#and that I fixed my power problems by using the natural gas vents that were very easily available to me
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arolesbianism Ā· 11 months ago
Thinking abt my dupes some more, and it's such a joy imagining them working together to try and invent new stuff for their needs with their limited resources, especially when it comes to the guys anywhere but the main colony where the only actual scientist lives lol
#rat rambles#oni posting#tbf there is a doctor on one of the other colonies so its a good thing mi-ma has her at least#just the crew all learning to genuinely create for the first time and being estatic as someone makes a toaster or smth for the first time#and then they realize they can fuck around with food too and chefs have to swat everyone away from the stove to hog the creative joys#meanwhile the diggers are just staring with big sad eyes at the engineers and burt begging them to upgrade their mining guns#they wanna have fun with new things too!!! please somehow invent a neutronium blaster that the poor sad diggers can have fun with#meanwhile burt is just sitting there experiencing The Horrors (digging through olivia's database)#well ok several dupes are going through their own personal horrors since theyve yet to reinvent therapy šŸ˜”#a good chunk of them are going through the horrors of their primary food source being raw lettus lol#hey this is future them I can imagine theyve been sent duskcaps and pufts and have managed to enjoy a wider diet#and that the main colony have been getting to leech off of the stuffed berries from their teleporter neighbors#the fourth colony I forgot abt when drawing the last drawing have been thriving off of grubberry pie for ages tho theyre living lavish#yes colonizing that planet was an ordeal since its the flipped asteroid but its ok because they survived#and by they I mostly mean quinn they were rly the only one who ever was at risk#just another near death experience to add to their list (most of them were radiation related lol)#that's what happens when you adamantly refuse to use athmo suits and proper radiation shielding while doing space travel#oh also lets imagine that they all eventually got propper spoms set up and cleaned up the hydrogen floating around literally everywhere#and that I fixed my power problems by using the natural gas vents that were very easily available to me#and lets also imagine they managed to set up proper cooling systems and disenfecting systems as well#anyways I need to go shower while I continue to think abt my lovely dupes
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dahniwitchoflight Ā· 5 years ago
Homesquared Chapter 4
I cheated and some of my chapter 4 thoughts leaked into the chapter 3 post lol
Mostly about the pretty obvious Garden of Eden metaphor Dirk is for some reason setting up for himself and Rose as Adam and Eve
and I was about to say which begs the question of what the heck role Terezi is supposed to play as but then itā€™s very obviously as the Snake in the Garden
Terezi is very much just barely holding back some irritation towards how Dirk is treating Rose, but sheā€™s also very intelligent and is aware of How much Dirk sees/knows and controls about their situation, so sheā€™s probably leveraging her powers over Mind as much as possible in order to stay hidden in plain sight from Dirkā€™s narrative
and she does so in a way that is one of Dirkā€™s only blindspots - How Mind and other people have an effect in the determination of the Soul/Heart
By acting in a manner and doing things in a way that aligns with his expectations of her, he assumes and pigeonholes her into a type of character and bases his predictions of her behaviors off of that archtype, never expecting her to act outside it, and when he sees her actions and thoughts and desires all align within it, never questions that it might one day change or was different all along. Dirkā€™s never really been good at reading other people, canā€™t see without the lens of ā€œhow would I do itā€ blinding him to things he would never think to do, a trap that he keeps falling into with his friends and one heā€™s probably trying to overcome by becoming Ultimate God Person/combining all perspectives into his own and uncovering blindspots like that
But right now Mind is the darkest thing in is corner still and I think he sort of knows that as well
Terezi walks the crazy wiggled line boundary between their two Souls that defines who each of them is, as expertly as a person on a tightrope, never wavering until she reaches her destination, at which point sheā€™ll leap off of that line and leave Dirk scrambling to try and calculate her next move/who exactly is she/what her goals are, sinceā€™s it wonā€™t be following the clearly defined Heart boundary heā€™s used to drawing his plans by, so sheā€™ll have to choose the perfect moment in order to entice Eve of the Apple of Revelation once more, heck, she might even do that so sneakily that she gets Adam to take a bite as well, since as soon as Rose bites it sheā€™ll have an ally with her against Dirk.
