yasha/ashley to engage. it’s so clear that yasha’s been dying to talk to her, and it’s so clear that yasha’s still holding onto guilt! she’s keeping herself back, she’s trying to keep her distance, she doesn’t want beau to get hurt (all she wants is to protect the m9). yasha's still struggling with feeling worthy or love, with the fear of maybe being turned into a weapon again, and here comes beau ‘i’ve never been on a date or had a non-toxic relationship before like 1 year ago’ lionett, all grand gestures of romance (feat. flowers, drinks, dogs, ninjas, love confessions, unconditional support, and everything else that makes me tear up). and beau knows yasha so well! everything was really picture-perfect. yasha is this big scary barbarian who can fly and break creatures over her knee but also she scritches every dog she meets and picks flowers and speaks softly and plays a delicate harp and in every moment (except in battle) she’s really just so so gentle, and that’s how all of that date felt to me! just really gentle.
marisha/beau just put so much LOVE into it. (and of course liam! so much love for his friends.) and not just love for yasha, but love for ashley too! it’s vulnerable to go so big, to put your heart out there like that. beau made her feelings clear while also making it clear that her love doesn’t come with caveats or conditions. no expectations. every little gesture is telling yasha that she loves her, but beau also makes sure to tell her (and veth!) that they’re moving on yasha's terms. all beau REALLY wants out of their night together is for yasha to know how much beau cares for her, how much she trusts her, how much she wants yasha to trust her back. that’s so fucking SOFT. it’s just so lovely.
it just makes me so happy that they love their characters so much, that they care about giving them the space to explore this, that marisha carved out space for her and ashley to do a really long scene together, but mostly space for yasha to just breathe and gather the strength to say what she wanted to say. it was romantic, cute, funny, awkward, and just all around lovely. LOVELY.
it’s just so clear how much these folks all love each other! they just want their d&d characters to be loved and happy, and that is so sweet of them :’)
ANYWAY! the girls are in love! happy for them :)
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Leorio, Hisoka, Illumi, and Chrollo Head Canons #2
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What’s up y’all! Thank you so much to the people who have given me feedback about what posts you all would like to see! This post will be about the “Adult Trio” and Leorio about how they would help their significant other with a subject in college. This one is a good suggestion! I’m going to incorporate fluff in this, as I am a sucker for fluff. I hope you all enjoy this! I most certainly do. This post is about 2687 words but don't worry, it's worth the read! These head canons came from my mind its a coincidence that some of these pictures match the thoughts. Portentous (old English) means wonderful or marvelous (in modern English) FYI: I am thinking about creating a discord server for both Voltron and Hunter x Hunter fans. I don’t know how to use the fancy perks of discord yet, so if you know how to and can help me out, send me a message! Alright, let’s get to it! Obviously these images are from Pinterest.
Discord Server for Voltron and HxH fans!
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“Mr. Leorio”, as we all know, is a sharp guy. He dresses in a suit, carries a suitcase, and wants to be a doctor. This man knows everything about academics, especially math and science. He will need to know these subjects to be a successful medical doctor.
Leorio received an A- in Calculus II and a B+ in Organic Chemistry. He was the only one that passed with flying colors while everyone else barely made it. He didn’t gloat in their faces but as soon as he got into the hallway he jumped for joy.
He was extremely happy about his progress and counted the days until graduation even though that was in 5 years. Wow! Don’t we love graduate school?!
He deserved the high grades because he spent countless nights studying missing parties, football games, and being with you just to make sure he was on the right track to graduating on time.
As we all know, Leorio wanted to pursue this career because he witnessed his best friend dying in front of him powerless to save him. The care for his friend would have been too expensive. Obtaining his degree was in honor of his friend; he’d save countless children, women, and men who’d all thank him for his hard work.
Leorio didn’t socialize much, but he did find himself hanging around a group of classmates that were a part of a co-ed fraternity that provided information on scholarship money for graduate school and job opportunities. This is where he met you. You didn’t want to be a doctor but instead wanted to be a computer scientist and decided to volunteer for this fraternity job fair.
As he rejoiced, his smile faded when he saw you walking down the hallway; tears falling from your face not caring who stared at you. He quickly walked up to you, put his arm around your back, and gave you a soft hug.
“What’s the matter,” he asks.
You were failing Calculus, a class you’ve been taking since the 12th grade but for some reason, you couldn’t pass it. Everyone else had A’s and B’s, while you had a D. D’s aren't accaetable in college; most make you retake the class.
“Don’t worry. I’ve just passed my midterm. I can help you study. You’ll pass; trust me.”
Later on that evening, he kept his promise but gave it a unique twist. He kept the lights off and lit 4 Yankee-sized candles in the room that smelled like Lavender. In the background, he had piano jazz playing on his speaker. You felt confused for a moment. You and Leorio weren’t necessarily dating but you both flirted with each other here and there. He wasn’t a social butterfly, but he felt comfortable talking to you.
“Um...what’s the music for?”
“It helps me concentrate. Believe it or not, it helps my brain flow. You like it don’t you?”
“No, actually I don’t.” Truth be told you loved it but you wanted to pull his strings a little. He looked up with a confused look.
“Ok. I’ll turn it off.”
“I'm kidding! It’s great!”
Whenever he cannot solve a Calculus question, he reviews similar problems from Algebra II. He applies this knowledge to your problem.
“Perform the indicated function evaluations for f(x)=3−5x−2x^2 . I’ll solve the first part for an example: f(6+t) simply means you will exchange “x” for 6+t. It will look like f(6+t)=3-5(6+t)-2(6+t)^2=-49 . You’d distribute -5 and -2 to the numbers inside of the brackets in which they are next to.”
Wow, that was easy! Wait, not he must think you’re stupid.
“You must think I’m stupid, don’t you?”
“Of course not! It took me a while to understand it too. You’ll apply the same knowledge for the rest.”
After what seemed like 4 hours (which was 2), you finally finished your homework! It was probably wrong but at least you made it past the 1st question! As you blew out the candles and turned on your LED lights instead, you see Leorio sleeping on your couch. Something about his soft face made you smile and place your hand over your heart.
“My little doctor,” you whispered to yourself.
“Well, come give this doctor some company then. I’m freezing over here!”
The throw blanket was large enough for you both. Snuggling on the couch was a great end to a stressful day.
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To everyone else Chrollo was “Boss” or “Boss Man” but to you, he was Chrollo. Big C was known for his love for poetry and language.
He read poetry any chance he had at lunch and even dinner. It had gotten so bad that you had to tell him for the millionth time “No books at the table!”
Given his past, he always read at least 2 hours a day or one book a week. Reading is what got him through the day.
He was staying in your dorm for the day to relax because he had taken and passed his midterms to. The young thief thought about hiding in the closet but he didn’t because he sensed that you’d be tense because of midterms.
As you walked through the door, you looked angry, so angry that you could punch a wall. He immediately rose to his feet, threw his arms straight out in front of him, and motioned for you to stop. You just stared at him blankly.
“Come here,” he said like you, on cue, melted in his arms. He was warm and the deepness of his cooing voice vibrated against your neck. “What’s the problem?”
“I’m failing this stupid Shakespeare class!”
