#and the actual story bits weren't even that good once you got to the final season.
redysetdare · 3 months
Cassandra from the tangled animated series was actually the worst character and the fandom along with the show treated her way better than she actually deserved to be treated.
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normansnt · 8 months
Knight in shining armor
(Hazbin Adam x singer!male reader)
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(Not my art, idk whose sorry I got it from pinterest but credits to the artist cuz he would SO wear that I cant😭)
Warnings: fist fight
"FUCK YEAAHHHHHH THATS MY BOYFRIEND MF" yelled Adam to a random person at your concert.
He always did that. Whenever he went to one of your concerts (always, I am not kidding the man has not missed a single one) he yelled to every one of your songs because he knew them inside out and after each song he yelled to someone that you're his boyfriend.
It was sweet in your eyes he was truly your number one fan. However on more than one occasion this has gotten out of hand. Like right now.
Sometimes people get annoyed at his yelling even though it is a rock concert he is still the loudest one. But this time it was different. This time something happened that actually bothered him.
He was yelling about how much he loves you and how you are his boyfriend again when he overheard something that he didn't like.
"For real? That gorgeous singer is dating that flop no fucking way."
"I know right? I gotta say I wouldn't mind hearing the singers voice moaning my-" Adam didn't wait longer to hear the end of the sentence he straight on punched that guy.
"I fucking DARE you to finish that sentence." Adam literally growled. Even though this was heaven, assholes were present here too.
The fight got so big that you had to stop your performance and stop it.
"Adam- Adam stop" you tried to get your boyfriend off of the two guys who he was now fighting.
"Let me go babe, I'm gonna fucking murder those two mother fuckers-"
"Adam, they already had enough you won." You tried arguing with him while you dragged him to your dressing room. The two guys laying on the floor beaten to pulp.
Once you closed the door, the ruckus outside got just a bit quieter and you could finally take a deep breath.
"What happened this time?" You asked your boyfriend while getting the first aid kit and patching him up. He was much better of than the other guys thats true. But he still had some scratches and a black eye.
Adam told you the whole story of what happened and you listened intently while gently putting some alcohol at a deep cut on his nose.
"And then I was like- aww fuck babe warn me next time" he started whining because of the alcohol.
You sighed.
"Listen Adam, I appreciate what you did, those pigs said some disgusting shit and you were a great knight in shining armor but I worked really hard to get this gig and you know that" you said trying to be as gentle as possible.
"Babe, your boyfriend is the fucking Adam, tell me where you want to preform and you'll get in within seconds I can take care of that."
"I know Adam but I really wanna accomplish some things on my own." You sighed again.
Adam knew he fucked up, he sees first hand how much work you put into your music. But he just couldn't help it this is the kind of thing that pisses him off to no end. His first two wives left him for someone else and even though he might act confident he was terrified that you would leave him, too. He didn't want to loose someone he loved so much.
You put your hand on his cheek and made him look at you.
"Hey, its ok I understand." Thats all you needed to say. You knew about Lilith and Eve leaving him. And you knew how insecure he actually felt. You have been dating for almost 6 years now you knew him way too well.
You kissed him to let him know that you weren't mad. He kissed back with enthusiasm, he loved kissing you. It might be true that he has kissed a lot of people before you came along but he always said that you were his favorite kisser of all time. He just loved the feeling of your lips against his.
"(Y/N)...I- listen I mean what I said really, wherever you wanna play I can hook you up."
You chuckled lightly. You knew this was the closest thing you are gonna get out of him as an apology, the man was not good at apologizing. But you already knew that, and loved him nonetheless.
"I know honey I know." You put your forehead on his.
The wholesome moment was interrupted when you both started hearing chanting from outside.
"Is that-?"
And there he was again, your stupid boyfriend.
You laughed an snatched up your guitar.
"All right baby you wanna watch from back stage?" You asked back as you held out your hand to him.
And with that you two walked out of your dressing room laughing.
Hope you guys enjoyed😘~
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ihavethedreamies · 4 months
Don't Poke the Bear | Jongho
Choi Jongho - ATEEZ
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~7k 🫢 (over 2k of it is smut btw)
Pairing: Bear-Hybrid!Jongho x Fox-Hybrid!AFAB!Reader
Genre: Hybrid AU!, Historical/Period, Reader-Insert, Fluff, Smut, Some Plot, Strangers-to-Friends-to-Lovers
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Pet Names (Sweetheart, Sunshine, Precious, etc.), Swearing, Kissing, Hickeys/Marking, Heat/Rut, Pheromones, Oral (M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Big Dick! Jongho (of course), Size Differences, Size Kink, Praise Kink, Cockbulge, Over-Stimulation, Unprotected Sex (This is pre-birth control so…)
Trigger Warning: There is mentions of guns in this, but its just a revolver and the reader shoots it once at a target. That's it.
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
Author's Note: This is NOT Omegaverse, but there is a mention of Jongho being an 'alpha'. They have animals ears and tails. Jongho is bigger here than he is in real life, probably about 6'5"/196 cm, since he's a bear hybrid. This is set in about Wild West times, so around 1830s, but it's not a Western themed story.
I will be doing all the members and uploading them as I go. I normally like to upload a whole series at a time but I'm trying to pack to move.
-> Series Hub <-
🦁 Hongjoong's 🦁
🐕 Yeosang's 🐕
🐯 San's 🐯
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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When your stomach groaned, again, you groaned back.
"Shut up, I'm looking." you told it. You got no response. Sighing deeply, you stumbled a bit on a root, catching yourself with a hand on the tree trunk. You had no idea why, but for the last two days, you hadn't been able to find any prey. Sniffing in distaste, you held up an arrow, looking at the completely clean arrowhead. Letting your arm down, the arrow laid at your side. You glanced down at your other slack arm, bow held in that hand. What's the point of having a weapon if there is nothing to kill to eat with it? You wondered what full foxes did when they couldn't find anything to eat. Starve? No, the probably moved on to a different area. A bit harder to do that when you had settled in the area nearly four months prior and had no intention of leaving. Your semi-permanent shelter was finally finished, nice and cozy, and you loved the area you were in. Normally it was simple to get food, just step outside your hut and shoot a hare out in the field. When you were not able to see anything, you instead would go deeper into the woods that your home lay at the edge of. But there was even less there, if it was possible. You were getting closer to the river, but you weren't very good at fishing. Hitting a rabbit or squirrel with an arrow is actually much easier than a fish. Might have to try though, since you had run out of food completely the day prior. It was late fall, getting closer to winter, and so there wasn't really anything to forage for either. Everything had been eaten by deer or other animals. Since you were hungry, so hungry, your steps were uneven and clumsy.
"Fuck!" Your long tail caught on the thorns of some bush, knocking you down to your knees. Yanking the appendage to free it, you yiped, looking back at the branches to see a tuft of rusty orange fur left behind. Running your hands over your tail, the spot wasn't noticeable, but it stung. Scratching the back of your ear at the top of your head, you got back up, continuing toward the water. You could hear the river water rushing over some rocks, most likely a short waterfall. Before you could even see the river though, you saw a building to your left. Getting closer, it was a fairly large shelter, much bigger and nicer than yours. An actual cabin rather than a weird cross between a tent and a hut. It was most likely older and whoever had built it also most likely had known what they were doing. What really caught your eye though, was the fish strung up on a line between two wooden poles. Your mouth watered, one of the giant salmon would easily feed you for a week if you cured it properly and rationed it. You felt your tail wag a bit at the thought and you eagerly stalked forward. The thought of who had caught the fish, and who the dwelling belonged to didn't even cross your mind, way too hungry.
"Come to mama~" You giggled and right when your long claw-like nails got close to pulling the fish off the line, someone grabbed the back of your shirt. Yelping in shock, you felt your feet leave the ground, just an inch or two, your captor easily lifting you. Your legs scrambled helplessly in the air as you floundered, hands going to grapple at the one holding you. The person lifted you even higher in retaliation and so you wiggled and squirmed harder.
"Let me go!" you shouted and that seemed to work, but then you landed hard on your butt.
"Ow, fuck!" You scrambled to get up and to your feet, spinning to see who the heck had grabbed you. What human was stupid enough to mess with a fox hybrid- Bear. Bear hybrid, that's who. Not a human. Your ears pressed back and down against your skull, tail tucking between your legs, no longer snapping back and forth. The male raised an eyebrow and you got a good look at his face. He was gorgeous. All of him, really, not just his face. That, though, very handsome. He was covered from the neck down in dark brown hide, the arms and collar of his jacket lined with thick fur. You didn't know if his pants were so tight from their cut or if his thighs were just that thick, and you honestly hoped for the latter…Or did you? He was thick with muscle all over. He shifted his stance, hands resting on his belt, standing over you, staring. The dominance emanating from him struck through you, and you weren't sure if you should feel scared or aroused. You had met bear hybrids before, that's not what was doing it, it was something from him. It made you wonder…
"A-are you an alpha or something?" you boldly asked. There were some predator hybrids that seemed to be more in touch with their animal nature than others, and he sure seemed like one of them.
"I'm not a canine." He spoke down to you, literally, he was fucking massive. The top of your head barely reached his chin.
"I-I know…"
"Only canines have alphas."
"Then what are you?" He scoffed at your brazen question.
"Why should I answer, vixen, when you came here to steal my food?" He started to walk toward you, so you pounced to the side, turning to keep your face toward him. You watched his hands go to the hook holding the salmon, taking it down off the line. Your tail whipped once, nervously, and you hoped he couldn't hear your heart pounding. You weren't sure how you felt about him, how to feel about how much bigger he was than you, stronger. He smelled so fucking good too-
"I-I'm hungry, okay?! I haven't had any meat in two days!" You tried to defend yourself, your voice cracking pitifully.
"You say that like you don't normally steal." His sneer was evident in his tone and you scoffed hard.
"I don't!"
"You're a fox, right?"
"Not all foxes steal! You big…brute!" He didn't respond, just walked around the pole holding one end of the line, toward the front of his cabin.
"H-hey!" You knew you should have taken the chance to flee, that would have been smart, but instead you trailed after him. Those fish looked too good, and you noticed he was easily carrying the string of five over his shoulder. His big boots thumped across the hard, cold ground, your much lighter feet barely making a sound. When you caught up to him, coming around the cabin, he was laying the fish down on a wooden table it looked like he might have made himself.
"D-do you cook them?" Your mouth watered. You preferred your meat cooked, that was probably the human part of you, but the fox part of you could eat raw if necessary.
"I-if…If I do something for you in return, can I have a fish?" you asked, stepping forward carefully, tail snapping behind you. You were pointing at the one you had been reaching for, which was the smallest one.
"What could you do for me, vixen?" He was standing back up again, hands on his belt. Why did he have to just stand like that? There was no need. Did he just stand like that normally? His question registered then, and your brain kicked into gear trying to think of an answer. You had offered help, but that didn't mean you knew what kind of help. That was his part of the exchange.
"What do you want me to do…he-bear?" For the life of you, you couldn't think then of what a male bear was called. He huffed at your attempt to match his confidence. Your eyes flitted to his chest, shirt struggling and stretching over his chest just from him breathing.
"My name. Please don’t ever call me 'he-bear' again."
"Oh…Jongho. Uh, I'm (Y/N)."
"Can you climb?"
"Can you climb a tree?"
"Oh, yes." Your eyes followed his thumb when he jabbed it toward his left. You glanced around him toward where he was pointing, an apple tree. It was huge, you wondered how long it had been there.
"Go get as many as you can." He picked up a basket from under the table, easily chucking it toward you. You managed to catch it, maybe fumbled with it a bit, and headed over to the tree. Maybe you could grab a couple of them…
"Where did you get an apple tree?" You called behind you as you approached it, "aren't they normally in human areas?"
"I sell to humans."
"Sell? Sell what?" You wrapped your tail through the handle of the basket, curling it up to hold it up as you climbed up the tree. He was probably tall enough to get at the apples himself, but it would be easier to get them climbing.
"Furs. Wood and metal work." You sat on a branch, putting a narrow branch through the handle of the basket to hold it for you as you plucked a red fruit off a twig. It smelled so good, but he would notice if you took a bite. Dropping it into the basket, you continued, noticing which ones weren't quite ripe yet.
"Metal work?" You peered through the branches of the apple tree, noticing a side building right next to his cabin, a blacksmithing forge inside.
"Wait, you've worked with full humans?"
"Have you seen those little guns they carry? That don't need powder and a ball?" You had picked about ten apples by then, balancing on the branch to try and reach an eleventh. He didn't respond, so you glanced past the leaves to where he was at the table, and he went to a pouch on his belt. He opened it, pulling out a revolver.
"Woah!" You beamed in awe, not paying attention to where you where crawling on the branch. You yelped as it bowed under your weight, making you lose your balance. You closed your eyes, ready to fall. It wasn't too far, you wouldn't die, but it sure would hurt.
"Oof!" You did land on something hard, just not the ground. The wind got knocked out of you as you fell face down onto Jongho, middle on his shoulder. While you caught your breath, coughing a few times, he unlatched the basket and carried both you and it back over to the table. The basket was set on the end of the table and he then let you down to sit on the other end. Even up on the surface, you had to tilt your head to look him in the eye. You rubbed your sore middle, though it was much less painful that it would have been to bellyflop onto the ground. The bear noticed your eyes flit to the little gun still on the table, and he sighed. Grabbing it, he popped the rotating barrel out, shaking the little bullets out, then handed you the unloaded gun. Taking it carefully with both hands, you were surprised at its weight. It was heavy for its size, but much lighter than a musket. He continued to work on the fish, cleaning them or something, eyeing you as you curiously looked at the revolver.
"Man, this would be so much easier to hunt with."
"It's different than aiming a bow." He scoffed, swiping the weapon back from you, reloading it.
"Show me?"
"You're awful demanding." Jongho scolded, holstering the gun back to his belt. You sniffed in disappointment, swinging your legs a bit from where you sat up on the table, watching him work.
"If I feed you, will you leave me be?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.
"No." You liked to be honest. He sighed, putting his thin knife down.
"I'll leave you be if you show me how to shoot it."
"Why does it matter if you don't have one yourself?" You shrugged in response. He couldn't decide if you were annoying or endearing. He stood up straight, stepping closer to you, so he was standing right before you. Your ears dropped a bit, tail lying flat from where it had been thumping on the wood softly. He was so freaking big. You felt a familiar twinge in your tummy, and your thighs clenched. His eyebrow raised, nostrils flaring slightly and your eyes widened in panic. Could he smell your arousal? So easily? The bear sighed deeply then, "Come here." He took the gun back out and you hopped off the table to follow him as he headed around a big tree. When you came around as well, you saw that there was a circle carved into another tree a bit in distance.
"Hold it up, arm straight out, level it. Then, line this little piece up with where you want to shoot." His thumb flicked at the sight piece.
"Pull the hammer back with your thumb, then press the trigger with your index finger. You'll have to press harder than you think." He snapped the barrel back out, rotated it to check the rounds, then snapped it back shut, handing it to you. You followed his instructions, keenly aware of him at your back. You stood much the same way you did for archery, but he corrected you. He brought his hand to your bicep, bringing it up so you gripped the gun with both hands instead. To compensate, you turned your body a bit more toward the target. You clicked the hammer back, that took more strength than you thought too, and wrapped your finger around the trigger. Breathing in, steadying your aim, you lined the sight up. As you breathed out, you pressed hard like he coached and the gun went off. It was so much louder than you expected, your ears flattening to your skull, body recoiling along with the weapon. You stumbled back into his solid chest, ears ringing painfully. You narrowed your vision toward the target. You didn't get a bullseye, but you did at least hit inside the target circle. That feat pulled your body out of shock from the loud bang and you beamed, cheering.
"I did it!" You jumped in excitement and he quickly took the still smoking gun from you. He holstered it once more and couldn't help but let out a small huff of laughter as you cheered for yourself. Endearing, he decided, cute even.
"D-do I rotate it?" You looked over at him, sitting on a log bench by the fire pit. He had cleaned, filleted and skewered the salmon, letting the pieces roast by the fire. Jongho had set them in the dirt, skin facing the flames more, tilted toward the heat.
"It's fine." He had brought the basket of apples over and you watched him roll one in his hand. His eyes flicked to your face, wanting to see your reaction, as he gripped the fruit with both hands, splitting it perfectly in half with ease.
"Woah!" Your face lit up and he couldn't hold back a smug grin. Holding the two halves easily in one hand, he held it out for you, and you sprung to your feet from your own log bench. Skipping over, you took the two halves from him, the scent making your mouth water. Sinking your teeth into the flesh, you groaned in delight. You hadn't had the pleasure of eating an apple before. Crab apples, yes…but those are absolutely horrible. The bear could tell you were honest about being so hungry with how fast you devoured the fruit. When you were left with the two pieces of the core, you hiccupped. Your face grew more and more displeased with each hiccup, growing annoyed with the process.
"Geez." You breathed hard, trying to control your throat, but you hiccupped again, a slight pain blossoming in your chest.
"Fucking hell." You swore softly, then let out another hiccup.
"Geez!" You groaned, then your tummy rumbled, and a gas bubble erupted. You kept your mouth closed to muffle the noise, minding your manners, and the seizes stopped.
"Thank goodness." You sighed and Jongho couldn't help but chuckle. So cute. He was a little upset with how cute you were growing to him.
"What?" You whined a bit, feeling self-conscious.
"You're cute, vixen." Your tail snapped in embarrassment.
"I have a name." You corrected coyly, not able to look at him, face warming. You almost added on 'he-bear', but he had said please…
"(Y/N), you're cute." He fixed his compliment and you sniffed, secretly pleased.
"And what?" You weren't sure what you were expecting, honestly.
"Whatever, sweetheart." The little pet-name wasn't condescending or patronizing, and your entire body froze.
"D-don't." you whispered and he rose a brow in question, looking up from a second apple.
"D-don't call me that…"
"Why not?" The bear smirked; you could see it from your peripheral. Your cheeks were quite red by that point. You didn't answer, focusing on watching your fish cook. He let it go, chuckling softly to himself.
"It's hot-" He warned, but it was too late. The hot fish stung your tongue, but you were much too hungry to care. Waving the skewer it was on, like that would cool it off, you blew hard on it a few times, then took another bite. You devoured the fish, much like the apple, he was surprised you ate the whole filet.
"T-Thank you." You wiped at your mouth with your forearm, handing the skewer back to him. He took the whittled bone from you and it seemed you were getting ready to leave, picking up your bow and quiver.
"You live nearby?"
"Oh, yeah, just a few meters that way." You waved in the general direction. The sun was setting by then, the cold setting in.
"In that half-tent?"
"It’s a hut!" You tried to defend your shelter since you built it yourself. He stood then, and you wondered what he was doing, coming toward you.
"There's a storm coming, I'll help you get your things, you can stay here tonight."
"A storm? Like snow? Already? Wait, what!?" He walked past you toward your home and you gaped after him like the fish you just ate. Shaking your head to gather your senses back, you trotted after him. You were a bit out of breath by the time you got to your dwelling, you couldn't even see the fire from his place.
"B-but this is where I live, I'll be okay!" You seemed to be trying to convince yourself of that as well.
"Get your stuff." He jerked his head toward your hut and you huffed but did so. If there really was a snowstorm coming, you would prefer the much sturdier and less drafty cabin he had. You were able to gather everything except the structure itself with his help and he went slower for you on the way back. You wondered how the heck you had never noticed his cabin before, but you also never went that far into the woods, let alone so close to the river. As you passed the cursed bush that tore a chunk of your fur out, you sneered down at it, wrapping your tail around your leg to keep it safe. You heard him huff out a laugh, and you glared at his rounded black ears, one of them flicking slightly. At first you were a bit ruffled by his suggestion, but you were growing grateful as some snowflakes started to fall. Plus, ultimately, he was being kind. You thought he was going to set you up in his smithing lean-to, or maybe even just under the shelter of the room over his porch. But he had opened the door to his cabin, bringing your stuff with him. The bear looked over his shoulder at you, waiting for you to follow. Once inside, you looked around. To your left was a table with a water jug and basin and to the right a large cedar chest. There was a sitting area with an actual couch and a fireplace. Right across from the door on the other end of the one-room cabin was the bed, big and with a mattress. It must really pay to trade with humans… You watched him set your belongings against the wall near the bed and you noticed a little side room.
