#and the ghouls wont either they think its fucking hilarious
spira-fae · 2 years
Kinda had a thought earlier abt the ghouls that became a headcanon so might as well throw it here dkdhsjsh Apologies for how messy and unorganized it is
Quintessence is believed to be the element that makes up the celestial bodies, so my mind kinda went to some like biblical canon roots (because i might as well put the religious trauma to some use) and basically- what if the quintessence ghouls (who i sorta see as basically demons) were some of the first fallen angels? The other ghouls were formed in the pure essence of the other elements, but seeing as the heavens are now unattainable, there's a limited number of quintessence ghouls that can exist... Ever, really.
The Quintessence ghouls aren't necessarily stronger or more powerful than any of the other ghouls, but due to their limited numbers and age, they do generally get a certain level of respect from the rest of the ghouls and hell in general. They've got memories of everything that even pre-dates the creation of the earth, so they're kinda intimidating.
(Not related to my tangent but I think Satan would rock it as a rhythm guitarist if he ever decides to do a side-quest or smth)
From what I understood on like five minutes of looking stuff up online, quintessence also seemed to be regarded as a cure-all for ailments and disease, so maybe the Quintessence ghouls also act as healers in a sense. They can't fix everything, but a lot of small aches or pains are within their territory.
When the Ghost project started out, the clergy didn't exactly understand the ghouls very well. They knew they were hellish creatures that did a lot of blasphemous things, (and corporate things as well) but they didn't really understand the hierarchy, so to speak. So they more or less just had some people reading out the summoning instructions from a tome kinda like someone tries to read a cookie recipe from a blog that has seventy ads encasing the entire page. It took them years of trial-and-error with summonings and living with ghouls to actually understand how they work
They learned a little bit about how ghoul packs work, what they do in hell, and many more things. What caught the clergy's attention, though, was learning how the ghouls are made. Though they had figured out the basic necessities to form most of the ghouls, quintessence remained a mystery to them. What they did know stoked their curiosity, though.
They attempted, just once, to change a ghoul's element. They never did it again.
(It turns out pissing off one of the oldest creatures in the universe because you fucked with his pack is a terrifying experience! The new siblings of sin don't really know if they should believe their elders, though; Aether's one of the nicest ghouls in the entire bunch!)
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The Papas & Ghouls + Drinking
in honor of my whole family being messy drunks heres something no one asked for: 
Papa I: Beers on one of those fated nights where the Emeritus brothers gather around a campfire and share old stories with a lot of anger subtext and tension like cowboys in those movies, but usually he drinks liquor and neat. Not much of a drinker, but if you get him started he can make a serious dent in a good bottle from the cellar.
Papa II: It’s well known this brother is always one for a party, no matter if it ends with plenty of women in his bed or his head in the toilet. he’ll probably drink anything but i saw that post someone made with a picture of tobias that said “hes sitting like he just poured himself some triple malt and told you to crawl to him” and that is a lot of papa II energy. Drinks on special occasions, when he’s stressed, after work, when he wants to party, when his s/o wants to drink, and every event in between.
Papa III: He can and will drink anything. Any type of wine, liquor, beer, mixed drinks, margaritas, shnops, sour puss, whatever you give him. If he’s showing off for a soon-to-be lover, he’ll drink expensive whiskey, but if he’s alone or just with friends, he’ll order a cosmo. he doesnt care what people say about the things he orders. 
Cardinal Copia: very much Mom Energy in the way that he drinks.someone brings out a bottle of Girls Night Out strawberry wine and he says “I wont tell anyone were staying in if you dont!!!!” not much of a beer guy, but can appreciate a fine brew here and there, and a good whiskey if he’s in the mood. only drinks on special occasions or at a nice dinner with s/o
Aether: BBQ beer dad. he wears New Balance sneakers and runs around asking “how many dogs and how many burgers” with whatever beer his s/o bought from the nearest store. Not one to get wild at a party, so he’s either the DD or just has a couple beers. Thinks its more fun to watch his friends get drunk and do stupid stuff than to take part in the shenanigans himself. 
Swiss and Dew: I’m going them together because they’re the same. They will drink anything. tide pods, every type of alcohol they can get their hands on, garbage juice, literally a n y t h i n g you can drink. its already in them. they are the reason aether doesnt get wasted - take care of them as best he can and stop them from burning down the whole town, and its hilarious to watch. When Swiss is alone hes still the life of the party and the craziest out of everyone, but less body slamming tables and more drunk moral conversations. Dew is the same on his own and will go absolutely fucking feral if he’s alone, around friends, or with strangers. Dew and Swiss are the Zane and Heath, respectively, of the ghouls. 
Rain: A wine guy. Bars make him uncomfortable and its really not his scene, but he’s down to go to a club and dance his little ass off any time. Shockingly, he goes alone a lot of the time, and aside from telling the occasional person that comes up to him trying to hit on him, he spends the night alone and enjoys every single second of it. He’ll have the occasional mixed drink if he’s with one of the higher ups who like them, and a beer if hes with the boys, but if theres wine, perhaps a nice chardonnay, he’ll always choose that. 
Mountain: Beer guy. Liquor makes him get drunk way too fast and he likes to keep it decently chill. He’s no beer expert, but he knows what he likes and what he doesnt, and him and Aether argue about which beer is the best whenever theyre together. Mountain says aethers beer tastes like piss and aether says mountains beer taste like something dew would drink, the ultimate insult. On the scale from bbq dad (1) to feral drunks (10) he’s a solid 4. only gets wild if he’s pissed off about something, and keeps up with Swiss and Dew EASILY.
The Ghoulettes: As soon as they get a sip of alcohol in them, they turn into the lesbian jersey-italian aunts who go over the top for everythiing, if you wake up in the middle of the night to consume shredded cheese from the bag, youll fine them splitting a bottle of wine and laughing hysterically in the kitchen over what, you dont know. They might turn on some loud music and make you dance with them if you cant escape first, but theyre both happy drunks so you don’t mind.
- Kat
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