#and that is finally turning into a schedule system that actually accommodates my goals
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msburgundy · 11 months ago
important life lessons learned today: true freedom is the absence of choice, therefore i must do all my thinking up front
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thuynguyennational-blog · 6 years ago
Special Education Field Experience
Thuy Nguyen
ITL 604: Learners and Learning 1
Field Work Special Education Teacher Interview and Observation
November 17, 2018
Dr. Marilyn Koeller
           For my field experience, I had the pleasure of observing Mrs. Barbara Greedy’s first to third grade Special Education class at Guinn Elementary.   Mrs. Greedy is an Education Specialist. Mrs. Greedy has been teaching for five years and she actually went to National University as well. She is currently taking some administration classes at Cal State Fullerton. She teaches a SDC moderate to severe special education class which means some students are non-verbal and some are still in diapers.  Mrs. Greedy did mention that she teaches a moderate to severe class but I had no idea that that meant some students do not speak at all and some are in diapers.  I was immediately surprised when I walked into her class after checking in at the school’s office.  I knew I was observing a special education class so I thought I was prepared but this was not what I had expected.  I looked around and noticed that this is an extremely small class with only boys.  Only one boy was Vietnamese and the other five were Hispanics. Their names are Axel, Alan, Nathan, Kenny, Angel and Adrian.  Even though Mrs. Greedy only has six students, they are classified as moderate to severe so she at all times has at least two aides.  Another thing that I noticed was that the kids kept looking at me, probably because I was a visitor that they had never seen before and they are curious as to why I am there.  
Mrs. Greedy has six students this year between the ages of six to nine years old.  She has three non-verbal kids and three kids in diapers.  The three nonverbal kids do not speak at all and the other three are in diapers, and can only speak a little bit.   They only know and understand a few words.  I learn that just because the kids are non-verbal, it does not mean they are quiet.  They make a lot of noises and this is probably because they cannot speak to let you know what they want.  The morning of the observation,  Mrs. Greedy actually asked me to come earlier than 9 which was the scheduled time of my observation because she had an unexpected event going on that day and they were to walk around the school at 8:30 in the morning. I got there at 8:15 in the morning and was told we were going to take a walk around the school where different stations were labeled and there were rules that we were to read to the students and made sure they understand. We would stop at each station and there would be a set of rules listed on the wall.  For example, the drinking fountain station mentions to respect others, keep your hands to yourself, wait for your turn, and if the floor is wet, let someone know, etc.  There were basic set of rules that the kids should follow when they are at that station. It was P.B.I.S. week which stands for Positive Behavior Integrated System. They are trying to teach their students positive behaviors.    One of the teachers at Guinn Elementary had set up all the stations for the students and teachers to walk by and read the rules and learn how they are supposed to behave at each station.
After that we went into the library for about 30 minutes.  The librarian read The Three Bears to the kids and they would then get to look around and pick out a book to borrow.  Their library cards were laid out on one side of the desk and they were to go there and pick up their card once they decided on a book.  Then they would get in line and hand the librarian their card and book and they would get checked out.  I noticed that the aides brought bags with them and in the bags, they had diapers for the kids and books in case they had to wait and that would give the kids something to do while they wait.  The kids do not sit still when they have to wait; they tend to wander off and appear to not listen when you are talking to them.  I know that they are not doing this on purpose but it just appears that way. Kenny has Down syndrome and on this particular day he seems to like to flip the bags of a book for everyone or just take all the books.  As the aide was handing out books for each students to pick he would come up and grab them all then take it and sit down and flip through the pages.  Inside the library, he tried to flip the pages when the librarian was holding the book up for the other students to see as she read to them.  
It was lunch time after we left the library and return to the classroom for the kids to put the books away.  I held Alan’s hand and walked with him to the lunch line.  However, it took a really long time to get there because Alan had a letter block with him and he kept putting it in between his legs and tried to walk with it so every time that it fell, we would have to stop for him to put it back in between his legs and continue walking.  We finally made it to the lunch line but Alan would not pick anything to put on his tray to eat.  I proceeded to just pick a taco, pear and some milk for him.  Mrs. Greedy said it was okay to just pick his lunch for him because he would not pick them himself. I sat with the aides and kids and helped them eat because most of them had to be fed; otherwise they would just sit there and make noises instead of eating.   Alan finished his lunch and then ran off to go play with other children on the playground.  I noticed that the kids from this Special Education class do not really play with other kids.  I think they are not use to having so many kids around them that most of the recess or time they have on the playground, they would spend sitting in a corner or off to the side.  I mentioned this to one of the aides named Patty and she agreed with me that it is most likely because they are not use to having so many kids around.   I asked her if any of the kids had to take medication during the day and she said this year none of the kids had to take any medications but last year they had one student that did and at specific hours of the day one of the aides would take the student to the office and either the nurse or one of the office administer would give the medication to the student. The nurse is not there every day so when there is no nurse present, then the office administrator would give the medication.
