#and the heroine is sassy too
fluentmoviequoter · 1 month
Arrest Me, But It's Not So Sexy
Part 2 of Arrest Me, But Make it Sexy (🏷 @newobsessionweekly)
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!cop!reader
Summary: While you're undercover, Metro raids the drug manufacturing facility you're in. Tim tries to arrest you again, but you have a job to finish.
Warnings: discussion/depiction of drug trafficking, typical show warnings, fluff and banter
Word Count: 1.6k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info
Put me in the back of your car and we'll start a verbal flirtation. I'm doing tax fraud and arson, now take me down to your station.
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“Defying orders is the best thing I’ve ever done,” you muse as your captain reviews your current case.
“You’re just lucky Bradford didn’t actually report that,” she points out. “The body cam footage and arrest got to do all the talking.”
“And you saw it and just knew you had to have me, right?”
She nods sarcastically, then pushes an envelope toward you. “This is your cover. Nysse Bret.”
“And I fit some kind of description?”
“There’s word going around about a new dealer, better product, better prices… easy on the eyes. It’s got the target dealers and producers shaken up, just how we like them.”
You nod as you look through the envelope. It’s your first time going undercover alone, but you know you can do it.
“So, you want me to shake them up a little more, overstep on their turf, down sell their product, get them out in the open?” you clarify.
“Preferably. And given your track record of disobeying orders to do the right thing, going in solo seems like the logical next step for you.”
“The product you’re giving me?” you ask.
“It’s real,” she answers. “Diluted and nearly unusable, but legitimate. If it’s tested, it’ll come back as weak but real.”
“Got it. Don’t use it. And if I need backup?”
“Never more than five minutes out. We’ll try to grab buyers as we go, but that’s not the priority.”
“Yes, ma’am. Thank you for the opportunity.”
“Oh, and keep up this sassy, unbreakable thing. That’s what these guys will expect from Nysse Bret. That and not taking any crap.”
“You’re saying I can flash my gun if they think sassiness is an invitation.”
“Was that a question?”
You smile and slide your sunglasses onto your nose as you answer, “Nope.”
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“Sergeant Bradford has new intel on Savva Pavlov, one of Los Angeles’s biggest drug manufacturers. Heroine, coke, if someone can do it, Pavlov can make it. We take him out, we take the majority of the drugs out of LA,” Captain Pine reports.
“Until the next guy moves in,” someone points out.
“Then we find him too,” Tim answers. “Pavlov is big, so we gain time, at least, if we take him out.”
“Take it, Bradford,” Pine encourages.
“Yes, ma’am. We have good intel, so we’re moving in on this location.” He pauses and points to a location on the screen. “There will be people inside, drugs inside. We go in protected, get everyone we can, and make sure that Pavlov doesn’t slip through the cracks. We’ll have teams of three stationed on every side of the building and we’ll enter from the north and south sides.”
“How can you know if Pavlov is there?” an officer asks.
“We don’t. If we get lucky, we arrest him. If not, we break one of his guys to find out where he is. This drug war needs to end, so we can’t wait around for Pavlov to get back from a smoke break.”
“Any questions?” Pine asks. “Preferably ones that aren’t stupid?”
“No, ma’am,” the team answers together.
“Then get ready, we roll in twenty.”
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“So, you’re Nysse,” a man drawls, looking you up and down but never glancing above your neck.
“Depends,” you answer. “Would you make the woman taking your bosses’ customers wait?”
“They’re not his customers, they’re ours!”
“Sorry, sorry,” you apologize through chuckles. “I wasn’t aware this was a Starscream undermining Megatron situation.”
You level your gaze, drop your smile, and remove your sunglasses to look down at the shorter man. “I said, you’re trying to act bigger and bolder than you are.”
“I’ll show you bigger and bolder,” he growls.
You lift the left side of your shirt to show the Colt 45 against your hip. “I’d like to see you try.”
The man licks his lips as he steps back. “Mr. Pavlov will be here soon. He’s finishing a meeting.”
“Perfect,” you exclaim cheerfully, dropping your shirt and sliding your sunglasses onto your head. “Hey, what’s it like working for him? Get good vacation time?”
“Perhaps you’d like to see his process while you wait,” he suggests, leading you through a swinging door.
“Oh, I’d love to.”
“This is where the magic happens,” he says, opening his arms toward the warehouse of men and women working in gas masks and hazmat suits.
“What’s back there?” you ask, pointing to a blocked-off area at the back.
“Pavlov’s office. He’ll take you back there when he arrives.” He smiles and adds, “Women like you always leave happy.”
You roll your eyes at his comment. Before you can reply sarcastically, a flashbang is thrown through one of the few ventilation windows. You see it in time to drop your head and cover your ears, but you’re still disoriented for a moment.
“LAPD Metro!” someone yells. “Drop to your knees, hands on your head! Now!”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” you exclaim.
“Follow me,” the man beside you urges, blinking wildly to regain his vision. “There’s a-“
“Cop behind you,” you point out, tilting your head to the side. “He’s pretty cute, actually.”
“LAPD, on the ground. Now,” Tim says slowly. “That means you, sir.”
The man is still facing you, his back to Tim. You can tell he plans to run, so you lean against the rail beside you and cross your arms.
“What’s in it for me?” you ask.
“What?” Tim asks, holding his gun against his shoulder.
“If I get on the ground and ruin my outfit, what’s in it for me?”
Tim begins to say your name, but you shake your head once.
“Nysse Bart,” you introduce. “Maybe you’ve heard of me. But your little war on drugs is a war against me. So, make it worth my time and maybe I tell you what I know.”
“What about me?” the man before you asks.
“Sure, fine. Help us out, and we help you out, handsome,” you tell Tim. “Or we could just leave, find a more romantic spot.”
“You’re under arrest,” Tim says, dropping his gun to handcuff your tour guide.
“Cuffed while Pavlov enjoys the beauties of the port,” he mumbles.
So that’s where he is, you think. Picking up a shipment – or ladies – at the port.
“Bradford is it?” you ask as Tim moves toward you. “I really like how this shirt fits, so could you cuff me with my hands in front? As a sign of good faith, I’ll apologize for hitting on you.”
Tim shakes his head and pulls your hands behind your back. He places the cuffs in your hands rather than around your wrists. You huff and pout at him, then notice your phone, Nysse’s phone, is buzzing.
Another Metro officer takes Pavlov’s right-hand man, leaving you with Tim. You have to get to Pavlov, and after Metro raided the facility while you were inside, you have to go forward on your own.
“Sorry,” you say as you close one of the cuffs around Tim’s wrist.
He pulls his arm back when he feels your hand on him, but you snap the other side closed around the safety rail behind him.
“Take it off,” Tim demands.
“Sorry, sir,” you taunt as you walk backward, placing your sunglasses back on your nose. “That wasn’t quite sexy enough.”
“Get back here!”
“Oh, he looks like he wants to chase me,” you say, fanning yourself dramatically. “Navy blue booty, go ahead and lock me up.”
You wiggle your fingers to wave before you turn and walk through a side exit to catch Pavlov before he leaves the port with imported drugs. When you call your captain for backup, you tell her that Metro raided the facility, not knowing you were there. She grumbles something under her breath and promises to look into it and keep it from happening again. You remember the shock on Tim’s face when you cuffed him and realize it wasn’t so bad.
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“And here I was, thinking that you’d be in the back of someone’s car admitting to tax fraud and arson,” you tease as you enter the roll call room.
“You caught Savva Pavlov,” Tim says. “Nice work.”
“If you want me to apologize for handcuffing you in a drug warehouse, I know this really nice place where we could have dinner, and you could kiss me to prove you mean it.”
Tim huffs a laugh, his smile appearing for several seconds. Your smile grows at the knowledge that Tim enjoys your back and forth as much as you do.
“I’m sorry,” Tim says. “We should have done our due diligence before we went in. I risked your safety during the raid, and there’s no excuse for that.”
You shrug and assure, “It worked out. Plus, you looked so good that it was a great break from the greasy little guy I’d been stuck with.”
“Yeah, he seemed to think I interrupted something.”
“A UC operation.”
Tim nods and asks, “Are you staying with the UCs?”
“I like it. Maybe not full time, but, yes, it’s something I can see myself doing again.”
“You’re a great cop, just… be careful.”
You lay your hand on Tim’s arm and promise, “I will. Knowing you’re in Metro and will come when I call helps.”
“You don’t need anyone telling you how to do your job, I know that, but I just want to make sure you’re safe. Especially after what happened today.”
“Thank you,” you whisper, gently squeezing Tim’s arm. As you step back, you ask, “Why didn’t you actually cuff me?”
“Nysse Bart? You said the name and I realized we messed up. Not to mention that, for once, you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Didn’t you just say I could do no wrong?”
“No, I said-“
“So, should we go to dinner, or do you want me to go buy some illegal contraband so you can arrest me again?” you tease.
Your smile drops when Tim says, “Dinner. Meet me outside in ten.”
He turns and is almost to the door when you ask, “Wait, seriously?”
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sboochi · 9 months
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Listen, I like the idea of human!Star as much as the next person, but that's the point. I like the idea in my head.
To be honest, if this was the direction the creative team had gone with, I probably wouldn't enjoy it to this level. So it can stay in my head.
Anyway, I liked the movie! More opinions down below.
People are acting like it's the biggest disgrace ever happened to the animation industry and it feels..... so over-dramatic?? The movie isn't perfect, of course, but chill, have y'all forgotten about the emoji movie???
Also reading some people's comments feels like they don't want anyone to enjoy the movie, which sucks. I mean, I checked the tag here and it was An Experience.
Personally I liked:
Asha's little friend group! "But they don't have a real personality" boohoo the httyd and big hero 6 gangs didn't have more than 1 trait and nobody ever complained this much
The visuals were gorgeous. I guess this is personal taste but I LOVED the watercolor-esque backgrounds
I liked the songs, especially At all costs and This wish. I don't have a problem with the lyrics because I haven't listened to the soundtrack in English, but I've never really cared about lyrics anyway
Magnifico was a delight (evil arc my beloved)
There are a few things I would have handled differently, but again, it's taste:
Please let us have a protagonist with a very different personality from the usual Disney Heroine. Give me shy, give me nerd, give me sassy
I was hoping the queen's decision to side with Asha would be harder to make. I would have showed her struggle with her love for Magnifico and her people, I want the d r a m a
Poor Asha's mom deserved better
I know it's frustrating seeing all this negativity, but I think it'll die down with time. People were shitting on Moana and Zootopia too, at first. Hating this movie with passion is just the latest trendy opinion (you know those. You've probably seen them on tiktok)
(Please note I'm only talking about Wish. The "Disney the company" topic is too big for one post)
TLDR Wish isn't perfect, people just like to be mean. You're allowed to like it, whether others agree or not
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biteofcherry · 6 months
One of the many many reasons I love tumblr fics and get annoyed by most of the published so called hot romances, is that in the fics the mmc desires and/or falls for the reader(heroine) for who she is. For how she acts, the traits she possesses - be it sassy bratting, or sweet shy innocence, or fierce loyalty.
Yes, there comes the desire for her body, as well. But the noticing of the body parts and assessing attractiveness comes after something else has drawn his attention.
The books I've been trying to read recently all have the same fucking annoying problem of making the main OFC a beauty desired by all. Not beauty discovered through lenses of feelings for the person, but physical attractiveness right from the start. Even when they attempt to write the OFC as a "quiet mouse" there is always the description of how hot she is and how she compels other men attention.
And it's so fucking repelling. To me, at least. Because I simply don't connect with that.
Can't those authors fucking stop with the "she's desirable for him, because she's a standard beauty and others find her attractive too"? 😒
Ughh, I just love you tumblr and ao3 writers so so much!!! ❤️
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littleandless · 2 months
spoilers ahead, of course.
i realized during this episode that corlys has lost his brother, both of his children, his heir, and now his wife as well. it’s certainly enough to bring anyone down. but i’m bothered by the fact that he offered to make baela his heir, despite her being the future queen, and not rhaena who lacks a dragon, a fiancé, and any inheritance of her own. she literally has nothing! and i understand that she’s far away and he doesn’t have the chance to advise her in being the lord/lady of the tides, but she’s still young, and as far as he knows there may still be time for that after the dance is concluded. someone PLEASE throw rhaena a bone, i’m begging you😭
baela and jace enjoyers (me) were feasted tonight. baela seemed so noble and fierce, and jace has fully embraced his sassy boy era. like, compared to the last few episodes where they have a combined screen time of 2 minutes, we are positively gorging ourselves.
at this point we all know alicent was made redundant as soon as aegon was crowned, but watching her slowly and painfully acknowledge her fate as a bystander in all of this bloodshed has been hard to watch. the part she played (and is currently playing) is not small by any means, but it’s mostly done. she was a large part of the setup for the dance, but now her lot is mostly to sit by and watch everything fall into place…much like rhaenyra.
