#and the coco puffs
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vampire-matcha · 5 months ago
Thinking about getting picked up by Gaz and Soap at a bar for a threesome. You think theyre just two (insanely hot) bisexual boyfriends who wanted to pick up some pussy for a one night stand, but when they invite you to stay the night after the best sex of your life (because let's be honest, you couldn't have walked home if you tried,) you find yourself sandwiched between them for cuddles. Ok, sure. Its normal to cuddle after a hookup. But come morning, they both linger in bed with you, trapping you between them as the paw at your soft body.
They insist you stay for breakfast-or, well, lunch actually, because its afternoon by the time they let you escape their hold. Gaz insists that you shower in their bathroom while they cook in the kitchen, and Soap even gives you a new unused toothbrush, and sets out some sweatpants and a tshirt for you to wear. When you emerge all clean and fresh and dressed in their clothes ("oh you don't want to wear that tight sweaty dress from last night. These will be much more comfortable."), the three of you eat together. Just as you're about to thank them again and head out, they pull you to the couch and nearly beg you to stay and watch a movie with them.
Before you know it, you've found yourself in their bed again and spending the night. They keep finding more excuses for you to stay until it's sunday night and you really should be going because you have to work in the morning. Reluctantly, (and after just one more round with each of them) the take you back home.
That must be the end of it, right? Wrong. They text you asking what you're doing after work. They know this really cool speakeasy spot across town they just know you'll love. They can even pick you up from work! Oh please, lovie, they know it's only monday but won't you come out with them? No? Okay, okay, maybe tomorrow?
They wear you down and you dont know why you let them. Probably because you've never slept with anyone so gorgeous, let alone TWO of them. You agree to meet on Wednesday- and just one drink! You swear! But your resolve melts like butter in the sun and you fall back into their bed once again. And again and again, until you finally have to ask what their deal is.
"Oh, darling, didn't we say we were looking for a third?"
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weekdaysend · 12 days ago
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I know of two little girls who had giant, disembodied heads inside their homes for whatever reason ♥️ anyways DARE X TFA can I get a hoopla.
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crazygnomenclature · 4 months ago
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Webtoon | Insta | Bluesky
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little-princes-things · 11 days ago
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low effort nico and cocopuffs for bedtime, enjoy loves
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disarraydoodlez · 1 year ago
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Christmas List Erased Day 17: Gingerbread Construction worker Howie! Ngl, I'd love a 3 hour audio track of Howie detailing how to build a gingerbread house, cycling between citing baking steps like safety laws and yelling at people off-screen.
Like I'd prolly pay money for Justice saying things like:
"Alright, now that everyone has there necessary safety equipment, each of you are gonna have to follow my orders explicitly. We ran out of all the white frosting after that stinkin' kid ran in her and drank it all, so we're only left with yellow. Now I know in that context this may be seen as humorous, but we're being paid to build, not laugh. Trixie, your gonna hand me building materials as I plaster the walls together. Molly, I need you to make sure everything is level, because if even a crumb is outta place then this all might come out of our materials budget. Pheonica, you shoul- ..... a... are you EATIN' all our SUPPORT BEAMS?!?....... Trixie, I'm going to need a few drainage rocks"
Trixie: "Your mean the Coco puffs or the Fruity pebbles?"
Howie: "Hand me the PEBBLES"
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notreddi · 1 month ago
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Important things are happening here everyone, very important things. 👀
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followthebluebell · 8 months ago
anyway, good news for the week:
Sebastian was adopted today <3 Genuinely wasn't sure it would happen. He first came to the facility in like... February or something and spent the first few months absolutely hating everything. I genuinely, truly thought that he was a feral--- and you can't tame down an adult feral, at least not to the point where I consider them adoptable.
But he made a remarkable turnaround after six months of steady work. He became one of the easiest cats to handle. Just a load of fluff.
