#and that if she did get animatronic-d that she also would never leave her behind
monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
How would cassie dad react to if cassie got turn into a animatronics?
Would he still be like
Your still my daughter even if you become a animatronics and time out you disobey my rule of dont go to the pizzaplex no matter what time out .
Well I like to think he's a pretty good dad. Not perfect, because what dad is, but still a pretty good dad!
So uh yeah I think he'd just be happy to not have lost her. If she's just entirely a Fazbear animatronic though, he's going to be grieving. He should have been there to save her, been there to protect her, but he wasn't. Now she will never grow old. She will forever be comodified by a brand that does not, and never will care for her. He can never take her home again, her birthdays will never be the same, Fazbear can just scrap her the moment they decide they don't want her there anymore, he's lost his daughter in so many ways it's difficult to comprehend.
If this is caused by Mimic or something, he could very easily blame Roxy for not protecting her. It's her job to keep Mimic hidden and keep it from harming anyone else. She failed. But then again, so did he.
It's uh... probably a lot??
He wouldn't blame Cassie though. Not in a million years. How could it be her fault? No one could have known this would happen, least of all her. And she's still his daughter, isn't she? It's still her! He could never see her as anything but!
And as for timing her out and stuff, he'd absolutely not do that. The poor kid has been through enough, why would he punish her for that? That'd just be cruel. It's not like it would even accomplish anything anyway. Surely going through whatever made her into an animatronic is bad enough without him putting anything else on her. I doubt the thought would even cross his mind
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fnafsbheadcanon · 6 months
Mask bot: Take a mask.
Cassie: Okay? Thanks?
Cassie: *trips over her foot because of the trash and debris everywhere*
Cassie: Aah!
Mask bot: *catches her in a sort of hugging position, then pats her head to assure her she's okay with him*
Cassie: ...Oh! Thank you? You're so far the only friendly animatronic in this entire building!
Mask bot: Take a mask.
Cassie: *giggling* I'll take that as a thanks!
Cassie: *takes the vanni mask*
Cassie: *getting up* Well, I have to go now. A friend of mine needs help. Maybe you have seen him?
Mask bot: Mask?
Cassie: *sighing* ... I guess that's a no...
Cassie: Well, I guess it was nice meeting you? I'll see you around...
Mask bot: *watches Cassie as she leaves, then daddy instincts kick in cuz he knows that mask is dangerous to be around his daughter and so he follows her*
Cassie: *walking* What's that sound?
Cassie: *turns around*
Cassie: AAH!
Mask bot: Take a mask. Take a mask.
Cassie: GEEZ! No need to scare me like that! What the heck!?
Mask bot: Take a mask.
Cassie: No! You gave me one already! Why are you following me? Maybe your code is broken...
Cassie: ...Well, anyway, bye. For REAL this time...
Cassie: *walks away again*
Mask bot: *continues to follow her*
Cassie: ...Why do I feel like I'm being... Watched..?
Cassie: *peaks slightly behind her back*
Mask bot: *is still following her*
Cassie: *whispering* What the..?
Cassie: *quickens her pase while still peaking behind her back in case mask bot is still following her*
Mask bot: *also quickens his pase as he follows her*
Cassie: *startled, starts full on sprinting*
Mask bot: *quickening his pase even more* TAKE A MASK! TAKE A MASK!
Cassie: NO!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Mask bot: TAKE A MASK!!!
Cassie: *stops running because there's a wall therefore she's got nowhere to run*
Cassie: Oh no...
Cassie: *looks around frantically for a place to hide so the mask bot will leave her alone*
Cassie: *sees that there's a pile of trash and debris tall and wide enough for her to hide behind and not be seen, and so she hides there*
Cassie: *whispering* Maybe finally he'll leave me alone... He's acting like just like my dad whenever I forgot a pencil or something for school! Geez...
Mask bot: *passes by Cassie, who's still hiding, seemingly not noticing her as he strolls on somewhere else*
Cassie: *whispering* Ugh... Finally...
Mask bot: Take a mask.
Cassie: OH MY- WHAT THE!?
Mask bot: Mask.
Mask bot: ...
Cassie: Look, if you wanted to help me, it doesn't seem like it!!!
Mask bot: ...
Cassie: Don't look at me like that! It was you who was following me. I asked you to stop several times but did you!? NoOoOoOo!!!
Mask bot: Take a mask.
Cassie: I already did.
Mask bot: Take a mask.
Cassie: Ugh! Why are you guys programmed to say the same thing? It's getting annoying.
Mask bot: ...
Cassie: Look, if you want to keep me company, that's not a good way to do it. Just saying.
Mask bot: Take a mask?
Cassie: Wow you guys really can't say anything else? That sucks...
Cassie: You know what..? Fine. I give up. You want to follow me? Do it! I don't even care anymore! As long as you don't startle me!
Mask bot: *taking her hand in his* Mask?
Cassie: Geez, you're really clingy, are you? Y'know, my dad always acts like that whenever I forget something as small as like, like a pencil or something...
Mask bot: ...
Mask bot: Mask?
Cassie: *groaning* Fine. I'll let you help me. But NEVER do that again, okay!? You almost gave me a heart attack!!!
Mask bot: Mask.
Cassie. Okay..? Let's just go already...
And then they continue Ruin as normal. But before they venture to the sink hole, the real Gregory finally got a signal and contacted her, confirming that this was all a trick, and that he's coming to get her. The end :D
(Also yes, I do think mask bot is Cassie's dad-)
Honesty that would make somewhat sense even through it would be funny if was just a random staff bot
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hi! im new here and just found this through reading your fics on ao3, and I was just wanting to know more about this au, particularly, who are alll the purples you got up there in the banner and whatre their stories???
Ooh you’re in for a heck of a treat when it comes to all my Purples!
From the left to the right:
Lucian Enfuego (aka Afton’d Lucian): A traveling serial killer who ended up being abducted and experimented on by Elder Afton in 1984, his soul being ‘overwritten’ by him over time. Murdered Vincent Heliotrope in 1983 then used his name on a virus that screwed up the Toy Animatronics. Killed the 5 Missing Children and the Butterfly Child in 1987. Was caught and executed for his crimes. His younger sister was the first to realize his soul was ‘stolen’ and spent her life trying to get it back from the Aftons. Referred to as the 1987 Purple Guy. Alex Cho aka Router (the short man): A mercenary, hacker-for-hire, who is also a son of Lucian. He ran away from his mother’s emotional abuse to follow his father’s trail and destroy the evidence that could clear Vincent and Jeremy Sr.’s names, as well as kill the surviving ‘witnesses’ of the 1987 Incident. His work partner (and best friend) is Panther. Was hired by Michael Afton to go to Freddy’s Pizza and retrieve Marionette and Balloon Boy or their data drives containing information about Remnant collected during the 1987 Incident. Ended up killed via springlock failure in Springtrap. Referred to as the Springtrap Purple Guy.
