#and the other speaks like they swallowed a thesaurus
sparkyblizz · 4 months
random writing thing I've been doing in Kirby fics—while Meta Knight is the only character I write using more verbose words and generally more "fancy"-sounding, and Dedede is the only one who has like, a US southerner accent, there are some dialogue things I've been putting in to show the different ways characters around them speak:
King Dedede uses more shortened or "lazier" manners of speech, like the "whatcha", "whaddaya", "kinda", "sorta", etc., to showcase his sort of lackadaisical demeanour
Kirby also uses some of the more "lazier" ways of speaking mentioned above which I chose because I write him as a kid and I thought that made sense of a kid
I also like giving Bandana some of those speech patterns because he's historically been one of the king's loyal servants and I like the idea of him picking up that way of speaking from him
in contrast, Meta Knight tends to always say words in full, "what are you", "what do you", "kind of", "sort of", etc., to try and showcase his more serious and knightly manner though I do also have him use contractions so he still sounds somewhat modern lmao
I tend to have the Meta-Knights speak like him as well, saying words in full, like with Bandana and Dedede, to showcase how they pick up things from who they serve
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jademint2581 · 9 months
Kai Satou (YTTD) bedroom headcanons:
WARNING seggs benedicc recipe ahead. spicy. +18.
Can be applied to any pairing that includes Kai Satou (f/m, m/m, gn/m, as well as "/Reader" or "/OC")
some keywords: edging, dry humping/clothed, petplay (mild), praise, oral, bedtalk, romantic focus
Kai is the type of guy to want to completely please his partner, and I mean, completely. He's very sincere and serious about it. He's dedicated and he'll even say as much, even if he might blush and slightly stammer.
Kai is the type of dude to completely nerd out over sex. He will actually research the anatomy of his partner. We're not just talking erotic images and stories, but full on wikipickia articles and science publications, books and articles about it too.
And when it comes to studying erotica, he'll actually specifically look for the kind he thinks his partner may like. He'll be conducting his research specifically with his partner in mind.
He will try to get the potentially useful techniques down beforehand, so that he can give his partner the pleasure he 100% thinks they deserve.
He definitely overthinks it beforehand and while it's for selfless research purposes, of course he'll get incredibly horny over the thoughts. He's definitely not made of stone.
And even if he can matter of factly research the entirety of the phenomenon that is known as sex, it's not like he can just bluntly talk about it as is. It's an intensely intimate matter. He'll have to take a couple of breaths in between words if he's talking about sex using more direct language.
Fucking,,,, Thesaurus makes an appearance as well, because this is Kai.
Sex is just very important and intimate to Kai ok. He could not treat it lightly. He definitely fantasizes about sex when nobody's around...or when nobody can tell. What he lacks in real life experience, he definitely makes up in how much he actually daydreams about sex.
And alright, maybe his idea of sex is a tad idealistic, which ties to his high standards of his own ability to please.
Just...sex nerd Kai. Kai has a neutral to positive overall attitude towards sex and expressions of sexuality. It's just that he's private about it.
While Kai may shy away from speaking out loud, he sure doesn't shy away from the actual act once he drops his guard and gains momentum. He's the type of guy to go full in and actually apply his theoretical knowledge of sex he's gathered beforehand. He will completely lose himself in the act.
He will listen to his partner's noises and feel their movements, which totally egg (badumtss) him on. That's how he connects with his partner. He feels it with them, as he makes love to them.
To Kai, sex is definitely about connection to the other. Which is why he wants to execute the practical parts of it to perfection.
Kai is the type of guy to say "thank you for the meal" after providing oral. His sense of humour doesn't leave him. He might not say the dreaded p-word very easily, but he'll definitely thank for the meal and say that his partner is beautiful and tasty down there.
Kai swallows.
Eye contact.
Kai just talks very beautifully in bed. He gets even more turned on by it too because it's such a sensual thing to do. Guy waxes poetry in bed. He'll please with his words as well.
Kai is just very sensitive and sensual like that ok?
He's so sensitive in fact that he's the easiest ever to tease to the point where he can barely even move right.
He can be a total trembling mess once all his circulation goes down there. Even before getting rid of any of his clothing.
His mind and eyes as well as hands realllly work overtime when it comes to sex.
Apron tent. (I'm sorry Mr. Chidouin.)
He has a thing for edging kind of. He'll resist the temptation and control himself just to prolong the high of being incredibly aroused and seduced by his partner. Eventually he'll pounce their ass, but he likes to really put himself to the test first.
Kai is the type to withhold moans until they forcibly tear their way out of his chest. Maintaining the stoic facade, even if it's going poorly, is part of the desperation game he loves playing.
Kai will deny his own orgasm by any means necessary until it's too much. He really wants to hold onto it before letting it explode spectacularly.
Kai is a dedicated dry humping practitioner.
His prick gets scary hard. Like diamond hard. Literally hard enough to smash concrete. Potent. Nobody knows why. Maybe it's impeccable circulation? Satou genes? Chronic lack of release? Who the fuck knows. It just gets that way.
Kai loves being tempted and teased, he'll go like "Ah, why must you tempt me so..." and "Oh, I can't resist...!"
His hips get these little involuntary movements and he'll try to apologize for not being able to "control himself."
He especially loves cute nicknames to go with the teasing. It just really makes him feel loved.
Yes, Kai will act like a kitty if his partner is up for it.
Possible praise kink.
Kai likes an intimate setting where both parties have full clearance to act cute and all vulnerable-like.
Kai loves his body being played with both front and back, if you catch my drift. He won't demand anything specific, but boy will he be happy to get the full treatment package if his partner is into doing that.
As he starts losing himself he's vocal about it, no more able to use words but instead just moaning, whimpering and keening.
Before the sex commences, he requires his partner to instruct where they want him to finish. Because that's exactly where he'll finish, no matter how lost he is in his own climax.
If he gets any of his own fluids on his clothing he gets so embarrassed about it. But it's not like he completely hates it though(?)
After sex he gets emotional and definitely wants to cuddle.
Kai may or may not start crying after sex.
After most of the afterglow has worn off, he'll cook something nice while smiling to himself about what just happened.
Naked post-sex Kai with apron. AND NOOOOOoo he won't use the sacred red apron for that but a spare one!!!!! MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER FOLKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
That might just be about it then folks. Enjoy your seggs benedicc.
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xiseyes · 6 months
where one might find cathedrals
You view the world in an extraordinary way. You look for the beauty in the air and the poetry in the trees. You catch poetry where others say there is none. You find cathedrals in broken glass bottles. You bring their shards up to the light and gasp at the beauty of color that shines through it. Even broken things, even old things, even ugly things, are beautiful to you. For all you do is wax poetry. You think and breathe and speak and write in poetry. It is all you do and all you are. You are surrounded by it. You are overflowing with it. It comes out of you in waves, overflowingly. It comes into you like the first gasp of air of a newborn child. You need poetry to breathe. You need poetry to live. You have such a way with words. In fact, some people say it is like you swallowed up a thesaurus or a dictionary or two. In truth, you have not, and you would not recommend doing so. Your vocabulary may be expanded, and your words may enrapture all who come across it, but you did not swallow up a dictionary or two. Maybe three. I jest, I jest. You speak the language of art. You understand it as its creator intended. You understand it as the emotions put behind it. You understand the brevity, the choice of words, the lack of it. You understand every stylistic choice. You understand the intention behind each work, and you feel the impact of it in full force. You feel it all, hear it all, see it all. You could almost taste the imprint of a soul on each work. You understand art in a way that goes beyond words, beyond emotions, beyond intention itself. You see it for its value. You see it for its meaning. You see it for its purpose. All of which it has inherently. You understand it all. Everything you add or omit, every brushstroke, pause, comma, word. Every little detail. It is all intentional. You know perfectly well how to create, how to manipulate, and how to utilize these literary tools to further the quality of your art. Perhaps it is why you have no true magnum opus, for all your works are masterworks. For every piece of work you have ever done is itself a masterpiece. You write, you speak, you soliloquy, you monologue, you rave like a poet possessed. You speak in tongues. You ramble with a touch of controlled madness, with passion. Pure and unbridled passion. You will find that there is so much depth, so much meaning, and so many layers to you and to what you create. You are a poet, but you, too, are a living poem. All one would ever want to do after meeting you is to peel back your layers, dissect the meanings in your words and actions, learn the subtext between them, annotate your thoughts, and understand you completely. But can one truly understand one as enigmatic as you? After all, you are meant to understand, not to be understood.
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mosses-gate-3 · 8 months
What is Andis, Salix, and Ren's speech like? Do they have distinct accents? Or any other notable ways of speaking, like using particular phrases, slang, or terms of endearment? Bonus question: What do their voices sound like?
Thank you so much for the ask!!!
Andis has a pretty casual way of speaking I think. He's not particularly formal but he can be very verbose, I think he stumbles over words and has to backtrack ("Wri-- wrote-- WRITTEN, yes, that." or "And the... What's the word. The thingy.") relatively often. I don't think he has much of a notable accent. He snaps his fingers a lot when he's figuring out what in particular to say but generally it's brain -> speech with not a lot of filtration. Dunno what I'd call his voice but I know he's been on Magic T for several years. He's affectionate with his nicknames, he calls people love or friend very often. Honey is usually reserved for passive aggressiveness or concern, in equal measure.
Salix's speech is very posh and dignified, she was raised a lady of the court and it shows. Most of what she says is something she's previously thought about, I think she tends to rehearse conversations a lot. Every interaction is a game of chess and baby she's gonna win. She has a very sharp tone, the best way I'd describe her is acerbic. As she loosens up over the course of the adventure she uses more casual speech but a lot of her courtly mannerisms stay. I imagine her having a similar voice and accent to Morgana in BBC Merlin (played by Katie McGrath but I know she does a different accent for that specific role). Or perhaps Idina Menzel. She doesn't use pet names unless she means it.
Ren doesn't talk much, and when they do it's often formal and as concise as possible. One-word answers or short questions, always. Multiple full sentences, almost never. They're not excessively verbose and certainly didn't swallow the same thesaurus Gale did. They are a very good listener, though - they basically talk like the player character dialogue options. Before speaking they tend to pause and think about the best way to phrase things rather than spewing their consciousness into dialogue. They don't really use pet names often. I don't have a voice claim for them yet but I imagine they're an alto.