YAY SOWING OF THE SEEDS YAY!!!!! that means we’ll see more addam soon🤭💋🩷
ugh…what else to say about daemon? he was never my favorite character, but at least in season one there was more to him than whining about his title and betraying his child bride. please do us all a favor by passing away! oh and the mommy boinking was certainly something. i was not expecting alyssa targaryen to appear at all, let alone in a waking oedipal dream. i’ve become mostly desensitized to targcest but mother-son action is still a bit too far for me.
alys rivers is based as usual. lovely side profile, too. her and mysaria are the new heroines of the show.
aemond fully doesn’t give a fuck anymore. from his very first appearance in the show, we saw him wistfully imagine what he’d do as heir. when aegon complains about his sister-wife helaena, aemond says that he’d do his duty if their roles were reversed. he claims vhagar in the dead of night, seizing an opportunity to ride the most fearsome living dragon in westeros. he honed his body and mind if not his social skills and lied in wait for an opportunity. he wanted to rule, knew he could do it better, and said as much when it came time for aegon to ascend. but for the most part, he simmered. he was always outwardly dutiful and obedient, knowing that he and his brother needed to appear as a united front against those who supported rhaenyra. this is something alicent told aegon, and probably aemond at some point too, but he was the only one who really took it to heart. aemond suffered humiliation at the hands of his nephews, but he probably had an easier time coping with that from the rumored bastards of a contested heir than he did from his own brother, the other claimant to the iron throne whose case was only stronger than his own because of pure chance. aegon had everything aemond ever wanted, even his own loyalty, and he couldn’t even respect him enough to cease the teasing in adulthood. so i can’t say that i blame aemond for taking a shot at his competition, even if they are technically on the same side. there are many for whom any son would do at this stage. and hey, we saw him and helaena speak to each other for the first time in a long time. maybe he’ll take her too.
also we’re hearing more disillusionment from the smallfolk yippee!!! the mask is slipping.
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The story of the sensitive rabbit and the sensible tiger
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The story of the sensitive rabbit and the sensible tiger
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Chevalier x MC                                                                                  
Prompt : 7.Simpleton
Part of : Chevalier Michel Sequel Route Release hosted by @aquagirl1978
Tag: Hurt Comfort Overcoming odds High sensitivity
Word Count : 2.385
Author’s Note: The idea of the brutal beast dealing with an high sensitive MC picked my curiosity and ever since I crafted something that respecting his character may come close to what I imagine would have happened if Emma wouldn't have been so though as in the game. So I really do hope to have respected Chev character as well as the others.
This is a most unusual story, it involved a sharp beast and a girl, but not the type of strong heroine ready to fight, but one a bit more sensitive, and yet kind all the same whose delicateness is put to the test from the less gentle man in all the palace, that for her sake and hers alone will something he always yearned but never obtained before, conquering it would be no easy task but luckily for him his effort will pay him off ten fold with what he will gain ... her love. 🥰
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @lordsisterxotome  @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @natimiles @nightghoul381 @dragon-liquorice @candied-boys
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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Emotions are mere tools to control people, beasts have no need of them.
A statement that Chevalier Michel, the second prince of Rhodolite, has always been proved to be true.
He was a brutal beast with the skin of a human, and as such all he ever required was his mind, logical and sharp as few ever were, no emotions could sway him, nor he ever had any need of them, except to control who he needed as his pawn that is.
He was a genius feared and admired alike, something he acknowledged ever since, cultured in things people his age weren’t, used to know how to control and understand anything under the sun … that was at least as he always thought.
And yet since that commoner was appointed to choose the next King all the things he believed to know about feelings and people begin to crumble down, because in truth he has never met anyone like her.
She was worthy to talk to, at least, something he ascertained after the many times he saw her in the library reading books, of different subjects and even in different languages than her own, rewarding her boldness to speak to him with precious minutes of his time, thing he never did without a price paid in rare books she found for him.
The first time he saw, with his own eyes, a new facet of her personality was during a morning like all the others, she was walking like a busy bee from one place to another to listen and get better acquainted with the princes and happened to be in their faction office when they were all gathered together, a thing most unusual but that she seemed to like … until Nokto’ words cracked the quietness of the air.
“You know goody two shoes girls aren’t usually me type, because they are pretty boring in the bed, but if coaxed in the right way even them could be pretty naughty when they want to. I bet you are one of them.”
A phrase that should have elicited an answer, or at least a reaction of sorts, be it a slap, usually, or a snarky remark.
But not in her. 
She merely looked at him, a light frown of displeasure on her rosy lips, a wounded expression flickered in her eyes until a few words thumbled from her tongue.
“Too bad you won’t be the one to find out.”
They lacked sassiness, barely concealing something bitter, pronounced only to play the part that was expected of her, until she could slip away from that cagey office.
It was clear as day her words were not to defend herself, a duty that Clavis, ever the gentleman, took upon himself.
His usual carefree smile was ever present, even though his amber gaze seemed to shoot daggers at the other.
“Ahh you are so petty Nokto, not all men are like you. Don’t mind him little rabbit, there are plenty of gentlemen out there interested in sweet, kind girls like you.”
To state her sensitive personality baffled him would have been an understatement. 
She was a mystery to him.
An intrigue he felt inexplicably drawn to unveil, only for knowledge’s sake, or so he said himself.
Something he racked his brain over to the point of overstudying her every move and words, going as far as asking details about herself, that, as much interesting, were of little help in his quest for answers.
Why did such a fascinating girl, so intelligent and knowledgeable, have to be also such a crybaby ?
Not finding an answer on his own, he decided to ask her directly, without beating around the bush as usual.
It was a normal day like any other … almost it was, because in truth things were soon to turn into so much more.
She had just delivered him the book he requested from her some days ago when he went straight to point out how sensitive she was, he immediately regretted it, or he would have if he was human, he would have never admitted it, but the pang in his heart left no space for doubt of sorts.
“You seem to be quite oversensitive, if you want to survive in the palace for one month it will do good to strengthen up.”
He saw in her eyes how much his raw words wounded her heart, but before he could fully grasp its depth she had already shaken her head offering him a smile, so blatantly weary and duller than the bright ones he was used to, it was painful to look at. 
“Thank you, Prince Chevalier, I will keep it in mind.”
That new piece of information clicked in the proper place in his mind, filling another line with information written in her book, yet not enough thought to make him blunt his sharp edges, brushing off her delicateness as something she would have learned to strengthen during her stay at the palace, if she was wise enough to follow his advice that is.
He almost believed she had got used to his harsh words expecting her to grow though sooner or later … when one day she snapped at him, proving to him that there indeed was something he could fail at, and it was showing his emotions.
It was an afternoon like all the others, his expression ever stern as he looked at her sitting in front of his desk, petals, and leaf stuck in her curls, the prank a gentle courtesy of Clavis to have fun, he never cared anything for the amusement of his brother, but it was an entirely different matter when they affected his job, slowing it, or so he told himself.
His emotions had the best of him, strangely so, making his words sound harsher than what he intended to, echoing in the still air of the office.
 “You are no more than a fool simpleton, to not have noticed such a simple trick. I expect you to be presentable for dinner.”  
He could feel the instant he shut his mouth the damage his words had done, the way she flinched back unconsciously from him while she trembled, better would have been to see rage rather than sadness.
It was not the first time he called her that, but it was the first time he fully snapped at her.
Something akin to regret flickered in his heart, but he ignored it.
He shot her a last glance, certain she would have resumed her composure in a while … but much to his amazement he was wrong. 
What he saw froze the blood in his veins, her eyes, usually so bright and cheerful, were now dull and filled with tears already prickling the corners of her eyes, a tight line curled that lips he got used seeing smiling at everyone, like a fool, he would have said, failing to notice that kindness wasn't a synonym of stupidity, and he was going to learn it the hard way.
She shot him a glance, more piercing than a stab in his heart, as she rose from her seat, sending it tumbling to the ground in her haste to get away from him, not answering even when he pronounced her name.
He was baffled for the first time in his whole life, unable to know how to react, insecure of saying or doing the wrong thing … but he had no time for that anyway, because before he could react she was already out of the office. 
She slammed the door behind her back before running away, putting as much space as possible between her and him. 
However at least dinner time arrived, to no surprise she didn’t join them, as scheduled, at that sight something close to sadness flickered in his heart, promptly brushing off as he sat at the table like nothing had happened.
And nothing did … apparently.
Inside him a battle of emotions, he didn’t understand and he didn't even want, roamed in his heart, not able to keep him from shifting his attention to the meal and the conversation going on, that strangely so seemed much duller than they ever were.
It was only after dinner that Clavis informed him, interrupting his reading, she had yet to step out of her room letting inside not even Rio to bring her something to eat.
The moment the news reached his ear he knew he had to step in, she may have been angry or upset at him all she wanted but she needed to eat.
Swiftly he went to the kitchen to fetch her a meal, going as far as preparing something he remembered she said to be one of her favourites, before striding toward her room.
Chevalier knew he didn't have to do this, he simply could order some maid around or one of his brothers, maybe Leon would have been the best fit for the job, and yet he couldn't let it fall, he was the one that made her cry, and so he had to take responsibility for the state he put her in.
He stared at the door, hoping she would have opened it herself, even though he knew it to be a foolish idea and so after a while he knocked softly.
But he didn't not receive an answer… as predictable.
The minutes flew by and his knock remained unanswered he had to admit, against his will, he was beginning to worry, the tray in his hands began to tremble, out of the tiredness of his arms surely due to all the sword training.
Lies he told himself to tame his worry, but to no avail.
What for ?
His mind, ever logical, couldn't find an answer to it and he refused to listen to his heart.
After all, it is not like she was his wife or something.
Not yet.
That thought robbed the air from his lungs as he unconsciously leaned to the door frame only to regain his composure, he told himself, but his racing heart betrayed the true reason why he was doing that to catch any noise from inside and, possibly, barge in at the minimum strange rumor he heard.
Noiselessly he opened the door sliding inside, there crouched on the bed was her, her little frame taking but a small portion of the large bed, whose blankets were scattered all around her, portraying her feelings, shows of he was never capable of.
The only noise in the room, one of her shaking sighs and sniffles, as she wailed softly on the pillow, soaked already with her tears.
She was in that state because of him.
The mere thought was strangely unbearable to him, he gritted his teeth feeling his heart inexplicably clench in his chest.
Ever careful, he left the trail on a desk before approaching the bed, going for once against his mind that incited him to go away now that he could, listening for once to the heart beating in his chest.
He reached to brush his fingers on her forehead, hesitancy laced into his actions, confused by the way she flinched back from his touch, her misty eyes filled with fear as she gazed up at him.
It wasn’t certainly the first time he saw that kind of gaze, and yet this time burned far more than it ever did.
He found it strangely unbearable seeing her eyes looking at him the same way, where once there was bright trust, even admiration, at times, when he lent her books to learn, now there was only fear.
Immediately he whipped his hand away, more determined than ever to slide off the room, and never approach her any more for her own good … when he noticed something in the corner of his eyes.
She had snuggled closer to the edge of the bed where he was sitting on an armchair looking up at him with her misty eyes begging him to stay.
Certainly she was a weird girl if she still wanted to be in his company after what he did, but still, strangely so, he felt he couldn’t refuse her something so little if it was what she desired. 
His fingers reached once more for her, trembling lightly, and this time she did not turn away sighing softly at the clumsy caress of his hand on her hair as she relaxed against the pillow.
A show of vulnerability he found astoundingly brave, until he met her eyes, still misty with ill concealed tears, glimmering pleadingly to not mock her for the weakness she was showing him, but he had no intention to break her trust not now nor ever.
His voice a soft, heartfelt, murmur he hoped to be enough to convey his feelings for once and mend her broken heart.
“I apologise … little rabbit.” 
The cute nickname he used for her, along his voice, soft and sweet, almost cruelly so in contrast with his usual behaviour, made a weary light smile curl her lips while she nodded unconsciously, a sign of forgiveness and trust he would have never forgotten.
Slowly she entwined her fingers with his, relaxing under his ministrations, revelling in the warmth of his fingers caressing her hair brushing some last drop of tears away from her cheeks, leaving an achingly tender kiss on her forehead.
He wasn’t used to showing emotions, nor to be gentle … but for her he would have tried his best, hoping it would have been enough to not wound her heart.
This is the story of how the beast prince turned human with the love of a peculiar girl, who despite everything and against all odds stuck to him, proving him the inherent value and priceless worth of emotions, teaching him to show them as he teaches her everything she desired to know about the world … and about himself.
He became a different person and no one was more grateful for it than he was, able to finally let himself feel what he always yearned for, but never obtained, discovering it was indeed much better than how described in the books, for nothing was even remotely comparable to the feeling that linked their heart together, one they didn’t hesitate to recognize as love.
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wee-miss-noone · 2 months
List of books/Tv shows/other stuff that I would like to see Chase and co. visit
This is non-exhustive lsit so feel free to add more.
Also this list will include non-book media, because as far as I'm concerned things like plays and tv shows have to have a (physical) script at some point and you know what a script is? A story written out on bunch of pages tied together in book-like fashion. Check-mate baby.
Carmilla. This one is self explanatory. A hot lesbian villianess flirts and sort of seduces naive fair haired maiden. Somehow both the stuff of Chase's dreams (bcs vampires yay) and his worst nightmares (bcs he has to hang around Buddy, and also doubful consent). I just wanna watch these two dance around the plot trying to figure out how to make it work onsidering their relationship over all.
Swan lake. Idk I just think aesthetic would be pretty. Also I just imagine Chase only watched the Barbie movie version so he has no clue what he's in for. He's dissapointed though there's no unicorn.
Any isekai manhwa. I just wanna see how Chase's profesional story-hopping works within the context traditional isekai. Like is he just isekaining into the body of the od Heroine or is he also hijacking the mind of the isekaied real heroine?
