#and the girl favors rodimus
cosmicswritings · 10 months
ANYWAYS commencing the creation of my rodistar sparkling (s)
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altraviolet · 8 months
a lil TEG behind the scenes
I've posted before about my writing process, how it's scattered over many documents, and I navigate them by generating Headings. Check it out here so you know what I'm talking about when I say 'an index of headings is generated and I click on them to navigate between scenes.'
I've been wanting to share a screenshot with you for a while! It's part of the Headings for the Future Chapters doc.
The scenes are in roughly chronological order. I wrote most of the fic out of order, so I'd put future scenes in this doc in order, and grab them when their chapter came up.
Each line is a different scene or beat. If it has a / or // before it, that means I either put it in the fic, or decided not to use it (aka it's 'used up'). Apologies to screen readers, this is probably obnoxious:
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You can see a few scenes and beats missing the /. I've decided not to use them. One of them is something a couple people have brought up: Soundwave asking/confronting Rodimus about being a Prime. Honestly, it's a scene that could possibly add something to the fic, but I didn't know how to set it up, what the point would be, where it would go, if it would drive a wedge between them. Rodimus never lords his "Primeship" over anyone in the fic (how he got it in canon is like... weird anyway, and I never read that comic). So, yeah. I had the concept, but have decided against execution.
"Wingy2" was similar- First Aid would've made a second Wingy to replace the first. It was going to be a girl this time. I have changed that in favor of what we'll see in a few chapters.
The heading goes on for about this length again in scenes you've read (what a mess figuring out the Firelove arc was. and, oh, I need to / the Swervecard entry, heh). And then the end... there are only 6 more scenes in this doc to go. That's NOT how many scenes are left, just the ones I've pre-written. Some of them were written years ago. It's been nice going through this doc and putting the //s in when I finally used the scenes. And now we're nearing the end ❤️
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Hes one of my favorites not sorry
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-guess who got spotted? Ultra Magnus
-well we're taking you back to the base
-he found you extremely childish and it annoyed him to a T
-And of course Optimus appointed him as your partner
-yay for him-
-Once he actually- finally- for god saken- took the time to actually get to know you, he didnt find you as annoying
-you were being bullied one day outside the school and the bulky threw you into the side of Magnus' alt mode- the door suddenly went flying open must've been a bad bolt
-Not to long after the same group of bullies keyed Magnus' alt form:
"Aw shes gonna cry!" One of the boys teased.
"Why? Did your sugar daddy tell you if you wreck it you'll actually have to do something for them." Another spoke.
"Aw. I knew she was a-"
The thrid boy was grabbed by the throat as his hands clawed at the wrist of the teen who held him, causing the other two to back up slightly.
"Touch any of my shit again and I'll bury you myself."
She threw him to the side, catching himself on his feet he held his neck with a hand, gritting his teeth he glared at her.
"Who do you think your talking to!?" He argued, catching the attention of kids near by.
She turned to look at him just to be punched in the face falling to the floor from the sudden force that knocked her off her balance.
"Dude! The hell! Your gonna get us in trouble!" One of the boys shouted.
The teen ignored him toppling over Y/n straddling her stomach, as he delivered brutal puches to her face. Kids started to gather cheering on the male as Y/n pushed him off her and return the favor, causing and either louder up roar."
"I told you!" She shouted punching him in the face.
A broken nose
A black eye
A busted lip
Her final blow was stopped when teachers pulled them apart.
"You broke my nose!" The teen cried.
"Well then go cry to your mom who I fucked last night!"
-Did Magnus just see what he thought? The seemingly innocent cheerful girl looking more scarrier than a decepticon out with a bloodlust
-he waited until you were able to come out- even though the kids had informed him via comn link she'd go home with her parents- you came out alone, him being the only thing there:
"I don't want to go with you today Magnus."
"I'd prefer if you did come with me." Magnus stated
Y/n frowned as she looked at the deep key job.
"Im not allowed back for a week."
"I figured so."
The door opened as Y/n only followed as she hopped in.
-did he- did he just be n i c e?!
-Instead of taking you to the street corner as usual he took you. He drove you around, mindlessly
-you ended up falling asleep so he took you back to base, unknowing of what to do with you, he he held your small form in his large servo, luckily nurse June had showed up sometime before to help with something and she was able to lay you down on the couch.
-Optimus has asked what happened as you were littered with brusies and cuts, Magnus explained and took full blame but Miko backed him up
-Magnus said one of the humans should contact Y/n's parents- Nurse June looked worried as she knew you were lacking in the depart of family.
-so she advised to keep her in base saying , "well if they didnt even bother to pick her up why worry right?
-Everyone found that extremely off as a cover June said: "well you like her right? She'll tell you whats wrong?"
-Arcee choked at that sentence, Ratchet actually laughed, wheeljsck was given ammo to fuel is annoyingness, Bulkhead was extremely uncomfortable, the two youngsters were like "hold up" and Optimus like a proud dad- brother- figure thing- smiled to himself
-Magnus was completely embarssed but kept it under wraps.
-miko was completely shocked when she figured it out
-"Magnus go scout" "thank you sir"
-you woke up to a dark room looking around you seemed to be on a cot, and Ultra Magnus was sleeping in the berth above you- wait- WHERE YOU IN HIS ROOM?!
-He woke up as soon as he heard you wake up.
-it was only silence at first, but he ended up thanking you in a way, saying it was arrogant but brave of you
-you thanked him for helping you as well
-cue the speaking at the same time
-confession was kinda werid tbh:
"So..." y/n spoke.