Sydney Elizabeth Michaels aka Panther (the big guy in pink): A mercenary with a tendency to abduct people of strength and essentially brainwash them via torture and Stockholm syndrome to serve as his living weapons. As a teen he was hired by Elder Afton to put Fredbear’s Family Diner out of business; poisoned and killed 11 children there while wearing a pink security uniform for a disguise, successfully shutting down the restaurant. His older brother helped him run away from home to escape police and keep the rest of their family out of trouble. Went with Router to Freddy’s as part of the retrieval job and developed an obsession with Mike’s strength. Ended up killed by Freddy and the gang for trying to abduct him and was soul-bound to a Paper Plate Pal. Referred to as the Pink Guy.
William Afton II: The CEO of Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment, owner of Circus Baby’s Pizza World Party and Rentals (Sister Location). Stepped into the position some time after his father’s disappearance and found the secret information about Remnant, transfers, and the experiments to move/copy souls between vessels. Decided to continue the research and find a way to transfer himself from his sickly body into a healthy one. Searched for a low-level employee that could be compatible with his deceased sister’s Remnant to observe if transfer to a living body was possible, unaware his grandfather successfully did so but was unable to record the success. Ended up killed by his sister via Scooping Room. Referred to as Canon Purple Guy.
Emelia Afton: The daughter of Michael Afton who was killed by Circus Baby and soul-bound to her endoskeleton. She was stored in the Underground Facility by her father, who desperately tried to find a way to free her soul and resurrect her in his father’s Remnant research. Years passing with her trapped ended up eroding her sanity and now she only cares for escaping into a ‘perfect’ body that will allow her to be beautiful, using anything and anyone as a means to that end. Normally looks like an innocent little girl ghost to lure others into assisting her before killing them once their usefulness ends. Her ‘adult’ form was created by absorbing a digitized Lucian into herself to take advantage of his knowledge of murder techniques. Soul-bound to Circus Baby v1, later becoming Ennard. Referred to as Purple Gal.
William Afton I aka Elder Afton: The founder and owner of Afton Robotics. Has an aggressive competitiveness and desire to be the best in creating robots and animatronics. Jealousy towards the ones in Fredbear’s had him hire Sydney to force the diner to close so it could be bought up by his shell company, Fazbear Entertainment, and have the animatronics sent to him for reverse engineering. In his pursuit to creating the most advanced artificial intelligence software for his creations, he discovered Remnant and its properties, experimenting on low-level employees and abducted children to learn how to extract and transfer Remnant. His experiment on Lucian, an intern at the time, culminated in a successful digitized download of Remnant and memories, creating the Lucian Master File. Elder’s desire to live longer to continue his research and curiosity on his hypothesis had him attempt to transfer his own Remnant into Lucian’s body. While mostly successful, the transfer revealed a drawback in that loss of Remnant without allowing regeneration or replacement causes loss of sanity in the donor. This discovery was never documented; on the final stage of transfer, Elder released Lucian from containment and was killed by him. His soul torn in two, part went with Lucian to grow and consume him, part remained in the Facility, laying dormant until awakened by Springtrap, where he then hijacked control of the animatronic for himself. Referred to as Original Purple Guy or First Purple Guy.
Elizabeth Afton: Bionics Engineer, overseer of R&D of Afton Robotics, wife of Michael Afton. She’s responsible for researching and building ways for the animatronics and robots to move as fluidly and ‘naturally’ as a human. She has a cold love for her husband due to blaming him for allowing her favored daughter to die at Baby’s hands. She assisted Elder Afton in his Remnant research and went back to it after her daughter’s death to continue it in secret, searching for her own way to continue living longer and restore her daughter. After Michael’s disappearance and William’s death, she followed the trail of outgoing resources from Afton Robotics to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and Parties to recover Emelia’s Remnant. She was only able to get it back in fragments, so she devised a trap to gather fragments of Remnant from multiple past guards in order to rebuild and stabilize Emelia’s soul. When that plan was foiled, she escaped and decided to continue her search for future host bodies for herself, rebuilding Fazbear Entertainment via video games and using a copy of the Lucian Master File to seek out viable hosts. She plans to use the money from the sales and her newly abducted Reluctant Follower to create another trap to lure in her intended target. Referred to by name.
Michael Afton: Son of Elder Afton, CEO of Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment after Elder’s death. His relationship with his father was distant and strained at best, which worsened after his death as Circus Baby’s programming had her kill his daughter when she wandered over alone. He pulled away from his wife and their relationship grew rocky over the tragedy. Being confronted by Lucian’s sister some time later over the fate of her brother’s soul had Michael searching for whether there was any truth to it; upon discovering his father’s Remnant research and notes, he found a desperate hope that this could be key to reviving his daughter. While he was also attracted to Lucian’s sister for her more vivacious nature, he eventually had to threaten her into leaving him alone so as to keep the discovery of Remnant and soul transfer a secret. He left behind the company and his family after receiving the data on the 1987 Incident in order to find a method of using Remnant to revive Emelia without causing more deaths. Failing that and realizing that Emelia had gone insane and murderous from isolation and desperation, he chose instead to try and destroy everything connected to the Remnant experiments, bringing everything that was affected by it together in one place to be burnt so the Remnant would be destroyed. He was unaware that his wife was also involved. Died in the flames that consumed FFP&P. Referred to as Son of Canon Purple Guy.
Lucian Master File: The ‘pure’ download of Lucian Enfuego’s digitized Remnant and memories. Stripped of anything that could humanize him or create empathy with others, the Master File only seeks to cause as much death and havoc as possible. He generates copies of himself to carry out his plans, assimilating information from them while he remains safely out of sight and harm’s way. The first copy of himself ever created he stripped of similar power to force him to be weaker and gave him over to William Afton II to use in his experiments, which resulted in the copy breaking away from him so drastically he became unique and Master File lost control and connection to him. He only ever assists someone when he feels he’s able to use them to further his own ambitions in the process. Originally the controlling software to Afton Robotics’s main computer, he managed to escape destruction there by coding himself onto chipsets in protected hardware, which later allowed him to escape into the video game software that scanned those chipsets. Referred to as Master File or Glitchtrap.
Phew! i really gotta finish up the wikia articles on everyone.
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gwenore · 4 years
The Princess of Avonlea. Part 10
It is @dekujin‘s birthday tomorrow, but I decided to upload a bit early.  Like I have already explained there will be a choice for you at the end which will determine where the story goes from here and what will happen in part 2 of the birthday gift.  I think it is going to be... interesting... what ever you chose >:)
The rest of the night for the security guard and the animatronic was quiet… except for said animatronic talking excitedly about their plan to go try to find the other animatronics in the park and how she was eager to see her friends again.