She-ra and the Princesses of Power. Chase gets a cool sword, Buddy gets to be a cat (provided he's not going to take on the role of the Shadow Weaver but let's just assume that's not the case). also they are obligated to flirt again. Great!
Thorn of Court and Roses. Especially after Buddy and Chase grow closer. Feyre flips off all the male love interests and goes off to make out with Amarantha which incidentally solves her riddle breaking the curse (yeah I know Amarantha's very evil, but also I never cared for those books and I just thought it would be funny.)
lowkey Coraline but only with Chase. Yes it will be dark and unsettling, but I still think it would be interesting to see Chase dealing with Other Mother given his own baggage.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Chase and Buffy are just too much alike for this not to be fun. Blonde cheerleader-sort-of types that are willing to go anything for those they love and are sassy to boot (and crushing on vampires as if it's their job). Also depending on what season this would be Buddy could be either Cordelia, Drusilla, Gloria or Anya(? or Willow technically in one specific season) but to be honest I would really like to see him as either Gloria or Drusilla (RIP Spike, torn between these two women only for them to start making out).
Howl's Moving Castle - again just for Chase and Deacon maybe. I wanna see Chase inerract with book Howl.
My Lady Jane. Adding this one purely bcs I wanna know if Guildford Dudley would hate Deacon the same way all the other horses in stories do.
Okay this one is tricky but if they figured out a way to get into digital world, one of those "I was sold to One Direction/Justin Bieber is my new roomate/boss" self-insert fanfics. Purely for Chase as a treat/threat
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antikate · 11 months
I genuinely think romance is a deeply underrated genre that is sneered upon because of its associations with femininity; I think it’s utopian and hopeful and worthwhile and I crave good romance stories. At the same time I hate most romance novels that I try to read.
I had Covid this week and for a few days was too sick to even look at a book or screen so I downloaded a bunch of audiobooks from the library and I gave up on every single one of them:
1. Notorious by Minerva Spencer. I noped out of this a few pages in when one character was described as delectable and luscious and another character’s eyes were described as orbs. The book also comes with a whole heaping of misogyny and Islamophobia apparently.
2. Georgie All Along by Kate Clayborn. The first ??? 20 ??? Or so pages of this book consist of the heroine back in her home town and going into a deli to order a coffee and not having enough money to pay for it because she left her wallet in the car. 20 pages!!! It’s humiliating and is literally like being stuck in the head of the most neurotic person you’ve ever met. Page after page of this woman ruminating about what a loser she is. Exhausting! And I say this as someone who can ruminate at the Olympic level.
3. Pretty Pretty Boys by Gregory Ashe. This one is an m/m series about two cops who fall in love and I had hopes that it might be solid but the characterization was basically “whatever the author felt like writing”. Also the cops act like cops as in they’re abusive to random people and spend a lot of time being horrible, which I don’t really need in a romance.
4. Not Your Average Hot Guy, Gwenda Bond. Idk this was just. A bit? Boring? Also everyone was just a bit too self consciously sassy. The heroine runs an escape room but one of her props turns out to be actually a demonic book. I think one of my issues with this book and so many other romance novels is that banter is a real skill and most people can’t write it. But everyone, regretfully, tries.
5. Liar City, Allie Therin. There’s this one audiobook narrator who has such a snotty voice that I just cannot. This book might have been great but the instant I started listening I knew it was that dude. Maybe I’ll try it as an actual book.
6. The Blacksmith Queen by GA Aiken. This is one of the worst books I’ve ever tried to read. Truly. The heroine is a blacksmith and the hero is a centaur, which I thought sounded fun (also I was wondering how they’d have sex because I’m like that) but it was … puerile? Astonishingly stupid?
7.Capture the Crown, Jennifer Estep. This is also an absolutely idiotic book. The hero has amethyst eyes and the heroine has some other gem coloured eyes and someone else has sapphire eyes and if you took a shot every time it someone’s eye colour was described as a jewel tone you’d be hospitalised for alcohol poisoning by about page four.
8. A taste of gold and iron, Alex Rowland. This is decently written - as in the prose is solid - but the plot is half baked, the characters are tedious, and the world building is intriguing but paper thin. I’d say it’s a much better book than most here, but I still couldn’t bring myself to finish.
Not everything I’d read lately has been terrible so here’s some romance or romance adjacent books I have actually enjoyed:
1. The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang: This book is not going to change your life but it does what sets out to do with a slight if entertaining love story.
2. The Secret Lives of County Gentlemen, KJ Charles: I think Charles is one of the best and smartest historical romance writers I’ve ever read. Her books are everything I want out of romance: the characters are interesting, idiosyncratic, and sympathetic; the details feel right; the stories work; and the sex scenes are both hot and do important plot and character work. Her books are swoony and emotional and feel very real while still being romantic. (The audio narrator of this let it down a little because he took a lot of odd pauses but I’m being super nitpicky.)
3. A Far Wilder Magic, Allison Saft: This is a sweet YA novel set in an interesting fantasy world - I really enjoyed the prickly heroine and her dog.
4. In Memoriam, Alice Winn: This beautiful, heart-rending novel is not exactly a romance - it’s set during WW1 and has very explicit and realistic scenes set in the trenches. The trauma and suffering of the war are achingly portrayed. But it is a love story between two young soldiers, even if it’s not necessarily one with an easy or simple ending. Highly recommend with the caveat that Winn does not shy away from the brutality and senselessness of WW1.
5. Thornhedge, by T Kingfisher: This is a brief but resonant Sleeping Beauty retelling. Not exactly a romance but also not unromantic. My only complaint is that I wanted more. I’m a big T Kingfisher fan, and I adore her practical, earthy characters (like Toadling).
6. We Could Be So Good, Cat Sebastian: I’m here for everything Sebastian writes. Her books are low stakes but still compelling, her characters are likeable and complex, I actually enjoy her banter, and she has a knack for capturing historical details and moments. Her conflicts never feel fake and the resolutions are always earned.
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imagitory · 10 months
Review: Wish (2023) [SPOILERS]
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Evening, everyone! Tonight my mother and I went to go see Disney's most recent film, Wish, which fortunately came to theaters in my area right before its formal American release date. I'd been very curious to see how this tribute to Disney's last 100 years of filmmaking would turn out, and now that I've seen it...well, I have to be honest, I was a little disappointed. I want to be very clear both that I was going into this with a rather sunny outlook and that there are things I really liked in this film...but overall, it felt like a lot of the good ideas it had were only half-baked, and I found myself -- forgive me -- "wishing for something more" than what we got.
For a more comprehensive deep-dive...a cut!
The Good!
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+The single best element in this film for me was Chris Pine's performance as our villain, Magnifico. There are definitely some things I can critique about Magnifico's overall storyline and "character arc" further down, but Chris was clearly having a grand old time being an egotistical, sassy jerkwad, and it totally showed. Even in his villain song This is The Thanks I Get?, which just screamed "passive-aggressive abusive parent," you can hear how much fun Chris was having in the studio, recording it. I just about always enjoyed when Magnifico was on screen, and I actually did really like the idea that a lot of his villainy is rooted in him being obsessed with control over everyone and everything. In a weird way, Magnifico's turn to the Dark Side parallels Anakin Skywalker's in the sense that he lost so much in the past that he's determined to never lose anything important to him again -- especially the power he's accrued to make himself feel strong, after having felt so powerless. I find that very interesting, and I kind of wish that aspect was really highlighted more in the story, but we'll talk about that later.
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+Asha was a likable enough heroine, even if I found her to be a lot like a two-way fusion of Mulan and Anna placed in a vaguely Snow-White-ish role in her clearly Seven-Dwarf-inspired friend group. Ariana DeBose portrayed her rather well, both acting and singing-wise. I also liked the "social justice" bent to Asha's character where she wants better things not just for herself and her family, but also Rosas overall -- in the French translation of her main song "This Wish," they even push this further by having Asha wish "to see the world happy again someday." We haven't seen a heroine really express this kind of desire for a positive change in the world since Esmeralda in The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and that's cool! Plus representation in mainstream media for previously underrepresented groups is always nice. ^.^
+As much as I don't think they all got enough focus as individuals, I liked Asha's friend group! Especially the fact that it is a friend group made up of people that are around the same age as our protagonist, which -- let's be honest -- isn't that common for Disney heroines. Often with "sidekick groups," you're more likely to have situations like Cinderella with the mice (who are more like cutesy sidekicks than equals) or Snow White with the Dwarfs (who are all quite a bit older than our heroine)...so a friend group made up of peers with their own personalities and motivations was kind of fun.
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+The setting of Rosas itself could be pretty. I liked a lot of the Mediterranean-inspired architecture, especially inside Magnifico's tower.
+The combination of 3D and 2D-esque animation was also interesting! It really served to give the film its own distinctive visual style that sets it apart from other Disney projects, which I always appreciate.
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+Star was...cute. Obviously just designed to sell plushies and definitely reminded me way too much of Kirby, but cute enough. I do think it's kind of cool that they're never gendered at all in the entire movie, because it'd be silly to think of a sweet little androgynous ball of stardust as being specifically male or female.
+I liked the idea of Simon "betraying" Asha, only to be turned into a pawn by Magnifico in the process, but not being treated unsympathetically by the story for it. Didn't love the full execution of the idea, but hey, that's what the negative section is for.
+The idea of everyone finding the power inside of themselves to stand up against Magnifico (because they're "all stars," and presumably all have the magic needed to make their wishes come true) was a little predictable, but still sweet. I have problems with how the film wrote it (which we'll get to), but the idea itself was wholesome and fitting.
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+I like several of the songs, just on their own -- I added This Wish and Knowing What I Know Now on my ITunes as soon as I first heard them prior to the film's release, and now I've added At All Costs too: it's a really pretty duet! (Gorgeous work, Chris and Ariana!) I'll leave my praise here, though, because sadly the soundtrack is going to get a lot of discussion in the less positive section.
The Not-So-Good...
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+This film being "Disney's 100th anniversary film" really got in the way of this movie telling a compelling and unique story sometimes. The whole movie really twisted itself into a pretzel trying to check off all the usual Disney tropes, and there were points that certain choices made the story seem incredibly stilted. For instance, one common Disney trope is a dead parent, so of course Asha has lost her father -- but we learn so little about him and he ends up playing such a small role in Asha's arc and story that it seems like an unnecessary detail. Asha's grandfather honestly plays more of a role in Asha's motivation throughout most of the film, so it would've made just as much sense to have Asha's grandfather be the one who believed in stars having power, rather than her father. Another example is the concept of the cute animal sidekick who's just there to make jokes -- as much as Valentino the goat didn't annoy me personally, he added just about nothing of value to the story whatsoever aside from comic relief, in contrast to other funny sidekicks like Sebastian from The Little Mermaid or Olaf from Frozen, who also serve a plot purpose and have a developed relationship with the protagonists. Then there's Asha being cut from the same "naive, awkward, wide-eyed idealist" cloth as many of our Disney Revival heroines like Anna, Rapunzel, and up to a certain point even Mirabel are; Star being in a similar vein to cutesy, innocent sidekicks like Pua, Crikee, and Baymax while Valentino is more akin to sassier, comic ones like Mushu and Sisu; her friends literally being based on the Seven Dwarfs from Snow White; our heroine getting a pretty standard "I Want" song and the villain getting his own solo number that doesn't really take any risks...oh yes, and we mustn't forget the trope of the Storybook opening, which (I'm sorry) I know was supposed to be a reference to Snow White, Cinderella, and Enchanted, but just gave me Shrek vibes the entire time. I was waiting for Shrek to rip out the page and use it for toilet paper any minute. It just felt a lot of the time like the movie was very paint-by-numbers, rather than throwing in much that was surprising or different.
+This isn't even touching all of the pointless meta references to other Disney movies. Asha wearing the Fairy Godmother's cloak and getting a wand like hers at the end -- the mushrooms crowing "we love crazy!" the way Hans did in Love is an Open Door -- Asha riding the reindeer the way Kristoff did in Frozen 2 -- Magnifico using green smoke hands a la Ursula -- the ending with those obvious Wendy and Peter Pan look-alikes, come on, really??? That was just painful.
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+As much as Magnifico was an awesome idea for a character and Chris Pine's performance was beyond entertaining, the movie did not always write him as well as they could've. From the very start, we see this guy is an egotistical control freak -- obsessed with his own image, incredibly hard-to-please, arrogant, vain, desperate for attention and unwavering praise and adoration from all of his subjects, and determined to keep an iron grip on everyone else's wishes because of the power it gives him. He's ALREADY a terrible person, from the start -- and yet the film tries to introduce this dark magic book that gets no explanation or backstory whatsoever and has no real characterization or presence, so it leaves no real impact on the audience corrupting him and making him a bad person, when it didn't need to! Magnifico was already the villain this film needed! Just let him fall head-first into madness without the book prompting anything! Even if Magnifico "lost everything" in the past, that doesn't make him a good person, if he takes everyone's wishes away from them and hoards them all to himself, only to grant a few now and again when it would make him look good.
