#and telling sasuke 'i'm glad i didn't take you down back then'
panharmonium · 2 years
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king-xineohp · 3 years
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Another repost but like 👉👈 I love this one
Main Masterlist Naruto Masterlist
Naruto Naruto Uzumaki x fem!reader Modern AU
"Are you cold?"
"Yeah... My heater's out."
"Again, Naruto?"
"Can't you just get Sasuke to fix it again?"
"I asked him already, he was..."
"Oh, don't tell me he picked up the phone during sex again," I sighed. Naruto grimaced, face flushing red. He'd never gotten naughty and it was a weird topic with him, but Sasuke was absolutely shameless, and he'd just pick up the phone and talk casually with 'Oh, Sasuke! Harder!' in the background. "Jeez. Well, I'd fix it for you, but I don't know how. Just take my hoodie, I've got two, anyway."
"Really?" He asked, grinning at me. He was always excited about being offered stuff, no matter what it was. I always thought it was cute.
"Sure," I said, unzipping my hoodie and taking it off. I slipped it off of my arms and tossed it at his face playfully, both of us laughing.
Sometimes, having date night in his apartment was better than going out. I glanced at the TV just as the commercial break started and got up. Naruto whined as his pillow (me) started moving and suddenly left the couch.
"I'm just making dinner! Do you want beef or pork ramen? ...If you even have any left," I mumbled.
"Just whatever's in the cupboard," Naruto said. I could hear the grin in his voice. "It's always good when you make it, so I don't really care."
I rolled my eyes, smiling to myself, opening his cupboard and seeing a few packets of ramen left.
The secret of making really good ramen is to make it when he's distracted. Only use half the flavor packet that it comes with, and add some of one of those miso blocks you get at the store- I always bring one in my pocket when I come over. He's always got stuff in his fridge for ramen, so I never have to worry about stuff like fishcakes or egg. It's healthier when I make it, so I'm glad he likes it better.
"Alright, c'mon, Naruto," I said. "Last time you ate on the couch, you spilled all over yourself. We're eating at the table tonight."
"You're not my mom," Naruto teased, getting off the couch lazily.
"No, I'm your girlfriend," I scolded. "Now eat."
As per usual, I was only about halfway done when he finished eating. Of course, he went right back to the couch to watch our show, but he took a pillow and put it in my spot before snuggling into my hoodie. Without him noticing, I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture.
He really was the cutest sometimes.
Rather than finish my food quickly and get back to watching TV, I ate slowly, just admiring my cute boyfriend and all his reactions to the show, but then I checked my phone again.
"Ew, gross, it's already ten," I said. I got up, leaving my bowl on the table, and walked over to the couch. Naruto looked up at me sadly, trying to get me to stay with big sad puppy dog eyes. "I gotta go, hun, I have work tomorrow."
I leaned down and kissed him sweetly before running a hand through his hair.
"Can't you stay the night?" He pleaded.
"All my work stuff is at my place," I told him. "I'll be back tomorrow, I promise. I'm not leaving forever, y'know."
I chuckled a little as I waved, leaving his apartment.
Y/n waved as she left my apartment and I sighed once the door was closed.
She hadn't spent the night in a while, and it made me feel like I was doing something wrong, but everything else was the same as ever, and just as perfect. It was just work stuff, I guess. Ever since her promotion, most of our shifts didn't line up, and the rare times that they did, we just had other stuff that needed to get done, or we left our stuff at the wrong apartment.
I made what was probably a risky move and called Sasuke. Luckily, when he answered, he and Sakura weren't going at it.
"What is it, dweeb?" He asked, clearly annoyed that it was late.
"How do I make Y/n want to spend the night?"
"Say you wanna fuck her, idiot."
"What? No!"
I hung up on him quickly and thought about who else might be up. I thought about calling Shikamaru, since he was in a relationship too, but there was no way in hell he was awake. I called Temari instead.
"Hey, Naruto. What's up, why are you calling so late?"
"Well, I wanted to talk to Shikamaru, but he's... Definitely asleep. Do you know how I could get Y/n to want to spend the night at my place? She hasn't in a while."
"Just ask her to," Temari suggested. "Tell her that you feel like she hasn't been spending the night as much lately, and ask if she could spend the night with you because you're feeling lonely. But ask in person, when you have your shirt off, so that she'll say yes."
I sighed.
"Thanks, Temari."
I hung up. What if I don't want to be so sexual? Or brash?
Oh, perfect idea!
I scrolled through my contacts.
"Why are you calling me at this hour? What could you possibly want?"
"How do I get Y/n to want to spend the night?"
"You're asking me for advice?"
"You're my last resort, but yeah," I said. "Everyone else gave me pretty sexual advice, but I mean... I just want her to spend the night since she hasn't in a while and I just... Feel kinda lonely."
"Hmm. When she tries to leave your apartment, take her hand and turn her around. Pull her close, put a hand on her waist and look her right in the eyes- I know she loves how blue your eyes are. Ask if she's sure she wants to leave and kiss her on the cheek, then the other cheek, and then all over until she's laughing."
"You're... That's actually kinda good advice," I said slowly. "Neji, how and why are you single if you're that good at understanding women?"
"I want to be."
I pressed end call and set my phone down. As I shifted on the couch to grab the remote and turn off the TV, I realized that one of the pockets of Y/n's hoodie was heavier than the other.
I ended up pulling out her iPod. I turned the TV off and took it to my bedroom, just to see what kind of music she liked.
Maybe we were into the same kind of thing, we'd never really talked about our music taste before. My earbuds were laying on my pillow, so I plugged them in after shrugging off her hoodie. The first couple songs in the first playlist were pretty good, I guess, then one of my favorites played, then one that I ended up skipping because I didn't really like it.
I scrolled through her stuff until I found a Naruto playlist. Definitely something I wanted to hear, so I decided to listen to all the songs all the way through, even if I didn't like them, but I liked the first several well enough that I decided I liked the whole playlist. A lot of songs about how much she loved me.
There was one called Spicy Boyfriend that I thought was a pretty funny little joke, but the last song kind of got to me. It started with wedding vows, and it was all about these two characters joining together as one forever, even in death, and it really made me wonder if Y/n wanted to marry me one day.
