#and the fact that Margot just accepts the info and kisses him
aglaiaxc · 5 years
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hello friends !! i’m so excited to be here and i can’t wait to meet all of you and plOT. anyway, my name mara, i’m 22 and i live in the est timezone. below the cut is more info about isabelle margot phillips aka aglaia! i’m still trying to figure her out but hmu if you wanna plot or like this and i’ll shoot you a message! alright lets go straight to the bullet points. 
✧·゚(   aglaia+ naomi scott + cis female ) 𝒎𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂 𝒎𝒊𝒂 !!  have you seen (  isabelle phillips ) around ? (   she/her  ) have/has been in kaos for (  several months  ). the (  twenty five ) is a (  diplomat  ) from (  london, england ). people say they can be ( ambitious ) but maybe that’s not too bad ‘cause they can also be (  loyal ). whenever i think of them, i can’t help but think of (   white roses, a lover’s sigh, the rush of adrenaline that comes with a victory  ).  ·゚✧  (  penned by mara, 22, est, she/her  ). 
Rena Alexandria Phillips (née Patil) – a retired worldwide famous model – and James Harrison Phillips– the CEO of Phillips Publishing – were both ecstatic when they found out they were expecting their first child. James always wanted children, but Rena convinced him to wait for a little because her career as a model just had taken off and she didn't want to jeopardize that because she got pregnant. So, almost four years after they got married, Rena and James welcomed their first and only child; an adorable and healthy baby girl that they decided to name Isabelle Margot Phillips.
And born she was, her birth revered and hailed as a blessing among the masses, and none bowed at her feet more honestly than her father. She was the daughter of a man who built an empire and a woman hailed as the rebirth of Aphrodite – and Isabelle was twice as important as the both of them put together. A princess in her own right, Isabelle was born to family beloved by her city, a darling with raven-colored hair and eyes so alluring they made diamonds weep.
When Isabelle was only six months old, her mother got a job offer that she couldn't refuse, but it would require her to pack her bags and leave for London –her hometown – for a full year. It took some convincing on Rena's part, but eventually, she managed to change James's mind and the whole Phillip family packed their bags and left New York to live in London. Once they arrived, they settled in a ginormous mansion that belonged to Rena's ancestors, and there they lived for the next 23 years.
Isabell's mother's career made her more and busier, and, by the time Isabelle was 8, the two barely spent two weeks together before Rena had to fly to another country to be in someone's fashion show. Once she turned 10, her father made the decision to enroll her in the best boarding school in London; he claimed that he wanted his daughter to have the best education money could provide, but in reality, he didn't want to raise her all on his own. 
It was on the boarding school that Isabelle started hanging out with various people; everyone immediately recognized her, or should she say… knew her mother and father. All the girls wanted to hang out with her in hopes that, someday, she'd introduce them to the gorgeous and extremely famous Rena Phillips; meanwhile, the boys wanted to spend time with her because she obviously had her mother's genes and long legs and was the daughter of James Philips, an empire maker. She was beautiful in the most natural and expected of ways, always finding a new home somewhere among her niche of admirers. The people, they wrapped around her like vines on a home and kissed her forehead with the same kind of certain softness of sunlight at dawn.
It was terrifying, the seemingly infinite power of her privilege, the extravagant arrogance that came glittering like emeralds and diamonds. She lived a life fit for the princess. Her mouth practically bled silver and the marrow of her bones turned to ichor long before she would even get the chance to say this wasn't what she wanted; she never had a chance and not once ever questioned it, the Phillips girl. She was from a family of god-builders, of empire-makers, and it didn't matter that her father chose to practice editing and publishing instead of becoming a banker – he was still one of them, so she had to be too. From her father, she got her name, the epitome of age-old power and prestige, and from her mother, she got her good looks and cunning personality. Even as a small child, they knew she would be beautiful, capturing the hearts and souls of all those who had the privilege of gazing upon her. But as she slowly began to go from girl to grown, she felt that she was too much a porcelain doll collecting dust on a shelf and not the unstoppable force she would later will herself to be. She was a part of a dynasty, classically spoilt like she ought to have been, but she hungered for more, for something to love, for something to set her heart on fire. 
Being surrounded by beauty, glory, magnificence, adornment, and opulence, she couldn't imagine a life without those things. During her time in boarding school, she made a name for herself, besides being known by her beauty and the Phillips name she was a gifted scholar. Isabelle was incredibly and wickedly smart; history and politics were her two favorite subjects. She was class president, skilled horseback rider, belonged to the debate team and was known as a member of the Model UN. Not to mention, she was also known to throw the best parties around.  
Life after graduating from boarding school seemed like a hard task, yet Isabelle was up for the challenge. She wanted to find and built her path, and not be that porcelain doll collecting dust on a shelf. She disliked the idea of things coming easy for her; because of that knowledge, Isabelle Phillips decided it was time to become the woman who was a force to be reckoned.
Isabelle is twenty-five years old, single and always ready to mingle.
She loves to have different lovers. Isabelle can’t commit to one person, not because she does not know how to but she is rather scared of the idea. 
Having well knwon parents, has made it difficult for her to find someody who would want to be with her and does not have any other political/private agenda. 
She is a diplomat for the United States of America, she was born in NYC but raised in London. She has dual citizenship, American & British. 
 Isabelle has a dual degree in International Relations & History from Georgetown University. Quickly after her graduation, she applied to become a diplomat.
 Isabelle decided to build and make her path; her parents wanted perfection. She never wanted to be a model like her mother, and the idea of being the next CEO of Philips Publishing sounded promising; however, she wasn't in love with the idea. The time in boarding school allowed her to study with sons and daughters of well-known diplomats. She was drowned to the notion of a Diplomats work. Which is to protect their home country's citizens, repair relationships between nations, and create lasting bonds that help them shape foreign policy. Isabelle wanted something of her own, and this was her path; she has a strong calling for this field of work. 
Her mother does not approve, but Isabelle never cared for her acceptance. As long she had her father's who had also chosen his path, then she was content. She has a better relationship with her father than mother. Her mother always placed her career first and not once ever tried bonding with Isabelle. While her father was an active figure in Isabelle's life. 
Isabelle knows how to speak, spanish, french and arabic. 
Isabelle has only been on the island for several months, she was stationed here by the State Department and Kaos, Greece wasn't exactly her first option however she gladly accepted the task. In a way she was drawn to the island.. and fate seemed to be kind towards her.  She is only supposed to be here for the next three to four years. After that, she is supposed to relocate to a new country. 
Isabelle feels drawn to Kaos, in the several months she has been here she consider this island as a second home, and she can't imagine leaving this place any time soon. For now, she is making the best of it. 
Enjoys the beauty, glory, magnificence, adornment, and opulence life and can’t imagine a world where people aren’t blessed by such. However, this is what motivated her to reach out of her comfort zone and explore the world, see what truly is happening and find a way to make it better. 
She is loyal yet quite ambitious young woman. 
i’m still trying to figure her out but hmu if you wanna plot or like this and i’ll shoot you a message! 
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