#and that's his buddy. he doesn't have a gimmick he's actually kind of a normal guy except that when you put them together he's an idiot
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shawn spencer is a great character bc he's representation for people who are just constantly low-level lying all the time and mostly even not for any good reason
#like everybody sort of knows/suspects that he's making it up but they just don't call him on it??? they're just like#yeah that's a weird hyperobservant chronically unemployed dude who just hangs out here. he thinks we think he's clairvoyant#we've got an officewide bet over when he'll crack if ever#and that's his buddy. he doesn't have a gimmick he's actually kind of a normal guy except that when you put them together he's an idiot#you can't separate them they'll cry#psych#q
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If you're still doing the character ask game, can I get your thoughts on Ella or Dave?
Oh sure i'll do em both! Glad to have a tdpi request :p
How i feel about this character:
hehe the scrunkly :)
I like Ella quite a bit! She's one of the better parts of the first half of Pahkitew Island to me, super kind and sweet to a fault but to such an extent that it blinds her to others not liking her. I like thinking more about what kind of background she'd have considering how lonely she seems to be - she doesn't manage to make friends on her team, and while she ends the show not holding anything against the others, im sad she didn't make friends with anyone by the end.
I also think her relationship with Sugar is compelling as well, and contains the worst thing Sugar does imo. Also her singing pissing off Chris was funny
The people i ship romantically with this character:
I am an aromantic Ella truther. Nobody. shoutouts to Skyella and Ellammy/Sammella for being cute tho (and since she's prob cupio i could actually see her in a relationship? But she needs to unpack her current feelings towards romance for that to work)
My Non-Romantic OTP for this character:
Big fan of her and Beardo being buddies! Originally mostly paired them up because he's the music guy and she's the singing girl so they'd have something to bond over, but in general i think Beardo's more laidback personality would get along with the total ray of sunshine Ella is! Hell i bet he could rope her into pranks, and she could use them to get back at people indirectly? because she doesn't like confrontation?
Aside from that, her and Sky would be good friends i think! If tdpi would stop cosplaying as a pilot for tdrr at the very least! Sky could do with a friend who doesn't care much for the competition while Ella could do with someone who would actually defend her :p
ALSO Ella and Dawn. the fae and the princess. They hang out in the woods and make art with the pinecones and the twigs and the leaves. Dawn appreciates her singing and her perfect bird calls, Ella likes Dawn just being around her in general and being supportive. And she'd be supportive back!!! and i don't know if Dawn's used to that!!! See the vision
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don't think she's as absurd as some people try to say she is. I've seen people do stupider things at her age, online or off; and the show makes it pretty dang clear that she's pretty isolated anyways, why shouldn't a lonely teenager be allowed to indulge in her interests and do it on a reality show she likes?
Also, unsure if this is unpopular or not, but i really like taking her dramarama characterisation in mind. It makes her so much more layered to be that she used to be an angry/naughty kid, and either changed from that or simply pushed down this anger to make herself be palatable to others. what's up with you, gimmick total drama girl
One thing i wish happened with this character in canon:
Weirdly enough i don't mind her writing in canon much? Outside of one thing. Why did her team think she was so annoying so fast. ik you guys all suck socially but at least try to talk to her!!! about it!! or something! This is like the Sammy thing where her team started hating her 2 days in. tdpi i love you but your writing is sometimes questionable (statement that applies to every season)
Ok time for the actually controversial one!
How i feel about this character:
I actually like Dave! While i do think his desperation to getting Sky's attention gets a little stale by the time "This is the Pits!" rolls around, it gets resolved two episodes afterwards and i LOVE it. I love seeing this guy get rejected into the ground, and then seeing his reaction it's so pathetic it's funny. In general i think him being convinced he's a totally normal guy when he really isn't is entertaining. Yeah sure Dave, sweeping the floor of the cave you're sleeping is very normal behavior (he's trying his best </3)
Im less of a fan of his characterization in the finale, since it feels less like an understandable progression of his character and more of a heel-turn the writers made him take because they needed an antagonistic force for the ending and couldn't find anything better. BUT I (and a mutual)'VE TALKED ABOUT IT BEFORE SO NO NEED TO EXPLAIN IT AGAIN!