You didn't ask about Monty (because he didn't exist at the time of sending the ask lmao) but I'm putting him here anyway-- he talks like a cowboy. He has a recognizably American Southern accent, though it's not super strong. Sugar is his go-to pet name for most people, but when he really means it it's angel or love. His speech kind of feels like he's always in motion, if that makes sense? Like a bit out of breath, a bit flippant, a bit like he's holding his words in the back of his throat. He's kind of a whore also. (e.g. "Well sure, sugar, if you're interested", "Ah, well, ain't that a shame.") If I HAD to voice claim him it would be Eoin Macken probably, something smooth and drawling. Fittingly draconic.
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aelloblu · 1 year
Knight Tethys belonging to Sailor_Mimas
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 Daichi Uehara / Knight Tethys
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Many generations ago the Sol System looked very different, including two other giant planets lurking amongst what would become the Asteroid Belt. These were Echidna and Typhon and its senshi were corrupted by Chaos. The ancient Sol Senshi, led by their ancestors, Sailor Blue Moon and Sailor Gaia Earth, could neither heal nor destroy them. All they could do was seal their corrupted starseeds deep in the Earth. Although their spirits slumbered through the ages, their restless souls caused the world to tremble, throwing off the balance of Earth’s Energy Lines. 
Sailor Moon is almost twenty one and she knows this is her final challenge before she ascends the throne of Crystal Tokyo. She, Mamoru and the senshi must remain in Tokyo, maintaining what will be the Tokyo Crystal Points fighting to keep Earth’s Energy Lines from breaking free.
But someone must travel deep into the unearthly realm of Tartarus to quell Echidna and Typhon.
Luckily the Satellite Senshi have awakened in their time of need! Sailor Saturn, now sixteen, must lead these rookies and leave the sunlight behind. Together they will arise as Guardians of the Solar System!
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Civilian Form
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:Name & Meaning:
The name Daichi means ‘wise’ or ‘intellectual’ but also means ‘dangerous route over the sea’. Uehara means ‘Divine Plain.’
:Age & Birthday:
Daichi was born April 8th which makes him an Aries. He’s sixteen and in tenth grade.
The brothers share the same fine, chestnut hair but Daichi chooses to keep his short cropped and neatly parted to the left. Both are fair skinned but with his active hobbies, Daichi’s figure is far more sculpted and as a part of Mugan’s swimming team, on display.
Daichi is determined to rise within society and while he doesn’t share Machiko’s expensive, flashy style he chooses simple outfits that reflect his practical, straightforward personality. It also puts people in mind of a host at an upscale restaurant. 
:Sexual Orientation:
Whatever preferences Daichi does have he feels they are unimportant. He breaks the hearts of many at Mugan Academy, carelessly discarding anonymous love letters slipped into his desk with all the hassle of junkmail. He’s so goal oriented he thinks love and love interests are a distraction and a waste of time.
To the lazy eye, Daichi is a student obsessed with Olympic gold. He counts calories, timetables every hour and regards anything less than S rank a failure. The world wants to distract him with temptations but he is above them and speaks disdainfully of those who give in. In fact he is driven by love for his brother and his need for them to escape their dying village for a better life. 
Daichi speaks like he swallowed a thesaurus and a dictionary of old english etiquette, leaving people feeling small and in awe. He treats others as a means to his goal. His teachers, trainers and teammates are given due respect but dismisses attempts at bonding. The rest of his classmates are deemed unnecessary to his success, rolling his eyes at attempts to ‘bring him out of his shell’ and rejects the endless lovelorn letters as frivolous female daydreams. Even his fellow Guardians will feel the sting of his tongue if he feels they’re wasting time and doesn’t feel any need to contact outside of team meetings.
The only thing that really gets a rise out of the normally chilly teen is an Underworld attack. Nothing ruins his day more than an interruption of his carefully planned schedule. He hates being a Guardian, another obstacle to his goals which he takes personally. He’s determined to end a fight quickly and get back to the surface. He starts off patient and listening to Sailor Saturn but if time drags he gets impatient and will whip out his strongest attacks regardless of who is in the way. 
The exception to all of his strict rules is his brother Botan. When their parents died in a mudslide his younger brother was all he had left in the world. They moved in with their mother’s cousin; a family that made them feel unwelcome and he was determined to move them away. His constant nagging and berating to do better is because he refuses to leave Botan behind and in the heat of battle he will sacrifice himself without thought for him.
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The hints that Daichi has a life beyond his training and his brother are like a flash glimpse of an animal in hiding. One of his greatest fears is being distracted, and worries that giving in to temptation is the first step to giving up. However when he studies he likes to listen to cool jazz, often slow and melancholy piano pieces. 
He also seems to favour spicy foods. When he ‘risks excess calories’ it's usually adding an exotic hot sauce. Not just a dab either. It's a wonder there are any taste buds left alive after the purge.
His favourite food is udon, the few times his wallet can be pried open is sharing a meal with his brother at the Tengoku Noodles. He changes it up but most often chooses spicy tantan udon with sesame broth and peanut paste. 
Daichi complains or nags about everything that doesn’t adhere to his schedule or goals. 
He hates chocolate, pastries and confectionery. He actively spits out food he thinks is too sweet. It's just excess sugar he has to schedule into his exercise regime, with time he doesn’t have!
He hates backstroke. He hates the lack of control, the lack of visual cues, the way water splashes across his face. There is something about backstroke that feels like drowning.
And the thing he hates the most is being a Guardian. It was never part of his plans to save the world. He hates giving up his time to Tartarus and its creepy denizens. He hates how nothing abides by the laws and figures he knows. Most of all he secretly fears this is all a delusion and he’s slowly going insane. 
Daichi’s whole life revolves around the idea of Olympic Gold. While he and Botan both train in triathlon, he also practises for the 100m Freestyle and Butterfly, the Swimming Medley Relay and Water Polo. 
But, before their parents' deaths, he used to love camping with his family. He loved being by the lake, lazing in the freshwater and especially kayaking, floating blissfully down river with his family all around him. When with the village children raced ahead, loving the thrill of gliding and hopping down the rapids, laughing wildly as everyone tried to catch up. 
But after his parents’ deaths those trips disappeared, and then they got accepted into Mugan Academy he had to let childhood desires fall to the wayside.
:Sexual Orientation:
Daichi has not expressed interest in anyone, let alone a specific gender. That may change one day when he feels he and his brother have achieved freedom and success but until that day he won’t let himself even fancy the idea. 
The brothers were not born in Tokyo, raised in the tiny rural village of Koyagawa of the Wakayama Prefecture. They lived in a state of genkai shuraku, a once thriving village which atrophied after the coal mines closed. It saw no modernisation, no utilities, no internet. It was merely a dot on the mountain highlands on the way to somewhere else. 
They lived with their grandparents, mother and father who ran the convenience store by the turnpike, and their mother helped out at the school where a handful of children played. They loved it. They spent their childhood playing in mountain streams, hunting for mushrooms and wandering freely. Occasionally their parents would take them camping high into the mountains and teach them how to live self-sufficiently.
However one day, when he was eleven and Botan was nine, heavy rains stranded them at a friend's house and everything changed in a mudslide. They were rescued, but much of their village gone and their family’s convenience store buried beneath the sludge and stone.
Their family’s lone survivors, they moved in with their mother’s brother who lived on the other side of the mountain in another genkai shuraku. They weren’t neglected, but they were two more mouths to feed in a family of four with another set of twins to be born soon. The boys lived their lives when they were thirteen a strange tutor from Tokyo’s Mugan Academy visited their school. They complimented the boys' rugged, growing bodies and assured them that a sports scholarship was waiting for the purehearted.
With a goal and an escape, he pushed both himself and his brother into athletics. When he turned fifteen he was invited to join the prestigious school but he also pleaded on behalf of his brother. Recognising potential, both Uehara brothers moved to Tokyo, determined never to look back.
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His mother was Wakumi (freshwater spring) and his father Rikuto (land, heavy). They died when the boys were ten, leaving them with many happy memories but also a heavy hearted awareness for what they were missing. 
As time goes by, things trickle away. His mother’s joyous cooking; taking days to prepare ramen broth or waking them up early to get the best ingredients from the morning market. His father’s love of nature and how he could mimic the song of any bird they pointed at. His grandfather’s egg collection. His grandmother's herb garden… All gone in a wave of mud. 
After the funeral, he and Botan moved in with his mother’s cousin who also already had children already, in the ghost village where employment and advancement was limited. While the brothers weren’t mistreated, they felt like an afterthought after all his cousin's needs had been seen to. Then when strange tutors arrived at their tiny school house trumpeting the wonderful scholarships offered by Tokyo’s new Mugan Academy, a school looking for pure hearted geniuses…
Daichi has no friends. He has his brother and that’s all he needs. He has mentors whom he respects, he has ‘fellow pupils’ whom he tolerates and teammates-ahem- team members- who he is forced to be on manageable terms with. He maintains a respectful relationship with everyone and no more. Those who he feels are beneath him, he ignores and merely suffers everyone else. 
Daichi’s attempts at solitude will find his cafeteria table filled quickly; either with his three underclassmen of Botan, Hotaru and Sora, or Machiko’s high class posse. 
You would think that with his competitive nature his hackles would rise when challenged but instead he is harshest on himself; one's greatest enemy.
:Love Interests:
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Guardian Form
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Knight Tethys, Guardian of Primordial Springs and Forgotten Waters
:Guardian Starseed:
Daichi is the incarnation of Saturn’s moon, Tethys. It was a moon of island nations, splashed across a vast ocean rich in minerals and fauna. It bustled with trade and export.
:Realm of Influence:
Knight Tethys is in tune with the ancient waters of the world; hidden aquifers rich with minerals, churning streams and abyssal depths beneath oceans. Dark, rich pure waters they rarely see the light.
Daichi reluctantly made good on his promise to celebrate with ramen at Tengoku when Botan did well on a popquiz. As they strolled through the twilight evening, they passed Hotaru and Sora peering into a tourist window filled with charms and statues carved in jade. As they drew closer they hear Sora explaining the story of the giant marble minotaur statue outside the door, a half bull half human monstrosity born from the greed of King Minos.  
Daichi scoffed at the fanciful musings of girls and walked away but almost immediately they rushed towards the screams. The statue grows, glowing with fiery molten cracks smashing its way through the stalls. Botan sees it on a warpath and roars. “No way! I’m getting my noodles! I studied! I worked hard! You won’t stop me!” He wells with energy and transforms into Knight Titan and attacks. He forces the minotaur to his knees but takes a crushing blow.
Daichi, overwhelmed by his own inner powers, also transforms into Knight Tethys, leaping to defend his brother. Together they tagteam the Minotaur, exploding it into flaming shrapnel. As they look up,  they see the silhouettes of Sailor Saturn and Sailor Mimas on a rooftop giving quiet applause. Sailor Saturn used her resurrection powers to restore the street and offered them dinner to explain their destinies.  
