#and tbh I should 🫠 I cook
oranberrie · 7 months
Enjoying work so much that I’m not even gonna call out sick when I should.
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Can I request how you think Tangerine would be like if he had a crush on reader?
ahhh right so…!! (will be saying them so it’s more inclusive)
I feel like he’s the type to get a little obsessive and possessive, not like joe goldberg, so dw!!😭 I think it’s something that kinda consumes him and it’s all he can think about (twins tbh) he goes to sleep thinking about them and wakes up thinking about them. goes shopping and thinks about them (maybe sees something they might like) ‘cooks’ —pot noodle or a toastie— and thinks about how they may like it too. I feel like he’s a giver and kinda sees parts of his crush everywhere (maybe drives him a tad crazy)
I think he’s a charmer and is very charismatic (when he wants to be) but I think he gets anxious making the first move (he doesn’t wanna get rejected (relatable))
I also don’t think he gets crushes/ goes on dates often, like if he likes someone and can’t stop thinking about them- that’s when he knows he’s got it bad
he’s also very calm and collected and difficult to read, so he’s able to keep it hidden, except maybe when he stares a little longer than he should or laughs a little too enthusiastically when they tell a joke. BUT lem def notices, maybe pushes him into saying something (he’s such a hypeman omg)
it takes a lot of push and reassurance for him to say something though!! he has to know that they feel the same way before he does so
I said in hc’s that one of his love languages is gift giving, so I feel he maybe gives a few to show his interest- but doesn’t love bomb (I hope not anyway bc I’ll be devastated💔💔💔)
he gets heart eyes, bc I say so
I do feel like he’s lover, and someone who is very loyal. once he has someone special, he doesn’t steer away. he only has eyes for you kinda thing 🫠🫶
love when you guys send asks like this, KEEP EM COMING AARGHH
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rui-drawsbox · 2 years
I’m back on my bullshit 😔. (This got real long as I was writing it so I had to add the keep reading thing for everyone’s sake)
so… Mika as a bit of a villain, a bit of an evildooer, a bit of a malicious man. Would he transform like the magical knights or would he have to manually change outfits? Cuz I doubt that he would just go out without covering his face or disguising himself. If he has powers I would assume he gets his own special form, like an evil magical girl lmao.
Also, I was thinking about Bingus 💀. Mostly the actual threat he could pose to the magical knights. He feels like the type to use henchmen/an army of mindless henchmen, like an army of living dolls.
So, Mika’s powers, if he has em. Personally I don’t know whether he would, he could just be real good in a scrap or have powers given to him by Shu, or he could have magic of his own. If he did have magic of his own I feel like it would be something he didn’t really know to use before Shu got involved with him.
On the topic of Mika’s powers (again), I’m not sure what they would be exactly. I have a couple ideas, shadow manipulation, some kind of physical enhancement thing that lets him fight on past the point of serious injury and do physical feats that shouldn’t be possible (like bending his spine in ways it shouldn’t, or lifting cars and shit like that), or bringing plushies to life, or something to do with crows. Idk man, he has so many options but being a villain and all means he can have more than one to make him threatening : D (I’m getting tempted to write 😔)
Also what weapon would he use? I feel like he’d wield something unconventional, like a chainsaw or those giant pairs of scissors that you see in anime. Alternatively he could wield something graceful like a lance or spear (maybe one that resembles a big sewing needle ✨). Plus with the reach that the spear would have it would make him more menacing, especially in a fight against people wielding swords (cough cough the knights). Either way he’d be terrifying in a fight, I can just feel it. He’s so pathetic but if you hand him a weapon he’s fucking scary. (I really want to draw him lmao)
ALSO JUST HAD A THOUGHT!!! Shu and Mika fighting together could be really cool cuz if Mika has that body enhancement power where he can be injured beyond what’s possible for a normal human and still fight Shu could manipulate him like a doll to fight viciously. I have fight scene ideas in my head. Like straight up angsty shit tbh.
maybe Mika doesn’t know Arashi is a magical knight, and after he finds out he doesn’t want to fight her anymore but Shu pushes him on and actively makes him fight with like his powers or something. Puppet master Shu <<<333
losing my mind rn, anyways Mika screaming and crying while being forced to actively fight Arashi <<33 let him cry 😎 (I love Mika so much but like I want to see him crying sometimes)
Also Shu regretting his actions after realizing how torn up Mika is (emotionally, not just physically for once) after fighting Arashi. Shu redemption arc? Nah, that’s for season two, he’s a villain, he’s gonna double down on his shitty behavior by internalizing all of this and pushing Mika away while yelling excuses to get Mika to leave. Like calling him broken or useless because he knows it will get Mika to leave him. 🫠 I love writing too much, angst specifically.
also Mika bonding with knights at school before the reveal and seeing them as his first actual friends and companions outside of Shu. I feel like that would be really cute.
back to the girl boss and her friends cuz I’ve talked about Mika enough for now.
they should go sing karaoke together with Mika.
also just them doing domestic stuff together in general. Like having a movie night or cooking together.