For God created the Serpent originally as well, so thus why did he not imagine itā€™s betrayal and prevent it before it could have happened? Or else why did he create something he knew was going to betray? Eden was a paradise, so why intentionally create Evil in that paradise?
If Eve corrupted Adam and the Snake corrupted Eve, Who exactly corrupted the first Serpent? Thatā€™s something that the bible never goes into really, at least in Genesis, except to say that the Snake was punished for itā€™s action to forever crawl the earth eating the dust of manā€™s heel, punishing all snakes, as Adam and Eveā€™s punishment punished all humans
(Later I think the bible would try to say that the Snake was the Devil all along, but then why punish the Snake and all itā€™s progeny for it? If it was the Devilā€™s doing that undid Adam and Eve then why punish them for the Devilā€™s actions they would have no way of guarding against or now way of knowing it was a lie? Was it not Godā€™s failure? The Walls of the Garden of Eden were supposed to protect his perfect creation afterall)
Gotta say though I really Roseā€™s design
I would call her Evil Rose, but she things she does she does in ignorance, not really out of evil, it would be like calling Eve evil for listening to the Snake when she was purposefully blinded to itā€™s intentions by her creation by God.
Once again we get this idea of Knowledge and Choice affecting eachother, Well I say again but really Iā€™ve been watching RWBY a lot lately and the idea that you canā€™t make a real choice without real knowledge comes up a lot in itā€™s mythos and it is really applicable here
Tereziā€™s design as well is incorporating a lot more Red, she really dug those red shoes aesthetic but gave it her own twist, sheā€™s got a red tie, her ever present red cane and glasses and even in that shot of her her horns look more red and solid as well, even though i know itā€™s just the lighting
So really digging the whole Terezi is the Apple/Snake in the Garden metaphor, she has also been having that tendency to just snack on random plants, intentionally for her own or Dirkā€™s unaware benefit or not, itā€™ll make it that much easier to her actions of later betrayal to be seen asĀ ā€œin character and therefore expected and not dangerousā€ instead of pre-meditated and actually dangerous, to him
And then they start waxing about their various philosophical babble, Dirk seems really determined to also use this to try and figure out that whole problem of how otherā€™s affect the self, heā€™s trying at least, I think, in his own way. But not for a good reason, not so that he can have a real understanding of that, but because he wants to use it to guard his own self even further
Heā€™s maybe not using Rose here as an equal player, but more like a wall to bounce his own ideas off of and test them, like using a neural learning AI to test ideas or an actual literal wall in a game of table tennis.
Heh, I got a chuckle out of the fact that Dirkā€™s answer to the Ship of Theseus problem isĀ ā€œwhy does we even have to remove and replace parts of it, why not keep the original pristine and eternal?ā€
because itā€™s funny how avoidant of the problem that answer is, man he really really is uncomfortable with the idea of changing the self in any way
ā€œHe's avoiding the question again. It's amazing how one can technically have the maximum amount of metaphysical personal awareness possible, and still not notice these sorts of things. ā€œ
SAYS LITERALLY YOU but honestly this is just more fuel to the idea that maybe he can make a genuine connection and understanding with a person if he can recognize how he and her are the same
ā€œIt's stuff like this that makes me wonder sometimes whether there's anything about myself that I'm missing. Then I throw that wonder in the garbage can and turn the incinerate setting on.ā€
but nah heā€™s still firmly denying that possibility, heā€™s almost actually equating his trauma of self erosion with the idea that making friends and understanding others changes the self in subtle ways as well
He canā€™t even stand the thought of his own close friends influencing him to be different in small subtle ways or adjusting his behavior for others because that STILL counts as a change of self that he didnā€™t authorize or choose.Ā 
Also canā€™t help but by be reminded of my wacky little fan made Gamma session I made forever ago by them using the name Delta-Detritus and basically be like alright, what if we do SBURB again but BETTER/worse this time?? Which is essentially the thread that most Homestuck fix it fanfiction tends to go towards
Though I am curious now
We got A/Alpha for Alternia which is based of offĀ ā€œAlternateā€ introducing the trolls as an alternate race to Human Earth
B/Beta for Beforus which is based of offĀ ā€œBeforeā€ introducing the planet of trolls that came before the first group
And then Earth C, now, there isnā€™t a letter C, the third in the greek alphabet is actually Ī“Ī³ Gamma, (and the fourth isĀ  Ī”Ī“Delta)
So I wonder whatĀ ā€œnameā€ Earth C really has?
