#and that it has probably had a very profound and noticeable effect on Ashton that was not just the obvious visual one
densitywell · 8 months
Ashton in Jrusar is so funny bc they're like. clearly a massive loser. its just that everybody else in Bells Hells is an even bigger loser and also doesn't know this city or really cities in general so whenever anything happens they just all turn to him like "Ashton 🥺 what do we do" like a bunch of baby ducklings who imprinted on a mangy street dog. and then Ashton takes them to a guy he knows who he has to bribe before they'll actually tell him anything or even just. not immediately kick him out of their establishment. and then this person tells Ashton they're proud of him and amazed he actually has friends now and he's just like fuck i know right. and the rest of the Hells are increasingly confused and concerned but they just keep it pushing and ask Ashton questions like, "have you ever had a bounty put on you before?" to which they're like "yeah I probably have one on me right now"
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