#and the idea that buck should have come out to hen bc shes a lesbian is so like 😭😭😭😭 you guys are WEIRDDDDD
eddiegettingshot · 5 months
probably one of the wackiest things i’ve seen in this fandom is the subset of fans who are so threatened by eddie being the most important person in buck’s life after maddie that they literally insist that HEN??? is buck’s “biggest supporter” and has “encouraged his growth more than anyone else” and that’s why buck should have come out to her instead of eddie LMAO. it’s so blatantly weird to put this black lesbian woman in the position of White Boy Protector when that is not supported by the text whatsoever just because you’re mad about a particular relationship
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heeeeeyyyy!! how are you doing? 911 anon here I just wanted to tell you that I've just finished season 3 and now I'm broken. I need more I mean... I was used to watching 10 episodes a day and being kept company by those characters and now I feel sad...
ok, so final conclusions now that I have watched the whole thing. first off, I think hen is one of the greatest characters that I've seen in a show. a poc lesbian woman with a wife and kids, kicking ass, saving lives and being so incredibly smart and kind and a good friend while also making mistakes which gives her the human element but also being kicked a few times by life and still winning in the end is the most wholesome thing that I've seen in a while by show.
second I wanna talk about chimney. I knew I'd like his character but I never assumed that I'd like SO MUCH! after seeing his background story I had another level of respect for this man and I'm so glad and happy that he found someone who appreciates the real him. all of it. which brings me to Maddie. I mean.... come on!!! a bad ass woman who finally got her freedom and saves lives but still cracks and cries and cares about all the people she's helped! and she finally finds the man who can give her what her ex husband has taken away from her. safety! chimney and Maddie are the couple I will be rooting for the most in season 4 just sayin'...
having said THAT I don't want to forget the no 1 power couple of the show which is obviously Athena and Bobby. both with their own struggles and still keeping it together (at least most of the times). I can't express how happy I was when Athena and Bobby became a thing and Bobby had a second shot in a family! also, Athena a beautiful, strong woman who never gives up... ugh... that's WHAT I'M HERE FOR!!!
and finally I need to address the elephant in the room. Buck and Eddie which were the reason (because of your posts) who got me intrested in this show. Buck in season 1 was not a very likeable? for me. before Abby he was just portrayed as a young, impulsive guy that used sex to fill an emotional void should I dare say? and after Abby although he seemed legit about this relationship it just... wasn't working. I mean don't get me wrong, I liked Abby but their dynamic with Buck was just... not it. neither of them were in a stage in their life to be in a relationship and they just couldn't help each other. it wasn't their age difference but their lives were in a very different place. they were both trying to figure themselves out. so I think it was for the best they were not together anymore. now, I know that buck 2.0 was supposedly with Abby and after Abby but I think the real buck 2.0 was when Eddie came into the scene. Eddie is a very likeable character. he saves lives, he's a single father with a kid that he has to look after... his whole appearance screams 'NICE' and I know he's done some wrong choices but I think in his case the good outdoes the bad. and this is why I love buck's and Eddie's dynamic in this show! Buck's relationship with Christopher is just adorable and ever since the tsunami episode.. ugh... I mean Buck was in such a distress! the tsunami episode is so hard to watch tbh. buck was in PAIN! and I think it's pointless to just pinpoint every single moment buck was like a second father to Chris. it would take a whole another essay. anyway, in conclusion, yes, I'm rooting for something between them, but because of what this show has given us between buck and Eddie I still wouldn't be mad if they just leave it as best friends.
as far as the other characters are concerned, I think Josh has a special place in my heart as well and I was so sad for what had happened to him. Christopher I've talked about what a lovely, happy kid he is! he's adorable. Michael is also a great character and I was relieved in the last episode that he's getting better!
to conclude, this show was one of the greatest I've seen lately and thank you so much for introducing me to it and also for being there enduring my rambles through the whole thing while I was watching it.
ps. I apologize for this humongous message but I told you to be prepared lol I had a lot to say
pss. I'm ready to be emerged into the fiction hole to swallow me whole! so if you have any recommendations I'M IN!!
sincerely your 911 anon
oh boy oh boy this is a long message lmao.
1. YES hen is one of the best characters and her and karen are PERFECT and i love that they worked through their issues together and i really hope hen has some good storylines in s4!!
2. chim and maddie make me so happy you have no idea they’re such strong characters individually and then together they’re so soft and lovely and i just want them to have so much happiness UGH SO MUCH HAPPINESS
3. YES BATHENA POWER COUPLE!! i honestly don’t think i’d like bobby as much if him and athena weren’t a couple i love seeing their interactions and the entire grant-nash family are just !! however athena i adore on any and every level she is my wife a goddess i worship her
4. i sort of agree with your opinion of buck, whilst i did like him in season 1 (after the first episode at least) i agree that he definitely developed more as a character in the second season without abby. and yeah, their relationship wasn’t great and i wish more had been made of the fact that it wasn’t great. eddie is *deep breath* the loml he’s a DAD he’s HOT he’s GOOD AT HIS JOB he’s FUNNY he’s COMPLICATED he’s GROWN fuck i love him and i love christopher and yeah, whatever happens between them relationship wise I’d be happy bc they are a really good portrayal of a healthy male friendship which media needs more of!! however bro some of those moments hhhh they need to be EXPLAINED!! what is the explanation!!
5. the minor characters yes every single one of them is so strong and every single one i wish we could see more of! luckily it looks like may grant will be more of a regular next season bc she works in dispatch it seems, and albert also seems to be in more so !! here’s hoping!
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