#and the day iant finished
myrmecomorphisme · 21 days
The administration writing on my colleague's paper that she works 30 hours a week what a joke
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rukia-writes · 3 years
Hi there! May I request a RoR Thor x reader fluff? The story can be anything you want. I just need more stories with this beautiful man ^_^ Thank you!!
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Thor x (GN) reader
Plot: Giving thanks for saving everyone from the giants of Jötunheim, Thor gets an interesting gift from reader.♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Warnings: none.
”What is this?”
the god of thunder inquired with his usual stoic expression as he saw a tray of desserts, flødebolle to be exact. Expressing thanks (Name) wanted to show appreciation. However, the calm god refused as he leaned back against the tall tree and closed his eyes.
None the less, the thunder god was nearly bombarded with talk while he was silent the whole time and it was only until (Name) realized that it was time to go as the bakery needed to still be fixed. laying the sweets beside him Thor watched as he watched his happy and grateful fan leave. Looking down at the sweets Thor did eventually eat one as he didn’t want to be too rude, and eventually by the days end had finished eating all of the delicious sweets.
The next day, (Name) and her crew were having a hard time trying to remove the tree that dead center in her bakery placed there by the giants during the invasion. After scrounging around for ideas on how to solve the problem at hand the tree seemingly lifted itself off the ground, surprising (Name), her crew and the townspeople only to reveal a still calm Thor and as Asgard’s new hero the crew and townspeople cheered.
“Where do you want this?”
”On the side there will be fine.“
Thor ignored all the cheers and simply focused on helping (Name) out with the bakery. All attention was given to (Name) as the thunder god was a great help in fixing the bakery, while doing it out of kindness he was also wanting more sweets. As payment, once the bakery was fixed Thor was granted sweets as payment as that was what the god asked for.
Thor always lingered around and made sure no one took advantage or tried to start anything with his newfound friend and beloved baker. At night, when everyone had went home Thor stayed with (Name) and helped clean everything and at night is when he received whatever sweets he wanted that day.
While having no idea the man had a sweet tooth (Name) was grateful, with a strong bodyguard helping out.
The two worked at the bakery during the day and had tea and cakes at night.
Maybe one day (Name) would get to feed the god of thunder but for the time being the sight of watching the god eat sweets with his cheeks full of the delicious dessert was enough as he looked adorable while doing so.
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
A rip in time (17/18)
Notes: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, here it is. The final chapter. Since there will be a bonus chapter, I’ll spare you the long author’s note for now, but wow, I cannot believe that it’s here after all these years.
Ianto is looking at his watch. He’s waiting for Toshiko and Owen to arrive. Ianto’s been coming to this pub ever since he accidentally lost his way around Wales.
He doesn’t know why, but he finds himself coming back a lot. Today, he’s joined by some friends.
Toshiko and Owen walk in and Ianto hands Toshiko a drink. Owen is just here for fun, since his undeadness makes drinking an unpleasant experience.
“God, I need this,” Toshiko accepts it with a tired smile. Owen looks a bit jealous.
“Busy day, huh?” Ianto says to his friends.
“Tell me about it,” Owen says.
“Yeah, rough night?” the three of them hear.
A woman sits down in the free seat next to Ianto. It’s a bit impolite to just butt into a conversation, so Ianto, Owen and Toshiko all share a bemused look. Ianto slowly turns away from her, but she doesn’t get the hint.
“You guys really like bars, huh?” she says before ordering a drink herself, “First Jack in that space bar, and now you three over here. I wonder where I’ll find Gwen.”
“What?” Owen frowns.
“You three really made things difficult for me,” the woman says with a sad smile, “I am once again breaking so many rules. I shouldn’t be here.”
“Then… why are you here?” Ianto asks.
“Who are you?” Toshiko asks at the same time.
“All in good time,” the woman says, instead of actually answering. She takes a sip of her drink. “Well. It should start anytime soon, but it’s really taking its time. Probably because, you know, this shouldn’t be allowed.”
Ianto’s about to ask this woman to leave, when suddenly he feels intense pain. He closes his eyes. Owen leans against the bar. He hasn’t felt an ache like this since he died. Toshiko has her hand on her chest, trying to control her breathing.
When the feeling starts to clear, the first thing Toshiko does is staring at Owen. He’s blinking a couple of times, before he meets her gaze.
“Oh,” he mirrors, but then he smiles. He nods towards Toshiko’s glass. “How about that drink, huh?”
“You said that, knowing you were dead!” Toshiko says jokingly.
“Look, I was nervous!”
The two of them banter back and forth a bit more. Ianto’s also slowly coming back. He turns back to the woman, who’s blowing bubbles with her straw.
“Doctor?” he asks, to be sure.
“Thirteen,” the Doctor clarifies.
Ianto looks over his shoulder and he smiles when he sees that Toshiko and Owen are finally hitting it off, now that they both remember that Owen’s finally asked her out.
Ianto immediately checks his watch again. “Jack might come soon as well. Gwen’s definitely on her way.”
“Of course,” the Doctor says kindly, but Ianto notices that there’s something sad in her voice.
Ianto wants to ask why the Doctor sounds so sad, but he feels a hand on his shoulder. Owen and Toshiko have gotten up and Toshiko’s holding her coat.
“We’re heading out,” Toshiko says with a happy smile.
“You just got here,” Ianto says, but he understands. He’s really glad for his friends.
“Please, mate,” Owen says and his smile matches Toshiko. Ianto can’t remember the last time he saw them glowing like this.
“Doctor, nice to see you,” Toshiko nods towards the Doctor, “Till next time.”
The Doctor raises her glass.
The two leave in a hurry.
“I should head out too,” the Doctor says and she finished her drink in one go. She starts to get up, but Ianto grabs her sleeve.
“Stay. It’s been a while for you. Don’t you want to see Jack?” Ianto asks.
“Saw him recently in a space bar,” the Doctor says, “Trust me. I need to be gone before he gets here.”
Ianto really thinks that the Doctor’s behaviour is odd, but he’s seen four previous incarnations of her acting weirdly, so maybe he shouldn’t think too much about it.
And really, maybe Ianto also needs some time alone with Jack. He’s ecstatic now that he has this memory back.
“Goodbye, Ianto Jones,” the Doctor salutes. That’s another oddity. Jack’s complained about the Doctor refusing salutes. Maybe this regeneration loves saluting.
“Till the next time,” Ianto echoes Toshiko’s words.
He watches the Doctor go and Ianto turns back to the bar. He’s the only one now, so he can’t wait for Gwen to be here, but most importantly, he can’t wait for Jack to be here. He’d love to talk, but he also needs his friends to keep an eye on something. More patrons are arriving at the House of the Dead, which is still a weird name for a pub, and people are talking about holding a séance.
He takes a sip of his drink. It’s never a dull day in Ianto’s life.
There’s celebration in the streets on New York.
Amy grabs Rory and she kisses him fiercely. They are no exception. Couples all around Time Square are kissing.
The Second World War is officially over.
Even though Amy and Rory knew that this day would come for years, they soak in the feeling happiness.
“The baby boom is officially about to start,” Amy says happily. She knows it. Amy can’t get pregnant, but they’re looking into adoption. They’ve been ‘in the past’ for seven years and it isn’t the life they imagined, but they are incredibly happy.
Although Amy really misses listening to Queen. She has to wait a couple more years for that.
And Rory has never finished a book that he was reading in 2012, and he’s afraid he’ll never finish it.
But apart from that, they’re happy. Amy has started writing and Rory spends most of his time gardening. If the Doctor would show up on their doorstep one day with the offer to take them back to the future, or 2019 by now, they’d decline.
Well, they’d like to say a proper goodbye to the people they love, but by now they’re grown too used to this feeling of stability and the possibility of losing it scares them to no end. They’ve lost too much throughout the years. They don’t want to do that again.
So yeah, they miss some things about ‘the future’, but they’re created a present in ‘the past’.