:Past Life:
Not one but two starseeds were born to a noble Saturn family. As eldest, Tethys knew that before him was a duty, to protect the dormant Guardian of Saturn and he must uphold the ideals of the Silver Millenium Court. 
His brother, Guardian of Titan, did not feel the same way. On the night of Princess Serenity’s Cotillion Ball he snuck away to join the party, and Tethys snuck after him to drag him back by his ear. Little did he know the Princess of Dione would follow, and that Tethys would never see his home again. 
The Dark Kingdom attacked. In the wake of its destruction awoke the one he was sworn to protect, the Messiah of Death and Rebirth, Sailor Saturn’s Glaive fell and all he knew vanished in silence.
:Guardian Animal:
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The team is led by the psychopomp sparrow, Athana, through the dying lands of Tartarus. However in their travels they are met by a two headed dog guarding giant golden cattle and responding to the names Orthus and Amydros, names meaning shade and gloom. It followed them deeper into the depths, helping Athana with their keen sense of smell. 
The dogs resemble shoulder high black shepherds with orange eyebrows, chest and thick fluffy tail tip that looks like a flaming torch. Orthus seems silly, constantly grinning and panting and always has something in his mouth ready to play, and Amydros seems serious, his nose down and pushing the group forward towards their goal. The similarities of the pups and brothers are not lost on the team.
:Allies/Team Mates:
Hotaru Tomoe aka Sailor Saturn
Daichi has no memories of his past but he knows that it is in one's best interest to defer to experience. He respects Hotaru, not just for her genius knowledge and serene confidence, but there is something deeper. When things overwhelm he loses control, and he feels the frantic panic rise, a calm word and a glance from those starry eyes can quell the fear. 
Sora Yoru aka Sailor Mimas
Sora is the perfect teammate; she stays on target, isn’t distracted and listens to his contributions. Although she frowns slightly at his condescending tone, the two get on quite well. 
Botan Uehara aka Knight Titan
He and his brother are constantly arguing. His brother, silly and ridiculous, always has wild and outlandish ideas that never work out, put people in danger and it’s always his job to get him out of the messes he makes for them.
Machiko Goto aka Sailor Dione 
Machiko is a conundrum. He can feel him constantly trying to impress him, rising to unbelievable heights of grace and beauty but she’s constantly wrestling with Sailor Saturn to seize power, slowing them down and distracting them. He wishes he could tell her she has her own inner strength he admires. 
:Henshin Token:
Daichi’s token is a golden circular locket, a medallion kept on a bracelet, glossed with a dark navy plate and embedded with the symbol of Tethys. He keeps it hidden either under his sleeves, around his ankle or inside the pocket of his school blazer.
:Henshin Phrase:
Tethys Saturn Power!
:Henshin Sequence:
Daichi tosses the medallion in the air and shouts his phrase, “Tethys Saturn Power!” Out of the locket churns three powerful water spouts, frothing and foaming, splashing waves of energy across his body as they spin around him. 
Tentacles of water coil up his legs forming his boots, pants, sleeves and cuffs. Foaming waves crests his hips to form silvery hip guards. More shining waves splash across his chest forming his pearly white armour and shoulderguards before hardening into an aquamarine jewel that seems to slosh with mystical water inside it. The three spinning water spouts combine, twirling around his body before turning into his turquoise and navy cape and his gleaming Okeanos Trident. 
The camera continues to rise where his forehead blazes with the symbol of Tethys before erupting into his winged face mask. From there he poses ready to finish the fight as quickly as possible.
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:Guardian Challenge:
“Servant of Saturn, I am the powerful guardian of mysterious depths! In the name of Tethys, I will drown your sorrows!”
:Guardian Fuku:
The male guardian fuku is much akin to Mamoru’s armour. Tethys bears a pearly white chest plate, trimmed in silver with angular shoulder guards. At the centre of his chest is an oval aquamarine jewel that has a rippling, liquid sheen. His body suit is navy with aquamarine cuffs and shin guards also adorned in silver. Billowing behind him his cloak a brilliant aquamarine with the inner lining a dark satiny navy. Hiding his face is an aquamarine mask, white eyes and navy metal wings sweep behind his ears and along his cheekbones. 
:Starseed Talisman:
Tethys dexterously wields the Okeanus Trident; a silvery trident with wickedly hooked tines to stab and slash at his enemy. 
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Tethys Rip Tide
Tethys throws his arms wide, seemingly to grab a handful of air and yank it back. As he does, a hammering wave of water spills across the distances, crashing into the enemies and then pulling back with the force of a riptide.
Tethys Infinite Wipeout
Tethys throws his arms above his head and grabs the air and yanks it back to his chest. Rather than race along the ground, these waves seem to rise up and up, before crashing down on the enemy, pounding, rolling and ragdolling the enemy again and again, not allowing them time to breath. It needs his utmost concentration to keep the rolling waves coming. 
Tethys Hydro Jet 
Using his trident, he uses it to direct a pillar of water surging around a midpoint at the tip of his trident. It takes time, it builds and builds before firing a pressured beam of water directly at the enemy. Unlike his other attacks, it is pinpoint and can only affect one enemy at a time.
Tethys Whirling Vortex
His ultimate attack is often used in tandem with Dione to add strength. He stands with his trident vertically planted in front of him as he starts to glow. Slowly water forms spirals at his feet, building into several towering water spouts that rip the earth, picking up everything in its path and drowning them in unfathomable water forces.
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The many ways water flows and ebbs.
Chariots of Fire by Vangelos
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winterandwords · 2 years
Word find tag (ship, sail, tracker, controls, shoot)
@oh-no-another-idea tagged me to search my WIP for ship, sail, tracker, controls, and shoot. Thank you! These are from Bridge From Ashes.
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We meet almost at the bar and he slides his fingers into my belt to hold me close, his other hand pulling my face down to his, pressing against the bruise he left this morning. When he kisses me, he bites my lip hard enough to draw blood and it goes beyond a gesture. It’s a statement. Everything about this is pure ownership.
He takes a deep inhale and lets it go slowly. “We were aware of the operation before and were keeping an eye on it, but no. Serious attempts at infiltration did not begin until after they started taking citizens.” “Rehabs are citizens too, Ez. Returning citizens, remember?” I’m not going to make it through another nine years here. Fuck this place and all who sail in it.
He pulls up another set of data that he’s already sorted through, another pattern he’s already identified, another person he’s already tracked through the city for hours by generated numbers. He shows me the ID switches, where and when they happened, and it all makes sense to me. I can’t explain how or why, but it does. It’s like suddenly being able to see a colour I didn’t know existed or speak a language I didn’t remember learning.
“That’s not what I meant.” Gillen pulls back just enough that we’re both in focus. “You can’t make decisions like that in this state.” With one hand on his chest and the other gripping the sharpness of his hip, I breathe peace against the mirror of whatever we are, proof that I’m still alive. “I can.” He looks less in control than I’ve seen him yet, not like he’s losing it, but like he’s maybe giving it up, just a little. “You shouldn’t though.”
He takes another bite, chews slowly, and swallows. “It’s not the same. There’s a unique experience in shooting someone when you’re standing right in front of them, looking them in the eye. It takes more from you than a perfect headshot at a distance.”
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I feel like I've been doing a lot of tagging today, so I'm going to leave this as an OPEN TAG. That means if you see it, you're invited to join in the game. The words to search your WIP for are win, lose, fail and succeed. Please @ me so I can read and reblog your post!
If you aren't familiar with word find tags, here's some stuff you might not know. You're welcome to use a word containing the word you're searching for (like winner or wins for win) and you're also welcome to get help from a thesaurus if the word isn't in your WIP (like looking for achieve or accomplish instead of succeed).
If you're new to tag games, you're especially encouraged to take part. It doesn't matter if we don't know each other well or at all, what stage your WIP is at, or how new you are to writeblr. Dive in 💜
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gvftea · 5 months
Original poster here, I have ADHD. Never has my ADHD urged me to answer questions like I am a man from the 1800s who just read a thesaurus for the first time. That's just being pretentious. Nice try though.
This! I have ADHD/ADD and ik everyone is on different spectrums but ive also know a lot of others with adhd as well and personally they dont speak like they swallowed a dictionary. My brain moves too fast to even be considering thinking if any of those words to use when im talking and im a yapper. I have to agree its a facade/pretentious thing. Maybe theyre insecure because they apparently werent the best with school so now they feel the need to use big random words and use a bunch of run on to sound more intelligent or maybe its part of the greta fan fleet act. Idk but. And im an AP/IB straight a student, so its not like I dont know the words to use, but my adhd starts going and my mouth starts yapping and brain going a million miles a minute im not trying to throw in a bunch of big words
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How many times can I use “he/she whispered” before it gets repetitive? I’m writing a scene where someone dies and the character is heartbroken and speaking quietly. Any tips to convey their pain without constantly saying that they whispered? And also- is there a difference between murmur, mumble, and mutter?
Conveying "Whispering" without Repetition
You really wouldn't want to use "he/she whispered" more than a couple times in one scene, but there are lots of ways to convey that your characters are whispering.
Setting Up Context
When you write a dialogue scene where the characters are whispering, it's important to establish why they're whispering. If you set up context for why whispering is necessary, you can trust the reader to understand that all of the dialogue is being whispered without having to come right out and say it. You can give the occasional reminder, but every line doesn't have to be tagged as a whisper.
Using Synonyms
You don't want to use any iteration of "whisper" as a tag more than a couple times in one dialogue scene, but you also don't want to go overboard on using synonyms for "whisper" either.
Murmur, Mumble, Mutter--and Why You Need a Dictionary
The thesaurus is undoubtedly a handy tool for writers, but online thesauruses are particularly treacherous when it comes to accuracy. For example, murmur, mumble, and mutter are all listed as synonyms of "whisper," but as you seemed to suspect, they are all subtly different, and that goes for whisper, too. That's why it's really helpful to look synonyms up in the dictionary before employing them.
Let's say you have a third use of "whisper" in the following sentence:
"I'm sorry for your loss, truly, but we need to get out of here," Craig whispered.