He's still a bit shy around new people, so he kinda just hid under his shelf and made biscuits in his bed until he felt comfortable enough to come out and say hi, but his new owners handled it perfectly. They didn't push, they didn't ask for more than he was ready to give and, after about twenty minutes of waiting, he came out for pets.
And that was it. As soon as that barrier was crossed, he was absolute putty.
Fingers crossed they have many, MANY happy years together.
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mudslide-sailor · 10 months ago
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boobersandstuff · 2 months ago
I genuinely can't wait for hazel in tsats 2!! I can't for nico to come out to her!! Like this is how I imagine it:
Nico and will had just gotten to camp jupiter. Their walking around, nico remembering all the awful yet nice memories he used to have here. How it's complicated in his mind yet he's ok with it. Kinda how he feels about camp half-blood.
Wills in awe at the place. He loves it, and has a similar experience that percy had.
The coco puffs are with them (obviously) and everyone's either giving them a weird look or are scared by them.
They bump into hazel and Frank who are walking around doing pretor duties. Hazel notices them first and runs to give nico a hug. She's so happy and had no idea they were coming!
"nico! Omg! Your here! I've missed you so much! How are you? Did you like camp? Did you get hurt? Anything exciting happened? TELL ME EVERYTHING- AHH! NICO! GET BEHIND ME!" hazel gushes, asking a million questions before finally noticing the coco puffs and getting her sword out.
Frank also gets in a battle position noticing them.
"Wait wait wait! Their not dangerous! Guys, it's ok!" Nico reassures them. They then lower their weapons, confused tho.
"I'll explain them later, in the meantime. Hi, hazel, I've missed you too. Also hey Frank, I've also missed you" nico smiles.
Frank then notices how different nico is, so does hazel but she's only just realised with frank. He's not as skinny anymore, his skin is olive brown, his hair is longer and... are those freckles!?
It's then that will makes a coughing noise to get their attention, which works.
"Hi!" Will awkwardly waves at them. They both look at him, confused.
"Hello! Who are you?" Frank asks.
"I'm will, will solace, head of the apollo cabin, head medic, and nicos..." he quickly looks at nico asking for permission to tell them, to which nico smiles and finishes it himself.
"He's, my... boyfriend" nico awkwardly smiles. He knows its ok, he knows they won't react badly, but still, it always makes him nervous saying it.
"Yeah, I'm nicos boyfriend" will saids, finishing his sentence.
They both look at them a bit shocked. They did not expect that, who was nico what he did do with her brother!?
They look at eachother as if asking "you heard that too right?" Then they look back at the two of them. Hazel smiling brightly, hugging will and welcoming him to the underworld family. While Frank just shakes his hand and welcomes him to camp jupiter.
Nicos so happy and damn proud of himself. It reminds of him of a time back on the argo 2, when everything in his life was worse and he more sad, less healthy.
It was a couple days after cupid, the day before nicos suicidal ideation in the birds nest of the ship.
He was withdrawing from everyone even more than he already had, terrified that Jason would tell everyone his secret and they'd all hate him even more than they already do.
He was withdrawing from even hazel, who had been doing nothing but helping him since the jar. She noticed it and worriedly asked Jason what happened, to which he didn't say anything, which made hazel even more scared.
She knocks on his cabins door before coming in. He goes to yell at them to go away but once seeing its hazel he cant bring himself too.
He was just on his bed crying again for 10th time in 3 days. He did that a lot, whenever he got time to himself, he crumpled like a card pyramid. He tried to hide his obvious tears from her but it was too late, she saw them.
That made her even more worried. She slowly walked (while closing the door behind her) up to him, sitting next to him on the bed.
"What happened? Nico, I'm so worried about you. You haven't been around lately, you've been couped up in here. Why? I can help, you don't have to stop being around me. I'm your sister" hazel asked, gently, genuinely.
She wanted to help, to make him ok again, like he did with her. She smiled the hopeful of smiles, which broke nicos heart.