It feels like it should either start with C OR with GA, as Alternia starts with the AL of Alpha, Beforus starts with the BE of Beta and same with Deltritus and Delta
As asĀ ā€œAnother for Earthā€ Gaia isnā€™t a terrible option all things considered, now you just have to make it sound like a word which describes itā€™s use to the narrative
Itā€™s is a very split place, having the two timelimes Meat and Candy associated with it, as well it does feel extremely mercurial in nature, being a sort of crosswords between Homestuck and Homesquared proper, and really exists in a place between stories, an ephemeral epilogue of sorts
really a merger of Gaia and Gemini feels the most appropriate here, like Gamini, also the word mini stands out in there as well, knowing that this Planet is sort of on a lesser status compared to the other three since itā€™s not going to be the birthplace of a session, also has the word Game in it
But then people will wonder why it doesnā€™t begin with a C since it still is called Earth C so *shrug*Ā Ā 
Honestly C K and G sounds are all very similar in the tongue, so maybe itā€™s both Camini and Gamini at the same time OH FUCK CA AND GA, ONE HAS CALLIOPE ONE HAS GAMZEE? SHIT IM ONTO SOMETHING (no im not)
I like Camini now better, it comes from a place of Gamma/Gamzee/Game/Gemini but ends up being more about the twinned Caā€™s that were used to, Caliborn and Calliope and fits with the establish Earth C theme
So there you go, Earth Cā€™s actual planet name should be CaminiĀ 
which also works because:Ā 
home stove/furnace
smelting/foundry furnace, forge
vent (underground fires)
according to the latin language this word also has multiple meanings and many Irons in the Fire, I think the fandom will appreciate the name haha
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Yeah both races are definitely going to both be playing one game of SBURB, despite what Dirk is intending, the pic does make it really clear
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Thereā€™s something to say how Dirk seems to be represented by Purple and Rose by Orange in this here and then how all of the cave is a backdrop of that same purple.
Look at even the controllers on the machine having purple and orange knobs, even being solely on Dirkā€™s side of the image
I guess Dirk intends himself to be the force behind Derse, since thatā€™s the force that alwaysĀ ā€œwinsā€ and Rose fitting in her place as the ultimate loser (since of course Dirk will want to win his own game) but also to be like Skaia the force of Prospit
So Dirk intends to be a whisperer like a horrorterror, choosing to manifest his influence that way, while Rose will give visions to her race like Skaia?
makes sense honestly
but again even with the themes of duality, the theme of the trio is bright and center in that piece of ultimately technology, the third influence hidden unseen in the furthest corner behind the curtain of snakelike tubes and wires that Dirk will not expect to interfere, or even have the capability to interfere, Terezi
heck itā€™s even in the buttons next to the controls being colored red blue and green
thereā€™s so much duality in homestick with destructive red and creative green but then thereā€™s also always been that mercurial breathy blue as the third
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God, tell me that doesnā€™t look like a baby proto horrorterror
I can hear it raging itā€™s revenge against itā€™s cruel human creators even as I type
No wonder they become associated with destruction, they know theyre the pawns of two heartless cruel god children playing at life like it was a game
Rose you MUST KNOW how bad this is, itā€™s not a theoretical discussion anymore, that things exists and is alive and has feelings and you did it to that
and that thing is technically a Dirk too
Is this how Dirk getā€™s his revelation? Or downfall? As his Heart is unwittingly invaded by the horrified cacophanous screams of his grotesque tortured progeny crying out for his blood?
His end unintentionally ending up as the thing he feared most? Inner self destruction caused by his own sharp and bloody splinters turned and pointed inward, tearing himself apart with the pieces of his own Soul? Caused by his own Hubris?