+This above point actually leads nicely into one change I really, really wish the film had been ballsy enough to make -- have Asha already be Magnifico's apprentice, not trying to become it at the start of the story. Give our villain and hero a real relationship, with history that started before the events of this film! Asha lost her father at the age of 12...how interesting would it have been -- whether to make Magnifico more of an anti-villain or show how manipulative he really is -- if he'd tried to fill that fatherly role for our main character and twist her to serve his ends? What if At All Costs was rewritten to be about Magnifico not just being determined to hold onto all of the kingdom's wishes, but also this apprentice he sees as an extension of him and his legacy, while Asha is determined to protect this Star she's accidentally summoned and the suppressed wish of hers it represents? This change would've made Asha's break with Magnifico so much more powerful for both of them -- it would've both justified Magnifico's descent into madness and given Asha more reason to feel like it was her responsibility to stop Magnifico. You even could've then played more with Asha's relationship with Queen Amaya too, in this kind of a scenario.
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+Oh yeah, and on that note, Queen Amaya. OOH, this really annoyed me -- okay. So this woman is supposed to be a good guy, in this story. But as I touched on earlier, Magnifico was already a pretty awful person, hoarding people's wishes away in order to make himself powerful. Was Amaya truly so blind to that? Did she truly never question anything, ever? But no, really, she only turns on Magnifico after he starts using the dark magic book and actively threatens her. Only that makes her turn from him, and it's pretty damn immediate. Now okay, I hear you saying, it's like Amaya sings in Knowing What I Know Now, right? "The good in him, I've watched it melt // I was blinded by the love I felt"? Excuse me, lady -- but Magnifico wasn't a good person, before. He was just playing a part so as to stay powerful and adored by the masses. And if the story wants to claim otherwise, and act like that dark magic book was responsible for Magnifico going bad, then why would our Queen decide to keep him locked up in his staff's crystal forever? If the book was responsible, then Magnifico would be the Frodo or Golum to the book's One Ring -- he'd be a victim, in such a scenario: one in need of help and pity, not punishment. So either Amaya is a selfish person who only cared about her husband's mistreatment of others when it affected her, or she's a needlessly cruel person who decides to punish her husband for a vice that anyone could fall prey to. Either way, I don't want this woman ruling anyone! Make this woman a straight-up villain, same as her husband, and have the whole monarchy come crashing down after she and Magnifico both go down in flames! VIVE LA RESISTANCE! (Playing into my idea with Asha being Magnifico's apprentice all along, maybe there could even be a twist on the Evil Stepmother trope with Amaya, where she's jealous of how much Magnifico has tried to groom Asha as his apprentice, rather than spending time and/or starting a family with her or something.)
+As I touched on earlier, there wasn't even close to enough time to develop all of these characters properly. Since our heroine and friends are most similar to Snow White and her friends the Seven Dwarfs, let's compare cast size. Snow White is 83 minutes long and has a cast of ten (Snow, the Prince, the Queen, and the Dwarfs) -- Wish is 95 minutes long and has a cast of fourteen (Asha, Magnifico, Star, Valentino, Amaya, Asha's mum and grandpa, and our seven Friends). This results in us getting the vague idea that "Grumpy" role Gabo is sweet on our "Bashful" role Bazeema, but no time to develop their relationship or give it any kind of conclusion; the others saying "Sneezy" role Safi apparently loves the castle chickens with no sympathetic explanation why, to the point that he gets super excited about a chicken growing to a giant size for no real reason; "Doc" role Dahlia having a crush on Magnifico that is then dropped immediately after Asha turns against him; oldest kid and "Sleepy" role Simon feeling incomplete without the dream he gave Magnifico and "betraying" Asha as a result in an attempt to get it back, only to get stabbed in the back by Magnifico, and then have no time for a proper redemption after he's unhypnotized; Asha's grandfather turning on a dime about whether or not he wants to know what his wish was if Magnifico thought it was dangerous; Magnifico getting some justification in his backstory for his bad behavior, but Amaya's backstory being a complete black hole before she married Magnifico when you'd think it'd explain all the more why she stuck with him so long; and Asha's mum having her wish crushed to dust by Magnifico and then given back without us EVER LEARNING WHAT IT EVEN WAS IN THE FIRST PLACE, even after we see just about everyone else's wishes as soon as somebody picks it up and Asha's mum's wish gets picked up multiple times!! Come on, if you're going to set up NOT showing it, you may as well have a pay-off for it!! At least give us some moment where Asha's mum hugs her in relief and acknowledges that her daughter was her wish! That would've been a nice "aww" moment for everyone!
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+Okay, I said I was going to talk about my problem with the songs, so here goes. As I said before, I listened to the soundtrack before watching the movie, and even when I did, I could immediately sense a problem: these songs did not tell me much of anything about the movie, just on their own. Welcome to Rosas, which is pretty much just an exposition dump about the kingdom and how Magnifico founded it, didn't really paint a picture of our setting or characters much at all, the way opening songs like Belle or The Family Madrigal do. This Wish, although pretty, was something I could hear just as easily on the radio -- it didn't feel as tied or necessary to understanding our heroine the way something like Part of That World does. I'm a Star, quite frankly, felt like a lot of inspirational word salad, rather than anything particularly memorable or revelatory -- why else wouldn't it even be worthy of a musical salute in the reprise, where Asha remembers that she and everyone else are stars during the climax? Even after reading summaries of the plot and spoilers from the storybook for this film, I could not figure out for the life of me how At All Costs would fit organically into such a story, being sung by our villain and hero. It wasn't until I saw the film that I saw how the filmmakers decided to fit it in and honestly...the song didn't help tell that particular scene at all. It's a really pretty song and I like it a lot -- but it lacked any of the irony or contrast that kind of a scene that introduces the difference in focus between our hero and villain required. If the scene itself is needed to understand what's supposed to be going on while the song is playing, then the song is not effectively telling the story and is therefore unnecessary. There wasn't even a particularly Spanish or Mediterranean flair to the soundtrack to help set the stage, aside from the occasional flourish of castanets -- instead it sounded very contemporary, which I guess is appropriate, since it was largely written by pop composers rather than any musical theater talent.
+There were also points where the songs felt the urge to shove in a bunch of extra words just because, rather than have the words flow well and really mean something. I'm a Star is most guilty of this, of course, but even in This is the Thanks I Get?, we hear Magnifico gripe that "I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent" -- mate, THAT MEANS THE SAME THING! If you live somewhere for free, then you are NOT paying rent!
+Knowing What I Know Now is a bop and I like it (aside from Amaya's stupidity), but I'm sorry, all I can think when I hear it is "This is clearly trying to be Ready as I'll Ever Be from Tangled the Animated Series, but that song blows this out of the water." However fun the song can be, it would've been so much stronger if it actually addressed the contrast between the characters and revved us up for a big final battle, instead of it just being our eight underdeveloped characters psyching each other up.
+The idea of everyone being stars was a lovely idea, but the execution of Asha remembering this fact and using it to defeat Magnifico was terribly handled. First off, there was no revelatory phrase or action that prompted Asha to remember this fact, so her suddenly saying that "they're all stars" came out of nowhere. Second, even putting aside that there'd be no way any of her friends could hear Asha from all the way up on the tower if they're stuck in the courtyard below, there's no reason I can see for Asha's friends or family to know what the hell she was even TALKING about. They weren't there when the I'm a Star number happened! And the way that number made it seem, just based on the visuals, it looked like the "star" power came from a person's dream, since it's the same glow that returns to Asha's grandfather when he gets his dream back, but most of the town's dreams have been already yanked out by Magnifico at this point! I think the idea is that since everyone is a star, even with that big piece of them and the power accompanying it taken out, they still have enough stardust inside of them to be powerful enough to chase their heart's desires...but yeah, I'm sorry, for all the word salad I'm a Star threw around, this world-building aspect was really not made clear, and because of that and the lack of a proper callback to this plot turn, the climax didn't hit as strong as it should've.
Overall, this film felt a lot like a batch of unbaked chocolate chip cookies that someone decided to throw a bunch of brightly colored sprinkles on top of, just because they could. A lot of ideas just don't feel like they were fully developed, and there was a lot tossed in that didn't contribute to the overall taste or bring the disparate elements together in a cohesive whole, instead feeling more like a distraction than anything of actual substance. That doesn't mean I couldn't eat it -- I like eating cookie dough as much as the next person -- but that doesn't mean it felt like a complete, finished product worthy of great praise. Instead I'm left looking at the wasted potential and wishing the movie had carved out its own path more, one distinctive to itself, rather than just be a mashup of previous Disney concepts and tropes. I won't act like there's nothing to like here, nor that it's completely lacking in heart: I actually would love to see fandom for this movie re-imagine it in ways that could've improved the story and characters, because there were SO many good ideas here...but for me personally, this movie left me colder than it should've and -- like Asha after meeting Magnifico -- a bit disappointed.
So I make this wish...to have Disney make a film better than this.
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Overall Grade: C-
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
Hoodie - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Smut 💕(Missionary and Male to Female Oral)
Requested by ab1nsur
"I think you should dress like that from now on when it's just us"
"You think I look sexy wearing your hoodie with my outfit underneath?"
Link to art: https://www.deviantart.com/jmascia/art/Hoodie-Supergirl-501570182
A yawn came from the bedroom as the morning sun shined on through the curtains onto the king-sized bed that was shared between two people that lived under the shared roof.
Y/N yawned as his eyes began to open a little more, his arm drifted toward his right, knowing he would feel "her" sleeping beside him, but... He felt nothing, just the cover on the matrass and the feeling of the soft bedsheets on his hand.
He looked narrowly toward that same side, knowing it was rather odd for him to not wake up beside the love of his life who he began dating months ago, heck it's almost been a year since they began dating before they got intimate, sharing their feelings for each other, whether that be during their job or not.
Their job? Protecting the innocent of course! Keeping Earth safe from any who wish to harm its people. Earth was his home too, a "home away from home" according to his refugee mother, he always was reminded that he was pretty lucky to be born after his mother escaped the hell-scape of a war-torn planet she lived on.
That was years ago, Y/N was now 19 years old, living in his shared home with the one person he fell in love with, he had met her during their hero work of course, his technology is what interested her since she was a huge fan over tech, especially the technology of her own people, the Kryptonians.
He loves her for who she is, just a cheery, sassy and out most beautiful blonde girl and they were friends since 16 years old before dating at the age of 18 after confessing their feelings for each other, for it was a "good luck" kiss that made him realize she liked him and has for a while. After all... He has been by her side all this time, defending her from any who badmouth her, that did include civilians who once blamed her for destruction of property, saying what ever she touched, would be destroyed... Thankfully that was dealt with ages ago, other wise those humans probably wouldn't be alive due to a certain boy at the time.
He gets out of the bed with a yawn, grabbing a t-shirt he took off the from last night and pulled it over his head, stretching out his arms as he puts the short sleeves on while walking toward the shared bathroom to brush his teeth, he cared not for a shower at this minute since he smelled something cooking out from the bedroom.
Meanwhile, a humming blonde girl is seen making breakfast for herself and her seemingly now awakened boyfriend, she heard him quietly yawn thanks to her super hearing and also hearing the tap running in the bathroom also.
The smell of what is called the Great British Fry-Up, consisting of bacon, fried eggs, sausages, black pudding and toasted buttered bread on the side, most of it was on a plate for herself and her boyfriend as she was just cooking the fried eggs which were almost ready.
She then heard her boyfriend walking in, without the need of her X-ray vision, she began smirking since she was wearing something that belonged to him, over what she wears out there as her heroic self, the blue crop top and red panties instead of her blue skirt with the yellow belt, yellow outlines on her top with a shield glyph in the middle donning an S, which was her family glyph.
The whole world knew her as the Heroine: Supergirl, but her close family and friends knew her as Kara Zor-El and her alter-ego in the public also: Linda Lang, the niece of Lana Lang.
Lana Lang, Kara Zor-El, Supergirl... They're same person, only two is an alien refugee while being a Superhero, while the other is hiding in plain sight as a normal Human girl, blending into society.
"Morning Ba -" her boyfriend stopped for a moment as he took in what he saw, she was wearing one of his hoodies; in fact it was one of his favorite ones he usually wears out in public, under his "secret identity", he began chuckling at the sight as she smiled after looking back at him.
"Morning handsome" she spoke to her soulmate with a huge smile before she let out a little giggle, he walked closer to her as she focused on making the last few eggs on the frying pan.
"I thought I smelled something, don't need super senses to tell me what you're making, not like I have any anyway ~" he hugged her from behind, placing his lips on her cheek as he watched her cook - "Wearing one of my hoodies now huh?" he asked her as his hands travelled around her hips to the point he could feel her skin under the hoodie, knowing very well she was wearing her Supergirl crop top underneath.
"Yep, and I think it looks damn good on me" she chuckled, her eyes still on the pan.
"You're right about that... It makes you look pretty sexy, you should dress like this from now on when it's just us" he suggested, his hands drifting down a little lower from her stomach to just about her panties, teasing her a little as she slightly purrs at his touch.
"You think I look sexy wearing your hoodie with my outfit underneath?" she cooed with a smirk as she just finished frying the eggs on the pan, scooping them up not long after to gently place them on her plate and his afterwards.
She took the time to turn her body round to face him before planting a kiss on his lips for a few short seconds.
"Yeah, makes you look hot" he spoke into her lips, pulling back as his girlfriend simply smiled.
"Breakfast is ready honey" she gestured to the plates, waiting to be picked up.
"I love you babe, and I gotta say? You're getting better at cooking" he complimented, before unwrapping his arms around her to pick up his plate.
"Love you too, and yeah. You can thank Megan for that, she taught me how to cook better when I was hanging around with her and the Titans" she replied with a smile, also picking up her plate and walking over to the kitchen table where the both sat.