ALSO, ya know how a lot of magical girl shows have like second forms or power ups that get revealed around the mid season, and how these are sometimes locked behind character based trials? Like, some character development has to happen first before the character can start using this more powerful magic?
I’ve been thinking. 😔 still don’t have words for these thoughts tho so I’ll be back.
Mika should unlock his true magical knight form, when.. OH HOLY SHIT HE COUKD BE LJKE A DARK KNIGHT, WAIT OH MY GOD I JUST HAD THIS THOUGHT!!! Back to what I was saying, he could unlock his true magical knight form after he leave Shu and, and! Decides to forgive him and actively starts working with the knights to save Shu from himself. Now that I’m thinking on it more, I feel like this would be more of a self actualization thing for mika. He’s finally making a decision for himself, and it goes against Shu’s wishes completely. Maybe he could get his actual powers in a burst of righteous fury over one of Shu’s self destructive actions :):):) broseph should grab that pretty boy by the collar and scream at him for once. It would do Shu some good to be yelled at occasionally, humble him.
I’m gonna shut the fuck up now. Arashi’s super magical girl form should be queen related cuz she’s the queen of knights, yada yada, I need to continue unpacking my stuff from my recent move, so I’m done opening my skull like a trap door and pouring the contents into your ask box for now.
I’ll be back (assume the tone was menacing, like an old wizard who speaks of the end times)
Your au is so fucking cool btw, thank you for the brain worms :):):)
Replying this took way more time than i thought because turns out i cant think in words lmao, so i sketched all the ideas i got from this in my free time the past days ksbxk
Starting with Mika and weapons! (And other's weapons but mainly Mika)
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Yea hes pathetic but also the biggest menace with a weapon. At first i thought about double swords or some fact double weapon (u can see i recently watched the puss in boots movie) but i also like the idea of showing how inhumanly strong he is with his weapon, so a Claymore! A Big ass sword that is weird not being scared of getting closer! Im talking about his henchemen moment, because after all his redemption arc i feel like giving him a more futuristic spear, kind of like a sewing needle yea (i didn't drew that cuz i thought about It after but u get It?)
Now designs! My favorite parts! Henchemen!Mika:
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An easy to fix/change-specific-parts uniform! Provided by his boss!
I honestly think he would not be completly human, mabye a genetically modified one or entirely artificial. I mean, if Knights are getting their powers from some random alien why not artificial people? I like the idea of his body being like a wooden doll, those which all their joints are joined by an elastic inside the body (or reference dolls for artists if is easier to search?), so he could stretch/broke his bones all he wants without worrying, besides, if his skin is hurt badly Shu would "heal" It for the sake of his incognito mode!
After redemption!Mika:
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Dont focus in the colors--I'll fix It when i make everyone's outfits in digital skdjjs
Futuristic! Neon! Transparent parts of clothing! Bold shapes! Mika is now a brand new person, letting behind his heavy past focused on obedience to live his own life! In part thats why i wanted to give this version of him a spear, because its a lot more lighter than the Claymore and can be used a lot more freely!
Now the rest of Knights designs! Ritsu, Leo and Tsukasa:
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(Tsukasa sword is in the wrong hand but lets ignore that)
Ritsu's skirt is really puffy, mainly because It makes me think its extremely comfy and soft like a cloud should feel! His cape is in the right side so It won't bother when using his sword
Leo skirt is parted at the side so he isnt limited by the cloth when fighting, talking about that! I gave him two swords mainly because hes ambidextrous but also because he gives me messy figther vibes, specially having fun when is surrounded
Tsukasa always gave me the most classical knight vibes, so he has the most simplest but not less elegant outfit! Really, search Female Knight and at least in the first five images there's someone with a similar skirt/naked legs
Now with some random ideas: i would LOVE the idea of Knights adopting Mika after he's dumped by Shu, It would be like Arashi taking care two times at week, the others one day at week and the free day they do a sleepover all together! It would be like that until him and Shu make up in the second season lmao. And yes It would be a heavy angst, the series starts with Arashi learning how to be a Magical Girl and making friends along the way and then It finish being super dramatic and sad. The only thing that could recover watchers from the finale is the classic outro where It shows everyone's getting along, Shu being scolded by Mika for being rude to someone and the final image is the graduation photo with everyone showing their diplomas and jumping like the good ol' Friends they are JWJDJJA
But no yea, come back anytime, i love reading all your ideas for the au! Theyre very creative and is super fun to imagine all the situations you describe!