Now, let's look at actual definitions of whisper and the thesaurus suggested synonyms of murmur, mumble, and mutter:
Whisper: to speak softly with little or no vibration of the vocal cords especially to avoid being overheard. (Keyword: soft)
Murmur: a low indistinct but often continuous sound; a half-suppressed complaint/grumble. (Keywords: continuous, grumble)
Mumble: to utter with a low inarticulate voice; to utter words in a low confused indistinct manner. (Keywords: inarticulate, confused)
Mutter: to utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice and the lips partly closed. (Keywords: indistinctly, lips partly closed)
So, as you can see, murmur, mumble, and mutter are not direct synonyms of "whisper." However, if one of those whispered lines of dialogue needs to be grumbling, inarticulate, confused, or indistinct with the lips partly closed, then certainly use the appropriate word.
Other Alternatives
- low/soft/quiet voice - hushed tone - under one's breath - behind one's hand - into someone's ear Exposition
Good writing requires a delicate balance of exposition, action, and dialogue, and that's true even when you zoom in on a dialogue scene. You never want a back and forth of tagged lines, like:
"This is sad," Jill whispered.
"It really is," agreed Dan quietly.
Under her breath, Simone added, "I'm ready to get out of here."
"We should stay a few more minutes," Dan said in a hushed tone.
It's like a verbal ping-pong match. It's monotonous.
But look what happens if we add some context via exposition, as well as adding a little action:
The room was filled with mourners, mostly dressed in black or other muted colors. Except for murmurs of conversation and the occasional sniffle or nose-blow, it was almost silent.
"This is sad," Jill whispered.
Dan swallowed past the knot of grief in his throat. "It really is."
Simone shifted uncomfortably, her ears ringing in the heavy quiet. "I'm ready to get out of here."
Even though they were whispering, the tension in their words had attracted the attention of the minister and a few of the mourners. Dan drew his friends away from the crowd. "We should stay a few more minutes, then we can go," he said, still speaking in a hushed tone.
See how much better that is?
The first paragraph sets up the context. The room is quiet. People are in mourning. We can expect that no one is going to walk into this scene speaking at full volume--and if someone does, that would be a good time for a tag like, "he shouted" or "said a little too loud." Otherwise, we can pretty much trust people are whispering.
But the tone of the dialogue scene is still set with that first and only whisper tag. After that, there's just a little reminder of the context (grief, heavy quiet) and a reminder that they are in fact whispering. The action (Dan swallowing past the knot of grief in his throat, Simone shifting uncomfortably, the attention of the minister and mourners drawn toward them, Dan drawing his friends away from the crowd) reiterates the tone and keeps the dialogue scene more interesting.
I hope that helps! :)
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Helloo. Not a request.
I had this question: If a writer doesn't have a big and complex vocabulary, does it matter? Like if a person writes really well yet needs words? Does it mean they are a good writer?
Short answer: yes vocabulary absolutely matters, but vocabulary isn’t what defines if you are a good writer or not.
Long answer:
Point 1 - Vocab as icing
To me at least, one way to think about it is that vocabulary is the decorations on a cake. Excellent vocabulary can make your writing more appealing because it sounds beautiful, or allows you to communicate what you mean in a more specific and sometimes more effective way.
E.g: house, home and residence all mean more or less the same thing, but ‘home’ is the word that has connotations of cosiness and safety. Therefore, if you want to make it clear that a character likes where they reside, and feel like they belong there, ‘home’ would be a good word choice. 
E.g: asexual. The word for someone who does not experience sexual attraction.
Both examples illustrate the way that having a vocabulary matters. The first because the subtle nuances of how we use language does matter and does have an impact on readers. It is why you study word choice etc. in English classes etc. The second because it is a really good example of it can be difficult and even stressful to try and express something if there is a specific word for something that you are trying to explain, but you don’t know the word. Words and definitions, and so vocabulary to discuss things, have power that should not be dismissed. This is what powers our ability to persuade and convince other people effectively, which is what powers things like politics and so the world. 
On a purely creative writing level, having having a good vocabulary can mean you make word decisions faster, because they are at the tip of your brain rather than something that you need to look up. 
However, as I said, vocab is decoration. If I buy a cake and it’s all icing and the actual cake beneath it is just not that great, I’m going to be personally very disappointed by that failure of a cake. The cake of writing is skills like characterisation, coming up with an engaging plot, being able to pace the story well, or come up with interesting ideas or world building. They all matter just as much, if not more to me, than vocabulary.
I could describe both home and asexual in different ways and still get my point across without using the specific word. Hence, decoration. 
Point 2 - It’s always better to be understood
To me, at least, it is more important to be understood than anything else. 
The whole point of communicating is so that the other person can understand you - there has been debate in this over different time periods and writers, but that is something I feel strongly about. If I have to swallow a thesaurus to know what someone’s story is actually trying to say I’m not going to bother. It pulls me out of the story. 
That is not to say that writing should never stretch the reader, because that is how we learn new words, but if the whole thing is so thick with jargon or complex words that it gets in the way I’m not going to be overly impressed. 
Leading to...
Point 3 - Complex does noes not mean better
The thing about writing and vocabulary, as partially highlighted by the example in point 1, is picking the right word for what you want to tell the reader. 
Just because a word is more complicated or more obscure doesn’t mean it does the job better. The example I always fall on is ‘said’. I use words other than ‘said’ as a dialogue tag, but you will notice I use ‘said’ a lot even if it’s the most basic dialogue tag ever. Why? Because we are so used to ‘said’ that our brains do not fully register it. It allows the reader to track who is speaking without actually interrupting the story. 
Contrast to:
“I don’t care!” the villain screamed. 
“Yes you do!” the hero uttered. “You care so much that it kills you.”
“Shut up!” the villain wailed. “Just shut up!”
It’s clunky! 
Simple doesn’t mean ugly or worse.
Point 4 - Everything starts with a first draft
Unless you need to spit out a piece of writing in the next five minutes without time to draft, edit or consider, it doesn’t matter what you have at your immediate disposal. Like touch typing, vocab can make it easier to grab at what you mean, but beyond that...
We save numbers on our phone so we don’t have to memorise them. 
You can type something and [roughly want I want here, come back later after I looked up the word] before continuing. 
That’s editing. And editing is at least 50% of writing as a craft. 
Vocabulary has its impact, and I’m not going to dismiss it because writing is made up of language so having a good grasp, knowledge and understanding of language does help. 
However, it is not the end all of writing. You can absolutely be a good writer without a big, complex vocabulary.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Fic request! Legend and Ravio being best buds and being there for each other? Or like just them getting along. Platonic cuddling? I love them both.
Slight self projection on this one, but oh well!
I really like writing the dynamic for these two! But i would like to clarify that I write it as being strictly platonic.
Yes, Ravio does kiss Legend on occasion. But Ravio is a toucher, and that's just how he loves! For him, that's normal, that's something you do to those you love, not just in couples :)
Legend isn't great about physical touch, mostly because he's unaccustomed to it. He loves it, he just doesn't know how to ask for it or receive it most of the time.
And with that cleared up, on to the fic!!!
Mr. Hero was acting weird again.
His family had come back to visit again, and while many of them were wrapped in bandages and sporting some rather nasty wound, Mr. Hero seemed to be relatively well off from the fight. He wasn’t untouched, this was Mr. Hero after all, but he wasn’t as poorly as some of the others, which is why it was so odd for Ravio to find him curled up on the couch in their living room when he’d thought that everyone had gone to visit the local village.
They’d talked about it over breakfast. They’d arrived yesterday and hadn’t had time to restock in a while. The worse injuries were a broken arm on Mr. Smithy’s part, and that in no way hampered them from being able to do a run to the village, and it seemed many of Mr. Hero’s family saw visiting towns and villages as something of a treat.
They had been so eager over breakfast, talking over each other while Mr. Hero had rolled his eyes and pushed Tune- Wind back into his seat, scolding the champion for chewing with his mouth open and generally just correcting table manners and keeping people under control during the meal. Typical Mr. Hero, fussing over everything being right but pretending not to care, Ravio wouldn’t be surprised if the next time he sees them all they all eat like they’re in a castle, Mr. Hero’s just the kind of person to subtly train them all to behave lest they be faces with his flashing indigo gaze.
But he really would have thought, what with how everyone had chattered, that Mr. Hero would be with them all, leading them through the village and haggling with shopkeepers on the prices of potions and food. Yet here he sits, curled on their couch with that bulky quilt he likes so much thrown over his shoulders. Mr. Hero hasn’t bothered to fix his hair or tuck it under his cap, and it tumbles down his shoulders in a messy tangle as the Hylian stares unseeing at the far wall.
Ravio pauses in the entryway to the living room, his cup of cider still on one hand, and the book he’d been hoping to read in the other, heart torn over walking back into the kitchen and asking why Mr. Hero isn’t with his family. The slight shudder that runs across Mr. Hero's shoulders is all he needs as an answer and it’s without a second thought that the merchant strides across the room to settle on the couch beside his housemate, eyes bright and smile disarming as he looks over to Mr. Hero.
Dull violet meets his own green as Mr. Hero pauses and sighs, gaze shifting back down to the ground.
Oh. Oh, this is bad.
No snark, no dismissal, no ‘Ravio, I’m not in the mood’. Mr. Hero is at a stage where he is simply accepting things, and that’s never good!
“Why the long face?” He prods gently, settling himself on the couch as Mr. Hero moves slightly to accommodate him.
Okay, that’s even worse. Mr. Hero is being accommodating.
Oh Lolia, is he dying?
“Enervated.” Mr. Hero drawls, and Ravio is now officially freaking out. The big words have come out, the big words that he doesn’t know the definition of. His gaze trails back over to his book.
Most people don’t consider reading a thesaurus a past-time, and Ravio never would have considered it before moving in with Mr. Hero, but if he wants to understand the hero than he needs to know all the words that will crop up in his vocabulary anytime he is especially tired or bored.”
“Tired.” Mr. Hero clarifies, shifting in place and drawing the blanket tighter around is shoulders.
Sharp green eyes watch his movements. It’s autumn and a slight chill has pervaded the air, but there really isn’t any need for the heavy blanket in this weather. Maybe a shawl or afghan of some sort, but the thickest and heaviest blanket in the entire house? That’s just plain overkill!
“Just tired?” He doesn’t even bother pretending to respect Mr. Hero’s space as he reaches out to rest his hand on his housemate’s forehead, gently shifting to touch the vet’s cheek. Rather than shake him off, Mr. Hero gently leans into the touch, eyes fluttering closed gently as a breath whistle from his lips. Ravio frowns as he pulls back.
Mr. Hero is warm, but not unhealthily so, and it can probably be blamed on the heavy quilt he’s got throw over his shoulders.
The merchant quirks a brow. “Are you cold?”