A knock at my door made me jump out my skin and almost scream. I unplugged my earbuds and shoved the iPod back in Y/n's pocket in a panic.
"Just me, Naruto!"
Just Y/n, thank god- Oh, fuck.
I answered the door quickly, thinking maybe something was up.
"Hey, Y/n!" I said, grinning. She gave me her signature worried face and reached out, swiping a thumb across my cheek.
"Have you been crying?" She asked.
"Have I?" I asked. I reached up and touched my face. Yeah, there were tears. She laughed a little.
"You didn't even know you were crying? What is up with you?" She gave me a hug before stepping into my apartment and closing the door behind her. "What's up, hun? What made you cry?"
"I don't know," I said. "Also, I thought you had work tomorrow, don't you need to go home and sleep?"
"I can just call in and be late," she said, walking over to the table and clearing up the mess from dinner.
"I can do that-"
"Naruto, I've got it, don't worry," she said sweetly. "I'm more worried about why you were crying without noticing. I just came back because I realized I left my iPod in that hoodie."
Oh, it was that whole marriage song, wasn't it? That's totally what made me cry!
"Oh, but if I know you at all, it's on your bed," she said with a giggle. She started to walk my room, but I got up and walked after her.
I mean, close enough, right, Neji?
I grabbed Y/n's hand before she could get to my room and I turned her around, pulling her close. She just stared straight ahead blankly, clearly a little nervous, which made me a little nervous, and I had to gently tilt her face up before I could put my hand on her waist. We were both burning up, faces red.
"I might've listened to your Naruto playlist," I said.
"Well, did you like it?" She asked, her voice sounding oddly casual. Slowly, she cracked a grin and gently pushed me away as we both started laughing. "And where the hell did that come from, dork?"
"Neji tried to teach me to be romantic!" I said, taking her hand again and dragging her over to the couch. She fell into my lap pretty comfortably, which was a nice change since I was usually in her lap, despite her being the smaller one.
"You're too much of a dork to be romantic," she said. "I mean... You have your moments already, but it's the whole catching popcorn in your mouth and movie night and mismatching socks thing that has me goin'. But did you like the playlist?"
"I think it was the last song that made me cry," I said. "I... I really don't know why I was crying. I mean, it was, like, wedding vows and stuff. Do you wanna marry me or something?"
"I mean, someday," she said casually, taking my arms and wrapping them around her waist comfortably. "I think it's gonna be you and me forever. Two dorks, a lot of junk food, worn out DVDs of of our favorite movies, and some nerd kid who keeps rereading the same damn book at the dinner table instead of doing their homework. You think that's good?"
"Uh, give me a moment."
I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Neji.
"What do you want this time?" He asked exasperatedly.
"She said she wants a kid, how am I supposed to react?"
"Well, that escalated quickly."
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ikemensweetheart · 4 years
A Heartwarming Gift
Shingen x fem!Reader
A little something to celebrate Shingen's birthday.
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It was far too cold for Shingen's liking.
Winter was almost upon them and so was his birthday. He was looking forward to it, but not the cold it was usually accompanied by.
So, he set off searching the castle for the one thing he knew would stave off the chill creeping into his bones: You.
He found you easily enough. You were sitting in your room, busily working on something with your back turned to the door.
Quietly, he slips inside. Without making a sound, he kneels down and gently places his hands over your eyes. "Oh." You gasp in surprise and your back straightens. "Guess who." He whispers softly into your ear. "Hmm.." You purse your lips in thought. "Sasuke?"
"Yukimura?" He chuckles at this one. "Oh, I know. Kenshin!" You proudly declare.
"No." Shingen huffs annoyance. You laugh. "I'm kidding." You tell him as you from his hands. Turning around, you face him. You then lean forward and give him a quick peck in the cheek. "I knew it was you." You assure him. "Now, did you need something?" You ask as you move to sit back down.
"I was just looking for some respite from the cold." He replies, pulling you into his lap and wrapping his arms around you. "Ah." You just say. You give no objections and settle in against his chest. Returning your attention to the project in your hands.
Shingen rests his head on your shoulder and watches with your work interest.
In either hand was a long wooden needles with a little knob one the end and an unfamiliar material looped around them.
He knew the needles. He had made them for you per your request, but the thread you were working with was strange to him.
"What is this?" He asks, reaching to feel the thread you were using. It was soft and thick.
"It's wool." You tell him. "Wool?"
"Uh huh." You nod. "I got it from some foreign merchants the last time I was in Azuchi."
It's an import then. It was expensive no doubt. That explains why you had been saving so much of your earnings before your trip into Oda territory.
"What are you making?" Shingen inquires. The project was still very small and he couldn't tell what it was going to be. You give him a coy look. "It's a surprise." You tell him.
Shingen's eyes widen. This could only mean one thing. "Princess, you didn't have to-" He starts to say. "Shingen," you cut him off. You look back at him with earnest eyes. "Trust me, okay? It'll be worth it."
Shingen sighs. How could he say no to that cute face of yours? "Alright." He relents.
You break out grinning. "You're going to love it." You settle back in and continue working at whatever this mysterious item is.
Days pass and soon Shingen's birthday arrives.
He was greeted by a bright, dazzling light shining into his room. With a sleepy yawn, he sat up.
"Good morning." He hears you mumble beside him. "Good morning, Princess." He returns with a smile. You quickly sit up. Your sleepiness disappearing at the drop of a hat. "Happy birthday!" You practically squeal in excitement.
"You look more excited for my birthday than I am." He comments. "Of course I am." You reply. You quickly scramble to your feet and retrieve a small package from the desk. You then sit down in front of your love. "Here." You hand him the package.
Shingen takes the package from you and opens it. He's surprised to find the wool he had seen you working on before, carefully crafted into a rich red scarf.
He picks it up. He had never felt something so soft before. "(Y/n)..." He breathes. He wraps the scarf around his neck. Relishing in the warm softness.
"Since you hate the cold so much, I thought a scarf would help. Wool is the warmest material in this era-" he cuts you off with a swift kiss on the lips.
"Oh." You gasp. "I love it, Princess." He tells you. "I'll treasure it forever."
