#and the fact that Satan doesn't stop him immediately and simply watches this for a while before saying that they need to hurry actually πŸ˜‚
sovamurka Β· 2 years
Ok, whore, go ooooooooon-
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is-very-sad Β· 3 years
Ok ik the obey me cast is scared af of eldritch!reader, but imagine reader wanting to show their appreciation for them. Sadly some of the boys may misinterpret it since reader does it in this very, concerning way.
Like maybe Lucifer was having trouble with some students and voiced his annoyance at the dining table. The next day those students suddenly begged for forgiveness for whatever things that they'd done. They also seem to be extremely jumpy at any dark places and would sometimes scream when they see their reflection. He has an idea on who might've caused this, but his instincts told him to stay quiet.
Satan was upset that the book that he ordered was delayed. It was about curses and hexes from ancient times and he was so excited to try them out too. Weirdly enough, a book was delivered outside his door the next day. It felt, off. Like it shouldn't even exist. In it lies curses and hexes written in a language so ancient that even Barbatos would have a hard time translating it. He tries to ignore how heavy the air around this book feels, and how at certain times it seems to flicker in and out of existence.
Luke was having a lot of trouble lately. He was being picked on by other lower demons. He could tell Simeon or the brothers about it, but he was too prideful to. For some reason though, they start to stop the bullying all together. Heck, they even start to run away from him. I mean, who could blame them? No one wants to deal with that.... thing, clinging onto his back.
Maybe Solomon should've kept his mouth shut. Maybe if he did, he wouldn't have to deal with, whatever it is on his table. He recalled talking about how fun it would be to learn spells so ancient that God himself would be at a loss. He had been half joking at the time but there's no denying that weird glint in his eyes when he said it. Maybe if he wasn't so greedy for knowledge, he would've avoided this scenario in the first place. There on his table, lies a book that seems to have a mind of its own. It's always moving, whispering, watching. The spells within it were so terrifying that he couldn't believe they even existed. He knows who gave it to him. Who else would be able to get something like this? Despite having his wishes fullfiled, he couldn't help but shake in fear. What exactly are you?
Glad that ppl still think about our eldritch mc tbh
Contains general eldritch nonsense and a monster from the void trying to be nice
We all know now that demons aren't always unthinking monsters, even Wrath himself is capable of controlling himself (most of the time)
But, what about our dear exchange student? Can something that alien comprehend kindness?
Leviathan HD royally messed up. He doesn't know what he did to piss them off, but he's been trapped in some place so lightless not even his deep sea dyes could see beyond a few meters in any one direction. He doesn't trust the occasional voice telling him where he might want to go next, but he didn't have the luxury of other options. For what feels like weeks he fights the smaller horrors he can barely see, and avoids the ones he isn't confident against.
Long story short, he found his way back to the Devildom, and is immediately in front of y/n. Turns out this..thing tried to make a "survival horror" game for him. He may or may not have exploded from the emotions he had been harboring since being taken to experience this. He may or may not have immediately frozen after realizing this may piss it off. Thankfully, the exchange student simply tilted their head too far and promised they'd warn him before trying anymore "homemade games" on him.
He'd never admit to it-but a part or him after the fact genuinely found it to be the best horror experience he's had. He's almost tempted to ask when the next experiment will be done
Satan is too unnerved to be mad when the exchange student wanders into his room unprompted. He didn't hear the door open, when did they come in?
They stare for a moment as they take in the Avatar Of Wrath hanging from a bookshelf. They look at the thing under him. "Do you not like it?" Their head tilts at an angle he can't comprehend.
"What do you mean; Do I not like it?? Did you let it in?!" The student thankfully ignores the genuine fear in his voice.
"You always say you like cats, so I brought one I know for a play date-" "THAT'S A CAT??"
They look at the mass of flesh that warps like an optical illusion. "It was the closest thing I had within traveling distance." They try to shrug but it looks wrong.
Satan later begrudgingly admits to only himself that the thing was somewhat interesting to examine after he was talked into believing it won't try and eat him.
He's pretty sure it thought the same about him.
And he's pretty sure he sees it in the corner of his eye sometimes but oh well.
(Satan himself is for less casual about this than his house mate)
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666writingcafe Β· 2 years
Disaster Occurs in Satan's Room
A Continuation of "Satan and MC Have a Nice Chat"
"Watch your step," Satan tells me as we enter his room--or should I say, mini library. "A lot of my most precious books and documents are over there." He guides me towards his bed, where he directs me to sit down. As he starts rummaging through his shelves, I ask,
"I take it they're all yours?"
"Yes. They're all part of my collection. That shelf there--" He gestures towards the far-left side of the room. "--is full of books having to do with magic. And these--" A pile on the floor. "--are all ancient manuscripts. Here--" A coffee table in the center of the room. "--we have astronomy and physics."
"What are you looking for?"
"I have a book about demon possession, but I'm not sure where I put it. It could be in multiple places."
"What does the cover look like?"
"Old and dusty." Immediately, I spot something directly in front of me. I lean towards it, and Satan shouts,
"Don't touch that!" I scoot as far away from the book as possible. "That's a forbidden book, MC. If two or more people touch it, they'll switch bodies." Satan continues his search once he's done warning me. As he does, he starts rambling.
"Books are knowledge, and knowledge is power. People respect someone who's well-informed. No matter who you are, no matter the circumstances of your birth, if you're smart enough, then people can't dismiss you." He pauses. "Our names were given by the Demon King. The old guy gave us our names based on our power as demons, from most to least powerful. I was the last of us to be born into the world, and the fourth most powerful. I usually work to contain my anger so it doesn't show, but I will make someone suffer if they cross me, and it will be much more cruel and much less humane than anything my brothers would ever do."
"What would you do to me?"
"Oh, that's easy. I'll slice off your nose and ears, rip off your arms and legs, and feed you to the lower-level demons."
"I thought I heard you in here, Satan," Lucifer states. When I turn my head, I see him leaning against the doorframe. "I hope you weren't threatening MC?"
"He wasn't," I reply. "He was simply answering a hypothetical question I asked, that's all."
"Good, because since Diavolo invited you as part of our exchange program, I won't permit anyone to lay a hand on you, especially my brothers."
"Except when MC's dreaming," Satan retorts. Lucifer's eyes narrow.
"Who told you?"
"Belphie did through MC. I don't think your dear Diavolo will like the fact that you didn't do what you were told."
"Satan, stop," I interject. The Avatar of Wrath ignores me.
"You're such a sweetheart that you allowed the human exchange student to get possessed under your watch."
"Enough," Lucifer responds. "This is not the time for anger." Satan scoffs, making me regret allowing him to take me back inside.
"You're telling me that this is not the time for anger? You're really telling me that? YOU of all demons?" Satan's wrath grows greater and greater, and books all around the room start flying off the shelves and shooting towards Lucifer. Lucifer, in turn, forms some sort of a bubble around him. A protective shield, judging from the way the books are bouncing off it.
"Didn't you hear me?" he asks. "I said to stop."
"You allowed MC to become possessed!" Satan shouts. "You should have sent Belphie to the human world like Lord Diavolo told you to!"
"He would have been slaughtered if I did!" Lucifer yells back. Suddenly, the forbidden book that I was instructed not to touch levitates off the table and flies towards Lucifer. Quickly, I get up and try to grab it before it hits him. Unfortunately, Satan follows suit once he sees me. Lucifer reaches his hands out towards the book to catch it, and all three of us end up touching it.
A flash of white, and I'm out for the count.
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