Mr. Hero’s face twitches oddly, eyes darting up to meet Ravio’s before drifting back down; blank and tired in a way they often are after a long day. But today has not been a long day, he reminds himself, and Mr. Hero must have been in here since finishing dishes with him this morning.
“Yes.” Mr. Hero murmurs softly, more at the folds of his blanket then at Ravio. “But not...outside?”
And that is... that is confusing.
“I don’t understand.” He half wishes for his hood and robe, but he’d only just finished cleaning and he hasn’t put them on again, so he plucks instead at the edge of his scarf, similar to what Mr. Captain Hero Sir does when he’s anxious.
Mr. Hero huffs a breath. “I wouldn’t expect you to. Glad you don’t.”
He doesn’t like the blankness of Mr. Hero's face or the heaviness of his words. “Can you explain it to me?”
If there’s one thing that brings light into his friend’s eyes, it’s teaching. Mr. Hero loves to share his knowledge, and Ravio has sat contentedly through a dozen lectures on bee-keeping and orchard work or weapons care and traveling precautions and any number of other things. All he ever needs is a cup of cider and a warm nook to bundle himself away while Mr. Hero talks. Goodness knows he chatters quite a bit himself; Mr. Hero deserves to have an audience on occasion too, and he always has such interesting things to say that Ravio never minds listening.
But Mr. Hero’s eyes don’t light up with that glint of passion and his fingers don’t tap with barely contained energy. Quite the opposite. He curls in closer around himself, eyes clouded as he breaths heavily. “It’s like there’s somethin’ ‘side you that’s cold an’ empty. Like you swallowed ice or somethin’ cold like an’ it won’t melt. You can be toasty warm on the outside and it ne’er goes away, it’s jist-” The pink-haired Hylian’s ears flick as his nose twitches with pent up irritation. “It’s like you’re empty and no matter how much you eat or sleep or keep busy, it ne’er goes away.”
Understanding dawns with a heavy heart and tears pricking in his eyes. “I think that's called loneliness, Mr. Hero.”
Mr. Hero’s eyes glisten as he turns away. “’m not lonely. There’s eight people on my tail on the day to day an’ I can’t lose ‘em even if I tried.”
The tight ball Mr. Hero is curled into could be defensive or self-comforting, and he can’t tell which, but Mr. Hero's grip on his blanket laden shoulders is too tight to be anything short of strained.
“Being with people doesn’t mean you aren’t lonely.” Ravio’s voice comes softer than he means it too.
Mr. Hero once complained that his own voice was trapped in the stage of squeaking and breaking, but Ravio’s could drop low ‘till it was nothing but a deep vibration. He’s teased Mr. Hero about it more than once, but he finds that it’s also effective at making the other boy calm. Mr. Hero loosens so now, eyes still blank as Ravio stares at them, hoping that they’ll turn to meet his gaze. “You can feel lonely in the middle of a full kingdom.”
He knows. He remembers hiding in his big room in the castle and wishing that it wasn’t so cold and empty and that someone would look at him and see something other than a cowardly advisor. He'd wanted someone to look at him and see a friend, or a brother or a loved one. He’d wanted to matter and be safe in the warmth that was a real home.
Mr. Hero gave him that. Mr. Hero’s house, with its big apple tree and buzzing bees, it’s pokey little kitchen and creaky staircase, the blasted rocker and the freaky masks on the wall, all of it makes this house a home that is so distinctly Mr. Hero's, yet somehow also his own.
He can see it in the knitting needles stashed in their basket by the couch. In the mugs that he’s left empty on bookshelves and table tops. He sees himself in the drawing of the curtains to let in sunlight, and the organization of the items on the shelves and the wall.
This is their home, something that is both of them, and it’s always felt warm and fulfilling to him.
He’d never realized that Mr. Hero might not feel the same...
It’s on impulse, and the fact that Mr. Hero doesn’t push him away speaks volumes, but Ravio scoots forwards and pulls the veteran hero over to rest against his chest, his arms wrapping tight around his friend as heavy breaths escape from them both.
“Is this better?” He whispers softly against the pink that curls beneath his chin and the fluttering breath of Mr. Hero.
There’s only a faint grunt from the hero in his arms, non-committal, but Mr. Hero isn’t complaining or pushing him away, so he doesn’t let him go either. Never mind that he’s almost pulled his friend on top of him, Mr. Hero needs a hug, and Lolia danggit! Ravio is going to give him the best one he’s capable of!
Mr. Hero’s breath evens out as he adjusts a few times, shifting but never pulling away, and Ravio takes that as a cue to make himself comfortable.
Short, pale fingers trail up to weave through curling pink locks that are still unbrushed from the night before. It’s silky under his touch, a testament to his friend’s alternate form, and he takes no small amount of pleasure in winding his fingers through it and gently tugging out the tangles. Mr. Hero only sighs under his ministrations.
“It’s okay to ask for hugs you know.” He teases softly, almost disappointed that he can’t see how his housemate blushes and stiffens, but Mr. Hero's ears give him away, red as they are, and a smile tugs across his face when he sees it. “I'm sure Mr. Chosen Hero would love to hug you, he seems like that kind of person. And Mr. Smithy always seems fond of that sort of thing. Why, even-”
“Shup.” Mr. Hero huffs, and Ravio grins as his eyes fall down to where his friend’s arms have wrapped around his waist, a messy head of pink lying against his chest and the full weight of hero and blanket pressing down on him.
He doesn’t respond, but he does go back to running his hands through Mr. Hero’s hair.
A tune comes to mind as he sits there, and he lets the melody drift through the room as he absently strokes Mr. Hero’s long pink hair, the book in his hands capturing his attention until soft squeaking snores begin to sound from the hero on his chest.
No one’s there to see the kiss he presses to the mess of petal pink, and when the others return from their trip, neither of the two bunnies is awake to say anything at all.
The heroes stop in the doorway, surprise and fondness taking over their faces at the sight of both of their hosts stretched out over the couch, Legend lying over the top of Ravio, one of the merchant’s hands still resting on Legend’s head while the other hangs down towards the floor, barely grasping the book he'd been reading (Wind makes a comment about reading a thesaurus being strange, but no one really questions it too much). Legend’s arms are still wrapped tight around Ravio’s waist, his cheek pressed against the merchant's chest as squeaking snores escape through parted lips.
They’ve never seen the veteran so peaceful, Time muses as he removed the book from Ravio’s hand and tucks the quilt tighter around the two, noting with surprise it’s weight. Neither hero nor merchant wake, although Ravio does shift in his sleep at the disturbance, but the two are out cold.
There’s the snap of a shutter and a faint coo as he looks up, single blue eye meeting Wild’s own, the champion smiling sheepishly from behind the slate, the image on the screen of him knelt beside the two boys, tucking them in on the couch. Time smiles at his cub. “I want a copy of that picture, you hear?”
“Yes sir.” The champion whispers in return.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I also speak like I swallowed a dictionary (and chased it down with a thesaurus). This is not always a good thing. So often a much smaller word would work better and too many words sometimes makes it harder to find the one I want... not to mention I really don't want to come off as trying to assert my intellectual dominance when having a conversation, it's just how I talk and write. And god does it sometimes make writing from a character's POV hard when they would not use my vocabulary.
That's a problem with any creative writing for anyone.
It has nothing to do with your natural way of speaking and everything to do with whether you can imitate other people's--multiple other people's. It's usually down to your observational skills as much as anything.
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some of my chara headcanons........need to post this i've held these in my head for so long and for god knows what reason
- i like to hc that chara is the older sibling or at least same-age as asriel.....partly because the true lab's tapes' "i'd never doubt you!" and chara calling azzy a crybaby all feel like big sib ribbing to me. at the very least the way asriel admired them and kinda, like, put them on a pedestal felt like he couldn't be older than them, as opposed to kris and asriel's dynamic where asriel the big bro used the knockoff controller and took kris to get hot choco to maintain normalcy after the divorce and carried kris to school. and this is doubly interesting to me in the "everything is the same but slightly to the left" universe that deltarune is..........in DR azzy is the older sib so in UT chara is the older sib. it's just neat
- in the same vein as people connecting kris and chara's love for chocolate and knives, red eyes etc.....i like to use this to reverse engineer chara headcanons actually lsdjfsjdfh. so i hc that chara can play the piano. and azzy can sing, ofc. "his theme" is a song chara wrote for asriel a few months into their stay in the underground and the two took to singing it at any given moment, it kinda became their theme song in an endearing way.... so that's why the music box in waterfall only has the barebone melodies of the piece. those are the only parts asgore remembers from a decades-old song
more under the cut so i don't clog people's dashboards
- chara is not a native english speaker to me..........it's true that a lot of their taller vocabs are stuffs they adapted from mimicking toriel but we know they also read a Lot. i think chara primarily learned english from reading books instead of talking to people. you know how sometimes esl/efl speakers sound so formal or stiff, like theyre repeating what they see in textbooks? thats how i imagine chara talks, partly because they died young and havent finished learning english yet and partly because they just think being verbose is cool. i know a lot of efl kids think speaking english like you've swallowed an entire thesaurus is impressive. so that's how chara is to me, an esl/efl speaking kid who disliked talking to other humans and whose first actually meaningful english immersion was in the underground
- so we know toriel can cease to hit you once you've reached 2 HP, but unlike papyrus she's rusty because she hasn't had to take care of a human child for a long time before frisk fell, so she can still accidentally kill you.............i like to think this is a control she's learned to perfect when adopting chara (even though technically there wouldn't be a reason for her to fight chara, which isn't the case for the other fallen humans between frisk and chara, who she probably would have to fight so that asgore wouldn't get to them). i like to imagine she was the one who taught them the basics of monster fights and bullet patterns, and in turn she learned to be careful with them because lbr 20 HP is considerably low when compared to monsters' average HP
> in line with this headcanon and the 'chara is the older sibling' headcanon..........i like to think the 0.1 0.01 0.001 HP and so forth was partly chara's doing. this happens after the sequence where chara's memory of their childhood with asriel plays out so i can be sure that at this point chara was more 'in charge' than frisk was. plus if frisk could actually manage their HP this way they would've done it way earlier or in other fights but this only seems to happen in the fights with asriel (i have a feeling this is what happens in the photoshop flowey fight too, since it takes quite a while before you can die even when your HP bar is extremely low).
so anyway i think this was more something both chara and asriel did from muscle memory - i like to think that while toriel was more careful with chara, asriel was more.......headstrong, both because he was a child and because of his, like, general disposition. asriel always tried to be careful obv he wanted to avoid killing his sibling during playfights, but i think chara would have helped him with this by managing their HP somehow........so there'd be moments in their childhood where asriel would be panicking like 'oh no oh no i hurt chara what am i gonna do ;A;' chara would be forcing themself to stand up and give asriel thumbs up like 'hey! hey! i'm fine!! look at me i'm okay you crybaby it's going to take more than that to knock me out!!' man........theyre siblings your honour..........