The two of them walk hand in hand to the subway. People are still dancing on the street, but they want to go home. The city of New York isn’t as metropolitan as it was in the 2010s, but it’s still a big and the train ride to the suburbs takes some time. Amy leans against Rory.
It’s nice.
The celebration continues in the neighbourhood and neighbours all tip their hats and greet Amy and Rory as they pass. Even the more conservative neighbours who usually scold Amy for wearing slacks instead of skirts are in a jubilant mood. Amy and Rory wish it could always be this nice with everyone around. They’ve gotten to know the neighbours a lot, since it’s hard to talk to people far away in the 40s.
But there’s a stranger standing in front of their door.
“Hello there!” Rory says as a greeting. This woman isn’t a local.
The woman turns around at the sound of Rory’s voice. She smiles widely when she sees the two of them.
“Wow, look at you,” she says fondly, “It’s been too long.”
“Do we know you?” Amy asks.
“It’s me, your son-in-law!” the woman says. Then frowns. “Daughter-in-law? Sorry, gender is weird. It’s the Doctor!”
“No,” Rory’s mouth opens in disbelief.
“No way,” Amy also says.
The woman, the Doctor, scrunches up her face. “Yeah, since you forgot those memories, you two never learnt about regeneration.”
“You can’t be the Doctor!” Amy says. She tightens the grip on Rory’s hand. This can’t be real. “The paradox- you said- how?”
Amy’s too lost for words.
She never thought that this was possible.
“Yes, I am once again burning up a sun, so I don’t have long,” the Doctor says apologetically, “I wished I could get here earlier. How long has it been for you? I did read the epilogue in your book!”
“Seven years,” Rory answers.
She really is the Doctor. The epilogue is for her!
“I don’t have long, I’m sorry,” the Doctor says again, “Here!”
Rory unfortunately throws up in his garden, but the pain is just too much. Amy’s grip on his arm tightens even harder and she also bites her lip to prevent herself from screaming. The Doctor lets out a soft sigh and she waits for the agony to be over. She’s glad that she’s finally able to return these memories, but she doesn’t like watching the people she loves suffer.
That, and she can feel the TARDIS calling her back. She can’t stay any longer, or she’ll rip New York apart after all.
When Amy and Rory finally come to their senses, the Doctor is gone.
Rory wipes away a tear from Amy’s face. She didn’t even realise that she was crying. The two of them stare at the empty stop at their door. People around the neighbourhood are still celebrating loudly, but they just feel numb. Once again, the Doctor disappeared out of their lives.
“It was a great ride, wasn’t it?” Rory says to his wife.
Amy nods, too numbed to speak.
They’re grateful that they got to see the Doctor one last time, and that some memories of their fun travels have returned. They still miss travelling with the Doctor every damn day, but it’s also no use dwelling on the past. The war is over and it’s time for a new age.
“Come on, Mr. Pond,” Amy says quietly. She leads him inside.
There are at least six cats roaming around this neighbourhood. There are probably more of them.
That’s because of Heather and Bill. The two women own a lot of cats. The young couple moved into a nice little house quite recently.
“Travelling. We’ve been travelling, but we decided to settle down,” they say.
And travelling… they did loads of that. Only Bill and Heather know the truth. The two of them travelled the universe for a long, long time. They went to all the places the Doctor did not show Bill. Since both Bill and Heather consisted of sentient oil puddles, they were able to travel for decades without aging.
But one day, Bill decided that she wanted to try being human again. After Heather agreed to it, they turned back into humans and they settled down in 2019. To people around them, it looked like they were only gone for two years.
And they’re happy. Heather is still adjusting, since she’s been a puddle for longer than Bill, but Bill’s happy to be back. Moira and Heather’s parents sometimes stop by, and during clubbing, they’re making friends, but overall, they are often alone with their many cats. Sure, Shireen, Harry, Felicity, Paul and Pavel live close by, but it’s not what it used to be. They’re all busy with university work. Bill never attended St. Luke’s and Heather officially dropped out, so they don’t see a reason to go to the campus. They’re often with each other, no other people around.
So, when someone rings the doorbell, Bill and Heather are very, very confused.
Bill goes to open the door and she finds a blonde woman on their doorstep. She is very attractive, if Bill may say so. “Hello?”
“Bill Potts, you’re human again!” the woman exclaims.
This shocks Bill. Apart from Heather and Nardole, no one is supposed to know this. Nardole is still on the Mondasian Colony ship, and through technology, they can talk. But apart from that, Bill’s origins are secret. After all, the Doctor died in front of her.
“I… uh… what?” Bill laughs awkwardly, “Ma’am, what are you talking about?” Better to act as if this is a joke, right?
“You cried on me,” the woman says, sounding a bit irritated, “You cried on me so that you’d be able to find me. So I thought: ‘finding Bill’s gonna be easy. I just need the TARDIS to find out where the tears originally came from!’, but them my TARDIS tells me that there’s no source. I was like what?”
The woman makes a face of bewilderment.
“Anyway, I just did it the old fashioned way, then. Travelled back to the uni and all that. St. Luke’s University is such a dread, can you believe I stayed there for 70 years? Anyway, ran into some friends there who told me that Bill Potts has gone travelling with her girlfriend Heather and finally settled down somewhere here in Bristol, close to the uni. And here we are!”
The woman huffs out some air.
“Bill Potts, you made it quite difficult for me to find you.”
TARDIS? Tears?
“Doctor?” Bill yells out.
The woman, who is apparently the Doctor, smiles widely. “Bill Potts!”
“H-How did you know I got turned into a puddle? Didn’t you die? What is- How- Huh?”
“Yeah, that is a long story. You were made of glass,” the Doctor sighs, “But I am here to give you something, Bill. We should maybe go inside.”
Bill, who’s still a bit flabbergasted, lets the Doctor in and closes the front door. The moment the door’s closed, the Doctor puts her hand on Bill’s shoulder.
Bill falls back in pain.
She looks up and she watches the Doctor standing above her. She can’t have gone evil, right? Like, Bill knows that the Doctor can change face and personalities, since she’s met four of them, but an evil Doctor?
Wait. She did meet four Doctors once.
Memories resurface at a rapid pace. Bill gasps loudly. The Doctor withdraws her hand and the pain stops suddenly.
“Looks like you got your happy gay story afterwards, Bill,” the Doctor says kindly.
“My memories…” Bill trails off, because a huge smile spreads on her face.
“Sometimes they become songs, but sometimes they become pain,” the Doctor says, “Luckily, they don’t stay painful.”
“Wow, no shit.”
Bill gets up and the Doctor helps her.
“Anyway, it’s nice to see you again,” the Doctor says, “This you, not the glass you.”
“The what-”
“But I have to leave.”
“Don’t you want to stay?” Bill asks.
The Doctor shakes her head. “Can’t. Have one final person to see.”
Bill thinks it’s a shame, but she knows it’s best not to interrupt the Doctor when she’s put her mind to something, so she lets her out. Bill waves goodbye and she watches how the Doctor steps into her TARDIS.
When Bill closes the door, Heather’s appeared in the doorway to the living room.
“Who was it?” she asks.
Bill doesn’t answer. Instead, she kisses her. She really did get her happy ending.
Gwen never saw herself in this position. She’s sitting at her dining table, reading a book. Rhys is in the kitchen, frying some chips. Anwen is drawing on her placemat, and Gwen doesn’t see a reason to stop her. The downside of being pregnant is the fatigue.
And the craving for chips.
Their house in Swansea is constantly smelling like a snack bar.
“We have to finish these chips before Mary comes over,” Rhys says.
“She can’t say shit,” Gwen mutters, “Chips aren’t on the NHS list of foods to avoid during pregnancy.”
“Mummy, you said a bad word!” Anwen protests.
“Mummies can do that, especially when pregnant,” Gwen teases.
Really, if only the Gwen of years ago could see her now. This life is so mundane and domestic. It’s nothing compared to the thrill and rush of Torchwood. And Gwen misses that life, she really does, but she’s learnt to appreciate the quieter moments in life as well.