"You have an attached outhouse?!" You gaped at the luxury and he hummed. Not really an outhouse if it was attached… You set your stuff you had carried next to his load and looked more around his home. The couch looked comfy, but you had little perspective, never having the luxury of sitting on one. It did beat sleeping on a bedroll, you assumed, and you were a bit worried that you wouldn't want to go back.
"I take up a lot of the bed, but you're tiny." His comment threw you out of your thoughts, nearly giving yourself whiplash with how hard you turned to look at him.
"It's going to get really cold, even with the fire on. It'll be warmer." He stated and you realized he was right. Still, your insides flopped at the thought. It was hard enough being around him, and how good he smelled, let alone in a room that smelled mostly of him. Could you really handle sleeping next to him…just sleeping? You swallowed, you weren't due for a heat for a while, but he was extremely attractive. The fact that he was a bear should have lessened your desire, but no. The unfamiliar, the new experience, the size difference…
"What are you thinking about, sunshine?" Jongho had walked past you to shut the door, pulling out a small box. Matches. You had never seen them at work before, so you stepped closer, watching him scratch the little red end of the wood piece on the side of the box, flame erupting out of thin air. He lit the oil lamps he had, casting a soft warm glow around the room, seemingly right as the sun set beyond the horizon. You didn't make a comment on the little pet-name, though it wasn't much easier to process than 'sweetheart'.
"C-can't you just use my name?" You sniffed, moving around him to sit on the couch. The leather-covered cushion sunk under your butt and you let out a silent 'wow' at the plush feeling. The bear chuckled, moving around to join you on the couch. You scooted over to allow him room, he took up much more space than you. He rested back, arm slung to the side over the back, right behind you. His feet were firmly planted on the floor, knees wide, and he sat on the couch like he was a king on his throne. The confident dominance wafted over you again and your core pulsed. Biting your lip, you looked away from him quick, and Jongho smirked at your sudden rigid posture. He watched the tip of your tail as the end thumped lightly on the cushion. You squeaked when he carefully ran his fingers over the orange fur, right where you had a tuft ripped out.
"What happened?"
"You can notice it?" You whined, looking at the spot, trying to ignore that he was still touching your tail. His eyes flitted to your ear as it flicked in annoyance.
"It got snagged on some thorns earlier."
"Did it hurt?"
"Stung a bit…" You flinched when a sudden gust of wind rattled the door and shutters on the window. Your ears flicked when a distant rumbling travelled through the air.
"Thunder?" You could have sworn that's what you heard, but that would be weird. When it happened again though, it was confirmed.
"It can thunder in a snowstorm?" You wondered aloud and the bear hummed, fingers once again stroking over the fur of your tail. Goosebumps rose on your skin, the fur raising a bit along with it.
"I'm gonna use the outhouse!" You stood up quickly, pulling your tail out from under his hand and curling it toward yourself. As you did so, you could smell your own arousal, and hoped that since your pants would be back up, he wouldn't be able to as well. Going back into the house, you sighed at the warmth, he already had a fire going. It was rapidly getting cold and you could hear the wind whipping along with a low distant rumble. Despite the fire, you knew he was right about it getting pretty cold. Gently sitting on the edge of the mattress, you tried to ignore how soft it was, and took off your boots. Slipping off your vest, you climbed up further on the bed, bouncing a bit in delight.
"Move over, sunshine." He motioned for you to follow, since you were in the middle of the bed. You bounced on your butt to do so, too enamored with the mattress to really focus on him.
"Ah!" You squeaked when he wrapped his arm around you, lifting you with ease so he could pull the blankets out from under you and back. Your face was rapidly heating along with your lower stomach and you finally looked over him as he got in the bed. He had taken off his bear hide coat, leaving him in just a light brown henley shirt. The ends of the sleeves had been rolled up to rest right below his elbows and you marveled at the evident muscle there.
"Sleep, (Y/N)." Jongho had laid back, adjusting his head on the pillow and you slowly followed suit. You nearly moaned in delight at the feeling of the mattress cradling you, the pillow under your head just as soft. Yep, you never wanted to sleep on a bedroll again. You were startled out of your thoughts when he pulled the blankets up and over you, rolling onto his side so he could face you. He propped himself up on his palm, elbow to the bed, delicately resting the end of the blanket up near your chin. Your face burned hot, and you nestled into the bedding to hide.
"Th-thank you for letting me stay here for the storm…" You mumbled and he hummed, finally resting down himself, still facing you. When he pulled the blanket up and over himself, you felt the heat rapidly rise under the covers. You had never felt so warm and cozy in your life, and you suddenly felt your weariness. Blinking, trying to stay awake, you looked over his face, vision hazy from sleepiness. He was…
"So handsome." You muttered, barely registering you said it aloud, and he had heard it. The bear smirked at the compliment.
"Get some sleep, pretty girl." His clawed finger came up and brushed a strand of hair off your face and you couldn't help but follow his instruction.
Probably only an hour or two later, you were forced awake by a flash of light, a booming rumble, then the sound of wood snapping. You had rolled over onto your stomach, so you propped yourself up on your elbows underneath you. The blanket hung over your head, but you could see through the shutters of the window to the side of the bed. You had heard of a thundersnow before but had never experienced one. You shivered at the cool air hitting your face, it was so nice and warm under the blankets. Burrowing back under, you rolled to your side, facing the bear. You had nearly forgotten he was right there and you found your face right against his chest. It rose and fell as he slept, and you were a bit surprised he didn't snore, like…you know, like a bear.
Swallowing hard to steel your nerves for your next move, you slowly reached out, pressing your fingertips against the hard muscle of his chest. You shivered, wanting to feel over him more, see him…
"Haven't you heard not to poke a sleeping bear, sunshine?" His voice rumbling startled you. It was deep and rough from sleep and you rolled your eyes back a bit at how it made you feel, and his comment.
"Yeah, and?" You did it again, pressing just one finger against his chest that time, literally poking him. Poke. Poke. Poke.
"Huh?" You felt the bed shift, and he rolled, propping himself up over you on his forearm, pinning you to the mattress. Your hands were clenched into fists at your chest, holding them close to you for security. His face was so close, and you could feel the breath leaving his nostrils. As he loomed over you, he shifted his knee up, his thick leg wedging between yours. You shivered, letting out a small whine when his thigh pressed against your mound. Jongho smirked, leaning down so his mouth was right by your ear.
"Your decision. See what poking a bear does." You loosened one fist, index finger sticking out, shaking. Poke. His large hands suddenly seized your hips, claws slightly digging into the flesh of your ass through your pants. With his grip, he pressed your core against his thigh, forcing you to grind over him. You sighed at the feeling; a bit of a whine laced through the exhale. He shifted his knee further forward and hauled you up so he could wedge it under your lower back. Jongho led you to wrap your legs around his middle, still pressing you down to grind your covered cunt on his upper thigh. That pulled a moan from you and you gasped hard when he started laying open-mouthed kisses over your neck and shoulder. A low rumble hit your ears and at first you thought it was more distant thunder, but then you could feel it as you pressed your hands to his chest. Your fingers dug into the fabric of his shirt and you moaned as his kisses turned to sucking, and he barely dug his sharp teeth into your shoulder. Without his, or your prompting, your hips jumped, and he pressed into your movement. The bear's cock was growing hard, and your eyes fluttered closed when you felt it. Could he even fit?
"Are you sure about this, sunshine?" He pulled away, smirking as he admired the growing bruises he created over your shoulders and neck.
"Yeah, why?" Your eyes met his as a bolt of lightning lit the room, then thunder rumbled, snow blowing harsh against the window.
"Think your little body can handle me?" Jongho tilted his head, that smirk still there and you purposely moved your hips, whining.
"You sure?"
"Would you just fuck me already?" You nearly shouted. He didn't answer, but your next plea was silenced as he swallowed it, tongue easily wiggling its way into your mouth. Your eyes rolled back as his hands dug into the flesh of your hips, avoiding using his claws too much. When your head started to swim, he pulled back from the kiss, smirking at the end of your tongue sticking out a bit from your mouth. One hand went to your jaw, thumb slipping into your mouth, and you eagerly sucked on it, tongue avoiding the sharp part of his claw.
"Want something else, sunshine?" Jongho grinned deviously as you nodded, whimpering. He got off of you then and you immediately missed not just the weight of him over you, but the heat his body was releasing. You just started in awe as he finally pulled the shirt off, and his muscle was clearly from strength, brute strength, not to look good. Though…he did.
"Hurry up, sunshine." His hand gripped over the bulge in his pants, and you rapidly sat up, your own hands going to the waist band. He watched calmly as you struggled to get the button undone and you bit your lip as you got his pants open. His hard cock nearly sprung out and you felt your mouth water at the sight, jaw already sore. Your long fluffy tail waved behind you, ears drooping as your small hand tried to wrap around his girth. Couldn't even get your fingers to touch and your cunt spasmed, telling you it was good and ready for him. Licking your lips to try and prevent the drool from dripping too bad, you stuck just the head in your mouth, tongue eagerly swirling. The salty drop of precum you tasted just fueled the fire and your eyes lazily flitted up to meet his. The look he gave you nearly made you whine; you didn’t know what bears called alphas, but he sure was one. Jongho's eyebrow crooked up, waiting boredly, and swallowed a few times, then eased him further in. It was a bit hard to keep your teeth behind your lips with how big his cock was, but he fit. The slight pressure from the sides of your long canines just added to the pleasure of your hot and wet mouth, drool already spilling from your lips. His eyes watched your tail wave back and forth, chest starting to rumble again as you took more of his cock. The head hit your throat, he was only about halfway in and you swallowed again, tongue eagerly slicking the underside of his dick. Your eyes met again and he barely seemed phased, so you sucked hard, your other hand joining the first to cover more of him. Bobbing your head, you hollowed your cheeks, whimpering at the taste of him. His large hand landed on your head, thump stroking the soft skin on the inside of your ear and you shifted your posture. Sitting back on your knees more, you widened your legs to lower you some, and let go with your hands.
"You sure, sunshine?" Jongho's smirk had come back and a full growl rumbled through the room when you nodded. Sucking air in harshly through your nose, swallowing to try and prevent your gags, he took charge, easing his cock in himself. When the fat head hit the back, he continued in, groaning as your eyes fluttered back. Your breathing was loud and fast, trying to take in enough air so when he finally filled your throat, you could hold your breath a bit. The spasms of your throat with your gags made him chuckle and he started to pump his hips, fucking his cock into your mouth. The slick sounds of your spit and lolling tongue were almost drowned out by the storm, but he could clearly hear your whines. He could feel them vibrating over his dick as well and he paid attention to your breathing and paced his thrusts.
"You thirsty, sunshine?" The bear laughed when your next whine was louder and he grunted, waiting for your breath. Once you had inhaled hard, he plunged in so your nose was pressed to his groin, hot thick spurts of cum going straight down your throat. Your cunt spasmed, slick dripping nearly through your pants, clit throbbing as you rode your high against the thick seam. Your vision started to blur, brain fogging, still swallowing over and over to get all he gave down, and he finally withdrew so you could suck in air. Your throat was raw, sore, but you would let him do it all over again and thank him for it too. Now that his high had faded, though his dick was still rock hard, he could smell the thick aroma of your arousal. You smelled like spring grass and fresh water, laced with the sweet scent of marigolds.
"Lay back, sunshine." He prompted and you flopped back onto your back, body shivering, though it wasn't clear from what. There was a dark stain on the crotch of your pants, he noticed as he took his off. You were hauled to sit up as he tugged at your shirt, tearing a few runs into it as he pulled it off of you and you squeaked as he wrestled your leather leggings off. They flopped onto the floor behind him and your scent had grown further, making his pupils narrow, brow furrowing. You eagerly wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders when he crawled over you, nose running up your throat. Jongho nearly roared as he growled, grasping your thighs, pulling back so he could manhandle you. Your knee ended up at your ear, the other looped over his elbow and your eyes could only focus on his fat cock head pressing against your folds.
"Fuck!" You threw back your head, back arching when he pressed in, not rough but not slow either. With all your strength, you lifted your head to watch your cunt flutter to accommodate the stretch, core burning. He realized then maybe he should have prepped you a bit, your pussy was so tight, that if you weren't so wet, he wouldn't be able to fill you so easily. You both, at the same moment, noticed that there was already a bulge forming from your stomach, his thick cock not even in all the way. You should have known the minute he kissed you before that you were ruined, but now it was for sure. You knew you would be sore in the morning too, but you would prefer being sore the rest of your life as his bed partner than to never fuck him again. His deep chuckle morphed into a grunt as he bottomed out, slick spilling from your stretching hole and onto the bed below. If he had known that you were only about a mile from his home, your cute little face and cute little pussy, he would have gone and found you himself.
"Jongho~" You nearly howled, hands reaching for him, out of his reach from sitting up straight. Adjusting your legs, while letting your core adjust to him, he pressed down close so your hands could find purchase on his back. Your ankles were at his ears, hot breath panting against his lips.
"You like my cock, precious?" The new pet-name was even worse than the others, and he could tell by how your gummy walls pulsed harder around him. His plush lips brushed over yours, then he felt you gasp into his mouth with the kiss, his groin pressing against your swollen clit. He watched your eyes glaze over, body falling limp as he pulled his hips back, giving a shallow and weak thrust, gaging if your body was ready.
"Too much?" The bear cooed when you shook your head no.
"More?" He prompted and that time, you shook your head yes. You should have guessed how powerful he could be, but you still weren't expecting the bed frame to crack against the wall with the first thrust. Your body screamed, but no sound left you as Jongho moved to press your knees to your ears, each deep, hard thrust forcing a tiny orgasm out of you. Your cunt burned from the stretch and stimulation, and your brain was fried. Good thing you were out in the woods with a storm raging, because you were squeaking and squealing, grunts and groans leaving him as well. Jongho rolled forward a bit more, hips barreling his cock down into your folded body, his thick claws leaving deep gouges into the wood as he gripped the headboard.
"Want my cum, precious? Huh, want my fat cock to fuck you stupid? Hm?" His tone was incredibly patronizing and it went straight to your cunt. You had left a puddle on the bedding beneath your hips and a mix of your drool and tears had left one on his pillow too. The cold from the snowstorm seemed to have been completely negated by the heat you felt, from him and because of him.
"Fill me, please! Jongho~" He wasn't sure why that time was different, the way you moaned his name, but it went to his head and his cock, orgasm hitting. Hot waves of cum filled you, the head of his dick pressed right against your cervix, so much slick and release squirting out from where you were connected. His hips continued to roll a bit, and you wondered how he was still so hard after pumping so much cum into you, and your poor pussy was stinging from the countless numbed of times he made you cum. You barely knew your name or where you were, let alone what you had let slip before.
"Like my big cock, precious?" The bear smirked when your droopy eyes flew open, ears flicking, tail started to thumb against the bed.
"You did good for me, sunshine." He was getting into it then, loving your reaction, face reddening further, cunt clenching around him more. It was like you were a dog, tail wagging for being a good girl. You yiped when he pulled out from you, the rapid loss took the air out of your lungs. He rolled you over and you couldn't hold yourself up at all, so only his hands on your hips kept them raised. You keened when the head of his messy cock met your equally messy folds once more and he didn't ease in that time. He somehow got even deeper, hips slapping against your ass so hard that you were sure the skin would be red and stinging soon. Your own claws gouged into the wood of the headboard, not able to do anything but take what he gave you, sweat coating both your bodies.
"Don't worry precious, I won't break you." The bear laughed, grinding his cock deep, as you came once more, the sting was fading into pain and you feared he could go much longer.
"Just. A. Bit. More." He grunted, chest rumbling and fell over the edge again, the heat inside you reignited as more hot white painted your core.
"Going to stay here with me? Be my cute little vixen?" His sudden question barely registered in your head, exhaustion taking over.
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Master-Master List
ATEEZ Master List
Taglist: @thunderous-wolf
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corvidae-00 · 4 months
Ocean eyes
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A/n: Helloooo!! This is actually the start of a series I have been thinking about doing! ill still be taking requests and doing stuff in between but I used to do long stories and I wanted to see if I was still able! thank you for reading!!!
Summary: You and Marko had grown up together, and him asking you to be a part of this journey was an amazing opportunity, flying over to Sweden with him and making sure your focus was on the competition. little did you know how quickly landing in Sweden with a certain blonde roaming around would change the directory of your plans C/W: Swearing, smoking, alcohol, slight mentions of blood, mentions of angst, fem!Reader Word count: 1,229
Chapter 1
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slowly opening your eyes you wince, the bright sun shining in through the small plane window "Now landing in Malmo Sweden" The pilot announces to the plane, clearly tired and not as energetic as when you and your good friend Marko had gotten onto the plane. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes and stretching you look over at Marko who is still out cold with his head back and snoring slightly "Markooo~" You hum quietly causing the man to only stir and groan not ready in the slightest to wake up "Mark" You poke him in the arm and he whines "Three more minutes" He mumbles and you poke him again in the side causing his body to jolt upright "Hey!" he yelps and snaps his head to look at you in pure shock
"to je bilo vrlo nepristojno!" (That was very rude!) Marko whines but you cant help the small giggle that leaves your lips at the pouty grown man next to you "you weren't gonna wake up" You defend yourself "And look! we are landing!" You add on pointing outside at the quickly approaching ground "wouldnt want you to miss that" You tease a little and Marko quickly spares you a playful glare "Remember you are with me this whole trip- I could make it hell-" He hums wagging his finger at you. scoffing you push his hand away "I just wont dance for you- maybe I'll join Ireland!" you tap your chin and Marko gently swats your arm "Dont even play with me like that žena (Woman)"
Once you two had exited the plane and made sure your belongings were accounted for you had caught a taxi and headed straight for the hotels Eurovision had reserved for the singers and performers, being lucky enough to secure a room right next door to Marko's- not exactly wanting to be separated before the event even starts, Gathering information that the arena would open tomorrow for rehearsal time slots so each performer could sing or dance and grow used to the stage and/or size of the stage "This is pretty cool!" Marko pushes his sunglasses on top of his head and smiles over at you "Are you excited? I'm excited" He looks around and you nod with a laugh "I am pretty excited for the opportunities and the experiences" You hum heading towards the elevators with your friend ready to get settled happy to listen to him tell you about all the plans he has The next day you and Marko had gotten ready and headed straight for the Arena, fully dressed up and still getting used to the outfits. Fixing your top and adjusting your hair piece you hum "These are pretty useful and flexible thank the Lord" You sigh looking over at your male dance partner who seems just as pleased with the uniforms "I do agree! Though I wish we had time for breakfast" Marko rubs his stomach and you sigh "and maybe if it were a bit warmer" You hook onto his complaints....Getting closer to the stage you all can make out some upbeat music and it grabs all three of your attention "Thats catchy-" Your partner says and you nod "Damn it is-" You get closer trying to make out the lyrics "Euro-pa-pa-papapa-" comes through and you raise a brow "interesting" You all quietly entered and finally got a look at the singer clad in a large blue suit and his backup in a large blue bird suit and the other in similar attire to the singer but toned down
"Must be the Netherlands!" Marko whispers to you showing you the schedule on his phone and you smile a little watching the man dance around the stage clearly loving every second of his performance and putting his all into even the rehearsals "impressive" You smile watching the rest of his performance.
With a wave the man on stage thanks the workers and exits towards your group with his tailing him. "Wonderful performance friend!" Marko waves and the male smiles "Thank you! Im Joost" He puts out a hand and Marko shakes it eagerly "Ah! I'm Marko! Or Baby Lasagna" He chuckles and points over at you and your partner who is watching in awe "Those are my dancers!" He waves you two over allowing you to introduce yourselves "What a crew you have!" Joost hums his gaze landing on you and he smiles "the uniforms are awesome!" He compliments and Marko's eyes light up "Yours are too! The band members should be here too soon and they have sorta the same get up" Marko explains and Joost nods before nodding to the side "Well, I'll get going! Good luck!" He gives a small wave and a huge smile before looking you over one more time and making his exit
"He seemed too enjoy your costume" Your partner jokes and you cant help but elbow him in the side "literally just met him-" You remind and your partner shrugs "Doesnt mean you aren't a sight to see" He chuckles following you onto the stage once you had been called on, the rest of the band showing up just in time dressed up and just as hyped up as everyone else....