I will say typing that all out is pretty good
Iā€™m just sad the same will probably happen to Rose too though ): Maybe sheā€™ll make careful more humane species? Something that has the potential to exist and be happy as itā€™s own creature while Dirk just creates monstrosities forever in conflict with Roseā€™s race?
Theyā€™ll each be the master of their own eventually destinies I suppose but Homestuck seems to have a good track record so far of the Ultimate Female Creator being out to protect the happiness of the children that exist in her creation while the Ultimate Male God just ends up destroying everything in his
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thewaterheaterguys Ā· 7 years ago
Finest Residential Plumber Fox Valley Il 60599
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criticalerrorka Ā· 7 years ago
Sharing the Excitement
I donā€™t share a lot of my personal life, or really make many original posts these days. This can be mostly attributed to the fact that I am always on mobile and donā€™t like the limited amount of editing I can do or the time that it takes me to write out long things on a phone keyboard.Ā 
So, Iā€™ve been driving a piece of shit car for the last 6 years. A 1998 Chrysler Sebring JXi convertible with a salvage title and a slow-drip oil hemorrhage. Within the first year of owning this car, I began putting away savings for a different car. See, this car had always been intended as aĀ ā€œtemporary fix.ā€ It was bought for me (by my dad, from one of his good friends) when my 1998 Dodge Stratus took itā€™s fourth or fifth shit. The damn thing had over 200k miles on it and we sold it for scrap (the Dodge, not the Chrysler).
Problems my Sebring has developed over our six year relationship include but are not limited to:
Dead trunk suspension. TBH, I think it mightā€™ve been dead when I got the car. For most of my carā€™s duration with me, I have had myĀ ā€œtrunk stickā€, which I wedge into the trunk of the car to hold it open.Ā 
A steady leak at the front windows during heavy rain.
A back window dropped off the track, then Macgyvered to stay mostly closed (with about a half inch gap) and never open again. Also leaky.
A driverā€™s seat belt that frequently tries to merge you with the seat because itā€™s locking up and wonā€™t loosen, only tighten.Ā 
A water leak in an unknown and unidentifiable location that guaranteed every three to four days I would have to check my fluid levels before driving the car.
A gas gauge needle that wonā€™t go above 3/4 tank, so even when I spent extra money filling the tank, I never got the satisfaction of seeing the needle on FULL. Also, couldnā€™t quite trust it when it got close to empty.
A dysfunctional horn that also had to be Macgyvered--my dad rewired it to a weird little button on a string that sat in one corner of my dashboard. Super-impracticable, but it passed inspection. Prior to the re-wiring, the fuse for the horn had been pulled out, because one cold morning I went outside, cranked my car to warm it up, hit lock on my key fob to keep strangers out of my cranked car while I went back in to finish getting ready... and promptly began panicking, because instead of a singleĀ ā€œhonkā€ to indicate the car had locked, I was greeted withĀ ā€œHOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKā€ and NOTHING WOULD STOP IT. My horn was stuck in theĀ ā€œonā€ position at fucking 6:30 in the morning and I had to barrel back inside and wake up my boyfriend because I had no fucking clue what to do.Ā 
Illegal tint. My dad bought this car from a collision repair center owned by a friend of his. It had been the friendā€™s wifeā€™s car before she upgraded. (Ironically, this woman used to drive me to school in the 7th grade because they lived in my neighborhood and her daughter was a grade below me, and at the time this car was my DREAM car, because I didnā€™t know anything about cars but it was purple, and this was like 2001 so it was relatively new.) So, car guy KNOWS the tint isnā€™t inspection-legal. But for the first few years I own the car, no one at the inspection station cares. Itā€™s JUST BARELY out of the legal range, not super-blackout-tint or anything like that. Then one day I fail inspection, Iā€™m told that police have been cracking down on tint more so the inspection guys likewise arenā€™t looking the other way, and I have to go home and peel off all of my already-failing tint with a razor blade and a hair dryer.Ā 
Magic smoke. Like, a LOT of magic smoke. At some point, she had been cured of the magic smoke (not sure what surgery helped with that). But for a while, it was embarrassing to go through a drive thru or any place my car would be idling for a while, because I would just be smokescreening the people behind me.