“Yes and if I don’t pass this midterm I’m going to fail the class for the 3rd time. I want to drop out! Who needs this scam anyway?!”
Chrollo held you a bit longer until you were ready to sit down and get to business. You pulled out your college’s book about Shakespeare plays and how he used Old English. Chrollo was the perfect man for the job! He’s read Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet several times!
Chrollo read a few stanzas and explained them. He then had you read some on your own and explain them...still you can’t.
He notices the problem immediately. He catches you snuggling comfortably against his toned arm, nearly falling asleep.
Chrollo laid at the very corner of the couch as you lay horizontally placing your head against his chest. You were comfortable but you weren’t able to focus. He notices this and slightly demands that you go sit at the table. When it came to academics, he was serious.
For as long as he had been reading, he has an arsenal of vocabulary words ready to be of use. He created flashcards for you and had you flip them over for nearly an hour. You start to memorize the words!
But you’re not done yet.
“Say the word ‘portentous’.”
“No. Por-ten-tas.”
He moved his chair next to you, just an inch away from your face. He cups your mouth and moves it as he speaks again. This wasn’t a hard clutch, it was soft and he wasn’t irritated but he could sense that you were becoming irritated.
“Por-ten-tas,” he said again.
Instead of letting your cheeks go, his eyes diverted to your lips. They were moist and plump, ready to be met by his.
“Your lips are gorgeous. Kisseth me quite quaint.”
Oh no. Look at the monster you’ve created.
Chrollo created a reward system. Whenever he did things right as a child, he was rewarded with money and jewels. For every word you pronounced and defined correctly, he kissed you once. For each word you got correct in a row, he’d kiss you twice.
Soon enough he had kissed you so much that you couldn’t see straight!
The kisses worked because you passed your midterm! Each kiss placed a stain in your brain that made you remember the definition and how to pronounce it.
You and Chrollo celebrated by drinking champagne and listened to him read Sonnet 23 and 57.
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As unusual as it seems, Hisoka is gifted when it comes to Chemistry specifically. That is why you two work well together...there is some chemistry going on between you two.
His hair down and his glasses were his alter ego, it was something that made him act completely different than what you were used to.
When you all were freshmen, he would skip class, attend parties, and would be hungover almost every week but once he was called into the Dean’s office, he changed.
You slightly missed that edgy side of him, but you enjoyed having a serious beau.
Hisoka is a social butterfly and is the life of the conversation and you loved him for it but sometimes it was awkward.
While he was chatting away about Calcium (Ca) and Iron (Fe), you stood there nodding like an idiot. You had NO IDEA about what he was talking about and that is why you were going to drop your chemistry class.
“I saw an imbecile put aluminum foil in the microwave and it burst into flames. How did they not know that Microwaves are the radio waves falling under frequency around 2500 megahertz? Any metallic object detected by radio waves inside the microwave acts as a reflector of radio waves.”
You shove his arm hard. He was acting arrogant in front of his friends. You were used to this but it got on your nerves. You made mistakes, everyone does!...even those that almost burn down the entire dorm room.
You two leave the party and head to his dorm room. Once you were settled, you released a can of anger and threw it all over your boyfriend.
“Hisoka? You just humiliated me.”
“Oh? No one knows that I was talking about you, my dear.”
“Don’t ‘my dear’ me! I asked for your help and you’re ignoring me. I don’t appreciate that. I didn’t ignore you when you sprained your ankle, did I?”
“No, you didn’t, dear. I supposed I have a few hours to kill. What do you need help with?”
Hisoka’s way of studying was much different from other students. He exercises like crazy before he opens his textbook.
He listens to EDM instrumentals while on the treadmill and when he lifts weights. You weren’t standing there like a trophy, he made you lift too.
“Being healthy will help your brain flow more easily. Lift this dumbbell as heavy as you can.”
He ran a mile on the track upstairs. Sweat dripped from his face like he had been standing outside in the rain.
By the time you returned to his dorm, you were beyond tired. You laid your head on his pillow but just as you closed your eyes, he pulled you up on your feet.”
“Not on my watch,” he tutted. “It’s chemistry time.”
You were having trouble memorizing Chemical Formulas and this by far was the most difficult concept you had come across.
To make you stay awake, he turned on a bright LED light and faced it towards the table. The bright light nearly made your head fall off from the pain it reflected in your eyes.
Hisoka grabbed his book and began to write down the major chemicals on the periodic table and their charges.
“Pay attention to the following abbreviations and charges: Calcium is Ca, Chloride is Cl+2, Carbide is C+2, and Carbon Dioxide is CO+2. Read these over and I’ll test you again.”
He did just that but you still weren’t understanding. You were ready to give up.
Stupid scam. Why do I need a piece of paper to determine what I can do? You thought to yourself. Well, it’s obvious. If you can’t do the work now, what makes you think you can do it at a job? Harsh, I know.
“Let me try this,” He said. He carried you to his bedroom and gently placed you on it. He took off his shirt and removed his glasses. “Aluminum has a charge of +3 and Oxygen has -2. If there were three of me and two of my clones disappeared, how many of me are left?”
“Just you, right? One”
“Correct! Excellent.”
Wow, everything started making sense once he took his shirt off.
From then, he just inserted himself into the equation and then it started to make sense! He apologized for running his mouth earlier and promised to keep any more secrets between you two. The night ended with you sleeping in his bed wrapped in a cotton blanket just cuddling and that was it. And bam! You slept as sound.
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Dating the “hot” quiet history buff was a flex of its own. Sure Illumi didn’t talk to anyone besides you, but it didn’t matter. People swooned if he looked in their direction.
History was a popular major during your era. People were not like their grandparents; they wanted to learn about other cultures besides their own. Illumi’s specialty was in world history and civilizations. The class was very interesting to you but there was so much information, you could barely process it.
Illumi often wrote his essays in one day proofread and all! He often charged people to look their essays over.
One time he made $500 in one year!
Glancing at your transcripts, he notices that you have a C- and offers to help.
“Why are you looking through my stuff?”
Hey, he’s your boyfriend! But still, he should ask.
“Sorry. It was up on the screen,” he said, throwing his hands in the air.
You began to blush in embarrassment. The hottest smartest man in the building now knew that you were failing one of the easiest classes on campus.
Placing his thumb under your chin, he lifted your head to meet his gaze. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I can help you.”
“How? I am so behind! I zoned out after chapter 2!”
“We’ll watch a movie.”
“Oh, God! Not one from PBS is it?!”
“Yes. How else are you supposed to learn?”
He turns on the movie and allows you to lay your head on his shoulder but not too much. He is aware of your tricks and he wants you to pay attention.
Every 15 minutes, he pauses the movie and asks you checkpoint questions. If you got them wrong, you had to stand up with your underclothes on (t-shirt and shorts) in the cool room for 10 minutes. If you got the questions right, he allows you to lay more comfortably. You were already in your underclothes but you were under the blanket.
He made you write down key definitions and the embarrassment of each section.
After the movie, he blindfolds you and reads out a term. Surprisingly, you got them all correct!
As a reward for your past midterm, he takes you to dinner at a restaurant where he slips a promise ring on your finger containing your birthstone.