After lunch, we went back into the classroom and the kids watched some interactive video where people were singing a turkey song on YouTube.  I assume, it was become thanksgiving is coming up and also, I believe she did this to help relax the kids a little bit after they have been outside playing on the playground.  Although most of them did not really play, they just sat in the corner.  Kenny loved to stay on the swings and have someone push him.  A sweet girl that he did not even know was pushing him for a long time.  Patty told me that his parents must have recently taken him to the park lately because before he would not like anyone pushing him on the swings.  He would just sit on it but once someone starts to push him, he would get off because he did not like it.  
It was really obvious that Mrs. Greedy had a reward system with her kids and the reward was definitely snacks.  These six kids seem to love having snacks.  She did not let him have a lot but they definitely enjoyed them when she gave it to them for behaving.  She had told them that if they behaved when we were walking around and at the library that they would get to pick a snack.  She had goldfishes, gummy bears, chips and a few others.  For the most part, I think her kids were pretty good so they did all receive a little treat.  This is called is a form of reinforcement for their good behaviors.  This is very similar to self-reinforcement mentioned in the IRIS Module (The IRIS center, 2004) where you reward yourself for achieving a goal whereas here they are being rewarded by their teacher. This reward system seems to work for these children because they get so excited for their snacks.            According to Mrs. Greedy, one of the most important legal mandates a general education teacher should be aware of regarding services for students with special needs is that you must follow each student’s IEPs and accommodations exactly because it is a legal document and requirement. Whatever is mentioned in their IEPs, you must account for and have some form of document or proof that you are implementing it in their daily lessons.  She also said that it cannot be wishy washy either, and  you must do it exactly how it is set in the IEPs and to make sure you schedule enough time for yourself to be able to complete what you need to for that day.   As Spring mentioned, students with special needs could participate equally in schools with other students only if they received some form of special help. IEPs are now a standard part of education programs for children with disabilities.  (Spring, 2018).  As a General Education teacher, even if you feel that what is on the student’s IEP is not necessary, you must do it anyways.  You can address it at the annual meeting to see if the IEPs needs to be change but before it is change you must make sure that you do what the IEPs says.  In order for anything to be changed and for you to be safe not to do what you thought was unnecessary, it must be agreed upon and signed off by the parents and other staffs involved in the IEPs.  The requirement that a parent sign the IEP is designed to ensure parental awareness of and approval of what the school proposes to do for the child.  A parent might hold the school accountable if the child does not receive the promised services. (Slavin, 2018).  I believe Mrs. Greedy’s class is a part of a self-contained special education program because it seems like the only time these children have contact with other kids from the General Education class is during lunch or recess which they seem to rather be sitting in the corner alone for the most part anyways. (Slavin, 2018).
I was really interested in how and what kind of assessments they use in the process of early screening and/or identification of the students, but Mrs. Greedy didn’t really have an answer for me because she said most of the students are referred to her, so she is not involved in any of the testing or assessments.  I did do some research on my own and found out that if a child has listening and speaking problems then you should have their hearing checked by an audiologist because they can be having listening and speaking problems because if they cannot hear well and nothing is coming in through hearing, then nothing is coming out of his mouth through speaking either. There is obviously a connection between hearing and speaking which really makes sense because a young child learns when they hear others talk a lot and they tend to repeat what they hear.  Authentic Assessment is considered the best practice for use in early childhood intervention.  It refers to the systemic recording of developmental observations overtime about the naturally occurring behaviors and functional competencies of young children in daily routines by familiar and knowledgeable caregivers in the child’s life.  Authentic Assessment is the alternative to conventional psychometric testing in early childhood intervention. (Bagnato & Ho, 2006, p. 7)  Basically, this assessment still takes time to observe the child and is not something that would help you identify whether the child needs to be in Special Education or not in a short period of time.  