Extreme seat-cushion cracks, deterioration, exposure. My driverā€™s seat was 2/3 exposed foam.
Never gets warm. Between the compromised windows and the overall shitshow status of the car, it would take about 20 minutes for hot air to start coming out of the vents. And even then, the car would never truly feel warm.
A stuck passenger seat. Like, something got stuck in the track so it wouldnā€™t slide forward or back anymore.
Oh, I almost forgot about this one! One time I was vacuuming the car and I moved my driver seat all the way up and IT GOT STUCK. I had to drive with it like that, dangerously close to my steering wheel, windshield, and airbag, for a very terrifying 15 minutes to interrupt my dad at his job so I didnā€™t have to worry about an airbag snapping my neck.
One of the speakers died. I donā€™t think I blew it out--I hate bass and I donā€™t listen to my music very loud. It just gave up.
Around the same time the horn got an attitude, it stopped making any sound when I locked my car. I used to just spam the lock key and listen for the beep if I was in a crowded parking lot trying to find my car, but this was taken away from me.Ā 
Towards the end, the locking mechanismsā€™s relation to my key fob was very strained by cold weather. If it was below freezing in the morning, I would have to unlock the door with the key itself instead of the button.
For a while, some of the electrical stuff was funny. The CD player wouldnā€™t get power and I would have to pound on the dashboard or wiggle the key around the ignition. If the radio wasnā€™t working, I knew my turning signals also werenā€™t working (much more concerning).
At some point it developed the ability to release the key without the key being in the proper position, so I had to be extra careful that I didnā€™t wind the key back too far so that the radio was running before I took the keys out.Ā 
These next bits werenā€™t the carā€™s fault, but were still annoying to deal with. I broke my passenger side mirror on the worldā€™s skinniest tree and it just sort of flopped for a while. Then, I dented the shit out of my passenger front corner panel when I sunk my tire into a pothole/storm drain combo. The panel was bent so badly you couldnā€™t open the door enough to let a person in or out. A coworkerā€™s mechanically-savvy friend, a little bit of money, and a trip to the junkyard afforded me a replacement mirror and a new, non-matching quarter panel. I could have cared less about the look, but now I had a giant clashing square of burgundy on my purple car, more or less telling everyone around meĀ ā€œI LIKE TO HIT THINGSā€.
Now mind you, I havenā€™t even gotten into the mechanical problems that grounded her for a while; sheā€™s needed several surgeries, including her starter, her water pump, her fuel pump...I really canā€™t remember everything. Itā€™s never been a huge, expensive fix, but itā€™s always been something very time consuming.
Oh, hereā€™s a fun side-note about Chryslers; well, at least this one. I will NEVER buy another one so I canā€™t continue my research on this, but it seems Chrysler at least at some point was a malicious company that wanted to make sure the everyman had zero ability to work on their vehicles and would have to take them to the dealer for any sort of maintenance or repair. EVERYTHING is in a weird and inconvenient location inside this car. The goddamn battery was right above one of my wheel wells--I couldnā€™t even get my battery replaced at an auto-parts store like Auto Zone or Oā€™Reilyā€™s because THE DAMN CAR HAS TO GO ON A LIFT TO GET THE BATTERY OUT.
On Wednesday, January 10th, I was driving the 2-3 miles home from work, cutting through an apartment complexā€™s connecting road, and my RPMs dropped to zero. My power steering went out. I pulled my car into the parking lot, shut her off, and she wouldnā€™t crank. It just kept turning and turning and turning and turning, but would never spark.
Thank all the gods for AAA. I got her towed home. My boyfriend tried what little he could with the limited time heā€™s had: check battery, change fuses, things of that nature. But heā€™s been working a lot, and itā€™s been so fucking cold, he hasnā€™t really had the time to fiddle with her.
So for 10 days Iā€™ve been getting rides to the bare necessity of places: work, home, and one doctorā€™s appointment (s/o to my best friend for making sure I got to where I needed to be).Ā 
Friday, January 19, I left my boyfriend parked outside my work while I did my once-over before locking the place up. My manager was out of town and I was left in charge, so I was very meticulously making sure I had shut down and locked everything. Needless to say, he had to wait on me a good 15 minutes while I got my ducks in a row.