"Miss Martian? That makes sense" he spoke as Kara shot out her heat vision at his food to heat it back up, along with hers.
"Alright, I wanna know how well I've cooked this time around, so..." she smiled as the two dug in...
"Okay, that was actually really nice Kara, best breakfast hands down"
"Aww, thanks honey" she was simply overjoyed by her boyfriend's reaction to the breakfast she made, their plates were from full to empty.
"It's nice for you to cook for a change, knowing you told me the last time you ever cooked, you burned something that was cooking in the stove/oven and overcooked something else after that" he spoke as the both began to chuckle.
"Yeah, honestly I just wanted to surprise you since our anniversary is coming up, we've been together for almost a year now, thought I'd show you what I've learnt recently ~" she winked - "Also, there's still some leftovers if you want them, cooked extra incase if you were hungry" she added.
"Hmm ~" he thought, he was in fact hungry but the more he thought about it, he became hungry for something else... He was hungry for her - "Well... I am hungry for something else" he began to smirk as she raised an eyebrow.
"And what exactly are you hungry for?" she chuckled, smiling a little while also looking slightly confused, what else would he be hungry for?
"Well... I'm looking at it right now" he replied, not taking his eyes off of her as her eyes widened before a huge grin grew on her face, knowing exactly what he meant with being hungry for her.
"If that's the case..." she spoke in an alluring tone of voice, standing up from her seat as he did the same.
The two walked up to each other before their bodies made contact, their lips crashed onto each other as they began making out.
Her hands explored his body, she knew he didn't go for a shower but that didn't matter right now, all she wanted was for him to have her since he was hungry for her.
She began pulling at his shirt, hinting at him to take it off as he did so, she purred upon seeing his body once more which she fantasizes over, she used to have wet dreams about his body, how it made her purr, turning her on in ways she never thought possible but thankfully she had a much more better control of her powers... Except when it came to the finale of sex with him, they both knew the amount of stuff that got destroyed in their time spent together when things turned sexual. Sometimes she just needed him so she could just feel relaxed after a hard day, she couldn't help it and neither could he.
Everything was amazing about her, he loved that she uses her powers at times, how the last time they done it in the sky, he always thought back to that time and remembered she wanted to do it on Mount Everest though he feared they could probably destroy the mountain after a good time.
Their tongues danced as their hands explored each others bodies, Kara was tempted to take the hoodie off but he insisted her to keep it on, even the crop top underneath so he knows he's fucking the Girl of Steel.
Next thing is... Y/N had her pinned to the wall, allowing him to take control as his stray hand slipped down her pants to the part that made her squirm and beg for more, his fingers teasing her clitoris as he slowly done circles around it, warming her up.
In a sense, Supergirl is invulnerable to mostly everything on Earth, except magic based sources and but of all: Kryptonite and its many variations... Well, excluding Blue Kryptonite.
She's bulletproof, not a single human being can harm her normally, she's faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, can leap tall buildings in a single bound let alone be able to defy gravity and fly, even out of Earth's atmosphere and fly around in the vast of space... But she's very vulnerable to a single mortal being's touch? That being her boyfriend's touch?? He maybe half alien but he's also half human and considers himself as a human.
"Oh fuck you're making me wet" she purred as she bit her lip, feeling two of his fingers entering her as he went for her neck, pecking and biting it to give her a hickey, marking her as his and only his.
She moans softly as her body began to squirm a little more, her breaths getting shaky before she forced him to look at her and began making out with him again, while being pinned to the wall behind her.
His fingers soon exit out of her, dragging his hand out from her panties as he pulls back to breath after a long minute make out session.
The hoodie wearing Girl of Steel simply smirked before wrapping her arms around him and speeding them both to the bedroom, where things would continue on in there.
She had already took off her red panties, dropping them to the floor before laying on her back on the messy bedsheets, stretching her legs outwards to invite him in.
She began playing with herself in front of him as the bump in his pants began to grow, but he didn't want to fuck her right at this minute, he wanted to do something else to her vagina.
He lowered himself down onto her, his face coming close to her clit, she began to gasp before letting out a fit of arousing giggles which soon turned into moans upon his tongue licking her clitoris.
She looked at him, her hand at the back of his head as she used one elbow to support herself on the bed to get a better look at his work on her, his tongue teasing her entrance as he continued to warm her up.
Her moans escaped with ecstasy, her gaping mouth as she moans in pleasure, feeling his tongue go inside her as he flicked it round.
"Ahhh yeah" she moans softly, rocking her head back as her eyes roll up.
She was right about one thing... Only one person on Earth could make her vulnerable without the need of magic or Kryptonite, it was her boyfriend, his touch alone is enough to make her like this... Especially when she's this aroused.
Her moans increased as his tongue continued to warm her up to the point she began playing with her clitoris, rubbing it as he continued flicking his tongue.
She felt herself coming to orgasm the more she worked herself up with him eating her out, she really wanted to orgasm so badly, it had only been a month since she last orgasmed.
Her hopes to orgasm came to an end for a few seconds as he pulled his tongue out, getting up by pulling down his boxers next.
Before she could even pout, she felt his manhood enter her as she let out a surprised gasp, beginning to thrust into her deeply, her wet vaginal walls had lubed his shaft as he thrusted deeply a few more times before continuing at a normal pace.
"Oh Rao, fuck yes Y/N! Right fucking deep in there" she cursed with a huge grin on her face, a fit of aroused laughter escaping her mouth as he passionately thrusted into her.
He began to grope her breasts through her outfit's crop top, glancing down at the S on her top as he began to smile, letting out a moan as her walls began to close on his penis, he had already eaten her out and it satisfied him, now with this? He was satisfied even more, hearing her moans as he continued thrusting into her tight pussy.
"Oh F-FUCK! I'm c-cumming!!" she cursed out which began loudly before it tuned down as she felt herself beginning to orgasm, moaning loudly as she did so, the orgasm was pretty powerful enough to make the room shake a little.
She kept her eyes on him, not breaking eye contact as she continued climaxing as he slowed down his thrusts, he began groaning a little as he slowed down, allowing her to finish her orgasm... But he didn't stop there.
"Y'know? ~" he began smirking - "You may have finished... But I haven't" he chuckles as a huge grin creeped up on her face, an excited laugh escaping her throat as he began to speed up his thrusts.
Wet noises began sounding off due to Kara's orgasm with her boyfriend's manhood still inside her pussy, easily slipping in and out of her with precision.
Her moans continued with his noisy thrusts overlapping her moans, her pussy filled with her own juices began leaking out a little upon him pulling back his shaft to go deeper in her each thrust.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of her baby blues, he leaned down with a fiery kiss on her lips afterwards, thrusting his hips into her as his thighs began smacking off of her.
The two lovebirds moaned into each other's mouths, her moans increasing louder the more he kept going, getting rough with his thrusts... Just the way she loved it.
He grabs Kara's arms and pins them to the bed, asserting his dominance, although the Maiden of Might could easily break out of his grip, she simply couldn't because of how vulnerable she was right now, and she was living the dream.
"Keep going! Oh fucking Rao, fuck me like there's no tomorrow! rougher!! Faster!!!" she demanded with a growl, grinding her teeth as her cheeks turned a bright red, enjoying the feeling of him beginning to thrust rougher in her, laughing in pleasure as she kept her eyes on him, not breaking eye contact.
She loved the way he makes her vulnerable, the way he pins her down and fucks her, she always thinks about the way he fucks her in any position when she wears his hoodies, t-shirts and vests when he's not around.
And now? She's getting fucked while wearing his hoodie over her Supergirl crop top.
Her legs wrap around his back, she could feel his cock beginning to twitch more inside her as he kept his rough and fast thrusts going, wet noises escaping her pussy.
From her move, the feeling of her legs wrapping around his back, he could tell she wanted him to finish inside of her, despite the fact she can't necessarily get pregnant easily, a procedure would have to be done for that.
He kept thrusting as he began to feel his cock twitching more, which meant one thing - "Fuck, Kara. I'm gonna -"
"Do it! I want it all in me" she quickly interrupted with a moan, grinning knowing he didn't exactly have a choice to orgasm out of her with her legs wrapped around his back.
"Mmmmph, ughhhh" a groan escaped from him while she moaned loudly, feeling him deeply thrusting in her a few more times before releasing, his body on top of her as he dug his face into the crook of her neck with him draining all of his juices that built up in him, into her.
He lifted his face up with a satisfied sigh while looking into Kara's baby blues once more and kissing her deeply, thrusting his cock a little more into her to finish off.
They both settled down after a minute passes, Kara giggles as she heard a pop sound upon his penis exiting her pussy before her boyfriend laid down next to her.
She shifted herself to him by lying her head on his chest, smiling with satisfaction - "Now that's one way to start the morning after breakfast" she broke the silence with a satisfied sigh.
"Well ~" he began, Kara looked up at him from his chest - "You deserve it after making a good breakfast for both of us ~" he complimented, gently tapping her on the nose - "Boop"
"You're freaking cute at times, y'know that?" she began giggling, booping his nose back too.
"Says you ~" he scoffed - "You're the cutest person I've ever met, especially since your wearing my hoodie, cutie" he smiled.
"Aww, thanks honey" a blush arose up her cheeks, smiling ear to ear.
"No problem babe ~" he kissed her forehead - "It's the truth" he pecked her on the forehead once more as the two unknowingly stared at each other lovingly, getting lost into each other's eyes.
Her smile alone would give him butterflies in his stomach, it was a smile that would make a bad day turn good within a second, she radiated that sunshine of goodness and that's all he ever wanted.
He makes her feel the same way, both energetic at times who finishes each other's sentences, always a great team together.
"Well, I'm gonna get a shower -"
"Wanna join me? Yeah, I'll join" she interrupted, knowing what he was going to ask before both began erupting in a fit of laughter.
"Ugh I love it when you do that" he laughed, kissing her on the lips.
"Two minds, think alike, am I right?" she asked.
"Yeah, we both do think alike, and y'know what? After the shower, you better keep the hoodie on, I love the fact you've been wearing it" he smiled as the two began kissing again...
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zenkindoflove · 2 days
The fandom is so lucky to have you! We appreciate having you here and all that you contribute to it ❤️❤️
1. What brought you into the fandom?
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
3. Out of all of SJM’s books, which one means the most to you and why?
4. Out of all of the SJM couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc) which one means the most to you and why?
Keep doing you ❤️
Well isn't this kind and lovely! Thank you anon!
1. What brought you into the fandom?
Around September 2023 I was like - hmmm I should give that ACOTAR series everyone keeps talking about a try. And then I read the series in a week, read Elucien fanfic for the following week, and then started writing my own Elucien fanfic the week after. I probably started getting active on Tumblr around the end of December 2023/beginning of January 2024 and the rest is history. Elucien is what brought me here and why I stay. That's my OTP and I'm ride or die.
2. What character(s) do you feel the most connected to and why?
I definitely feel the most connected to Elain and Lucien as they are the ones I care about the most. Lucien was the first character I clung to. I really admire how SJM has written him so far, and all the details we have given of him show he is a kind and brave soul that walks his own path in life. And I'm a sucker for a hot sassy man with a tragic past.
For Elain, we have less of her but what we do have I've clung too and I would say I defend her as fiercely as Lucien. I think because of how much the fandom judges her harshly, it makes me more protective. I love female heroines that lead with kind hearts and soft touches. The ones who are smart socially and not always brash (I love those characters too but I am not as protective because most people tend to like them). I also relate to Elain being the peace maker in her family. Making herself small so that others have room for the attention they need. I probably project a lot into her but hey, that is natural to do with fictional characters.
I would also say in the last several months I've really connected to Eris' character too. Like Elain, we only know what we see on a surface level with him, but exploring him in my own fanfics has really made me latch onto him in a way that is more extreme than when I first read. I was always intrigued by him and the way he is presented as more grey and hints at some of the innate goodness he's hiding. But now I feel like I know him (or really the version of him I've created in my head).
3. Out of all of SJM's books, which one means the most to you and why?
Probably ACOWAR because it has the most Elucien development and we get some really good early insights into Eris' character. ❤️
4. Out of all of SJM's couples (fanon, canon, endgame, etc), which one means the most to you and why?
Elucien of course. They are my ACOTAR OTP. I will be truly upset if they aren't endgame in the same way I was upset when That 70s Show broke up Jackie/Hyde and I spent 3 years writing fix it fics. To me, they have so much potential to be the best couple in the series with the most compelling and heart felt story. I'm strapped in.
I will say too that my own personal fanon ship of Eris and my OC Alexius has really taken over my brain in a way that I didn't expect. Alexius isn't real in the same way canon characters are but he's very real to me at this point. Idk what that means for my future with reading Eris' story in canon because I'm such a loyalist to couples I ship (multishipping is not in my bones). But we will see. Basically I love playing in that world and I'm not going to stop for a long, long time.
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arxiel · 3 months
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Rolan x F!Tav
Chapter 4: Stubborn drunky tiefling
Rating: Mature
Summary: Tav arrives at the last light inn to find unpleasant surprises.
Words Count: 4,541
Or... read Bellow
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At the beginning of the journey from Elturel there were a total of sixty refugees, then in the grove they were reduced to forty-four refugees and now thanks to the ambush they were reduced to thirteen refugees.