After a long day of dancing, singing, and repeating- followed up with sight seeing, shopping, and whatever else the group had wanted to do you all finally made it back to the hotel. "Wow, Sweden is so beautiful!" Marko claps his hands together holding a few bags he himself had picked up "a great place to hold an event so large" You chuckle looking around the lobby, your eyes landing on the blonde from this morning- Joost? He has his eyes on you, dressed a lot more relaxed and comfortable "Hey, I'll catch up Marko!" You call to your friend who nods "Bring up some drinks if you can find any pretty please!" Marko says with a quick wave before making his way to the elevator.
"Hello" You walk up to Joost who smiles a little "Hallo" He hums reciting your name with a raised brow and you nod "Joost correct?" You tilt your head and the Dutchman nods "Your guises performance, it was so cool!" Joost pushes himself off the wall and smiles down at you "I loved the choreo too! felt like a story was definitely being told" he hums and you chuckle "Yeah? Marko was set on definitely getting people involved" You shake your head "I loved your performance! so full of emotion and energy!" you shrug "I can tell you are going to be a fan favorite" you wink and Joost gasps a little "You really think so??" he gets all bashful and you nod "Oh 100% we don't have a rehearsal time tomorrow, do you? Maybe I'll pop in and watch the full thing" You offer and Joost nods quickly "10!" He responds and you smile "Ill be there!" You promise and Joost quickly pulls out his phone "Would you like my number? Just so I can keep you updated?" He shakes his phone and little and you pull yours out with a nod "That would be helpful!"
After sharing contact info you two had bid your goodbyes, Joost heading back to his room leaving you in the quiet abandoned lobby- Maybe this will be a good trip after all
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A/N: A little slow- but next chapter will get exciting!! Sorry for the small chapter I'll try to make future ones a little more wordy!! thank you for reading!! Im going to work on requests for a little and once I get those out I'll update this!! Thank you all for the love and support- it literally makes my days seeing how many likes and reposts I get. it means more than all of you know <3 I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
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omegalomania · 2 years
the full apple music interview with zane lowe is out! we got snippets of it when love from the other side dropped, but they finally rolled out the full thing. here are some highlights that stood out to me :)
patrick describes pete's lyrics as what gets him out of bed in the morning. if pete doesn't send him lyrics, he doesn't write a song.
andy and pete used to draw fake snake tattoos on each other using magic markers as kids omg?
so evidently patrick was the one who got covid during hella mega tour. and he hated it and he was miserable and that's when he called neal avron about the new record lmao
patrick says that joe was hesitant at first and he was the one who said that for this record he wanted to make something that they could all savor and spend time on and patrick was immediately on board with that
pete says patrick's job is to interpret him because pete calls his mentality a "little bit off" but patrick is capable of understanding him and translating it
patrick describes his and pete's creative relationship as "twin speak." it's not linear and it's like living in his brain a little bit. he calls it the "weirdest thing i've ever seen" when pete can just Tell that some words that patrick adjusted weren't ones he wrote despite not remembering writing them. patrick says he's gotten better at connective tissue and knowing how pete would say things
pete: back in the day patrick was like, "what's the difference between cry and weep i will KILL YOU. THEY'RE THE SAME THING. I'M GONNA KILL YOU RIGHT NOW."
zane says patrick's vocals are next level for this album. pete agrees that he kills it on this album and said he never would've expected that voice coming from him when they first met. zane says patrick could sing a recipe and it would be good. he then passes patrick a recipe and patrick. sings it???
patrick: i'm not gonna belt it. (starts belting) NINE INCH PIE PLATE ROLLING PIN
patrick says that pete doesn't mean to have rhythm to his words but there's a rhythm to them all the same and patrick can find this syncopation in his words and thinks it's amazing
more talking about patrick and pete's Magical Mystical Transcendent Soul Bond. patrick says "if we were one guy, we'd be an INCREDIBLE DUDE"
patrick and pete say that interviews with all four of them are hard because it's chaos and everyone's talking at once but it all makes perfect sense to them and no one else. zane says that sounds like fun flkjdfd [i agree please do this more it's a joy]
pete says joe really stepped up and wrote a lot for this record!
patrick: "joe is kind of a conundrum because he's this really talented...he's a brilliant writer, a brilliant player, but pete and i became the "team" and it wasn't really a plan, but that's just kind of how it happened. [brief tangent about the hiatus] we come back from the thing and joe is this fully-formed writer with a very distinct - he has one of the most distinctive writing voices. when i hear his parts, when i hear his ideas, i could pick them out of a crowd. like i know the way joe writes, and it's VERY joe." part of the process with post-hiatus was integrating him into the writing process more.
discussing the hiatus and fame and pete says his life kind of "blew up" and took it pretty hard. apparently during production for folie paparazzi actually broke down the gate to neal avron's house
patrick goes on a big tangent about how bad things got during the height of pete's fame. "part of my role is to tell his story. i'm a composer. that's what i like to do. i work on movies, i work on shows, and i work on pete. pete has a story that needs music, and if he's removed from himself, if he's not even able to access himself because he's behind all of this stuff, i don't have a story! so not only did i not have my buddy, which was heartbreaking in its own way, but then i also don't have a purpose as an artist."
patrick says that andy is always ready to play but when you get him happy to play, it's another level
"and trohman, there were these moments where he...he got so excited."
patrick describes writing what a time to be alive as wanting to write the saddest, most desperate song you could hear at a wedding. pete bursts into laughter and calls it "so twisted"
talking about other endeavors outside the band - patrick talks about composing and said joe's been super busy with his book and writing for tv and because there are so many deadlines for stuff like that, it's what hammered home to him that fall out boy needs to not be that. "there's something special about this that can't be...this has to be passionate and art."
discussing how scared patrick was of his own voice while the band took off. patrick was really scared of the song saturday at first because there are some really exposed vocal moments. he describes saturday as a song where everyone in the band lets each other go for it.
zane calls fall out boy the "emo blueprint" and says they were unapologetic in being emotional. patrick immediately says, "that was pete. i don't think we could've done that without him." he and joe were basically kids and patrick was too anxious to talk on stage.
zane says, "i remember interviewing you in the early days and i felt like every time i asked you a question i was bullying you." pete IMMEDIATELY loses his shit.
"in another life where i didn't have a pete...cause saturday, i did write most of that by myself...so there's a world where that song exists without the band. there's no world where i sing it in front of people without pete."
pete says every night before they put out a new song he calls patrick up and gets really scared and wants to back out and patrick talks him down every time
they talk about how scary it was when arm's race released and performing it at the amas. patrick starts laughing rly hard as they get into how there were giant crickets on stage and the crowd was just stone-faced and utterly nonresponsive and their stage manager was utterly panicked
towards the end patrick really loosens up and starts swearing more dlkfjdfd
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blog-name-idk · 7 months
The Plot Twist | 04
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Written by @blog-name-idk and @eserethriddle
Summary: Once upon a time you would have jumped at the chance to live the idol girlfriend life. The cameras, the action, the whirlwind romance. But what was once a dream has now become your worst nightmare, and you fully intend to fight the universe as it repeatedly conspires to set you up with your seven perfectly good soulmates from Bangtan Sonyeondan.
In which we punt Y/N into all the fanfiction tropes and you do your feral best to subvert the love story.
Because nani the fuck, you are The Plot Twist.
Pairing: OT7 X Fem!Reader
Genre: Soulmate!AU, crack, humor, idol!AU, light angst, slow burn, romantic comedy, just a fun silly old time
Rating: 18+
Chapter 4: "You like Pac-man, right?"
"How dare you!"
You’ve just finished entering the final character to G0d$l@yeR_69 when you look up from the post-game leaderboard screen.
"Pardon?" you ask in confusion, slightly alarmed by the speed in which a masked man is walking towards you and the Pac-man machine. Even with the mask, the exaggerated furrow marring the man’s forehead is more than enough for you to discern that he is less than pleased. You square your shoulders, in case you need to defend the precious apparatus. Well, that and protect Lee-ssi, but mostly the Pac-man game.
"You're G0d$l@yeR_69?" the man squawks, voice irate. He gives you a once over and bristles further. You can almost imagine his fluffy hair rising like the feathers of an offended bird, and he… kind of sounds like one, too. You struggle to stifle your snicker when he gestures broadly to your grown stature, incredulous even as he finally discerns to himself, “You’re not some pint-sized punk!”
“And yet here you are, humbled all the same.” you respond haughtily, dusting off the imaginary lint off your burgundy dress. “Based on your reaction, I take it you’re ‘Jin the PacMan God’?”
You pause.
In fact, this offended cockatoo of a man actually looks… familiar. Broad shoulders, nice eyebrows, and –
Your blood pressure skyrockets as you realize exactly who is yelling at you. Unfortunately, your temper rises faster than your self-preservation.
"I'm sorry, BTS Jin is the same stupid kid who calls himself 'Jin the PacMan God?'" you blurt before you can stop yourself. "What self-respecting adult wastes so much time on an arcade game?"
He raises an eyebrow at you with a pointed stare, and you shrug. You don't fit into that category. You certainly don't respect yourself.
"A grown woman calls herself G0d$l@yeR_69?" Kim Seokjin jabs in return, crossing his arms, now looking more sulky than angry.
"Well, it's accurate to lore," you retort with an uncaring flip of your hair, doing your best to look bored rather than reflect the panic beginning to clog your throat. His genuinely offended gasp would have made you laugh if you weren't currently running through the possible exit routes in your head.
And then Jin says, "Well, you must be cheating!"
The egregious accusation dispels all thoughts of escape from your head. Your pride and integrity as a gamer have been insulted, and you narrow your eyes at the self-proclaimed pro-gamer before you.
You’re fully prepared to defend your honor.
It's on.
Jimin doesn't get it.
How could he be unlucky enough to get sidelined a second time in a row? He wasn't even late this time! But because there had been more men than women (a bit heteronormative for his tastes, but that's the current state of most official speed-dating events), he and a few others had to wait aside for a rotation. And then somehow, everyone had already decided to pair up before he even got to meet anyone!
Perhaps it's karma and he's being punished for telling his Jin-hyung that he sort of kind of definitely looked like a certain pink Moluccan bird species when he was all riled up and red-eared.
With a sigh, he leaves the building, shoulders slumped. He can't quite bring himself to call Jin yet, and so he decides to walk aimlessly for a while. Perhaps some fresh air will cheer him up.
It's a bustling street, and he nervously brings his mask up higher on his face lest he be recognized. No one seems to be paying attention however, and the people going about their daily lives remind him that despite his woes, life goes on.
An arcade catches his eye, and he shrugs to himself. A few rounds of killing zombies or racing fake cars will take his mind off things. It's a school day, so it's unlikely the place will be packed.
When he walks in, he hears a familiar screech, accompanied by the sound of a boot stomping on the ground.
"Yahhh! How did you do that?! That's not fair!"
What is Jin-hyung doing here? And what is he yelling about?
Curious, he follows the voice past the shopkeeper who looks torn between concern and amusement, to where Jin is ranting at someone obscured by his frame.
A p(r)etty sigh.
"I'm sorry this is so difficult for you to get through that coconut haircut of yours, but has it occurred to you that I'm just better?"
Huh, that voice is also familiar.
"That’s just prepos–"
The voices cease as the two arguers turn to look at Jimin, and he feels his breath catch in his throat.
You look particularly lovely today, with a form-fitting burgundy dress that shows off much more soft-looking skin than the business or lounge attire you wear on the rare occasion he actually sees you.
And his Jin-hyung, next to you, all rose-colored cockatoo.
It's more than enough to set Jimin off-balance.
"Oh! Hi, LN-ssi!" he hurriedly squeaks, cursing his voice for cracking. What are all his voice lessons even for?
At least you can't tell his palms are suddenly sweating. Your eyebrows rise and Jimin realizes you never did tell him your name, that he just saw it on your mailbox and it stuck in his brain. Oh no, do you think he's a stalker now?
"You know this phony?" Jin cries, oblivious to the internal crisis his dongsaeng is currently experiencing.
Jimin's brows crinkle. Phony?
Your head whips to his hyung at his words, your eyes narrowing.
"I believe you saw proof with your own two eyes," you say icily, though your gaze has a fire that makes Jimin gulp. "Maybe you should get them checked? Sometimes they can fail with old age."
Jin's jaw drops, and as a constipated sound of outrage leaves him, you take the opportunity to brush past and march to the exit. Jimin, still confused, steps aside automatically to let you pass and you give him a reluctant nod.
As you leave, Jin turns to Jimin to demand answers, but he barely hears it over the fluttering in his tummy.
It's the first time you've ever addressed him by name.
The twelve-year-old boy opens his hand, revealing hard candy wrapped in shiny, yellow paper.
"You like Pac-man, right?" he asks, smiling brighter than the sun.
You accept his offering, sure your own face is radiant enough to power all of Gwangju. You can't say you have strong feelings for the buttery treat, but you do for the little boy who fills your days with laughter and sweet memories. You could spend forever playing with him at the park by your houses…
Except your parents get the brilliant idea of starting their own restaurant in Seoul. You are heartbroken when the decision to move is made, but you do your best to support their dreams, even if it comes at the expense of your only friend.
Out of sentimentality and denial, you save the shiny candy wrapper, holding it when you're sad, as if it's a talisman that can ward off the lonely ache in your chest. It's hard being the new kid in a big-city school, and though you present your mother's strong facade when your new classmates tease you about your satoori, it hurts. You have to be strong.
After one particularly bad day, you decide to drop into the local arcade, because all it will take is one smile from your appa to disintegrate your cracking veneer. You're a big girl, basically an adult at a whopping eleven years old! You're not a baby anymore, you just need some extra time to set yourself right.
You weave through the attractions, passing racing games and claw machines when something catches your eye. A familiar yellow character smiles at you from a game cabinet, and for a moment you feel like he is still there with you.
You walk up to the Pac-man arcade machine with newfound resolve and a sunny smile to match.
“Sometimes I wanna drop by Gwangju,” Jung Hoseok begins, taking his seat at the dining table next to Taehyung, “But then I remember they already demolished the playplace from my childhood and think, huh, maybe not. Thing is, they sold really good tteok there.”
“Pan-fried tteok?” Taehyung leans back, remembering the taste of his own favorite rice cake flavors from Daegu. “My hometown had that, too.”
“Sometimes the cart owner-ahjussi would give us candy with our orders. I miss it a lot.”
Hobi's eyes take on a wistful look, and Taehyung pats his shoulder.
It must have been some really good candy.
"Honey! I'm home!" you call, setting your briefcase on the floor as your husband rushes up to you wearing a cute apron that has nothing on his sweet face and sweeter smile.
"I just finished dinner," he says, greeting you with a kiss on the cheek that makes your chest fill with the glow of a million fireflies.
"What, mudcakes again?" you ask fondly. You thread your fingers with his, uncaring of the dirt on his palms, giggling at the pout on his face.
"You said they're your favorite!" he complains petulantly, though he doesn't pull away.
"They are," you agree, squeezing his hand in yours reassuringly. You beam at him, and his cheeks turn pink. "If it's something you made, it's my favorite."
You're suddenly tugged towards him and you squeak in surprise as wiry arms crush the air out of your lungs.
"You're my favorite," he mumbles into your hair, and it's the happiest you've felt in your entire nine years of existence.
It's great to be back in Gwangju, away from all the insanity happening in Seoul. You can finally relax and live life rather than constantly look over your shoulder in the fear of running into another member of BTS.
Fuck you, fate! You're taking a break.
You knock on the old, familiar door, and it opens to reveal a kind, lightly lined face that breaks into a huge smile at the sight of you.
"Halmeoni!" you announce happily, stepping into your grandmother's arms and hugging her fiercely. She hugs you back just as hard, squeezing you with her deceptively spindly limbs as you melt into a hold that feels like childhood.
"We've been waiting!" she replies cheerfully before ushering you to the living room and calling your grandpa to come greet you. The house is the same as you remember, a comforting echo of days past.
"Oh! We ran into that boy you used to play with at the store earlier!" your grandma says just as you pick up your cup of tea. "The one you used to play house with!"
You laugh, thinking fondly of your childhood friend. Perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad if he had been your soulmate, rather than a group of the seven biggest idols in Korea. Or perhaps not – the things that are so simple to children don't always translate to adulthood, and those memories hold an untainted innocence that you wouldn't trade for the world.
You bring the cup of homebrewed tea to your lips, only to choke at your grandmother's next words.
"I invited him over for dinner!"
You stare at the twinkle in your suddenly menacing grandmother's eyes. In just one simple sentence, she has transformed from the kindly, loving fixture of your youth to yet another cruel, scheming matchmaker. Truly your mother’s maker. Leaving Seoul might have saved you from idol-related phenomena, but clearly not from your family's attempts at grand (and great-grand) children.
Instinct drives you to your feet and you grab your purse, tripping over the rug as you rush to the door.
"I have to go," you call over your shoulder, uncaring of the baffled expression on your grandma's face.
"But you just got here?" she says in distressed confusion, and your stomach fills with guilt at the sadness in her voice. "We haven't seen you in so long, dear."
You still, hand on the doorknob and so, so close to freedom and safety. Eventually, you sigh, shoulders slumping as the resolve trickles out of your body.
"Never mind, I'm going to take my stuff upstairs," you say in resignation, grabbing the carry-on still by the door and carting it to the guest room. The wallet feels extra heavy in your purse, and when you're safely within the confines of your room you sit on the bed and pull it out.
You reach behind the ID card in the plastic slot of your wallet and feel the soft, crinkly edges of a fond childhood memory.
You like Pac-man, right?
Hoseok still remembers the smile on your face whenever he gave you the extra candy he would get with his tteok in the park. As well as the thinly hidden devastation on your face the last time he saw you, and you told him your family was leaving for Seoul.
Despite him being older, he had always admired your courage and tenacity, the way you would charge head-first at the things you wanted. Your unwavering support whenever he was feeling down or uncertain. During hard times as a trainee, he would sometimes picture your determined expression and feel an extra spark of energy.
He really isn't sure what to expect, or even if he's in his right mind, coming to dinner to see his long lost… friend? Play-spouse?
Would you even remember him?
The door opens, and Hoseok's heart jumps at the sight of you. The tentative smile on your face fades into an expression of utter shock, and he belatedly remembers exactly who he is.
"Wh–what the–I–" you stammer, looking just as mortified as Hoseok feels. In his ruminations of childhood, he had completely forgotten his present state of being and how it might impact new encounters. "Can I help you?"
"Y-Y/N?" he asks tentatively. To his bafflement, you flinch as if he had screamed at you.
"How do you know my name?" you ask, stepping back with your hand on the door. You look five seconds away from slamming it in his face, and despite his misgivings, Hoseok's heart sinks. For some reason this cold reception feels worse than if you were a saesang.
"I'm… I'm here for dinner?" he says tentatively, proffering the seonmul he brought. The expression on your face is so reluctant that for a moment he takes a whiff of the bag in case the pastries from the most expensive bakery in the area have somehow gone bad.
With a spark of panic, Hoseok wonders if he accidentally went to the wrong address. The house is familiar, and you look similar to the little girl he remembers, but perhaps he's just let his hopes affect his memories. Why else would you look so shaken, other than a strange man showing up out of nowhere?
"But you're… you're not–"
"Y/N, what's taking so long?"
Relief fills him momentarily as your grandmother comes behind you, though it's tempered by the way you haven't relaxed.
"But this is… this isn't…" you stammer, face pale as you look between Hoseok and your grandmother. It hits him that you probably don't remember his real name, as you had been too young to pronounce it correctly when you had first met.
"You used to call me Hoba," he says with a smile, realizing that this is why you must be so confused – you've recognized him as Jung Hoseok of BTS, and thus not your playmate from so many years ago. "It's nice to see you again."
This cannot be happening.
Not only is the smiling boy from your fondest memories Jung Hoseok of BTS, but he just somehow had a break in his schedule the same weekend you're in Gwangju, and he ran into your grandmother at the supermarket? You left Seoul to get a break from these ridiculous situations and not to end up having dinner with one of your soulmates!
What kind of contrived, unimaginative bullshit is this?
"These are for you," Hoseok tells your grandmother with a formal bow, offering the pretty, pastel pastry box you had refused to accept earlier. She beams approvingly while you pinch yourself. Hard.
Through the pain in your arm, Jung Hoseok is still standing in your entryway, a sunny nightmare you can't wake up from. The old wrapper, once a magical talisman to ward off gloom, is lead weight in your pocket.
