#and tashi of course is angry that she wants to fuck him to the point that she fucks him
sleevebuscemii · 4 months
funny to think about tashi’s scene with patrick behind the hotel or art’s scene with him in the sauna because they are both so mad at him even tho it doesn’t make any sense like they’re the ones that shut him out over an injury that couldve happened under any circumstances art stole his girlfriend and tashi married his best friend and they’re angry with him and it’s literally because they want to fuck him so bad that it makes them furious
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part twenty eight/
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: I said I'd update monday but i have some free time at work atm. Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Warnings: launguage, angst...a lot of angst, vanity throwing a tantrum, drug use 
Taglist: @brideofdraculana, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @madsthegroupie, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @motlycrue, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy, @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @nikkisixxsixxsixx, @iluvmesomemarvelndc, @marvelismylifffe​, @zoenicoles​, @pfft-halsey​, @vamprlestat​, @supersoldierballerina​, @primal-screamer​, @electradestiny​, @marshbev​, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults​
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“Why can’t you just not fucking talk to him! He clearly doesn’t care enough about you!” Ryan berated Vanity, who just wanted to go to bed, “Can you just shut up? Please!” Vanity yelled, rubbing her temples and feeling close to exploding on him, which she didn’t want to do.
“I just don’t fucking understand why you gotta be all over him all the fucking time!” Ryan continued to shout.
Of course, they were arguing about Nikki. They haven’t stopped arguing about Nikki since the band has gotten back from their tour. “What are you talking about! I haven’t been all over him! You’re being crazy!” Vanity shouted at him, wanting to rip her hair out as he wasn’t making sense. “Why are you so worried about Nikki!? I’m here with you, Ryan! I’m your girlfriend!” She added on, as she tried to touch his face.
“You haven’t fucking touched me, let alone gave me a kiss since we’ve gotten back! It’s been two weeks! That’s why I’m fucking irritated, just tell me it’s about him!” Ryan argued back, raising his voice, “You won’t even fucking look me in the eye, did that prick fucking do something to you!?” He questioned, stepping closer, “Answer me Vanity, if he fucking did something next time I see him, I’m going to kick his ass.” He growled, his thumb and forefinger rested against her chin as he made her look at him. Ryan noticed the tears forming in her eyes, “What did he do to you baby? Just tell me, please?” Ryan spoke softly as Vanity shook her head, her eyes looking at everything but his. “Damnit Vanity! Stop being hard headed what did that junkie fucking do to you!” He yelled, Vanity finally looked at him when he called Nikki that.
“I slept with Nikki when you were drunk.” She finally mustered up the courage to tell him. He was dumbfounded. His grasp on her jaw loosened as he backed away from her, “You had sex with him?” Ryan asked her, “It didn’t mean anything I swear to you, Ryan. It just...it just happened, it didn’t mean anything to me.” Vanity pleaded, her hand trying to reach for his face but he took a step back.
“Babe...I’m so sorry, I just...he just...I don’t know how to tell him no.“ Ryan let out a disdain laugh, “You just fucking say no!! It’s not that fucking hard!! God, why are you so hung up on this guy! He isn’t that fucking great! But yet you just open your fucking legs to him like he hasn’t done anything wrong! How can you be so damn stupid!!” Ryan continued his verbal assault on her, “I don’t know Ryan! It was just a mistake and I wish it didn’t happen!” She choked back tears, “Please baby, I’m so sorry.” Vanity begged him. Ryan ran his hand over his face in frustration.
“What does this fucking junkie do for you that I don’t? Is it cause he has money and power?” Vanity shook her head telling him no, “Cause he doesn’t fucking treat you very good from what you’ve told me, and yet you still act like a fucking slut for him.” He said, voice full of rage, “I’m not a slut.” Vanity cried, as she wiped her eyes, “Yes you fucking are! You’re just like the girls he fucks daily! God, he probably gave you some fucking disease!!” Ryan yelled at her, “How could it be so easy for you to just open your fucking legs for him! I told you I fucking love you!! And you just let me say it knowing what you did!” Ryan yelled, his face turning a crimson shade.
“I didn’t mean too.” Vanity spoke softly, “That’s bullshit, yes you fucking did, you knew exactly what you were doing.” Ryan exhaled, “We are over.” He told her, as he began to grab his belongings from her room.
