#and the little glint in his face everytime his strategy works against an enemy?
kikaichuno · 28 days
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Everytime I see someone claim that Shino doesn't like to fight, I think about that time he sneakily chased Kankuro in the forest to get his fight with him and nearly completely ignored the fact that the village was receiving a terrorist attack because he wanted to fight Kankuro that bad.
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: A bit of angst....And Jaehyun being Jaehyun ^^’
A/N: Here’s another chapter! I just wanted to thank you all for all the support this story is getting! Every comment and like encourages me to keep going with it, I’m really glad you are all liking it so much! Anyways, I won’t entertain you more, hope you enjoy today’s chapter!
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Focused on the book in your hands, you were absolutely distracted by the plot that was just getting better and better the more pages you read. The two main characters were finally starting to figure out their real feelings towards the other, something you’ve been waiting for since a couple of previous chapters. Unfortunately, it was also the perfect moment to get interrupted, you always had to stop reading in the best moments, it was as if life hated you enough to not let you read the good chapters in peace.
You let out a soft sigh when you heard a few knocks on your door, your eyes scanning the page you were currently in fast enough to have a slight idea of what was going to happen before forcing yourself to close the book, slightly disappointed that you wouldn’t get to read the entire chapter. A second round of knocks pushed you up and away from your chair, dusting off your already clean clothes before you walked closer to the door, opening up with a small smile thinking it would be Mingi who was waiting for you there.
“Hey Min-” The words got caught in your throat when you noticed your assumptions had been wrong and unfortunately, Mingi hadn’t been waiting for you there. The smile on your lips twitched a little, getting slightly tense but staying there so none of the new visitors would feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed, you were here to make sure they were healthy and felt well after all. “What happened?” You asked as soon as you realized the inmate that had been brought was hurt, an awful bruise forming on his right cheek, near his jaw.
“There was a fight during lunch, nothing serious went on but it’s protocol that we at least take the inmates here after it so you can determined whether they’ve been seriously hurt or not”
“Alright, let’s take a look then” You said smiling once again, ignoring the intense staring you were getting from inmate...1965. Something about him wasn’t right but you just couldn’t place your finger on what it was since you didn’t even know him. However, when the guard didn’t stay outside and made his way into the infirmary too, you guessed he wasn’t one of the inmates you could trust. Whatever he did to get in here or have done during his stay, earned him the dangerous label.
“Ah, Yeosang, no need to stay in here” The inmate said confidently, glancing over his shoulder as he walked closer to the stretcher you had in the room “(Y/N) and I are on friendly terms here” The smiled he directed towards you tensed up your muscles, you smiled back at him though, letting him know he was getting under your skin would probably encourage him to make his behaviour worse.
The officer, whose name was apparently Yeosang, looked between you and the inmate, not really knowing what to do. You were perplexed to say the least, if he was even considering listening to the one he kept behind bars, then this guy was nuts. “Jaehyun, if you pull the same shit as last time…” He warned, ignoring the surprised look you gave him as he stared at Jaehyun. “We all got in trouble because of it”
“I’ll behave, I promise” Jaehyun replied, sitting down on the stretcher, his legs dangling from the side as he watched you curiously. “I would never hurt Jongho’s friend, after seeing how he got when we mentioned her, laying a hand on her would be like digging my own grave” Seeing how you slightly perked up at the mention of his name, Jaehyun smirked “At least not yet”
If bringing up Jongho was some kind of strategy to distract you from the fact that you’ve just seen how an officer had obeyed an inmate’s order, it definitely worked. The mention of your best friend was enough to drag your eyes away from Yeosang, missing the curious glint in his eyes as he walked out of the infirmary to leave you alone with Jaehyun. You still were standing besides your desk, keeping some space between the two of you, not knowing if it was a good idea to approach him or if it would be best to keep some furniture in the way in case he decided to try something.
“Should have known though, your friend does have a short temper when it comes to people he cares about” Jaehyun’s smile only got bigger, his head tilted in curiosity as his feet swang back and forward. If it wasn’t for the orange clothes covering his skin, the tattooed knuckles and the cold atmosphere in the room that set all your alarms awake, you would have found him adorable, attractive even.
“Who doesn’t?” You asked in return, rolling up your sleeves as you approached him. Standing away from him would only give away you were scared and that’s the last thing you wanted “We all have weak spots” Maybe saying that was a mistake, in fact, assuming you were one of Jongho’s weak spots was an error. You didn’t even know where the two of you stood right now, what kind of relationship you had....Just because he smiled at you once didn’t mean things were the same as back then “I mean, sensitive subjects, you know?” You tried to correct, hands almost trembling as you collected some cotton and disinfectant to clean the bruise in his face, but it was too late, Jaehyun was already smirking, delighted by the way he was making you blurt things out without thinking too much about it.