"Um," he begins awkwardly, looking bashful. It is not cute. He is not cute. "And this is for you."
He holds out a fuzzy yellow ball you immediately recognize, and you stare at it in shock. Your chest is doing something very funny, like tachycardic arrythmia. Yes. Hilarious.
Hoseok evidently takes your silence as disapproval, and wilts like a flower deprived of light. "Uh, sorry, you probably don't like Pacman anymore…"
"I do," you reply faintly, reaching forward to take his gift. Only to be polite. That's it. Certainly not because his dejection makes your insides roil with guilt. "Thank you."
"Of course," he replies, looking only marginally relieved by your lukewarm response. "Oh! You dropped something."
He dips low to grab something, and to your horror, your wallet is open –
"Wait, is this–"
"I JUST LIKE THE CANDY!" you blurt in a near scream, feeling your entire body light on fire. This would be humiliating in the best of situations, and Jung Hoseok discovering you kept the wrapper from an old candy he had given you, like a sentimental loser, is decidedly NOT the best of situations.
His resulting smile almost blasts you off your feet, and you wonder if overexposure to sunlight can lead to cardiac arrest.
“Y/N-ah,” Jung Hoseok says, tentatively, but with soft affection. It is more devastating than you could have ever imagined. “I missed you too. Have you been well?”
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celestialbeing2 · 8 months
hii! would you write headcanons for poseidon!reader and luke? <3
figuring you out
a child of poseidon!reader x luke castellan fanfic
warnings - not proofread
a/n - thank you for being my first request, anon! this is also my first official story so thanks for giving me a clear foundation to build off of. i hope you enjoy it!
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arriving at camp half-blood wasn't easy. you arrived there with your protector covered in open cuts and you were physically weak. your mental state wasn't well either. suddenly finding out you're the child of a GOD is a tough pill to swallow. figuring out who that god was felt like an even bigger pill. your stay at camp was rocky the first few days. mr. d had a...interesting character. the ares kids were shockingly rowdy, and everyone found their place (with a few exceptions). you were like the odd one out.
that was until luke sat next to you for lunch for a day. it was awkward at first, but one day grew to nearly everyday. you two started to bond more outside of lunch. you two were always found laughing hysterically in your cabin, and physically close during activities. he also showed you around camp, even though you told him chiron already did. he was just happy to finally get to know you.
crush headcanons (before you are claimed)
during the crushing period, luke would most likely do little things for you. he would open doors for you, tie your laces before an activity, and always give you pointers during archery days. you thought he was dong it to be friendly, but the true reason was far off
similarly with percy, he would stick by your side as you tried to do every activity you could to get an idea as to who your godly parent was.
during a specific activity, if it didn't have an outcome you liked, you would always give you encouraging words to keep trying. he would never want to see you feel like you weren't good enough
during capture the flag, he would protect you from the red team whenever they got too close to you
he would also stay up with you at night, listening to whatever stories you have for him. whether they were funny, upsetting, or just random thoughts, he was very open to hearing your voice.
he would constantly ask you to sword fight with him, even if you couldn't move an inch from all of the other activities. he told you he wanted to build your strength and endurance. secretly he believed you looked attractive with sweat dripping down your neck and forehead.
once you finally found out that poseidon was your father, you were filled with joy. however, realizing you were at a higher risk of being killed by monsters turned your smile upside down.
crush headcanons (after you are claimed)
if you ever feel fear from the reality of you being claimed, luke was always open to being a shoulder you could cry on. he never stopped being eager to listen to what you had to say.
once he found out your assigning as well, he was happy for you. not because you were at a higher risk of death, but because you were finally claimed. he loved seeing a smile on your face, even if it was for a split second.
when you started to pack your stuff to move into your new cabin, he was a bit disappointed. he would miss the late night talks you guys would have. but that didn't stop him from hanging out with you.
he would push you even harder to "build your strength and endurance", but this time to actually benefit you, you needed it.
dating headcanons
luke would love holding your hand, lying in your lap, and resting his head on your shoulder. he just loved being physically close to you.
it took him a bit to tell say "i love you", but not because he wasn't sure if he loved you. he did. he just didn't want to face rejection
he would open up to you about his problems and insecurities, and thrive off of your support and advice. he would wait to speak about his trauma for when you guys are in a committed relationship because he wouldn't want you to think any less of him (we all know you wouldn't)
being a child of poseidon, he always complimented your ability to swim. he would throw little compliments your way on away occasion, even for the littlest things. he just loves giving and receiving praise.
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stargirl-writes · 11 months
through your eyes
pairing : librarian! reader x artist! anakin skywalker
word count : 2.7k
masterlist | ao3 link
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you'd find every book there is in search of a world you can get lost in. you thought you weren't really special enough to pursue an adventure for yourself. when one day, you notice a certain jedi spend a lot of time in your quiet library. strange— how he'd choose to sit in solitude when he can be pursuing a more colorful life outside, even stranger, is how he shows you a portrait he drew of you.
tags : fluff, romance, comfort, maybe a bit of angst(?), but it's a happy fic i promise!
warnings : none(!)
notes : hello angels! i REALLY needed to write a lover-boy-anakin for my sanity and this came to me because of this blog and watching 'the portrait of a lady on fire' because i just love how artists love. so if you're in for a tooth-aching soft fluffy ani fic, i gotchu!
likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated!
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There is nothing more magical than the worlds you escape in reading for hours.
You can become an adventurer, seeking a great legend, or a fighter, ready to give your life for a cause, or a witch, enchanting villages to heal, or something useful, like a staple gun, or in love.
It would always take you away from the realities of your world. A galactic war, you grieve at night for; because you're you. And you're only the librarian in the capital city of Coruscant.
Besides, there's the Jedi Order and the Republic to fight the war. All there's left for you is to wait, and cry silently, and try to live despite it all.
You close the book you were holding, it was the last installation of the novel you were following. Towards the end, the female lead finally achieved her life's purpose— a happy ending.
It left you feeling empty, jealous even. Because she got to live a life worth hurting for— a sweet fervor. At least her suffering is met by an ending she deserves.
With a sigh, you got up and placed the book neatly on the bookshelf. The library was quiet, like it usually is. No one seems to take interest in thousands of stories waiting to be unravelled.
Maybe, they're actually living a life worth telling a story for. And you're here, stuck, looking for anything to take you off your own reality.
You heard a chair creak from a distance. You perk your head up, trying to find the source of the sound.
A lone man sat, holding what looked like a book in his hand. He was wearing robes you could recognize were of the Jedi's. Strange, a Jedi reading, even stranger, he was holding something, a pencil or a pen, and he was writing down in his book.
As the librarian, you wanted to come up and ask him if there was anything you could help him with. Half-hoping to hear what type of books he was interested in. But his eyes were focused and intent, like he was really immersed, and you thought it best not to disturb him.
So you left him to his business. It was already late, and your energy is already depleted from finishing your book.
The following days were identical. Arranging books, cleaning shelves, helping a few readers find their books.
The Jedi you once saw that night became ever-more present. You wanted to ask what he was reading, must be something good if he's willing to sit down and go through it rather than pursue colorful adventures as a Jedi.
You were finishing the inventory one night when you curiously peeked over the Jedi. His eyes caught yours and you looked away, embarrassed to have been so shamefully staring.
But then, your curiosity overcomes your embarrassment, so you walk up the Jedi.
"I can't help but notice you come here often" You began, trying your best to conceal your excitement. You wanted to know what he was reading, you needed some place to take your mind off.
"Oh?" He looks up, closing his book.
The cover didn't have a title, and you frowned at the let down.
"Well, I've never seen a Jedi actively want to read before" You commented, earning a chuckle from him.
"May I ask what you're reading?" You blurt out.
You could feel his gaze land on you and you suddenly feel conscious of being subjected to his attention.
He shakes his head with a lighthearted smile, and tucks his book to his robes.
"No, I'm sorry, It's not a book" He answers.
Seeming to read the visible disappointment in your face, he brings the book on the table again.
"Then what is it?"
"I draw, sometimes" He answers, handing you his journal, you turn the page revealing his sketch of the architecture of the library, it was elaborate, sharp lines that capture the symmetry of the columns, darker shades where there is no light.
Your eyes land on another sketch, a mech-droid. He even has a deconstructed version beside it like he had been studying how to operate it.
You turn another page, and you recognize a woman, Madame Jocasta, the librarian for the Jedi Library.
"These are really well done." You commented. "Are you a mechanic?" You asked, finding another elaborate deconstruction of a lightsaber.
"Yeah, you can say" He answers with a smile. "But I'm a Jedi knight, I'm only drawing what interests me"
"Why come to the library then?" You asked, turning to the last few pages, and to your surprise, you saw a sketch of the night you finished a novel you were reading.
Your cheeks were painted scarlet— following the lines he used to capture your visible dismay. You look up, stuck between being flattered and feeling embarassed.
"I meant to give you that" He scratches the back of his head.
You shake your head, deciding it was an innocent act to observe and draw what he sees. "Well, you got my nose wrong" You tease.
He chuckles, as if he's relieved by your positive reaction.
You dared turn another page and find another portrait of you, you recognize that it had been the day when you were explaining the metaphor used in your favorite classical tale of a boy who's got too much in his ego, it ended up being his downfall.
The Jedi didn't fail to capture the Twilek's reaction to your rambling and you laughed at the picture.
"I think she just wasn't ready to hear the tale of a boy who got too close to the sun" You explained the reason for the Twilek's expression on the portrait.
"I don't understand why it'd be a tragedy, Icarus was smiling when he fell" The Jedi speaks, and your heart skips a beat. He knows the story, you fought the excitement to urge him to expand on his thought.
"You know the story?"
"Ah, my mother used to tell me a lot" He answers. "She told me that he knew exactly what it'd mean if he went too far"
"And you think he was happy when he fell?" You inquired, curious by his optimistic view.
"I think he finally achieved his life's purpose" His lips curl to a smile.
For a moment, you held your breath, perplexed by how he interpreted such a tragic end.
You caught him looking, and you stripped your gaze away, closing his journal and handing it back to him.
You hoped that you've not made him feel embarrassed to not want to come again. The way he gave a fresh view on your favorite tale made you want to hear what he has to say.
"Well, if you're interested in drawing, I'm always here" You invited.
His eyebrows flash. "In that case, I swear I'll never bore the way that Twilek did. You can tell me all the stories you can"
Your heart skips and you can't help but smile at the thought.
"My name's Anakin"
Anakin became more apparent to your life.
With your permission, he finally was able to study you, his eyes would narrow in focus, trying to replicate what he sees and how he sees you using a pencil, and you, reading stories and tales out loud.
In the beginning, you felt squirmish. He was really intent on looking at you, seeing you. No one else has quite looked at you the way he does. and you felt like every insecurity of yours was brought up front.
It felt like undressing; you thought, if he sees too closely, and unmasks you, will there be anything underneath? You felt like you were too mundane for him to look at you the way he does.
"And towards the end, she'd settle for a quiet life. She'd have lain on the ground he'd walk on, and this was a life she could see herself in" You finished the tale.
Anakin's eyebrows furrowed, showing dislike for the ending. "That can't be her end" He states his opinion.
You put down the book, happy that he was thinking the same as you. "Why do you say?" You encouraged him to speak more.
He doesn't stop looking up and down from you to his sketch. "She was an traveller, she wanted to sail" He recalled the synopsis.
"She was in love, it made her have different priorities" You considered the point the author made.
His hand halts, and his eyes land on yours. "If he truly loved her, he would have allowed her to become a fully realized person. He'd not have asked her to extinguish her fire" He looks up, as if in thought. "If he loved her, being near her fire would have been enough"
You smiled, surprised to learn that Anakin had been such a romantic.
"Well, what do I know, I've never been in love" You shrugged.
You look up to find Anakin's expression soften. You wondered what he was thinking of in this very moment.
"It's done" He says after a while.
He shows the portrait, and immediately, you see how unkept your hair looked. Then, how he deliberately emphasizes the creases of your cheeks when you smile and how he erased a portion in your eyes to make them appear as though it twinkled with light.
"You don't like it?" He says after noting your reaction.
"No, no, it's lovely" You answered. Though, you felt like it was too pretty, too idealized. Perhaps, he was seeing you in a manner you can't, for better or for worse, you don't know.
He nods, you can see his reluctance to ask what you thought, then you mentally slapped yourself for forgetting he can sense, and he definitely got what you'd been feeling.
The following afternoons went like that. You freely speaking your mind and him carefully sketching, listening.
For the first time, you don't feel like there is a need to escape your world anymore. You wake up, filled with stories you wanted to tell Anakin. Your heart would skip every time you hear the bells of the library door ring. Or when you'd catch Anakin so deep in focus, as if he was committing you to memory, and over time, his sketches of you became more honest, he'd sketch your insecurities with charming strokes, and you don't feel as though you have to hide them around him. He looks at you and sees art. It felt like the most comforting thing.
"But that was the test, he needed to trust that she'll walk behind him, he has to decide that it would be enough" You challenged his view one time you finished reading a tale of two lovers, Orpheus and Eurydice.
He has finished drawing and put down his journal to engage with your opinions.
"Can you really blame him? The Gods were playing with his doubts" He defends.
"Right, he did walk to hell for her" You considered.
"But isn't that what makes it so tragic— they could have made it out, they were so close" You grieved, because despite knowing the ending, you still hope that somehow, they'd find a way to crawl out of hell. Enduring love like that earns an ending that is deserved.
"Orpheus was only a man. He chose to look at her, one more time. He knew if he did, he'd lose her. And he did. It's a choice not of a lover, but of a poet" He concludes, and you thaw.
You'd still find yourself mesmerized by his mind. The way he sees things, the gentleness that comes, not because of the absence of violence, he knows too much of it in the war, but because despite the abundance, he remains tender.
You don't know when you started falling in love with Anakin. You only know that he'd be the story that'll last for your lifetime.
Anakin hands you the portrait. And you smiled at the expression he chose to immortalize. One of when you're almost brought to tears narrating how Eurydice was always behind Orpheus despite him never hearing her.
"I wish I looked this pretty when I cry" You commented, tracing over the lines of his sketch of you.
You felt Anakin tuck a loose strand of hair to your ear. He was looking at you with the same focus, the same wonder, same fascination.
You've grown so used to his gaze, it felt like you were communicating something that can't be expressed into words.
"If you see yourself the way I do now, you'd never doubt my sketches" He softly speaks.
"You're beautiful"
His words latched to your heart.
Anakin is the most dream-like of all; sometimes he feels like a mere character of a novel incarnated into an etheric being.
Anakin held your face, and in the heat of the moment, you pressed your lips against his.
You thought, if anyone else can feel how he makes you feel, they'd never doubt that true love exists.
The understanding you craved for— he gave you most ardently.
Saying 'I love you' came easy. Sometimes, you feel as though saying it would not suffice for how enormously you felt for him.
Your afternoons became late nights, and early mornings. Anakin would ask you to stop smiling, so he could draw you in honesty, but how could you not? You loved the way he'd be so immersed, so lost by gazing at you.
It was a bliss you've only known with Anakin.
But you watched how slowly, he was becoming more and more tense. You're not fighting the war the way he was, being a General, wielding a weapon at the front lines.
He'd rip away pages in frustration, and though you try to soothe the tension and pressure, you're afraid that this story will end in a tragedy.
All your favorite romances leave you feeling hollow towards the sad ending. And with Anakin, you keep being haunted by the thought that any moment might be the last.
What an odd plot to be involved in; loving and being deathly terrified of losing it.
You wrapped yourself in his robes— wishing the feeling to stop plaguing you. Anakin had been asleep, and you stood by the balcony, deep in thought.
You tuck your hands in your pockets, feeling your fingers grow cold by the crisp midnight air.
A piece of paper crumples, and you unfold the portrait.
It was the night you first shared yourself with Anakin. Your mind is flooded by the memory; how he made sure you felt comfortable, how he took every moment slowly like the world outside didn't matter.
You didn't know he drew you, or that he kept it in his pockets. It was strange— to see the picture he loved most was one where you were sleeping. You tuck the paper back inside and go back to bed.
He's gone most of the days now. But you can tell he's making the effort to stay awake when he'd come to your quarters.
"—Love is not an everlasting performance in which you have to attempt to keep your lover's attention. Rather, it's the release of insecurity to trust them to choose to stay, no matter what they see" You narrated softly, thinking Anakin had fallen asleep.
You planted a kiss on his forehead.
"I don't think I've heard this story before" He speaks up after a while.
"No, you haven't" You managed a wan smile. "I wrote it"
Anakin was looking at you the way he used to before. Your heart ached, but you proceeded. "I love you with what in me is unfinished, with what in me remains changing. By you, I am forever undone."
Anakin holds you tight.
"Do you think it'll have a happy ending?" You spoke nakedly.
"Not all stories end in tragedy, my love" He reassures.
You bit your lip "We'll have to conquer the fates, it's been written so many times, a cruel ending" You can't entirely let your fears go.
"Fate gave you to me"
"If by some twist, we end in tragedy, then I am happy to have loved you" He says.
You let out an exhale. There was the simple truth of it; that all things must go, even Anakin. And like him, you felt as though you were blessed to even share a portion of your life with him. Loving is never a waste, even just for the brief time you're allowed in one lifetime. You decided it would be enough for you.
In his arms, it felt like you're unravelling a story that may have a happy ending after all.
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creepswrites · 1 year
Hola ví que está abierto y quería solicitar un Jason, Billy Lenz y Lester (si querés más) con una s/o que tiene mala cara siempre y un poco malumorada con los demás menos con ellos? Si no querés ignorame, besos y buenas noches (⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠つ⁠⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)
i don't speak spanish but google translate said "Hello, I saw that you are open and I wanted to request a Jason, Billy Lenz and Lester (if you want more) with an s/o that always has a bad face and is a bit grumpy with the others except with them? If you don't want to ignore me, kisses and good night (⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠つ⁠⊂⁠(⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)" so!! i hope this is what you asked for!
SLASHERS w/ a GN! S/O who has a grumpy face with others but not them
Sometimes other camp counselor potentials would show up, trying to give Camp Crystal Lake a fresh start, but Jason stopped them at every turn
You'd been a fresh, potential counselor once. But, of course, Jason put an end to that
You stayed with him though
You heard the story of the young boy who drowned and your heart just melted
So you and Jason became close. You were different to him, you weren't interested in sex and drinking
When Jason first met you, you'd been staring at one of your fellow counselors with an annoyed face
At first, he'd thought you were angry with them, but he learnt your face was just like that
Resting bitch face, you'd called it
But the way you just lit up when you saw him... it made him feel special
He loved when he'd spot you brooding and how you'd just smile at him, like your smile was just for him only
Jason feels honored that you only look happy around him
You were part of the sorority where Billy had been staying
As he'd been stalking you and the rest of your sorority sisters, he'd learnt your behaviors and mannerisms
Particularly, he noticed how you never seemed to smile
You always looked perpetually annoyed by everyone and everything, which he found amusing
Even when you had to deal with his calls, your face never really changed
But when you finally met him?
You'd actually smiled, which made Billy's stomach hurt and he wanted to throw up from how sweet you were
You were always kind to him, careful to not overwhelm him when you held hands or kissed, and you always looked at him with a soft smile that made him melt
He'd bite you sometimes, trying to cope with how you made him feel, but you'd just laugh and kiss his head and talk to him
It made him feel special, that you weren't like that with anyone else other than him
Lester had first met you when you'd arrived to town, standing on the side of the road looking pissed beyond belief at the flat tire your car had
Your friend had been with you and you'd looked so annoyed he would've assumed your friend was the one who ruined the tire
But when you'd looked over at him, your face just softened into a shy smile
And Lester felt how red his face got, nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he stuttered through talking to you
Once you started dating, he'd come visit you in the nearby town where you lived, bringing you flowers and blushing like a maniac
You'd always smile at him though, laughing brightly whenever he'd stumble over complimenting you
Sometimes he'd catch you talking with others before you noticed him, a bitter look on your face until you turned and saw him, lighting up like the sun
He was obsessed with you, like your happiness was only for him
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pregmothy · 4 months
I can't help but think about a corrupt doctor playing aloof.