“No, no baby please...I’m so sorry, it’s not gonna happen again, please Ryan?” Vanity begged for him to stay as she took his belongings out of his hands, “I want to be with you, I’m your girlfriend, please I’m so fucking sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” Vanity said, her hands cupping his face to make him look at her, “Please...I’ll do anything for you to stay.” Vanity said, tears still streaming down her cheeks as she looked up at him.
“Me or him.” He mumbled, “What?” Vanity questioned, “Me or him, it’s either me or him.” Vanity was confused, “What? What are you talking about” She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him.
“You aren’t gonna have us both! So fucking pick Vanity! It’s either me or Nikki!!” He shouted at her. Vanity was taken back, How was she just suppose to choose? Nikki was her closest friend on many different levels and Ryan was her boyfriend who she cherished deeply, “I...I..I can’t just choose.” She whispered to him, “You can’t make me fucking pick.” She said, finally finding her voice. “Well you better fucking do it now, and it better be the right one.” He threatened her, making her think of all the times Julian use to give her ultimatums.
“Ryan, nikkis my friend and-“ “A friend? He doesn’t know what the fuck a friend is! He slips you fucking drugs, yells at you, puts his hands on you and you still let him fucking touch you!” Ryan yelled, “You don’t know shit about Nikki Sixx!!” Vanity defended him, causing Ryan to scoff,
“God, you’re unfuckingbelievable! You’re so wrapped up in his little fucking game!! He could tell you water is dry and you’ll believe it!!” He shook his head, “You don’t know him like I know him, I’m the only person that’s ever given a fuck about him and he knows that! He’s just fucking hurting right now!” Vanitys voice cracked. She knew he was hurting, that’s why he had turned to heroin and she hated the thought of him feeling like that.
“You can’t make me choose Ryan, I won’t do it.” Vanity stood her ground, “Fine, go ahead and be his personal cum rag, that’s probably why he keeps you around cause he knows you’ll give it up to him whenever he asks!” Ryan screamed at her, “Fuck you! You want me to choose, fine, I choose him! So get the fuck out!” Vanity yelled opening her bedroom door, “Get out!” She said, “Whatever.” Ryan said, shoulder checking her as he walked out her bedroom door, he mumbled something but she didn’t catch it.
“If you got something to say fucking say it to my face!” She shouted as she followed him down the stairs, but he ignored her, still incoherently mumbling which only pissed her off more
“Get the fuck out of my house. “ Vanity spits with pure disgust in her voice, feeling like venom to ryan. “I mean it, get the fuck out! This is done. We are done." Ryan rolls his eyes, laughing. “Go the fuck ahead, get played by that junkie again. “ He walks towards the door, a burst of anger coasting through Vanitys’ veins. She opens the door harshly, slamming it against the wall. “Fuck you, asshole!” She shouts, pushing him out the door. Slamming the door, she locks both of the locks quickly. Almost running to the room, she begins throwing things around, almost anything she can find.
Tonya didn’t even take one step into the house when she heard the commotion going on upstairs “Fuckin’ Vanity..” She mumbles to herself, putting her belongings on the dining table, as she made her way up the stairs, “Vanity c’mon!!! It’s fucking midnight!!!” She shouts, almost pissed. She walks over to her room, viewing the broken glass, disheveled bed, and red faced Vanity. “What happened?” She asks with slight regret in her voice, knowing what she’s gotten herself into. “Why can’t anything go my fucking way!! Why do I always fall for these fucking assholes!!“ She shouts, throwing another picture frame at her wall. Tonya only rolls her eyes, though.
Tonya makes her way down the stairs, darting straight towards the phone. Dialing the number she’s had to call more often than she’d like, the phone begins the ring.
“What, I’m busy.” Nikki mumbles, Tonya rolls her eyes, hearing another girls giggle in the background. “It’s Vanity. Her and Ryan broke up i think, and I cant fucking handle it. You’re the only person who can calm her down.”
“Fucking great. On my way. “ Nikki quickly hangs up the phone, pushing his extremely high girlfriend off of him. “Going to see her, huh?” Josie spits, jealousy in her voice. “Oh, fuck off. “ Nikki grumbles, rolling his eyes. Nikki swiftly throws on the first items of clothing he finds lingering on his floor. Quickly grabbing his keys, walking out the front door not too long after, on his way to calm the brunette girl who once dreaded him down.