You smile at him. "I'm glad."
"Now, shall we begin the festivities?" He asks. "Sure."
Taking your hand in his, the two of you step out of the room. Shingen is soon greeted by Yukimura and his other vassals at breakfast. Each of them sharing birthday well wishes with their lord.
After breakfast, Shingen and you go out of the town. Enjoying your usual haunts together as you walk hand in hand.
You stop at a tea shop for lunch. Enjoying warm tea and sweet red bean buns offered there.
"These are so good!" You declare between bites. Shingen laughs at the sight of you. "You have a little something on your face, Princess." He tells you, leaning close to you. "Huh? Where?" You reach up to wipe it away, but Shingen gets to it first. Licking the paste from the corner of your mouth. "Wah! Shingen!" You pull back, your eyes were wide and your cheeks ablaze.
"Sorry, I could resist." He tells you. You lightly slap his broad chest. "You're terrible." You mumble. "And you're cute." He replies. "Just eat your food." You turn away from him, you blush spreading to your ears.
He just smiles and continues eating.
Soon the sun is starting to set as the two of you walk down the road.
"We should probably be getting back." You say. "Can't have a birthday party without the birthday boy."
"This is true." Shingen agrees. However as you start to pick up your pace, he stops.
You yelp in surprise as he pulls you back into his embrace. "Shingen! What- " He cuts your question off with a passionate kiss. "Wha- what was that for?" You stammer after he pulls away. "A thank you for your gift."
"But you already thanked me." You point out. "Yes, but that was before I properly enjoyed it. Thanks to you and the scarf, the cold hadn't been as bad as it usually is today. It warms my heart and my body with all the love you put into it."
You smile at his words. "I'm glad you like it." You say. "So much more than that, my goddess." He murmurs. "I absolutely love it. Although now, I'm going to work extra hard to spoil you on your birthday."
Your grin broadens. "Come on, we're going to be late for your party."
You take his hand and the two of you make your way back home.
Thanks for reading. I hope you all enjoyed!
Stay Safe
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amenomiko · 4 years
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Thank you for the request @crossmix! But just a note, I make some scenes that she is sick and others as injured, as I have no idea on what light sickness could be picked for this scenario 🤣. Hope you like it!
Paranoid Warlords x Sick MC
Nobunaga - Slight Cold
MC: Ah- haa- haa- HAACHEW OAO!!
Nobunaga: *Jumped from it and smudge the scroll with the ink brush in his hand* ...This is why I told you not to continue with your seamstress works.
MC: I'm fine~ I'm fine~ I have more.. Like.. 5 more to make. Eheheehehehe
Nobunaga: ......
*5 minutes later*
MC: *Is cradled with thick blankets all over her + tied to futon* GAHHH LET GO OF ME OAO!!
Nobunaga: Now let me do the sewing for you.
MC: NOOOOOOOO 😱😱😱😱😱😱!!!!
Hideyoshi - Stomachache
MC: Hmnn--
Hideyoshi: MC? Are you alright?
MC: Ahh.. I'm good. I just.. feel very uncomfortable in my stomach, I guess it's indigestion--
Hideyoshi: Is it poison?? But I'm sure everyone was fine when we ate breakfast this morning--
MC: Or maybe is that time of the month? It's hurting lately--
Hideyoshi: *Too panicked until her words were twisted* Time of the mont- are you- are you pregnant 😱😱😱😱😱???
Masamune - Cut Finger
Masamune: *Shocked to see his pregnant wife cooking in the kitchen* Lass- just what do you think you are doing?
MC: Uhm.. Cooking?
Masamune: What is that in your hand?
MC: Uhm.. Vegetable and knife?
Masamune: That's it. Knife. Don't do dangerous things while you are pregnant..!
MC: Gosh why did you sound like Hideyoshi? I'm fine, this is noth- *cut her finger* Ahh..! Ow- ow-
Masamune: *LE GASP* See?? This is why I told you not to do this, what if you are having a blood loss from it and it effects our first baby??
MC: Heavens-- Just what have you been reading from Sasuke's book that he lend you- *saw a book titled "How to be a Dad for dummies"* (눈‸눈).....
Mitsuhide - Sneezing *modern au*
MC: Aaah I should cook for dinner. Hmm.. Maybe I can take my time slowly today since he will be back late. *takes phone and dials Mitsuhide's number*
Mitsuhide: *Picks up* My, my. What a rare occassion for you to call me. Did my little mouse already missing her husband?
MC: Pssh. I'm just checking up on you. I know you will be home late but have you eaten? *Places the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she tried to open the tight curry packet*
Mitsuhide: Don't worry about me, how about you? Don't eat too late as you may get sick easily in this rainy season if you didn't stay warm.
MC: Oh please-- *accidentally ripped open the curry packet and some of the powder sticks on her nose* Kyaa- aaah- aaah- HAACHIUUU >3<!!! *sniffs* God that surprise me--.. Ah, sorry, Honey, I was opening the curry packet and it--
*beep* *beep* *beep*
MC: O.O Honey? Hello? Hmm.. The connection is bad I guess-
*ding dong*
MC: Hm? Who might that be? *Opens the door* Ye--
Mitsuhide: *Drenched all over from massive running + rain* ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ...
MC: ( ☉д⊙) Honey?? But just now- you- ehh? *Lifted up* EH HONEY- MITSUHIDE- WHAT??
Mitsuhide: You are sneezing. Let's get you to the hospital.
MC: I'm not! It's the curry packet- hey- LET ME GO OAO
Ieyasu - Low Blood Pressure
MC: I'm home..
Ieyasu: Welcome home-..what's wrong?
MC: Hm? Oh-- it was my low blood pressure-- *bumped onto the sliding door* Oh, pardon me.
Ieyasu: ಠ_ಠ Come here.
MC: Ah, I'm good. This is nothing-- *bumped onto the medicine table* Ah I'm sorry I didn't see you there @w@
Ieyasu: ಠ_ಠ This is very severe.
MC: *head filled with herbs leaves all over, left nothing but her eyes and nose* Uhm.. Ieyasu..? This is a bit--
Ieyasu: Be patient. Who will you apologize next, the tree?