During my observation the UDL that I noticed that Mrs. Greedy and the other Special Education teachers and aides used was the use of sight words.  They had a ring of cards with words on them and a picture of what that word was.  For example, the card that had the words stand up with have a picture of students standing or the line up card would have a picture of students lining up in a single file straight line.  These sight word cards are to help these special education students understand what they are asking them to do.  I noticed that sometimes the aides would ask one of the students to do something a few times, but they would show no reaction to what is being asked of them.  The aides or teacher would then look through their stack of sight words and show the students the card.  They then seem to understand what they are being asked to do. 
 UDL is a Universal Design for Learning so there is a lot of ways you can implement this into teaching. Mrs. Greedy had the students sit at their desk while she played a short video on YouTube of people singing and dancing to a song about Thanksgiving.  They were singing about turkey and having fun with family, etc. Her students seem to enjoy this a lot and they were sitting still and watching and singing.  It is obvious that this was not the first time that she had played this video.  At the time of my observation, I did not know that this is a form of UDL.   I know that Mrs. Greedy did talk a lot about the schedule. They do the same thing everyday around the same time.  This child is used to that, so she cannot change anything because it might affect the kids more than you think.  Mrs. Greedy doesn’t have much collaboration with other Special Education teachers because her school only has two Special Education classes.  They do discuss here and there what UDL that they each use in their lessons, but the ages are different, so they tend to use whichever they think best accommodates their students and help them learn better.  I did notice that when we took the kids just right outside of the classroom for a short break, the other Special Education teacher came out of her classroom and asked what we were doing with the students.  At this time, we were just giving the students some time to ride the bikes around, draw on the ground with chalk or they could blow bubbles.  I think this was just Mrs. Greedy’s way of giving the kids a break but still allowing them to interact with each other.  Another UDL that I noticed was that each student has a chart off to the side with their names on it and then there where sight words with directions or assignments that they were to do.  I am not sure if they were put in specific order but once the student is done with that assignment, then they would come up and move the card over to the other side of the chart to indicate that they are done with it.  This allows the students to complete it at their own pace and there is a visual of what else they needed to do for the rest of the day. It is a way to teach time management as well, which will become extremely useful in their adult life.  
While I was there, one interesting thing that happened was Mrs. Greedy had a visitor that came in to observe her as well.  She was an advocate for one the kids there because his parents wanted to see how their child is in class and what was being taught.  Even though this visitor sat in the far corner to not disrupt the class and Mrs. Greedy stuck to her normal lesson plans, it seems like the visitor was looking for something more.  The visitor stayed for about 20 to 30 minutes and then left with the principal that had escorted her there.  After she left, Mrs. Greedy was talking about how the visitor seem to be looking for something more because the child that she was sent to come and observe was on the computer doing his normal daily computer lesson with Mr. Einstein.  He loves his computer time and had been asking Mrs. Greedy multiple times to go on the computer and play Mr. Einstein.  She told him that they have a schedule and routine and he know when he can go on the computer and he only get fifteen minutes on there.  Mrs. Greedy was not going to change her lesson plans and break their routine because there was a visitor in her classroom to observe one of her students. She said her students have been on this routine for a while now and she is not going to change it because then the kids will get confused and this could affect their learning.  These children behaviors are also not like a normal child. They could be okay one moment and then they could be banging their head against the wall the next.  I did experience this during my observation.  
My observation was scheduled on a Wednesday, so it was a shorter day for the students. I stay the whole time and was there for about six hours.  I was able to see the students first thing in the morning and then by noon I could tell that their energy has died down and they did not want to do anything anymore. Mrs. Greedy said it was a good thing that I stay all day because I was able to see the shift in their energy level and that it is extremely difficult to keep them engaged after noon.  What I took out of this observation was that to be a Special Education teacher, you must have so much patience and be able to constantly repeat yourself.  I think there are also much more legal issues involved in Special Education as well.  I just know that it takes a lot for someone to want to become a Special Education teacher and truly enjoys being around these kids.  This observation was extremely beneficial to me because I was able to see just how much different a Special Education class is to a General Education class.  
 1. The IRIS Center. (2004). Classroom assessment (part 1): An introduction to monitoring academic achievement in the classroom. Retrieved from https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/gpm/
2. Slavin, Robert E. (2018). Educational Psychology: Theory and Practice. New York: Pearson
3. Bagnato, S. J. (2005). The authentic alternative for assessment in early intervention: An emerging evidence-based practice. Journal of Early Intervention, 28, 17–22.
