#and the fact that Blade leaves her homeland to be with him and then po says 'best friend' like bffr
crescentbea02 · 1 year
Po: *is paralyzed and even so uses all of the strenght he has left to just to be able to hold Blade's hand*
Dreamworks: Look at them besties and like siblings🥰🌈
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princeoftheironfist · 7 years
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Time for a new OC post! Meet the newest edition to the Nonkinaverse and the Neo-Texas crew, whom we’ll now refer to as the Bounty Stars crew (will explain later), Marco Mendoza, a Mime Swordsman who protects the innocents of Mexico as a legendary figure (in the Nonkinaverse), Desert Skull!!
Now you might have noticed some peculiar about Marco: His dead green-ish skin. Well there’s an explanation for that! Too but it’s not a happy one!
Warning: His backstory is kind of a bummer and involves child abuse and Violence. Read at your own risk! If you read and get bothered by it, it’s your own fault!! Now then.
When he was young, Marco performed in-front of large crowds alongside his famous Mime father and former Matador, Rodolfo, and Trapeze artist, Maria. They where a happy, loving family, and it seemed like nothing could go wrong...That was until Maria fell incredibly ill when Marco was 12. They went to many Doctors, but they couldn’t do anything about her illness. She died with her husband and son by her side, and this would forever change Marco.
Rodolfo fell into a depression that lead him into alcoholism, which eventually lead to him abusing Marco as an outlet for his rage and fustration. First it was verbal: Insulting his son, mocking him during saber practice. But then it became Physical, with Rodolfo laying his hand on his son in ways no parent should ever do.
Eventually he began to spar with Marco while drunk, and this would lead to his downfall, as one day Marco snapped. With one swift strike of his saber, Marco had slit his father’s throat wide open.
Marco watched as Rodolfo bleed out with a wicked smile. Leaving his literal deadbeat dad in a pool of his own blood, Marco disappeared into the night, traveling across the Mexican desert all by himself as a Nomad, with nothing but the clothes and practice saber on his back.
But early into his journey to nowhere, tragedy struck as Marco had fallen ill with the same sickness as his mother. With no energy left in his body, he collapsed in the middle of a ghost town, accepting death’s embrace knowing that he’d be reunited with his mother. Or so it seemed.
An old hermit had found him and miraculously nursed Marco back to health. When he awoke, his skin had turned a deathly pale green and completely black around his hands, his slick black hair turned white as snow, his voice nearly gone, and his crimson eyes permanently blood shot.
Marco was grateful of the Hermit, but the Hermit wasn’t done with Marco yet. He knew of his fencing act from his performing days and talent with a saber, but he knew Marco could sharpen his skills further.
Under the Hermit’s tutelage, Marco became a force to be reckoned with, even learning of Mime-Oh, an inner power that Mimes can tap into. It was with these teachings that the Hermit had trained Marco to become the next Desert Skull, a mythical Mexican fighter for Justice in the Nonkinaverse, striking fear into the hearts of evil-doers everywhere!!
Eventually in plight for justice, he came across a Bounty Huntress Cowgirl from the United Prefectures and formed a sort of partnership with the Gunslinger, even taking up temporary residence in her mansion when not patrolling his homeland from the shadows.
Now let’s talk his powers and abilities:
Marco’s main fighting ability relies heavily on saber/rapier fighting with his signature blade, The Desert Rose, a blade crafted by the Hermit’s own hands. Marco’s skill with The Desert Rose is deadly and precise. You could blind fold him, but he’d still slice you to ribbon.
But while he’s more of a sword fighter, he’s no slouch when it comes to hand to hand, need it be necessary in a fight, relying on swift, but hard strikes in a low sweeping boxing style.
As mentioned before, Marco can tap into Mime-Oh, the Mime equivalent of Clown-Po which in turn is the Nonkinaverse version of Ki/Ripple/Chi/etc. However Mime-Oh is debatably more powerful than Clown-Po, as Mimes with Mime-Oh can warp between places via shadows and mirrors. This is how Marco gets from Mexico to the Stardust Mansion.
He also uses Mime-Oh for fights, such as creating shadow clones to fight or distract an enemy, and even use it for some devastating attacks with Desert Rose. One such attack he calls Pegasus Flicker.
He slashes at his opponent, but seemingly misses. It’s only when he sheathes Desert Rose that the effects kick in: Where ever he slashed at suddenly gets struck/sliced.
And that’s Marco, The Desert Skull of Mexico! Now let’s end this out with a Fun Fact!
-Marco’s favorite manga/anime series is Saint Seiya, with Seiya as his favorite character. He read/watched it so much back in Mexico as kid that his friends nicknamed him Seiya, and his original Matador costume was Pegasus Seiya inspired!! Some his more fancier sword techniques are even inspired by move names from the series!
-Character Theme:
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