MC: No what I mean is- this face mask herbs--
Ieyasu: ...and next you will apologize to one of the poles, thinking it was Lord Nobunaga, and apologize to him when you see him in council hall. Heavens-- *shivers* Need to prevent those before you become like that raw cabbage--
MC: I'm having low blood pressure and not drunk OAO EXCUSE YOU--
Mitsunari - Gastric
MC: *Hurls* Oh god-- *Runs to the nearby garden and vomit*
Mitsunari: MC..?? Are you alright??
MC: *Waves her hand* I'm good-- mmf..! *Vomits again*
Mitsunari: *Watches with a very worried face, almost close to crying* Think..! What could have cause this..? The tea? No, I made it perfectly..! *Looks at his overspill teapot* Yes, very perfect.
Mitsunari: Was it the mochi? But we ate it together and I was fine..! *Gasp* C-could it be-- *grabs the random book near him a.k.a "Signs of Pregnancy for Dummies"* Oh no-- oh no-..!
MC: Phew, that's much better. *Wipes her mouth* Mitsunari, don't worry, I was just having another fit of my gastri--
Mitsunari: *Holds MC's hands tight with a blushing face* MC! I'm sorry..! Really I am..! I was being a fool, a very, very idiotic fool that couldn't control my love for you, and make you miserable!!
MC: What- wait- what?? C-calm down, Mitsunari, what's wro-- *looks at the title of the book* ʕʘ̅͜ʘ̅ʔ *sigh*
Mitsunari: I will take responsibility >///A///<!!!
Kenshin - Nosebleed *modern au*
MC: Kenshin, it's time for bath (*´˘`*)♡. I've readied your towel in the bathroom so you may change there--
Kenshin: *Automatically undress his kimono, showing his abs off* Hn.
MC: *GASP* K-K-Kenshin--..! You may change in the bathroom-- Kya- *covers her face* Oh f-- don't nosebleed, don't nosebleed- don't-- *turns around and accidentally look at Kenshin's Jr. beneath his fudoshi* HOLY BUNNIES-- *spurt* (sound of nosebleed gushing out) HNGGGGG-
Kenshin: MC? What's wrong?
Kenshin: Why are you avoiding me? Did I do anything wrong?
MC: It wasn't like that!! J-just be quick!!
Kenshin: No, you are avoiding me. Something is indeed wrong. *Eyes widen* What's wrong?? Why are you bleeding??
Kenshin: Let me have a look at it! Who hurt you? Tell me..!
Shingen - Eyes Infection
Shingen: MC- Goddess..! Wait..!
MC: No..! Don't come here..!
Shingen: MC, please..! Tell me. Did I ever hurt you until you avoid me like this? Your eyes are swollen- have you been crying from my ignorance? MC- don't go away..!
MC: Shingen, please..! Calm down..!
Shingen: Did I flirt around you too much until you are bored from winking back and playing along with my teasings? Please, I will stop from now on, just.. Don't leave me like that.
MC: Aww Shingen.. I'm so sorry.
Shingen: MC QAQ💕💕
MC: But no means no. Don't come near.
Shingen: But why-..?? Goddess, I know I'm not worth to have your forgiveness but please explain to me--..!!
MC: Gad calm down already OAO
Shingen: I can't live without you..! MC--
MC: CALM DOWN FFS OAO It's an eye infection!! You may get infected as well if you come near me GAH ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨!!
Yukimura - Swollen forehead
Yukimura: What are you doing??
MC: Uhm.. Sewing?
Yukimura: I can see that VERY well. Just what do you think you are doing when you are sick?
MC: I'm not sick, Yukimura, just wounded slightly, that is all.
Yukimura: And where is it you are wounded? Do tell.
MC: Uhm forehead..?
Yukimura: Exactly! What will happen if you push yourself too much and the blood drains out from your injured forehead and you fainted??
MC: Gosh what kind of nonsense is that?? Relax..!
Yukimura: This is why I told you not to be rough like a wild boar. See? You even bumped on those sliding door like a boar until it breaks into half..!!
MC:...........Yuki. *Places hands on his shoulders and lean closer*
Yuki: What?
Yuki: OW- WHAT THE HELL YOU WILD BOAR-- *Blood gush out from his forehead* AAAH OAO
Sasuke - Heat stroke *modern au*
MC: It's really hot nowadays.. *sigh* don't worry about me, you may hang out with Yukimura or something maybe?
Sasuke: It's okay. I will stay.
MC: Are you sure? You are very stressed out from your constant lecture with your professor nowadays, and I don't want to add more trouble.
Sasuke: It's alright. Really. Now let me go and get you some ice.
MC: Alright. *Smiles as she watch Sasuke walk out from the room* Well.. Glad the stress didn't get to him and he handled this situation calmly. I don't want him to worry over me so much.
Sasuke: *Comes back* Here you go MC.
MC: *Face is full with a HUGE TRASH-SIZED PLASTIC with ICE* .......He's not.
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odissey061 · 4 years
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A/N: I know that I already told you this, but I burst with happiness that you liked my headcanon❤. The purpose was making her a technician, but...
link of the masterlist if you want to request something. (Come on, an ikemen is winking to you as invitation u.u)
Nobunaga's mind it's not narrowed like the other men from that time: he has never see you as stupid just because you were a woman, but when he sees what you are able to do he's speechless.
A day he discoveres your projects about machines used in war and he thought they were amazing.
After speaking with you and asking how did they work, he gives you the task to continue to create more of those
Every time the warlords talk about which strategy it's better to adapt in the next war, you speak about which machine is the best
In the end you become a strategist and the warlords fully trust your decisions
He's astonished when you show him your newest creation: a tea set.
He's really amazed by your dexterity in manual things and a day he asks you to show him how you do it.
y/n, since it's safe and it can't harm you, I allow you to use it
He tries to use the lathe to do a pot, but he miserably fails. Refuse to give up and he keeps using it until he can do it.
He really loves the feeling of your hands on his as you guide him in the passages.
This may become his favorite hobby
Imagine the expressions of the warlords when he goes in a war council with thw hands filthy of clay XD
"Close your eye, Masamune" you tweet satisfied, "Why? Have you got some surprise for me, kitten?" he asks and you chuckles.