“Is he a sensitive subject to you?” He asked when you turned around to face him, you arched one of your eyebrows, the confidence in your face was incredibly fake but if he bought it you weren’t going to complain about it “I mean, we’re all just pretty curious, you don’t see somebody’s best friends working here everyday” You shrugged, placing the stuff you needed on the stretcher besides him, standing by his side.
“What do you want to know? That we went to high school together?” You questioned back at him, meeting his eyes for a brief second before you put your gloves on, focusing on getting some cotton from the package.
“Ah Jongho said that already” He shrugged, not really interested in that kind of conversation “Did you two ever dated?” You shook your head, reaching out to brush the cotton bathed in disinfectant against his damaged skin, doing it as well as you could which wasn’t easy since the position you were in wasn’t comfortable at all.
“No, we were just really good friends” You answered honestly, back in those days, there were a few times when you had been extremely close to ask him out but Jongho had always shut you down gently before you even voiced the question. He probably wanted to keep you out of his style of life, he knew you would have never belonged to the streets where he grew up and instead of pulling you down into that darkness with him, Jongho kept pushing you out of it still keeping you close enough so he wouldn’t drown in it.
“You two keep saying that but I have the feeling there’s much more to it than what you’re letting us know” Jaehyun scoffed, moving his cheek away when it started stinging. Thanks to the stretcher and his height, you were struggling a little to properly clean the wound, you weren’t the tallest person around and everytime he moved away, you arms wouldn’t be able to reach his face. He noticed this, an idea popping up in his mind quickly. “(Y/N), you can get closer, I don’t bite, you know?” He asked with a smirk, turning his head to look at you.
“It’s okay, I’m good here” You replied, truly uncomfortable with the sudden attention you were getting from him.
“Ah but you’re not doing a really good job in that uncomfortable position, you’ll hurt your back” Before you could say something, Jaehyun reached out and grabbed one of your wrists, pulling you in between his legs so the two of you could be as close as it was possible. Your faces were inches apart now and you weren’t sure if he was able to hear the way your heart was pounding against your ribcage in absolute fear. He leaned back to get a look at your entire face, playfulness bathing his lips “See? Now it’s so much more comfortable for you, isn’t it?”
You only nodded, not really trusting your own voice at that moment, your eyes avoiding Jaehyun’s as you kept yours glued to the bruise on his cheek you were trying to disinfect. An unsettling silence fell upon the both of you, although it was painfully obvious you were the only one feeling afraid in the room. Jaehyun kept watching you curiously, a hint of a smile in his lips and his mind wandering to God knows where as you did your job.
“So you and Jongho are friends?” You decided to ask back, you could already sense that they were far from being friendly to each other but you wanted to see how Jaehyun would react when he was the one being interrogated.
“More like acquaintances” He corrected you without hesitation, easily answering. Obviously you weren’t some professional cop and he was skilled enough to know when to give details and when to stay quiet.
“You met each other here?” You pushed, trying to get some more information of their relationship.
“Kind of” Jaehyun shrugged, moving his eyes away when you started applying some ointment on the bruise, it would avoid his face t moro get more swollen “Our gangs have never been on friendly terms so we knew about each other before meeting in here” You hummed nodding, not even blinking when he casually mentioned their gangs didn’t get along.
“And you guys are enemies because…?” You asked looking up at him, actually surprising him a little for being so upfront about it. Jaehyun definitely thought you would have been too scared to ask something like that.
“We’ve always had a little bit of a competition going on, you know” He said smiling amused by your curiosity, eyes watching as you took a step back and started getting rid of your gloves. However, when you were about to walk away in order to throw them into the bin, his hand trapped your wrist once again, pulling you back against his body “Always snatching their territory….Their things away from them” Although his words hadn’t mentioned you, there was a voice in you mind screaming for you to push him away, to not let him touch you or treat you that way because he was definitely hinting you were one of those things he was talking about. Now that Jongho had shown interest in you, Jaehyun was interested too. “Although I have to say we’re much better, more experienced when it comes to certain things, you know?” His breathing ghosted the sensitive skin of your neck, your muscles getting rigid, you were too scared to even try to push him away.