- i know the timeframe doesn't match since chara and everyone who appears in game are very obviously not contemporary with each other, but it's nice to think about what it'd be like if chara grew up with the monsters we see in game......they're a weeb we know this so they'll probably go dumpster diving with alphys in search for anime. other than this activity their entire interaction with alphys is in the form of fandom wank and anime discourse. they'll really like undyne because they have so many bonding activities they can do with her........playing piano, drinking tea, geeking over knives and spears, declaring hatred over humanity
i also feel like a chara and sans friendship would be super funny in that whoever taught sans to lace his attacks with karma poisons probably could also be persuaded to teach chara the same trick to compensate for their low HP, but all chara could think about was that they now had to fight an irresistible urge to lick their knife. sans can't say he disagrees
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ochrepaints · 2 years
Because it’s a thinking sort of day, I’m again thinking about how Irene’s accent makes her sound so trustworthy. People have accused Natalie Dormer of doing a bad American accent, but to my ear it sounds so bouncy, casual and friendly. The way she stretches her vowels and turns “t’s” into “d’s” and just sort of... makes her words round-edged, if that makes sense (that is a terrible way to put it, but I hope you get what I mean). At risk of sounding insulting to Americans, her accent almost has a lazy ring to it, languid and laid-back and informal.
Even her syntax is so casual and confident, saying things like “Sherlock Holmes P.I., hi,” and “No problem, what’s up?” so cheerily when she sees Sherlock on the street. It makes her replies very hard to pin down for me, because she doesn’t have as clear dialogue as Jamie -- as @deductry​ and I talked about, one second her dialogue is very casual, the next she’s speaking with much more technical jargon about artwork (as with her speech on the studies for The Fighting Temeraire.) She’s obviously intelligent, but in an understated way that doesn’t exactly come across in her word choices. She’s also very quiet -- there are several instances in the show where a silence should be filled, but she says nothing and leaves space for Sherlock to speak. I do want to talk, sometime, about her use of those silences, but for now I’ll just say that they’re very interesting, and again lend themselves to this self-confident persona.
And then you have Jamie Moriarty, who’s British and clearly upper-class, or at least that’s what her accent and syntax lends you to believe. For those not aware, Moriarty’s accent could probably be best described as an “estuary accent”, and it’s that clipped and posh south-eastern English accent you hear a lot of villains use in TV and movies. This accent is of course associated with power and wealth, and (importantly) colonialism. There is a whole other meta I have yet to write about Moriarty’s global criminal empire and the undertones of colonialism it conjures up, but I’ll summarise here by saying that the estuary accent brings to mind, whether consciously or subconsciously, Britain’s history of global dominance, power, and privilege.
Far from Jamie’s accent being trustworthy, where Irene’s was boisterous, Jamie’s is sharp and clipped. Her consonants are keen, her vowels short, and even when she speaks softly, there’s such a menace to her voice. It practically screams danger, simply because it’s such a sharp-edged and clipped accent.
Unlike Irene, Jamie’s syntax is much easier (for me) to pin down. She casually tosses out phrases like “I apologise for the subterfuge but seemed the most expedient way to get you away from Sherlock” and “hoped to show you my work someplace less bleak, more conducive to conversation” as if she’s swallowed a thesaurus, and yet the sound completely natural to her. Her accent suggests that she is well-educated. She would never say “hi” or ask “what’s up?” as Irene would. Where someone else may use one word, Jamie would use three.
When you put, for example, Irene saying “Sherlock” and “Moriarty” next to Jamie saying those names, you really hear the difference. Irene shortens the “sher” of “Sherlock”, and it almost becomes “Shrl”, and she stretches the “o” sound in the second half of the name, making it again sound more casual. Compare this to Jamie saying the name, with the harsh emphasis on the “l” and the “ck” sounds, and the shortened vowels. And again, Irene doesn’t say “Moriarty”, she says “Mooreeardee”, where Jamie shortens the the “o” sound, and hits the “t” of the name, her tongue clearly clicking against her teeth to make the sound.
I could talk way more about this, but I’m going to stop because I’ve been working on it for ages. Bless you if you made it this far with reading, and I hope you enjoyed my rambling thoughts!
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ciaran-archive · 3 years
Serious question. How do you write long stories? Is there a technique or advice for that? No matter what story I have in mind, I can't seem to tell it in anything longer than 1 to 2k. Writing 5k is tiring already, where do people seriously get that stamina to even do 50 or 100 or 200k? It's mind-blowingly amazing.
there is nothing less worthy or amazing about writing shorter fic - i know writers who struggle with it, and i’ve come to inhabit that position somewhat myself, though i’m determined to stay in practice. it’s a different skillset, that’s all. your fics aren’t worse for being shorter.
that said i will not deny that longer fics generate far more engagement from fandoms simply by virtue of updating more often  → being on top of the ao3 tag when people first open it  → getting more clicks and being considered less ‘frivolous’ (which is bullshit, but what can you do)
if you’re dead sure you want to write longer fic, i would first recommend reading this post about writing drabbles, which i promise is relevant to the point i’m about to make.
Because drabbles are about one moment. You don't need to know exactly what happened before this moment of dialogue, or what happens next, or what's happening around it. You don't have to do any of the planning you might do for a longer fic, but you also don't have the space to let the scene lead in and develop naturally. You've got 100 words.
a lot of writing a longer story is about establishing the scope of your story, deciding what beats you want to hit. there are a lot of ways to go about this; [some people like to outline. i don’t outline, ever, so if you want help for outlining you should look at the other sources on the internet. there are quite a few.] i’m going to talk about the way i’ve learnt to do it.
so when i’m writing a short fic, the thing i’m considering is one or two ideas, and one or two moments (short in this case being under 5k). this also depends on the style i’m going for - fics with sparser styles can fit more scenes, if i’m going for my usual style, each scene takes about 700-2000 words at least and therefore takes up more space. a lot of how i eased into writing longer fics was focusing on stylistic changes - you can push up the word count of a fic by going moment by moment. note the difference between: 
They’d been standing next to each other as they spoke; now Felix turned to him in the rain, startled by the admission of weakness. He reached out clumsily, bumping his hand against Ryan’s until he took the hint and grabbed on.
The rain made it near-impossible to hear Ryan speaking, but the harshness in his voice would’ve been audible through a hurricane. “So you ran away,” he said, like he hadn’t expected this. 
“Course I did,” Felix snapped. “What was I supposed to do? Stick it out and let her kill me?” I almost did, he added under his breath.
Ryan’s sensitive werewolf ears, of course, caught that. “I’m glad you did,” he amended, as though it pained him to admit it. “I would’ve - I did the same. It’s all you can do, sometimes.”
Felix turned to him, blinking through the curtains of water. Ryan was slouching in the downpour, eyes narrowed elsewhere. Mostly he was startled by the admission of weakness - rare in a person who prided himself so thoroughly on being reliable and independent. He reached out, struck by the urge to offer whatever clumsy comfort he was capable of; his hand bumped against Ryan’s, and he held it there until Ryan caught up and wove their fingers together. 
His hands were wet and cold, and he gripped so hard Felix’s very human bones ached, but he wouldn’t have pulled away now. Not when he’d been the one to offer.
it’s not even that one is necessarily better than the other - they both work, and they’re working in different ways. they’re set in the same scene, conveying the same beat - reaching out to comfort someone in the wake of vulnerability. it’s just that one is longer, and therefore gives you more room to - set the scene (rain, being unable to hear each other) - use dialogue to show what is being told in the first example - convey extra information about the characters (actually, if this was a scene i was writing in a fic or novel, the stuff about ryan being a werewolf would already be known to the reader, so i would use that space to convey something else about ryan in that moment) - elaborate on felix’s internal state: the transition from defensive to curious/surprised to gentle - linger for a sentence or two on the moment of connection
this is about unraveling a scene and making it bigger than it was, breaking it apart into tinier beats and describing each one in the narrative. what happens when you do that and your fic doesn’t get much bigger still?
back to scope! we understand, as people who read and write and live, that the part of a story that you choose to depict in a narrative is not the entire story: events happen off-screen. some of them happened before the story started, and they will continue to happen after the story ends. the narrative is only showing you an arc, a particular series of events. 
when you’re writing fic, you have in fact tremendous amounts of flexibility when it comes to the scope of a story. you can write something that is about a single moment in canon, and trust that your audience is following along because they have the context already. so you don’t need to waste time on setting it up, which often means - if you’re given to a certain kind of fic writing (canon compliant / small divergences / missing scenes / character studies) your fics will end up not being very long because you’re not reiterating what you don’t need to reiterate. your idea is small because it inhabits a small space, is squished between canon events, and so doesn’t ever get bigger. if this is what is happening, it’s good, and you should try to preserve this going forward. 
people who are writing longer fic are, simply, working with bigger ideas*. they’re not just going “what if he said what he wanted in this scene instead of going home?” and writing the bit where they kiss immediately after - they’re also going “what if this changed everything in the future? what happens if they tackle all their problems together from now on? what new problems arise from this?”