Nikki harshly knocks as Tonya quickly swings open the door, moving to the side so he can walk in and put an end to the hell going on upstairs. Nikki swiftly looks over at Tonya, pure annoyance on her face. Yeah, Tonya was a great friend. But fuck, did angry Vanity piss her off. What’s the point of buying nice things if Vanity is just gonna fucking destroy them?
Nikki walks up the stairs, hearing blunt force against the wall. ‘Shit, guess she ran out of glass.’ Nikki thought to himself, barely knowing what he was about to walk into. “Fucking! Asshole!” Vanity shouts, slamming a now broken lamp into her wall. Nikki walks through the hallway, seeing the lamp hit the wall. The man laughs to himself softly, shaking his head. ‘God, she definitely has got some issues.’ Nikki stands in the doorway, watching Vanity thrash the now completely broken lamp into her wall, a deep hole being hit over & over.
“You good, sweetheart?” Nikki says, leaning against her door frame. Vanity quickly looks over, almost in pure shock. She stumbles for a moment, the anger & exerted energy making her a bit lightheaded. “Do i fucking look okay?” She says harshly, finally sitting on her bed. “Wanna talk about it, or do you wanna fuck about it?” Nikki says swiftly, a smirk pulling his lips up slightly.
“Fuck you, Nikki.” Vanity grumbles, looking down at the broken glass on the floor before sitting on her bed. Nikki laughed as he walked slowly to her bed, sitting down next to her. “Well, talk to me then.“ He says softly, his hand moving to trace circles over her knee. “He..He’s a fucking asshole. He tried to make me choose you or him.”
“And i’m assuming with the situation, you chose me, right?” Nikki says, a slight chuckle in his voice. “Well, yeah! He made me fucking choose, so i’m obviously gonna choose the opposite person of who made me choose it. “ Vanity said softly, leaning into Nikki’s side. “Well, I coulda told you he was an asshole.”
“Oh fuck off.” She says, practically melting at Nikki’s touch. “Well, i’m sorry that happened. It was inevitable, though. “ He says, kissing the top of her head. “It’s whatever, nothing pans out for me the way it should. Got any coke on you?” Nikki smirks, looking down at her. “Now that’s my girl. “
Nikki shapes the lines on the nearest table to him, looking over at Van. Fuck, finally some type of high. I chose her over shooting up, so that means something i suppose.’ Nikki thought to himself, taking the first line. His eyes slightly rolling back for a moment, he shakes his head to jitter out the feeling of pure ecstasy. Vanity quickly crouches down next to him, taking the bill from his hand. Quickly taking the last two lines, she quickly shakes her head, following his actions.
“Fuck, i missed this. “ She says, almost excited. “Yeah, T-bone practically lives off of it at this point. Don’t know the last time i’ve seen him even eat. “ Nikki says smoothly, looking over at her. “No, not that Nik. Just you and I, spending time together. Doing this together, I don’t know. “
Nikki looks over at Vanity, a sweet smile on his lips. “Well I guess you could say I missed this too. It’s been too long, doll. Too fucking long. “ He says while shaping out a few more lines, making sure to not make eye contact. Nikki was never the type to be emotional. Well, he was never taught how to be sentimental or even intimate with a person. But fuck, he’s willing to learn with her. Nikki quickly snorts up two lines, Vanity snorting up the last one.
Nikki looks over at Vanity, a smirk on his lips. “Ready to fuck about it now?” Vanity chuckles to her self then motioning for him to come to her. Nikki obeyed her orders like a lost puppy, dropping to his knees in front of her bed as her legs dangled off, “Why are you men always such fucking assholes?” Vanity asked him, a laugh abruptly coming from Nikki, “Cause you girls say stupid shit.” Nikki grinned cheekily, his head bowing and kissing the top of her thighs.
“How can you just cheat on your girlfriend and not feel guilty?” Vanity questioned him, Nikki sighed in annoyance has he sat on his ankles and looked up at her, “You feel guilty for cheating on Ryan?” He clarified, receiving a nod from Vanity in return, “Do you regret it?” Nikki asked, a slight ache in his heart.
“He’s such a nice guy and he didn’t deserve it.” Vanity said, burying her head in her hands as she started crying, “I’ve never cheated on anyone! And you just waltz right back into my life after leaving yet again! How long is this gonna last this time Nikki until you leave me again!” Vanity shouted at him, taking Nikki by surprise. “I’m not leaving again princess.” Nikki coaxed her as he trailed his hands up her legs, Vanity quickly shoved them off of her as she stood up.