When he opens them, he's surprised what you have done. "What are these? Glasses? I have already seen them on your nerdy friend, Sasuke"
You nod:"Exactly, these are glasses. Since you can see only from one of your eyes, your sight is really bad: usually, people like you have a lot of difficulties even to pour wine in a glass. I know this isn't much, but I'm sure these will help you".
This boy is surprised: he has never thought you were able to reproduce something from your period in Sengoku Era, but he's really grateful for your efforts to help him.
He's not pleased when he notices that you are neglecting him, so he bursts in your room to demand an explanation for your behaviour.
He's quite perplexed when he sees the multitude of tools on the ground. He questions what are you doing and you explain that you are trying to create Bluetooth headphones so that he can communicate much faster with his retainer in case of danger.
"Bluewhat?" He doesn't understand what you mean, but then chuckles at your useless efforts. "Little one, you can't create a blue-that-thing here without the necessary technology"
He kisses you. Of course, he's happy and grateful that you want to help him with his job and he's touched. He's so proud to have someone like you in his life.
"I fear the technology from your time it's too advanced for us. If you really want to help me, why don't you spend the next days and night with me?" he proposes and he doesn't let you the time to answer that his lips are already on yours.
Useless to say, the time spent with him is much more satisfying and arousing that fight with the poor technology of the Sengoku period.
The way this porcupine discover about your ability is somehow epic. He finds his desk full of letters from women who asks to meet you.
He looks after to you and when he sees you he's really surprised: there is an endless queue of women and you hold in your hand a thing he has never seen in his life.
"What is this?" he wonders and you smile sadistically:"It's a hair straightener and it comes from my hometown. Would you like yo try?".
This boy, don't know what could go wrong, nods and you pass the hair straightener on a thick bang. He understands his mistake only after he sees his messy hair tamed in an unnaturally straight shape.
In a mysterious way, you manage to convince him to stay still as you use it on his fuzzy hair.
When he finds out that his precious hair is ruined in this way, he's too shocked to yell at you. Every time I imagine yasu with straight hair, I laugh for minutes without catching breathe. For the ladies gathered in the garden, the sight of seeing their lord running away with the hands in the hair is too shocking, so they feign that that episode never happened.
That night, when you sleep with him, Ieyasu is pouty and refuses to cuddle with you. He's still upset from the afternoon and it takes a while for you explaining that it's not permanent and in a couple of days they will be as messy as usual.
In the next war council Mitsuhide will tease him about this XD
He discoveries your abilities when you two are walking together in Azuchi's street.
A boy is crying because his favorite toy is broken. Nobody cares about it and they don't give any attention.
You stop by and you ask if he let you see it and he nods, so you examine the broken object and you wonder to Mitsunari if he can buy you specific tools.
He's confused because he doesn't understand what you want to do, but he listens to your request and after minutes he's back with what you asked for.
He gazes amazed as you, in a couple of minutes, repairing that toy that seemed impossible to fix. "You are incredible, y/n, can you teach me how to do?" he asks.
You are going to say yes, but then you remember about how clumsy he's and you quicky turn him down, legitly fearing for his safety.
When you find out that Ranmaru loves perfumes, you know what present to give him for his birthday.
Talking with Sasuke, you learn that perfumes in Sengoku are really different from what you mean: they use incenses. But you don't give up and you are sure that the acknowledge of the present, you'll manage to create something similar.
You try and try different combinations of flowers and smelling herbs until you create the perfect misture.
You give your present, explaining how did it and he's really amazed by your abilities: he looks like a puppy wagging the tail.
And of course he will ask you to match your perfume as well.
When Kenshin finds out you are a capable gunsmith specialized in the production of swords, his reactions are two: 1) It looks like Echigo has a goddess of war, 2) I'm ready to destroy anything that harm you.
At first he's shocked because in his life he had never seen someone like you and his mentality "women must be protected" crumbles. It takes time, but in the end he accepts you and let you continue with your job.
Generally, he's really proud of you and very often he lets you handle his sword.
When he sees you at work for the first time, he casually walks in you and stays with you for a while. His excuse is that he misses you, but in truth he wants to be sure that you don't harm yourself.
If you are good enough, his visits decrease both in time and in frequency. But if you are even a little clumsy and you scratch with a blade, he confiscates your tools and good luck to convince him to let you work again. You may ask Sasuke to help, but don't take for granted that he will do it.
Very similar to Mitsunari, he discovers your abilities as you fix something. The carillon he gave you is broken and it doesn't play music anymore.
You decide to repair it by yourself since Shingen is really busy with matters regarding the rebuilt of his domain and he walks in as you are working.
You explain to him that his present is broken and you are fixing it by yourself because you didn't want disturb him
At first, Shingen is lowkey worried that his goddess is going to hurt her beautiful hands, so he asks you to advise him the next time.
But when he notices your skills and your confidence, stop to worry and wonders if you are willing to help him.
Yukimura feels low-key inferior since both you and his best friends are genii, but he supports you.
A day when you are seriously hurt due to a tool you were using, this tactless boar says:"Why you can't behave just like the other women?". He's really worried that you might be injured again and he doesn't mean anything offensive, but you are offended.
Talking with Sasuke he understands his horrible mistake and doesn't stop asking for forgiveness until you forgive him.
From now on he will be more careful with his words and if someone accuses you to be a witch, he's ready to unsheathe his spear and defend you.
Very often you are in the same room: you work on your projects and he's focused on his tasks, but he's happy he can be with you.
You found your match in the past with him. When Sasuke discovers you are skilled as much as him he's really surprised because he thought he was only one able to create stuff from his time.
You tell each other how you made some certain objects and you confront your ideas.
You help in his ninja job adding some extras to his weapons for example a shuriken that has recorded a kiss. Obviously, he will never use it, but he's glad to bring it with him
Very often you challenge the other to discover who is the best between you two and every time nobody can't say whi the winner is.
Together you'll probably create wifi and a way to recharge your phone :p
He's low-key worried that Kenshin may develop an interest in you and may challenge you to fight with him.
Historians will be super confused about why objects that are supposed to belong to the modern time, were used in the Sengoku Period.