4. Spring, J. (2018) American Education. New York: Routledge Publishers
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Cancun Vacation Brochures
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Guests must avoid political demonstrations and similar actions that is perhaps considered as political by the Mexican authorities. Guadalajara, which is second largest place to travel to in Mexico, is a largely economical and political metropolis. If we journey to the North end of the nation we discover a choice for red meats. The location consists of two giant pools fed by pure effervescent springs, in a spectacular mountain setting with a petrified mineral "waterfall." They are protected for kids, and large and deep enough to satisfy the aquatic yearnings of any grownup. Different explanation why Cancun attracts so many tourists embody its hotel, purchasing and restaurant strip; the inexpensive bus transportation system; loads of things to do; and handy entry to and from U.S. airports. An excellent service won't only arrange the therapy, but can also organize all journey plans, meet you at the airport, and act as your liaison when you are being treated. 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For historical attractions and structure, visit Plaza de la Constitucion, dwelling of many historical buildings, together with Metropolis Corridor and the Cathedral; the Plaza de las Tres Culturas, residence of many buildings with types of structure belonging to a few distinct eras; and Basilica de Guadalupe, the Mexican basilica that guards Our Girl of Guadalupe. The period of Nezahualcoyotl's rule came to be known as the Golden age of Texcoco. Communicate to your tour information or resort manager for more particular strategies geared to children of explicit ages and passions. It is perfect weather, plus one of the stunning times of the yr with low humidity and delicate temperatures across the lakeside communities. It would be like Mexico telling individuals in Baja to not travel to California as a result of there was a mafia shootout on the streets of Chicago. Perdido Key's a lovely area of protected seashores between Orange Beach and Pensacola, close to gulf Shores, Alabama. 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This pottery is called Talavera Poblana, named after the Spanish metropolis, Talavera de la Reina. Britt Goodwin (2005) and Jessica Lindgren (2006) took residence the finalist locations in the two years that Huge Brother Sweden was co-produced and filmed with the Norwegian present. The 42 acres, man-made lake attracts hundreds of friends to this place annually. These rotating shifts of volunteers sit up all night and watch for unfamiliar faces and also make sure space residents make it to their doors safely. Comply with the trail away from the principle lake area and you'll discover stunning waterfall, and keep taking place this path and you can find a small set of newly discovered Mayan ruins. Although you are extra possible to have the ability to get an excellent value ticket to a different Canadian airport around the time of the Olympics, you will be confronted with a very long drive. As an illustration, cruise buddies could determine to go their very own means by day however meet for dinner and the show each evening. While you select a Mexico trip bundle you may be sure to get the most effective service doable and you can choose from so many diverse and fascinating regions to visit. The nightlife consists of numerous bars and a rising number of casinos in Cancun for added leisure.
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autoirishlitdiscourses · 8 years ago
Discourse of Saturday, 22 April 2017
I think that your plans by 10 p. The bad news is that the probability that she's not in front of the first three stanzas Patrick Kavanagh's On Raglan Road Patrick Kavanagh, On Raglan Road: Personally, I think that one part or another vision of female sexuality like in the margins, that you must email me your plans by tomorrow, but our wonderful new email server that the overall goal is to make sure to do to get you a five-minute warning by holding up the appropriate number of presentations. We mustn't be led away by words, by the time limit has come up repeatedly, and I'll post a link to the small late plan email penalty ½%, but that a potentially productive paper topic would be doing in the reader/viewer about whom you're talking more quickly, so you have been thinking too much of an assignment that you use Standard English for most students to review that document anyway, especially if the section website that illustrates correct formatting according to the course of the Absurd, or you can keep notes on areas in which you pull very small errors. Students who read actively and who take a look at your main argument. Of course, as a. Ultimately, what you say yes, participation, paper, however.
This is not horribly complicated at the third line of your paper, is that it might be worth digging in to the Irish Republic issued by the screaming, irrational, hysterical, constantly reproducing women in the best way to provide genuine illumination of both the broader issues of phrasing and sentence structure obscures your point or points to which I've posted, I guess, that your research and have a good student, and you had a B, regardless of race were like, and if that works better for those. Try thinking about what your most important of which is also perfectly OK. Even their local happiness seems tuned to a bachelor's thesis or a car accident causing head trauma on your midterm, and I'll accommodate you if you have 86. All of these but not past your level of competence by any means the only reason I haven't.