“Jaehyun, stop” You tried to sound determined, strict enough to act as if his behaviour wasn’t affecting you in the slightest but your voice was quietly trembling, your body had unconsciously started shaking as you felt how his hands slipped down the curve of your hips “Or I’ll shout”
“Yeah, it’s not like Yeosang would do much about it” He scoffed, pressing his lips against the sensitive spot underneath your ear, making you whimper quietly “You shouldn’t have come (Y/N), your dear friend won’t be able to protect you in here” You felt his smile against your skin, his fingers gently digging into your flesh “You’re either with me or against me in this prison and I think you’re smart enough to know which side to choose”
You leaned back to look into his eyes, the determination in his eyes scaring you even more than the words that have slipped past his lips “Yeosang!” You called out his name, keeping your eyes on Jaehyun’s, not breaking eye contact “Jaehyun is done here”
After saying that, the inmate let you go, allowing you to move away from him and finally discard the gloves you’ve been wearing into the trashcan nearby. He jumped down the stretcher right as the officer accompanying him entered the infirmary, if he noticed the tense atmosphere between the two of you he chose to say nothing about it.
“Everything’s fine with him?” Yeosang asked, glancing at Jaehyun as he stood besides him.
“Yeah, his face might swell a bit more tonight but nothing is broken or seriously damaged” You replied, avoiding to look at Jaehyun but not missing the smirk that was still present in his face. “What about the other inmate? Doesn’t he need to be checked on?” You asked, ignoring the amused chuckled that left the inmate’s lips, maybe it had been a bit of a stupid move to ask about Jongho but you couldn’t help but me slightly worried about him.
“I don’t think he’s allowed to come out of his cell now” Yeosang said and if it wasn’t for the way his face instantly turned serious and his body tense, you would have believed his words without getting suspicious about it.
“Didn’t you say it’s protocol that both of them get checked? One of his knuckles could be broken for all I know” You asked back, crossing your arms on your chest. Jaehyun leaned against the wall, eyes darting from Yeosang to you, clearly entertained by the silent argument that was taking place between the two of you.
“He looked pretty fine to me” Jaehyun intervened, catching your attention once again.
“I don’t see you being the medical staff here though” You replied, fear going away, not afraid to go against both men.
Another silence settled between the three of you, almost as if Yeosang or Jaehyun were waiting for you to crack under the weight of their stares and ask for forgiveness or back off with your petition of checking Jongho. However, when none of that came, Yeosang was the first one to give up.
“Fine, get whatever you need and follow us” He instructed, opening the door of the infirmary to walk out with Jaehyun “You can check him up in his cell”
“This will be fun” Jaehyun muttered  laughing, under his breath, walking out right after Yeosang did.
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Jongho was laying in his cell, back pressed against the mattress and arm covering his eyes as he tried to ignore the way his stomach growled in hunger. He hadn’t been looking forward to today’s lunch because of who had cooked it, but a bunch of hours had to pass before dinner came and since he was grounded, locked in what was his home and what would be for a few more years now, the hunger he felt increased with boredom. His only available option had been sleeping but as soon as he closed his eyes he remembered the words Jaehyun had mouthed to him before he had been guided to the infirmary.
‘I’ll be gentle with her’
If he fucking touched you…
“I’ll assume he’s not going to hurt you since you two know each other apparently, I’ll leave you in here while I drop Jaehyun off with the other inmates, if the cameras see any funny business going on then the two of you will be in trouble”
Yeosang’s pissed off voice mixed with the sound of his cell being unlocked caught his attention, Jongho removed the arm that he had kept on his eyes to look at what was going on, when he suddenly saw you standing there. Smiling all triumphantly and clearly ignoring the subtle way Yeosang was threatening you and how Jaehyun seemed to be eating you up with his eyes, if he wasn’t so surprised about your sudden visit, he would have definitely deck the both of them for looking at you like that.
“Are you doubting my professionalism?” You scoffed, walking into the cell as you held a small bag in your hands, trying to hide the excitement you were feeling and focusing your frustration on the officer who seemed to be less than interested in being nice with you “The hypocrisy in this place is unbelievable” Yeosang was definitely shocked when you indirectly called him out, he had been the one leaving you alone with an inmate that should always be watched, he had also tried to ignore the fact that Jongho could have needed some medical assistance...He was not the right person to doubt your work ethics.
“Just do your work, I’ll be back as soon as I get Jaehyun back in the dining room” Nodding at his words, you watched as he locked the cell again and started walking away, pushing Jaehyun down the corridor the three of you had come from.