Rum was still more apprehensive. They really did not know what they were getting themselves into.
And it was also this Rumplestiltskin animatronic which… well… Rum was still terrified of that machine. He did not doubt for a moment this animatronic would kill. He had looked over the paper before he read through the news, for some… violent crime which could perhaps be chalked up to the machine, but…
It was as if it had vanished from the face of the earth. That did not comfort him at all.
Perhaps it was deactivated and rotted away in some hidden corner in the park… but… he doubted that it would be that easy.
Rum was not certain how much Belle thought about that animatronic, but he had seen her look over her shoulder when they did the rounds, her blue eyes staring into the darkness, looking for something.
They had not spoken about it… but he felt if they would have to, if they started to go down this path… no doubt they had to deal with him.
As the sun started to rise, the both of them got into the truck and then drove back to Rum’s place, where they shared breakfast with Neal, Belle eagerly telling him about how she had met her friend.
“So… are all the animatronics… like you?” he had to ask Belle. Belle cocked her head slightly, tapping her chin with her finger.
“No… I don’t think so…” she said. “Most… most were just machines I suppose. I do not know what I am if I am not just a machine, but that somehow seem right…”
“It does Belle… you are very… human…” Rum swallowed slightly. Neal nodded his head to second his father’s statement.
“Yeah… I mean… I don’t get it… but… yeah…” the teenage boy agreed with his father. Belle smiled towards them.
“Thank you both… I am very happy. I feel I have a home here…” she said, her voice making a happy crackle. “I just… don’t think that I can be happy to know that the rest of them are still back there and… like I was before Rum found me.”
Her glowing blue eyes glanced over at her dearest friend who had done so much for her.
How could she ever repay him? He had taken her from that darkened damp theater and given her a home… and let her meet his son.
She was so happy. She owed him everything.
“And we are happy that you are here,” Rum assured her, reaching out his hand before he rested it on her shoulder plate, earning him a gentle smile.
Neil was getting himself ready for school, having been made aware of the information that he had ordered had arrived at the library. He had yet to tell his father or Belle herself about his plan… he figured he could do that if he actually found something, or when he knew there were nothing to find there.
They both looked so exhausted in their own ways and with what they had told him about what had happened… they had a rough night and needed rest… or charge in Belle’s case…
He just hoped that he could have good news for them…
But he was worried that he wouldn’t.
Breakfast now having been put behind them, Neal said his goodbye to the animatronic and his father before running along to school, as they were getting ready for bed.
Rum looked over at the animatronic, giving her a gentle smile before he reached out and took her hand in his.
“Come now… time for you to get some rest,” he murmured softly. “We have a big night tomorrow…”
Belle nodded and allowed the security guard to lead her into his room… or their room now she supposed.
“Yes… I am very exited,” she smiled towards him. “But… I worry…”
“About him?” Rum asked, turning towards her. Belle nodded her head. It seemed that she worried about the same things that he did.
“I know… I worry about him too…” Rum admitted. He wanted to tell her that he was going to protect her… but he wasn’t certain what he could do against that thing.
“I… I don’t know where he is… what he is doing…” Belle’s voice box showed uncertainty with how it crackled softly. “I remember… when that happened… it was bad. I don’t remember in what ways it was bad… but… it always was.”
Rum could not keep from feeling the chill from going down his back.
“Well… we will handle it…” he attempted to comfort her, even if he was absolutely terrified of that machine and he had no confidence in his own ability to actually do something against it.
He was keeping his taser close. “And… perhaps… if we manage to find others… they can help too. He is only one machine… we will outnumber him and I will not let him deceive you once again… and certainly not let him put you under that curse again.”
Belle blinked her eyes, making an audible click, before she pulled him into another hug, Rum having to brace himself slightly as her metal body was quite more solid  than his fleshy one. He would never ask her to stop though…
Slowly he brought his arms around her, patting her back slightly.
“But now we need rest…” He then said with a soft voice.
“Yes… my battery certainly could use a charge… almost looks like yours too need it… even if I am plenty certain that humans do not have batteries…” she pondered a bit before she released her grip on the security guard.
Rum had to laugh at her statement, before giving a shrug. “I mean… we do use that word… even if we don’t have batteries… but I suppose it is not that different.”
“No… perhaps we aren’t all that different…” she felt rather flustered at that, feeling that the parts within her ran a bit hotter than usual.
“No… perhaps we aren’t,” he smiled softly towards her. “I think that is good…”
Belle nodded in agreement. “Yeah… I think so…”
And with that they decided to go to get the rest that they so sorely needed, Belle now from the start settling down beside Rum’s best, resting her head next to his, before she went into the sleep mode. Rum remained awake for some time… simply looking into her face, smiling softly, before exhaustion pulled him into the realm of sleep.
  School ended and Neal had been watching the clock practically since he entered the classroom, so ready to get out to rush over to the library. He never quite had imagined that he would be the one eager to get to such a place.
“Where are you running off to?” Neal heard the voice of Emma behind him.
“Library!” he said, but stopped enough for her to catch up for him.
“About that abandoned amusement park?” Emma asked as she strode beside him, seemingly having decided to join him.
“Yeah… not sure if it will be anything interesting though,” he shrugged his shoulders as they were now heading into the downtown where the library was located.
“Well… can still be interesting I suppose… I mean… SOMETHING must have happened,” Emma agreed with a nod.
Neal hesitated slightly, but it was not as if he could really tell her not to join him, she seemed invested in the situation.
Again he felt guilty that he was keeping Belle a secret from her… but… it was necessary to keep her secret right now. He didn’t think Emma would tell something, and he certainly hoped that he would be able to tell her soon.
He just wanted more information about what was actually going on before he told her anything.
  As they walked, they spoke about the amusement park, as well as everything else which came into their mind, when Emma reached out to grab Neal’s arm, forcing them into a stop.
“What?” Neal looked over to her, seeing how she stared into the dark alley behind the library. “What is it?”
Emma seemed absolutely shaken, something which Neal hadn’t experienced often.
“I just…” she shook her head. “I just thought I saw something…”
“What?” Neal felt a chill go down his spine for some reason.
“Just… I thought I saw a man… but with glowing yellow eyes… I must have imagined something…” she shook her head. “I think I got tricked by the trash piled up there. Don’t worry. I was being stupid.”
“Alright…” Neal hesitated, but he was more than happy to leave this place and get into the safety of the library.
  Storybrooke public library was quiet always, and that was nothing different when the two teenagers walked into the main hall. For a moment they thought that it was completely empty, but then the librarian came in with an armful of book which she let down on the desk with a pleased sigh, before she noticed the two in the library.
“Oh, hello,” she said in her Australian accent.