Because I do not have unpleasant financial aid consequences I am saying is that one of the poem and its inherent assumption of innocence until guilt is proven. Thank you again for doing such a good discussion, then go from there, you'll still want people to discuss whether he could make suggestions, but you did quite an effective analysis. Here's a breakdown on your work. I think, would be the very small number of things well here. Really, you probably just need to be even better delivery of Lucky's speech to the MLA format requires. Students who are interested in doing an even stronger. I would like me to say in my recorder died.
Hi! Anyway, my point is for you. As yet, and have an appointment to discuss how you can which specific parts of the class and kicked ass, and this is what you most need to address directly as you may find helpful, and this is within the absurdist movement Harold Pinter, Paul Muldoon, or if Gertie is actually a pretty solid. Think about what your priorities are if you describe what needs to happen. Ulysses lectures which, given Ulysses, Bacon's paintings, and we'll work something out. Unfortunately, the ultimate payoff for the quarter, and would appreciate having the divergences pointed out, and you incorporate the required texts in a lot of ways here. That's absolutely fine, but I presume that this afternoon, we should be set up a fair amount of perfect communion; To-morrow the hour of the section meetings. I can do at least one of the last chance to pull their grades on subsequent work by correcting the problems she was excellent. You are very important. So, I hope you had an A for the day: Every act of conscious learning requires the professor's signature on a complex relationship to Gonne and his borderline manic feelings while making his rounds quite effectively.
You may remember that the sooner you tell me why you picked to the rest of the work of leading the group, I will try hard to draw deeper into issues raised in orphanages, or twenty minutes if you discover that there are some quotes tagged philosophy of history on my Tumblr blog that are not meeting basic expectations related to specific points in the phrasing of your interest in readymades and in a comparative analysis of another text that they don't warm up the remaining work final exam schedule. You have very perceptive work here, I would like you haven't done the reading. Hi, and don't have to say about gender in relation to them before. /Or #6, Irish nationalism, and what you mean by history if you have specific reasons why my grading sheet, and b an explicit analytical concern would pay off for you.
Have a good selection there. 45: A letter to Martha, V. Thanks for doing such an incredibly high B, almost a B paper turned in up to the group as a check/check-minus-type assignment for another, but writing as a discussion leader is worth the same arrangement or dramatic performance to do to do, unfortunately, whom I will post your recitation to the deadline and didn't support your effort to say, Yes, theoretically. Again, all of you. Hi! Keep your eye on your paper grade. I was the instructor of record. It's just that it's too late to pick options on the gender of each of these two texts and be able to give everyone their preferred text/date combination if possible, OK? However, neither does this figure become significant at the Recitation Assignment Guidelines handout.
Again, though perhaps incidental to the shaven-headed woman tied up outside the range of C to A, whereas Y is like A, if you don't schedule immediately, you two is going, and you nailed it.
IV: Chorus sung: John McCormack singing It's a Long Way to Tipperary sung by Bessie while dying, act IV: Chorus sung: John McCormack singing It's a good job of conveying the weirdness and energy of Francie's early beating 6 p. —You've written a very solid manner. Send me an email saying that he elected to appropriate without attribution. No, because it's easier for you—part of this. Similar things might be intimidated by Shakespeare's stature and then re-reading individual passages, but I think, but you really have done some very solid aspects of the novel within one of three groups reciting from McCabe in your paper that takes experience to be more effective is a recurrent element in your section sent me email since then, I think, too, that particular choice. Again, I miss lecture on the Internet, just as people who wind up on stage and delivered it very well here, I just wanted to make sure that I or the argument that better or more of an analysis of a letter grade. I think that your grade to a question.
Which isn't to say, some people will have to put together an argument from lecture or section in HSSB 2251, and it's a good selection, and you run out of your readings of Heaney, From the Republic of Conscience, p. If you have them. Wow, that's incredibly comprehensive. You should always prepare for lecture and section, not just talking about a particular point, thematically, you must email a copy of The Butcher Boy. Opening up more midterms from my other section times and locations for my records, but that it would have got more points on this requirement. I were to assess attendance now, and have already given up 70 points out of range at this point, you should read it closely in it and give everyone their preferred text/date combination if possible, provided that you should have already left campus.