“So what? You’re just gonna fucking keep me on the side for when you’re junkie girlfriend doesn’t want you? And then you’ll come back to me?” Vanity spat her frustrations out at him.
“No.” Nikki spoke quietly as he twiddled with his thumbs, “Doll, do you love me?” Nikki asked as he looked up at her. His question took her by surprise as she sat back down on the bed, his eyes following every movement.
“Of course I love you Nikki! Why do you think I flew to London! You’re my best friend.” Vanity explained, but Nikki shook his head, “No...Do you love me?” Vanity furrowed her eyebrows, “Ryan said you loved me, like you use to love me.” Nikki said, clearing his throat as the uncomfortable itch for an escape started creeping up on him.
Vanity scoffed, shaking her head, “Nikki, I could never love you like that.” Her harsh truth sent a knife straight through his heart. She was the only woman in the world whose words could burn him, “We’d be so bad for each other, we would ruin one another.” Vanity whispered, her hand moving the ratty pieces of hair away from his eyes so she could see them.
“What if I told you I love you?” Nikki questioned as he cocked an eyebrow, “I would tell you not to say things you don’t mean, and that you couldn’t fulfill.” She quickly retorted, “Nikki, you don’t know anything about love.” Nikki rolled his eyes, getting slightly agitated with her, “And neither do you.” Nikkis wit was quicker then hers for once.
Nikki’s comment took her by surprise as she stared at him. He was right. She knew nothing about love either, but fuck at least she saw her parents happily married unlike the whirlwind childhood he had. She was at least exposed to love.
“I’m not leaving unless I go on tour.” Nikki reassured, his calloused fingers fiddling with hers , “I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you.” Vanity sighed as she looked down at their hands, “You always say that, and then you do it again, and again and again. I’m tired of you hurting me.” Nikki groaned, “I know what I fucking do, but you aren’t a little angel either, Vanity.” She rolled her eyes, “Me? I haven’t done anything to you.” She retorted as Nikki motioned around the room.
“I’ve had to stop what I’m doing and come here because you were having a tantrum multiple times now, like fuck I thought your brother said you went through anger management, did ya not learn anything?” Vanity looked around the room, seeing the mess she’s caused.
“And plus you brought your stupid fucking boyfriend around me, knowing what you and I have, that’s just fucking rude, Van.” Nikki said, making Vanity laugh, “Me? Rude? Okay nik.” She sighed in annoyance, “You’ve literally almost hit me, but I’m the rude one, alright pal.” Nikki was not a fan of the sarcasm he was receiving.
“Look Van, I am sorry for everything I’ve done, and probably will do in the future. I hate to admit it, but you mean the world to me.” Vanity looked at him, “And I always miss you when you’re not around, and the boys give me shit when I’m being an asshole to you.” Vanity stared at him as he was finally opening up to her, “Then how come you do what you do?” She exasperated, but all she received was a shrug, “Dunno.”
Vanity rolled her eyes, “Do you secretly hate me?” She said, trying to hide her grin, “Oh yeah, I hate you so much.” Nikki joked as he pushed her back on the bed, slowly crawling on top of her, “Matter of fact, I can’t stand you.” He said, kissing her neck, “I bet I hate you more.” Vanity said, trying to roll them over but Nikki had her wrists pin to the mattress.
He lowered his face, as their lips grazed one another, “What’s there to hate about me?” He asked, as he gave a sinful smile.
There was a light knock on her bedroom door, “Who is it!” Vanity yelled, giggling as Nikki kissed her neck again, “Its Ryan...I forgot my wallet.” Vanity quickly pushed Nikki off of her.
“I’ll get it.” Nikki said, but vanity grabbed his hand, “No, go in there.” She said shoving him to her closet door, “Seriously?” Nikki groaned as she closed the door in his face.
Vanity took a deep breath in before opening the door and let him in, “Holy shit.” Ryan was surprised at the condition of her room, “Get it and get out.” Vanity said, Ryan sighed walking over to the night stand before shoving his wallet into his back pocket.
“Can we just talk?” Vanity rolled her eyes, “I think we’ve already done that.” She told him, “Babe, common...” Vanity sighed as Ryan approached her, Nikki cursed at himself as he leaned his head against the closet door. “I told you I love you, and you act like it never happened.” He heard Ryan say, ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ Nikki thought to himself.