“Hi, Miss French,” Neal began. “I got the message that the stuff I ordered came in.”
“Oh yes! The article about the amusement park!” she exclaimed as she rushed in the back, coming back with the armful of papers.
“Absolutely fascinating. Is it from a school project?” she asked.
“Uh… no… my dad works there,” Neal explained. “Got a bit curious y’know?”
The librarian nodded to herself. “If my grandfather was still alive, I would introduce you to him. I am certain that he could tell you stories!” she exclaimed then.
Neal and Emma furrowed their brows, sharing a look.
“Uh… your grandfather?” he then asked.
“He actually worked at the park when it was open. He was actually in charge of the animatronics. Avonlea had some of the most advanced animatronics for the time and his work was pretty secret at the time. There is a lot of trade secrets in the industry,” she went onto explain.
Neal felt a shiver going down his spine. “That is… quite interesting.”
That was all that he could really say. He now took another look at the librarian Miss French. That brown hair… even some of the facial features…
“Your name wouldn’t be Belle would it?” he had to ask.
Both the librarian and Emma looked at him surprised for a moment before Miss French burst out laughing.
“How did you know?” she then asked.
“… you are not serious…” Neal said in disbelief.
“I mean, my real name is Isabelle, but at least as a child everyone would call me Belle. I was really into the Beauty and the Beast movie, still one of my favorites, so it just became… well… easy…” she explained. “But how did you guess?”
“Well… as far as my dad has told me… that is the name of one of the animatronics too… one of those that looks… advanced…” Neal tried to choose his words carefully. Even if Isabelle French was the granddaughter of the animatronics… it was most likely best that he didn’t admit that.
“Wait?! They are still there?!” the librarian then exclaimed, making Neal realize that he had already revealed far more than he had thought. Swallowing nervously he shrugged.
“Well… it certainly seems like that according to what my papa has said…” he stuttered forth, Emma having to cock her head in surprise. It seemed Neal was hiding far more about this than he first would admit.
“I never thought that they would remain…” she pondered. “I mean… why just leave them? They had to be worth something at the very least…”
“That… uh… that is something that I have been trying to find out,” the teenage boy went on to explain.
Isabelle French nodded to herself. “I can see now why you are eager. I don’t remember much… I moved to Australia when I was quite young so… I never got to spend much time around that place… but… well this is silly…”
“What is?” Neal asked.
“I was always certain that they were alive… like… really alive. No other animatronics or something ever felt as real as they…” she then said. “I was most likely just thinking that because I was a child and they were moving and speaking.”
Emma felt almost a punch in the gut as the librarian’s description… it was far more like the one she had felt herself.
“Was it like… like when no one else were around they would… speak to you… not like recorded lines, but… like actually talk to you?” she then asked.
Isabelle pondered a bit. “Well… I mostly saw them in my grandfather’s workshop and… yeah… they always were… different there than on stage I remember. My grandfather seemed apprehensive even having them close to me… I mean no wonder really, those things have some power behind them… not to mention the weight. Which… in itself is odd since… well most animatronics use air to move… that isn’t all that strong… but these were quite different I remember… hmm… I must confess you two have quite peaked my curiosity, I might just have to see about going through my grandfather’s old stuff…”
“So… do you know what happened to Avonlea? Why it was shut down?” Neal asked. Isabelle shook her head.
“No… I don’t know. We already lived in Australia by then… but I do remember that my grandfather passed around the same time,” she then said. “We didn’t go back for the funeral. I suppose that was one of the reasons that I decided to move here. Family history and all that.”
“I am sorry…” Neal began.
“Well… It happened so long ago now,” the librarian began. “Though… I would love to see Avonlea again, do you think that would be possible?”
Neal was practically reeling at this point.
“Uh… well, it is shut down, and the security guards aren’t supposed to let someone in. My father hasn’t let me in even… then again he does work nights. Perhaps if you contact the owner… though… I am not even sure who that is… but it shouldn’t be that hard to find out,” he spoke quite quickly.
“Thank you, I think I might just do that. Perhaps if I tell them who my grandfather is they will let me have a tour at the very least…” she said, finally pushing the stack of articles over to the two teenagers.
“But I should get back to work. If you find something, let me know alright? I have actually become quite interested in this little investigation of yours,” she smiled towards them.
“Sure thing,” Neal attempted to sound casual, but a lot of what he had heard actually rattled him quite a lot, and he was quite aware that Emma was quite aware of it.
Still… he chose not to speak about it right away, grabbing the stack of articles, before hurrying over to one of the tables with Emma following close behind.
  “So spill it!” Emma said, pointing towards her boyfriend, after they had sat themselves in the back of the library.  
“What do you mean?” Neal’s voice was a bit higher pitched than usually, making him cough slightly to hide his nervous tone.
“I mean… what is seriously going on? This is not just you being curious about your father’s work!” Emma insisted, grabbing Neal’s lower arm in a surprisingly rough grip. Neal hesitated for a moment.
“Uh… well… this is hard to explain… but…” he looked over his shoulder. “You have to promise that you can never tell anyone about this! Also you are going to think I am insane when I am telling you this… but everything is true.”
“Who am I going to tell? And… sure… I’ll believe you…” Emma hesitated a bit. After all… she had never known Neal to be a liar.
“Well… since my father has been working at Avonlea… he has… found something…” Neal did his best to pick his words carefully as… well this was going to sound insane regardless of how he said it, but he could at least try. Emma nodded slowly, letting out a sound to show that she was listening.
“It was… an animatronic… Belle is her name,” he continued.
“One of the super advanced ones that Miss French were talking about?” Emma sounded at once interested.
“Yeah… but… she is a bit more than advanced… she is… sentient…” he then continued.
“Sentient? Are you sure that your dad hasn’t… imagined things?” Emma found it impossible that any animatronic could be sentient. It was sci-fi stuff.
However Neal firmly shook his head. “No. I have met her! And… look… there is no faking what I have seen. She is actually… real!”
Emma shook her head. “But you said you have never been at Avonlea!”
“I haven’t! Dad… well he took her home… and I met her there,” Neal went onto explain. Emma’s eyes showed the shock that she was feeling.
“Your father stole an animatronic?!” she then asked.
“No! … I mean… technically yes…” he swallowed slightly. “But… it is not really stealing someone who is sentient and she came here willingly. He had to do it. She was in danger.”
“From what? She must have been there for… years… decades about. What is dangerous to her now?” she asked.
“Well… there is this other animatronic. A bad one. The Rumplestiltskin animatronic. He is… well… he has hurt Belle… so it was… safer…” Neal swallowed. “Look… it is more like she is a person rather than an animatronic.”
“You have to realize that this sounds pretty insane…” Emma said.