He was amicable, if not a bit standoffish; he even helped you and your husband with "fertility treatments" so you could get pregnant in the first place; how could you not trust him? He's one of your neighbors and has been a bit of a character since you first moved into this space backwoods neighborhood, only catching glimpses of him in your periphery before finally catching him tending to herbs in his garden and starting a conversation. One thing led to another, and you got close enough to accept his help for your pregnancy. He's affordable, courteous, and, despite being a little... off, he even makes house calls. So, you keep going back while your stomach swells and when your chest grows too big and sensitive for any binders or sports bras.
He's been a big help during your rather difficult pregnancy. You kept falling ill for one reason or another. A weakened immune system causes you to get sick easily, and morning sickness makes your stomach weak. Your body was admittedly frail, and here you were, putting it through the wringer. Still, the doctor always reassured you, even encouraged you, saying your body was a "prime candidate to produce offspring," that's a way to word a compliment. He reliably comes to the rescue with quick remedies and strong medicine to soothe your stomach and mind. More so than your husband was doing, providing almost no help until the doctor arrived and waiting for the doctor to give the ok before immediately leaving you to your lonesome. The doctor had become your biggest comfort at this time, promptly responding to your calls and providing plenty of assurances.
The doctor was rather peculiar, he’s actually pretty shy and despite being experienced, his demeanor was reserved outside of his work. It explains how you haven't been able to get a good look at him before you met, at least. He often stumbled during casual conversation, and his eyes didn't really meet yours. He takes measured gazes when working, but when he’s not, his eyes flicker here and there as if he is trying to avoid looking at something obscene. You would be slightly offended if it wasn’t for the quality of care he gave you, memorizing details to an almost scary degree, practically predicting what ailments you would have before you had them, and swiftly treating you. You had offhandedly muttered about your medication to deal with nausea once, not even talking to him really, and he stopped by the next day with some fresh-grown ginger. He really can be sweet deep down, despite the strange behavior.
With one thing or another, you kept calling and grew accustomed to this somewhat awkward doctor and his equally awkward methods. The medicine he provided worked, and he was the closest help you would get out here, so you weren't going to complain much, but you had to admit, some of his procedures were a bit odd; boy, did you have stories.
He was thorough in his work and examinations, checking you head to toe, in every crevasse, and you mean EVERY CREVASSE. You remember the first time he gave you an in-depth exam, and, surprise, surprise, his hands were cold, causing you to jump slightly. It was strange feeling those cold hands on your oversensitive hole the first time, but you stomached it and allowed him to continue. He had actually stopped when you flinched... how considerate. he even had you alter your wardrobe and check your clothes. No more jeans and stiff fabrics, only loose, thin clothing, even when your bump was relatively small, for better movement and thermoregulation, he said. He followed up on the clothes matter as well, asking how you felt, if you liked them, and if they were accommodating your pregnancy properly. You said yes, they were fine, that was truthful, but it was somewhat difficult to switch to thinner underwear, with your cunt producing more fluid and essentially soaking through them, that was truthful. From then on, the doctor made the, in your opinion, crazy request for a pair of soaked underwear. Increased discharge production is normal, and he wanted to test it to make sure it was healthy. You were incredibly apprehensive at first, the idea of giving a random man your underwear was horrifying, and you made your thoughts known. He then explained that he wasn't some random man but your doctor and provided a long list of all the risks to your pregnancy if he left anything to chance. All of what he said was truthful; he wasn't some random man, and your body was too feeble to risk it, so you relented, giving him a pair of your underwear and watching as he put it in a biohazard bag and tucked it into his work briefcase. At least he was professional about it, but you never got that pair back.
One time, the baby was just too active and made your body sore, so he came over and gave you some light painkillers and even offered a back massage, which you enthusiastically accepted. It was a rare occurrence that the doctor offered to touch you for something outside of medical obligations. He even briefly lifted your stomach to help take the weight off your back. You found yourself back to his chest, so lost in the relief that you almost missed the sound of sniffing behind you. Was he sick? You hoped what he smelled wasn't you; it would be so embarrassing if, after getting so physically close, you smelled bad. He didn't bring it up afterward, and you didn't either. During his next visit, he brought this strange salve with him, saying that since the baby was growing and already so active, the skin on your stomach would become more taut and sensitive, so it was meant to moisturize the skin. He offered to help with the first application, and you accepted, you didnt see why not. You raised your shirt over your bump, just under your new breasts, and that focused gaze instantly turned to your stomach. It sort of startled you how quickly he honed in on you, but you supposed it was his job; what is a doctor if not studious. The salve smelt strange, nothing too strong, subtle, and actually kind of familiar, but you couldn't quite pin it down. He continued, putting a small dollop on your stomach and rubbing it in. he took his time, being thorough and making sure it covered your whole stomach, gaze not straying from it. You felt kind of shy at that. You know he's your doctor, but did he have to look so close? He was usually rather reserved about touching you so closely. You sat as he worked, rubbing the salve into your skin and even massaging your stomach for a bit. Only after a while did you shift in your seat, and this seemed to gain his attention. Promptly' standing up and clearing his throat, avoiding your eyes again, he declared himself done, telling you the proper dosage, and he was on his way. That was... strange. It's not too out of character for the awkward doctor, but you didn't expect him to get so... intimate.
Another time, you found your chest terribly sore. The doctor came over and told you it was fine, just some compacted milk in your newly swelled breasts, which were unused to being so full. Unsatisfied with that answer, you groaned at the strain. It didn’t matter if it was fine, it still hurt. So, you asked if the good doctor could do something. He explained that the milk just needs to be released, either by pump or by hand compression. You didn’t own a pump, and you didn’t know how to get the milk yourself, so you asked for his help. At this, he almost lost it, stuttering out verbal instructions and growing redder in the face by the second. Ultimately, you interrupted and told him you trusted him, he was your doctor, after all. Why get so flustered now of all times?
Flashing some sad puppy dog eyes, you managed to pull him to sit next to you. Pulling off your top, he wraps an arm around you, cupping your breasts and rolling them in his palms. You flinched at his doctor-like frigid hands, the feeling on such a sensitive area surprised you. After they warmed up, he got a gentle grasp on one of your nipples before looking at you for confirmation. You give the affirmative, and he rubs and massages the bud between his fingers, eliciting a soft groan from you, this time not from discomfort but from the strangeness of the feeling. It felt good. Were your nipples always this sensitive? It must have been the pregnancy. He was so warm and so close to you at this moment that you could feel yourself relaxing by the second. He continued his caresses for a bit before pinching at the nipple, drawing out beads of milk. You let out a gasped moan at that, and he stops, letting go of your nipple. Snapping out of your stupor from the sudden lack of sensation, you, a little bit too enthusiastically, ask him to continue, reassuring him that the touch felt good. He continued on like this, massaging, pinching, and milking one breast after the other until the soreness was alleviated. It was warm and comfortable with your back against his chest, it lulled you into a kind of trance. You felt a bit floaty afterward, tingles of pleasure still flowing down your spine, and he offered to make this a regular occurrence since it seemed to alleviate more than just bodily soreness. You accepted, but you had to admit the scenario was a bit weird. The doctor would be coming over weekly to milk you, maybe it's more regular in the practice than you think, he's the medical professional not you.
You grew fond of the touches despite yourself, and you supposed, despite the initial rejection, he was OK with the closeness too, if not a little fond as well. Your husband hadn’t touched you much since your bump really started showing, so you’ve been, admittedly, a little deprived. Despite his cold hands always making you jump for examinations - really, he examined your entire body so frequently you would have thought to have been used to it by now - they were a comfort on your sensitive skin. When they finally warmed up, if he kept his hands on you that long, they were incredibly soothing. You might even say you’ve come to look forward to the touch… maybe… not out loud, though.
Your relationship grew over time, and his checkups became regular enough that he would even stop by on his own occasionally to check in and then promptly leave. He’s rather skittish as well, frequently at your house but never staying for too long, he sometimes leaves before you can make the two of you tea. You can’t say you don’t miss the company, your husband hasn’t been showing you much attention, and you find yourself somewhat starved for interaction. You did whatever you could to keep the doctor a second longer, asking for an additional check, asking him to reach something you couldn’t “with this big belly in the way, after all.” You even invited him to feel the baby kick after a routine checkup once. It's kind of cute how shy he is, his ears turning red when inspecting your belly.
And after a while, it seems like he caught on. Despite still being a bit awkward, he indulged your whims. Stuttering facts about botany, anatomy (yours included), and how his day was when you asked for any conversation. Helping clean up around the house, which you thanked him with a cup of tea. With those intense eyes, he even rubbed your stomach when you invited him and acquiesced to apply the salve for you on occasion, sometimes the baby bucked at his touch. However, he still made sure to keep boundaries on the rare occasion your husband was around. The doctor brought by gifts and trinkets he happened upon in town for you since you were, by his advice, homebound.
He gave you a lovely red scarf and said he thought it complimented your style and that you would like it. While the doctor was handling matters in the kitchen, you were sat in an armchair in the living room, off your swollen ankles, deciding what to do with the scarf and what outfits you could make. Absent-mindedly toying with it, you ended up tying it around your stomach, a nice bow situated on top. While you’re messing with the loops, the doctor steps away from the kitchen, "T-the dishes are all clean and put away. Is there anyth-" he pauses once his eyes land on you, gaze shifting to your stomach and the big red bow on top. You looked down at the bow. “Oh, thank you so much for your help again, doctor. I was just playing around a bit, trying to figure out styles I liked.” You giggled to yourself and looked back up at him, but what you saw startled you a bit. He was still looking at your stomach, unmoving, but his gaze had grown dark. You couldn’t read the emotion behind his stare, but it was a little unnerving. Did you do something wrong?
You cleared your throat. “U-um, doctor? Is something wrong? D-do you not like it?” You meekly question, and it snaps him out of his stupor. He averts his gaze and clears his throat, hiding a blush behind his fist. “Apologies, I’ve got a bit on my mind today, and I just remembered something.” Oh. “Oh, ok.” And that was that. He soon dismissed himself, and you were left alone again. That was so strange, it was almost like he was glaring… You pushed it out of your mind, justifying it as one of the doctor's quirks with eye contact, and never brought it up again. You didn’t want to risk scaring him off or, worse, scaring yourself over what is probably nothing. You liked your dynamic already as it was and didn’t want to lose the company.
One day, when you were about 7 months along, you were lying in bed with a mean stomachache and a light fever. Panting heavily, you're wearing nothing but a thin oversized shirt, overheating and sweating through everything else. Your husband is nowhere in sight, having left for a trip with his friends over the weekend, leaving the doctor to tend to you in your bedroom. Lying on your side, the doctor’s back was facing towards you, writing something you couldn’t see on a clipboard. Your stomach churned again, causing you to flinch and groan. You lift up your shirt, hoping the cool air will do something to soothe the ache, but to no avail. It was so uncomfortable, and your body was so sore. At moments like these, you felt so alone, so vulnerable, so weak. You hated how your body seemed to be capable of almost anything but this, unable to support this one desire. Had the doctor’s assurances been false, could you really go on like this? You open your eyes again and find that the doctor is crouched in front of you, looking at you with that measured gaze.
This time, you meet his eyes again, and it’s once again unreadable and just as dark as before, but they look different somehow as if communicating something to you. The good doctor who has cured your ailments and soothed your stomach again and again. The one who spent time with you, touched you, and cared for you, understanding all of your needs before you even made them known. He’s close, right in front of you, and you’re in need. So fragile in that moment, you whimper and reach out for his hand. He doesn’t stop you, even meeting you halfway, putting his hand in yours, and cooperating when you lead it to your uneasy belly. His cold hands were a comfort to your overheating skin. Understanding your needs like always, he gently rubbed your stomach back and forth, easing it across the sensitive skin. You whimpered again from the soft, calming assurance the reliable doctor always gave. He reached another cool hand up and placed the back of it against your forehead, probably to measure your temperature, but you didn’t care at this moment, leaning into the soothing touch you missed so much at that moment. "There you go," his voice croaked from lack of use. "You’ll be fine. You’ll both be ok with me." you relaxed further into his touch. "Just rest... you’re in my hands now."
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creedslove · 11 months
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
Summary: Jack needs to go on a mission and leave you and Wyatt at home; it hurts him but he needs to get the job done, at the same time you and your son prepare yourselves for Halloween 🎃
(This is the nineteenth chapter of my HEARTLESS 💔 series)
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of angst and overall no other warnings to avoid spoilers so you are on your own here besties
A/N: I missed our cowboy so much, my besties! As this is almost the end of our lovely story, we need to let him and sugar go with their happy ending, but of course there's still some Halloween treats going on. Also, kind of obvious but this chapter takes place on Halloween
5.8k words
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If someone asked Wyatt exactly what a marriage was, he wouldn't be able to explain it properly, he didn't understand much about grown up stuff, it was boring and his little life of playing with animals and with his toys and eating his mommy's delicious food while being a cowboy with his daddy was way more important to him; however, Wyatt had watched enough cartoons to know that mommies and daddies lived together with their babies and his dad had told him that if his mommy accepted his surprise, then that would happen to them and he was excited about that.
Wyatt was so willing to have you and his daddy together for good, he took all the instructions Jack had given him seriously, because he wanted everything to be perfect for you, he wanted his mommy to be happy with his daddy after all, and for that, he would help Jack do whatever he needed, but luckily, his daddy's first instruction, apart from being completely silent about the beautiful, glowing ring, Wyatt was asked to act as normal as possible, so he could surprise you when the moment was right, and so was it that the next few days went by completely normal, you and Jack were going strong in your recent relationship as Wyatt was enjoying farm life more and more, and the very few times you actually had to go back to the city in order to pick up more clothes, check on your apartment and make sure everything was in order, your son was each time sadder and sadder to leave the ranch. He had everything he ever loved in there, a life with his mommy and daddy, animals, Silver Pony and Silver Star and the mere prospect of having to go back to the city scared him to death. He loved his home and his family and he had made up his little mind he wouldn't leave without a fight. Luckily to him, you also had no plans of returning to the city, as the weeks passed and your relationship progressed with Jack, you didn't see the need of returning permanently to the city. Of course it was still necessary to do so, eventually for some doctor appointments, shopping for new clothes and stuff like that, but if you were going to be honest with yourself, you also didn't see you and your son going back to a small, cramped apartment once you got used to that gorgeous ranch. It was beautiful, spacious and it had everything you needed; not to mention you had re-encountered love once more. Saying you weren't madly in love with that stupid cowboy would be a huge lie, it's not that you had ever fallen out of love with him, you hadn't, even during the worst time of your life and how cruel he'd been to you; you should have done it though, however, you simply couldn't. Even during the hard moments in which you burned with anger at the mere thought of what he'd done to you, that intense love was just there, underneath all. You had both dreamed and dreaded the moment Whiskey would walk back into your life not knowing what to do, and even if it was hard at first, then you were thankful it happened in a way you are able to see Jack really meant his feelings and you both couldn't fight the passion any longer, even if you still felt a paralyzing fear of being hurt, you decided to trust your man in your own terms: he had a chance, the only and final one, and in case he did anything to ruin that, then you and him would be history.
Luckily to you and Wyatt, Jack was nothing but the best and most caring boyfriend and father; all he wanted was to make sure you and your son were happy and well. He would spoil the two of you and do anything in his power so you would be next to him. He loved you more than anything in the world and his son was the most precious little thing he could ever ask for. He was taking care of his family like he should have from the beginning and there was no stopping him this time. That's why he went over his plan with Wyatt for several days, talking to his son and using his help to form an alliance in order to make you the best proposal he could think of. Yeah, you two had been engaged before your son's birth, but you didn't want it to be like that, especially because you both had come to an agreement of having a new beginning. So Jack kept your former engagement in a box and locked it in his closet, it was a pretty ring, but he still remembers coming home still feeling hot headed after the argument you two had over the revelation of your pregnancy. One of, if not the biggest regret he'd ever had in his life was definitely his reaction towards the news that changed both of your lives. He didn't know what to say or what to do after you broke the news to him, it was in fact, as if he had stopped processing facts for a while. However, when he finally realized what had happened it was as if something had broken inside of him, he felt as if he had lost the ground under his feet and above all, he felt betrayed, as if it didn't matter to you the family he had previously lost. Of course Jack knew that wasn't it, he knew he was severely mentally ill at the time and that was a reflection of it, and yet, he also knew he should have been a decent man for you and your son. But instead, he'd told you unspeakable things, he'd made you the vilest proposition someone could ever think of - for you to choose between him and your son - and he left you crying, on your own and went to a bar to get wasted.
When he came back home, all he found was the silence and emptiness he felt surrounded him and also around him. Your clothes, belongings, accessories, everything that made that home a little more yours than just his were gone, and the only proof you'd ever been there was the engagement ring you left on his pillow. You'd made your choice; you'd chosen your son.
So that was the whole reason why he thought it would be a nice idea to get you a new engagement ring, he had a feeling the previous ring carried a lot more negative meaning than the two of you would like to admit. Besides, he got to choose a brand new jewelry for you, not sparing any money - one of the greatest advantages of being a high profile Statesman employee after all. After gathering his son's help, Jack waited for the perfect moment, he was anxious and nervous, as he hadn't really planned on a specific scenario, instead, he tried to find a suitable time and place, feel in his heart when it should happen, preferably when Wyatt was also around, as your son showed great interest in it, being a supporter of the idea since the beginning.
It happened in the late afternoon, just a regular day of the week that ended up becoming one of the most special days of your life. You and your family had gone for a horse ride, Jack deciding - with your agreement - that Wyatt was already old enough to learn how to ride a horse, you three stopped by at the stables but the little boy went with Silver Star, which didn't stop her from trying to running and that lead your cowboy to use his lasso to stop her and your son from going too fast. On one hand you were a little scared, your heart racing from seeing your baby boy looking so big and independent from his parents, but also a huge wave of pride to see him becoming a cowboy just like his dad.
You'd made a basket with treats and sandwiches in order to have a picnic and the moment you three settled by the willow trees - one of your favorite places at his ranch - and Jack realized the sun was setting, creating the perfect atmosphere of laughter, happiness and a beautiful landscape. He winked and nodded at his son showing him it was time to propose to his mommy. Wyatt clapped his small hands in excitement and watched intently while the cowboy got on his knees in front of you, taking your hand and professing you love words. You knew what was happening, but at the same time it felt like you didn't, as your heart was racing so much and the tears simply couldn't stop clouding your vision. You held your breath the moment he showed you a brand new engagement ring, it was one of the most beautiful jewelry you'd ever seen in your life and there was no way you could ever say no to that.
The moment Jack finally asked you the question, proposing to you and you said yes, it was as if time had stopped and there were only the three of you in the world, your happy little family, you, your son and your future husband. You had said yes and that was how you were officially engaged to Jack Daniels once more.
"Sugar, listen to me…" Jack placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer "it will be a short mission, in a few days I'll be back home, I ain't even looking towards any women, you know they don't compare to you. I've never been unfaithful to you and I ain't starting now sugar…"
You could see the honesty and pleading in his eyes and even if it was recomforting to be assured like that by him and acknowledge how dedicated he was to you, however, you would be over the moon if your concern was reduced to only a bunch of whores throwing themselves onto your man.
"Cowboy, it's not it, I mean, I know you're faithful and I'm also faithful to you, and I will always be… but I'm scared and worried. You remember what happened on your last mission… I don't want that to happen again, I mean, I don't even want to think of the slightest possibility of it, please. You have a family now, me and Wyatt, you are leaving us home, but we want you here with us" You used just about the same pleading eyes in order to convince your cowboy to stay, you couldn't place your finger exactly on why you were so anxious and needy, but if it were up to you, you'd use his lasso to keep him tied down to your bed, not letting him leave at all. You felt so vulnerable without even understanding why, but your biggest desire was to be held by him and assured he wouldn't move an inch away from you. He placed his hands on the side of your face and stroked your cheek so gently, affection and love pouring from him as he saw you looking so helpless at that moment. He leaned in for a kiss and smiled
"It will be fine, sugar. It will be just a few days as I said, I'll be alright, keep my ass safe… you know it's an emergency, that's why Champ called me, I will call you every day, and I'll make sure to keep you updated, I have a gorgeous family to come home to, and I ain't never let that go, now please, help me out because I can't have two sad puppy faces staring at me like that without breaking my heart" he pointed at Wyatt who pouted and looked at his daddy's bag. You felt emotional and didn't know exactly what to do, but you nodded, as your future husband needed help. He was the best damn agent that place had ever seen, of course he would come back home safely.