The doorbell rings.
“She’s early,” Gwen mutters. She hoists herself out of her chair with ease. She might be heavily pregnant and tired most of the time, but she’s still strong. Gwen walks towards the front door and she’s surprised when someone other than her mother is in front of her when she opens the door.
“Gwen, you’re huge!” the woman stares openly at Gwen’s belly.
“Pardon me, but who are you?” Gwen says, suddenly weary. Yes, they’re living a peaceful and quiet life, but also a private life. It’s one of the reasons they moved to the Welsh countryside. The only stranger who shows up at their door is the postman.
But this woman knows her name.
“Oh, this explains why I couldn’t find you in a bar,” the woman says, “It’s me, the Doctor!”
“Doctor?” Gwen asks in disbelief. She snorts. This cannot be.
Why would the Doctor be here? Is this even the Doctor, or is this a threat in disguise? The Doctor has let Gwen and her friends down immensely, so even if this really is the Doctor, Gwen isn’t thrilled.
“Yeah, TARDIS is down the road. Can I come in?”
“No?” Gwen says, “You’re basically a stranger, Doctor. What are you doing here?”
“Fair, fair, you never really liked me,” the Doctor says, “I need to show you something, but it might hurt, and since you’re pregnant, you should sit down. I don’t want you to fall over.”
“What the fuck?”
“Alright, I’ll catch you. This is taking a long time.”
“Now, wait a minute-”
But Gwen gets cut off mid-sentence, because the nausea overwhelms her. Gwen’s used to body aches and nausea and pain, because her son is about to be born, but this is a whole new level. Gwen staggers backwards until her back hits the wall and the Doctor puts her hands on Gwen’s arms to steady her.
Even then, Gwen slides down.
Everything floods back to her.
“I’m fine!”
Gwen’s mind wanders to Rani, Clyde and April. She remembers the rush of affection that she felt for those teenagers.
She also remembers with anger that Twelve tried to warn her about Miracle Day. She pushes the Doctor off her.
“I’ll see myself out,” the Doctor says.
And maybe Gwen should tell her to stay. Deep down, Gwen doesn’t really hate the Doctor. She doesn’t always disagree with their choices and she will never fully forgive them for turning their back on Earth in moments in need, but the Doctor is still important for the universe.
What would Gwen’s life be like without the Doctor saving the universe time and time again?
But the Doctor closes the front door behind her. Gwen’s still sitting on the floor. She lets out a huge sigh.
“Gwen, Mary, the chips are done!” Rhys yells from the kitchen.
“It wasn’t Mary,” Gwen crawls up. She looks at the door. “It was the post.”
Gwen walks back to the kitchen.
Somewhere in the future
Life is pointless now.
Everyone tells her not to think that way, but Donna knows better. Here she is, at age 96, surrounded by kids and grandkids in a bleak hospital room. Shaun’s already long gone and her children have lives of their own.
“Mum, it’s okay to let go,” one of the children says. Donna doesn’t know who. Most of the time, she has her eyes closed since she’s so tired. She feels someone squeezing her hand.
Donna loves her children, but oh Lord, she wishes that they’d let her die in peace.
Her child is right, though. It’s time to let go. Donna’s lived a long and fulfilling life. Ever since she won that lottery all the way back in 2010, life’s been grant. Shaun and Donna were able to afford a house, even after all their debts had been paid off. Shaun was eager to have kids. Donna wasn’t. Shaun respected that and they spent a long time travelling and seeing the world, before settling down. It was the first time that Donna really travelled.
Donna managed to go to school. It’s never too late. She got a great job afterwards and she enjoyed it immensely. The days of temp jobs were officially gone. Shaun became a real family man and he cared for the kids.
Donna’s seen a lot. She’s lost a lot. She buried her grandfather and mother next to her father. One of her grandchildren died at age 6. She watched as one of her daughter’s marriage collapsed.
But she pulled through, together with the people she loved.
She never did anything remotely important for the world, but she did a lot for the people around her. That is enough. Life was good.
Now it is pointless.
Donna’s always had a knack for adventure and travelling, and after losing Shaun, she soon lost her ability to travel. She held out for long, but at age 96, she’s bedridden and tired. She’s dying, but the crying of her children keeps distracting her from, well, dying. That’s probably not possible, but Donna says it is so.
With great strength, she opens her eyes. Her children are all with her and she can’t help but smile a little bit. She loves everyone in this room.
Suddenly, the door opens. A nurse peeks inside. Luckily, he’s human. All those damn sci-fi shows from back in the day always predicted aliens and robot invasions, but even now, nurses are still human. All those shows were crap anyway. Donna never liked them.
“Mrs. Temple-Noble?”
“That’s my mum,” Donna’s daughter answers for her, since Donna’s too tired to do it herself.
“You have a visitor,” the nurse says.
“We asked for privacy since my mother is…” Donna’s daughter trails off. She can’t say it out loud, because then it’ll become real. If only Donna would just die peacefully. But no, it’s as if she’s not fully ready to go yet.
“This woman showed us her permission,” the nurse says.
Donna’s children and grandchildren share some confused looks. All close family is in this room.
“Well, uhm, let her in,” Donna’s son says.
A blonde woman appears in the doorframe. She has a funny, long coat. She’s also carrying a bouquet of flowers. Forget-Me-Nots. Myosotis sylvatica. Donna’s favourite.
“Donna Noble!” she says happily.
“Who are you?” Donna’s son asks.
“An old friend,” the woman answers. She ignores the confused looks from everyone else and she sits down next to Donna’s bed. “Donna Noble, oh how I’ve missed you.”
Donna wants to ask this woman who she is.
“It’s okay,” the woman puts a hand on Donna’s head.
A splitting headache seems to appear out of nowhere. Donna groans and her children are shocked to hear noise coming from Donna. After weeks of utter silence, they’re too shocked to interfere.
“It’s okay,” the woman says again, but this time in a more comforting way, “Oh Donna Noble, it will all be okay.”
Memories flood back. The TARDIS, her first failed wedding, travelling with the Doctor, the library, the wasp and Agatha Christie, the gorgeous Midnight planet, the Judoon, planets in the sky.
The DoctorDonna.
The time loop. Eleven saying goodbye to her.
Donna remembers.
Oh my God, Donna remembers.
And because of that, she also knows what is going to happen now. The headache gets slightly worse, and she knows it’s because her brain is starting to fry. It hurts. It hurts so freaking much, but-
Donna’s finally at peace. Despite the utter pain, she smiles broadly. Tears are streaming down her face, either from pain of happiness. The woman smiles at her.
With the last strength that she has, Donna takes the woman’s arm.
“Goodbye, Donna.”
The Doctor kisses her forehead and she makes room for Donna’s children to sit beside the bed. Two of Donna’s children immediately reach for her hands.
The pain slowly ebbs away. Donna closes her eyes and she lets out her final breath. Fully at peace, she dies with a smile on her face.
The Doctor and Yaz are silent. Ryan and Graham have just left and even though Yaz is still standing next to her, the Doctor feels lonely. She hasn’t felt this lonely in a long time. It’s a familiar feeling, since she’s already lost so many people.
It never gets easier. That’s what she told Donna as well during that time loop.
Yaz wipes away her tears.
“We’ll see them again,” she says.
“But it will never be the same,” the Doctor says sadly.
“It doesn’t have to be,” Yaz tries to cheer the Doctor up, even though she’s equally devastated about it. Ryan and Graham are her friends and they’ve seen so much with the Doctor. But she tries to be optimistic. Pessimism in life brings her nothing. “For now, it’s just the two of us.”
“I like that,” the Doctor says with a sad smile.
Yaz’s heart skips a beat, but she doesn’t pay too much attention. Instead, she smiles back. The two women walk back to the TARDIS console. The Doctor pulls a lever and the ship takes off, leaving Ryan and Graham outside. They watch the TARDIS dematerialise with content looks on their faces.
This isn’t the end. It never is.