“I am telling the truth… you can believe me or not… but you said it yourself remember? That when you were young you thought Snow White and the Prince Charming were real? That they would speak differently to you when you were alone? As if they were… sentient?” Neal continued his questioning.
“I was a stupid child… that is…” Emma just shook her head.
“I am not lying. Now… papa or Belle has not said anything about them… but what if what you experienced when you were a child wasn’t just your imagination?” Neal questioned.
“You are fucking with me,” Emma said with a exasperated sigh.
“I am not…” Neal said. “Even Miss French said the same, remember? She too thought they were ‘real’.”
“Well… she was also a child!” Emma insisted.
“Look… you don’t have to believe me,” he sighed softly, turning to the articles. “But it is true.”
“If it is true… then… let me meet her? Let me meet Belle,” she then insisted.
Neal swallowed nervously, rubbing his chin as he thought.
“I have to talk with papa first… and Belle. Honestly… I do not think that Belle will mind… she seems to really enjoy company, but my dad… well… I don’t think he is going to be pleased by the fact that I have told you… after all… if people were to find out what is going on… they might hurt her… or worse. Look she is innocent in all of this and we have to be careful. Something is going on… and I think it has to do with what happened in Avonlea all those years ago. Why it was shut down… and why no one has tried to access it or sell of the assets. I mean… can you imagine what those super advanced animatronics are worth?” Neal asked.
Emma made a slight nod of her head. “I am not sure I believe that the animatronics are actually sentient… but you are right. Something is going on. If there was an accident… wouldn’t everyone know? I mean… it is Storybrooke. Nothing happens here! It would be the talk of the town for years and no one would forget it! Hell, Avonlea was the biggest attraction in this sleepy little town for ages!”
Neal nodded his head. “Yeah. So… I believe the answer is in here…” he pointed towards the stack of articles.
“Best get to reading then… I still want to meet Belle though,” she pointed towards him before she grabbed one of the articles and proceeded to read.
“I will talk to them later and let you know…” he assured her, before doing the same, silence falling upon the library with the two teenagers reading and taking notes and the librarian slowly stocking the shelves… unaware of glowing yellow eyes staring at them from the crack of the door in the utility closet.
So for the choice:  1. Shall Rumplestiltskin realize that the librarian is the granddaughter of the scientist?  2. Or shall he mistake her for Animatronic!Belle?
If you chose nr.1 he will lure her to Avonlea and show her... behind the scenes... to say it like that. If you chose nr2 Isabelle French is going to have a very interesting evening...
Happy choosing. 
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Boys and s/o playing horror games
This was Mod Angie’s application, with a few very minor modification from me (Mod Himiko)! Mod Kaede’s application will be coming out soon, so please look forward to it!
Shuuichi Saihara
At first he was extremely hesitant
“I don’t really like horror games, S/O…”
But after a bit of begging, you managed to convince him to play Outlast.
And surprisingly, he was really good at it.
Well, if we don’t count him hiding for 3 minutes straight every. Single. Time. That the monster appeared, just to make sure that he was safe.
After some hours, you two managed to complete the game.
It seems like he liked the game to the point of asking you to play the DLC with him.
That was unexpected.
Kokichi Ouma
“Nishishi!~ Are you scared of playing alone S/O?”
He keeps teasing you for asking him to play SCP with you.
But when you both start the game, he's  s c a r e d.
Of course, at first, he pretends that he isn’t even a little bit afraid.
But when the monster appears behind him, he’s screaming and begging for help.
He dies in less than 3 minutes.
But you two still kept playing for a long time
When you ask him if he wants to stop, he says yes.
“But that’s a lie, isn’t it?”
He actually doesn’t let you leave his side until he finishes the game, which took hours.
And when you finished, he wanted to play another horror game.
Oh God.   
He doesn’t understand the concept of horror games.
Why would you want to get scared?
Well, since it’s something you like, why not give it a try?
You introduced him to Emily Wants to Play.
“The board told me to not look at her, and I didn’t look at her, why did she kill me anyway?”
“The board is telling you the reverse of what you have to do, Kiibo.”
“Why? Isn’t a tutorial supposed to help you?”
“This isn’t a tutorial.”
He eventually understands the mechanics of the game.
And with your help, you two managed to beat it!
“Hey, S/O, show me other horror games later, they’re actually fun!”
Kaito Momota
You’ll regret asking him to play Five Nights at Freddy’s with you.
Kaito is crying. What have you done?
Let’s just say that no matter how many times you explain to him the commands, he will end up forgetting them the moment that he sees one of the animatronics.
He clings to you for the rest of the night.   
Rantaro Amami
He’s really chill about it.
“Oh, what are we going to play?”
You suggest Alien: Isolation.
And so, you two start playing.
He’s really good at the game! Knowing how to pass through areas without being seen by the alien, sneaking through some guards.
He was… Fantastic! And without any of your help!
He finished the game in a really short period.
He asked if you could play another horror game.
And of course, you said yes!
You’ll never see someone as good as Rantaro at horror games in your entire life.
Gonta Gokuhara
“Horror games? Will they scare Gonta?”
This poor, pure soul.
He's terrified.
You guys are playing Silent Hill 2.
And you’ve never seen Gonta so scared in your entire life.
He actually tries to play, but he’s too afraid to continue.
His fingers are also too big for the controller he’s holding.
Why would you even ask him to play horror games?
Protect this boy, he probably won’t sleep for quite some time.
Korekyio Shinguji
He actually finds the game really amusing.
It’s a really curious way of having fun.
“What humanity is capable of creating is wonderful…”
You’re playing The Witch’s House.
He finds the concept and gameplay interesting and enjoyable.
He doesn’t get scared at all.
Not even for a single moment.
He takes his time passing through the puzzles, thinking about all the possibilities.
He finishes the game in some hours, dying very few times.
He definitely found this an interesting experience and would like to try again.
Ryoma Hoshi
“Why do you want to play a horror game anyways?”
He would play just because you asked him to.
You’re playing Ib.
At the start, he’s extremely bored, trying to discover why this game IS a horror game.
But later on, he actually starts to enjoy himself.
The puzzles were simple but really fun!
You stay with him, playing the game during hours, and he wasn’t that bored at all with the game.
You guys managed to get all the endings after a long time!
He will definitely play more of those with you!
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101flavoursofweird · 7 years
Rhythm Thief Secret Santa 2017
My Rhythm Thief Secret Santa for @trashical-girl. They asked for a cute date or dancing between Raphael x Marie. So... These two have a Christmas date at a toy store :D Thanks to @sleepybrainiac and @regu-1 for organising the Secret Santa!
Title: A Couple of Jokers
Description: Raphael takes Marie to a toy store on Christmas Eve. Shenanigans ensue.  