You wiped your tears and lowered yourself, picking up your son and snuggling him.
"Don't be upset my angel, daddy will be gone just for a little while, right daddy?!" You looked at him, who picked up the cue and nodded
"Yeah buddy, daddy will be away for a couple of days to work, but I need you to be a strong cowboy and take care of mama, can you do that for me?" Wyatt nodded reluctantly, his red eyes almost making the cowboy turn around and give up the idea of going to work. He couldn't though, otherwise he would've done it once for all. The cowboy couldn't resist the urge of wrapping his arms around his son, pulling him for a tight embrace.
"You know daddy loves you and mama more than anything in the world, right? It will be for a short while, and soon enough I'll be here for you, remember you wanted to go out trick or treating? Daddy promises he will be back before Halloween, okay?"
After Wyatt nodded, sighing but snuggling him and you also pulled him into a real needy and long hug, leaving home to go on a mission was definitely the hardest task that cowboy had done; he questioned himself if he was doing the right thing, after all, when he got suspended from Statesman, all he wanted to do was get back on the field and show them all he was still a top notch agent, the best they'd ever had and that he could handle any kind of situation, but once he saw how his family felt anxious and upset about him leaving, he felt tortured to go to work, he didn't have to, he had plenty of money and wouldn't need to work violent and dangerous job now he was settling down once more. Still, he felt like he owed that to Champ, even if he disappointed the older man with his bad conduct during the last mission, they still shared a very special bond - Jack was like the son Champ never had, and the younger cowboy envisioned the older one as a fatherly figure. No wonder why Jack ended up only in therapy after nearly sabotaging such a serious mission instead of going to prison. He hopped on his Bronco and drove to the headquarters, trying not to think much of his broken heart to be gone.
The first night was rough without your cowboy, even if Whiskey had called, and then he had video chatted and talked to both you and Wyatt, it was still so sad and lonely without him. Worse than the years you spent alone with your son, the absence of Jack now was depressing, after staying with him, living almost an endless honeymoon it was upsetting to say the least. That night, your sweet Wyatt snuggled closer to you in bed and you only fell asleep with your face buried deep into his curls.
What really changed your routine happened the morning after Jack left; it was as if you knew something was up but you couldn't actually get a hold of it, instead, you simply woke up with the worst wave of nausea you'd ever witnessed. It was odd, you hadn't had dinner the night before nor eaten anything suspicious, so the first thought that crossed your mind was immediately dismissed. You couldn't and you wouldn't.
As much as you tried to push aside those thoughts, they insisted on coming back whenever you got distracted, you tried your best keeping your mind busy, focusing on the son you actually had. So you and Wyatt spent most days together, playing, cooking and baking, even if the slightest food smell made you feel sick to your stomach and riding and petting the horses. You knew Halloween was approaching and Wyatt was excited to go trick-or-treating, as it was going to be the first ever Halloween his daddy would be a part of it and even if you two had actually to drive downtown to do it, as the ranches were too apart from each other, you still promised him you would carve the pumpkins with your son, and you sort of kept your promise, if it weren't for the fact the moment you began cutting open the pumpkins, the smell was enough to make your stomach twist and you had to rush to the bathroom, however, this time wasn't possible to hide it from your son, which caused Wyatt to run to you worriedly
"Are you okay mommy?" He asked you while placing his small hands on your back "can we call daddy please?"
You shook your head and smiled weakly at him
"No baby, mommy is fine, I just got a tummy bug, that's all" you assured him, even though you knew there was more to it and you simply just didn't want to admit it. You asked your son for a bottle of water from the fridge as you grabbed your phone and checked the app you used to keep your cycle in check and even if you knew the answer, a part of you was still so stubborn you couldn't bring yourself to believe it. Taking turns between checking your app and the calendar, you sighed and closed your eyes, letting yourself digest the information that your period was late.
There was a huge chance you were pregnant again.
You couldn't sleep at all that night, tossing and turning in bed and playing the most different scenarios in your head. Jack would be happy, wouldn't he? He was the one who was insisting on having a baby, but you also terrified yourself at the possibility that maybe, he was just trying to convince you to marry him. What if he changed his mind and panicked? What if he never came back from the mission? No, you shook your head and squinted your eyes, trying to physically keep your anxiety away from you. The very little you managed to doze off were filled with dreams about you and the cowboy getting into a huge fight and breaking up. That was something that couldn't happen, you knew your heart wouldn't take that kind of disappointment for a second time, and if he even threatened to walk away from you both, well, from you three, you would never see him again.
But a part of you desperately begged you to calm down and relax a little, maybe you weren't even pregnant, you couldn't say for sure without a test, and all of that could've been just a mind trick after panicking so much at the idea your body actually began reproducing that kind of symptoms. It wasn't the first time your period was that late and it could have been a stomach bug, after all you hadn't been eating well since your cowboy left you a week ago. There was still at least another one to come and the idea of actually buying yourself a pregnancy test was horrifying. However, since Wyatt started asking you to dress up as a zombie cowboy, you knew you would have to buy him some things such as fake bruises stickers and a costume hat, as you wouldn't risk ruining the beautiful and expensive stetson Jack had gifted your son. It would be the perfect excuse, you would do some Halloween shopping and also get yourself a test, everything would be just fine, you assured yourself, after all, you still had a small hope in your heart things were nothing but your mind playing tricks on you.
The next morning, while Wyatt went to get dressed as fast as he could so you both could go out and get him his costume, you watched yourself in the mirror. We're your breasts larger? You didn't know if they actually were or if you were under the wrong impression, if Whiskey had been there, he would be able to tell it immediately. In fact, he would probably be the first one to even notice it. Then you stared at your stomach, was it a little swollen or you were just getting paranoid? As you were lost in your thoughts with your blouse lifted you felt tiny hands on your tummy and looked down at Wyatt's smiley face staring at you
"You look so pretty, mommy!" He said happily and smiled big at you, his small arms wrapping around your waist as he rested his head against your womb and sighed deeply. He was an affectionate boy, but he had never done that before… Why start it now?
You stroked his curls very gently and lowered yourself to his level
"Do you think mommy looks different?" You asked
"No, just pretty" he shrugged happily and ran outside the bedroom.
Another week had passed without any confirmation nor denial; you simply didn't have the guts to take that test and see for yourself if you were indeed pregnant or not. You talked to your cowboy every single night, and even if he thought it was odd you weren't up for some web sex with him, he didn't push it, as you simply lied by saying you were on your period. Whiskey could tell something was off, but he assumed it was just a combination of his absence and your tiredness. Besides, Wyatt was staying up later each night, so he could talk to his daddy which caused you both to behave yourselves.
You had taken Wyatt out for shopping, he'd bought as many Halloween things he wanted, you also bought some extra candy just in case some trick or treaters passes by the ranch, which you thought it wouldn't happen, but you didn't want to risk not having any and while your son was too distracted by the shampoo aisle - you'd asked him to pick the best shampoo to wash his hair - you grabbed your pregnancy tests. Tests. Because you wouldn't trust just one, so you decided three would be a decent enough number. It broke your heart to see how sweet Wyatt was the moment he spotted a mother shopping with her baby girl. The moment he saw her, he giggled and rushed to them "look mommy! A cute baby!!!" Wyatt had squealed just as you hid the tests under a bunch of other stuff you followed him, smiling at how sensitive your son was. You nodded and agreed with him, playing with his soft curls.
Not only that, after the episode, Wyatt spent the whole week asking you about babies. If you thought they were cute, if he was a nice baby, if you and his daddy had a baby would it be a normal baby or would it be a cowboy baby. In other circumstances, you would be very amused by his questions, but given what was going on, you felt extremely anxious about it. Perhaps that was the whole reason why you kept postponing the test for days; however, you knew Jack was about to come home any day now, and you needed to have an answer, it wasn't fair to you or him, not to mention he would see right through you and figure something was definitely wrong. So the day before Halloween, you made your son dinner - chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes and peas, his favorite - and played with him until he fell asleep. When you were sure you wouldn't be interrupted, you finally took courage, grabbed your tests and followed the instructions.
And the wait began.
And it felt like forever, until the whole three of them showed the lines indicating that indeed, you were pregnant.
You didn't react for several minutes, perhaps it was the shock, even if you deep down inside already knew you were expecting a baby. You were going to be a mom, again. You got pregnant by the man who abandoned you and your son once, would it go wrong this time? You didn't want to believe it, at the same time you were flooding with all kinds of anxious thoughts and feelings. You wish you could just curl up on the couch and fall asleep until you could come up with a solution to that situation, but Wyatt's fast steps drew your attention "mommy!!! Help me get dressed!!!" He giggled as he barged in his cowboy outfit, holding his fake blood and wound stickers. His excitement was so adorable, it made your heart warm at how cute he really was. You wrapped your arms tight around him, pulling him closer and snuggling your son. He was a little confused at your affection but giggled "help me mommy!" He asked as he couldn't wait to go out.
The moment you saw your son, your heart warmed and filled with love, he was so precious, the most important little thing in your life, and you'd just learned you were growing a new life inside of your womb, his baby brother or sister, you didn't know, but at that moment, only Wyatt mattered, the way he looked so excited, his little chocolate eyes glimmering you decided you would stop feeling sorry for yourself, you were a grown woman, you had been through a pregnancy once and you could do it a second time. No matter if your cowboy was going to step up or not, though you hoped really hard he would, you would focus on your son, making sure he had the Halloween he had waited for all along.
Wyatt jumped excitedly, although he still held your hand and smiled big
"I got a lot of candies, mommy!!!" He giggled as you carried his bag which was indeed way heavier than what it could be considered healthy. His costume was adorable, a mix of zombie and a cowboy as he fit in perfectly with the other kids. You had driven downtown where all the people gathered and enjoyed the festive day, seeing how your life would be like for the following years. You knew Jack had no intentions of moving away, definitely not going to the city, which you also agreed. You liked that atmosphere, the small town kind of warmth, it was nice and you also remembered you would need to start looking for a new school for Wyatt. And not only that, you would need to care for a whole new baby, and Jack wasn't even there to calm you down. And that was when it hit you: he hadn't called you that night, even worse, he had promised you and Wyatt he would spend Halloween with you both, as a family, but instead, he had established no communication and a wave of anxiety and worry rushed through you as you began picturing the worst possible scenarios. The story of Jack nearly dying his last mission, the cruelty of the death he nearly faced still haunted you and you would be lying if you didn't wake up quite a few times at night after having a nightmare about losing your cowboy. You couldn't give into those horrible thoughts, not at that moment, your son was happy, you were spending a very nice time together and if it weren't for the fact a lasso wrapped around you and Wyatt, making you both stop dead in your tracks…
And a lasso?!
You and Wyatt exchanged confused looks before turning around and facing Whiskey's shit eating grin as he was in his fight position, lasso in hands and looking every bit of devilish handsome he always did. Damn, stupid pregnancy hormones.
"DADDY!!!" Wyatt's deafening squeal was enough for Whiskey to loosen the rope around you both as he opened his arms to receive his son's sweet hug. They had missed each other so much, he couldn't even believe he had actually had the guts to leave his family to go on a mission, but the important thing was that he was back, in time to spend one of his son's favorite holidays. He wrapped his arms around Wyatt and snuggled him, kissing the top of his head and ruffing his hair gently, loving his costume, and chuckling at the enthusiasm in which your son told his daddy every single little thing that happened the days he spent away. And then it was your turn to rush to your cowboy, being too emotional after everything that happened, including the mini internal meltdown you had at the mere fear he had died during the mission, you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. Your cowboy was finally back home, to you and your family, and you couldn't be happier as you needed him more than anything now.
Jack was so happy at the warm welcome he received from his family and he knew that was exactly what he wanted all along; he wanted to have a good reason to come back home to, and now he had it. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you for another kiss, he saw how beautiful you were, you were almost glowing and there was something different about you even if he couldn't actually tell what it was.
"I missed you sugar" he whispered against your lips and looked down as Wyatt kept tugging at his sleeve, wanting to spend some time with his daddy, after missing him desperately
"Come on daddy, let's trick or treat!" Wyatt begged with his cute puppy face, his energy restored to the fullest now he was surprised by the wave of excitement at the fact his father was there, for him and for his mommy.
Jack had returned from his mission just about an hour before meeting his family, he thought of calling you and let you both know, but instead, he decided to surprise you and it couldn't have been better. He knew you two would be downtown, so it wasn't difficult to spot his family, but as much as he wanted to come closer, you were both walking fast at a reasonable distance from him, so the best idea that came to his mind was simply using his lasso on the two of you, which was both funny and cute, since you never saw it coming, but to him, the best part was when the two of you rushed to him, as if he'd been gone for months instead of just two weeks. It made his heart clench with love and affection, he was finally home, with his family and he cherished that like no other. The way they spent the rest of the evening walking around, getting Wyatt more candy, then they stopped by a small cute place to have some corn dogs and then the three of you headed home.
Wyatt only fell asleep after hours home, he had eaten some of his candy, while you figured what you'd do with the rest of it since it was way too much. Your cowboy had barely taken off his jacket and was already all over Wyatt, leaving you some time for yourself, in which you showered, and got ready for bed. You still didn't know how or when you'd break the news to him, but you felt your stomach twisting the moment you saw him walking towards you with a bottle of wine. You couldn't drink that, what were you supposed to say? Luckily to you, Jack hadn't insisted and even if he was a little suspicious, he didn't question you why you'd said you had a headache, though he seemed a little disappointed to miss you the opportunity to have a drink with you, he still kissed your lips gently and went to shower, needing the relaxation and the hot water pouring over his sore shoulders. He was so happy to be home, all he wanted was to finish his warm shower and get under the covers with his sugar, so he could relax and enjoy a moment of peace. Once he finished showering, he decided to shave, wanting his face to be smooth as possible in case his sugar decided to ride her cowboy. It didn't take him too long to finish, just a little trim on his mustache and he would be good to go. He didn't know exactly why he looked down, at the trash can, but for whatever reason he did it, and at first when he saw those boxes in it, he thought maybe they were antibiotic boxes, but that didn't make any sense, if either you or Wyatt got sick to the point of getting antibiotics you would've said something, so the cowboy squinted his eyes in order to take a better look at it and felt his heart skipping a beat the moment he realized it was indeed a pregnancy test.
In fact, it wasn't just a pregnancy test, there were quite a few boxes, which meant you really made sure to know whatever the result was. Now, it deeply saddened him to know why you hadn't said anything, you hadn't even mentioned the suspicions you had; and it also made sense why you were acting a little off. Jack shook his head and swallowed hard, he had desired to have a baby with you, another one, to give your son a baby brother and sister, and it hurt him to see you decided to be silent about it because he had hurt you way too many times. However, he couldn't simply shrug it off and pretend nothing had happened, he needed to talk things through and for that, he took the proof into his hands and went after you.
When you heard Jack calling your name instead of 'sugar' you knew something was wrong. You swallowed hard, knowing something was up, just by the way he walked towards you. Your heart neatly dropped the moment you saw exactly what he was carrying. That was not how you wanted him to find out about things, you wish you had prepared him beforehand, talked to him or perhaps prepared him a cute surprise, you weren't sure, but you were so scared.
"Is this what I think it is? Are you really pregnant sugar?"
"I-I am so sorry Jack, I didn't mean to get pregnant, it was an accident, I didn't want to do that, please don't be mad and don't leave us, please" you begged but you were interrupted by the cowboy falling onto his knees in front of you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and with tears in his eyes, he lifted your shirt up only enough to see your belly. He placed an affectionate kiss to it and rested his head against it in complete silence. He didn't need to say anything else, he was hopelessly in love with the fact he was going to be a father again and this time he would do things right.
A/N: I hope you besties enjoyed this chapter, because the next one will be the end of this beautiful series 🥺❤️
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n30nwrites · 1 year
the lost boys with male reader who loves naps and is always so sleepy, falls asleep anywhere and gets whiny when the boys tell him he can’t nap cus he sleeps too much n it’s not good for his health <3
Hand in Hand; Comfort mixes with Safety
Summary: Heading to the pier, you can't help but Fall asleep, that's what happens when you finally find your safety.
a/n: Yk I love my lost boys soft, i don't do that manipulative shit (also it drains me). This is short. I don't even know when this request was sent so sorry if it's been a bit.
Word Count: 1.0k
Reader: Male, 2nd person. Use of nicknames but they are genderneutral for the most part, He/Him pronouns are used.
Warnings: Fluff, Surf Nazis, Mention of murder and othr Lost Boys stuff but nothing gone into detail. Reader wants to sleep but boys are worried.
Disclaimer; i do not own The Lost Boys Characters nor Story line nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any images used.
Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are appreciated.
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It was easy to fall asleep around them. Not that they were boring, they were quite the opposite actually. But once you had felt safe with them, being around them just felt so calming that you could close your eyes and rest.
And you did that, often.
You loved them, just a little but more than you loved naps. You were always tired, and with your trust in the boys, you knew you could fall asleep at any point and they would protect you.
You never got sleep, you just had naps. Which you preferred. A few hours of sleep made you feel better than sleeping for 8 hours.
Like now, you were napping. You were in the between stages of awake and sleep, your body slowly going numb as your eyes kept fluttering close, your jacket was zipped up to prevent the cold and you were laying your head on David's back.
You were falling asleep, holding onto David on the back of his motorcycle while you and your boys were heading to the pier. The boys could hear your heart beat slowing down, and Marko and Paul looked at each other.
Sleeping on the back of his motorcycle whilst the boys drove at high speeds was dangerous, and David faltered when he felt your grip loosen, his foot slowly lifting from the peddle and slowing down, he readjusted his hands.
"You gotta wake up Darling." David drove with one hand, the other gripping both of your wrists, holding you tightly. "Can't fall asleep on the drive, you'll get hurt." Still human, still fragile, he hated it.
"i'll be fine..." your voice came out soft, as your whined and dug your face deeper into his back, and through the rushing wind if they were human you wouldn't have been heart at all.
"Gotta stay awake, not good for you." He rolled his shoulders, disturbing your comfort more for the sake of keeping you awake. You just huffed at his words, groaning and just turning your head, now facing Dwayne instead of the terror twins. "Don't ignore me."
"We'll be there in a few minutes, just let me sleep until then." It was almost hard for him to argue against you. Out of the four of them, David liked spoiling you the most, anything you wanted, he was willing to give to you. David's one hand that was steering the motorcycle quickly left to gently slap your thigh, "Few more minutes, for me?"
"Love you." Your hands grabbed his shirt, as you put your head on his shoulder, wind blowing in your face so you could stay awake. David returned to his normal speed, which was illegally fast, and it wasn't long before they arrived at the pier, and immediately received dirty looks from the onlookers. You continued to lean, except this time on Dwayne as he was the quieter and stood still better than the blondes. "What are the plans?"
"Terrorize some surf nazis, eat some food because, you, Darlin', haven't eaten at all today and I'm not even sure about yesterday." You weren't with the boys yesterday, work tired you out more than usual and you slept throughout the day, only waking up to do some chores, which they had no idea about. Paul wrapped his arm around you, pulled you away from your human pillow, tugging you to the rides and the food, the sweet smell filled the air.
Nothing really stopped you from your tired state though. While Paul pulled you ahead, Marko, Dwayne, and David followed behind, a few steps away as they spoke to each other.
"It's not healthy for humans to be sleeping this much, right?" David asked.
"Not really, especially with the way he forgets to eat." Dwayne watched as your steps stuttered, slightly tripping over yourself.
"We need to turn him."
"He doesn't want to yet, we're lucky he's fine with everything else." Marko wasn't just mentioning the fact that you knew they were vampires. It was the fact that when David would do anything for you, that meant killing for you, and the other three wouldn't have opposed doing so in your name. And you were aware of that, just that your mind often was imaginative and the one time you had stumbled upon them whilst they were killing, you hadn't exactly been fine with it all. You knew they killed, seeing it meant something else though.
"His health will only get worse if he continues like this."
"Not like he'd actually get it checked out."
"Come on Boys!" You called for them, as Paul was quickly walking to a food truck and grabbing you something. It didn't take long for him to come back, probably because he cut the line and despite his aura, Paul was threatening. You ate quickly, as Marko had insisted that they should head to the Ferris wheel, your eyes were heavy but you tried your best to stay awake.
That didn't last long.
