#and the Summoned Creatures
obscureanimeoftheday · 10 months
Obscure Anime of The Day:
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Baka & Test - Summon the Beasts
Aired: 2010
Genres: Action, Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Harem, Romance, School, Shounen, Superpower
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by YAZIRI_art
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nelkcats · 1 year
Unexpectedly normal
John Constantine falling in love with an Eldritch creature wasn't the weirdest thing he'd ever loved. After his dates with King Shark and some demons, this was among his most normal romances!
Phantom seemed like a creature of darkness and ice but he was the opposite: attentive, kind and loving; things that generally shouldn't be combined with Constantine (given his usual tendency to blow his chance with anyone who treated him well), but something made him stick with him.
Sure, the Justice League Dark judged him every time they saw him but he couldn't care less. When Phantom nervously told him he had something he wanted to show him, John was prepared for anything: a cult, a corpse, some crime he'd have to feign ignorance of (he didn't mind helping with a crime or two).
He hadn't expected Phantom to decide to show him his "true form" (Unexpectedly his boyfriend looked human, usually the opposite happened to him!), and sheepishly admitted that the first time he came to the dimension his powers had gotten out of control, leaving him in a form he used very little. And fuck, his boyfriend was hot as hell.
Constantine remembered when they met, he remembered the cult summoning "the most powerful creature in existence", he remembered the dread he felt when he saw Phantom appearing in all his Eldritch glory, but most of all, he remembered his disbelief when the creature started scolding the cultists as if they were children.
Phantom admitted his name was Danny (Danny Phantom, he just forgot to mention it), and he didn't know how to tell him, he looked so nervous that John couldn't help but joke with him.
"Are you human? These are things you talk about in time, bloody hell" Constantine pretended to be offended, pulling a cigarette out of his jacket "you know damn well I don't date normal humans sweetheart."
Danny looked confused, but understood what was going on in a matter of seconds.
"Lucky for you I'm not a normal human" Danny joked, taking the cigarette from his hands "I'm half ghost, a walking physical impossibility, is that enough for your dating standards?"
John pretended to think before shrugging and kissing him; sure, he'd have to get used to the lack of darkness, and extra organs (though he was sure he could persuade Danny to switch between forms), but as far as he was concerned, this was just a win-win.
Danny wondered if he should have started with Phantom's form first but he had no desire to give the hellblazer more ideas. He was aware of his partner's odd tastes, so he was actually nervous that he would reject him for being human (which was definitely a big difference from Amity), but as John kissed him just as intensely as always he guessed there was nothing to worry about.
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the-hex-project · 6 months
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zillychu · 8 months
Finding out the Danny Phantom pitch bible originally included more creatures other than ghosts really makes me want to just (DUMPS TRANSCENDENCE AU ALL OVER IT)
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popularisland · 2 months
Gravity Falls and Hatchetfeild are the same town in different states
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evostrashbin · 4 months
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creature meets creature
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Flame Atronach
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Design/art by R Todd Broadwater and Matt Carofano
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shpepyao · 2 years
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The Summoner and The Summoned
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fidgetspringer-art · 5 months
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Olath - Aberrant familiar
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seleneprince · 6 months
"I wonder what kind of sleepovers they have in Slytherin. Bet they spend the night worshipping the Dark Lord and preaching the importance of blood purity"
"Yeah, they probably just have silly tea parties and talk shit about the rest of us, those pompous snakes"
Meanwhile, the Slytherin dorms on a normal day:
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(Spoiler: Pandora and Snape are the ones to suggest it everytime, and the rest of girls follow out of curiosity)
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fhtagn-and-tentacles · 9 months
by Dariusz Kieliszek
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nelkcats · 1 year
When Danny became the Ghost King he left many things behind: a normal life, his friends, his parents, his sister. All he had left were his space models, glowing stars and some things that he could read.
The halfa knew the situation was not that bad. The ghosts were very friendly and his loved ones could visit whenever they wanted. Time in the Realms was strange, and it would seem like an eternity but they would come eventually.
Seeing their King so down, the ghosts presented him different interests to distract him (Teens needed entertainment, right?) and thanks to Clockwork (who was accused of cheating) Danny found out how much he loved comics and how much he had missed them.
Seeing that this made their King happy, the other ghosts provided thousands of versions of those comics. Danny's mentor warned him to take comics seriously, but he dismissed the comment.
The Realms were infinite and since ghosts could go through the (now stable) natural portals or ask Wulf for help, collecting comics from different dimensions wasn't difficult. They found at least 5199 versions of the Justice League comics the first time. Their King would be happy.
Danny even participated in some of the polls with the help of Clockwork! One of them was called "Kill Jason Todd?" The king thought it was ironic to ask a dead man that and marked yes. He was delighted when volumes of "Red Hood" appeared a few weeks later, Jason was amazing!
Of course, every action has its consequence. When he was summoned to help with a problem in another dimension, the king quickly noticed that the Justice League was real, the same one from his comics. And his favorite character, Red Hood, was looking at him with a frown.