Several days passed since that incident, the remaining refugees tried to help the harpers where they could, the children were having fun stealing from the wares and more survivors would arrive, even though they were not tieflings they were flaming fists making their way to Baldur's gate. Jaheira would instruct the children to serve drinks in the inn and Dammon to forge weapons for the harpers and the flaming fists. 
Rolan, by contrast, had neglected himself badly these days, eating too little, his hair would be half tied up, visible dark circles under his eyes would decorate his sickly face. He hadn't touched the bed fully and would sleep leaning against the bar until he drank again. 
He would see the harpers, tieflings and fiery fists passing through, but he didn't lift a finger to move away from the bar, even though he'd been instructed to rest. He simply by the pain and alcohol mixed together would repel anyone who wanted to help him. 
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On the other hand, the party would arrive in the shadowlands, going by way of the Underdark, avoiding some areas of cultist sightings. 
Then the group would proceed through the darkness with their torches until they came across some Harpers who would be ambushed by the shadows. 
Fighting through the shadows for them would be challenging with low light and threatened with the absorption of their vitality, but Shadowheart would save the situation with her guardian spirits spell. 
The harper group guided Yvainne and her team to the last light inn, although Jaheira did not give them a very warm welcome entangled her feet and her team's feet to prevent them from helping her. 
Yvainne in a weary effort to be released in the first instance with a "hello", Jaheira would explain the reasons why they would take refuge and eliminate any True Souls and cultists who dared to enter the inn. 
Mol arrives to help her, explaining to the high harpist that she is the heroine of the grove, which liberates the group. 
Yvainne would explain why they are not influenced by the absolute, and partially gain the harpist's trust. To which he would give her free passage to stay at the inn, even though there were no more beds available and they would barely have any drinks. 
"Well, what an all-inclusive hotel we're staying in, haha." Astarion would say sarcastically with his charming laugh.
"Regardless, I'm glad it turned out well." Gale said with a sigh of relief, approaching to Yvainne. 
"Oh, come on, Gale, don't tell me you doubted the power of our favorite flea?" Astarion said, pointing affectionately at Yvainne. Gale would sigh in relief that the situation didn't end in a fight as it usually does for the group. 
"A flea with the tongue of a dangerous witch perhaps." Shadowheart would say in her sassy tone. Her companions approached to see the minor injuries of her.
Except Karlach she seemed more excited to see her heroine than Yvainne's minor injuries from the vines. 
"Hang on Karlach, look who's there." Yvainne would point to Dammon who was grinding a blade. 
The party would escort Karlach who was triply excited to see her heroine and Dammon on the same day. 
"Gods I'm glad to see you again. We thought you would be dead by now, I mean... it's good to see all of you." Dammon said with genuine relief. He would partially explain what happened to the refugees without going into detail, it didn't seem to be something he remembered clearly. 
The group would note his sorrow for not being able to do much more, Karlach extended her hand to give him the missing infernal metal for her heart. 
The Tiefling's eyes shone, not with emotion any more but instead with sadness.  Dammon would take the metal to examine it and prepare it for Karlach's heart. 
She would take the metal and insert it into his heart to dissipate the heat. 
"Go on, give me your hand." Dammon would raise his hand for her to take it whenever she was ready.  Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale and Yvainne exchanged complicity glances.
Karlach, frightened, will close her eyes and touch Dammon's unprotected hand with her whole hand.  Surprised she would open her eyes and smile like never before as she felt Dammon's touch. 
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"Damn, I'm good. And you - You're very touchable." Dammon would gently squeeze Karlach's hand with a soft smile on his face. Both of them would slowly let go and Karlach wanted to continue to experience the sensation. 
"C'mere!" Karlach lifted Yvainne off the ground to give her a big hug. 
"I think we'll have to practice our strength Karlach, you'll take my soul out of me." Yvainne would laugh with difficulty, but she understood her friend's complete emotion. 
Dammon shamefully interrupted the emotional moment to give information to Karlach.  Her heart is not fit for her to be out of Avernus, if she doesn't return, she will die.  But Dammon promised that he will continue to look for any possibility to save her. 
The party would stare dumbfounded at Karlach who just stared sadly at the ground to make a decision.  She decided to live what was left and Dammon still kept his word to do everything he could to find a cure. 
At the end the group would walk away from Dammon to encourage Karlach without touching the subject of his impending death. 
"How exciting, I can finally touch, smack, everything." Karlach would express her immense happiness stirring Gale's and Astarion's hair. 
"Do you know how hard it is to do this gorgeous hair without looking in the mirror?!" said Astarion, trying to re-arrange his hair. 
Gale snapped his fingers to summon two wizard hands to organize his hair and Astarion's hair. 
"Glad we have a wizard with a lot of vanity around here to save the day." Astarion give Gale a naughty grin, which he would end up rolling his eyes at his comment. 
"So Karlach, what are you going to do now that you can touch people?" Shadowheart would ask with a curiosity look. Karlach looked up at the sky with a thoughtful face. 
"First of all, find someone to spend the night with. Withers was looking at me with those crinkly eyes." Atarion and Gale would look at Karlach with laughter and disgust. 
"I think you should try who was squeezed your hand saying 'you're very touchable'." Karlach gasped at Yvainne comment, she wasn't the only one who thought it was a possible sign. 
"Darling, not every man would squeeze a strong woman's hand to look at her and say such words to her and what do I know about experiences." Astarion directed his mischievous gaze at her. 
"Okay, I'll try if my sweet confidant friend tries to seek her handsome arcane knight." Karlach would give Yvainne a little poke in the rib, she looked at her nervously. 
"Oh no, no, we'd agreed to keep the subjects from that party to stay that night." She started to blush a little at a time, she'd barely escaped the gossip comments of her companions at the grove party enough to be inundated with the same remarks. 
"Ow Sweetheart, you refused my invitation to drink from your soft blood to go with the Tiefling. - I wonder what his blood tastes like..." Astarion would bring his fingers to his lips causing Yvainne's nerves to rise.
"If Karlach has crests on certain areas of her body maybe he..." Yvainne would put her hands over Shadowheart's mouth to avoid her stupid question and look at her last hope of being defended.
"I hope you have shown that wizard the concept of harmony that I have teached you before." Gale wink his eye to her.
"Not you too... please..." Yvainne would bring both hands to her face in embarrassment. Her companions started to laugh.
"He just helped me to keep my magic from slipping so far out of my hands, a basic trick, no more, no less, and... we haven't seen him yet, maybe he's already fulfilling his dream of being apprenticed to THAT Lorroakan." Yvainne would cross his arms in annoyance, his companions would give him strange looks that the name of that archmage from Baldurs gate affected her so much.
"I know he's an incompetent wizard, but you seem to know more about him than I or that tiefling would." Gale would approach to her with curiosity. 
"I told you, I don't like wizards." Gale and Shadowheart arched their eyebrows, her obvious lie. 
"You don't seem like you hate Gale or Rolan especially that much." Yvainne rolled her eyes in disbelief at Shadowheart's obvious observation. 
"You'll have to wait for that subject when the tadpoles are gone. I'm not going to say it here." she crossed her arms before heading back inside the inn. 
A few familiar faces from the grove would come to remind Dammon's words about the refugees; perhaps someone would know more about it.  Her eyes stopped on Alfira, the bard who helped compose his beautiful song. 
"Don't wander far, we need to talk." Jaheira would block the group's way for a talk with them.  The group without objection took their seats with the older half-elf. 
"So, you saved the Grove out of selflessness, didn't you?" Jaheira would give her a smile knowingly before pouring Yvainne some wine. 
"Maybe, there aren't many with our characteristics who would dedicate themselves to saving refugees from shadow druids and goblins." She sniffed the wine before drinking it, it's unusual that someone he doesn't trust would serve him wine so easily, and especially a fine wine. 
"I insist, drink some of it, your long journey must have been tiring." she'll smile as she recognised the sweet scent of Klauthgrass. Having been trained by hunters she would recognise the methods of getting the truth out of someone, from the cruelest to the most subtle like the herb in this wine. 
An air of memories would flood her mind... From the memory of a young version of her without hair learning to use a sword to a version of her with long hair getting information out of some Amn mages in the same way Jaheira would be doing. 
"Klauthgrass, quite unusual for the care that must go into its harvesting. I'm flattered that you would go to such lengths for me, but I don't have to lie to you." Yvainne gave a confident smile. 
"It seems you know more about that herb than I do; I'd expect no less from a hunter. Pity, you'd be a good harper." Jaheira would take a long drink. 
No wonder why she would. The sect of the Absolute was spreading through the city, quickly and thoroughly. Jaheira had followed their trail to the cursed lands, had ended up confronting Ketheric Thorm who had been killed by them over a century ago and had been brought back to life by possible necromancy. 
But the convenience of the group's appearance would make Jaheira more hopeful, with the group infected, but not influenced by the Absolute, it was a perfect opportunity to infiltrate and discover the source of his immortality to finish him off once and for all and put an end to the spread of the tadpoles and the cult's.
Her new plan was hopeful for the inn, she just needed protection from the shadows until she could find a lantern from the absolutists. 
Alfira approached to the group, once she saw Yvainne clearly she hugged her tightly. 
"You're all right! Thank goodness, I was worried they'd got you too." Alfira wiped some tears from her eyes. 
"I see some familiar faces, what happened?" Yvainne looked worriedly at Alfira, whose eyes were teary again. 
"You don't know...? stars above... We were ambushed out in the darkness - by cultists. We surrendered, but it wasn't enough for them. 
They lined us up like dogs. Asharak was with the kids telling them it was gonna be all right. Maybe that's why they picked him. They ordered him to kneel and... they took his eyes first. Then his tongue..." Alfira broke down in tears as she told the story, the lump in Yvainne's throat would feel her eyes tear up as she heard Alfira cry, who was positive, above all else. She quickly regained her composure, the story would not have ended there. 
"Who knew Rolan would save us..." Yvainne's eyes widened at the sound of the name, she felt her heart stop for a brief moment. 
"He said he stayed in the grove because of you, and I'm damn glad of it. Without him... well, none of us would be here. He shielded me and the kids while his brother and sister rushed the cultists for us to escape. 
Rolan... isn't taking it so well. None of us, honestly. " Yvainne's heart prickled as she heard that Cal and Lia had been taken away as prisoners like the others who had protected the refugees, or worse...
Suddenly a well-known shout distracted them both. 
"Your job is to serve drinks, you little devil. Do it!" Rolan's voice in an unpleasant tone would frighten the children who pushed the wine bottle away from him. 
"Please stop shouting." The boy stepped back to avoid Rolan's grasp on the wine. 
"I'M NOT SHOUTING!" Rolan slammed his hands on the bar causing all eyes to turn to him and his pitiful state. 
"Rolan..." She muttered Both would exchange glances, Alfira nodded for her to go with him, Yvainne with concern would approach Rolan, her companions kept at a distance to watch and let her deal with it. 
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The dishevelled appearance of his hair and dark circles decorating his face would put her on alert.  He had not eaten in the last few days, nor had he slept, it was almost impossible to believe that this organised and dedicated wizard was in such a deplorable state. 
"How about some water, Mr Rolan?." One of the kids tried to serve some water in a clean cup.
"If I wanted water, I would bloody ask fot it."  He said "Get the bottle, handme the bottle -  it's not hard." Rolan would reach out for the bottle that the boy would have in his hand so as not to give it to him. 
"I don't want to." Said the boy, hiding the bottle behind him. 
"And I don't want to give you a lashing, but I will, damn it." Rolan's anger would accidentally hit his hand with the pilar of the bar, causing a quick reaction to the pain. 
A infernal insult comes out of him. 
He was completely drunk and immersed in his pain. 
Rolan inhaled deeply before addressing the children with a false calmness. 
"There's another bottle of Arabellan Dry back there. Put it on the bar, then piss off and leave me alone." Yvainne coming close enough to hear his drunkenness and annoyed tone in his voice.   "Jaheira said we should serve drinks, but that we shouldn't serve drunks." said the girl with a smirk, pushing all liquor away from the angry tiefling. 
"Jaheira didn't save your ragged little tail from the cultists - I did." Rolan replied angrily. 
Yvainne could feel his spark of magic fading as he drank, she dealt with people like that, if she touched him he could react quite badly. His temperament immersed in pain could be volatile, but it could immobilise him in case he tried to assault someone. 
"Alfira told me you're the reason her and the kids escaped." Rolan straightened up, his furious look would have turned to strangeness, he would turn to look at her, by the gleam in his eyes he couldn't believe that she really was in front of him. He immediately turned his gaze to the ground with the same anger.  
"Cute. Maybe she'll write a ballad about me. - she can leave out the part where my brother and sister were dragged away screaming while I was saving the orphans." Rolan would look away to go back to drinking. 
"You feel guilty for what happened, I can sense it. Don't blame yourself, Rolan, maybe we could." Rolan would give a false smile at Yvainne's comment before turning to her. 
"Myself? No, you idiot who torments my person, I blame you!" Rolan pointed at Yvainne and stumbled over to the wooden bench next to him, she took a step back at his reaction. 
"If you hadn't filled their heads with all that self-righterous crap at the grove, none of this would have happened. You convinced them to play heroes... and now they're gone." Rolan's voice would break as he looked into her eyes. 
"It may not be too late for the others... Let me help you." Yvainne would try to approach Rolan without taking his eyes off him. 