Hadn't even reached the top and your head was slumped against Paul's shoulder. You said you were just resting your eyes but that was a clear lie to everyone that knew you. When you reached the top you were out of it, and the boys just watched, staring as your chest relaxed and your stomach slowly went in and out, your heart beat being the one thing they were focused on.
When the ride ended, Marko was the one to try to wake you, he put his hand on your thigh and gently shook you awake. "Stop..." You dragged out the 'p' as you gently pushed him away.
"We gotta get off."
"Don't wanna," You slurred your words, "I'm tired, Paul's comfy."
"You think all of us are comfy," They were getting closer, and whilst they would be fine with threatening the worker and making the teen just skip them, the boys still had to eat. "We gotta go, time to feed."
"Already ate."
"Not you Mi Corazón."
"Oh." You took your head off of Paul's shoulder as the door opened and Dwayne stepped out. The four followed after him, as they headed towards the beach for a bonfire.
"You've gotta stop sleeping so much, completely ignoring the party all night we got going on." Paul joked, laughing at your playful scowl.
"Plus it's not healthy." Marko adjusted his arm to wrap around you. Another thing the boys did, constant touching. It didn't have to be all the time, but just one of them needed to be touching you.
Comfort, that's what you all felt around each other.
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ofallthingsnasty · 10 months
I just remembered that one ridiculously cute thing in uni during the body donor class - for context: we dental students got pooled together with the meds during the pre-clinical semesters a lot, and that class was no different.
We were separated in two main groups, and one body donor was shared between 12 students - coming in from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays, you could come in until 12 and just look at the donors without any supervision, you just needed your coat and name tag. And I remember going in before the situs oral and trying to understand how blood flows through the heart and then one of the meds (super intimidating buff guy) saw me struggle and was like '... Hey do you want me to explain that to you?' and then we sat there - him with a whole heart in hand, explaining it all to me, more than happy to help. Not gonna lie, I had a bit of a crush on that guy for the rest of the semester. We weren't even in the same group, so we never saw each other during prep hours but I always had my eyes peeled for him during lectures haha tw.anatomical stuff (i'm german so if my translations are a little off then i'm sorry hah), cadavers, just fluff
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Long story short - I'm thinking about that with Law. You and Chopper are at the same table, come in every Friday to review the material of the week, both a little on the not-so-studious side. (Don't get me wrong, you go to every lecture - but those suckers are two hours long and not the only class you have. It's easy to lose track, especially when all you wanna do is catch up on sleep during the weekends.)
You pull your donor out of the body bag, lay them down and go over your notes, some sessions more and some less successful. The two of you are usually not alone, either - there is always someone else rifling around on their own table. Today it's a guy with a severe expression and some earrings. You've seen him in the lecture hall but you and Chopper aren't in the same group as him, so that's really all you know. You get through this week's lecture notes just fine - until it's time for the heart. The way blood gets fed through the atriums and ventricles, how the pressure changes, systole and diastole, the coronary arteries... You two are feeling beyond lost and so, so close to simply giving up - it's just too much and too intricate (at least for someone who has heard all of that info only once, maybe twice). But then there is also that other student - and maybe, just maybe, he knows more than you two do. It's not unusual to ask - and so that's what you do.
Law can't be assed, actually.
He's reviewing his notes, trying to get his own studying done. He's really not the type to do tutoring, doesn't have the patience for it. But you two are loud - hemming and hawing over your own cadaver and if he has to hear you confuse the mitral valve with the tricuspid one more time, then he's going to get a migraine. What are twenty minutes of his time if it means that you get done with your little idiot session and finally leave the hall? So he sighs and motions you to come closer. He's surprisingly good at explaining. The heart of his donor in one hand, a tissue forceps in the other, he walks you through every fact one would want to know about the organ. You probably have stars in your eyes while he talks because finally, finally you're grasping the material - and really, it might be confusing at first, but it's not that hard. He even lets Chopper regurgitate it all to him and has the two of you giggling over it. Law is just glad you two morons are finally having your little eureka moment because it means that you'll be off in a matter of minutes.
But no good deed goes unpunished.
It's then that you notice his tattoos through the nitrile gloves and suddenly he's the most fascinating living guy around (the most fascinating guy is dead on table 5, with golf ball sized cysts in his liver, sorry Law). He gets bombarded with questions, you and Chopper all over him, way too loud, too excited, too fucking annoying. He's already regretting his little act of charity.
And not only do you have the audacity to ask him to explain fetal circulation (because, please, please it's so confusing) as well, no, from that moment on, you're all over him very goddamn Friday and he's been added to three different group chats the moment Chopper and you leave the hall.
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jisunghannie · 10 months
Choose Me
PAIRING: Hyunjin x fem!reader
WARNING: Swearing is used in this story. Lots of angst. Fluff to Angst in this story.
SUMMARY: You and Hyunjin are dating. You were originally his makeup artist and quit because you wanted to be with him. That was your sacrifice. However he betrayed you and cheated on you, or so you thought anyway.
.°•○>><<○•°. = POV switch
.°• ✿ •°. = Flashback/Present time
Part 2 is up!
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You were a fan of Hyunjin's just like any other girl. Except for the difference was you were his actual girlfriend. As time went on. You and him had less time together even though you lived in the same house together. You worked with him on his pieces and loved every bit of it. However, what you hated was him spending more time with other girls. He was constantly doing dance challenges with other girl groups. You weren't mad at him. If you were being honest, you were jealous that they got to spend more time with him. That's what made you upset to your core.
It has been a week since Hyunjin has came home. He was in Japan for a few weeks to vlog videos and perform concerts. You missed him a lot. You didn't know what else to do so you just rewatched old videos of you guys together which brought a smile to your face. You wanted to know if you could ever restore the love you had experienced with him.
2 weeks without Hyunjin. You guys had called twice the whole 2 weeks he had been gone. It didn't feel the same. You had started to get desperate and started to sleep with his clothes on. You wanted some type of comfort because he wasn't with you. It made you so sad at night knowing Hyunjin wasn't with you. You watched his live performances and smiled softly knowing he was doing his best to live his life.
3 weeks without Hyunjin. He was still in Japan. He wasn't able to text you because of his tight schedule. You didn't mind however. You just wanted him back. And you did that as you watched him perform and sing his heart out. He even danced and collaborated with other groups for their newest album. You were so proud of him. At this point, it was a part of the norm.
You were going crazy. You kept calling Hyunjin, hoping for him to pick up. You knew he wouldn't, though. After the 3rd declined call, you put your phone down.
You knew that this was the struggle of dating an idol, yet it didn't realize it would be this lonely and sad. You'd think that you guys would have more time and be happier. You were happy with Hyunjin, even the little times. As you replayed the memories in your head. From when you first met because you were his makeup artist. To when he brought you home because you were out of it when you were sick. To when you sobbed because you were broken up with. To when you realized you loved him. To when he asked you out and all the memories after that.
It hurt but you knew that it was going to be like this the minute you quit working as his makeup artist in order to be with him.
Hyunjin finally came home. He was exhausted after a long month. He couldn't wait to be reunited with his lover. As he placed his bags down he unlocked the door of his shared home.
Once he entered inside, he saw you sleeping quietly on the sofa. He looked at you. You looked more tired and hungry than ever. It broke his heart. Your eye circles were so dark it looked like you were punched in the face or crying your mascara off. Your cheeks didn't look as squishy anymore. Of course, it was a small, subtle difference, but Hyunjin could tell. It hurt him to see you like this. He kissed you on the cheek and wrapped you up in a blanket as he went to sleep alongside you.
"I'm sorry I made you wait so long..."
When he woke up he made sure to tidy up and cook you a delicious meal so you wouldn't be hungry and tired.
The next morning you awoke to the smell of a good meal. You slowly opened your eyes and saw that the slightly unorganized living room was organized and put back together. You looked at the door and noticed all the shoes were gone, which means they were cleaned up.
"Morning beautiful" Someone said at the kitchen doorframe. As you turned. You saw your boyfriend and ran to hug him. "Easy now... I'm not going anywhere..." He said struggling. Once you got close to him you realized that he didn't smell like he usually does. He smells like... another girl.
You pushed him away. Tears pricking your eyes. "I didn't see you for a month and you were with another girl so much you have her scent on you..." Now you were hurt. You trusted him but you then realized the lipstick mark. A kiss mark on his cheek. "Hwang Hyunjin. What is actually wrong with you." You said as you looked at him with eyes of digust.
"Wh-What... do I have something on my face..?" He asked nervously. Almost as if he was guilty of something. "D-Do you have... ha! You're funny Hyunnie. Really fucking funny!" You were hysterical now. "What do you mean do you have something on your face! Of course you do! It's literally a kiss mark from someone. I know its not from any of your members because they wear liptints and not lipstick! So you have some serious explaining to do!" You said raising your voice louder than expected. But you didn't care. You waited weeks for him. A month. He has been going off for his business trips for so long this might've not been a first for him.
"God. Hyunnie. You're killing me you know that?! You're actually going to be the death of me. I love you with every ounce of my soul and I wait for you. Hell! I quit my job for you! And.. And this is what you do?! Are you kidding me?!" You were crying at this point. You didn't care anymore. You didn't want to be quiet any longer for who knows how has this affair been going on for.
"Hyunjin. I... I can't even look at you." You said looking down at the ground. "I'm going to Minho's place." You said. Walking upstairs as Hyunjin grabbed your arm. "Don't go... please beautiful..." He pleaded but you flicked away his hand. "Just stop Hyunnie!" You yelled at him. For the first time in your whole relationship. He even flinched as he let go. He watched you go.
As he let go he saw you grab all your stuff. He's never heard you yell at him. Not once. Usually you are the sweetest person and keep him close but this time. He made you cry. That's what hurt him. As he heard the door close, he fell to the floor crying.
You didn't once give him a chance to explain. If only he butted in quick enough he would've been able to prevent you from leaving. His legs weren't strong enough to pick him up and take him to chase after you. His heart hurt and was heavy. As he cried, he felt his heart sever, knowing he might've lost the one he really loved.
You knocked on Minho's door as I.N and Jisung were running to the door trying to see who would get there the fastest. But once they saw you crying. Jisung hugged you close. "Come in y/n-ssi..." Jisung said as I.N and him took you inside to a cooking Minho.
"Who was at the door?" Minho asked as he turned around to see you crying being comforted by the two Maknaes. "Woah, woah, what happened y/n-ah..?" Minho asked gently taking off his oven mitts and throwing them as he gently caressed your face.
Between sobs, you explain to them what you witnessed and what happened between you and Hyunjin. As I.N heard the story he texted Seungmin.
I.Nnie: Oi, Seungmin.
Minnie: Yes Jeongin?
I.Nnie: Not the full name lol, anyway go take Felix and both of you go check up on Hyunjin
Minnie: Why?
I.Nnie: y/n is at Minho's, she came crying which means something happened
Minnie: Oh goodness we just got back...
I.Nnie: Thanks!
Minnie: Omw to get Felix. I'll lyk when we get there
I.Nnie: 👍🏻
Minho hugged you closely. He thought of you like his younger sister. But what didn't add up was the kiss mark. He was usually with Hyunjin and if not him it was Han or Felix. He tried to recover his memories as quickly as possible.
"Could it be possible that it was that Maknae?" Jisung said as I.N and Minho looked at him confused. "You know, that Maknae from that new group, at JYP Entertainment." Minho shook his head as I.N jumped. "Oh! That girl group that just came up that JYP wanted us to work with!" I.N exclaimed. "Yes! That one!" Jisung said.
Minho was still confused. Until it clicked. The Maknae. He remembered now.
.°• ✿ •°.
During their last week, they all had to help the new trainees of a soon debuted group of girl idols. Minho and Bangchan were in charge of choreo. I.N, Felix and Seungmin were in charge of vocals. Han and Changbin were in charge of rap. Hyunjin was charge of center.
This one Maknae had the perfect face for a center and so she was sent to work with Hyunjin. The last day of their work she gave Hyunjin a "parting gift" and that was her number and a kiss on the cheek. Hyunjin was uncomfortable with it but was so exhausted from the girl's effortless attempts of flirting, effortless attempts of getting his attention, and effortless attempts of spending more time with him.
Minho felt bad for Hyunjin because she had taken a liking to Hyunjin and being the kind Hyung he was, he couldn't be rude and push her away because she was a Maknae. Minho noticed she was a little close and personal but Hyunjin made sure to keep his distance. However no one was aware that she had given him a kiss on his cheek. Apparently so was Hyunjin.
.°• ✿ •°.
Minho sighed as he looked at you into your eyes. "Listen y/n-ah." He said grabbing your shoulder gently. "Hyunjin isn't cheating. It's actually the opposite." He said, explaining the situation to you of what had happened.
You had felt horrible for not letting Hyunjin explain. He missed you just as much as you missed him and you were so mean to him. Mean was an understatement. It was more like you were just attacking him. You didn't once give him a chance to explain.
His heartbroken face, the face that you thought was guilty was just his scared face, the thought of losing him would be the exact same face you would've had as he did in that moment.
You started to sob in Minho's arms.
Just then I.N got a message from Seungmin.
Minnie: We just got here, going inside now.
I.Nnie: Took you a while
Minnie: Sorry, we had to get his favorite food
I.Nnie: Fair
Hyunjin had just showered and washed his clothes to get rid of the smell and kiss mark on his cheek. He couldn't believe that he made you cry. Everytime he replayed what you said and how your face looked like as you screamed at him made him understand how genuine you were. You were genuinely upset and it hurt him.
He would've cried again until he heard knocking. He walked near the door.
"Its Seungmin."
"And Felix!"
Hyunjin opened the door. As his eyes looked puffy, Seungmin knew that he had been crying as he exchanged a quick glance with Felix.
"Sorry, uh, y/n just went to-" He was cut off by Felix's deep voice. "We know. We think we know why." Felix said and just then Hyunjin fell to his knees.
"Its all my fault..." He sobbed out, "If...If only.." He hiccupped, "only if I had been..." Seungmin rubbed his back. "Don't beat yourself up, it's okay." Seungmin said. "You don't get it!" He shouted, surprising the Maknaes.
"You should've seen her face... heard her.." He hiccupped. "Her voice... was so-so... genuinely angry..." He sobbed out. "It was because of... me..." He said gently this time, his voice cracking at the end.
This hurt Seungmin and Felix to see. Felix joined Hyunjin on the floor as they comforted him.
"Hyunjin. We get it, you feel responsible, but it wasn't your fault." Felix said gently. "But it was! She... I..." He sniffled. "She was everything to me... she quit being... our personal makeup artist... MY personal makeup artist... all because she wanted to be with me..." Hyunjin said between hiccups.
"Could you control that? If she wanted to be with you then she knew to quit. That's why she's with you. She's committed to you. Don't you see." Seungmin said loud enough for Hyunjin to realize.
"Think about it Hyunnie. If y/n-ssi really didn't care about you or loved you would she have quit a job she loved?" Seungmin said, trying to reason with the crying Hyunjin.
"Or get jealous or mad enough to walk out because she saw another woman's kiss mark on your cheek and smelled another woman's perfume on you?" Felix added on.
Hyunjin knew he messed up but he just wanted to be with you at the moment. That's all that mattered.
"I love her so much... and I just can't believe... that I... I hurt her... so much..." He said between hiccups. "I didn't want to make her cry... let alone hurt her..." He sobbed out as Seungmin and Felix rubbed his back.
"Give her time, she'll come back..." Felix said. "Yeah, she loves you. She will come back." Seungmin replied as Hyunjin just nodded gently.
You had calmed down and were sleeping as I.N called Seungmin.
"Hey Seungmin, how did everything go?" I.N called as he put him on speaker so Minho and Jisung could hear.
"It went well, we had to call reinforcements though, we had to get the Hyungs here to calm down poor Hyunjin over here. So currently its Me, Felix, Chan, and Changbin here with Hyunjin. He just fell asleep." Seungmin said as they could hear the others conversating in the background.
"So did y/n-ssi. She's sleeping peacefully. So now we wait until they go back to each other I guess." I.N said scratching his head.
"Yeah, I guess..." Seungmin said sighing after.
"Until then, I'll call you after."
"Yep, talk to you then."
Once the call ended. They watched over you carefully to make sure you would recover all the energy you had lost.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Fall With Me…
Florence Pugh x Fem!Reader
18+ | Minors DNI!!
Warnings: Feelings of hopelessness, lack of appetite, ‘depression room’, rough break up, alluded to dysfunctional family. Insecurities.
Hurt/Comfort 🥺❤️
Smut: SOFT!!!, Flo tops 🥵, Marking, Oral(R), Fingering(R/F), Specialty Vibe/Dildo (R). Heavy Praise. Thigh fixation if you squint. Squirting 💦.
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A heavy sigh falls from your lips as you punch in your employee badge number, your head falling against the corresponding wall while you search for the energy to take yourself to the car for the insufferable drive home. This week, or better yet this year has been nothing short of treacherous, everything you once knew turned out to be a lie, and now everyday is a chore.
——I hate the readmore bs——
——I hate the readmore bs——
All you ever wanted was to be loved, and for the longest time you thought you were, but it turned out you were just an entity she was using to pass the time until something far more worthy of her love came along, and that hurt. To know you weren't ever going to be enough for the girl you were willing to move mountains for didn't really leave you in a great headspace. Add onto that the shitty nine to five, a family that's only purpose is to wreak chaos over your life, and best friends who are constantly out of town doing big dream things, and it's like the misery finds its home perfectly in your heart.
As they say, misery loves company, so here you are in the snack section of the local superstore, but the longer you stare at the selection of food the idea of eating starts to feel like a turn off.  So you instead make your way over to the adult toy section in search of a turn on, finding a new device to hopefully bring meaning into your life once again, it even has little beads that rotate—the first exciting thing to enter your life in ages honestly, and if you were to let yourself think about that for too long it's a bit pathetic.
You settled your bags into the passenger seat of your junky car, a few miscellaneous candy bars that caught your eyes at the checkout floating around the bags will have to suffice for dinner tonight, then you drove off with thoughts of hijacking your cats peace with stories of your day, and forced cuddles... It's no wonder the poor little tabby has been staring longingly at the front door when you leave every morning.
Florence was across the world filming for Marvel when she got the good news that you were finally single again, she absolutely hated Lacy with her entire being, and was happy to see her go. Still, even though she hated her, she loved you too much to be that excited, and she did her very best over the past year to reach out to you from the unfavorable miles away, but it was never enough for her, or for you either. 
Deep down the Brit knew you weren't doing well—she always did have a knack for that; your replies were far too short, the daily photos you used to send her of your good day stopped, then when your mutual friends recently told her they hadn't seen you in actual months she knew it was bad. She's used to your depressive patterns, having been around all this time, but that's just it, normally she'd be there for you, and it shatters her soul to know she wasn't.
Then last week she saw you'd actually shown up to Hailee's party via posted photos on Insta, and she cursed her agent for double booking her because when she saw your smile she knew it was simply masking a world of hurt. It was only confirmed when Hailee called her later with her own list of observed concerns, and she knew it was imperative that she fly back to you.
When she had entered your apartment this morning after watching you drive off she gasped, and shot her leg out to stop Toby from making his great escape., "You little bugger.," she'd muttered as she scooped the feline up., "I'm aware these aren't exactly ideal living situations, but let's not pretend you don't live a lavish life.," she continues while motioning to the actual palace structure you've set up for him in the corner of your apartment.
The space you've been occupying held none of your usual luster, it was instead tainted by what could only be described as absolute filth. Inches of dust covered every surface, and Flo just knew you couldn't be faring well with those pesky allergies of yours. Clothing was strewn about the front room as if you never even made it passed the couch, and it seemed to be the case too as there was a person sized indent in the cushions. The messes didn't stop there either, they were all over the place, it was a stark contrast to your usual put togetherness.
It took her three hours to deep clean the entire space, but once it was inhabitable she began to brainstorm., "Oh Tobes, what am I to do with the place, hm?," the cat snuggled into her chest, purring like crazy., "You're right little guy, just give me a few minutes to rest.," and within the minute she was out, dreaming of your beautiful, smiling face coming home.
After a well deserved afternoon nap Florence set out on the city to pull together a miracle. It was Fall, the both of yours favorite season, so when she arrived to the supermarket to see it decked out in displays full of reds and oranges she was excitedly filling her cart to the brim. Candles that smell of cinnamon and apples to set the mood, various gourds and faux leaves, and even some of those silly "Fall" plaques. Meticulously selected ingredients for a stew were added to the cart as well, as she has now seen your kitchen full of only fruits, and candy. Still, she also added the ingredients for an apple pie to the mix, a pint of vanilla ice cream to accompany it, oh, and a whole lot of booze.