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dragonseattofu · 3 years
NekuShiki question time! :)
1. They meet each other's parents for the first time. What's happening? (Alternatively: How do their parents react once they go steady with each other?)
2. Give us an AU idea with the cuties you would love to see/write/read about (more often).
3. What's their favorite feature about each other?
1. I’d imagine that Shiki brings Neku home for dinner because her Mom wants to meet him. She’s ecstatic to meet the boy that’s been such a positive impact on Shiki. Shiki’s Dad is the classic, love my daughter must protec, hates all boys they are all bad. I feel like her Dad works in security or law enforcement, so he knows a punk when he sees one XD. So Shiki’s Mom is all, “please eat more you are so skinny,” and her Dad’s like, “hm, is that your natural hair, grunt, what do you do for a living, grunt.” (They are older teens at this point, Neku’s probably going through college and creating art on the side, oh this is after NEO by the way.) Her Dad tolerates/warms up to Neku because he also saw how low his daughter’s self esteem was, which worried him, and that Neku helped her manage it. Neku’s obviously nervous to met her folks, not because he wants their approval, but because they are important to Shiki, and that means they will be important to him too. He’s also not used to her mother being to doting and caring. When her Dad finally stops glaring at him and treats him like a son after some years, it emotionally affects Neku for the better.
For Neku, I always thought that his relationship with his parents was complicated, like even before NEO. I headcanonned that his Dad’s some corporate worker, like a banker or works in finance; he doesn’t really care for what Neku does as long as he stays out of his way and out of trouble. Neku’s Mom’s a lawyer, and she is warmer than his father but is equally busy, and can be neglectful at times. She’s the type to send him money for special occasions like his birthday rather than be there to celebrate it. So he doesn’t really bother to tell his folks that he’s dating someone. They might even find out more so from social, like oh the CEO of Gatto Nero’s got a beau, and they see a picture of his orange hair and recognize that he’s their son. When Neku’s Mom realizes that she barely knows her son, and feels like it’s to late, she reaches out to him, and Shiki immediately goes to work trying to help build their relationship. It’s a bit icy, but at least his Mom’s trying and really loves and appreciates Shiki. His Dad comes much much later into the picture. Dang I didn’t expect this to be this long, I hope I answered the question? Lol
2. Sooo I’m not a huge AU fan, (I know I’m sorry) but I’m a big figure skating fan, and during the Olympics I started a figure skating AU. It’s going to be a one shot, and I’m working out the details with a friend, so stay tuned for that. Summary-wise, and this might change when I post it, but Neku and Josh are representing Japan at the Beijing Olympics in Men’s singles, and Neku tears his costume right before the competition, thankfully someone comes to his rescue and helps him but he doesn’t catch her name. He hopes to see her again to thank her of course, and he’s in luck because she seems to be friends with a skater that’s considered the most beautiful in the women’s competition. (Ugh that’s definitely getting revamped).
3. Physical feature wise, Shiki would say it’s his face, (“isn’t he just so handsome and cool,” she coos, smushing his cheeks together.) Neku would say he doesn’t have one, she’s just the way he likes her.
Character wise, for Shiki, Neku’s best feature is his honesty. He’s still as blunt as he was when he was 15, but his delivery is a bit, softer? For Neku, Shiki’s best feature is her ability to see the good in everyone, and her ability to befriend pretty much anybody. She’s a social butterfly in her own right, even if she doesn’t think of herself as one.
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beauvibaby · 3 years
table for two – a.beauvillier
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a/n: a little fic I threw together that I really love 🥺 it’s not proofread tho
“A forty minute wait?” You tried to hide your disappointment, it had been a terrible day at work, your feet were aching and your stomach was on the verge of growling. “Yes, I’m-“ the hostess stopped herself, she glanced over to the only other single party here, “give me just a moment.” She gave you a smile before rushing off. You sighed dramatically, pulling your phone out. The only reason you were so stuck on eating here is because you had a gift card and didn’t want to cook tonight. You glanced up as the hostess approached you, “we have a table for two available, if you don’t mind sitting with this gentleman.” She explained, motioning to the guy sitting in the corner, he had an optimistic smile on his face. He clearly had a much better day than you, as you were about to turn down the offer, your stomach clenched, reminding you how long it had been since you ate.
“Yes. I’ll sit with him.”
You stayed silent, following them to the table, the guy shot you a soft smile as he sat across from you, he seemed like a nice guy, his eyes showed his genuineness. The bright blue only making them more vibrant, you mirrored his smile, crossing your legs under the table. “So, how are we playing this? Awkward silence while we listen to each other eat, or are you going to tell me your name?” He spoke up as you hid behind your menu, you raised an eyebrow at his forwardness, although you could hear a slight nerve in his tone. “You first.” You laughed softly, lowering the menu to reveal your whole face. “Anthony.” He grinned, the name fit him, his smile wide and bright as he looked over at you, not having even picked up his menu yet. “Y/N.” You spoke, glancing between him and the menu, he chuckled at your obvious desire to eat, not that he could blame you, he’d been waiting for a while before you showed up, and the hostess undoubtedly was trying to play matchmaker, not that he was complaining. “Nice to meet you, Y/N.” He murmured, opening up his menu, he glanced over at you, seeing your eyes darting between two items, “never been here before?” He asked, already settling on his meal. You shook your head, chewing your bottom lip as you weighed your options, chicken or pasta.
“Are we ready to order?” The waiter asked, setting down the drinks you’d ordered when you sat down. Anthony nodded, going first to give you another second to decide. He ordered the exact chicken dish you’d been debating on, “is it good?” You asked him, closing your menu, he nodded instantly. “I’ll have the same, please.” You handed over your menu, watching the guy whisk away. “So, Y/N.” Anthony started, resting his elbows on the table, “are you a nurse?” He asked with a tilt of his head, motioning to the scrubs you were wearing. “Medical assistant.” You answered, looking over at his outfit, “I have no clues, this isn’t fair.” You countered, stifling back a laugh when he looked down at his pants and shirt, he hummed, giving you a smile. “You watch sports?” He asked, you thought he was derailing the conversation, “not really.” You answered truthfully, he nodded in understanding, “I play hockey.” He told you, and you thought he was just being a show off. “Athletic, fun, still doesn’t tell me what you do for a living.” You countered easily, whether it be the way he was so easy to speak to, or the way you were sure to be dying of hunger, the words toppled out before you could stop them.
You felt your face flood with warmth as he tilted his head back in laughter, “hockey.” He spoke, raising an eyebrow, “I play hockey for a living.” He watched your face go from confused to shock, “oh.” You whispered sheepishly, “for who?” You asked, mirroring his earlier actions and resting your elbows on the table. “New York Islanders.” He spoke with ease, glancing over the restaurant, suddenly feeling like he came off as arrogant. “Oh thank god, my family would disown me for talking to a Rangers player.” You quipped, you might not have been much into sports, but growing up in New York, you knew a fair bit about the local teams. Plus your cousins were avid fans. So maybe you knew a bit more than average.