"Oh, sod off. i'm only here because you 'helped' us, you arrogant girl, now leave me alone already." Rolan grabbed the jug to take a big gulp, ignoring her completely. 
Yvainne's heart had shrunk into a ball, it ached at his every word. 
But she didn't show that sign of weakness, not in front of her companions and Rolan, even though she was on the verge of tears. 
She left Rolan alone with nothing more to say, he didn't even give her a cold glance. Instead, she approached her companions in silence. 
"Soldier, if you want, I'll break his pretty teeth." Yvainne would shake her head, avoiding eye contact. 
Her attention would turn to talking and tending to the refugees, a familiar gnome that she had previously rescued from the windmill and Grymforge would ask her to rescue his friend, later they found Mol playing Calimsham with Raphael who they don't trust. But she'll screw up that game so that Mol wins.
The group headed to Isobel's bedroom to receive Selune's blessing. 
But suddenly a man named Marcus burst into the room who had been with the harpists from the beginning but had betrayed them for the absolute. 
Winged horrors entered into the inn without trouble, kidnapping Mol and attacking the harpists and refugees. 
The fight with Marcus was close due to the winged horrors trying to kill the refugees, Karlach and Astarion would try to defend Isobel while Yvainne and Gale would help the harpists fight that creatures from above. 
One of the creatures grabbed Yvainne's arms to lift her into the air, Gale quickly conjured a couple of spells to stun the winged horror, but abruptly let go causing her to fall from the top to break the side of the bar, right near the unconcerned tiefling. 
"That's gonna hurt tomorrow, fuck..." Yvainne muttered in pain, Rolan looked at her but he didn't offer his help, instead he kept drinking.
"Ah... I thought hunters were silent, what a fraud." Yvainne will quickly get up to prevent Rolan from being injured by one of the winged terrors.  
He roughly pushed her aside and looked down at his spilled jar on the floor, furious he cast a spell to finish off the winged horror. 
Though the spell is unstable due Rolan's condition it was effective, the spheres of light repeatedly attacked the creature knocking it to it's death. 
"You're welcome, now piss off and kill them quietly, I'm trying to enjoy my drink." Rolan's drunken and annoyed tone was enough for Yvainne to concentrate on helping the others exterminate the creatures. 
Jaheira, Cerys and Yvainne had no trouble taking out the creatures on the lower level leaving the group to protect Isobel from Marcus. 
Now with Marcus' information it was clear that the absolutists knew the location of the last light's inn and it wouldn't be the last attack from them. 
Yvainne was to tend to some of his wounds with potions and some remedies of the hunters and the harpers attended to the refugees, some of them would be scared and some injured and Mol had been abducted. 
Glancing over to the bar she'd see Rolan clean dust on his robes with genuine disdain before grabbing a bottle of arabellan dry to pour into the jug that had been spilled earlier. 
Before she could take any step in his direction, she stepped on the tip of a bag on the floor. As she opened the bag to look at its contents, ranging from some arcane gadgets, to scrolls, to a book that would look familiar.  
She took a confident step towards him with the bag in her hands to set it carefully to one side of him. 
"Oh great, now when I'd avoid that arrogant tone of your mouth... Now what?" Rolan didn't even turn his gaze to her. 
"You must stop drinking, you're destroying yourself." Rolan started to shake his leg and tail as he heard Yvainne's demanding voice. 
"Don't you get tired of telling people how to live their lives?" Rolan's eyes showed the same anger despite giving her a most false smile. 
"Stop being such a jerk! Not everything is lost." Yvainne's shouted, Rolan's fake smirk gone.
"Is that a joke? Look around for once, you stupid girl, we won't even have to go out into the shadows to die now that the cultists have found us." Rolan's tone was slowly breaking Yvainne's patience.  
"And you'll be too drunk to care when they cut your throat. How smart." Rolan looked at her before raising the jug to the height of his superb smile. 
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"Cheers." Yvainne shuddered with anger at hearing him, mindlessly she placed her hand on his shoulder to which he would immediately be startled. 
Rolan with an annoyed sigh walked towards her in an intimidating manner, cornering her against the wall, she could feel the heavy breath of alcohol on his breath. 
"You're infuriatingly annoying, I don't need your help and i don't need your pity, now.. you go to save the world, or your own arse or whatever it is you do... this is my bloody problem." Rolan used a tone that was calm enough not to alert the others but in his tone that words are intimidating enough to make her feel inferior, any further moves that might endanger her integrity she would use a technique to knock him out. But he would inhale deeply before left through the first door to go to the balcony alone. 
Her companions would approach her due to that dangerous approaching
Suddenly Yvanne ran to the place where the refugees were ambushed, with Selune's blessing she couldn't succumb too easily to the darkness.  She would search the ground for any evidence that would benefit her investigation. Her heart stopped at the sight of all the known corpses of the tieflings. 
She had sacrificed for them, they had barely escaped one hell after another to end up in a dead land. 
Inhaling deeply, she continued searching for any clues that might help her know if they had survived or died. 
The scuff marks on the ground led her to find their weapons a little further away, she tried to touch the earth concentrating on the magic she had practiced with Gale in underdark, visions of the massacre and the occultists taking prisoners of some tieflings made her react. It was something hopeful for her. 
A touch on her shoulder would shake her out of her thoughts of venturing into the darkness alone, as she turned her gaze she noticed it was Gale.
"I think you need some rest, I don't like it when you torture yourself." She touched the hand on her shoulder affectionately. 
"Thank you, we will follow the trail tomorrow." Yvainne and Gale turned to head back to their camp to spend the night. 
Although still hurt by Rolan's depressing words, Yvainne would arrive at the camp with her usual demeanour to keep her companions from worrying. 
Although on Karlach and Gale's part they knew well that she was hiding her sorrow at not having saved them. 
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Taking advantage of the kids' shock at having lost sight of Mol. Rolan approached the storage of drinks to get another bottle of Arabellan dry to take undercover.  
As he sat back down on the bar stool to start drinking again he wandered through his mind again to forget the recent pain of losing his siblings. 
But his mind drifted to Yvainne's worried face, it caused his heart to race and he would feel his blood boil.  Again he realized how close he was to her, he had cornered her, he could feel her nerves from his attitude, she was too insistent and it was irritating to him. 
He didn't know what those feelings were for her in particular.  
He blames her completely for losing her brothers, but at the same time he adores her for inspiring them, he adores her for being kind enough to help outcasts, he adores her for sharing time with her without being awkward, he would adore how she really liked his magic show...  Again he'd remember how annoyed she was for wanting to help him when he considered himself a lost cause. 
Why have these feelings right now? 
Just after losing his brother and sister, he'd feel so damn guilty for feeling things unrelated to them.
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He'd throw the empty jug on the floor to drink straight from the bottle to stay drunk and put it all aside again. 
But it seemed that in him it was no longer giving the same result as a couple of days ago. 
"Miss Jaheira, we have news, the increase of cultists has started to mobilize inside the tower, some of them are from some of the city's abductees and travellers. They also found a possible entrance through the prison."  
Rolan clenched the bottle tightly as he listened to the harper, his treacherous and drunken mind led him to think he might find his brothers right there. 
"Good, reinforce the barricades at the entrance to prevent them from entering the inn. "Rolan cracked the bottle with his hand when he heard Jaheira's decision, everyone turned to stare in astonishment at what had happened. 
Rolan looked at his hand cutted by the glass, the sight of his blood spurting out making him get up in his tracks and rush to his belongings. 
From his bag he pulled out an arcane projection object, in Elturel he used it to leave a message for his brother and sister when he had to leave unexpectedly or when he had to go to work and didn't have time to tell them. 
Tears welled up in his eyes again as he remembered, the three inseparable Elturel, the memories from childhood flooded his mind. 
"Cal... Lia...  You are my responsibility." He thought before activating the projection spell to leave the message on the arcane object. 
He recorded two projection messages, masking his drunken state, before heading dizzily towards the exit of the inn with a torch in hand. 
He didn't care about anything anymore, even dying for trying to save his brother and sister.
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In his mind he is the only one who can do something for them. 
Since even the heroes wouldn't care to do it. 
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elviraaxen · 9 months
im new here, so im sorry if this is a question youve answered before but tumblr's search bar failed me in finding this to be previous answered but.. uhmmm
c... can we make ocs/personas for Felt World? or would you rather we not or we hold off until further in?? bc i would love to make a puppet give our cowboy a smooch before he is, i assume bc he is a fucking catch and a half, taken off the market in canon lol i assume he wont still be single by the end. im a tad bit too embarrassed to ever post such drawings, but i wanted to know in case i ever did become brave enough to make them public if such you would be welcome to be tagged in or if that would make you feel uncomfortable
and also, for that purpose: as someone with disabilities, im really curious how disabilities are translated into Felt World? obviously not all of them, that'd take forever. but i was curious if they use mobility aids just like ours or if they use ones we could not have (an example of what i mean could be like "seal-chairs" in "Witch Hat Atelier"? they are chairs with hooves that run and jump, as opposed to wheels). and i know you said music is really powerful in this world, in both singing and instruments, but i wanted to also ask how in a world with so much focus on sound are the deaf/hard of hearing accomadated? deaf/HoH people can still play instruments, obviously (the most famous example being Beethoven), but i meant other than that
(also, if i recall accurately you once said that "the puppets have to speak to be considered sentient beings"? i was wondering if in the future could that be amended to "have to be able to communicate"? because i assume nonverbal puppets would still exist, as well as puppets who just dont speak much (whether thats a facet of deafness or nonspeaking shutdown or just a quiet personality). or would that break Felt World's world-building's logic in some way? that's a genuine question. i wasnt sure how to word it in a way that would minimize the risk of one being put on their back-foot, but i tried my best, it really is a genuine question)
(also, because i never like to assume fluency in disability-knowledge: if you need a resource on media portrayals of disability at any point, i highly recommend the youtuber, Oakwyrm. they do a lot of really cool analysis videos on disability. i do apologize if i am overstepping, and you are already largely fluent in disabled portrayals in media and/or already aware of Oakwyrm's existence. i just like to shout at least one resource out because i know many people have no idea where to look to learn more about general disability representation advice and whatnot. you do not have to watch their videos if you do not want to ♡)
also a bit of a tangent, idk if this is just a "for now" aspect of Donna due to her adjusting or if this is a core pillar of her personality but... just, thank you for making a feminine character who cries a lot and is emotional with Big Feelings. ive always felt more connected to the Dorthy Gales, Cinderellas, Clarisse de Cagliostros kind of heroines who are a bit of a "damsel in distress" (tho i do think that term reduces a lot of their agency and bravery) and i feel a bit lonely that we dont see many emotional-vitality-driven heroines who need some help as much as badass heroines or sassy heroines, both of whom are fully capable of getting shit sone alone. makes my cry-baby disabled ass feel a little pathetic (im very physically weak because of my chronic health issues, and am the type of Autistic ADHDer who is very sensitive to getting big feelings), even tho i know those types of heroines are valid and needed. i resonate a lot with AJR's lyric about "But I'm weak. And what's wrong with that?" even though i know im taking it out of context
and im sure Donna will prove herself capable of being on her own and having her own agency, same as all the heroines ive listed, i dont assume she will be stagnant, but i just wanted to really thank you for making a character that i relate to. i dont get that often. it makes me feel a bit abnormal and strange, and i mean moreso than the "well youre neurodivergent and sickly" kind of abnormal that would be implied. like. Weird Kid sitting alone at lunch kind of strange. so its really cool to see Donna and feel less lonely, is what im saying. i wish there were more heroines like her for people like me nowadays, rather than the archetype being reduced to "archiac stereotypes" (which i both do and dont understand the logic of. it depends on context and the example given) and therefore shelving a type of heroine we dont see in a lot of contemporary media (in exchange for a heroine we didnt get to see often (if at all) in past media, the sassy and badass ones, i do get it, and im glad theyre being used more as they should have always been. there are a select few of both camps that feel like "women have to be as stereotypically masculine as possible to be worthy of being called 'a strong character'" when i think strong characters have less to do with personality and more to do with "do they direct the narrative's plot? do they have agency?". but i could be wrong about that and i am getting off-topic)
but yeah. just. overall: thank you for introducing Donna to be like she is. it means a lot to me to see a heroine like her in contemporary media. im really excited to see what youll do next ♡ but yeah, i know im babbling a lot here and you dont need to reply to this half, i just really wanted to stress my thanks and WHY you have my thanks ♡♡♡ i really appreciate having Donna sit at my metaphorical lunch-table with me, even if she has to go sit somewhere else later. its been really nice to be beside her
thank you ♡
ps. i wasnt sure how to format this Ask because i know some people like to have each section have their own Ask for compartmentalizing/tag-organization reasons, but others like it all to be together so they know its all from one person as opposed to the anxiety of "ahh why did i get so many Asks all at once, did i do something wrong, do people hate me-- oh. its fine. i went through that rollercoaster for nothing. dear lord, am i drained now". so i tend to rather assume the latter, just in case; but do feel free to screenshot and section these out into their own posts if you are the former, i wont mind if youd rather do that ♡ have a nice day!!
Oh my goodness what a long message!!! 0.0!!