Tonight will be a night for the taking!
When you tiredly settled the key into your knob you immediately froze, beneath your feet there was a "Welcome Home, Pumpkin." mat, and a sweet medley of music was faintly audible just beyond the closed door. After triple checking this was indeed your building your mind knew exactly what to expect behind the door.
Florence is here...
A few tears fell down your face, shame fueled your body for all of one minute before apathy took over; she'd seen this before, most likely expected it, and you knew she'd never judge. More tears fell though when you realized just how dearly you'd missed your friend from across the pond. It had been exactly three hundred and eighty nine days since you last saw her, but who's counting, certainly not you.
When you finally went to turn the knob the door flew open, so hard actually you don't know how it didn't fly off the hinges, or why Florence was cast as Yelena and not She-Hulk. The short haired blonde pulled your now sobbing form right on into the apartment, and then right into her embrace, you wrapped your arms around her waist, settled your head to her shoulder and sighed in relief at the contact.
"Flo...," she shushed you, not all that interested in talking, all she wanted was to hold you close. "I missed you.," you slur, your cheek having been pressed to her chest a bit too tightly., "God, missed is such an understatement.," she admits, and tightens her arms hold on you, you melt even further into the offered comfort.
Against her hearts pull Flo pulls back from you, "Okay, now you're going to take a shower, then meet me back in the living room for dinner and an array of Halloween themed movies!" She cheerily instructs, her hands now on your shoulders as she lightly shakes you to get you pumped up., "Okay, damn, had no clue I smelled that bad.," you teased before running off to freshen up, and her belly laughter from behind made you genuinely beam.
Of course your bedroom was in pristine condition when you entered, you choked back further sobs at the sight of the care basket. "Sweater Weather" was the themed fragrance of all the new bath products, and Flo certainly had good taste because the smell was divine. Memories of the both of you picking apples, and frolicking through forests leaves you feeling incredibly warm as the fragrance seeped into your pores, her choice making even more sense now that it clouded the bathroom.
When you arrived in the living room in just a tank, and sleep shorts with dripping hair Flo literally choked on her wine, turning her head away in the hopes that you didn't catch it, but to her misfortune you surely did., "What?," Truth be told she was incredibly distracted by your glimmering thighs, and pert nipples, but in an attempt not to make you uncomfortable she manages another thought., "Did your mother never teach you how to dry your hair?,"
"Nah, she was a bit busy being a menace.," you jest while plopping down beside her, giggling maniacally when she gasps, droplets of water from your hair having splattered onto her, and if only to add insult to injury you stole the wine right from her hand., "Yeah, I'm starting to see the resemblance.," she lightly jokes, and your knowing smirk over the glass has her rolling her eyes and leaving the room.
Though you'd protested, Florence refused to start Practical Magic until your hair was dry, fearful that the chill seeping through the walls would make you sick if she didn't do it for you. So now your head was being haphazardly thrashed around as the blonde handled you. Florence chuckled when you still tried to drink, but the shaking only spilled the wine on your legs., "Y/N, the wine's going nowhere, calm yourself.," you huffed, slumping into the couch when she relinquished her hold on you, and Flo found your little pout beyond adorable as your—her—empty glass was promptly lifted up in a silent plea for more.
She topped you off, filled her own up, then she passed you over a bowl of soup, watching you dip your spoon in without any hesitation made her feel rather accomplished., "Mmm, Flo.," she turned towards the TV to hide her blushing cheeks, cursing the world for how easily she finds herself affected by your innocent moans. With every passing minute your body slowly moved closer to hers; empty bowls on the coffee table, and your head in her lap, she ran her hand through your hair mindlessly while splitting her attention between your face and the movie she couldn't really keep up with.
Especially not when she felt your tears rolling down her knee as the movie came to an end, it seemed to be a happy one, but your pained expression made her think she might've missed something., "Hey, what's wrong baby girl?," you abruptly moved about until your arms were around her shoulders, and your face was pressed to her chest as the tears failed to dry., "I-I, I'm so tired of being alone Flossie, am I really that unlovable?," her heart instantly shattered at your pained words, the same one that secretly belonged to you, then thoughts of ringing Lacy's neck flooded her troubled mind.
"Y/N, hey, look at me please!," she lifted her hand up to cup the left side of your face, her thumb tenderly ushered away the tears that threatened to stain your cheeks, and even in your most vulnerable state she thought you looked stunning., "You are not unlovable!!," she softly smiled down at your skeptical face., "In fact, I happen to know many people who love you.," you shook your head in disbelief., "Well, Hail's loves you, and goodness me my family loves you more than me.," your muffled giggles made her heart swell., "Billie girl is obsessed, and I have to tell you—so am I."
Something in her glistening green eyes told you there was a bit more to her words than that of a friendly means., "Fuck anyone whoever made you think otherwise. You're perfect, anyone would be more than lucky to have you Y/N.," You knew how pathetic you probably looked, but fuck, you wanted that anyone to be her. "Help me forget.," the slight buzz encouraged you to push for her., "Please Flo.," if only for tonight you were hoping to feel what it was like to be truly loved., "I need you so bad."
Every ounce of her self control went right out the window when you expressed your need to her with not only words but those pleading eyes. Her lips briefly trembled before she gently pressed them to yours as she tested the waters out, the momentum picking right up when you parted your lips for her without any prompting. Every dream she'd ever had of this moment could never compare to the real thing, your lips fit perfectly to hers—like two pieces of a corresponding locket, they might be forced to be apart from time to time, but it's undeniable that they belong together.
When her tongue slipped over yours, there was a collective set of moans, you tasted just how she expected—sweet as can be, but with the wine from before there was a bitter overlap that really just enhanced your natural essence. Hands freely roamed over your incredibly thin cami, thumbs harshly digging into your hips when you began to grind down against her. She's not sure when it happened but you were now straddling her lap, not that she was complaining when her strong arms hoisted you up, her lips never once parting from yours as she expertly made her way to your room with you, gently laying you down on the mattress, and only then did your bodies lose contact. Paying your whimpers no mind she takes in a shaky breath., "Y/N, baby, are you sure?," her eyes were near black so you knew it was taking everything in her to stop to ensure you were in.
"Flo, I've never been more sure in my entire life. Please, show me what love really is.," clothing was immediately discarded, Flo taking in a sharp breath when met with your body in all of its naked glory, her eyes took their sweet ass time drinking you in too. No inch of your skin was spared, starting at your shoulders she slowly trailed her eyes down over the swell of your breasts, to the skin of your stomach that looked like the prime canvas for her markings. Once she lands on your thighs she's a goner, perfectly plush and absolutely glistening with your arousal, and she doesn't care to hold back anymore as she climbs to hover over you.
"You're a masterpiece baby.," she genuinely relays before her lips press to yours gently, and her fingers delicately trace down your sides until her hands settle over your hips firmly., "I've been waiting so long to have you, promise to be gentle baby, going to love you so well.," she whispers as her lips ghost over yours, the tender look in her eyes has you near to crying her sudden revelation leaves your mind dizzy, and her lips on your neck has you whimpering.
Flo travels down your body, her lips sparing no expanse of skin, taking extra care to mark up your breasts, her thumbs flicking over your sensitive nipples that were desperate for the touch, but her mouth pays them no mind on its hasty journey towards your lower region. Tasting you being one of her wildest dreams come true, and the hint of your essence on your delectable thighs has her bordering feral as her hands move from your hips to grip at the soft, pliable flesh to keep yours perfectly spread.
She breathes you in; long, deep breaths to aide her in smelling your delicious essence, the release of the hot breathe against your folds has you squirming impatiently, and though she'd love nothing more than to tease you, to make you beg for it, that's not tonights goal., "Sweetest, I love you so...," she groans, eyes on your hooded set but you're not entirely sure she isn't talking directly to your exposed cunt.
Then she dives in, her tongue working you over embarrassingly fast, within only a minute you are already teetering over the edge, all of her previous building you up clearly paying off. Many times you'd tried to close your legs, the pleasure she's provided you almost too much, but you were no match for her strong hold. Florence was in absolute heaven; the way you tasted a true blessing, your moans that never stopped leaving her in a state herself, and how strongly your walls tried to hold to her tongue.
Her thumb pressing into, and rubbing tight circles against your clit was what sent you over, walls fluttered around her wet muscle like crazy, and she went absolutely insane when your arousal coated her tongue in abundance., “You taste heavenly baby.,” she panted in between lapping at your folds, the way she hummed in satisfaction against you sent a new wave of arousal straight to your core.
The blonde smirked against your thigh when she witnessed you clench around nothing, two of her fingers slipped into you to remedy the situation, and you moaned at the unexpected but absolutely welcome intrusion. Her lips traveled back up your body, leaving behind new marks over the skin that was previously spared on her journey back up to your lips as if they’d been magnetized to hers.
She kisses you with passion as her fingers are relentless with their movements to bring you over, she’s gentle with you while also making sure to give your greedy cunt the pounding it needs, the woman is a skilled love maker, and your inability to keep up with her kiss is proof of that. Your head lolled to the side, cheek to the mattress while you did your best to pull in any air you could, the pressure within your abdomen was blinding, but that mattered little to Florence., “No pretty girl, look at me...," she hotly whispers as she guides your face back to hers, eyes fluttering open to see the intense way hers observe your face all the while her fingers are working you over the edge of bliss; it's almost all too much for you to bare.
"I want to see you coming undone baby.," and just like that with a precise curve of her fingers against your innermost sensitive spots you're thrown into a far more exhausting orgasm than the one prior, your body shakes with pleasure as you're cumming unbelievably hard, your arousal spreading out all over her palm and coating her slender fingers., "Fuck, such a perfect girl for me, my perfect, sweet girl."
Too lost in the moment you don't hear the way she seeks to claim you, not that you'd protest when she has the power to make you feel so many things you'd never known possible. Watching the way she slips your digits into her mouth to clean off your sticky arousal, with eyes that never for a second leave yours, you feel like all the air around you'd been removed. You swear you could come again right there without her even having to make another move to touch you, but that's not something you have to ponder long as she leaves you alone in bed.
"Oh baby girl, shh, I'm right here.," she calls out as she hears you sniffle, the fear of being left in such a vulnerable place lent you to cry at the sudden loss of her body heat, but her words then following smiling face settled you just as fast., "Not to be a snoop, but I saw what you brought home from the store honey, and I thought we could try it out on you together."
The toy slips beyond your entrance with no resistance, your previous orgasms remnants more than enough to help it pass through. Florence gives you a moment to get used to feeling full before she's pulling out and softly slamming it back into you, your back arching off the bed at the teasing sensation of the raised, beaded tip rubbing against your walls. Flo smirked when she saw you with your mouth agape, the way your body reacted to the simplest of sensations honestly amused her.
"Doing so good for me pretty girl.," she coo'd, chuckling when your walls clenched so tightly around the toy at the praise. She turned the toy on, and your eyes slammed shut as the balls in the tip began to pulsate and spin around, the constant vibrations leaving you an absolute mess, and fuck you looked absolutely perfect. Chest heaving as breathing was becoming hard, all your moans coming out strangled, your hands were balled up into fists around the mussed up sheets, and your legs were shaking., "You're so beautiful baby, I really meant it when I said you're a masterpiece, belong in the Louvre honey—you're certainly my muse."
Florence stared at you wide eyed, your body thrashing about uncontrollably as what she deemed to be your final high of the night washed over you, the evidence spraying across her forearm, your thighs and the sheets below., “Shit, that was so incredibly hot baby girl.,” she groaned, the sight of you so blissed out and squirting had her drenching her own panties and clenching her thighs together for relief.
Your body didn’t stop quivering though, so she shook herself free from her own needy state to lay atop of your body, using her weight to ground you in place, and laying her head over your rapidly beating heart. The thumping was calming for her, regardless of how irregular it was it brought her to a state of total serenity. Her mind no longer clouded with lust was now wondering what this whole ordeal meant.
To her this was absolutely everything—you are everything, but she wondered if this was just a means to forget for you like you’d said.
Did she really allow you to use her for something like that when she knew her feelings for you were beyond and then some?
When your heart had returned to normal, your chest no longer heaving uncontrollably beneath her head, she knew it was now or never for her. Either she told you how she felt, and you turn her down, or she tells you and it all works out., "Come home with me.," she desperately pleads as she hovers above you, her eyes brimming with tears effectively breaking your resolve., "Flo…," she shakes her head., "No, don't say it." Her swift dismissal had shocked you, the fear in her tone doubling that uneasy feeling, and you could tell she had so much more left to say, so you shut right up.
"I've watched you give everything to a world of people who never deserved you.," a shaky breath fanned across your skin as she briefly paused, but then her eyes were peering into yours with the intensity of a thousand suns., "I just wish to be the one you'd give it all to Y/N, because I know without a shadow of a doubt that I'd give you all of me if you'd accept that.,” the way her voice shook physically pained you.
"I've loved you through every phase of my life, and this moment we have shared, it'll never be enough for me Y/N, I want all of you always.," The way Flo stared at you had the power to make you feel like you always belonged, even when so many others told you much to the contrary. Whether you were in a room full of your mutual peers, or her big leagued actor friends all she ever saw was you, and she never really understood how you didn't see that. It was far from a secret; the entire friend group always joked that you two would be perfect together in the hopes that you'd finally see her, but you always giggled away what you believed to be an unobtainable dream.
There was no plausible way Flo wanted you...
Up until now you just didn't get it, you had Lacy in your ear with her lies of forever, and you curse yourself for that very thing. So many years spent with someone giving you the bare minimum when you had someone who was ready to give you it all with no questions asked. While you reached your epiphany, Florence herself was on the verge of a breakdown when you remained stoically silent; your eyes full of unreadable emotions staring into hers full of pure love made her feel uneasy, and even far more exposed than her currently bare form.
"I-I'm going to go, I have an early flight to catch.," she rambles off, her hand quick to wipe the tears away before she shimmies down the bed and off your body. It takes a minute for you to register what she'd said, and just before she could reach the door you were blocking her., "Flo, my sweetest girl.," you coo'd while lifting her face by her chin, then shifting to cup her cheeks., "Please don't need to go...," you settled soft kisses to the tears tracks that covered her cheeks., "Not without me that is.," you flash her the sweetest smile, and she feels a warmth blossoming through her body.
There was a hesitation in her features, like she couldn't believe that you were being serious, and that alone amplified the guilt in your heart., "I mean, we could just stay in my bed too, because my home is wherever you are.," Her deep throaty laughter settled you, the same way it always had, and you admired the way her puffy eyes crinkled, a true show of how quickly you'd been able to turn her mood., "Really, it's a comfy bed, lots of blankets...,"
"An abundance of pillows, you sure I'll fit?," you chuckled at her teasing commentary, "Yeah, I'll always make the room for you.," Florence buried her face into the crook of your neck as she let your words truly sink in, the deeper meaning far from lost on her., "You've always been my home Y/N/N, I've loved you in secret for years, and I never want to again."
"I'm sorry I never believed it, seemed crazy to think you'd ever love me back, but had I just opened my eyes I'd have seen the blatant truth." Flo pulled back to narrow her eyes at you., "Excuse me?! Back as in you could've been mine all along had I just grown a pair?," you nod sheepishly under her intense stare.
"Well ain't that some serious shit." She curses, and you giggle at her annoyed expression., "Yeah, but hey, it's the perfect season for this revelation.," with her hands on your hips and a quirked brow she silently urges you to go on., "Florence, there's no need to fall in love with you, because I'm already irrevocably there.," Flo eyes you with the upmost suspicion when you pause to lean your forehead onto hers., "Care to continue falling with me though?,"
"You goof, I'm already there too! But yes, how about you fall with me into this comfy bed.," Florence slaps your chest playfully then drags you over to the bed, but before she could pull you down you pushed her, then you climbed to hover over her, and the smirk you flashed had her body shivering., "Thought it was only fair that I returned the favor darling.," you husked, and Florence whimpered when your cold hands slid underneath her shirt, lips now hovering over hers., "Probably going to miss your flight though...," you teased before softly kissing her.
Plans to make the night last at the front of your mind as your hands did the job of wandering., "Can always rebook for a later date my love, we have our whole lives to figure it all out now.," your tone was soft and sweet, but Florence saw right through you, your dark eyes more honest. The both of you groaned in tandem when the fingers you effortlessly slid into her wet heat were welcomed without question by her warm, velvety smooth walls.
Yeah, you were definitely right at home...
4,750 Words
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I can die happily now, enjoy ❤️
❤️ Kaitlyn 💋
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aqg-arts · 3 months
Anyone wanna my 2 cents on Jade Shadows?
Spoilers bellow frens ;3
So, right off the bat (before I put my personal personal thoughts out there), we need to acknowledge the criticism and outright discomfort this quest had.
Some of the criticism this quest got is something I can agree with. Specifically; Jade Shadow's needed more time. 100%. Let them cook, or more importantly, let the story cook and maybe even burn a bit to give us some crispy, smokin hot parts.
The little footnote at the end of the quest saying we have 'more questions than answers'? We get it, you're self-conscious, but that doesn't give you an excuse for not giving me Stalker. PERIOD, BITCH.
Jest aside, srsly, we needed to know more about Jade, Stalker, what happened to them, baby Orion (Halo possessed me in that moment, iykyk), etc. People needed to get invested in the characters, especially because this is a quest so close to being like Sacrifice on its level of storytelling...
Had it been able to have just 30+ minutes longer.
Onto the 2nd part of the criticism, birthing sim:
I'll be honest, as someone who was thinking of even going into being a midwifery/allied health, it didn't freak me out as much as it did others. But that's just one side of it. The other is how people say Jade's agency was ignored.
I'll be honest, this is just wrong. It's not media illiteracy by any means, but rather pure ignorance. Why?
Because her agency is declared.
"... you're going to be a father." OH, and the fact she literally wanted the baby. There are plenty of people who can explain it better than that, and whilst I acknowledge people may feel this way, this was, in fact, not what happened.
Also, this quest is not pro-life, nor is it anything related to that. If it was, I assure you, you would have a majority of the fan base up and walk. Take a chill pill. If you want to attack something for being pro-life, go help out at an abortion clinic with crowd control or smth. Because once you see that, you'll understand just how wrong you are.
It's not subtle.
It's not in between the lines.
It doesn't exist.
The end. Period. Fullstop.
The criticism is fair, but going so far as to say those are the undertones is just not on. Not only are you lying about something, but you are also disrespecting the very real women whom have had their agency denied in one way or another.
Now, that's not the only criticism about it, but those are just a few things you may see floating on tumblr. Again, both are ok and fair. But when you start to spread lies or ignore what actually happened, you're part of the problem, not the solution.
Now, onto the fun stuff!
Imo, aside from what was stated before, the quest was actually pretty fun and interesting. The pair make an interesting concept, especially now with the lil fugly bean, which has stolen a place in my cold, brainrotted heart. I think I like the Corpus Cap the most- pls marry me, pls. Oh, an Hunhow? Let me hug him. Let me give him a home on my ships. Let me tell him he can be my bestie!!!
Back to Stalker, though, I really hope we see more of him, especially now he's git a VA.
Speaking of, homie didn't get to speak often, but God did it hit home when he did. You can feel how desperate he is, then when he gets his answers, how lost he is. Finally, resolution and love ehen he names his lil kid at the end.
Music was on point, too. I can't listen to it tho bc Ik ima be sobbing lol. It was so beautiful!!!!!!!
Lorewise, however, I have so many fucking questions, but in the funny haha/good way.
Was jade pregnant b4 being a wf? If not, Stalker...
Why was their relationship shamed upon? Was Jade a Dax and him, well, him? Or was it because they weren't married? What was it that made the Orokin make em into Warframes? Also, Ballas, man, we know your hypocritical ass is in this shit too.
Also, Umbra and Helminth are confirmed to roam around the Orbiter, and vc Umbra is my main, this is a personal achievement. Now let us see it happen, and I'll be DE's 4 life.
But seriously, TL;DR:
Jade Shadow's was a good quest, it just needed to cook slightly longer. And, until we get more Umbra x Stalker from DE (bros b4 all), I'll be on AO3 in 3 (maybe 4) tags.
See in the next Stalker stan post :)
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