Inside, the Doctor and Yaz’s smiles widen. The Doctor knows that one day, this will come to an end too, but not today. Right now, the entire universe is waiting for them.
End notes: The majority of this chapter was written in 2019, but I struggled a lot with the Torchwood parts because a) most of them are dead and b) I never watched the show. If I didn’t do the characters justice, then I hope you forgive me. I said that I stopped following the Doctor Who canon a while ago, but the mention of Gwen also having a son in Revolution of the Daleks just makes me happy, so I added him. And if you’re confused why Ianto, Tosh and Owen are *cough* alive in 2010, I recommend you listen to The House of the Dead. Again, I struggled with Ianto, Owen and Tosh the most, so finding this audio story felt like an epiphany.
And that’s it.
That’s the main story.
I need to lie down.
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That Girl Will Never Be Mine (Taehyung x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: I always feels Tae is a possesive lover too. I always feel that because he is so good looking and also an incredible person, he (or people) might think that he will get whoever he likes but I think he will somehow fall in love with a girl who didnt fall for him at first sight like most and had to actually work to get her. So, I love your idea of "shes so beautiful, she has a lot of suitors" because a little competition andd a jealous tae? Well, that sounds like a plotline to me ❤ and I am sorry if this is not my best work
Also,this is inspired by this  drabble with the same title. You can read the drabble here first or just continue reading this story 💜
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Taehyung waves off to the screaming fans one last time before the stage recline down, hiding all seven members from the crowd, his face etches from smiling.
"Good job guys! Another successful show, I am proud of you," Namjoon patted each of their backs and ruffles Jungkook's hair before bowing and thanking the rest of the staff, crew and their team for another successful concert in their tour. The other six members, including Taehyung did the same and retreats back to the dressing room, slumping hinself on the chair. Taehyung took out his phone as the others starts chit chatting, discussing about whether they should take a shower now of wait until they are back in their hotel room while some are already removing their makeup and changing out of their stage outfits. Taehyung glanced at his phone.
Of course.
Dozens of texts and misscalls, hundreds of notifications, but none from that one person that he actually want to hear from.
None from Y/N.
Taehyung lets out a frustrated sigh as he scrolls emotionlessly through the texts.
"Oh wow, hyung got a lot of booty calls," Jungkook laughs as he reads Taehyung's text over his shoulder. "Baby, call me after your concert. Taetae, my room number is 801, Tae, remember me?" Jungkook read the texts in a girly voice, mimicking the flocks of girls who left the texts.
"Shut up brat," Taehyung roll his eyes and tossed the phone on the dressing table.
"Why are you so grumpy? Maybe you should take on one of those invitation then, to ease up a little hyung," Jungkook laughs and went over to his station.
"No thanks. Not interested,"
"Kookie, you should know by now Tae is only interested in girls who is not interested in him," Namjoon laughs out loud. Taehyung glares at the leader through the mirror.
Fine, make fun of him. He dont care.
"Why is it so hard to even reply to any of my texts? I left her multiple before we started the show!" Taehyung grumble.
"Shes just not interested in you Tae. Wake up already!" Jimin chimes in. "Dont you ever think that you didnt see her because shes practically hiding from you? Shes not interested, move on already,"
"She might not be now, but I'll make sure she will be mine soon enough," Taehyung greeted his teeth with determination.
"We just finished a good show. A bunch of girls just passed out because you look their way and Y/N is the first thing you can think about?"
"Shes always what I'm thinking about Chim! I dont care how many girls want me, all I want is her. Urghh, what is it about me that she hates so much anyway?" Taehyung leans towards the mirror and examine himself. Why wont Y/N like him? What is he lacking? "Thats it, I'm calling her!"
"Suit yourself. We all know theres no point in stopping you anyway," Jimin shrugged and walks away.
Taehyung immediately reached out for his phone that he tossed earlier and press speed dial number one.
Mine ❤
After a few rings, Y/N picks up. Well, she kind of have to. They are friends. Its not weird for her to answer his calls  Although Taehyung wants nothing more than to be more than friends ever since he met her that first day BigHit sent him and Jimin to their new highschool. Just a shy, absolutely beautiful, art student. Taehyung who was usually easy going and friendly suddenly turned tounge tied when hes around her, but someway, some how, he managed to be friends and the two of them and a few other friends become a whole group of besties. That was way back, and what Taehyung hope to only be a highschool crush develop into a full on feeling of in love.
Kim Taehyung is in love with Y/N, and its either she didnt know it or pretended that she doesnt.
"Hello? Y/N?" The line was noisy on the other side. Is she outside? If she does, with who? Not with men right? Why didnt she tell him shes going out? He texted her all the time to tell her what hes doing. Eating, praticiting, shooting, recording, everything!
"Tae? Taehyung! Hiiii! I thought you are busy on tour! Why are you calling?" Y/N's voice sounded chirpy, and it immediately melts his heart. All thoughts of anger melted away. Thats how big of an impact Y/N has on him.
"The concert just finished..." he grins. Baby. Urghh he wanted so bad to say those words to her, to call her that, but he knows he cant. Y/N only sees him as a friend. For now. "Didnt you read any of my texts?" he questioned out loud, wandering why didnt be received any reply from her.
"Oh sorry Tae. I'm outside with the gang and I didnt expect you to call, or text me, since you are on tour and all," Y/N giggles. "Oh my god, you should have seen Jae hyun! What he did was so funny! He-"
"Why is it so noisy? Iant it late at night there? Are you at a bar? Are you out drinking? Since when do you even drink?! When are you coming home?" Taehyung cuts her off, not interested to know about Jae Hyun or any other guy for that matter, especially one that is making her laugh. He should be the only one who makes her laugh!
"Well, the gang are. You know I dont drink Tae," Y/N giggles. "Why are you calling?"
Her question turn Taehyung's mood turned sour immediately. Here he is, missing her like crazy even in the middle of tour, in the mjddle of a super busy schedule and she dont even bother to read his text on the account of being outside having fun with some guy? Sure, Jae Hyun is one of his bestfriends too. In fact, he is sure Y/N is hanging out with their usual gang, but its not fair how they are outside living their normal life with Y/N and he is here, stuck performing. He wants to go out with Y/N too!
Yeah, people say hes lucky. To be debuting, to have a great career and awesome brothers as his band members and sure, Taehyung is happy and grateful too. But if only Y/N is his, then his life would be perfect. Y/N and him used to be the closest duo in their group but all that changes after he debuted. Packed, busy schedules take his time away from his friends, and Y/N and little by little they drifted apart, and now, with his packed schedule all year round, he dont know if he can recreate the closeness between him and Y/N again. Oh, how he wished his longing and feelings for her dissapeared just like their closeness.
Its true what Jungkook said. He can have his pick from the various girls in his phonebook, but none of them can even come close to how Y/N makes him feel.
"I'm just calling my best friend. Is that wrong?" Taehyung snapped. "If that best friend bothered to checked and replied my texts, hundreds of them, I wouldnt have to call now would I?"
"Tae... I'm sorry. I really didnt noticed, and I was just asking," Y/N's sighed sadly. "Why are you angry at me? Please dont be ang-"
"Just forget it! Have fun with the boys!" Taehyung angrily hangs up the call, huffing.
He knows he shouldnt be mad. Heck, he has no right to be mad, they are friends, and Y/N is not obligated to reply lr answer his calls if she didnt want to, but thats how it always is. He got angry when he thinks about how she is fine without him. He gets mad when he thinks about every second shes with someone else and not him. He didnt talk to any of his friends for a month once when Y/N has a boyfriend for two weeks before.
Afterall, he is Kim Taehyung. Theres nothing he hates more than what he cant have. and right now, thats Y/N.
Y/N sighed and slipped her phone back in her bag.
"Is that your boyfriend?" Her best friend giggles, knowing how uncomfortable Y/N will be when she calls Taehyung that.