“But do you still feel the same way even after I slept with him?” Vanity questioned him, Ryan was quiet for a moment, “Yeah, and that’s what’s fucking bullshit about this, I still fucking love you.”
“Like C’mon Vanity, you’re really gonna choose a junkie over me? You said it’s not the money he has, but are you sure?” Vanity groaned, as she was beginning to grow frustrated.
“It isn’t about his fucking money! Just fucking drop it! I don’t fucking talk about your stupid friends like that.” Vanity shouted, getting all worked up over again.
“If you’re friends are so great then how come I just had to bail one of them out a fucking month ago? Or how come one of them had to fucking crash at your place because he hit is fucking wife!! You’re life isn’t so fucking perfect either, Ryan!” He smirked as he watched her get wild up.
“You get so defensive when I bring him up.” Ryan stated, “Because there’s no reason to keep bringing him up! At all! There’s none! There’s different things we could argue you about, but noooo you just want to talk about Nikki fucking Sixx!!!” She screamed, grabbing yet another picture frame and throwing it at the wall.
Nikki’s eyes went wide when he heard the glass shatter, knowing he should intervene but that would just cause a whole other fiasco.
“You’re really gonna fucking choose that piece of shit over me!! Are you kidding me?! God, how naive are you?” Vanity furrowed her eyebrows when he called her that, he might as well called her a cunt.
“I am not!” She shouted, Ryan laughed, “Yes you fucking are! You’re naive because of the sheltered childhood you had!! You’re still a spoiled, self-centered, born with a silver spoon in their mouth brat!!”
“I am not fucking naive!” Vanity repeated, “Yes you are!! You know nothing about the real world and if you did you would know guys like Nikki are nothing but bad fucking news that will drag you down with them! He’s a fucking junkie, he sleeps with countless woman and you’re on that list too! You think just because he tells you those sweet things in the midst of it that it means anything to him! News flash! It doesn’t!” Ryan shouted, as her eyes were pooling with tears.
“Get out.” Vanity said quietly, looking at the corner of the room. A vase of flowers she always kept in her room for when she was feeling like this. ‘A two dollar vase is easier to replace then a picture frame I’ve had for years’ she thought to herself.
“Don’t fucking come running back to me when he hurts you...again!” Ryan yelled, before storming out of her room and slamming the door.
Vanity was trembling in rage, seeing nothing but red at this point. Nikki had walked out of the closet at the wrong time because the vase had came barreling at him.
“Get out of my house!!” Vanity screamed bloody murder at him, actually scaring him for once. Nikki’s eyes went wide, knowing that he was the cause of her rage, “Doll...just calm down.” Nikki said hesitantly stepping closer, noticing how her fists were balled at her sides. “Nikki, don’t come any fucking closer to me.” She warned him, bending down and grabbing a shard of glass and pointing it at him.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself, just stop.” Nikki quickly grabbed her wrist and hand that was clutching the weapon, “Fuck you!! It’s all your fault!!” Vanity yelled, punching him in the chest as Nikki wrangled her to the bedroom floor.
“Stop!!” Nikki shouted in her face, growing angry with her, “You aren’t gonna fucking do anything but lay here and calm down!!” Nikki yelled, sitting in between her legs and holding her arms down.
He has never seen her this angry, and quite frankly he didn’t like it. He didn’t like knowing that she had this much anger pent up inside. “Get off of me!” She yelled trying to move but the death grip he had on her arms was not helping.
“Shut up and be quiet!!” Nikki yelled back as Tonya and Lucia opened the door to see the two on the floor, “She’s loosing her god damn mind!!” Nikki yelled at them, “I...i don’t know what to do!” He added on, looking at them for guidance.
“We can call her mom..” Lucia suggested, “I swear to god I will fucking kill you!!” Vanity yelled, “Don’t fucking call her!!” 
“Call her.” Nikki demanded, getting fed up with her temper tantrum, if he had to talk her herself he would.
“Fuck you, you stupid junkie I wish I never met you!!” Vanity spat, while literally spitting in his direction, “Stop it!” Tonya said, “You don’t mean that!” Vanity let out a bitter laugh, “Oh yes I fucking do.”