I had to take a few hours to think about everything to make sure I answered everything. But I should start off by showing my gratitude for the amount of time and effort you put into formulating this! So thank you, this was a really cool ask to receive <3
As for OCs, absolutely you can! I've already had a few who've made theirs, and I have no rules at all when it comes to shipping or self inserts or anything, as long as everyone is being respectful towards each other ^^
As for the disability aspect, I have a few key points that I want to explore in regards to especially deafness and muteness (is it called that? muteness?), but that's further along the story and will be introduced later! Also how song vs instruments work in this world is a part of the lore itself that'll be explained further down the line too, so no need to worry about our fellow mute or deaf/hoh peeps!
I have of course thought about mobility aids and other disability accommodations (because they can be born with defect, illnesses, and be injured pretty much like us, their bodies are a bit more fantastical but there are still rules) but i must admit didn't think further other than to give them similar mobility aids that we use. But clearly it would make more sense to make something more fantastical! I'll give it a thought! That's probably gonna be a fun design exercise ^^
I'm not sure if I can answer the entire ask in a way that does it justice, it's quite frankly the coolest message I've gotten, I'm gonna try and not let it get to my head (lol),
but i'm so glad you and seemingly many others seem to like Donna and appreciate her specifically for being sensitive and reacting strongly. It shouldn't be but it's really daunting to write female leads because as we know people just don't like women in media generally, but I eventually just got over it because I realized I was starting to write a character that demanded the audience cared and respected, rather than showing a story that I had fun telling, in a world worth exploring.
And not to spoil but I've already decided I do not want Donna to go through an arc where she's forced to abandon her emotions or go through something physically traumatic in order to "become tough" to be respected, that's not only overdone but lame and harmful wish fulfillment. So no worries in that department!
But anyways, I don't think I can properly say how appreciative I am of this ask!!! It really warms my heart that you and other people are going out of your way to send me asks about my little story that I came up with on a whim!!! It's truly the best compliment as a creator.
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year
In the silent-film era, Hollywood's film industry grew quickly to meet audience demand, and thus it was more pragmatically welcoming to women writers, editors, directors, and producers than it would be at any other time afterward. Directors like Dorothy Arzner, Lois Weber, and Alice Guy-Blaché (the latter widely considered to be the first true "auteur" of cinema), and actor-producers like Mary Pickford (founder of United Artists studios) and Clara Bow created films that weren't the escapist fantasies Hollywood would come to prize, but human stories that included complex relationships and forward-thinking subject matter: Weber's The Hand That Rocks the Cradle, for instance, was about the need for legalized birth control. At one point, women headed up dozens of production companies. But, as film journalist and historian Melissa Silverstein notes, "As it became more about money, the women behind the scenes disappeared." The expensive technology that turned silents into "talkies" beginning in the 1920s necessitated the involvement of Wall Street, which invested in young studios and became the big bosses of directors and producers, imposing a masculinized and increasingly sex-segregated workforce as part of the burgeoning corporate studio system. Women in powerful creative and decision-making roles were suddenly seen as amateurish and unprofessional; for the male-dominated financial forces that took charge of the Hollywood economy, and with larger and larger amounts of cash at stake, they were simply too much of a risk.
Onscreen, representations of women followed a similar trajectory. In what's now known as the pre-Code era of Hollywood films, women were smart, professional, ambitious, forthright, opaque, tricky, even criminal. They blackmailed bosses, had babies out of wedlock, seduced other women—and the thrillers were even steamier. Jean Harlow's Red-Headed Woman was a brazen social climber more than willing to seduce any man to get what she wanted; Barbara Stanwyck, in Baby Face, was an exploited young woman who used sex to move from penniless to paid ("She had IT and made IT pay" leered the film's poster). And, of course, there was Mae West, the bombshell vaudevillian, playwright, producer, and model for every one of Samantha Jones's Sex and the City single-entendres, whose winking catchphrases—"Come up and see me some-time"; "When a girl goes bad, men go right after her"—have long epitomized pre-Code Hollywood's sassy repartee. It's not that the heroines essayed by these dames were like men; they weren't. They were simply as human onscreen as the men, as full of appetite and humor and stubbornness and fallibility. And that was part of the problem that the Hays Code was enacted to fix.
-Andi Zeisler, We Were Feminists Once
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miyooree · 10 months
I know this is random and not a writing ask but I'd like to know about what you think about the Lovebrush heroine.
An overall analysis would be nice, I don't mind if it's really short or really long. And you're free to ramble on any topic as you please ranging from which LI she's suited best with or the her behavior in different routes. Basically a rambling review.
If you don't have the time, feel free to take all the time you need or ignore this altogether.
Thank you for the question, anon. It's very intriguing and refreshing indeed. I'll try to share my opinion and what I think about the MC of Lovebrush Chronicles in this post.
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MC Analysis !
Well, I have seen many discussions in the LBC fandom regarding the MC. Some say she is nice, well-written and actually has a likeable personality whereas some say she is dislikeable, too sassy and what not. Honestly speaking, I think the MC is... Alright. She's neither the usual self-insert, pining over the LIs, changing her personality to please the boys type-MC, nor is she a badass God-tier has all the male LIs obsessed with her, groveling at her feet type MC. She is just... A normal artist (with a complicated background). And I find that nice.
The thing I like the most is that she actually has a background or a backstory in this game, unlike the other MCs who are usually a normal person in the world; no talent, no personality, no likes or dislikes and they have been randomly chosen to a "special" place all of a sudden. But in Lovebrush Chronicles, the MC achieves her seat at the school, stumbles upon the Otherworld whilst trying to save her friend (we all need a friend like MC), unravels the secrets, and fights against her own damn guardian just to protect that land! She has her inner values and her priorities are set right, and that's what makes her stand out, I think. I hope that makes sense lol.
Also, which LI fits the MC best is a tricky question. Their relationships are somewhat vague at an early stage like this since the game just dropped like a month ago lol. But, I think, Ayn or Alkaid go well with the MC. I know, I'm not a huge Ayn or Alkaid fan, I'm a Clarence fan by heart. But frankly speaking, MC and Clarence have a stark contrast in their personalities. Clarence, the stern, organised, diligent and workaholic senior might not be so compatible with the laid-back, snack loving, artist. But are they adorable together? Absolutely. Is there potential between them? Of course, the relationships are all vague at first so that they all can fit with the MC – that's the main reason behind otome games, the mc must be able to date whomever they like.
But, in my opinion, Ayn's sassy, tsundere-ish but secretly soft vibes flow the best with our MC. They both have their own values, they're both caring (Ayn? Caring? Yes he is, he is just too "It's not like I'm doing this for you! >///<" to show it lol) and I think they click well together.
. . . That's only my speculation, don’t mind me whslsbsmd. You're free to love whomever you like.
Furthermore, I have never been a big fan of Cael, but his relationship with the MC is the most intriguing. A person appointed by MC's mother to look after her child when she leaves the Earth, ain't that endearing? Of course, it is. But the way he raised her, cared for her, while also keeping her in the dark from the secrets of his past is so amazing. Truly. I get it, Cael kept his word to keep MC safe, but she is growing up, she will ask you about the truth, man; what's wrong with spilling the tea? Mayhaps he was afraid MC wouldn’t like him anymore ~ lol jk jk. I just love their dynamic.
Overall, I think the MC for LBC is pretty neat. She can be a bit sassy and annoying with her roasts and choices at times, but hey, at least she isn't a pushover like the other MCs we see in the otome games. True neutral, for real. Anyway, that's it for my brief analysis. Thank you for reading this, I'd love to answer more of these questions, they're really interesting! :)
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enbyleighlines · 11 months
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FE Twitter has been sharing their Hot Takes regarding all the possible paired endings in Radiant Dawn, so I thought I’d do that, too. I’ll go top to bottom, left to right, and rank each pairing out of 5.
Micaiah/Sothe: 4.5/5
Controversial opinion, but I like this pairing! I know it’s Problematic™️ because of the pseudo-incest, but as far as I’m concerned, this pairing is downright tame according to Fire Emblem standards. Plus I just like their interactions. I like that Sothe is like the only person that Micaiah gets all snarky with. I like that Micaiah gets so irrationally jealous over Sothe interacting with or mentioning anyone who isn’t her. Usually Micaiah is just the picture perfect heroine: virtuous, soft-spoken, self-sacrificial, compassionate. But with Sothe, Micaiah allows herself to be jealous and petty, and I love that.
Ike/Ranulf: 4.5/5
Wonderful pairing! Honestly, I only deducted points because, if you choose to go for the Ike/Ranulf paired ending, it locks the player out of some really cool content in the final chapters. I really wish Ike was allowed to have both paired endings. As much as I love Ike/Soren, I also adore how fun and flirtatious Ike and Ranulf’s interactions can be. Ike is usually such a serious person, but Ranulf helps to bring out Ike’s sense of humor, showing us a side of Ike we don’t see otherwise. The chemistry between the two of them is so good.
Ike/Soren: 5/5
The OTP. Perfection in every way. Some people complain that they’re too co-dependent, but damn, isn’t that the appeal? They’re literally the definition of soulmates. And it’s not one-sided, Ike needs Soren as much as Soren needs Ike. They’re a powerful duo, sharing similar values while also complementing one another. Ike is action-oriented and thinks of the big picture, forever striving towards what he wants to achieve. Soren is detail-oriented, and carefully considers every option. The trust between them is so strong. And even then, their relationship isn’t perfect. The arc they go through together, especially in PoR, is so bittersweet. Grief, past trauma, and new revelations put a strain on their friendship, causing Soren to become distant, and Ike frequently mentions it to anyone who will listen. In fact, if you don’t do all three Ike/Soren support conversations, then that plot thread just seemingly resolves itself off-screen, which I have always found funny. Even the game wants you to pair them together.
Jill/Haar: 0/5
The worst paired ending in Tellius. Haar is like twice her age and also long-time friends with Jill’s dad. Haar probably knew Jill when she was in diapers. Moving on…
Astrid/Makalov: 0.5/5
If their paired ending didn’t explicitly state that Makalov never changed his ways, then this pairing might not be so bad. I can sort of understand the appeal of a couple where one person is hated by everyone and the other is the one person who believes in them, but… as it is, it just serves to paint Astrid as a moron for consistently putting up with Makalov’s crap.
Leanne/Naesala: 4.5/5
Very cute pairing! I love that they were childhood friends, and I love that Naesala has a soft spot for her. I love that Leanne is the only person who can see how much Naesala is suffering. And I love that, for all her sweet and naive nature, Leanne has a weakness for bad boys. It’s not too surprising, once you translate all her dialogue. Leanne can be very sassy! Reyson isn’t the only royal heron with a rebellious streak. Just a great pairing all around.
Mist/Boyd: 5/5
I’ll admit, I am a big fan of this pairing. I just love the three brothers, and their role in the Greil Mercs, and that includes the unique dynamic between Mist and Boyd! It’s established from the first chapter of PoR that Boyd’s love language is dunking on people. He’s the perfect encapsulation of 2000’s teens, just constantly trying to bond with people through sick burns. It’s a good thing that Boyd is surrounded by people who are excellent at throwing shade right back at him. But no one is as good at it as Mist. Mist dunks on Boyd like she’s getting paid to do it. Their constant back-and-forth is so fun. And yet, even with all their bickering, it’s still made clear that Boyd and Mist care a lot about one another. I love them so much.
Elincia/Geoffrey: 3.5/5
I honestly don’t have strong feelings about this pairing, but it is perfectly wholesome and cute. I like that Geoffrey is normally pretty calm and capable, but he becomes a worrywart when it comes to Elincia’s safety. He does have some good malewife potential, ngl. And so yeah, Geoffrey is kinda boring, but he makes Elincia happy, and Elincia deserves to be happy.
Lucia/Bastian: 1.5/5
Now, I do like that their relationship isn’t explicitly romantic. Their paired ending specifically mentions Lucia having a continuous “affair” with Bastian, which suggests a more friends with benefits situation. However, I’m still not a fan, especially with the way their dynamic in-game seems to be Bastian just trying to wear Lucia down like a self-proclaimed nice guy who complains about being friendzoned. I mean, he’s more classy about it, but still. Lucia deserves better.
So yeah! That’s my final ranking on every paired ending in Radiant Dawn. To end this post, I’m just gonna list some ships that I think should have gotten a paired ending:
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk!
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web-novel-polls · 5 months
Priest (Author) Character Lower Bracket
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[“Anti-propaganda” is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote FOR a character, and please be courteous in the notes.]
Cheng Qian from Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect 
"Now, in Cheng Qian's eyes, there were only two kinds of people in this world: people who are no match for him now, and people who will be no match for him in the future."  - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect, Chapter 38
No propaganda submitted
Sassy child who cares about his found family/sect SO much
The “meanie” from the description - “A cultivation story about how a declining sect is restored by a narcissist, troublemaker, meanie, idiot, and wimpy kid.”
“No matter how many foes, they cannot bend my will.”  - Cheng Qian, ch.29 
"He believed that when he was alone, he could do anything all by himself. For a lone person, when he reaches the peak of his achievement, he's still alone; when he falls to the depths of the abyss, too, he's still alone. Even if his head were to fall from his shoulders, wouldn't that just be a scar on his body? What was there to fear?" - Ch. 36
Feng Xiaoshu / Princess Jing’an from Lord Seventh
"How could a good-for-nothing hedonist like me be a match for a heroine like her? Don't be silly, Your Majesty." - Jing Beiyuan, Lord Seventh (Tumblr)
Submission: Badass lady who leads troops and can split a person's head in half with her spear <3 
Differences between FXS in Lord Seventh & Word of Honor (she’s wildly different lol)
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