Yoshimoto is surprised when he sees you carving the wood and he asks what are you doing. "A thumbnail of my country" you answer with a bit of sadness.
You previously told him that if you go back, then you can't return there. He can understand what you feel and he's grateful that you chose to stay with him.
He touches the wood and his fingertips can feel the small windows of the skyscrapers and light poles. "I have never seen this kind of sculpture and the architecture in Japan" he says.
You tense a little and he stops for a while, waiting for your explanation, but when it doesn't come, he continues his speech:"It's the first time for me yet I can see how good you are in this".
He leaves a slight kiss on the temple. "I impatiently wait for its end, so that I can fully admire it". He awaits also that you tell him from where you came from
You are fighting with one of the pirates of the crew. After the last battle, the cannons and part of the deck are damaged and everyone is busy in esteeming the extent.
Having always developt an interest in naval artillery, you analyze them and you discover that the their caliber is completely busted.
You sustain that the speedy and the efficiency of the cannonballs is decreased by a lot, but that man saying you are wrong, even when you show him your calculations.
From a simple fight, the discussion degenerates quickly and you both are ready to throw hands when Motonari intervenes.
He listens to both your reasons and, after thinking, he understands you are right. "baka, don't contradict my girlfriend anymore because she's always right"
He's really surprised by your cleverness and he's very proud of you. Since then, you talk a lot about strategies and weapons.
This can create tension between you two if a day you are going to fight against the Oda forces, since you refuse to help him to destroy your friends.
When it's winter, the animals that live close to Kennyo's hideout, really suffer the cold and a lot of them die. He's really sad, but he can't do anything but chant sutras for their souls.
A day he discovers that someone is building something close to his refuge and he really hope that they aren't neighbors.
A day he sees that that someone is a girl and she's building a shelter for the animals during the winter.
He's really touched by your kind gesture and wants to help you. Every time you meet, after work, he invites you in his home and offers you a cup of tea. Really soon you become friends and Kennyo he's really glad that in the world pure soul like yours still exsist.
Until a day he comes to know you are Nobunaga's Chatelain... he's really heartbroken and his first thought is that you fouled him so that he could lower his guard around you.
So a day you come to work to the shelter, he kidnaps you to use you as a tool for his revenge and interrogates you about why you became close to him.
As I wrote this, another idea came in my mind: he falls in love with you for your pure soul and when he discovers your true identity he kidnaps you so that Nobunaga and the others can't dirty you. Yandere Kennyo.
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imaginationkonoha · 5 years
Naruto and Hinata's Wedding (part 1)
This is long fic, and it's not necessarily about Naruto or Hinata, but about what happened behind the scenes of their marriage. Stories don't count, come with me to a new world of possibilities.
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I was lying on a hill, watching the clouds pass slowly, reflecting on my life. My parents died fighting Kyuubi 17 years ago, I was a year my aunt, and at seven was already living alone. I sat among the flowers, looked down, seeing how beautiful the village looked in the spring. Everything was so perfect. I was happy, right? 17 years old graduated as a leaf row jounning with a beautiful house and friends. Was everything in order so why was I questioning myself so much? I took a deep breath and decided to go home. I went down the hill, meeting Naruto, Hinata and Neji. The first two were already holding hands and I smiled to learn that within two months the two would get married. Sakura had even told me that she thought the reason for the sudden marriage was a baby, but I ignored it, it was none of my business. All but were getting married or dating, I think that was my problem. Ino and Sai got together, Sakura stayed with Sasuke after all, Rock Lee found a wonderful girl in another village and now they both live here, Gaara was still Gaara. I always doubted that Neji and Tenten had anything other than Shikamaru and Temari that confirmed me. It was complicated.
"What's up Y / N-chan, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked excitedly and I smiled, even as the fox sealed inside, I was never afraid of him and was always his friend. Neji looked at the camera in my hands, I had a hobby, I loved taking pictures, but it was something I didn't share.
"Just thinking and taking some pictures," I said with a shrug. Hinata looked at me with bright eyes
“Could you do a rehearsal of ours?” She asked so excitedly that I had to pity deny it.
"My job is not that good," I said, scratching the back of my neck.
"For oneesan, you're perfect in the photos," declared Naruto and I wanted to kill him right there.
"I bet it will be beautiful too," Neji added and I gave them a smile.
"Well, I can think of some ideas, if you want to discuss, we can go to my house Hinata" I said and she agreed, giving her boyfriend a kiss and a hug on Neji. "You won't go, it's gonna be a girls time"
Before they could both complain, the brunette pulled me laughing. I really liked the woman, lost count of how many times I told her if she says now Naruto and how many times I hit that idiot's head for running after Sakura who clearly was an idiot who didn't want him. After much trying, fate made them stay together.
And I was glad that, as Naruto's best friend, I always wanted the best. I arrived at my house, opened my computer and we started researching some things.
"My wedding is going to have a dance and I want everyone dancing." She talked excited and I smiled, her animation was cute.
"Cool, this dance will be both of you and this one with the guests." I spoke showing some pictures.
"We can do some rehearsals at the tip, hill and even in the forest" I kept showing some examples and even places that I had already photographed.
"Your photos are great, I didn't know you had that talent"
"I love hiding things from people"
“Like you hid from me who kissed Naruto?” He asked laughing and I widened my eyes.
"Hinata, we were kids and were jealous of people who had boyfriends," I said quickly and she burst out laughing.
"I know everything, you told me that drunk, without any context, so I asked Naruto who explained things to me"
"I need to stop drinking so much, these days I woke up in my underwear lying on my porch," I grumbled and she laughed harder. I got up to make our food since the day was already night. My friend accompanied me, I looked at my fridge and decided to make a basic spaghetti.
"Do you cut the tomatoes?" I asked putting them on the table, took the onion and began to chop. In the middle of the onion I was already in tears. I heard the bell and Hinata went to open since it was probably her boyfriend, which was very strange Naruto knock on the door, he would just open since sometimes he sleeps here. Neji was the first to come in the moment I put the onions on the fire, he came towards me with a worried look.
“Are you ok?” He asked placing his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at him and confirmed, I thought his behavior was cute.