Spoilers: For The Emperor’s Treasure
Pairings: Raphael/Marie
La Cour des Jokers – one of the largest, oldest toy stores in all of Paris. By day, the store was rife with bell chimes, animatronic greetings, toy vehicles whizzing about, video game blasts, barnyard animal noises, baby doll cries, cash register beeps, children’s laughter and the sighs of hapless parents. By night, it became a silent maze, rumored to be haunted.          
Raphael was relying on those rumors that Christmas Eve. Not that he put much stock in ghost stories. Just over a year ago, he had beaten a guy pretending to be Napoleon Bonaparte back from the grave. There was only one true phantom in this town. Phantom R! He was about to pull off the holiday heist of the century… without actually stealing anything.
If he was honest, he had returned to Paris that day and hadn’t found enough time to buy Marie a Christmas present. She was overjoyed when he arrived at her manse, but that joy turned to confusion and doubt when he merely handed her a gift voucher.
“It’s a voucher for La Cour des Jokers!” Fondue had picked it up off the street. Raphael wouldn’t dare mention that.
“Oh…” She raised her eyebrows at the red court jester grinning at her from the voucher. “Thank you. I’ll ask Mama if she wants to visit the store with me.”
“Hold that thought – I’m taking you to the store tonight!” He really was making this up as he went along. “You can spend that voucher on whatever you like. How does that sound?”
“I’d much rather just spend time with you,” Marie teased, taking his hand. “If that means sneaking into a toy store, then so be it… as long as we, um, don’t leave any damages.”
Having worked at Simon’s shop, Raphael knew how tough it could be to run a business at this time of year. They would have to be extra careful not to jeopardize the toy store owners or their employees. Raphael switched to his Phantom R facade and flipped his hat. “Phantom’s honor – we’ll be in and out without a trace. Also, you might want to bring your violin…”
Breaking in (minus any breakages) was much easier said than done. As far as Raphael was aware, there weren’t any secret entrances into La Cour des Jokers.
He, Marie and Fondue scaled the storefront and stared in through the glass ceiling windows. The security system wasn’t as complex as that of the Louvre, but through the dim light, Raphael still spied a couple of cameras and five guards on patrol. (Law enforcement didn’t take a break during Christmas.) He could find a way to temporarily disable the cameras. As for the guards… This was where the ‘haunted’ rumors came in handy.
He located a ventilation duct on the roof and signaled to Marie. She started playing Moon Princess on her violin. The melody echoed through the vent and across the store, powering up all of the lights and animatronics inside.
Raphael smirked when he heard shrieks from the security guards:
“Mon dieu!”
“The toys… They’re alive!”
“S-someone call the Constabulary – ”
“No! Call SOS Fantômes!”
Five guards fled from the store.
“Now’s our chance,” Raphael hissed. He winced as he tore open the vent. “I’ll, uh, reimburse them for that… You go first, Fondue. Bark if it’s all clear down there.”
Fondue yelped as he slid down the chute. They heard a bump and after a minute, the echo of a bark.  
“Look out below, bud!” Raphael followed Fondue down there, narrowly avoiding him when he landed in the vent. He caught Marie when she came down. 
Fondue led the way with his nose. Raphael and Marie crawled after him until they reached a grate. They could see the illuminated shop floor beneath them. 
It took Raphael a good kick to get the grate open. He poked his head out, hanging upside down, and almost hit a toy helicopter Marie’s music had brought to life.
More worrying was the flashing security camera not two feet away from him. He retracted his head into the vent. “Camera, right beneath us.”
“Do you know where the Security Room is?” Marie wondered.
“Nope, but I’ve got another idea.” He scanned the shop floor for something that could help them. Action figures, Lego sets, footballs, bikes, trampolines, Nerf guns... 
Raphael snickered. “It’s Nerf or nothing.”
Marie gave him a sideways glance. 
“Wait here.”
He dropped down from the vent, agile as a cat. A giant Lego man offered him cover from the camera’s gaze. He darted past the bikes, behind a trampoline and over to the stack of Nerf guns, grabbing one out on display. (He hadn’t used one of these since he was a kid!) He loaded the gun, took aim and fired a foam dart at the camera lens. The dart stuck – bull’s-eye! 
He quickly disabled the other cameras he could find. Then he pushed a trampoline underneath the vent opening and called up to Marie and Fondue. The two of them jumped out and bounced on the trampoline. 
“That was fun,” Marie gasped.
Raphael gestured to the trampoline. “Would this fit in your garden?” 
“Definitely, but we’d never get it out of the store.” 
“What about a bike?” Raphael picked out a bright blue bike with training wheels and a basket on the front. “You could enter Tour de France!” 
Marie breathed, “I’ve never owned a bike…” She frowned. “Again, we’d have some trouble carrying it out.”
“You can still try it out. We’ll ride around the store!” Raphael insisted. He passed her the bike and a white helmet. He grabbed a red bike for himself, sans training wheels. Fondue hopped into the basket on Marie’s bike, sitting next to her violin case.
Marie nodded determinedly and stared peddling. “Ready!” 
“Hey, hold on!”
The sped along the aisles, considering which toys Marie could buy. 
Raphael hollered, “Do you like board games?” They had everything, from Monopole to Hungry Hippos. 
“There are so many to choose from!” 
They passed a band of instruments playing by themselves. (The power of Moon Princess still lingered here.) 
“A mini keyboard?” 
“It sounds lovely… but we already have a piano in the parlor!” 
When they encountered the stuffed animals section, Fondue leapt out of the basket. He picked up a fluffy pink rabbit in his jaws and dropped it at Marie’s feet. “Woeuf!” 
“I love it!” She lifted the rabbit and patted Fondue’s head. “Thank you, Fondue!” 
“Sure you don’t want something a little less... slobbery?” Raphael laughed as Marie adjusted her grip on the rabbit. “They have some dolls over there – “
“No, this is fine.” 
She placed the rabbit firmly in the basket. She began wheeling her bike away, not turning back to Raphael or the dolls. Fondue gave Raphael an unhelpful look and plodded after her. 
“Was it something I said?” Raphael muttered to the dolls. They watched him with unblinking glass eyes and empty expressions. Shuddering, Raphael caught up to his friends. 
“You were right, Marie. Those dolls are way too creepy...”
“It’s not that,” she whispered as he walked alongside her. She went quiet for a few minutes. Raphael noticed Moon Princess’s spell was starting to wear off – the lights flickered above them and the animatronics had fallen silent. Though he had a hunch he knew what was wrong, he didn’t want to push Marie. She had never forced him to share his secrets. 
They finally came to the checkout lanes. Marie revealed, “Years ago, Jean-François liked to spoil me.” She scowled at her violin case. “If I played extraordinarily well, he would buy me toys – dolls, mostly. Bikes and trampolines would be far too dangerous. What if I broke my arm and could no longer play the violin?” 