And wouldnā€™t you know, that wonderful man got on craigslist (after YEARS, mind you, of leaving me to be the one to do the searches while he provided second opinions) and lined up a test-drive with a private party, and the location was a place I drove by every day on my way to and from work.Ā 
And guys? GUYS?!
Sheā€™s a 2009 Toyota Corolla and her name is Rebecca after Lori Pettyā€™s character in Tank Girl, and I love her so much.
tldr: Iā€™ve been driving a shitty car for 6 years, searching for an upgrade for 5 of those years, and yesterday I FINALLY bought another car. I had a 1998 Chrysler Sebring, it died, and I found a 2009 Toyota Corolla.Ā 
And I really just canā€™t put into words how much weight has been lifted off of me. Iā€™ve been terrified of my car for years. Iā€™ve been searching, and struggling, and Iā€™ve met up with at least a dozen people to test drive their cars and always left disappointed. And finally, finally, Iā€™m free.
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angoorvanaranjak Ā· 7 years ago
Keltec Sub 2000 Gen 2 Review (2017)
Keltec Sub 2000 Gen 2 (40 S&W - Glock) Review (2017)
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In my hunt for a pistol caliber carbine that was lightweight and relatively small I only found a few options that fit what I wanted. Ideally, Iā€™d just get another Marlin Camp Carbine in 45 and call it a day, but those are no longer in production and havenā€™t been for many years. Too many people want too much for them and Iā€™m not willing to pay 1200 or more for one. So my options came down to pistol carbines in the typical AR platform which I have no interest in because AR platforms are boring and everyone has one. What did that leave me? Beretta offers a very nice carbine called the CX4 which I considered, but the price initially drove me away. Next up was the Keltec with their Sub2000, which has a colored history to say the least, as with most Keltec products.
Being in the gun game for as long as I have you start to learn about certain manufacturers and Keltec definitely was on the list of things to watch out for. Some people have great experience with their weapons, while others donā€™t. Having never owned one myself I figured I didnā€™t have much experience to draw from myself so I kept my mind open. This one in particular was cool because this gun folds on itself, so thatā€™s the size requirement down. It also shot 40 S&W which is nice because a 40 S&W coming out of a 16 inch barrel has some pretty good power and range to it compared to a 9mm. It also takes my Glock mags which my Glock also happens to be in 40 S&W. Seems like a match made in plastic heaven.
I had read a ton of reviews about this gun and how crap the first generation run of Sub 2000s were. This didnā€™t stop me though, as I ordered a Gen 2 which seemed to fix a lot of the problems and it looked pretty good too. Even the well known Nutnfancy had good things to say about it. What could go wrong?
As it turns out, a lot.
When I had received my rifle I noticed the front sight post was ever so slightly canted to the right. After doing some reading in the manual, they strongly advise you to not touch the set screw for the front sight post at all. So I figured ok fine I can leave it as is and still get a nice sight picture and be accurate with it. Still, a knock against Keltec for allowing this gun to ship this way from the factory.
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The rest of the rifle looked and felt good, if very light and plastic feeling. The charging handle is unfriendly and I ended up getting bit by it and it left a nasty little cut in the web of my hand. It didnā€™t help as well that the recoil spring is very very strong which makes it hard to cock the rifle. Combined with a crap charging handle and it makes it very uncomfortable and awkward to use.
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Now unfortunately I shoot rifles left handed, and this weapon is not lefty friendly at all. The magazine release in the grip sticks out just enough to be uncomfortable to grasp tightly and is not reversible. The ejection port is also on the right side of the gun but this was not an issue for me at the range. I had read reports that due to the blowback nature of this gun, the gasses would vent directly into my face. Iā€™ve dealt with guns like that before and didnā€™t put much stock into it.
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So off to the range! I intended to shoot about 200-250 rounds through it to get a nice break in and see how it shot. I was excited because I expected it to be fun and reasonably low recoil considering its much larger and heavier than a comparable pistol in 40 S&W. I was dreadfully wrong.