When you turned around to look at Jongho, he was still sitting there, his hands gripping the bed sheets as if he was holding himself back from standing up and pulling you into the biggest and strongest hug ever. Your eyes met, like they did back when you saw each other at the basketball court, and your entire world stopped.
You simply froze.
You had been waiting years for this moment to come, counting the days and hours until you could finally be face to face with him since the day he was sentenced and yet, now that it was happening, you couldn’t bring yourself to say something, to do something. You could only look down at him while memories of that day filled your mind.
Beggining of a flashback.
When the judged called to an end Jongho’s trial and the police officers who had been standing besides the door approached him, you shot up from your seat, ready to run to him and fight whoever you needed to, to keep the handcuffs they were carrying away from his hands.
Jongho opened his arms as he saw you approaching and he instantly welcomed you in his embrace, pulling your body as close as he could to his chest while his nose brushed against the top of your head. This would be the last chance he would have to touch you, to smell you, to feel you and he would take every single second he had before he got taken away.
“Miss you need to let him go” Somebody behind you ordered but stubborn you only shook her head and kept her arms around him as tightly as she could. Jongho couldn’t be going to prison, that just couldn’t happen “Miss”
“Angel” Jongho looked at the officers, his eyes pleading for them to let him deal with you, it would break him if he forced the two of you apart, if the last time he saw you would be tainted by violence “Look at me please” When you shook your head, he smiled sadly, reaching up to pat your head “(Y/N), I have to go”
“No” You insisted, voice breaking as you held him tightly against you. The officers behind you sighed impatiently but you couldn’t care less at the moment “It’s not fair, it is not fair”
“You are safe right? That’s what matters the most to me” He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead “I’ll back before you even notice I’m gone”
“I’ll visit you” You proposed, starting to let go of him when the officers behind you warned you again “I’ll go see you as much as I can Jongho” He shook his head.
“I don’t want you to see me there, that’s not a place for you” He said determined, the tone of his voice saying he would never change his mind about it “I’ll visit you as soon as I’m out, send me letters, send me pictures...That will be enough” His words broke your heart even more, tears started rolling down your cheeks when he tried to smile for you again “I’ll be fine”
“It should be me th-”
“I did it” He interrupted you before you could bring unwanted memories from the night that changed it all “And I’ll pay for it”
“Jongho I-”
“You focus on school, get those perfect marks you were aiming for and get that scholarship you couldn’t stop ranting about” He instructed, you could see his eyes were getting watery when somebody forced his arms back, the sound of handcuffs closing around his wrists making you dizzy “You’ll do it, you’ll become the best nurse in the world” His fake chuckled muted your sob, he was seconds away from breaking down but he would be strong for you, he needed to “And I’ll be so damn proud of you Angel, I already am”
“We need to get going” The officer said, gently pushing Jongho forward so you would move out of their way.
“Don’t let this drag you down (Y/N), I’ll be fine” He quickly said when someone moved you to the side, you just were too focused on Jongho to realize Wooyoung was the one ready to hold you as soon as your knees gave out on their strength “And don’t forget you will always be on my mind” He smiled one last time before they pushed him harder, forcing him to walk away before you could say or do something else.
Wooyoung wrapped his arms around your body, slowly kneeling down onto the floor with you as you cried and screamed for the officers to bring your friend back. They never did though and you were left there, feeling like half of your soul had been stolen away.
End of the flashback.
“You’re back” Jongho’s weak yet full emotion voice brought you back to the present, his eyes still scanning you as if he couldn’t believe you were there with him. It had been so long since the two of you were in the same room, since he had been able to have your company “You came” This time, tears inevitably started falling down his cheeks before he could stop them. Jongho never regretted what he did for you but he knew he had lost so many hours, so many days he could have spent by your side that it made him incredibly sad. “You didn’t listen to me in the end” He tried to joke, laughing as he reached up to wipe away the tears.
“When did I ever listen to you?” You asked laughing, ignoring the way your lower lip quiver as a bunch of upcoming sobs got stuck in your throat.
“Never” Jongho replied smiling, standing up slowly as if he thought that if he moved too fast you would run away from him “That’s why you’re my Angel, that’s why you will always be it”
You hadn’t realized how much you’ve missed that nickname until you heard it from his lips for the first time in years and even though you were locked in a cell, in one of the worst places in the world with Jongho besides you, back with his smile, you felt as if you’ve finally found your place.
It felt as if you were back home. Back where you belonged to.
Right into his arms.
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Taglist: @guess--monster​ @cometoceantrenches​ @lovelyvitamin​ @daintysan​ @t-tbinnie​ @shyshybabyy​
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