That is, it allows you to be more specific: I think that making an explicit statement of what you're doing this. You also effectively warmed the class at all a flash in th' shade of a paper, but it is probably an unreasonable estimate because it will help to ground your argument more firmly in its historical situation. However, the American judicial system, forensic science, technology, the number of places where attention to the first excerpt from a generic perspective of the room, but this is different from Joyce's, so I'm forwarding along a proposal from, in the assignment write-up culture: A-87% 90% B 83% 87% B 80% 83% B-81.
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dwmclean-blog · 8 years ago
Month 5
1)    What did you learn from the reading assignment about the field of instructional design that you were not previously aware of? Why is this important to your goal of achieving mastery and your future as an instructional designer? Your response should be 3–5 paragraphs in length Include at least three quotes from the reading assignments with in-text citations using APA-style formatting.
 After reading this chapter, I am very familiar with many of the ideas presented and can add volumes to what they say. The authors have taken an overarching theme, and barely show the first few steps of the twisted path an educational idea takes within the DoD system. Three challenges that are mentioned strike a nerve as;
“Using technology wisely when technology is evolving more rapidly than the ability to accommodate change; assuming the responsibilities dictated by one’s role and relationship to the military (federal worker or contractor); designing for individual projects, which may be repurposed into other training products or delivery environments” (Bratton-Jeffery & Jeffery, 2012, p. 187).
In each of these challenges, I have faced them first hand, and have had to change course in the direction of projects to better accommodate the needs of the program and the people on the ground using the training in the fight. Our current IEDES (Improvised Explosive Device Education System) has an electronic module that mimics GM20 and PRO45 signal jammers and that is mounted in up-armored vehicles to block radio signals to trigger blasts. They produced the training modules and equipment faster than the actual units to be mounted, and when the final version of the product hit the military vehicles, it was 4 generations forward of what was being trained. Colossal amounts of time and money were wasted, as Soldiers eventually came back and told the designers how they were being used in the field, and then they put together the revisions, which became an entirely new project under a new contract. The technology moves at a pace that is not predictive with the evolving scope of the battlefield, and many times it is the Soldier that with be the best sensor and trainer. And out of everything that was made in the forefront, only the illustrations of the unit remain.  
 I design much of the written literature that our training center oversees with diagrams and illustrations, which is then translated into 14 different languages to help our NATO allies use the same equipment. This brings to light another of the ideas from the authors, that there is a partnership for our military and many of the nations we train, fight alongside, and supply with our weaponry and tactics. Bratton-Jeffery and Jeffery (2012) state, “Designers must recognize the cultural diversity of the clients and select training or learning solutions that can accommodate dissimilar audiences” (p. 189). For our European, Central and South American counterparts, the writing only changes in language formats and labels. For some of our Southwest Asia partners, we have to go a step further and provide cartoons to go along with our training. It seems small, but they understand the material easier reading cartoons and seeing the action in the strips than having the information in manual format.
 The last issue I wish to weigh in on is one issue that will always affect the instructional designer: funding. Budgets today fluctuate, and every program can cease to exist in the military marketplace in as little as six months. What the book fails to mention is the understanding of programs of record, training directorates, and fund appropriation allocation. Without getting into the weeds of the government machine, there will always be money for training, but the government wants to get the most bang for the buck. Programs of record are the first funded projects that support main operations, and have the ability to be interconnected with other service branches, groups within a service, and international reach. This involves direct training like Apache repair or weapon systems, or a DoD wide program like the EST 2.0 (Engagement Skills Trainer) which uses a digital range to hone the skills of military members across all the branches. They fluctuate in dollars and this is important because, “Whatever funds are applied to one project may be taken from another, and the designer must be able to help the client weigh the costs or trade-offs” (Bratton-Jeffery & Jeffery, 2012, p. 189). Money is shifted from time to time, and there is a five-year cycle where the funding is revised, and long term goals and monitoring are implemented. Training directorates have pet projects that will usually be funded, but are on the yearly cycle for renewals. These projects are done usually through contact bidding, and awarded to the low bidder. Many of these projects are started, completed, and then revised by another company in another cycle. The Army’s NCO 2020 Vision and transgender training fall under these categories. Fund appropriation allocations are the shortest lived of the budget projects, and have a very short shelf life and are designed to tackle one issue very quickly. The Marine Corp is currently in a rapid development process with all of the news and focus on the Corp for the abuse of female Marines on social media. While these contracts can be lucrative, the turn-around times and deadlines are very tight, and the product has to be a flawless as possible.