"It was just the onions, I'm really always caught by them" I answered the question he should be asking himself. I wiped my eye with my dirty hand and cursed myself automatically. How was I so injured? Neji laughed and wet the cloth beside me to help me.
"You guys are cute together" Naruto started, Hinata hit him. I saw Neji is slightly embarrassed and I felt bad for him.
"Naruto, if you continuing to disturb us, I will tell Hinata all the nonsense you did in childhood, and when I say everything I talk about all the things dattebayo!" I roared and he widened his eyes making us laugh. After Neji helped me, I put the noodles to cool while making the sauce. I glanced over at my office where I saw the lovers embracing, giving each other cute smiles. I smiled at the scene but needed someone to help me.
"Neji-chan" I called him and he looked at me, waiting for me to finish my sentence. "Could you cut those spring onions there? And some parsley?"
"Sure, small or medium?"
"Small" I answered and he agreed.
"Have you decided where the wedding photos will be?"
"In a lot of places, I actually need to see what I need to bring because besides the lenses, there will be places I need to carry light." I spoke thinking with my hand on my chin, one of the caves I showed Hinata was this case, however much it was day, the light was not enough for the picture to look good.
"I help you take things, I'm always here to help you"
I looked surprised at the man now in front of me, Neji was chosen as Jounning before any of our group, his skills are exceptional. I smiled at his willingness to help me, he handed me the extra cut and I added it to the sauce, asked him to get the pasta and it helped me pouring slowly. Less than 10 minutes, our food was ready. It smelled so good that I wanted to eat before I even turned off the pan.
"You call the lovebirds," I said and he scowled.
"We eat, when they feel hungry, they will come." He answered by making me laugh, it turned out that we didn't have to call, as they both came by the smell of the food.
"Sorry for leaving y/n-san," said Hinata with red cheeks.
"I don't care, Neji was a better company than you," I said, showing her tongue to her who laughed. How mature I was. We sat at my table and appreciated it. I ate calmly, savoring the divine sauce.
"I love your noodles so much," Naruto said with his mouth full and I glared at him. "Seriously oneechan, your noodles are the best ever," he continued and I laughed.
"I agree with him, it's even better than my clan chief's," said Hinata with her mouth full as well.
"then Naruto is changing you" I said in a crying voice and Neji laughed as they both looked at me with a straight face. We finished eating and I gathered things to wash.
"I will wash y/n-san" Hinata said and I denied it.
"You can date, I know you're out of time because of Naruto's studies" my friend looked at me and smiled, just like my idiot brother.
They both came back to the room and I felt like that aunt who is hiding her niece's dating. I laughed at my thought and realized that Neji was looking at me.
"I'll help you," he said and went to the edge of the sink. He started washing the dishes and me drying them. We commented a few things, Neji was a very nice guy, we always got along but there was a day that Tenten went crazy and I decided to walk away, not to cause any problems for them.
"You could pin my hair, it's falling on my face." He said and I looked, as he was without the bandana, really had a strand on his face. I grabbed a clothespin I'd tossed into the closet and pinned his hair back in a ponytail.
"I hate the fact that your hair is more hydrated than mine," I said, returning to my dishwasher position.
"I really only pass some creams I buy, no big deal."
"This is even worse Neji, you don't even have to work hard," I said and he laughed, patted him with my cloth lightly. I missed him at those times, and even on missions. We finished the dishes quickly and went into the living room, finding the most ridiculous couple in the world.
"So good that you came back, we need to talk to you both" Hinata said making me frown, what the hell were those two wanting from us?
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Thank you for the request ❤. No I don't find it uncomfortable. It seems interesting.
In this story I will make that she is pregnant before travelling back to the past. She went to Kyoto to escape from her abusive husband and planning to go to her parents' house, but then she is transported back to 500 years ago.
When she's arrived, she is already 6 months pregnant. This makes the Warlord (especially Hideyoshi) goes easy on her (so practically she didn't go to the war and such, or even riding the horse in such amazing speed).
MC is still MC and her personality, but with a secret, painful backstory that will be explored as her time goes by with the warlords.
Warlords Chosen : Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Ieyasu, Kenshin, Shingen and Sasuke
Eventhough she is pregnant, she is a brave woman. This what makes him attracted to her. Brave and not like those typical delicate woman of her time.
She is someone else's wife. But that didn't stop him from flirting with her. However as he locked her movement by pushing her onto the wall..
She started to tremble in fear, which surprised Nobunaga as her tears started to fall, apologizing non-stop to him.
Ever since then, he had stopped teasing her that way. He learned to respect her, and come to love the baby in her belly as his own. When they started to love one another, she is afraid whenever he wanted to undress her.
After a moment of reassurance, she slowly undress her Yukata, revealing her old scars.
Nobunaga was fuming when she told him the whole story. Right at that moment he swears that he will protect her no matter what the cost.
As he learned on how wormhole works, he had followed MC to the future (for her to give birth there) and with Sasuke's help, he track her ex-husband down.
To end his life completely.
He is reluctant at first. Typical Hideyoshi to be alert and sensitive and all.
But seeing her pitiful state, it took only a while for him to break the ice in his heart.
Why? MC has a habit of apologizing over a smallest thing, asking for forgiveness and a repeated words of "I'm sorry..! Please, please, please,..! I'm sorry!!"
He had loved her ever since then. He wanted to protect her at first, yet the feeling slowly emerge into a new kind of feeling, other than just a mere concern over her.
His calm and gentle demeanor makes her feel at ease and safe. And so she is the first one to tell him, why she has always been afraid even over a simplest thing.
When he knows, he was shaking. Shaking with anger. He gradually calm himself down, then automatically proposed to her right away. Swearing he will protect her forever.
Few months after the marriage, she gave birth. He loved the child just like his own--he is more than a happy father. The child looks exactly like MC, and he is glad for that. So she won't bring any trauma in her daily life.
He had helped her a lot.
They had started as friends, and Masamune had made her happy throughout their friendship.
He find her laugh is more precious than anything, he wanted to keep it there, forever, and he will make sure that she won't be afraid or traumatized again.
He have experienced when MC suddenly faint from the fatigue that she got from her lack of sleep. Her nightmares has been eating her from the inside, to the point as the month due had come, she is overwhelmed by depression. He have seen how she jolted awake and cried for help when he watch over her.