"He is not my boyfriend!" Y/N denies quickly. "But yes, its Taehyung,"
"I really dont get you Y/N. Kim Taehyung wants you. The Kim Taehyung! And you rejects him? Boy, you are really something else," her friend shakes her head. "The best friend turned idol slash international superstar and still madly in love with the best friend from high school only happens in fan fictions Y/N, and yet here you are. Happening right to you, and you rejected him? What is so wrong with Taehyung anyway?" She looks straight into Y/N's eyes trying to find and answer. When she find none, she shrugs. "Just, I dont know, think about it okay? Maybe its not such a bad idea, to be with him,"
"What are you even talking about? Taehyung is my best friend. Our, best friend," Y/N looks at her in disbelief. All of them hangs out together since they were teenagers doing homework together, its not possible for Taehyung to likes her. Especially now when he practically owna the world. Most of their friends had said that Taehyung harbour feelings for her, but that couldnt be true right? They are just friends. Have been for a long time even before Taehyung debuted. Sure, he was a trainee when they met and Y/N enjoyed being his friend. Sure, they were the closest duo before, maube Taehyung is a bit fond of her rather thab the others, but in love? Y/N chuckle to herself. It cant be.
She cant deny that Taehyung is really good looking, funny, charming, attractive and owns all the others positive things about him. and at one point in their friendship, she did have a crush on him. The two of them were so close when they first met. They did everything together, they are the typical high school bestfriends that are inselarable. But after Taehyung debuted.. well, thats when things starts to change for them. Is it his busy schedule or is it his changing attitude now that he is an idol that makes them drift apart, she cant tell, but one thing is for sure, the feelings she thinks she had before has dissapeared.
"Yeah, a friend. To us, not to you Y/N. I am pretty sure he wants to be more than that," Soo Young grins.
"No he doesnt! You know Tae is nice! He treat all his friends nicely," Y/N shrieks, but she knows its no point. They jabe had this argument a million times before.
"He is nice but I dont see hundreds of text from him in my inbox. Or sudden anger when I hang with a bunch of guys," she smirks. "Just face it will ya? Kim Taehyung loves you, and definitely more than just a friend,"
"Stop it Soo Young, he does not!" Y/N tries to deny it, but looking at the text Taehyung just sent her, Y/N got a feeling that somehow maybe her friend is right.
I'm sorry for snapping at you Y/N. I am just tired with tour and I miss you. I miss you very much and it just.. you know.. affect my mood. I'll call you early tomorrow morning okay?
Xoxo, Tae
Taehyung woke up early the next morning, which is unusual for him, especially the morning after a full blown concert. But sleep is not an option when all he can think about is Y/N and how he unnecessarily snapped at her last night. Granted, he did this so many times already. His jealousy always takes over and he always ended up snapping at her, which leave him with a big sense of regret later.  But he just cant control himself. Taehyung just wants Y/N all for himself.
Sure, he sent her a text saying sorry. And he waited for hours for her reply. Just a simple OK would do, but none. Y/N didnt reply anything. Is she that mad at him? Did his jealousy finally blew his relationship, if there was even any, over?
Taehyung sighed and ran his hand through his hair before reaching up for his phone.
1 new message.
With excitement and sheer hope, Taehyung quickly click it open, hoping and praying that it would be Y/N.
And sure it is, there, the name he waited so all night to grace his screen appeared.
Mine ❤
Even better, it wasnt just a text, but a photo. A photo of her beautiful face smiling at the camera, which looks like shes inside a plane, with a ticket held up covering half her face, showing the destination. Taehyung scrolled down to read the caption, heart racing.
Sorry Taetae, I fell asleep lastnight the moment I got home. Me and the gang are on our way to you ❤ we are attending your tour! Surprise! See you in a few hours.
Is this reall happening? Shes not angry at him. She coming to see him!
Y/N is coming to see him perform! Taehyung grins widely to himself, letting out a deep chuckle without realizing. He has never felt this happy in his whole life.
Y/N is coming to see him! Nevermind that shes coming with the whole gang, that part was long forgotten by Taehyung already. This is finally going to be the best tour ever!
"Hey Tae, I think your schoolnates are here. They managed to pushed through and be at the front," Hoseok turns back to Taehyung after peeking through the curtain from the backstage. Its minutes to their concert for that night, at the crowd is packed, expected of another sold out concert, but Taehyung cant seems to stop talking about how his "gang" from school is coming tonight, so Hoseok cant resist but to give it a peak.
"Hobi, I think you got it wrong. Tae doesnt care about his friends. What matters is, is Y/N there?" Namjoon chuckles as Taehyung gives him a glare.
"Yah, I care about both my friends and Y/N hyung. Okay fine, I care about Y/N a little more," he grins. "Is she there Hobi-hyung?"
"Cant see really clearly, but I think so, yes Tae," Hoseok rolls his eyes. All of the boys knows what Y/N looks like by now. Well, they should, with how much Taehyung talks about her, showing her pictures to them. "This is going to be the best show you will ever give dont you Kim Taehyung?" Hoseok smirks.
"What are you even talking about?" Taehyung shrugs, feigning ignorance. "I always give my best performance hyung,"
"Yeah?" Hoseok looks at the younger man, who is grinning from ear to ear and laughs. "If you say so Tae. But I can tell tonight is going to be better," he chuckles.
Its obvious to everyone, Kim Taehyung is absolutely whipped by his own classmate. A girl who he will never get.
Taehyung felt giddy all over. He cant wait to start. He have all this energy in him and he just cant stop smiling. This is the first time Y/N actually came and see him perform live. Sure, she and the gang has watched his performances on tape and videos before, but shes right here, in front of him, at the front row of his concert. There might be thousands filling up the stadium tonight, but Taehyung already knows that his eyes will only be seeing one person throughout the night.
His eyes search the crowd the moment they entered the stage, followed by a huge roar of shouts and applause from the crowd. But nothing can distract him from locking his eyes on Y/N tonight. He expects to see her looking at him, smiling and waving, cheering him on, fueling his energy and passion more, but what did he see?
Y/N is not even looking at the stage.
In fact, shes busy talking, no, giggling, like a school girl in front of their crush with some guy who is standing beside her.
What the actual hell?
Taehyung is pretty sure he dont know him. He must be some random fan attending the concert. But why is he obviously flirting with his girl? Just like what he intended to do, Taehyung cant stop keeping his eyes of them, although its more glaring at the two of them rather than looking at Y/N now. And seriously, those two just wont stop laughing and talking. Why does this always happen? Why does she have to be so freaking beautiful? Attracting guys anywhere she went?! Taehyung growls to himself.
This is not a coffee shop for them to have a date! Its a damn concert.
So watch the damn concert already!
"Tae!" Namjoon hissed at him backstage as the 6 of them retrieve back to give space for Jungkook's solo. "What the hell is going on?"
"What do you mean hyung?" Taehyung sighed and plop down on one of the couches, gulping down a bottle of water  . He knows exactly what Namjoon is talking about, but there is no way he is going to admit that.
"Oh please, you know exactly what I am talking about. Keep your head in the show Tae. And stop screwing up!" Namjoon huffed and walked away. Taehyung sighed. He knows he should focus on the show, its only for two hours, but how can he when the girl of his dream is right in front of him, and shes not even looking at him?
Taehyung tried to concentrate for the rest of the show, but failed miserably. He missed a lot of the cheography, accidentally hit the other members on stage, causing them to stumble and even forget a few of the lyrics. All the while, glaring and shooting daggers at Y/N and the guy's direction. Sure, his fans thinks its cute and assume that its part of the performance, some even say Taehyung is giving off an angry vibe which is considered hot and sexy, but the other members knows better and by the end of the show, all of them shakes their head and shot him a look of dissapointment.
Taehyung sighed, dissapointed at himself for letting a girl mess with his head as he takes off his makeup and change out of his stage costumes.
"Taetaeeee! Your performance is amazing!"
Taehyung whipped his head around to see the girl that is haunting his life  smiling and beaming cheerfully at him. Shit, how can he forgot he invited her to backstage later. He even offered to take Y/N out for coffee after the show and send her home and why is it he suddenly feel his anger start to dissapear just from aeeing her face?