“Thought you weren’t into sports?” He answered instantly, becoming engrossed in the conversation with you. He listened intently to you as you began to ramble about the hockey fans in your family, you hadn’t realized how long you’d been talking until the food showed up. You fell silent abruptly, embarrassed for how much you’d spoken. Anthony gave you a reassuring smile as he began cutting into his chicken. You did the same, brushing your sheepishness aside. Your eyes shut in relief as you ate your first bite, “told you it was good.” He spoke up as he swallowed his food. You giggled softly, looking up at him through your lashes, he smirked to himself as you hid behind some of your loose hairs. He found himself wanting to do this again with you, sit, talk, eat. A classic date if he’d ever seen one, but it wasn’t, you were just a complete stranger that he’d probably never see again.
Your meal had come and gone, and you both settled your checks, about to part ways out in the parking lot, “you know, I might just have to take my cousin up on that extra ticket to the game in a couple weeks.” You blurted out, cursing yourself mentally, he faltered in his steps, “I’ll be looking for you.” He called as he walked to his car, leaving you there to process his words with a flutter in your chest.
Of course, the first thing you did when you got home was look him up on Instagram, boldly following him and wondering about the what if’s.
You rushed out the door the next morning, knowing you’d never hear the end of it from your cousin, Ava, if you were late. It was a tradition for you, her and her twin brother to get together once a month for breakfast, something your dad had instilled in you all, and something you made sure to keep up after he passed.
You didn’t even check your phone.
“You’re late!” Aidan shouted, “shut up! I tried my best.” You groaned, tossing your purse down on the counter, your phone half hanging out of it as you went to wash your hands. As you turned the water on you heard Ava scream at the top of her lungs, you went running out as Aidan shrieked in surprise by his sister's actions. “What? Are you ok?” You gasped nearly slipping in your socks, “Y/N.” She gaped at you, she had your phone in her hands, “why did Anthony Beauvillier request to follow you?!” She shouted, Aidan snatched the phone, “oh my god.” He mumbled, unlocking the device, seeing that it really was his account. “He what?” You mumbled, yanking your phone out of his grasp, quickly accepting his request, before facing the millions of questions they had.
It felt like an eternity until they stopped asking you things, “well obviously you’re going to the game with us, and you’re borrowing my Beauvillier jersey.” Ava smirked, you began shaking your head furiously, “no, no, no.” You whined, crossing your arms as they gave you glares. “Yes, yes, yes.” They mocked you, “by the sounds of it, he was clearly flirting with you, how could you pass up on him?” Ava dramatically swooned, “besides, maybe you’ll fall in love and you can get me in with Mat.” She giggled girlishly, “puck bunny.” Aidan muttered jokingly, she turned to him quickly, “I’m not afraid to hit you with my stick again.” He didn’t say anything after that as he shifted away from her.
“I’ll go to the game, but you better not embarrass me.” You mumbled in defeat, only wondering what you just got yourself into.
“Stalking her now beau?” Mat joked with his friend, looking over his shoulder as he scrolled through your Instagram, “shut up.” Tito sighed, faltering as he stumbled across one of your beach pictures. “Oh, damn.” Mat whistled teasingly, he shut himself up when his friend glared at him.
“Ava.” You snapped, lightly whacking her hands away, “I’m fixing your hair.” She complained, pouting at you, sneakily grabbing your pony tail and tightening it before you could react, “ow!” You snapped nearly falling on the escalator, Aidan chuckled as you scolded her. “It’s not funny.” You both snapped at the same time as you stepped off the escalator, following them to their seats, you all the clueless to how close to the glass you were really going to be. “Woah.” You gasped, Ava grabbing your hand and pulling you a couple rows down to look up close at the glass, Aidan settled into the seats, snapping a few pictures of the two of you looking out in amazement. “There’s Barzal, oh and pageau, you wanna keep your eyes on them. They’re really good right now.” Ava explained, you nodded listening as your eyes darted around, looking for number eighteen. “Have you spoken to him since that night?” Ava asked as they began skating around the ice, pucks flying everywhere. You stayed silent as you suppressed a smile, easily spotting Anthony as he passed a puck back and forth with Mat. “You have!” Ava gasped, shaking your shoulder violently, “so what if I have?” You mumbled, biting your lip when she looked over at you. “You are something else.” She giggled, shrieking softly when Anthony skated up to the glass, a puck in his hand. He motioned for you to catch it, which you did with ease. “Good luck!” You shouted, hugging the puck close to your chest as he grinned, he gave you a quick wave before going back to skating around.
“That was flirting.” Aidan declared as you both settled into your seats beside him, “yeah, it was.” You surprised them by not arguing, you felt your face warm up as they looked over at you in shock.
The game had gone on without a hitch, the islanders winning 4-1. So you did what you’d promised Anthony, Tito as he requested you call him, you sent him your number.
“Good game, you earned this.”
You felt giddy as you sent him your number, knowing by the time he saw it you would probably be asleep for the night, but the excitement of if he was going to use it, that kept you on your toes.
“What can I say, you made me work for it”
“Goodnight, Y/N”
Your heart fluttered more than it should have when you woke up to his messages, bright and early, much earlier than he would be up the day after a game.
“Morning, Tito!”
You sent it, eyes widening as three bubbles popped up instantly.
“Have a good day at work”
You read it over and then saw him typing once again.
“Are you free Friday?”
Your heart nearly lept out of your chest.
“See you Friday”
A confident response that unknowing to you made him nervous, he was never nervous when it came to dates, but you were already so different to him.
You went about your day as normally, occasionally sneaking a moment to text Tito back as he sent you random things throughout the day, including the planning of your date for Friday. He insisted on picking you up, and you agreed, appreciating the chivalry he was showing that not many guys still had.
You were giddy, and he was thrilled, already mentally preparing himself, although he knew once he was around you, it would be easy. It always was.
The knock on your door made you inhale sharply, glancing down at your outfit once more, the skinny jeans hugging your curves just right, and the delicate blouse showing just enough skin to be flirty but modest, and it went along with the casual dress code he had established. You quickly zipped up the sides of your wedges, you flipped your loosely curled hair behind your shoulders as you unlocked the door. “Hey, Tito.” You breathed out, smiling at him, the both of you quickly taking in the sight of each other, “hi, you look great.” He complimented, his nerves instantly melting away as you let out a sheepish giggle, “thanks.” Your voice was soft and he soaked up every bit of it, seeing the shy smile adorning your face. “You clean up nice.” You responded, grabbing your purse as he chuckled, looking down at his dark jeans and short sleeve printed button shirt, you took notice of the chain he had underneath it. You shot him a smile as you turned back to him fully, “ready?” You asked, adjusting the purse on your shoulder.
You burst into laughter as he pulled into the parking lot, the same restaurant you met at, “you’re serious?” You asked through a smile, he nodded, “I mean unless you don’t like it–“ you cut him off as he was about to ramble. You grabbed his hand that was resting on the center console, “no, I love it. It’s really cute honestly.” You assured him, not missing the way he instantly relaxed when you touched him. “Oh, good.” He breathed out, “let’s go inside.”