Taking the situation in, Danny felt the weight of guilt on his head as the boy's toxic green eyes looked up at him. He...had he killed him? Did he supported his death? He remembered the 50/50 poll results initially, and how his vote decided the boy's fate.
Even trapped in his castle and just reading comics all day, Danny kept messing things up.
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the-hex-project · 7 months
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If the lodgers don't forgive Jekyll, for something that is debatably his own business, then I riot.
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oh-dameron · 18 days
Wei Wuxian dies. Lan Wangji mourns. Years pass. Trouble returns to the jianghu.
Wei Wuxian wakes up covered in blood, in a familiar array. It's Nie Huaisang's fault.
Lan Wangji finds him. They save the day. They marry and live happily. That's the end of the story, until:
Wei Wuxian dies in a night hunting accident. It was a trivial matter, easily dealt with until it very abruptly wasn't. Certainly no great battle worthy of song or fitting to end the Yiling Patriarch's second life.
Lan Wangji mourns. The grief is different this time; he's not wracked with might-have-beens and should-haves. Instead, one moment he held the whole world in his arms, the next it was torn away from him. It's shattering, how unfamiliar this pain feels when he once would have called himself accustomed to loss.
Years pass. Trouble returns to the jianghu.
The Unclean Realm is under seige, and Nie Huaisang genuinely does not know what to do. He's a strategist, certainly, but even in his youth he was never a warrior. He's been outmanouvered today, and it's long years since he could fling himself into his elder brothers' arms and wail for help.
Zewu-jun has not stirred from his mountain in a long, long time. No; instead Huaisang is left with the exceedingly cold comfort offered by Hanguanjun. The Second Jade of Lan might be frozen in the bloom of youth, but time and grief have left a flawless diamond shell around the hollow of a man. The light that lit him from the inside died with Wei Wuxian. He's where the chaos is, as ever, but if he has any ideas about how to remedy their situation he's been characteristically close-lipped about them. Huaisang is resigned to the notion that Lan Wangji might be in Qinghe more for the possibility of finding his own end than any pressing desire to help.
Well. If Hanguanjun is determined to sacrifice himself then Huaisang is determined that it's going to be in the service of saving as many Nie lives as possible. There are innocents here: disciples too young to have earned spiritual weapons, children too young to even be called disciples, healers and teachers, servants and cooks, the elderly and, and. And noncombatants, like Huaisang himself, whom nobody could rightly call innocent. There's nothing to be done to save him. That would take a miricle.
His grandchildren are here, beautiful and clever and strong. The eldest isn't a child any more, grown from a wonderfully curious toddler into a endlessly curious adult seemingly overnight, but grown or not Huaisang will see all of them out of this mess. If nothing else, Huaisang will knock them out himself, tie them to Hangaunjun and boot them out the back door while he distracts their enemies. Preferably not by sallying forth and dying pathetically. As soon as he comes up with a better idea he'll demote that one to plan B.
His study is as he left it: painting supplies and books sadly gathering dust in the corner, set aside yet again for duty and drudgrery. There is new correspondence to see to; perhaps it will bring good news. Probably not.
The door to one of the cabinets is ajar. It's an ancient, tacky thing that he keeps largely because Da-ge favoured it, and it has a tendancy to swing open unless the latch is set just so. He certainly didn't leave it that way: he hasn't survived this long in the jianghu by being careless, merely acting the part, and he always wanto to know when the contents of this particular cache are disturbed. Locks are an obvious indicator that the contents are interesting or valuable in some way, and if someone circumvented the lock to the room already, well. What could be interesting about a cupboard full of boring administrative papers in a room full of nothing else?
He nudges the door the rest of the way open, peers inside, and his heart immediately lodges in his throat. In amongst Da-ge's journals from the Sunshot campaign, the bundles of correspondence from Jin Guanyao, heavily-encoded notes on his plans for revenge written in the form of truly atrocious juvenile poetry, something is missing. A manifesto, a copy he made from the notes of a long-dead demonic cultivator, who in turn made his own copy from the notes of the Yiling Patriarch himself, seized by the Jin sect after the first seige of the Burial Mounds.
Almost nobody knows about that book and what it contains. Almost nobody has access to his study. Almost. Nie Huaisang drops his fan and sprints across the Unclean Realm to the inner family quarters. Disciples flutter as he passes, unaccustomed to seeing their elderly zongzhu stir himself beyond a saunter. An empyrean figure in white joins his wake like the trail of a comet, ghosting silently after his gasping dash.
Huaisang pauses before the door and sends a silent plea to the heavens, to his ancestors, to Da-ge and anyone who is listening that he's wrong or not too late. He pushes into the room and his knees give out, strong hands arresting his fall before he can hit the ground sobbing. There's blood, in lines and characters, the tang of resentful energy in the air, and the body laid out in the centre of it all isn't his grandchild any more.
Wei Wuxian wakes up covered in blood, in a familiar array. It's Nie Huaisang's fault.
Lan Wangji finds him.
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