#and the idea of shattered chilvraous/romantic ideals that the kingsguard characters often play with in asoiaf
radlymona · 20 days
No one will ever understand the Criston/Alicent/Rhaeynra/Daemon love square like I do
#hotd#asoiaf#I think a big problem is that so many people lack the background understanding of what the targaryens truly are#and how Targaryen exceptionalism informs their worldwives#and how that then affects their perception of their non-targaryens friends and loved ones#when analysing rhaenyra/alicent you need to understand that alicent was sexually attracted but also envied/wanted to be rhaenyra#because of her freedom power charisma charm etc#but rhaenyra's girlhood affection of alicent died with her marriage to her father#because that was an unforgivable sin in her eyes#when analsysing rhaenyra/criston you need to do so with the view that rhaenyra was acting like a prince who had taken a fancy#to a lowborn girl who's dreams of a romantic life with a dashing prince are cruelly thwarted when he chooses the crown over her#and the idea of shattered chilvraous/romantic ideals that the kingsguard characters often play with in asoiaf#when analysing Alicent/criston you need to understand how their second class status to rhaenyra and their failed relationships with her#led to them fill empty shameful and lesser in her absence#and that the two gravitate towards the targaryens ideological opposites (the faith of the seven)#and in turn look to each other to fill her void#when analysing daemon/rhaenyra you have to understand that rhaenyra is sexually attracted to daemon but also desperately wants to be him#she is the Alicent in this situation#for daemon rhaenyra is an ends to the throne but is also the only other person on earth that he feels is near is equal#because they’re drawn together by Targaryen exceptionalism
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