Nikki became quiet as he continued to hold her down to the carpet, “Why do you fuck with me! Why can’t you do it to some other bitch you fuck!”
“Hi...Mrs. Blackwood it’s Lucia, Vanity is freaking out and we can’t calm her down.”
“Oh you stupid bitch!!” Vanity screamed, as her nails started clawing into Nikki’s hands.
“Yeah I’ll put you on speaker..”
“Vanity Kay Blackwood what the hell are you doing?”
“You’re terrorizing your fucking roommates.”
Vanity looked at the phone as she heard her mom cuss, and her mom never does that.
“Do I need to have them take you to the hospital for an over night hold?”
Vanity was quiet, trying to calm herself down as Nikki felt the tension in her arms subside.
“Do I?” Her mom repeated herself, “I’m fine.”
“Okay, now clean up whatever you broke and go the hell to bed. Stop acting like a god damn banshee and apologize to whoever is there.” Vanity groaned.
“Now, Vanity.”
“I’m sorry for freaking out and breaking things.” Vanity looked at her fed up roommates, “I love you?” Vanity slyly said with a laugh, “Ugh!” Tonya yelled, throwing up her arms in frustration before walking out of the room.
“Sounds like you’ve done this more then once.” Vanity giggled as she wiped sweat from her forehead, “Maybe.”
“She broke a tv once.” Lucia chimed in, “on Christmas.” Lucia and Vanity looked at one another and started cracking up in hysterics
“She did that once before when she was a teenager, that’s why we ended up bolting the TVs to the wall.” Vanitys Mom joined in on the laughter.
“I’m gonna go mom, I’m fine okay. I love you.” Vanity breathed a fresh of breath air as she sat up and looked at Nikki, who seemed rather irritated with her. “Alright sweetie, goodnight.”
Nikki watched as Vanity hung up the phone and handed it back to Lucia, “Thanks.” She mumbled as she got up and began picking up the broken glass that filled her floor. “Now, I’m going to bed, behave yourself.” Lucia said to Vanity, but gave Nikki a warning as well.
“I’m sorry I was thinking about stabbing you.” She mumbled, refusing to look at Nikki as she threw the glass in a waste basket and fixed her bed.
“You need to talk to someone about all that.” Nikki replied, making her laugh as she got under the covers, “Are you staying?” She asked, hoping he would say yes.
“I’m gonna use the bathroom.” Nikki spat out randomly, “Okay?” Vanity says, confused.
Nikki went to the bathroom quickly locking the door and leaning against it. He dug into his front pocket pulling out a pre loaded syringe of heroin. He smacked his veins on his left arm but they weren’t popping up, “oh c’mon.” He groaned, simultaneously undoing his belt from his leather pants, tightening it around his bicep.
Nikki sighed as the euphoria entered his system. He looked into the mirror, also disgusted with himself as he tossed the needle into the trash can. ‘That should hold me over for a few hours, I can probably sneak off after she’s asleep.’
Nikki walked back into the bedroom, pulling off his shirt and pants before crawling into bed beside her.
Vanity turned on her side and faced him, her fingers running down his sculpted jaw, “I’m sorry you heard the stuff he said about you.” Nikki shook his head, his hand laying against her lower back, pulling her closer to him, “It’s nothing new doll, but I’m gonna agree with him...you can be naive at times.” Nikki expressed his concerns, “It’s not like I take advantage of it, but you can be pretty naive sometimes.” Vanity sighed, getting upset, and he knew it.
“Just relax alright, it’s cute that you have the innocent thing going on.” Nikki said, giving her a quick, but sweet kiss on the lips.
“Nikki, I am anything but innocent.”
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Party Fling
Request: Yes / No  Ssjsmakamamasnsnsssksieebrkejs I mean- Hello I am fellow fan of your work, and as a request I was hoping for a The Fosters smut between Jesus and female reader where the reader, the reader is this wild and crazy party girl and seduces a slightly intoxicated Jesus into sleeping with her while he’s still Lexi and in the morning he calls her out on it and feels guilty and then becomes shocked seeing her make out with someone at school? Either yes or no I really appreciate you taking time to read. Anon
Send me a request, please look here first! <3 Have a nice day/night
Jesus Adams-Fosters x Fem!Male!Reader
Word count: 1253
Warnings: SMUT!! 