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blizzardfluffykpop · 3 months
okie dokie, thank you again very very much for letting me ramble<3 also my apologies if I end up getting slightly unhinged for a sec lol (i shall also blame the demons -them- but SHH lolol)
*deep inhale* Sunwoo. The man, the problem for me getting wayy too weak sometimes (still blaming Honey), the way he's BITING that friggin bandage cvjxuhf likE i can't even fully see his lips and they still look so so good! The eye contact with the camera is making me absolutely swoon cuz its carrying this pure sense of calm confidence that looks so incredibly good on him. So I'm equal parts flustered and proud lol
*flustered incoherent keyboard smash here that's wayy too long* Chanhee<3 His hair looks absolutely incredible and i have the urge to ever so softly run my fingers through it to help soothe his nerves. There's always this calm elegance in the way he poses for pictures whether it be professionally or him taking the picture himself. I genuinely admire the way that he's always able to bring his own subtle touches to things. The look in his eyes is making me want to gently tell him that I believe in him (and that no matter happens, I'll always believe in him<3 ). I also wanna take off the weird metal chords things cuz they look uncomfortable as heck but that's just me being protective lol Would definitely give a kiss for 'luck' if I could<3
(It took me a lot longer to get back than I thought but ebhbhbha here I am) No you're good we welcome unhinged here- I am vv insane about these demons 😌 we shall happily blame them- and they'll happily accept the blame ofc 😌💖
I absolutely understand- he's got you wrapped for sure hehe~ [BUT OKAY BHEBHABHABH SPEAKING OF HONEY!! Have you ever seen the dance practice for it?!?! Because when they do the "That's what I need" foot stomp part- he does this little cheeky smug look on his face and for my biases' sake- I cannot watch it more than once a week- 😭 it's just too good for words-] pls lmk if you've been affected by that too- That man knows how to work his lips and it kills me- I couldn't imagine the irreparable damage it to you- The eye contact is sth else- He really does!! That calm confidence just works too well for him- To the nth degree I understand the equal parts flustered and proud- that's behbabha- felt it in my bones-
You def should- his hair would just be so soft to run your fingers thru- prolly uses the best products on the market tbh- His calm elegance? kills me everytime- it's been taking me out too much lately- it must be hard to bias him ebhbhabha- I love that sm- he has that sincerity in his eyes that would make you believe him no matter what~ They look uncomfortable they also are so badass imo- he looks so metal- ofc you gotta have your protective moments and would prolly take the weight off his back *literally* could you imagine his little giggles if you did?!?! 😭😭😭
Juyeon looks so badass- like when I first saw his solo teaser image *which is just a bigger version of the one was saw* my brain was like "That's not Juyo!?" AND OMG?!?! 😭😭😭 He looks like he's kicks ass and takes names- it had me horribly down bad- Him wiping at his lips- has me 🫠😵‍💫🫠💖 And the way he's acting unphased as if he doesn't know the camera is there- had me cooked absolutely done for- but the way his eye looks busted... oh 🥺🥺🥺 makes me want to take care of the little buddy and make sure it heals effectively-
When I say I didn't survive Younghoon- I truly mean it- I was 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫incapacitated seeing him with his arm kind of peeking out- knowing he's broad & has more muscle now is killing me- because even with the shoulder pads he's ?!?!?!!?! I'm helpless 😵‍💫🫠💖 (every other day of the week I'm in the mindset of, "he's just a little tiny sweetheart- he may be 6ft+ but he's a baby and short"- these teaser images dropped and I'm 🫠😭😭😭💖) he sincerely looks killer in it- The way he looks at the camera as if he's saying "yeah... uh huh- wtv you say sweetheart" 😭😭
Ji Changmin- looked so tiny and cute but also so vv much "I call the shots" and hebhahba it hurt my heart- but he also looks like a little hockey announcer- and I just want to tell him he's been calling the plays correctly (to my heart)- his duality always and I mean always gets me- and this is one of those times- he's just- yeah- 😭😭
[It just hit me what Q reminded me of- idk if you've ever watched Jooheon's Psyche (I'm don't think you can watch it now tho... because if I rememebr right it has flashing in it 😖) but he goes into an old school mic that's hanging down- "All of the world- pay attention" part- is exactly what the energy of Changmin having that megaphone with the red receiver to his mouth reminded me of-] and now my brain is going "I'm paying attention to q ebhhba"
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joyful-writings · 6 months
thoughts i need to get out of my head bc AHHH I'VE BEEN INACTIVE AGAIN 😖
motorcyclist! ji changmin who's also your ex-boyfriend, and he has a huge breeding kink and tries to baby trap you (is it toxic? yes. is it smth i'm considering writing? also yes 🫠) (also idk why he has to be a motorcyclist specifically, it just works with what i have planned like... i have ideas that i cannot share w you right now)
park jongseong who has anger issues, so he tries new hobbies to help relieve it in a positive way (also his therapist told him to lol). he tries cooking/baking classes, and you're in the same class as him... y'all see where this is going?? could be fluffy or smutty tbh 🫣
rockstar! park jongseong who notices you coming to a lot of his concerts. he approaches you at a bar after a show and invites you back to his hotel. sex n stuff, etc etc (i just need to fuel my metalhead! jay fantasies, like... idk how to explain it but every time i listen to living dead girl by rob zombie, i think of him and i get weak)
i have a couple more ideas, but these ones have been swirling around a lot recently. i do want to try and write them!! but no promises since i've been busy again and tired asf. i should have some time next week to at least draft, tho. maybe i'll try to do something.....