The people i ship romantically with this character:
SHAWN i am a fan of dashawn :p and only dashawn :p they're both weirdoes and are so in denial of this it's funny they'd be so bad at it at first too. Honestly a pairing being funny to think about and having actual potential on top of that is peak way to get stuck in my brain
it also does help that said pairing has pretty good fics - giving a shoutout specifically to the ones written by @/noahtally-famous because honestly they understand this pairing on a deeper level than i do XD
My Non-Romantic OTP for this character:
Honestly Dave and Shawn's friendship in canon is also one i like alot. Crazy how the germaphobe befriended the guy who covers himself in garbage at one point and neither address that. And how they're both bad at romance but that's another thing
I would also like to shoutout this fic for making me see the vision of a Dave and Sky friendship happening after the stupid romance debacle because like. damn no you're right if they weren't complete ass at communicating maybe they would get along. (i WILL get you to read Temporary Permanence and there's nothing you can do about it!)
Also that one post that brought up a possible Dave and Staci friendship? Pretty cool. Pretty true. Dave nitpicks her shit and then Staci comes back the next day with actual evidence and it blows his mind so much he's decided they're buddies now
My unpopular opinion about this character:
I've made this one very well known, but i do actually like how much of a dumpster fire of communication skave is in canon. Ok i don't like that the middle part's a little dragged out, but i like how doomed it is from the start. I like how just getting sudden feelings about someone doesn't mean you know them, or that you actually need to talk to the other party for a relationship to work and you can't expect the other party to telepathically share the conclusions you've come to, or even that having very specific expectations about your situationship and then not communicating said expectations will fuck you over.
Hell i even like how the attitude Dave tried putting on that caused Sky to (finally) call him out was directly due to advice he got from Shawn. the other hopeless romantic on the island. There's actual progression there! Like holy shit a romance related arc that's not paced attrociously? In my Total Drama season?
This is ignoring the mess that happened in the finale but shush we don't talk about it here + i already have anyways
One thing i wish happened with this character in canon:
That they settled on one thing for him. Is he just a desperate romantic who's bad at communication? Is he an unstable dude who can't handle rejection without causing damage to everyone around him for it? Is he supposed to be both and the writers were just not great at hinting this beforehand?
Do you see why i think tdpi got a rewrite halfway through now? It's like they couldn't decide on an antagonist and just needed to find an antagonist for the finale and couldn't come up with anything better than dragging the Dave and Sky conflict for even longer. Like just have Chris try to kill them at this point he already has beef with so much of the cast why not go the extra mile?
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Mega hater post incoming that only I care abt BTW!!!!!
Every time I see or in any way sense ry*n/k*rina (romantically) I feel much like a rabid animal. I logically understand some people I guess think Ryan is 20 years old but it's just not realistic......
Karina deserves to have some guy in her life who sees her as a normal person instead of in any way romantic/sexual light bc of her fucked up idol/sexualized nurse hero gimmick. And that person is Ryan
Ry*n/k*rina is kinda the ship u make when u wanna conceptualize a hetship as "He gets pegged" And there is no further substance. These two have nothing to offer to each other. Except Ryan treating Karina like a normal person and like. The bar is literally on the floor.
However Karina has nothing to offer to Ryan like yknow. Ryan goes to 1000 dates and travels around the globe and lives independently and has a life and Oh he kinda also almost died. Meanwhile Karina has an unattainable crush on a middle-aged man who misses his dead wife. I'm sorry but she is entirely out of her depth here
Ryan does seem like a generic fuckboy but the point is that he isn't....there is no highshool romance to be found here.... He's actually insightful and nice in his own way and he is also really weird and doesn't know how to act normal which gets him in trouble.
I get stomachache when any of my senses catch a whiff of this ship. Suddenly I feel as if Ryan is an unicellular amoeba and not fit to have a rlship of any kind..please leave him.outside in the rain in a wet cardboard box all alone its what he deserves
I feel like there's so many interesting Ryan dynamics too like even funny ones like Antonio or something. Just do it. Anything but his buddy hero. And s2 rly threatened me with them too bc idfk what they're smoking but idfk what they wanted to do.
Thank you audiodrama abt advising Keith about love that included romance mentions and also zero ry*n/k*rina moments I love you
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Tiger and Bunny Season 2- The Good and the Bad
The Good
1. New Heroes
Yeah, it tends to restrict the amount of screen-time a lot of our old favorites get, but this is a reality TV show and new cast members are expected to come in. At least no one got fired to make room for the new. And it leaves a large groupe with an even number of heroes, which leads toooo-
2. The Buddy System
Obviously a show gimmick that was brought on due to the success of Wild Tiger and Barnaby, but it adds to the relationships between the heroes. Former rivals now paired up in an order you'd least expect: Sky High and Fire Emblem? Blue Rose and Golden Ryan?