The hostess did a double take as she saw you two walk in hand in hand. It was the same one from the first night you met, “hello.” She grinned, grabbing two menus, “sitting together, again?” She asked, Anthony nodded brightly. “Yeah.” He answered, letting you walk in front of him as you followed her to a table. “Thanks.” You smiled at her, sitting in your seat, Anthony thanked her as well as he followed behind you. “So, is the chicken any good?” You asked, he broke into laughter, his head tipping back as he gave you an incredulous look. “I think it’s really good.” He answered, snickering as he picked up his menu, you smiled at his reaction, feeling giddy as you knew you were the reason he was having such a good time. “Ok but seriously, what else is good here?” You asked, shifting to an overly serious tone as you scanned over the menu, he smiled at the concentration on your face.
“It’s all good here.”
Taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @matbarzyy
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heavyy12 · 3 years
Colin and Tripp: Part 2
“I just hope this whole thing doesn’t implode on us.” Colin said as he folded some jeans and placed them in a suitcase. “This is going to come as a HUGE surprise to them.”
“You’re not kidding, babe.” Tripp said as he closed his laptop from atop their bed. “HUGE, indeed.”
Tripp got up and walked behind Colin to rub the belly that contained his unborn sons. Tripp had never been so turned on by another person than Colin in all his pregnant glory. Colin had ballooned over the past couple weeks and easily resembled a man nearing full-term. At 29 weeks, Colin had managed to pack on forty pounds, all of which seemed to go to his belly.
He was so perfectly round and miraculously had very little stretch marks. His ass had become far more plump and his pecs were noticeably fuller as they sat atop his protruding midsection.
Tripp swatted the clothing from Colin’s hands and lifted his pregnant lover’s shirt over his head.
“Really, babe?” Colin smirked, “I have to get this packing done! We leave in the morning.”
“I won’t be long.” Tripp whispered as he kissed Colin’s neck and lowered the pregnant man’s briefs to expose Colin’s plump cheeks from beneath.
“I want a piece of that pregnant ass,” Tripp continued as he slid his erection between Colin’s bare cheeks.
“Well, by all means, daddy, have at it.” Colin cooed.
Colin was on his back within seconds, belly high in the air and his thick thighs hugging the sides of his growing orb as Tripp positioned himself to begin fucking his pregnant lover.
Tripp couldn’t keep his eyes and hands off Colin’s belly as they fucked. The father-to-be was constantly looking for signs of his unborn sons through his baby mama’s massive orb. Colin knew what Tripp was looking for and when he’d feel a kick from within as Tripp’s cock was impaling him, he’d guide his baby daddy’s hand to that location on his belly. The pair couldn’t get enough of pregnant sex.
Colin decided to tell his parents of his pregnancy before the dinner Tripp had planned. There was obviously no hiding his condition, so it was an abrupt conversation. After a few minutes and the question of paternity came up, Colin said it was someone they knew. Their most shocking revelation of Colin’s pregnancy was that Tripp was the father and they were in a relationship.
His father pressed Colin to be honest whether Tripp took advantage of him and the pregnant college student assured him that wasn’t the case. Mrs. Lacey was able to calm her husband down and Colin explained the dinner he had planned was actually at Tripp’s home down the street.
The dinner started off awkwardly, but by the end, everyone seemed comfortable with Tripp and Colin’s situation. The pair said goodbye to their dinner guests and after the caterers left, they retreated to the backyard for a bonfire.
It was a cold, late-fall night and Tripp donned a baggy Cornell sweatshirt, chinos, and boat shoes, while his pregnant lover lowered himself into an Adirondack chair wearing a similar outfit. Tripp had a beer in his hand as they discussed what they believed was a successful dinner with Colin’s family.
As the fire grew, Colin became overheated and removed his sweatshirt, revealing the underside of his massive belly in a tight, white tee. Tripp noticed while Colin hadn’t yet and started snapping pictures of his pregnant lover in the firelight.
“What are you doing babe?” Colin asked as the flash from Tripp’s phone nearly blinded him.
“You just look so beautiful sitting by the fire and so full with our children.” He replied.
“Well, I feel like a hot, sweaty blimp.” Colin said as he lifted his tee for air circulation.
“We can go inside. It’s been a long day.” Tripp said as be began getting up.
“No, no, a couple more minutes.” Colin insisted, “I’m going to need help getting up from this damn chair anyways.”
Tripp was already up and moved over to his pregnant lover, ran his hands through Colin’s hair and bent down for a kiss on his forehead. While his older boyfriend kissed his forehead, Colin felt an unpleasant jab coming from within and moaned as his hand immediately went to assess the action.
“Are the boys giving you trouble?” Tripp asked as he noticed Colin’s expression and joined his pregnant lover in examining the situation.
“I think they’re a little overheated from the fire.”
“No worries, babe, it was nice while it lasted.” Tripp said as he began extinguishing the fire. “How about a nice, relaxing bath before bed?” he suggested to his pregnant lover.
“I’d love that.” Colin answered as he covered his belly back up and reached his hands out signaling Tripp to help hoist him from the chair.
Colin and Tripp returned to Ithaca after a couple days so Colin could finish out the semester before winter break. With a February due date and Colin already a semester ahead from college-placement classes in high school, they decided he’d take the spring semester off to have their sons.
Colin’s family had plans to spend Christmas and New Years apart in different places around the world. It left Colin and Tripp on their own; which they preferred.
Tripp planned a vacation getaway, the last as a childless couple, to the Caribbean. Colin was cleared to fly at 33 weeks, although he easily resembled someone who was overdue. For convenience, Tripp chartered a jet for their two-week vacation.
When they arrived in the Caribbean, Colin was excited to see that Tripp reserved a penthouse apartment with a butler for their duration. Their balcony had amazing views of the ocean and surrounding islands, as well as their own rooftop pool.
It wasn’t long into their first day that Colin stripped naked and lowered himself into the refreshing rooftop pool. After Tripp finished unpacking and pre-ordering dinner, he was surprised to find Colin already soaking up the Caribbean sun in all his naked, pregnant glory.
“Damn babe, we’ve only been here for an hour and you’re already getting me worked up with that view.” Tripp exclaimed as he removed his cutoff shirt and stood over Colin from the pool’s ledge in a speedo.
“Being cooped up on the flight and drive here was too much for these two!” Colin said as he stood up in the shallow end of the pool, his belly exposed above his recently popped navel and dripping wet. “I didn’t know how else to calm them down!”
“Well you know they get tired after a good fuck, sooo…” Tripp suggested as he removed his speedo, exposing his hard eight inches.
Tripp entered the pool and the pair began making out as both their erections grew. Tripp’s poked his pregnant lover’s lower belly and Colin’s poked his underbelly with nowhere else to go.
Tripp hoisted Colin, with the pregnant man’s assistance, onto the pool ledge. They continued making out with Tripp’s hands firmly planted on the sides of Colin’s massive orb and Colin’s on his baby daddy’s plump ass cheeks.
Colin’s erection was covered by his immense midsection and was getting uncomfortable as his own heaviness weighed down on it. He laid back with Tripp’s help and positioned his legs atop his baby daddy’s shoulders. Tripp slowly inserted himself into Colin’s hole from inside the pool.
The pool’s slate tile wasn’t the most comfortable on Colin’s back as his belly weighed him down, but he easily worked through the pain because of the ecstasy from being impaled by Tripp’s thick cock.