if y'all like these ideas or have suggestions for them, please let me know!! i'd love to hear your thoughts 💜
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
i remembered a blurb i read a while ago (which i can’t find anymore, if anyone knows what i’m on about pls help a girl out 😗) and it was like dbf! bucky, dbf! steve and dbf! sam?? and oh my god it was so hot???? and you’re so good at dbf! stuff, idk if you’d be into that but hey i’ll give it a shot :0
I’m screaming oh my god, this is way too hot, holy shit. I’ve never written Sam before and oooooh I’m sweating a little 🫠 this is just me dipping my toe in the water with this tbh! It could definitely take a full fic
Like the thought of all three of them being at your house for like a barbecue or something? They all have different opinions on how the food should be cooked because they’re all middle aged men, of course they’re gonna disagree when it comes to this shit.
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Sam thinks the steaks need a seasoning rub, Bucky thinks they need salt and pepper, Steve thinks they need just salt because other seasonings will burn on the grill when you’re trying to get a good sear and it’s all just friendly competition.
One thing the three of them can agree on though, is that you look too fucking good. As soon as you step outside into the sun, a beer in one hand and book in the other, three pairs on hungry eyes land on you.
“Fuck, she looks good.” Bucky groans in frustration because these men can’t help but agree that you get hotter every summer you come home from college.
“Don’t go popping a boner already, Buck. At least say hi to her first.” Sam teases, elbowing Bucky, earning him a slap on the arm.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Wilson. You’re half hard already.” Steve laughs and Sam can’t do anything but frown because those damn shorts of his are giving everything away.
“Hey sweetheart, come settle a debate for us.” Steve calls and all three of them almost cum in their pants when you smile and make your way over. Your dad is inside, no doubt restocking the drinks fridge or helping prep the sides.
“What’s up, boys? It’s good to see you all!” You smile, wrapping an arm around Bucky and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Good to see you too, honey. We’ve all missed our favourite girl.” He smiles, his flesh arm around your back, his hand landing chastely on the side of your rib cage.
“So what do you need me to settle?” You ask, taking a sip of your beer, noticing Bucky doesn’t pull away so neither do you.
“Who’s right, sweetheart? What’s the best way to cook a steak?” Steve presses, all three men watching you intently.
“I don’t know boys, personal preference I guess.” You laugh, trying not to upset any of them. Picking one over the other two would just mean the gloating won’t stop.
“Look at her, keeping all of us happy. Damn, you’re good at that.” Sam smirks and fuck, the air is beyond heavy with tension as soon as he says it.
“Could do plenty to keep all three of you happy. Can think of so many things I could do to put a smile on your faces.” You chuckle and God, that didn’t help the tension. Not in the slightest.
“Oh, I bet you could sweetheart. But is that an offer?” Steve whispers, low and filthy, one eyebrow raised and the other two men couldn’t tear their eyes off you if they tried.
“How about… Buck in my mouth, Sam in my pussy and Stevie, you can watch.” You tease, not missing the breathy groan at escapes Bucky because he dreams about those lips of yours.
“I don’t know, honey… You seem to have missed a hole. Bet you could take all three of us at once.” Steve whispers, a hand drifting down over the swell of your ass, his fingers sliding under the skirt of your dress, settling between your soaked thighs.