He wanted to tell her, gods, it would feel amazing to get it off his chest, but hazel was from even earlier time than his. A worse time than his. How would she react?
If he were to tell her what happened, surely she would look at him disgusted, tell him he's sinful and that he's going to hell, then run out the door telling everyone. Soon enough they all know and hate even more. They abandon him on a random island to die.
If he were to tell her, he would lose another sister, and he can't do that again... he just can't. Not again... not again.
Instead he just cries, oh he cries. He tells her he can't tell her, that if she knew she'd... she'd.... he cant do it. He can't.
Hazel comforts him the best she can but, she can't do much if he wont open up.
Thinking back on that memory to now, where he openly and proudly just told her he had a boyfriend? That its will solace and she welcomed will with open arms. It almost makes him start crying.
They start walking to the official pretor room to talk about the reason their there. Will & Frank are talking while hazel and nico and hazel hang in the back.
She look at him, and with a fond smile saids.
"Thank you, for telling me. Just so you know I still love you and all that. Your still my brother, and that's never gonna change. I love you" she said, sincerely.
Nico held her hand, and smiled back at her, holding back tears. He was so nervous of how she would react on the way here but it feels so good, so nice, now that she actually knows.
"I love you too" was all nico was able to say. He felt if he said anymore he would crack under the weight and start sobbing joyful sobs.
They walked, hand in hand.
That personally how I imagine it but it'll probably be very different lol
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redrosydiaz · 8 months ago
i'm still stuck on the scene where ana brings chris to the firehouse during the blackout, but specifically buck's behavior in it. like. god, there is SO MUCH to unpack there.
buck sees them and he immediately zeroes in on christopher, doesn't even so much as BLINK in ana's direction. he has THEE biggest, brightest smile on his face when he greets chris, and then that "looks like the new chief is here" said in that tone, paired with the great big double-armed bear hug?? like, hello!!!!! parent behavior!!!!!
but then the way he just. Does Not acknowledge ana after that?? and like. we KNOW they've met before. even if there was no like dedicated scene for a formal meeting, we know they've met — and like that was at the hospital, where their minds were very obviously elsewhere (eddie), so i wouldn't even necessarily classify that as like a proper meeting, y'know? it was surely pretty hurried, a basic exchange of names, maybe a handshake or something, but like that's the extent of it, i'm sure. there's no way they were like sitting there chatting it up or making any effort to get to know one another when the most important thing in, supposedly, both of their lives was in the other room, injured.
and like i doubt they've met outside of that instance too. so like when ana shows up with chris that would be the perfect opportunity for buck to like reintroduce himself (which, i fully believe he would, if it was literally anybody else), or for eddie to make the introduction, like officially, or something. but neither one of them do that. and buck? he doesn't even offer a simple hi. doesn't even look her way.
which is like. WILD. because — one, buck is a human :D emoticon, and he is a chronic yapper and he fully gives off "puppy dog at the park that runs up to everything and everyone to say hello" energy, so like i do not believe for one second that he wouldn't even say hi to her! and two, like. wouldn't you think that, as eddie's best friend, buck would be idk a little more enthusiastic about meeting her? the woman who, supposedly, his best friend is getting serious with? the woman who, supposedly, is meant to be making him happy? the woman who, supposedly, is someone important to eddie? and to chris? like, idk as eddie's best friend, and chris' too for that matter, i would certainly be invested in trying to build a relationship there!
but like. buck so clearly isn't? and this is all before he and eddie have the talk about how ana/the relationship with her is the thing causing eddie's panic attacks and how he doesn't actually think he loves her in the way he should and that he's just. trying to force it. so like buck doesn't even have that context to apply here!! he is just. Like That with ana from the get go!!
and the thing is — ana has literally done nothing. like. she has not said or done anything to buck, or to eddie or chris, that would make buck's behavior towards her make any sense. she literally just. exists. in the vicinity of eddie and chris. that's it.
so W H Y is buck soooo icy with her?