Tripp grabbed handfuls of Colin’s fuller pecs and picked up speed. Colin played with Tripp’s nipples as they both neared climax. As Tripp slowed to deposit a warm load within his pregnant lover’s hole, his right hand caressed Colin’s cock and the pregnant man soon blew his load between his protruding belly and Tripp’s lower abs.
“What a way to start the vacation!” Tripp exclaimed as he pull out.
“I’d say! The three of us enjoyed that, daddy!” Colin said as he cradled his belly in their afterglow.
Tripp kissed the mound that held his unborn sons sensually before pulling Colin up to a seated position. The pregnant man then lowered himself into the pool where the pair relaxed for the next half hour as their bodies cleansed of sweat of cum.
Islanders at their resort were astounded by Colin’s size every time the two men decided to leave their penthouse suite. Although they had a capable butler, every time they’d walk to the beach, two or more additional staff would offer their assistance. They both spent their days on the beach where Colin resembled a tanned, beach whale, before retreating upstairs to prepare for an exquisite dinner.
Tripp made sure to always have snacks and lunch ordered for their time on the beach so Colin and his boys wouldn’t go hungry. The expectant fathers always made sure to accentuate Colin’s pregnancy, as if it wasn’t already truly astounding.
When they’d have lunch delivered to the beach, before the waiter had time to leave, Tripp already had one hand caressing Colin’s belly and the other feeding his pregnant lover. They didn’t care how awkward it made anyone else feel. Nobody at the resort had seen a pregnant man of Colin’s size before and could rarely take their eyes off his belly. It also didn’t help that Colin wore speedos that barely fit his plump ass cheeks and when seated and being served on the beach, eluded to being nude since his belly covered every inch of fabric he had on.
On the last day of their vacation, Tripp hired a photographer for the day to capture Colin in all his pregnant glory. The pregnant twenty-one year old was nearing his 35[sup]th[/sup] week and had gained 70 pounds, ballooning to 285. His tanned, stretched skin was nearly 60” around. Tripp often wondered how big his pregnant beau would get at this rate.
They took intimate pictures in the morning on their bed while both wore just briefs. The focus of both men was Colin’s belly. After nearly two weeks in the sun, his tanned, olive skin covered any faint stretch marks he had. His belly button almost looked cartoonish and stuck out far from his massive middle. His fuller pecs were accentuated by enlarged nipples that Tripp often sucked on.
Tripp stood behind the photographer for Colin’s solo photo shoot in bed. He couldn’t contain the erection that was forming as he watched Colin cradle their unborn sons and pose so sensually; nearly nude in the bed they fucked in the night before. They both changed into 5” inseam shorts and linen, short-sleeve button downs and headed to the beach for more pictures.
While Tripp’s shirt stayed mostly buttoned, Colin’s was opened almost instantly to show his massive baby bump. Tripp’s favorite pose during Colin’s solo beach shoot was when his pregnant lover sat in the sand, folded and tucked his right leg under his lifted left leg, leaned back into the sand with his right arm and rested his left forearm on his raised left knee. Until then, Colin hadn’t looked so massive to Tripp. The sun beat down on him as sweat glistened on his chest and belly. Tripp popped another boner thinking Colin still had over a month left of growing.
After their final dinner on the island, the pair decided to take a midnight stroll on the beach. Both men had plotted fucking in the sand and were hoping to do so that night.
They came to a curve in the beach that had a grouping of palm trees hidden from the resort’s view. They smirked at each other and Tripp guided Colin to the middle of the palm trees and ripped off his pregnant lover’s clothing. They made out with Colin in all his naked glory and the moonlight reflecting off his ballooned belly. Tripp quickly surveyed the area once more before pulling his shorts down.
Tripp was leaking pre-cum on his pregnant lover’s belly before turning Colin around to expose the pregnant man’s inviting hole. Colin bent slightly and grabbed ahold of a palm tree as Tripp’s warm mouth met his hole. After a minute or two, Tripp’s tongue was replaced by his dick and the two began fucking wildly. Colin’s fat ass cheeks were clapping uncontrollably as he moaned from being fucked so hard. His tits were bouncing violently atop his perfectly round baby belly. Tripp had his hands planted on the sides of Colin’s belly as he thrust harder and harder into his pregnant lover’s hole.
Tripp normally lasted much longer but felt himself getting close after only a few minutes. He moved his hands up Colin’s blossoming body and grabbed a handful each of Colin’s pecs and pulled his pregnant lover back, plush against his body. Tripp slowed and kissed Colin’s neck and bit his ear as he flooded the pregnant man’s hole with another huge load of warm baby batter.
They stayed in that position for another minute, making out madly as Tripp’s hands caressed Colin’s belly and his cock grew limp from inside the pregnant man’s hole. Tripp pulled out, turned Colin around to lean against the palm tree and consumed the pregnant man’s cock before swallowing the load the shot from it.
“That was so fucking hot, babe.” Tripp said as he lifted himself up to Colin’s eye level. Colin noticed his own cum was still left on the sides of Tripp’s mouth and wiped his baby daddy’s face with two fingers before shoving both and his bodily remnants into Tripp’s accepting mouth. They kissed and hurriedly put their clothing back on before retreating to their suite.
The pair returned to the states with a little over one month left in Colin’s pregnancy. Since Colin was taking a semester off to have the twins, they moved everything back to Tripp’s Manhattan apartment. Contractors and interior designers were in and out the entire month of January preparing the nursery.
Photos from their pregnancy shoot in the Caribbean were returned to the couple at the end of January. Colin noticed how enamored Tripp was with them that he had one blown up, nearly life-size, and framed for their foyer. It was a surprise for Tripp, so Colin had it hung while he was at work and unveiled it one day in early February.
Colin was just two weeks from his due date when he stood by the door waiting for Tripp to return from work. When Tripp arrived home, he noticed his pregnant lover in the foyer and the massive, covered frame on the wall.
“What’s this, babe?” Tripp asked as he hung up his coat.
“I have an early Valentine’s Day gift you.” Colin smiled as they kissed.
“You didn’t have to do that babe, our boys are the gift of a lifetime.” Tripp said as he caressed his pregnant lover’s belly from beneath Colin’s navy polo.
Colin backed away and removed the drape covering the 56” x 70” frame. It was the photo of Colin sitting in the sand during their beach photo shoot that Tripp liked so much.
“Babeeee” Tripp exclaimed, pulling Colin close so the pair could look at it together. “You are so breathtaking.”
“I knew you liked the picture a lot.” Colin said, “And although I’m not a huge fan of having a life-size photo of myself in our home, I knew you’d appreciate it.”
Tripp kissed Colin and rubbed his 38-week belly that recently surpassed 63” and 305 pounds.
“I LOVE it.” Tripp exclaimed. “And I love YOU.” He continued as they kissed again.
“I wouldn’t mind making this a tradition.” Tripp suggested.
“What do you mean? Colin asked.
“Well, did I ever mention I wanted a BIG family?” the baby daddy smirked.
“Oh yeah?” Colin cooed as he backed away from Tripp and smirked back. “How big?” he joked as he turned side to side to accentuate the belly that was home to their unborn sons.