"It's him.. The father of this poor child. He had come to kill me even in my dreams..!" She sobbed and at that moment, he finally get to understand all the reasons behind her tiredness, and.. The scars and swollen injuries on some part of her arms.
He swore that if he could find the previous generations of that man.. He will make sure he will kill the whole clan so he will NEVER exist AT ALL.
"Unh..! M-masamune..! The baby is..!"
Her gasp of pain brings him back to reality. Screw that demon. Now it is his duty to protect her, and her child.
"Hey, Lass?" He brush among her hair locks before taking her hand in his as she is ready to push.
"Marry me after you give birth to my child okay? I will be here to make sure you give birth to it safely so for you to be my wife will come true." He kissed her as she whispered a "Yes", and stayed with her until the baby is born.
At first he find it annoying.
To appear out of nowhere, and with an unborn child even.
He choose not to get involved. But when there's one time she had screamed for help even when Masamune is joking by raising a hand to hit her playfully from their teasing to each other, he throw that thoughts away.
She had been abused by her ex-husband even before her marriage with him. Ieyasu clench his fingers tight when she showed them the bruises all over her arms and legs, and some huge scars on her back that is almost similar to a war scars.. Ieyasu find himself attached to her.
Because he had the same past.
Ever since then, he unconsciously protected her, making him out of his character by nagging at her just like Hideyoshi when she's about to carry heavy items.
When she chooses to go to the war to help around, despite the due is coming near, his heart nearly jump out. She insisted, saying "I couldn't imagine if those who can't be save.. How about their children who are waiting for them to come home."
He clench his fists as she rub her belly, "At least for this one.. It doesn't have to know about its father. My baby have me--unlike the children who are waiting for their own, who have a loving father--that is why I wanted to help, I-"
"I get it already. Just stay in the camp and never leave it, you got me? And another thing--"
He pulled away from the kiss. "It do have a father, MC." Her orbs widen, surprised but confused to his words. "H-huh? But he's- he is not--" He cupped her cheeks in his hand, resting his forehead on hers. With a blush on his face, he continued, "...I will make sure I come back to you and to our child safely. So wait for me."
He then rushed into the battle, aiding the other warlords. As for her, she have helped to tend to the wounded as much as she could. Then at the end of the day, they have won, joyous screams echoed the whole field. Again, as for her..
KLANG! The grip on the bowl of water in her hand fell as she moan from pain.
"Ieyasu-sama..! The Princess!!"
He had immediately return back to her, aiding her for her labor. Now all of them are nervous of the war between life and death and as the sunrise come..
A melodic cry fill the camp. He is the one who hold the baby as it come out of her, hear it cry in his ears, craddle it in his arms and taking care of MC throughout the process.
"It's a girl, MC. Our beautiful princess." He kissed her forehead and hug MC close to his chest. He look at the little bundle, feeling the enormous amount of love growing inside him, swearing an oath that he will protect both of them forever.
He didn't bother about her at first, as for the hate of towards woman. Despite that, the moment she trembled from his touch, his heart hurt so much. It reminded him of Isehime, so fragile and so delicate.
He came to be possessive over her the moment he had saw her scars and old wounds, more of the reason to cage her.
But the thoughts of him to think that she is similar to Isehime had failed when he saw the fire of bravery in her eyes. No matter how broken she is, she is willing to fight for the sake of her loved ones, and this is why he came to love her for who she is, and not because of his old lover.
The moment she went out from the prison of him, the more he is worried about her well being. She may be strong, but she would always have nightmares about her ex-husband. Kenshin swear that once the wormhole has come, he will go to the future and kill that man and no mercy shall be given to him. And he did. MC didn't stop him even though she is against violence.
He loved her child as his own even before she gave birth, being protective the little princess after she is born, sharing some knowledge of swords fighting with her so she won't face the same trauma like her mother and she can protect herself too, and her siblings that is soon to be born into this world.
First of all, the only thing that he know about her is that.. She is mysterious from where she had come from, saving Nobunaga and such.
The name of her husband is unknown, more like, she refuse to tell. She will change the topic whenever it touches about her marriage life.
He pitied her, wanted to protect her. He admit that he fell in love at a first sight, despite her being married. Yes. It was pity. But not anymore as he came to know the real story of her and how she ended up in the era.
They've come to love each other, and so is he to her unborn child. She had brought him to the future to cure his sickness, and he was there to help her with her labor.
With the help of Sasuke and her bravery, he accompanied her throughout the process of report for her ex-husband, for the sake of the child's future and her own.
Shingen had punched him so hard when he had the chance, it was very bad to the point his jaw mislocated (ouch).
"That's what you get for treating a Goddess with your violence."
Luck was on their side afterall, especially when they had returned back to Sengoku Era, making the ex-husband jailed in rehabilitation centre for trying to sue against someone that didn't exist (in the modern era), making the people think that he has gone crazy.
Shingen is married with MC happily, raising their eldest son with full of love.
He had loved her for 4 years, waiting to meet with her again.
Eventhough he is surprised that she's already with a child, his feelings for her never changed. He loved her despite the child is not his; he even find himself fuming when he knew the reason she came to Kyoto in the first place.
He vowed to protect her for the rest of his life. She deserves so, he thought. She deserves it. For someone who is in need of a desperate help like her, still had the empathy and kindness within her to save him when the wormhole had came back then.
When she knew his feelings for her, she was afraid. "My body has tainted with that man's touch. I.. I can't, Sasuke.. I.." She trembled, hugging all over her swollen belly with her arms, "He forced me. At times I can't help but wanted to end my life but.. My baby is innocent..! It is innocent, Sasuke..! I- nnh-"
He kissed her. Washing all the pain away. "Let me help you, MC. Allow me to help you. Let's get through this together. I loved you so much, as well as your baby too."
He had helped with the labor when the time has come, he had eased her pain by doing water birth so the process will be slightly better. He knew how afraid she were, and to avoid those depressing thoughts, he make sure that he is there all the time.
"She looks just like you, MC." He smiled, kissing the bundle in his arms. "I'm glad.." She whispered, hugging Sasuke to nuzzle together with their child.
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