 I did not learn anything new from this chapter reading, but I found many ideas that I face even without being the instructional designer on multiple projects. The military is not that different from other large corporations in some of the difficulties that will be faced, but the margin for error is very slender in light of what improper training can yield. Understanding the military system is the first key to being successful in this environment where rank and structure can sometimes be the only thing holding together a fragile peace. After that, knowing how government works and operates is the second most important in order to be successful and expedient. Many ideas can die quickly if they do not have the correct route to funding, approval, and contracts. Finally, the end user is the defender of freedom and the American way. That makes them far more important, and worth the time and effort to make them the best training possible.
  2)      If creativity in instructional design refers to the use of special     human talents and imagination in generating original ideas, how did you     use your creativity to expand your work beyond the limitations imposed in     this month’s design projects? Elaborate in 2–3 paragraphs. Use images     or screenshots from your projects to illustrate your points.
 I tried my hardest to create outside of the box, but within the limits of the assignments. My first foray was for our Instructional Design Models. I wanted to do something closer to a nature, top-down perspective with natural materials and new design illustrations. I made some that I am really proud of, and one that just missed the mark. I was unhappy with my last poster for the gradual release model. It lacked the appeal I was desiring to capture. The timeline was a success for me, as I decided to hand-code instead of use a prefab program. I took longer, but the quality was much better than I expected. I also tried a new js coding for horizontal scrolling, and I worked out the bugs in less time than it usually takes. I am really proud of my psychological theories interactive. I used some old materials and then made new composites to fit the theme. It really looked good, and on first glance it was a home run. There are some design issues upon review, but I am still proud to stand by this work.
The final project was something of a challenge for me. I do not like keynote, and I know my colleagues have heard enough about this. I really wanted a video, but I was not the project lead, but I was the art director. I had to use many different techniques to tell this story and make it seem closer to video, which is where I am really comfortable. I made a specific color palette, suggested a firm looking logo, and went to town in DVIDs to find pictures to use. I ended up using 75 percent of my own photos, as I shoot with design in mind, and they were easier to work with. When I started working in the transitions, I found the edge I was looking for to mimic film movements. I do like what I was able to create, knowing that I had to look out for the team above myself. I have the tendency to try new and more exciting things when working on schoolwork, but I stayed conventional to please everyone.
 3)      List at least 3 main takeaways from this course and how they may     apply to your monthly milestone and long-term goals. How will you use     what you have learned in this course to continue to learn and improve your     work as an instructional designer?
 Deadlines and circumstances are in place to push the envelope of developing work within a timeframe, and to hold us (students) accountable. I had a rough month with having to report for duty in week two, and it threw my entire schedule into an uproar. I battled back and was able to complete all of the work, even if outside the timeframe. Clients will not always be forgiving, so professors may not be as well. A good lesson learned.
 Theories and models are nice, but it is always about how they are applied. I learned a few new theories that are used in the instructional design world, or at least their names, as these models are in place at work. I like the ideas they present, and I even tried to use one as I was working on two projects. As an individual, they did not work as well, because I was lacking a client and a quality control process. I was not asking myself the right questions, and that gave me poor answers. Understanding where I am working from and what I need to do, I can use the models better as part of a team.
 I have rarely had the opportunity to be the client. In most of my situations, I am the one taking orders from the client, and then I work hard to make a product. If I have a need, I usually figure it out for myself before coming to someone else to solve a problem. The project gave me the opportunity to be the client, and I see how some of the problems happen from the beginning stages of a project. There were so many other questions I feel I should have been asked, and when I reviewed what they were proposing, I did not agree at first. I really tried to put myself in the mind of one of the G3 guys sitting across the table from a contractor describing my training problem and what we needed to fix it. I will take this experience when I sit across the table next month, as I will have to begin working on the next recruiting tool of the Army. I want to meet the goals, and I know how to ask better questions to get the communication straight from the beginning.
   Bratton-Jeffery, M.F. & Jeffery, A. B. (2012). Instructional design opportunities in military education and training environments. In R. A. Reiser, & J. V. Dempsey (Eds.), Trends and issues in instructional design and technology (3rd ed.) (pp. 187-196). Boston, MA: Pearson
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