Y/N: Your Name 
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Mariana was having a party and I was so excited. I was so into parties and since Mariana promised me this would be the best party of the year I had to go. I got dressed in a black crop top, a white skirt, black boots, a pink bracelet, and my small black bag to keep my stuff together. I went with a simple makeup look, brown and black smokey eye and a nude lip. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. 
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I grabbed my keys and headed downstairs, but my older brother stopped me. 
“Where do you think you’re going?” He asked and I rolled my eyes. 
“There’s a party tonight and I have to go.” I said and he shook his head. 
“You’re not drinking and driving.” He said taking my keys. 
“Carter!” I complained. 
“Come on, I’ll drive.” He said and I looked at him shocked. 
“You want to go to a party?” I asked. 
“Not really, but my friends are going and this way I don’t have to come pick you up later.” He said and walked out the door. 
“Sounds good to me.” I said following him out and to the car. 
We made it to the Adams-Foster’s house and the party was already starting. We walked in the back and Carter went right to his friends. 
“Y/N! You’re here!” Mariana greeted me with a hug. 
“I wouldn’t miss a party for anything!” I laughed. 
“It wouldn’t be the best party without you.” She said and I smiled. The two of us made our way over to the liquor and got a drink. I downed mine and then dragged her to dance. 
As the party went on I noticed Jesus was just kind of standing on the sidelines, drinking. Lexi was dancing with Mariana and he looked kind of bored. If I wasn’t so tipsy then I probably wouldn’t be making this decision, but oh well. I’ve always thought Jesus was hot, but he’s been with Lexi so I could never make a move. 
“Hey Jesus, what’s up?” I asked, walking over to him. 
“Y/N! Enjoying the party?” He asked with a slur. 
“Of course, I don’t believe in bad parties.” I giggled. 
“It’s never a bad party when you’re here.” He said and I smirked. 
“Would you help me with something?” I asked. 
“Sure.” He answered. 
“Mind showing me where the bathroom is? The one your sister is telling everyone to use kind of has a line.” I said and he smiled. 
“Sure, follow me.” He said and led me upstairs. I quickly went to the bathroom, but when I walked out Jesus wasn’t there. I walked into what I assumed was his room and smiled when I saw him inside. 
“Cool room.” I said and he turned towards me. 
“Thanks.” He said with a smile. 
“Not having fun at the party?” I asked and he shrugged. 
“Not really.” He said and I smirked. 
“I bet I could help with that.” I said and shut the door. He got up and looked at me confused, but I pulled him towards me and kissed him roughly. He smirked in the kiss and his hands found my ass. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked to his bed and tossed me on it. He took his shirt off and hovered over me, helping me get out of my shirt. He grabbed my waist and pinned me to the bed. He started kissing my neck, but he didn’t leave any marks, thank God. He undid my bra and tossed it on the floor. His hands traveled to my skirt and roughly pulled them off along with my underwear. He got off me and I got on my knees on the bed as he undid his belt. He pulled down his pants and underwear and I smirked when I saw his size. It was perfect. He grabbed his dick and I opened my mouth. He pushed it inside my mouth until it was down my throat. He started teasing himself, fucking my face slowly. After a moment he pushed me down on the bed and smirked at me. He pulled me to the edge and roughly pushed himself inside of me. I moaned and arched my back, but he pushed me back down. He grabbed my waist and roughly started thrusting. I grabbed his sheets as he went faster, making a whimper escape my mouth. I arched my back again and threw my head back in pleasure. 
“I heard quite groans coming from his mouth and smirked slightly. I squeezed my eyes shut and moaned. 
“Fuck!” I moaned as I came on his cock. After a minute he pulled out and grabbed himself. 
“On your knees, open your mouth.” He said and I did as told. I opened my house and looked up at him with greedy eyes. He started pumping himself and soon his cum filled my mouth. I swallowed it all and smiled up at him. 
“Fun party now?” I asked when he collapsed on the bed. 
“Yeah…” He said breathlessly. He shut his eyes and I heard my phone vibrating.I checked it and saw it was my brother telling me it was time to leave. I quickly got dressed and went to the backyard. 
The next day I woke up to a bunch of angry text and missed calls from Jesus. I groaned and got ready for the day before I looked through all of them. 
‘How could you? You took advantage of me! I was fucking drunk and you got me to fuck you!’ so on and so on. Just as I was about to answer I got a call from him. 