No, keep your ground Taehyung. She should know what she did!
"Really?" Taehyung snickered. "How can you know?"
"Huh? What do you mean Tae?" Y/N took a step forward and looks at him with confusion.
"You said my performance is great. How did you even know? You are so busy selling yourself to some guy you just met!" Taehyung is full of anger now that the image of the two of them flashes back into his mind.
"What? Taehyung. Why are you saying things like this? He is just a new f-"
"I dont want to hear it," Taehyung raised a hand to stop her. "Know what, just go home Y/N. Im tired and Im going to have some rest," Taehyung starts to pick up his bag and start to walk out but Y/N held back his hand.
"Tae, whats wrong? You said we can go out to coffee to catch up or something remember?"
"Do you think I'm in the mood to have coffee right now Y/N?!" Taehyung pulls backs his hand aggressively.  "Just go home! Ill see you later,"
"But Tae. I-"
"Just go. Bye," without listening to another word from Y/N, Taehyung walks out, slamming the door behind him, missing what Y/N said next.
"But Tae.. I have asked everyone else to go back and I have no way to go home now.." Y/N sighed and slowly makes her way out into the dark night, figuring her way back to her hotel and why Taehyung is acting that way.
"Where are you going hyung?" Jungkook stretches on the couch and look at Taehyung whos wearing his jacket, ready to go out.
"I am having lunch with all my friends who came to the show last night. Ill be back before dinner. See you Kookie," Taehyung gives a small give, which is reciprocate by Jungkook and start the small walk towards the restaurant they had booked.
His mind starts to reel back to the night before. He immediately went to bed when he reached the hotel last night. When he wakes up today there was no message or misscall from Y/N. What does he expect? He is the one who rudely asks her to leave, she wouldnt be textiing him to ask him how he is doing. He should be the one doing that. Until when will he realized that he has no right to get jealous and even when he does, Y/N wont understand why.
Taehyung sighed.
Y/N's surprise and sad face from last night filled his mind again. Is he too mean? He picks up his pace, wanting to see her faster. She will be at the restaurant right? She wouldnt bailed on their group lunch just because shes mad at him.
Entering the restaurant, Taehyung spotted the long table filled with the familiar faces of his friends, laughing among one another. His eyes grazed each seat but Y/N is no where in sight.
"Oh Tae! Come on over!" One of his friends who noticed him spacing out at the door calls him in, breaking him out of his thoughts.
"Theres our superstar! Good show yesterday," another slapped his back and motioned for him to sit. Taehyung gives out polite smiles before asking the question he dreadfully want the answer to.
"Wheres Y/N?"
"Y/N? Oh you didnt know? She has a high fever. she was caught up in the heavy rain last night," Soo Young answered and eyed him skeptically. "Arent you with her? I thought you two went for coffee?"
"Wait. Fever? Rain?" The question immediately went passed him. All he can think about is how Y/N is sick right now. "Arent you guys together? Why are you guys all okay?"
"Together?" Soo Young raised an eyebrow. "But she told us to go on home first to meet you backstage. She said you are taking her out to catch up and you are going to send her home?"
"What? She-"
"Are you telling me you let her went back alone? In the middle of the night? In a city she never been to before?" Jae Hyun interrupt from the other end of the table. Just the fact that Jae Hyun is concerned and also he himself is looking like a real jackass right now sets Taehyung on fire.
"Shut up. Just.. where is her hotel?"
"Why?" Jae Hyun glares. Taehyung ignores him and turns to Soo Young. After a few seconds of intimidating glare and Y/N's whereabouts in his hand, he quickly say goodbye and ran off in her direction.
Good job Kim Taehyung. Not only did you get angry at you dream girl for no reason at all. You snapped at her, insulted her,left her alone, and you even make her sick. Great, fucking job. Maybe the boys are right, Y/N will never be yours.
"T-tae?" Y/N open her tired eyes to feel the wet cloth on her forehead only to be met with Taehyung's handsome face etched with worry, looking over her.
"Hey.. you are awake. How are you feeling?" He smile. A smile so beautiful that Y/N cant helped but smile back, although in her heart she is still deeply hurt by his action last night.
"Why are you here? How do you know where I am staying? Is this a dream?"
Taehyung laugh. Oh Y/N, how can anyone be this adorable?
"No, you are definitely not dreaming princess. I am here and I am going to nurse you back to health,"
"Okay, I am dreaming. You are calling me princess, thats weird," Y/N laughs. Taehyung realizes what he had slipped and give back a small smile.
"Just take a rest okay? Your temperature is going down, you will be better soon. I have also ordered you food. Ill feed you. Lets eat okay?" Taehyung helped her sits up and starts feeding her slowly. There is nothing he wont give to take care of Y/N like this every single day. Why cant she just let him?
"Thanks Tae. You really shouldnt have. You really are the best friend in the world," Y/N smiles as she keeps eating the food. Taehyung swallow the bitter truth and give her a small smile. Best friends. Of course, thats all he will ever be.
"Y-yeah of course. What are best friends for right?" He smile and swallow before uttering his next words. "Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah Tae?"
"I am really sorry about what I said to you last night. I dont have any right to get mad at you. And to leave you walking home alone? That is j-"
"Hey, dont worry about it Tae," Y/N smiles and patted his hand. "You must be tired and there I was yapping away aboit coffee and wanting to catch up," she giggles. "Sometimes I forgot that you are this huge world star now, always busy. You are no longer the same boy who is always around walking me home from school, buying ice cream on the way,"
Taehyung kept quiet. He didnt know why her words hurt him so much. Is that what she thinks of him all this while? That he has become too big to even hang out with his best friends? Is that why she is never interested in him, not at all?
"Y/N.. is that what you thought? All this while?" Taehyung look at her face, looking for answers.
"Well.. yeah. Isnt it? I mean, I know you are busy. Arent you?"
"Well, yes. But not-"
"Maybe someday when you finally have free time. Maybe 100 years from now," she giggles more at her own joke, " we can finally catch up. We can bring my children to an amusement park or something,"
Taehyung clenched his fist tight. He knows shes just joking around, but now he cant stop imagining Y/N happily married to some guy, with their kids running around. Oh hell no, he is never going to let that happen. Y/N is his, and he will make sure of it even if its the last thing he needs to do.
"Why wait a 100 hundred years then?" Taehyung flashed her his infamous smile.
"What do you mean?"
"What do you say, if your fever is better of course, that we go out to the amusement park tomorrow? Just us two? I heard they have a big one nearby. And we have an off day this whole week. So what say you?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes.
Y/N looks at him and a smile alowly crept up her face.
"Its a date,"
"You are going to a god damn amusement park Tae, why are you fussing with your clothes so much?!" Jimin huffed for the hundred time as Taehyung rumnage through their closet for the thousand times.
"Chim, I told you. She said it herself! Its a date. A freaking date! I need to look good! God why is everything so ugly?! We dont have time to shop for bew clothes. I an doomed!" Taehyung sighed and slumped down on his bed, buried by a pile of clothes, frustrated.
"I think Y/N only meant it as a matter of speaking..." Jimin mumbled, because he knows its no point explaining it to someone as love struck as Taehyung is right now anway. "Tae, you already look good in anything. Just pick whatever okay. And if she does like you, it wont matter what you wear anyway,"
"You are right Chim. Y/N is not that petty to judge someone by appearance anyway," he smiled at the thought of her.  "Shes just perfect,"
Jimin chuckles at his lovestruck friend and shake his head, pulling the blanket, ready to sleep. Taehyung can day dream all he wants, buried in the pile of clothes. Hes going to bed. Jimin was about to drift off to sleep when he last heard what Taehyung said.
"I am so in love with the perfect girl Chim. I just wish shes mine already,"
"S-so which one do you want to ride first?" Taehyung stammered, nervously wiping his sweaty hands on his pants. He is finally on a date with Y/N. An outing, just the two of them. Sure, Y/N might think this is only outing between friends, but who cares, its still a date to him, and she look so beautiful Taehyung cant think straight.