"Suppose you know about me then? All of it?" Y/n asked, "Im sure Nurse Darby told you."
"No, nothing was said about you." Magnus spoke.
It was silent for a few mintues the air thick and the only thing used as a light source was Magnus' bright optics.
"If you wish you can tell me." Magnus informed.
"Right..." y/n breathed in, "My uh mother...she died while I was being born....my dad commited a murder-suicide, he said it was my fault in his will."
"I am sorry." Magnus spoke softly then paused for a long second, "How do you do it?"
Y/n looked up at him, "do what?"
"Your as enetergic and as arrogant as Rodimus, your sparks would be one in the same." Magnus told, "but your well rounded as if you were a high ranking assistant to Alpha Trion. Then you deal with what would take most well trainned mechs off the feild."
Y/n shrugged, "I suppose..." y/n paused, "I dont want anyone else to leave me, it's tiring being alone."
Magnus answered awfully quick, "I would never leave you, you have too much meaning in my life."
-Woah wait! He didn't but did mean that!
-you ended up asking who Rodimus was and you both talked through the night.
-you guys were closer than ever after that
-he attempted to tell you out more straight forward but failed for a while
-when he finally told you- you were all like: Oh I know
-cue dating??????? Poor man hes so confused
-nothing changed much he loved being with you either way- with dating he just became more and more worried for each other
-Acree has extreme suspicions of you two
-you guys were going good, open with one another and honest, it was a pretty loving relationship
-that "Im Lutenit" shit dont slide with you
-you guys like driving in the rain, he especially like it if you've calmed down from a hetic week and fell asleep getting the resr you deserve
-when he lost his hand in combat and had it replaced with a new one you went to a tattoo shop and asked for stitching as if someone has stiched your fingers back together, you proceeded to go up to Magnus afterwards and tell him you guys were just alike now
-He got angery you hurt yourself- well he thought you hurt yourself- he couldn't stay mad at you
-Guess who squared up on the predaking? You and this is how it happened:
Magnus had been knocked to the side with the two wreckers. You who had came our from behind a Boulder shouted at the dino-mechanism
"Hey You!"
The giant beast looked towards you, "yeah you!"
Rushing its way over it screeched in Y/n's face, "Oh blow it out your ass!"
The schreeching stopped as Y/ns arms crossed
"How dare you!-" and you raged ON.
-The predaking is now warry of the autobots
-Wheeljack was given even more ammo to mess with Ultra Magnus now knowing you two were dating
-except Ultra Magnus to see you in a whole knew light of being a strong hooman and finding it absolutely memorizing and beautiful
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rocksinmuffin · 6 years
*crashes through wall* oh yeah sin mama can you do how the mtmte bots react of the lison was famous i know our boy swerve would be all over them
Swerve knows he’s seen your face somewhere before but he can’t quite place it. It’s something he’s agonized over since you first set foot on the Lost Light. He’s almost convinced himself that he’s not as good at recognizing human faces as he thought and is maybe mistaking you for someone else.
Then, during Rodimus’ biweekly attempts to backwards cartwheel into the captain’s chair, Swerve overhears you congratulate the co-captain’s efforts with a, “Gnarly, Charlie,” and, at the sound of that catchphrase, all the pieces suddenly click into place.
“You!” Swerve shouts, finger extended in your direction, fully recognizing you now. You don’t have the same baby face but, now that he knows just exactly what he recognizes you from, the proof is undeniable. “You’re the neighbor kid from that 90′s sitcom show!”
Your blood runs cold.
You thought you were past those dark days. You’d made a name for yourself outside of after school specials; finally moved past a life of random guest appearances for obscure events. Thought you were done with people asking you to recite your catchphrase over and over again in favor of gaining some real political clout in the world. But, no. Because of one slip of the tongue, you’re back to 90′s sitcom child star hell as Swerve bombards you with questions about what it was like being famous.
You will never know peace again.
Luckily, most of the mechs aboard the Lost Light are indifferent enough to Earth media that this revelation changes nothing for them. Ultra Magnus and Megatron treat you with the same respect they always have and never mention your childhood fame. To most mechs, your past has no impact on them because it does nothing to change your role onboard the ship. For that, you are grateful.
Unfortunately, for the few who it does make a difference to, they manage to make your life a never-ending headache.
Swerve, bless his spark, is so excited about knowing someone famous. For the next couple months, move nights at Swerve’s becomes sitcom binge nights where they watch half a season of your show. He makes a new drink that he names after your character and, every time you talk to him, he acts so starstruck you can’t even be mad.
Rodimus had no idea of your fame beforehand, had never even heard of the show, but just knowing that you were once a TV Star is enough to make him declare that he is now your biggest fan. He’ll fight Swerve for the title. He hands you a Rodimus Star and tries very hard to look cool as he says, “From one star to another.”
Ten makes you miniature models of all the cast members. It’s actually very wholesome and cute and much less creepy than most of the things that fans have sent you in the past.
Rung pulls you aside and let’s you know that if all the stress ever gets to you, his door is always open. It’s an offer you appreciate though you can’t hold back the groan as he adds that it is not uncommon for child actors to seek psychiatric help in their adult years.
Whirl has no interest in your child star fame itself other than the fact that it clearly annoys you. He watches the show specifically so he can use it as a tool to irritate you. Catch him hanging around you in his little girl holoform, quoting your own lines at you.
You don’t know who the culprits are but you’ve also started receiving some anonymous fan mail. Most of it is nice. A couple letters have qualified as sexual harassment and have been reported to Ultra Magnus.
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