#and the fact that arthur agreed ๐Ÿ’”
arthursfuckinghat ยท 6 months
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"Some say he is as dumb as he looks.. but I think, well, he's not quite that dumb."
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littlestarofthewest ยท 3 years
Oh definitely! I think many people overlook the fact that Arthur is actually has heavy low self-esteem when it comes to himself. If you go to the room in strawberry or in Saint Denis, it'll give you a prompt to "Talk" when you look in the mirror and he'll say some things like "You sour faced idiot" or "No wonder they always leave you" or "You're an ugly old fool" ๐Ÿ’”
It's easy to miss since everyone has different play styles and I'm sure most were worrying about robbing banks or shooting that one rude npc for looking at them weird. For me, I was always worried about his well-being, yes I know he was a in game character but to me I was more focused on making sure his weight was good, eating well, he was clean and looking nice ๐Ÿ˜Š because that man deserved it.
I'm rambling again lol I'm sorry! But I agree with you, it'd be nice for Arthur to be comfortable with himself first before he can go that far with his partner without fearing of hurting them or scaring them away!
You're right, that's definitely an interesting aspect of him. The difference in how he presents himself to others and how he really is or thinks about himself.
I think if you hang around tumblr long enough you find a whole lot of people who put the robbing etc. to the backburner and pretty much just play cowboy sims ๐Ÿ˜† It feels good to take good care of Arthur. Although I have to admit that I tend to give him not enough self cooked meat. I simply sell it and forget to leave something for him to eat ๐Ÿ˜…
Do you have a certain look for your Arthur? I'm more on the "longer hair" side but the beard not too long. And during my first play through I was really into coats and trying on different hats.
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