Shes dressed so casually in shorts and an oversized jumper, hair flying loose and looking so happy eating a cotton candy that she was so excited to buy the moment she saw it. And looking at all the other eyes staring at her, Taehyung knows that he is not the only one who thinks shes looking absolutely beautiful today.
Y/N has always been beautiful. That is one of her traits that caught his eye the first time he saw her in school.  But sometimes her beauty is too much that she attracts everyone wherever she goes, and that is not a good thing for Taehyung. Especially when he is so easily consumed with jealousy and he went crazy when he does.
Why? Why does she have to be so freaking beautiful?
"Lets do the teacup! Then we can ride the pirate ship anddd that huge rollercoaster!" Y/N points to all the rides while jumping excitedly. "Hey, you okay? Why are you stammering?"
"Uh... nothing. I am just uh.. scared of scary rides?" Taeahyung gives a crooked smile, hoping she would believe him. There is no way he going to admit why he is so nervous being around her. And come to think about it,  what he said is true. He is scared of scary rides, rides to his heart and its scary as hell.
"Dont worry. I will protect you!" She giggles and hold his hand. Taehyung almost fainted the moment they touched. God, keep yourself together Kim Taehyung! You are Kim freaking Taehyung! Heart, stop beating so fast. Its just hand holding. You held way more hands during fanmeets! "Lets go!" Y/N drags him to the long line of the teacup, where the staff handling the ride is oogling her with no shame. Taehyung clenched his hand, wanting nothing more than to scratch his eyes out.
"Wait here in line Tae, I'll ask him how long the wait is going to be," before Taehyung could stop her to approach the guy with the beady eyes who is still staring at her, Y/N is gone. Taehyung kept his eyes on them, watching as the guy smile and getting too friendly for his liking. What are they even talking about? Shes only supposed to ask how long the wait is!
Y/N suddenly waves at him excitedly to walk over and Taehyung came by.
"What is it?"
"This nice guy said he will let us cut the que. Isnt that nice?"
"Really now?" Taehyung looks at the guy up and down, who is looking back at him, smirking.
"Yes sir. You and your pretty girlfriend c-"
"Oh he is not my boyfriend! He is my best friend!" Y/N cuts him and Taehyung felt like his gut has been stabbed.
"Oh really now?" The guy raised an eyebrow. Taehyung swear he really feels like punching him now. "Well, then you can go on as many time as you want," he smiles and winks, offering hia hand to helped Y/N up the platform. Y/N laughed, totally oblivious of how every single guy is flirting with her, like always.
"Yeah. How can someone that handsome be with me right? Have you seen him?" Y/N laughs. "And thankyou, maybe I'll come back again if we have time after trying all the other rides," she bowed and enters the ride, sitting opposite from Taehyung. Taehyung smiles at her and ponders on her words.
Oh Y/N, if only you knew that you are the only one who owns this supposedly too handsome man's heart.
Taehyung's mood drop from extremely happy to worse than sour in a heartbeat. The same thing with the guy at the teacup ride happen all over again. And again. And again and keeps happening. Its as if the whole park is after his girl. Y/N gets to cuts all the line, gets free drinks, win a teddy that Taehyung tried so hard to win for her for free and the popcorn guy even gave her his number on the box. To make matters worse, she keeps denying they are in a relationship and keep stressing that they are just friends. Taehyung knows its true, they are not in a relationship, but must Y/N be so against it? Is being with him appalled her so bad?
Y/N was chattering happily, eating her free popcorn, talking about how everybody is so nice, not noticing Taehyung's sulky mood and how he is already consumed in jealousy when he saw someone he knew.
Y/N looked up from her popcorn to see a beautiful young girl smiling and waving at Taehyung. She recognized her immediately. She is an idol too, must be Taehyung's work friend.
"Oh. Is that your friend? Let-"
"Mia, hi!" Taehyung immediately walked over to the girl, leaving Y/N behind. Well, Y/N has been flirting with everyone in the park with no regards to his feelings, maybe he would return the favor. Okay, he knows its not her fault, she dont even know the guys are flirting with her, but Taehyung knows he gets crazy easily when it comes to Y/N and jealousy, and this is one of the moment.
"Kim Taehyung! What are you doing here? Are you even allowed to wonder around an amusement park with this..." she looks at Y/N up and down with a disgusted look. "Person?"
"Oh uh hi. I-"
"Dont care," Mia shrugs and hold Taehyung's hand, dragging him away from Y/N as Y/N followed a few steps behind. "So I just finished a shoot here and my manager said I can spend the rest of the day enjoying the rides. Want to play with me?" Mia hugs his arms, leaning her head on his shoulder. Taehyung take a peek behind to look at Y/N. He wanted to pushed Mia away, tell her that hes spending the day with the girl of his dreams, but as he looks at Y/N, she is smiling at him, as if his close relationship with another girl doesnt effect her at all, and thats when he snapped.
He will always only be a best friend to Y/N. Nothing else, nothing more. Y/N will never be his.
And suddenly his heart is filled with jealousy and anger and the feeling of just... hurting her. To make her feel how he feel all this while.
"Yeah, sure Mia. Why not," he gives out his charming smile.
"Okay great! But what about... her?" She points to Y/N behind them.
"Oh her? No one special. She can follow us around," Taehyung shrugs and turns back. Y/N was surprised with his answer. Whats wrong with Taehyung now? Why is he behaving like last night again? Did she do anything wrong? Y/N decides to just follow them around for a while. Maybe they havent seen each other long, so they just want to catch up? Taehyung wont just ignore her for the rest of the day right?
Y/N's hopes dissapeared when hours passed and Taehyung didnt even talked or looked at her once. They didnt even ride the rides with her, taking a private car together, leaving her alone, riding with strangers. So much for an "amusement park date to catch up" Kim Taehyung.
Y/N sighed, but still follows them around.
Little by little, fans has started to gather as they realized that Taehyung and Mia are together, at an amusement park and at what look like a date. And soon enough, the crowd had gathered and followed them around to the point Taehyung's manager have to come. In the midst of the increasing crowd, Y/N being tiny and fragile got pushed by the fans who is trying to approached the couple and take photos before the moment is over, resulting in a scraped knees and bruises over her body. She tried to gets up and calls out for Taehyung, running behind them to catch up but was held back by the security.
"Sorry miss, please back off,"
"No. No. I am his friend. I was with him the whole day!" She points to the two celebrity.
"Yeah right, everybody said that," the security laughed and rolled his eyes. "You and these thousand other girls. Go home and study girl, stop chasing cleebrity around,"
"No. I am serious. He is my friend. Look, I have his jacket!" Y/N points to Taehyung's jacket that shes wearing. The one he gave her earlier because of the chilly evening air.
"Wait, are you a saseang?!" The security eyes her up and down.
"What?! Me? No! I am-"
The security ignored her and spoke into his walkie talkie and soon after a few more came and pushed her back.
"Miss, you have to stay about 1 kilometres away from Mr. Kim or legal actions will be taken against you. We dont tolerate saseangs,"
"But I am not.." Y/N sighed as she looks at Taehyung who is escorted away, not even looking back. "Nevermind. I'll back off," Y/N plop down at one of the benches and think about the way to go back to the hotel. Maybe she can just ask Jae Hyun for help.
"We heard what the security said," Y/N looks up to find a group of girls standing in front of her, circling her, hiding her from public sight. "You are a saseang arent you?"
"What? No! Its a misunderstanding. I am actually Tae's high school friend. I-"
"How dare you call him Tae you crazy stalker! Leave our oppa alone! He and his bandmates deserve some privacy you crazy bitch," the first girl shove her shoulder hard.
"No. Wait. I am not a-"
"Bitches like you deserve to die!" And before she can start defending herself the girls start shoving and hurting her, pulling her hair, slapping and punching her all over. Y/N is pretty sure they are the crazy one here.
Almost losing conciousness and bleeding all over, Y/N can only smirks to herself. I cant believe this is the way I will die. By being punch by Taehyung's fan.