(the answer is simple: he doesn't like her because she should be him <3)
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gophergal · 2 years ago
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Local undead ninja acquires feral babyman
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himejodanshi · 1 year ago
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miya nd sketchy wearing matching costumes . . . reki still having his boxers out . . . shadow looking dumb (once again) . . . langa ❤️ . . . my GOD . LOVE THUS SO MUCH .
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months ago
Hello squiggly!! For the event, may I humbly request some Lee Atsushi with Ler Akutagawa? After the recent chapters of this manga, Atsushi defo needs some love from his boyfriend. If you’re able to do this, thanks so much 🥰
{Puffs are now CLOSED!}
OOF- I have no idea what's going on in the manga right now, but if it's that sad then he needs all the tickles! I've gotcha friend! (Decided to make this a sequel to yesterday's puff lols. I'll link it if I remember!)
“W-Wait wait wait wahaait! Hold up noohow!” Atsushi was already giggling as he was turned around, meeting Akutagawa’s deadly smile head on. “I was just pahahssing time! If we do this, the cocoa-”
“Will be fine. We can warm it back up if needed.” His hands curled slowly into Atsushi’s sides, making the weretiger jerk in his grasp with a startled giggle. “You had your fun. Now it’s my turn.”
“R-Rehehehyu, doohohn’t-aheahhahahahaha! Nohohoho, pleahahhahase!” He never stood a chance- not with how ticklish he was in comparison to the other. “Aheahhaha, not biihihihy the stohohohove!”
“Already turned it off.” Still, the brunette made it a point to pull Atsushi forward, impromptu waltzing with him as he carried on softly tickling the back of his ribs. “The cocoa’s in the microwave. It’ll be fine.”
“Ohoho, how cohohohnsiderate! Aheahhahaha!” Atsushi squeaked when those fingers sank in deeper, making his knees buckle. “Reheheheyu, coohohohoem ohohohohn! I mahhahahade yohohohou cohoohhcohohooa! Wihihihihth mihihihihni mahahahhrshmehehehellows!”
“Oh?” The promise of tiny delights nearly made Akutagawa forget where he was. Then he came back too. “Sounds good. I’ll be sure to savor it after I tickle you.”
“Gehhehahhahaha! Dahhahamn, I thohohohught I hahahahd you! Aheehehahahhaha!” Giving up on escaping, Atsushi chose to cling to him, burying his face into Akutagawa’s neck as he shook and giggled in his arms. “Yohohohour swheheheheheettohohohohohohooth wihihihihll geheheht yoohohohu one dahhahhay!”
“Sure sure.” Snickering, he leaned in and kissed Atsushi’s kiss, feeling rather satisfied by his revenge plot. Releasing him from his tickles, he kept his arms around his waist as Rashomon collected his drink. “Oh. You weren’t kidding about the marshmallows.”
“I wohohouldn’t lie aboohohut that.” Laughing at the look of bliss on his boyfriend’s face, Atsushi reached out and grabbed his own drink, cheering their mugs together. “Come- we have a movie to watch.”
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half-shadowgalra · 6 months ago
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why are they kinda coco-puff coated though
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dreamyzworldlove · 2 years ago
INCREDIBLY last minute but when i got the idea i had to do it
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for @solangeloweek’s will solace day which just so happened to fall on father’s day, thus creating this cursed art of will and his step children
if you like my art please reblog <3
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xapn22-blog · 2 years ago
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Nico and the coco puffs *to the tune of Josie and the pussy cats*
I just finished the sun and the Star and oh my god I loved it so much! It’s so cute and I love how their relationship developed throughout with communication and learning to understand one another. So many cute moments and references and ahh so cute and good. Love them. Gonna draw some trogs soon bc I love them but the COCO PUFFS AHH so good. Their children :)
Mr. D loving the boys is also adorable and I love him he’s so funny and iconic
Also Nico and piper friendship makes me happy
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