“You want Stevie stretching out that tight little asshole of yours while I’m balls deep in your pussy? You can’t even imagine how good that’s gonna feel. Three big thick cocks stuffed into this tight little body might be enough to break you. You think you could handle it?” Sam teases, running a thumb over your bottom lip to keep you looking at him. Steve’s fingers have spread your folds and slipped inside you, beginning to gently massage that little sweet spongy spot while Bucky holds you up to stop your knees from giving out.
“Y-yes. Please, god yes, I want all three of you inside me at once. Fuck all my holes. R-ruin me. God, ‘m so horny, please.” You beg pathetically as Steve’s fingers speed up, working you painfully close to a release.
“You’re gonna cum on his fingers first, kitten. You better do it quick, who knows when we’ll get caught.” Bucky encourages, loving how your head flops back in pleasure, fully trusting him to hold you up as you cum.
Your pussy gushes, wetness dripping from your cunt as Steve fingers you through your orgasm. Arousal runs down your legs so quickly, the rest squirting onto the grass beneath you with no signs of stopping.
“She fuckin’ squirts. Holy shit, this doesn’t get any better.” Sam grunts, rock hard like the other two men. Steve lets you ride the high out before pulling his fingers out of you, letting them drift backward to toy with your tight little ass.
“Gonna work you open, sweetheart. Keep a hold of her, Buck.” Steve grunts, feeling your tightest hole relax enough to take the tip of his first finger.
“He’s gonna get you ready for him right here. If you wanna be slutty and take three fat dicks, then you’re slutty enough to get caught.” Bucky teases as Sam slips his thumb the whole way into your mouth, giving you something to suck on to muffle your moans.
“So fuckin’ tight. God, it’s gonna take at least three fingers. Can’t even imagine what she’ll feel like with her cunt stuffed too.” Steve is blissed out already, just managing to sink his first finger fully in before getting ready to give you the tip of his second
Once Steve fits that third finger, not one of those men can control themselves for a single second longer and neither can you. You notice your dad’s car isn’t in the driveway, a note on the kitchen counter saying he’d been called to the office but he’d try to be home in an hour and if that doesn’t bring the biggest sigh of relief, you’re not quite sure what would.
The second you’re in your bedroom, Sam is giving you a safeword while the other two work on stripping you, quickly followed by themselves. They’re all ravenous, unable to wait a second longer, positioning you on all fours with your legs spread far enough apart. Your asshole is twitching and fluttering, begging for more stimulation while your pussy is absolutely dripping, neglected because Steve was so focused on your ass.
“You fucking her pussy or do I get to take it first?” Bucky taunts over his shoulder, admiring the view and trailing a thick metal finger over your sopping hole, admiring the way your slick mess coats him, begging him to press in to your body.
“Don’t even think about it, her pussy is all mine. Need her gushing round me just like she gushed on Steve’s fingers.” Sam smirks, finally stripping, giving his cock a few firm strokes before pressing into you.
“F-fuck.” You pant, gripping the sheets. “Sam, you’re so big.” You sob, feeling every last thick inch sliding into you.
“You know it, baby. Mhm, don’t know how you’re gonna fit all this dick into you, never mind Steve’s too.”
After your body finally stretches to accommodate Sam, you feel him begin to set a steady rhythm, pressing your head down towards the edge of the bed where Bucky is standing with his cock in hand. “Open up, honey. Let’s see what else that filthy mouth of yours can do.” He chuckles, laughing mockingly at how eagerly you suck on his tip.
The taste of precum fills your mouth, salty and warm and almost decadent given how your pussy is already clenching and fluttering around a cock. Bucky throbs with every groan you breathe out, letting you suck his length deeper until it’s hitting the back of your throat.
You’re blissed out already, breathing through your nose since your mouth is so full but your eyes roll back when you feel Steve, lubed up and pressing against your asshole.
“You’re almost there sweetheart. Just take one more dick.” Steve grunts, the bulbous tip sliding in, making both you and Sam groan at the instant stretch.
“Oh my god, I didn’t think she could feel any better.” Sam groans, holding still until Steve gets settled entirely inside you.
When they’re both content, all three men start to thrust once more, Sam and Steve working out a rhythm that leaves your pussy drooling as you drool around Bucky.
“Make her fuckin’ cum.” Bucky moans, stroking your cheek and drinking in each one of your muffled whines around his cock. “She’s been so good, she deserves it.”
There’s no doubt in your mind that they’re going to make you do exactly that, over and over and over before any of them even consider giving in to their own pleasure and you couldn’t think of anything more perfect if you tried.
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