*hopefully they are working with bigger ideas. i have seen longfics that are just incredibly fucking tedious because the author swallowed a thesaurus and had a tenuous grasp on plotting to begin with. 
that’s for a canon divergent fic, presumably. you might also be writing a post-canon fic, with its own set of pre-fic events and a new set of problems to deal with. currently, for example, i’m writing a fic where akira and goro were dating after canon, broke up, and stayed together in a deeply dysfunctional way after that - and the consequences for them now that they’re forced to deal with the mess they’ve made of their lives, together and apart. so now they have to deal with: the catalyst for dealing with their old problems, which is a problem in itself, and their old problems, which have been festering for a really long time.
which forms the core of the scope i’m talking about. i have to go through a bunch of scenes to set this fic up - i need to show their old problems and their new problems, i need to explain why the old ones haven’t been dealt with already, i need to set up the potential for dealing with them and the necessity of doing so, i need to give them places to start, and also i want to allow them to fail so they can choose to start again. i know these things because i have some idea of the kind of story i want to tell. if i didn’t know this, my story would not go anywhere by itself, and i would have to start outlining scene by scene the way people who actually outline do it, and i hate doing that because then i never write. 
if you can outline and it doesn’t make you want to chew wood, then i highly recommend picking up the habit. it’s very useful, and the methodical approach is a fantastic failsafe for the moments when you (me) get stuck on your fic (breakup au) and have to stop writing for several weeks in order to figure out a single fucking plot point that will let you move forward and
so yeah! to sum up;
find a larger scope for your story
get in the habit of picking apart beats into discrete moments and guiding the narrative through them
learn to outline if you can
last thing - which is perhaps the most vital and least reliable - stamina. 
you WILL lose interest in half the longer fics you write. it WILL suck. if you think you know pain because you have 700 words of a fic and can’t get through the last 400, i promise you it is like that but much worse because you have 7000 words now, or 17000 words, and you are stuck with no way forward. it will suck so BAD. 
don’t beat yourself up over it. once you’re in the habit of writing something long, you will retain that habit, and be able to apply it elsewhere. the words aren’t wasted, they’re practice, and they’re worth what they’ve taught you.
but! all the scope and internal scene-building and outlines won’t help you if you do not (and this is not as bad as everyone makes it sound) actually write. you HAVE to learn to actually write. you have to figure out what you like about writing and make a longfic outline [/ scene beats notes chart / themes mind map / tumblr tag of inspiring quotes and photography] that consists entirely of stuff you love and then you have to sit down and write your fic. it is not terribly scary. it’s okay to fail, but you also have no way around this. 
i hope this helped, and good luck!
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connorswhisk · 4 years
my sadness, my hope (but mostly, my love)
Vision reminisces before he goes.
also on my ao3
At first, there had been nothing.
Then, a burst of gold - and there was everything.
Where once was naught but an automated voice had become a fully-functional vibranium synthezoid  - the Vision, powered by an Infinity Stone, and not quite a robot, but not quite a man, either.
His first few weeks on Earth had been loud, confusing, and tumultuous. So much had happened at once, almost too much for him to comprehend - a manner of speaking, of course, as Vision comprehends everything. There had been fighting, and arguing, and death and destruction.
But, like a beacon shining through the darkness, there had also been Wanda.
Vision sees everything in rays of color: the monochrome blue of Tony Stark’s Arc Reactor, the pale olive of Dr. Bruce Banner and the bold and brash green of The Hulk. He sees Steve Rogers’s patriotic red, white, and blue, Natasha Romanoff’s striking reds and blacks, Pietro Maximoff’s shimmering wisps of silver - and Wanda glows like none other, bright and vibrant and utterly scarlet.
And that scarlet had needed comfort and love after her brother was killed, and Vision (somehow, inexplicably) had provided it to her; he wasn’t sure if it was something he could do, or even something he was meant to do - but he’d done it all the same. It had - had humanized him, to talk to Wanda and to hold her in his arms, and one moment, he’d loved her as machine and metal and Artificial Intelligence, and the next, he’d loved her, as flesh and blood and so many infinitesimal ways, clustered like stars and flashing and blazing like neurons.
Vision’s not sure exactly of when he’d crossed the line from loving Wanda Maximoff to being in love with her. But it had been very sudden when he’d realized, and very strong.
And then, one night, in her room, he’d said, “Wanda.” And she’d torn her eyes from the flare of the television screen and met his gaze, and his throat had stuck, and his tongue had twisted, and he’d stared at her like a dunce for all of fifteen seconds before she’d cocked her head, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth, and asked, “What is it, Vis?”
He has no heart, not really, but one had jumped in his chest, anyway. “I…I…”
“I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen you so speechless,” she had remarked, teasingly, and Vision’s parts had kicked back into motion and he’d suddenly blurted out the first word to come to his attention.
Wanda had frowned. “What?”
Vision had shaken his head furiously, internally wincing and cursing himself for being a walking thesaurus. “Sorry, I - From the Ancient Greek léxis, speech, and thumós, soul. Alexithymia means the lack in ability to express one’s true feelings, the incapacity to voice the words of the heart. I…that is to say, you - well…Alexithymia.”
She had been silent for a moment (7.37 seconds, to be precise), the look on her face murky and indescribable - and then she’d leaned in and kissed him, and Vision had known that she understood.
No one…No one has ever seemed to understand him in the way Wanda does.
And now they’re here, balancing on the brink of the cusp of a magical armageddon (for Vision, at least, for the boys, as well), and Wanda burns redder than ever, and if Vision were human, he’d have to avert his eyes, but seeing as he isn’t, and seeing as nobody else can see Wanda glow, anyway, he’ll allow her to sear herself into his body, as he’s always, always allowed her to do before.
“You’re scarlet,” he whispers, stroking her face.
She winces. “Not that. Please.”
“You’re crimson,” he amends, and her eyelids flutter closed as she leans her cheek into the palm of his hand.
“You,” she murmurs quietly. “You, you, you…”
She doesn’t finish the thought.
Vision does not kiss her again. He knows that if he were to do so, Wanda may never be able to let him go.
“The boys,” he says.
She nods. “I know.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I know.”
The borders of the Hex edge closer and closer, sweeping across trees and neighborhoods and streets and every part of Westview that there is - every part except the pair of them and their home, savoring the Vision and the Scarlet Witch for last.
“Wanda,” he says breathlessly, as the seconds count down and the time slips away. “Wanda, what color am I?”
She opens her eyes, gazing at him with parted lips.
“Please,” he begs of her. “Please.”
“Vis, you’re golden,” she tells him, and he feels the Stone in his forehead pulse.
He nods. “Thank you.”
The magic hits the house. The walls start to glitch apart, the furniture fizzling in and out of different time periods - Vision feels his core begin to eat away. Painlessly. Painfully.
She swallows. “What?”
He hesitates, pauses for the briefest moment in time, and even that manages to be a moment too long.
“What?” she repeats, eyes searching him desperately. “What? Alexithymia?”
He shakes his head. “No.”
He’s almost gone, now, for a second time. The house sparks around him, sparks crimson and vermillion and burgundy and scarlet. The boys make no sound from upstairs. Or perhaps he simply can’t hear them over the roaring that surrounds his body.
Wanda touches his cheek.
“So long, my love,” he says, one last time, and he leaves his world behind him.
At first, there is everything.
Then, a burst of gold - and there is nothing.
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dadolorian · 4 years
Just like me- Part one
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A/N: this is the first time i have ever shared a fic to tumblr.  Credits: Thank you @oloreaa​ for being my Beta reader/editor ! 
Title: Just Like me  Fandom: Prospect (2018) Ship: Ezra/Reader Warning: Talk of injuries/amputation. Ezra and reader get to know each other. Reader is an amputee. No use of Y/N. Word count: 3K +
MASTER LIST  Request status AO3 Link Next part. - coming soon
Prospecting was a dangerous job sometimes.
You were proof enough for that. 
Some would ask why bother with the risk, but they can not understand.
The thrill and joy of finding and securing your payload, the rush you got for a job well done, the chance to drift about to new and wondrous places, was more than worth the risk in your eyes.
And the pay, well, when you had a good job, the pay more than made up for the dangers of prospecting.
You could almost guarantee that after each run  your account would be filled up with more points than what you started with. And once you paid off the rental of your pod and supplies, more often than not you made a decent enough profit if things didn’t go tits up.
It was fair to say you were a decent enough prospector, maybe not the most experienced,but you had a decent enough excuse for that. Until a few months ago you were in recovery, having injured yourself on the last run of jobs you had been on before your current drop onto the Green.
Arguably, you could have retired after your injury. Caused a big enough fuss to get some serious compensation, but that would have meant giving up chasing the rush. 
At heart, you were a wanderer, a floater, and you couldn’t settle just yet.
Of course, after the accident you couldn’t just swing back to it. You needed to recover, and medical bills were expensive, not to mention you couldn’t let your employers get away with their gross negligence that caused the accident to begin with, so you had come to an agreement. 
It worked out for both of you, you get to keep your lifestyle and be financially secure at the same time, and they didn’t have to go through a public court battle. 
Your last, and most recent swing had been average, ending with a gig on the Green, you had just caught the ride back home.
Your routine getting back aboard was always the same, even after such a  longtime. Say goodbye to your (temporary) partner, sell your Aurelac, drop your belongings in your bunk and take a shower.
Thanks to your hush contract, you had the luxury of a second class bunk this time around, not having to rely on sleeping in your drop ship. It was bigger, private, had its own bathroom and all free of charge for you. Some perks for not choosing to sue.
A new, and rather annoying addition to your routine now would be to check into the medical bay, the only reason your doctors had allowed you back to work was that you agreed to regular check-ups when you weren’t on a gig.
So, a few days later, having waited for after the rush of people docking to catch the last swing to die down, you made your way to the medical wing for a drop in appointment.
Even though the waiting room was empty, you were forced to wait.
You sat down at an observational window, passing the time by watching the stars as the ship flew by them.
Lost in the view for an unknown amount of time, the sound of the door caught your attention, that familiar hiss of them opening and shutting.
You turned to make eye contact with the other patient… another amputee, just like yourself. You took note of his face, a small scar on the left cheek, the prominent nose, a streak of blonde in his otherwise dark and slightly scruffy hair, square jaw, and short facial hair. He was certainly handsome, even with his slightly disheveled appearance. 
His right arm was gone, you noted, just below the shoulder. His stump was well bandaged, you didn’t feel guilt about staring at his injury, you were one in the same after all, but he seemed to mind.
He tried to subtly turn himself away from your inspection so his left side was facing you more, a little self-conscious over his injury, it would seem.
You gave him a warm smile, trying to ease his embarrassment a little by pulling up your right pant leg to show him your prosthetic.
A silent way of telling him you were one in the same.
It seemed to have worked, for he visibly relaxed a little, returning your smile as he found a place to sit close by after checking in.
He hesitated, looking like he wanted to ask you something. He was lost in his thoughts for a short while before you decided to speak first.
“Recent amputation?” You asked, giving him another smile.
“Yeah, happened less than a cycle before catching the swing back,” he said
You nodded to yourself “Looks pretty fresh. You don’t look quite comfortable with it yet either”  
“No, indeed I am not.” He sighed “May i ask... if I were to inquire about your own heretofore displayed impairment, would you have any issue in disclosing what had caused your own injury to me?” He asked , eyes roaming over your face, small crooked smile tugging at his lips
Did he swallow a fucking thesaurus? You thought to yourself, leaning back in your window seat. “I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours first.” Tilting your head, you looked him in the eyes.
“I asked first,” he pointed out.
“Yeah, you did. Seems rude to ask my story without offering yours first,” you said, the smile  that was on your face letting him know you weren’t actually bothered.