He had treated her like a dainty windup doll who would play for him over and over again.
“I’m sorry,” Raphael murmured. Why hadn’t he considered this before he brought her to a toy store? 
She hugged him. “Don’t apologize. Tonight has been... incredible. I never did anything this exciting when I was little.” 
He tried to think of something smooth, something Phantom R would say, but then she snuggled against his chest and he stammered, “I love you.” 
“I love you too – “
“Grrrrr! Woeuf!”
“Alright, we’re coming,” Raphael huffed to Fondue. “We’ll leave the voucher here and some Euros for the busted vent.” 
“Don’t forget your Nerf gun,” Marie pointed out, placing her voucher and a 50 Euro note above a cash register. “It’s your present from me.”
Ignoring Fondue’s impatient yaps, Raphael cradled his new Nerf Gun and grinned at Marie. “Thanks, Marie… That should be more than enough money to make it up to the store – “  
“Do you really think that will cover the cost of your crimes, Phantom?”
Standing at the end of the checkout aisle, wearing a green Christmas sweater under her coat, was Charlie Vergier.    
Raphael snapped his fingers at her. “I knew someone was watching us!” (Fondue snorted.) 
Marie attempted to appease Charlie. “Shouldn’t you be at home spending Christmas with your father?”
“I was... until he received a distress call from the Constabulary.” Charlie hummed loudly. “Something about violin music and moving toys at La Cour des Jokers.” 
Sheepishly, Marie hid her violin case behind her. 
“Sorry for ruining your Christmas Eve,” Raphael said. If his dad was around, he’d spend every minute with him. “We’ll let you get back to your dad – “
“I’ve waited a whole year for this.” Charlie pulled out a soccer ball. “All I want for Christmas is to CAPTURE YOU!” 
She recoiled as Raphael shot a round of foam darts at her. 
“Run!” Marie cried, grabbing her rabbit and Raphael’s hand. They dashed to the entrance doors, only to be met with red and blue police lights and Vergier’s booming voice. 
“YOU’RE AT THE TOP OF MY LIST, PHANTOM R!” (Where did they come up with these seasonal puns?) 
“Back to the vent,” Raphael yelped. It was so dark that they missed Charlie as they cheesed it back to the trampoline and bike area.  
The three of them scrambled onto the trampoline. Raphael bounced hard, giving Fondue and Marie a boost into the secret opening. Before he could join them, something whipped through the air and wrapped around his legs, almost tripping him off the trampoline. 
“Really, Charlie?” he moaned, struggling to untangle himself from the skipping rope. His struggles increased as Charlie surged towards him. “I thought Christmas was a time for friendship...” 
“Phantom R!” Marie shouted from above. 
“Get out,” he yelled to them. 
Charlie’s pace slowed to a saunter. “Don’t worry. I won’t mention Marie was involved. You’re the one who masterminded the entire operation, but this is low even for you. Robbing a children’s toy store at Christma – Ow!” She had taken a pink rabbit to the face. 
“Sorry, Charlie!” 
Marie leapt down, helped Raphael free and the pair of them jumped up to the vent. 
Charlie tossed the rabbit away and clambered onto the trampoline.
“Crawl,” Raphael gasped. Fondue was already waiting at bottom of the chute. Raphael pushed Marie up. He passed Fondue up to her. Then she heaved Raphael onto the roof. 
“What now?” Marie panted. The store was surrounded by police cars. “If we make a run for it on foot, Vergier and his officers will catch us – “
“Woeuf!” Fondue was pawing at something triangular left on the roof. 
Marie squinted. “Is that a tent?” 
“Charlie’s hang-glider,” Raphael exclaimed. He lifted it up by the handle bar, testing its weight. “It’s strong enough to take you, me and Fondue. Come on!” 
It felt wrong, stealing from Charlie, but she hadn’t left them with much choice right now. 
Marie stood in front of Raphael and the handle bar as they waddled to the edge of the roof. Raphael wouldn’t let her fall. If anything, they should be more concerned for Fondue. He had to hold on to Raphael’s leg! 
There were several bangs and Charlie burst out of the ventilation duct. 
“My glider!” 
“We’ll send you a new ooooone!” Raphael yelled as they dived off the roof. They flew right over the astonished officers’ heads. Marie heard Vergier roar, but she didn’t open her eyes until they were soaring above the cityscape. She released a shaky breath. 
“You ok?” Raphael checked, raising his voice over the wind. 
“I’m sorry about your rabbit! You can have the Nerf gun if you want!” 
Marie shook her head. “Charlie will be more upset about her glider. Are you really going to send her a new one?” 
“The newest, best model I can find,” Raphael promised. “I’ll even get her initials written on the wings.” 
“I’m sure she’ll appreciate tha – WAH!” Her grip had slipped for a minute, but one of Raphael’s arms wrapped around her waist. 
“I’ve got you!” 
Marie stuttered, “A- are we going to land soon?” 
“Hrrrn...” Fondue whined in agreement. 
“Sure thing! Where to?” 
“Back to my house?” 
They swooped over the Sorbonne and descended onto Marie’s balcony at the manse. Marie was relieved to be back on solid ground. 
She opened the balcony doors. “You have to stay the night. I can’t leave you alone at Christmas.” 
He dropped the glider on the balcony, gaping at the the grandeur of her room. (She had so much stuff – what more could she get for Christmas?) 
“I don’t want to intrude... I’ve caused you enough trouble this evening – “
“It’s no trouble at all.” Marie ushered him into the room, out of Fondue’s sights. She added in his ear, “As long as you don’t report me to the constables.” 
They were so close to now... 
Phantom R would be prepared with a flirtatious reply. Raphael just about managed to kiss her on the lips. 
“Deal,” he murmured.  