“Of epic proportions.” Tripp smiled as he approached Colin and pinned him against the wall. At this point in Colin’s pregnancy, Tripp had to lean far in to meet his lover’s face. The belly that stood between them was no joke. “Is my baby mama up for the challenge?” Tripp whispered in Colin’s ear.
“Challenge accepted.” Colin replied before the pair began making out and undressing in their foyer.
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9h4mn · 4 years
why don't you know? | ateez
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➞ ateez x reader, requested
➞ angst, arguments, established relationship
➞ arguments and discord, something thought to be normal especially when in a relationship. how can one break out between you and ateez?
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warning: overworking, negligent behavior, insecurities, mentions of cheating (false), unrealistic expectations, toxic (yeosang), fainting (jongho)
when you started dating hongjoong, you were already aware of how much he likes to work
it was something you can understand
but this has to stop
when was the last time he came out of the studio?
you no longer worry what time he'll head home, instead you began to worry about him and if he had already fainted
he was overworking himself to that point
this is his passion but it doesn't mean he has to endanger his health
as his significant other it was expected that you would force him to take a rest
did he receive it well? obviously no if he's argueing with you
is it worth it? you would do this again and again with no hesitation
it may seem like you're leading your relationship to the path of break-up but you could bear with that pain
when will he realize that it pains you to see him in such a state?
hopefully hongjoong could see it before he loses the love he has for you
arguments with seonghwa never got too serious. he always threw away his pride for your sake
his love for you was like that
in the rare occasion he stood his ground it gets heated, very heated
an article came out accusing seonghwa of dating another idol
you knew that he would never cheat on you
but insecurities sucks and it struck even harder seeing the support fans were giving
maybe you were in the way between seonghwa and his new beau
that exact mindset made seonghwa mad
he loves you and you alone, why can't you see that?
why were you comparing yourself to her?
it was really driving him insane that you weren't seeing his efforts
finished with listing all the reasons why he loves you, seonghwa walks out the door
the right thing to do was stay but it was hard
there was no way he'd let his anger explode on you. it was the situation pissing him off not you
he just needed some time to cool off
if in seonghwa's case your insecurity between him and a girl sparked an argument, in yunho's case his overprotectiveness got in the way
before any negative reaction lets go to the start
you have a best friend — a boy best friend — and you had known him since you were little
when you began dating yunho it was expected that he would meet your best friend
for some reason yunho didn't like being around your best friend but when you mention how you have plans with him, yunho would go out his way to tag along
he wasn't like that to your other male friends, in fact you thought that yunho was a little chill but with how he acts with your best friend made you think back
the tip of the ice berg was when you walk in yunho holding your best friend by the collar and talking to him in a not so friendly manner
it began an argument between you and your boyfriend when your best friend left
they have to try and get along with each other and you firmly went with the belief that yunho was just being jealous
little do you know that so called best friend spoke about you as if you were just an object
maybe one of these days yunho could tell you the truth but for now he wants you to still remember your best friend as the person you've known since childhood
you are aware that you are doing the wrong thing
it takes two to tango but in this dance only one was lost in it
blaming it on your work load was just unfair on yeosang — an idol with busy schedules who still tries to make time for his significant other
you don't remember since when he began loving you more but one thing for sure it had been that way for some time already
god you were such a terrible person and unfortunately yeosang was so into this artwork called you
maybe you had fallen out of love with him but you don't want to admit it
eventually yeosang noticed how you've been distancing from him and due to a defensive nature you started arguing with him
it wasn't you, it was him. he was just being paranoid
you would reason out with him and tell him he's wrong while yeosang would try to get around your reasons to make you spill
he really loves and its hurting him how he's unsure about what you feel
reassuring him took some time but it will still work... right?
well that is assuming if a relationship caught up in a lie could survive
the perfect couple is almost like this picture perfect pair who matches each other well and basically is what some movies portray
to make it short the perfect couple is an unrealistic dream
human beings are meant to be imperfect and thats ok
whats not ok is living for the idea of perfection that you just ignore every problem
that was san's problem
you know that he means well but the execution didn't match the intention
ignoring a situation because it doesn't fit in the perfect concept is a major no no
which is why it didn't take long for you to argue with him regarding that
well as good as an argument it is because once again it was incredibly one-sided
is your boyfriend a person or a wall?
he only acknowledge you when you mentioned how the both of you should just take a break
san drops to his knees and begged you to stay
he loves you, he really does — thats why he was aiming for the perfect couple role
but since when was love about losing yourself just to love your significant other?
you rely on mingi a lot — its no secret, everyone can see how your boyfriend is also your best friend
he was always listening to you no matter what the topic was about, he was also your personal cheerleader who cheers on you for everything
in the beginning you were alright with things until it had hit you, what do you know about your boyfriend?
he was secretive always keeping his secrets and struggles to himself
he also had this special talent in avoiding questions
things worsened when you overheard mingi talking to yunho one day
it was all about his struggles but what broke your heart is the fact its something you could easily solve for him — yunho himself told mingi that but all he got was mingi saying "i don't want to trouble them"
you didn't confront him immediately but when you did you had wished you had done sooner
he looked terrible as he still struggles with the same problem he told yunho but when you offered to help him, he declined
the argument was basically you trying to convince mingi its alright to rely on him and mingi rejecting that idea
you really wanted to help your boyfriend but the fact he was so adamant in not receiving any broke your heart
when can he see that a relationship includes giving and receiving?
the way i see it, playful banter will always be present in your relationship
nothing too serious just two adults bickering like children
so how can a serious argument break out between the both of you?
it was just something simple like lets say wooyoung left the sink dirty
on normal occasions you would have shrugged it off — might complain but nothing too deep
today was just not your day and coming home to a dirty sink didn't make it any better
it should have ended there but unfortunately it just gets worse
wooyoung himself wasn't in a good mood so when you began to nag at him it ignited a fire
he began nitpicking about every little thing that you did which annoys him and of course you wouldn't back down. it was only fair that you get to nitpick him yourself
every thing that you both had bottled up spilled it that very argument
they were right when they say bottling up emotions is never a genius move
i see him as a calm and rational person so arguments wouldn't really begin because there was nothing to argue about
but jongho isn't some perfect being and so were you
it all began when you fainted and were rushed to the hospital
he would have visited you and even help in taking care of you — only if he had known sooner
thats right you didn't inform your boyfriend that you were hospitalized for 2 days not until you were discharged
since then jongho had noticed how you keep in hiding any injury or any thing that concerns your health
why would you want to hide that from him? he couldn't understand and it leads to the both of you arguing
he just wants you to trust him and not hide any of your pain
what if you're in pain while with him but you'd never tell him?
with how much you hide about your health, jongho fears for situations he could face regarding you
you say you don't want him to worry but he would argue how not knowing about your health was more worse than that
was he wrong for wanting to take care of you when you're in pain?
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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writesowhatnext · 4 years
duolingo, mange ton cœur // fred weasley
Summary: Fred asks the reader (who definitely has a crush) to flirt for him
Request: nope
A/N: I tried to make the French easy to guess if you couldn’t read it or didn’t wanna google lol <3 let me know if you think I should include the translation
Reader: female
Warnings: swearing, making out
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You’d been busy trying to scratch down a Transfiguration essay when a darkness came over you. The two shadows appearing over your shoulders, whilst not death-eaters or dementors, brought death with them. The death of any chance you had of finishing this essay. 