“Very well,” he said, sitting back into his chair, getting comfortable by throwing his one arm over the back of it. “I was shot by a little bird. Scared kid who was completely justified in her actions, so I do not find myself with much blame towards her." Something like regret flitted over his face, but it was quickly gone as he launched himself into the story." I had originally been the cause of her predicament becoming much direr than it currently was, so she fired upon me in what she believed to be defense despite my lack of intentions to harm her."
He then gestured to his shoulder, and gave a half shrug as his brows drew together." Sad truth is it became inflamed , dust had entered my wound and I was not able to treat it accordingly. Before I knew it, infection set in and I eventually had to make the onerous decision to amputate it before it spread to the rest of my body.” Smile wry, he made a gesture at you like 'What can you do?', the corner of his expressive eyes crinkling slightly.
“You did it yourself?” You winced.
“Naw, Little lady who shot me became quite the welcomed, albeit reluctant, ally. Managed to do it all herself, cool as a cucumber." He huffed to himself, amused, before continuing: "Wish I could say the same for myself, I was wracked with nerves during the whole procedure.” He looked at you, a self-deprecating tone in his voice that was offset by the hawk-sharp look in his eyes.
“Ah, well at least you’re not bullshitting your bravery,” you huffed, before backtracking to what he said, eyes becoming wide as saucers. “So, you were conscious?” You asked in shock.
“Regrettably so. We did not have the luxury of professional medical facilities such as this.” He gestured around.
“I’ve heard some nasty amputation stories over my time recovering, and it’s always the ones where they are conscious that bother me the most,” you explained, feeling ever so slightly queasy at the thought.
“And…what about yourself?” He asked.
“Unfortunately for you I am not allowed to tell my whole story." You smiled at him, holding up your hands. "An unnamed private business was responsible for an accident in which I can’t disclose legally. Had to sign a lot of papers,” you sighed at that, unable to keep your annoyance out of your voice, before continuing. ”What I can tell you was I was in an accident involving machinery. I broke everything below my waist, most of it was healed, but my right leg was the worst. Completely crushed. When I was pulled out, the limb had undergone some extreme tissue damage." You paused for half a second, mind wandering. "They tried to save it, but there was nothing that could be done,” you explained with a slightly dismissive shrug. His brow was furrowed, looking at the prosthetic slightly exposed at the ankle in thought. “You seem to handle it quite well” He said eventually. You took a closer look at him. Bags under his eyes, avoiding prolonged eye contact with you, lethargic body language. It was recent for him, you concluded, he was still traumatized. Not that you blamed him. “A lot of people say that, ” you said, wanting to give him some hope and comfort, his eyes seemed so sad, you couldn’t help it. You wanted to be the support you had needed yourself when you were in his position. “It’s gotten easier, but I can’t lie and say I’m not still affected by it anymore. There are days where I continue to struggle. But each day gets easier. They will get easier for you too.” You looked him straight in the eyes, face serious. You needed him to understand that you were not simply saying things, that it was something that you had experienced yourself. He gave you a skeptical look, silently challenging that notion. “I know, I know,” you sighed, looking down to the floor before meeting his gaze again. “It’s hard to believe right now, but it’s true. You’ll struggle, but that means you’ll learn and adapt. You’ll get there.” Giving him a big smile, you hoped that some of your words will stick. .
“If I can be honest, I’ve already gotten sick of hearing those words of encouragement from my doctor. It seems so hollow and disingenuous when he says it, like a fallacy. It feels infantilizing to have him repeat his mantra over, and over again, and frankly, I struggle to believe it." He scoffed slightly, before quieting. Looking at you, head slightly tilted, he continued. "But coming from you, someone who has been in my own shoes, so to speak, I feel inclined to believe there is some truth behind those words, even if I do find myself skeptical about them,” he said, brows drawn together, eyes roaming across your face. . You shrugged lightly. “It usually helps, knowing someone who’s gone through the same thing. A friend.” “And is that what you are offering me? A friendship?” He asked, an amused smile gracing his lips and a curious look in his tired eyes. 
You shrugged again “I think that depends on you. But, at the very least, I can be an understanding ear, and I'm willing to listen. If you’re interested that is.” 
He cocked his head slightly at you, a small smile playing around his lips, “I…”  he began, choosing his words “ I appreciate the offer. It would be nice to have someone who will listen to my long-winded nammerings without judgment or pity.”
“No pity…  just…sympathy, compassion,” you offered.
“I think, then, I would like that very much. So long as you promise not to grow weary of my contemplation's” 
You gave him an amused huff. “I think with the way you talk, it would be very hard to be bored.” 
“Very well, annoyed then.” He smiled and you laughed at his small joke. 
You were content to sit there and chat to him more about anything and everything, but unfortunately for the two of you your conversation was interrupted by the receptionist calling your name. “That you?” He asked. “Yup” You sighed standing up reluctantly. ”It was nice to meet you…?” “-Ezra,” he supplied. “Ezra,” you repeated, testing it out. It suited him. “I hope I can see you around then, I mean it, having someone who understands how to help would really benefit you.” “I know, thank you. I’ll have to take you up on it soon.” He smiled, giving you a small wave as you left the waiting room for your check up. 
It surprised you to find him waiting outside the medical wing for you when you finished with your appointment. He was leaning back against the wall trying to look nonchalant.  “How the fuck did you get out before me?” You asked with a smile, pleasantly surprised. He had a small smile of relief on his face,“I only went for a bandage change,” he said, waving his stump a little to show. “I hope you are not too put off by my waiting here. I fear i may come across as overzealous.” “It’s fine, don’t worry about it” You smiled, shaking your head in indication you didn't think that way of him. “Sorry you had to wait so long. If I had known you were waiting I might have tried to hurry things along.” “It’s not a problem," Ezra insisted "I didn’t really have plans to do anything, and I was hoping for a better chance to talk to you." He gave a boyish smile, and you could not help but being charmed a bit. "Perhaps in the mess hall, if you would be so inclined to join me?” You nodded in understanding and agreement. “Fair enough, I suppose. How’s it healing then?” You asked, motioning to his stump. “As well as it can be. My doctor is worried about my exposure to further infection so it's being heavily monitored. Daily changes at the moment.” “That gets boring fast,” you said, motioning for him to follow you as you made your way to the mess hall. “I am very much in agreement with you there, I must say," He said "I have only been on board for a few days and I am already finding myself bored and frustrated with the routine,” Ezra sighed slightly, annoyance in his voice. “Just wait until you get a prosthetic. Then you’ll be in there for ages,” you snickered before you realized something. ”Are you wanting a prosthetic?” You asked. “I don’t think I would be able to even consider choosing not to invest in one." Brows furrowed, he looked at you. "I can not even fathom how i would be able to continue on in my career without the use of my arm.” “Quite the investment, if you want one good enough to act as a full replacement. I would have to imagine they would cost more than a prosthetic leg.” “That's what the doc said. I am a little overwhelmed with decisions because he keeps showing me all these different options that I cannot quite distinguish from each other." Frustration was written all across his face and in his voice. "I had not realized it would be so complicated.” He sighed, sounding a little dejected. “I’d be more than willing to offer my help in that then,” you offered, “It's best to figure out your needs and work backwards from there.” 
“You are surely a godsent from the heavens themselves,” he chuckled, you ignored the way his compliment and laugh made your stomach flip. “I am simply wise counsel,” you joked, making him chuckle more. “Either way, your offers of help in all kind of regards is much appreciated. I do not feel quite so daunted towards my own recovery now." Ezra smiled at you brightly, and you smiled back. "I thank you for your kindness, a rarity i fear in this line of work sometimes.” “Not wrong there,” you sighed knowingly as the two of you entered the mess hall. It was quiet, given the time of day, a little too early for those wanting their lunch that wasn’t from a ration or nutrient pack. You preferred it like this anyway. 
The food wasn’t amazing, neither of you were first class citizens but it was damn better than the food you were all able to store on your pods and ships. A hot meal of any kind was sought after on these kinds of trips, even if it was just hot mush.
You filled up your tray alongside Ezra, watching him curiously as he easily filled his tray as he pushed it along, the hard part would be maneuvering to a table. You weren't going to offer him any physical help, not yet at least. Giving him the space to learn and adapt would do him better than to dote on him. You remembered how frustrating it was, but you also remember how equally frustrating it was to be physically dependent on others. 
You would not offer him help with physical things unless he asked. 
Regardless, he managed it, balancing his tray on one arm as the two of you made your way over to an empty table. You pulled your chair out and he kicked his out before you both sat down. 
“I think I like coming here earlier,” he said, looking around. “Less people means less well meaning individuals offer to help me out,” he said, tucking into whatever food he had piled on his tray. “I hope that doesn’t make me sound ungrateful. I appreciate help but I do not want to be treated like someone completely invalid, the idea of not being able to take care of myself physically is a wretched notion.” “No, I get ya,” you said, understanding. “You need to do things for yourself. You value your independence, and when people dote on you like that, you feel pitied, your independence feels invalidated. You start to resent the ‘help’ because of it.” “A perfect way to describe the mix of feelings I have found myself with over these past few days,” he agreed, looking at you, chewing on his food “Just wait until you get your prosthetic” You smiled “You’ll be able to hide it well under a long sleeve and no one would be able to tell” “Well if you are any indication to go by, i am more than willing to believe that," He said "If i had not known you were missing a part of yourself beforehand, i would not have been able to tell just from watching you walk. It's impossible to notice at a glance” He complimented, smiling, eyes dropping slightly wistfully. “Thank you, I was fueled purely by spite in my recovery” You said, your smile growing. He laughed “Why, I am truly inclined to believe you." He grinned at you, smile sharp and endearing all the same time. "I shall take that to heart in my own recovery and take inspiration from you.” 
There the two of you sat in the mess hall with him what felt like hours. You found him so easy to talk to and could not help but be entertained by the way he spoke and whatever story he told you. You had found yourself hanging onto his every word, and when you spoke he made you feel like the center of the universe. Your conversations drifted between your shared physical disabilities as well as more personal topics, to get to know each other a little better. You spoke about the places you had visited, the difficult jobs, and your shared love of books. You couldn’t remember the last time you had such a pleasant conversation with another prospector. Most of your interactions were your temporary partners or hostile ‘competition’, there was never any opportunity to share in such deep conversations.
When the two of you reluctantly parted ways, you made sure to let him know where to find you in the second class quarters should he feel inclined to want to speak to you again.
He assured you very much that he was definitely interested in seeing you again. You felt like a teenage girl at that and as you said your goodbyes, hiding a bashful smile as he promised he would come find you again soon.
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