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mangleschmidt · 7 years
Alternative Magic (Fnaf Fanfiction)
This will be a little bit rusty beause I'm still learning in writing stories. Key word, writing. (Fking hell, I accidentally pressed cancel and all the damn progress are fking gone and now I have copy paste this shit to the notes then to tumblr, kill me, I'm tried) I can make stories and aus (if you ask me, there are probably hundreds of it, both old and new) but not best at writing. Okey, here we go. Have a short story. I made this at the night in my place. And btw, Mike is pretty chill here because magic. It's about the world where magic exist like you see in televisions and movies because there are already some magic shit, scientific or not, happen in Freddy's. But magic can only be obtain by highest and responsible officials, the president and some few very special people. There are most likely few but well known people with it in the world. Mike is one of the special but it's unknown how and why. At the very young age, after that fateful day, he suddenly has one. He never had one before. Was it someone else who is also gifted or was it God himself? The answer is probably here. ---------- "Okay. *breaths out* All I need is to relax. We need to get this magic going. I don't know what will happen but hope this would work." Mike held out his hand and point it at a dummy on the wall. Faith watch as a ball of fire starts to form from the end Mike. Suddenly, the fire starts to get a little bit off the hook and Mike starts tossing around, making the objects the fire touch start to burn in flames. Faith facepalm. "This is worse than I thought," she bluntly say. She flew through the walls to get a fire extinguisher, leaving Mike running around, screaming at the top of his lungs and crying for help as the flames grew even more bigger. From the bottom of the floor he's in, Doll heard Mike screaming. She widen her eyes and was about to aid but was stop by Faith. "Miss Doll, I got this," she spoke, holding the fire extinguisher like a shotgun. She just arrive in time to witness the ball of fire exploding on Mike's face. It's hilarious to watch. She start extinguishing the whole room, which is on fire. She look at Mike, unamused. Mike sheepishly smile with white foam covering all over him. -Moments later- Doll start curing Mike's burns with hearing silent screams and pain and kissing. "Ow" Mike groan. "Hold still Mikey," Doll commanded. Faith look at dork-ish couple making weet moments and lightly sigh. "I wish this will like be our relationship if we were alive," she silently whispers, carrying the empty bucket and put in a proper place. Mike, having some inner fox/bunny ears, heard Faith and silently approaches after Doll's done with his burns. "Who is this, special someone hmm?" He appeared out of nowhere with a lenny face causing Faith to scream and slap him with the bucket. He fell down with a thud and rub his cheek, because he deserve it anyways. "What happen?" Doll ask, peeking out. "Nothing, I just... Slipped," Mike lied. "Okaaaaayyyyyy," Doll squinted at Mike and slowly slid off from the two people/human and ghost's view. Faith look at Mike and shake her head. "I'm not healing that, and no, I don't have a ghost boyfriend,"she lightly growl. Mike look at her and sigh. "Yeah, I deserve that and I believe you,"Mike said, rubbing his hand behind his back neck. They both sigh and sit next to each other against the wall. After a few minutes, Faith started up a conversation. "You have a shift, you know," Faith reminded. "Yeah I know. But... Something seems a little bit too odd last night" Mike said, looking at the kitchen window above them. "Why is that?" "Like, I suddenly see auras around the animtronics of Fuckboy's. The strongest ones are in the old ones and that rag doll. Dunno why but I also think my magic is developing the more I go there. And it's reaching beyond my limit and knowledge. That's all I can notice, don't fucking judge me if there's something wrong what I just said." Faith touched her lip with her finger and start tapping it. "I know but I think everything will be just fine and normal like any other night." -Few hours later- "I was actually wrong,"Faith look at a massive monster in Freddy's who look like a combination of Rotten Golden Freddy suit, zombies and Springtrap. Jeremy start trembling on his knee caps while Mike looked horrified and about to puke by its disgusting look. Faith cringe at it as it start devouring... Animals. And this made Mike pissed but was hold back by Faith and Jeremy. The massive monster look at the trio on its huge eyeball and start bashing its head on the protective shield of Freddy's "WHY THE FUCK IS THAT THING HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?" Mike yelled. The bashing made the earth beneath Freddy's start like an earthquake which made the two adults collapsed. "That thing is a Glu. It's a magic and a hunger monster. Which means you can't kill it without magic. It's made by the gluttonous wizard, more like from, the stomach of the wizard. Its appetite is animals and sometimes people, but its favorite course are people with magic, like Mike. So yeah, kill it with the magic of its opposing virtue," Faith said. "You're not helping with the animal part and me being its main course," Mike said. It roared and broke the roof and ceilng. "D-do you think b-boss will fire us?"Jeremy ask, ready to run. "No. It's obviously not our damn faults in the first place, so why the fuck would he do that without getting us payed? Run." The chase began. The pizzeria seem to more bigger after its renovation, combining the two restaurants, both old new, which give Mike, Jeremy and Faith enough to run/fly. It seems like the stupid pizzeria didn't remove the protection for the trio to get out. They accidentally bumped into the older animatronics and ask them for help, well mostly Jeremy. They seem to accept the help and then... They, except Foxy, suddenly show their inner magic and start casting curses and spell which made Mike ask how... While Jeremy look at them in awe and thinking about naruto and Jojo's adventure thing. But it seems it didn't work. Freddy silently growl and huff. "Why? And how?" he question the fact that the Glu hasn't fallen down. "Use the magic of gluttony's opposing virtue, idiot," Foxy said and walk at the monster with a serious face and when the Glu look at the animatronic, he got the feeling of being punch in the guts. And it just made a massive crater on the stomach and Glu flew through the buildings but it still didn't gave up. It takes it time to stand up. But how did he do that, Mike thought. If Foxy has great power and he sense it, why is his aura... Always dark, sad, small and gloomy. So Mike asked but Foxy cut him off. "Are you going to ask why my aura is small? It's because of my grief and depression. The magic in ours can only hold anger and happiness due to anger of the spirits and the happiness when we sing our songs. The magic will not disappear *Roar from the Glu* but it will find a host that is capable. And it found you," Foxy said and playfully pinches Mike's cheek. "My Dearest Little Sunshine" (Violet's 'Dearest Little Angel' (Vengeful Demon Child) yeah) Everyone awed. Mike slapped Foxy's hand and blush which caused Foxy to laugh. "You almost had half of mine," Foxy said, showing fainter aura around. Mike closed the hand and shake his head. "Stop. You had enough and did you said 'half of your power'? What's with the other half?," Mike ask. "Okay," Foxy said and was interrupted by the Glu roaring. "Faith isn't the only one who help you live on. I did my part. And in order to at least, s-save yo-you from th-the hands of death-" "Coyote, you're hurting yourself inside by remembering and using very powerful words. You're crying. Please don't continue-" "-I had to at-at least, give up half of my magic that was actua-ally meant for me... But I don't care, you need it more than me-" "You're gonna make me cry like a baby, stop-" "-and it's my fault-" "No, it's actually mine." "-so I have to pay the price." Roar from the Glu has alarmed the gang that it's coming. Mike put his hand on Foxy's shoulder. "I kinda give the price to you back because I really need an instructor. After all, it was yours, not mine. What do ya say, savvy?" Foxy look at Mike, disbelief. He smile and nod. "Of course I will teach ye, me first mate," he chuckle. "Why? It's the worst," Violet complained. "Won't you spend time with me???" Faith ask, doing the lenny face which made Violet blush, ghost blush. "Hey, dorkies. You comin' or what?" Chica ask. "To kick this thick ass." "I don't know what spell!!!" Freddy scream. "I fking told you, use the damn spell of chastity. Do you know how to read a fking book, FAZFUCK?!" Foxy growl. "I hate to break it to you, he doesn't know. Right Fazshit?" "Okey, you both are mean."
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