Ā To start, I could not get a sight picture on this rifle without really cranking my head down on the all metal tube (which was by this point pretty hot because I was in the sun most of the day) and taking off my headset hearing protection. I took off my headset and replaced them with earplugs instead. Next, the trigger was pretty average and nothing to write home about but the worst part was the recoil of this gun.
Ā Iā€™ve shot Mosins that hurt less than this rifle did. Considering the all plastic construction of the buttstock and the very sharp lines in the stock (especially where the sights sit while in folded configuration) there was no comfort to be had shooting this rifle. At the end of 50 rounds I said enough was enough and stopped firing because it hurt so much. I ended up with a nice bruise with the outline of the stock and where the sharp lines cut into my shoulder. The long and short is, the gun is not fun to fire.
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The gasses sure enough flowed back into my face but it was exceptionally bad and not something I could do all day, even outdoors. Everytime you took a mag out after firing the smoke took more than a few seconds to clear from the gun itself and sometimes would even rise up and get in the way of the sight picture. I did not expect that much gas and smoke from a 40 S&W, even in a blowback gun like this one. Not even a CX4 Storm carbine makes this much smoke and those are notorious for being dirty guns.
Ā Accuracy was nothing exceptional. Shooting from a sandbag setup at 25 yards I managed 2.5 inch groups (which were incredibly off target as well, about 6 inches low and 2 inches to the left). I can get better accuracy from my pistols offhand at 25 yards.
Ā Now for the absolute joke of a front sight post. While adjusting the front sight post I remembered in the manual they said not to mess with the internal workings of the front sight post because of the sheer number of springs and other bits that make it work. I could see why as I tried to adjust this gun. The top post is similar to an AR15 style front sight post but thatā€™s where the comparison ends. This post was so loose and springy that you could easily break it with your bare hand. The post rotation retention pin did not even spring back up to lock in place after one rotation. Everything about this whole front sight assembly felt springy and wrong. I was able to sight it in eventually but I would wager with enough backpacking and general use, the sights would wander quite significantly. To sum it up, it sucks.
Ā Now for reliability, this gun functioned perfectly. No hangups, no malfunctions whatsoever.
Ā For field stripping its certainly not an easy gun to take apart or put back together. Thereā€™s a crosspin you must knock out of the stock in the back that releases an end cap that makes all the other parts of the weapon (bolt, weight, and recoil spring) fall out. The barrel is quite easy to clean due to the break open folding feature of the gun however. The parts themselves are nothing noteworthy. To reassemble almost requires 3 hands, as getting the plug back into position where you want with the butt is not as easy as it seems as you are fighting against the recoil spring itself. I wish the crosspin had some sort of marking to indicate which way it was supposed to go in, as there is only one way it is supposed to fit but its not readily obvious. Not my favorite takedown.
Ā Now I hear you clamor and say, what about upgrades? To that I say, by the time I put all the money in upgrades just to make this gun somewhat useable for me, I couldā€™ve just bought a CX4 Storm carbine and be happy with it straight from the factory (because those things are cool as shit). I donā€™t believe in spending for upgrades for a gun that ends up costing more than something at a higher price point already comes from the factory. Additionally, the gun looks ugly with the side mounted optic system and I donā€™t like it.
Ā Overall, I am very unimpressed with this rifle and with Keltec. It is unique sure in its folding nature but that is just a gimmick when compared to other ā€œqualitiesā€ of this weapon. For my intended purpose of a pistol caliber carbine that has interchangeable magazines with a pistol I own, that was lightweight and reasonably compact, this thing shouldā€™ve filled those requirements easily. But it just isnā€™t fun to shoot, isnā€™t terribly accurate, and doesnā€™t feel durable enough. I guess I have to refine what I want in my pistol carbine and look for better options (CX4 here I come).
Ā As a good friend of mine said, everyone wants a Keltec until they have a Keltec.
Ā Accuracy: 2/5
Ā Ergonomics: 3/5
Ā Trigger: 3/5
Ā Customization: 4/5
Ā Reliability: 4/5
Ā Maintenance: 2/5
Ā Value: 3/5
Ā Aesthetics: 4/5
Ā Fun factor: 1/5
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