“Hello, Y/N.” Fred said happily. You sighed a little, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach that seemed to appear whenever he was around… for no reason, of course.
“You speak French, right?” George, by the sound of his voice, was also smiling. You’d hoped you could just ignore them but, despite your best intentions, they had piqued your interest.
“Je peux parler un peu Français, je suppose.” You replied, spinning around on your stool to face the two evil geniuses behind most mayhem at Hogwarts. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of them, with their mischievous grins, towering over you. Both of their faces dropped, though, at your words.
“Right.” George said, frowning. “Anyway.”
“We need your help to get some girls from Beauxbatons to go to the Yule Ball with.”
You snorted before raising an eyebrow.
“Aren’t you going with Angelina?” you asked George, crossing your arms.  
“I am indeed, dear Y/N. This would purely be to help our little Freddie here.” George replied, staring far too long at you. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“So, what do you say? Can you get a lovely French girl to like me?” Fred grinned.
“Je peux parler Français, je ne peux pas travailler miracles.” You smirked, leaning back against the table. George sent you a dry look whilst Fred barked a laugh.
“Your wit transcends language barriers, Y/N.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Flattery will get you nowhere.”
“Well, what will get me to the ball with a witch that speaks French?”
“Chloroform?” you answered happily, smiling at your own joke. Fred mimicked you, wobbling his head from side to side to mock you. You made a face.
“Please, Y/N?” he asked, pouting. You deflated at his begging, knowing you probably wouldn’t be able to resist such a request from your best friend. Letting him get to you was your first mistake; your second was looking at George. He smiled at you knowingly, like he knew something he shouldn’t and you didn’t. You bit your cheek; you wanted to flirt with Fred, not for him. You huffed.
“You owe me.” You countered; Fred was already grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“Of course, of course.”
“So, what’s the plan?”
When they told you about their new invention, Walkie Talkie Chalk, you began to regret your decision.
“So, let me get this straight,” you held a putty-like substance in your hand. “I put this thing in my ear and I can hear you?”
“And we can hear you.” Fred nodded, watching you push at the device in your hands.
“This doesn’t even look like chalk.” You remarked, squishing it in your fingers.
“It’s not.”
Your deadpan look only served to increase their grins.
“You’re idiots.” You shook your head.
“Yes, Y/N.”
“Your idiots though.”
You huffed, placing the gummy ball in your ear, your expression the perfect picture of disgust. It shifted in your ear, making you flinch.
“You’re vile buggers.” You hissed. George didn’t listen, though. He placed his hands on your shoulders and pushed you towards a group of witches in blue.
“Uh…” you stalled, looking at them. They were very beautiful, that much was obvious, and they were giggling between each other. At that point, you realised you’d vastly overestimated your bilingualism. “Merde.”
“Naughty.” Fred whispered in your ear. It figured that the only French he knew would be cussing. You tried to ignore the feeling that came over you at his words.
“Branleur.” You muttered in response before quickly approaching one of the girls leaving the group.
“Salut!” you said, way too loudly. You cursed your nerves. The girl, pretty with dark hair and bright eyes, turned around, unsure and surprised by your volume. “Ça va?”
She frowned, obviously confused.
“Well done, Y/N.” George chuckled. You clenched your jaw.
“Euh… ça va bien, merci.” She turned to face you then, gripping her books to her chest. “Et toi?”
You raised your eyebrows, surprised she was still talking to you. That was a win, right?
She laughed and pursed her lips.
“Um, avez-vous une date pour le bal?” A vast overestimate indeed.
“Non, à vrai dire.”
You nodded, frowning. She giggled at your expression and you felt your face heat up.
“Je connais ce garçon �� il est stupide mais... il est intelligent... et amusant... et très très beau…”
Fred couldn’t hear the rest of what you said, the Hufflepuff Quidditch team walking past you meant the only sound the Walkie Talkie Chalk picked up was their footfalls. He didn’t need to though, really. He could feel George’s stare on him.
“I don’t think we need a translator for that one.” George said, trying to hide his smile.
“George,” Fred frowned, meeting his twin’s eyes. “Do you think Y/N likes me?”
“No, not at all. She thinks you’re a right prat. I think she fancies you, though.”
Fred didn’t say anything for a moment. He pressed his lips together as a shit-eating grin lifted his cheeks. He leant out of their hiding place, peeking around a staircase to see you and the beautiful French girl. He watched, with a decent amount of glee and amusement, as the girl laughed, her hands on your shoulders. He sniggered when she placed a light kiss to your cheek, your face a picture of embarrassment and shock. He hoped that meant he wouldn’t have to let down a French girl today.
As you turned on your heel to come back to him, he jumped back into his hiding spot, noticing George wasn’t there. Looking around, he found his twin walking down the opposite corridor to you, shooting him a wink. He couldn’t help but smirk.
“Sorry about that.” You said, appearing next to him, leaning against the wall. “I didn’t realise that she thought I was asking her out.”
A chuckle slipped from Fred’s lips.
“Where’s George?” you asked, looking over Fred’s shoulder.
“He’s working out a few bugs in the Walkie Talkie Chalk. The sound cut off just after you said I was beautiful and charming and wonderful.”
You opened your mouth indignantly. You’d been so focused on trying not to look like an idiot, you’d forgotten Fred and George were listening.
“I did not say that.”
Fred stepped around you so your back faced the wall. Your forehead creased.
“You might as well have done.”
“Well, sorry, I’ll try to sell you more realistically next time.”
He just stared at you, smiling widely.
“Why does your face look like that?” you asked, conscious of his proximity. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
“I think you fancy me.”
“Pfft…” you did not have a lot of time to formulate an actually helpful response to convince him he was wrong and you knew it would be very obvious, especially to someone that knew you as well as Fred. “No, I don’t.”
“Is that right?” he asked, stepping closer.
You frowned, nodding with your jaw clenching. You cursed yourself for being so obvious, avoiding eye contact.
“I don’t know what you’re on about.”
“So,” he looked at the wall above you for a second and you took the opportunity to look at his face. It made it worse when he turned back to you. “If I asked you to the Yule Ball, you wouldn’t want to go?”
You considered your choices: lie and say no to conserve your pride; say yes, be honest and finally have a chance with Fred, risking that he might be joking; change the subject.
“I thought you wanted to go with a French girl?”
He leant closer to you, so close you could feel his breath on your face. You dared to meet his eyes, lost almost instantly at the intensity.
“I said I wanted to go with a witch that speaks French. I think you fit the bill, don’t you?”
You bit your lip, looking down to his, weighing up your options. He didn’t give you that much of a chance before you were pressed to the wall, his mouth and body on yours. His hands gripped your bum, pinning you to the wall whilst yours clawed up his chest. You were thankful for a free period. You weren’t aware that you couldn’t breathe until he pulled away and the silence was filled with your panting, his mouth wide in a grin.
“You’re serious?” you asked, looking up to him, his hands heavy on your hips. He frowned, looking up and pretending to think for a second.
Whilst he enjoyed the sound of you laughing at one of his jokes, he enjoyed kissing you a lot, lot more.
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