Who the hell is that guy?!
Taehyung paced around in his room. Before he was ushered back to the car by his manager at the theme park, he managed to sneak a look behind the crowding fans, and he saw, far away at the back some guy carrying Y/N bridal style. She is hugging his neck but Taehyung cant see her face or anything else.
Who is he?
Why is she letting him carry her like that?
And after what happen yesterday, Y/N is still not even a bit jealous?
Taehyung huffed and continue to pace around his room. His mind is going crazy. Y/N didnt contact him after nor did she reply to any of his texts and calls.
Maybe he really did it this time. Maybe Y/N is truly mad at him.
Taehyung didnt see any of his friends after that anymore. They didnt answer his calls or his texts. They also didnt attend any of his shows anymore. Taehyung was confused. Is Y/N that mad at him for ditching her the other day? To the point she asks their friends to stop being friends with him? Doesnt that mean she has feelings for him then?
Taehyung needed answers, so he keeps on calling and texting. Plus, he misses Y/N lile crazy and he is starting to regret what he did the other day. After a few weeks of trying, Soo Young, fed up with his relentless effort in calling finally answered.
"What the hell so you want?!"
"Well, hello to you too. Is this how you talk to a friend?" Taehyung asks, confused on her behaviour.
"A friend?" She scoffed. "After what you did to Y/N, do you think you can call any of us friends again?!" So he was right. Y/N is pissed that he ditch her the other day.
"Wait. Just because I left Y/N at the amusement park you guys are not going to be friends with me anymore? Look, I know what I did was wrong. But I am s-"
"Left her at the amusement park? Its more like left her to die you asshole! And here I thought you actually love her!" Soo Young screamed out.
"Huh? D-die?" Taehyung stammered. what is she talking about?
"Y/N was in a freaking coma for a week because your crazy fans beat her up at the park you asshole! And you did freaking nothing to help! You think just because you are famous now you are better than your friends?! Just stop calling and stay the hell away from her!" Soo Young screamed at him but Taehyung is no longer listening as the phone he is holding dropped to the floor.
What has he done?
Y/N opened her eyes to the smell of sterile and medicine, her eyes adjusting to the white walls around her. She tries to move but she cant, everything hurts.
Where is she?
The last thing she remembered after getting beat up is a guy's voice shouting at the girls who is assaulting her and carrying her before she passed out conpletely.
"Hey.. you are awake," Soo Young's voice spoke softly to her ear and her friends friendly face entered her vision.  Soo Young explained what happened. How she was in a coma for a week already, and how a stranger at a park save her and how they are all no longer friends with Taehyung.
No matter how hard she tries, she cant figure out why Taehyung did what he did and Y/N finally give up in trying to figuring it out.
Y/N focuses on recovery, putting Taehyung to the far back of her mind. After a few weeks, her bruises and cuts got better but is still very much visible and she no longer needed a wheelchair, only crutches to walk. On a lazy weekend while watching her favorite drama and inhaling a carton of ice cream, a loud knock comes from the door. With her bad leg, she hopped to the door.
Y/N opened the door to find Taehyung looking straight at her, a huge bouquet of flowers in hand.
"Y/N. I-"
Panicking, Y/N immediately slammed the door shut at his face, tears starts to stream down her face. She doesnt know why shes crying. But seeing Taehyung again, after everything that happens... it just bring out the emotions that she never knew she felt.
"Y/N?" Taehyung calls out softly, while knocking on the door. After a few minutes he realizes that Y/N is never going to open it, atleast not today, and decide to just say what he wanted to say from behind the door.
"Y/N? I know after what I did I dont even deserve to see you. And I know you hate me so much that you cant even bare to see my face. I know I am a few weeks too late but I came immediately after I found out. Y/N, I am sorry. I didnt know why I did what I did. And if I could turn back time I would, but I cant. I am sorry I ruined what could have been the happiest day for us and turned it into this... tragedy. I am really sorry. You dont know how badly I regretted everything. I will give up everything Y/N, just to take it back. I swear," Taehyung sighed. "I'm... I'm just going to leave this flowers here by the door. Its for you. And I will come back every single day. You dont have to see me. But I will come back and wait for you until you are ready. I am sorry Y/N," with that Y/N heard his footsteps slowly went away, leaving her alone with her tears.
And true enough, Taehyung came back every single day for the next few months. Y/N found out from the news that he skipped his tour just to do this. He must really be willing to do anything like he said. Everyday he will leave something for her. Flowers, cookies, teddies, books, anything and he will sits on the floor by the door and talk about his day and how sorry he is and how he misses her. And slowly, Y/N find herself waiting for his daily visits and the tears stopped, replaced by a smile and a few giggles.
After 4 months, Y/N decided to finally open the door and ask him one final question.
"Y-Y/N? You opened the door!" Taehyung smile, surprised and immediately hugs her. "S-sorry. I just miss you so much," he stares at her longingly, backing away.
"This doesnt mean I forgive you Tae,"
"Of course! Of course! But its progress! What do you want me to do Y/N? I'll do anything, even if it takes forever," Taehyung smiles and she knows he means it.
"Answer me this one question Tae. Answer me with honesty. No bullshit, no lies, no excuses, and I will decide if I want to forgive you,"
"Of course Y/N. What is it do you want to know? I'll answer anything. Anything at all,"
"Why?" Taehyung looks at her, confused. "Why are you always mad at me for no reason? Why are your mood always changing? Did I do something wrong? Do you hate me? Do you not want to be my friend anymore? Why?"
"Well... thats not one question," Taehyung chuckles.
"Okay, okay. Kidding," Taehyung smiles and takes a deep breath. Its now or never. Its time to tell his dream girl, the truth.
"You want to know why? Its because of you Y/N. You are driving me crazy. from that first day I saw you in high school, I have been crazy about you, over you. I cant sleep, I cant think straight, I cant even be myself, all I can do is think about you and how to make you mine. How it feels if you are mine. If you love me back. I want you Y/N. I want to take care of you, to love you, to be the only face you think about every single day, to be the last face you see at night, the first face you see in the morning. Every single day I wonder, why cant I be that person for you? I love you L/N Y/N. I have been madly in love with you for years and I am sorry I have been acting crazy, but I just cant help it when I see other people looking at you or laughing with you. You are just so beautiful, so perfect to me, I am afraid that someone else will steal you away. I dont know how I will live if that happens. Jealousy is my best friend when I am around you and thats what happen that day. I knew now that you will never be mine, and I accept that. But I will take care of you from afar. And to answer your question, no, I dont want to be your friend, because I want to be so much more. But Y/N..," Taehyung smiles. "I have accepted it Y/N, that you will be the girl who will never be mine,"
Y/N feels her mouth dropped opened. Is Kim Taehyung really finally confessing to her?
"T-tae, I didnt know-"
"Hey, its okay. You didnt know. Atleast you didnt ignore my feelings on purpose," he smiles. "I am so sorry Y/N. I love you and I will do anything to make things right again. I regret everything I did,"
"Wait," Y/N stopped him. "So you are saying, that everything you did to me before, the mood changes, igboring me, getting angry, everything, is because you are jealous? And because you cant have me?"
"Well, yeah," Taehyung gave a small smile. "I love you too much that the thought of not having you drive me crazy. And you are just so beautiful, guys are always all over you,"
"But you said this will never happen again. Because..?"
"Because I finally accepted that you are the girl that I love, but you are also the girl that at will never be mine Y/N," Taehyung smile, a sad smile. Y/N giggles and took a step forward and held his hand.
Oh who is she kidding. She might have denied it to Soo Young and the rest of the gang, but who could ever resist Kim Taehyung?
Obviously not her. Because she is fi ally admitting to herself that she is desperately in love with her best friend. From that first day in high school. And how lucky is she that her best friend is Kim Taehyung.
"But Tae, whoever said that I will never be yours if you never ever asked me?" Y/N grins and the happiest smile slowly crept up Taehyung's face.
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