It goes from them being kind of awkward around each other while trying to form a good system of teamwork out in the field, to genuinely caring about each other and learning new stuff about them that they had never known before.
3. Chubby Agnes
Why did she gain weight? I dunno.
Maybe she's depressed, maybe she's just more comfortable with eating more, maybe she's got a new beau who loves to cook, maybe it's because she's getting older and her metabolism isn't as strong as it was (I don't know her age).
I remember that the creator originally didn't want her to be the standard beauty, maybe he's finally getting his wish? Or maybe there is no reason and it's just the scientific fact that weight fluctuates all the time.
I'm sure they'll explain it once the second half of the season comes, but for right now there doesn't need to be a reason. She's still the same Agnes who's great at her job and obsessed with ratings.
4. Fugan and Mugan
God, they were creepy. They seemed to be age appropriate kids back in their youth, but I guess being raised by Ouroboros really stunts your emotional growth.
FINALLY he is treated like an actual veteran super hero and not like a joke side character. He is still a bumbling alky, yeah, but he has wisdom and courage and kept the younger heroes out of harms way by throwing them off a skyscraper.
And he brought everyone burritos. That's a plus one in my book.
6. Golden Ryan
How does a cocky, fame-hungry hero feel after being hurt and betrayed by their own teammates? A lot more humbly, I must say.
After The Rising, Ryan was bought by some billionaire to be a part of his own super-hero team. It did not go well and now he is back in Sternbild as Blue Rose's partner. The very thought of being abandoned again when he thinks Karina wants to be Kotetsu's partner actually brings tears to his eyes, the poor thing.
I liked cocky Ryan from before, and I like annoying older brother Ryan as well.
1. Mr. Black
You've damaged yourself enough both in-universe and with me, you're gonna need to do a lot more to make up for it. Or else you can make like a Subaru and ride on out of here.
2. Too cutesy
The more I look back on the first season as well, I just don't feel like the slice-of-life storylines fit in well with a crime-fighting show.
Yes, people have normal lives outside of their much grimmer working environment, but which storyline would you rather follow in a superhero show that's built on action and suspense?
A. Ouroboros returning, twin NEXTS are exterminating heroes and illegal drug manufacturing.
B. You made fun of my name, WAAH!
These cutesy stories made up for half of the whole chunk of episodes. I get it's to establish new relationships, but the conflicts are so petty and easy to resolve for even children, let alone professional heroes.
It also clashes in tone with the VERY graphic and bloody finale, in my opinion.
3. Toilet Paper Small Breeze
This moment was so baffling stupid that I had to pause the show and question, "Why are these adult men arguing over something so silly?!" and "Did I seriously wait 11 years for this quality dialogue?"
Also, Ivan? The name doesn't really flow off the tongue, dear.
4. The Animation
I was iffy about the CG costumes for the first season (especially Fire Emblem), but now they use CG costumes for the girls and Fugan and Mugan? *gag*
And not all the time too. One second they're 2D, and the next they're 3D. I think it's fine to use the CG models for fight scenes, but sometimes they're being used for simple dialogue shots. It's jarring.
But I guess it's better than the chicken scratch 2D that some scenes had. This was an issue in the first season, but it's been 11 years since then and you've had years since the announcement of the new season to work on it! And nothing has been improved!
I know animation is hard, but more time should have been put in polishing and cleanup.
5. Barely any Tiger and Bunny
Most of this half of the season was either them standing off to the side commentating on the new partnerships around them fumbling, trying and failing to go out on a date go get drinks, and Barnaby being in a coma for 10 days.
Here's hoping that they get more focus in their own show for the rest of the season, and I hope Kotetsu watered Barnaby's jungle plants during his time in the hospital.
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#like everybody sort of knows/suspects that he's making it up but they just don't call him on it??? they're just like #yeah that's a weird hyperobservant chronically unemployed dude who just hangs out here. he thinks we think he's clairvoyant #we've got an officewide bet over when he'll crack if ever #and that's his buddy. he doesn't have a gimmick he's actually kind of a normal guy except that when you put them together he's an idiot #you can't separate them they'll cry (via op)
shawn spencer is a great character bc he's representation for people who are just constantly low-level lying all the time and mostly even not for any good reason
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