#and the idea that academics use their knowledge only to exploit victims of tragedies is just offensive to me
cjbolan · 2 months
wait what was anti-science about twisters?
It’s not anti-science (quite the opposite!) but anti-education I think.
The male lead proudly boasts that his storm wrangling team don’t have or need “fancy PhDs” to do their job, while being very reluctant to discuss his college background . He and his less educated team are the good guys, giving free food and using their earnings from selling tornado merchandise to offer tornado disaster relief.
Meanwhile the more educated academic team, Storm Par, are all boring snobby squares, and idiots unknowingly giving their data to evil real estate developers who exploit tornado victims. The only two likeable Storm Par members (Kate and Javi), are the ones who switch sides to help the other “hillbillies” team.
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