“What the hell Y/N! How the fuck could you do that? I’m with Lexi!” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“I didn’t make you do anything Jesus, you could have stopped whenever you wanted.” I said. 
“I was drunk!” He shouted. 
“So was I, your point?” I asked. 
“Do you even care? What if Lexi finds out?” He said. 
“Let me ask you something Jesus, who were you thinking of last night?” I asked and he was silent. 
“That’s what I thought.” I said and hung up. 
I didn’t hear from Jesus the rest of the weekend. I didn’t see him until school on Monday. I was making out with some guy, I didn’t remember his name, Alex? Aiden? Whatever, he was a pretty good kisser. I was pulled off the guy and looked up to see Jesus. 
“What the fuck dude?” The guy asked. 
“We need to talk.” He said to me, ignoring the guy. 
“Fine, I’ll see you later.” I said and walked off with Jesus. 
“What the hell is up with you?” He asked and I raised a brow at him. 
“What are you talking about?” I asked. 
“You…” He looked around for a moment, then back at me. 
“Have sex with me then go makeout with another guy?” He asked and I rolled my eyes. 
“Look, you said you were with Lexi.” I said crossing my arms. 
“Yeah I am.” He said, not very confident. 
“Exactly, so I’m moving on, besides it was just a party fling.” I said, even though I didn’t totally mean it. 
“Whatever.” He said and I rolled my eyes. 
“Great.” I said and walked off. I was hoping Jesus would come after me, but he didn’t and my heart hurt a bit. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ 
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part nineteen/
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I’m so fucking sorry it’s long, I got carried away, But enjoy it! Feedback is always extremely appreciated💛 also s/o to @electradestiny for always editing my jumbled mess and making sure everything is in tip top shape because my eyes stop seeing the errors after a while.
Warnings: language, angst, a little smutty (by little, I mean a lot)
Taglist: @oskea93, @brideofdraculana, @miserablecunt, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @electradestiny, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @tiranni, @thatbandchick39, @dillightfulpickle, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @madsthegroupie, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @gees-jacket-slut, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @motlycrue, @moonlightxcal, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy, @thanks2pete, @prettysureimgayxo
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“Thanks for coming, see you next time!” I cheerfully spoke to the customers as they left, handing me a twenty dollar tip with a kind smile.
I smiled, waving them off as they left. My smile quickly dropped when Tommy and Nikki walked in, a red head attached to Nikki’s arm and a blonde holding hands with Tommy.
“Van! You haven’t been working the last few times we came in.” Tommy said, reaching over the counter, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I gave him a weak smile, “I’ve been sick.” My voice was hoarse and crackly. My eyes quickly glanced to Nikki, who in return looked away from me.
“Too good to say hi to me now?” I teased him, “Maybe return my phone calls and I will.” He snapped back at me. “Maybe apologize to me and I’ll answer your calls.” My wit was just as fast as his, which he hated so much. “Maybe if you gave me the time of day I could apologize.” I smirked, shaking my head with an eye roll, “Nikki, I’m hungry.” The red headed girl with a nasally voice whines out, Nikki looking at her and nods.
“Booth or table?” I asked Tommy, “Booth please!” He joyfully responded, trying to make light of mine and Nikki’s bickering. I had them follow me to a corner booth, handing them all menus.
“Can I start you with any drinks?” I asked, holding my pad and paper in hand, “Jack and Coke...actually just give me the Jack, I got the coke.” Nikki told me, and it took everything I had in me not to laugh, and he knew it by the smile he had on his lips.
“What are you doing after work? Come hang out with me.” Tommy said, giving me puppy dog eyes, I shook my head softly, an amused grin playing on my lips.
“I need to tell you about this idea I have, it keeps coming to me in a dream...I wanna play the drums upside down and in a cage, that spins over the crowd!” He was overjoyed,his hands waving in a circular motion as he spoke.
“That sounds dumb.” The red head that was attached at Nikki’s hip spoke up. “Shut up, no it doesn’t.” Tommy snapped at her, “It sounds rad T-bone, you’ll have to tell me more later...now how about drinks?”
I came back shortly after, handing a milkshake to Tommy and his female companion of the night, a water to the red head that was all over Nikki, and then a shooter of JD to him.
“Oh Van, this is Heather.” Tommy smiled, pointing to the blonde that was sitting next to him, “Vanity Blackwood..” I introduced myself sticking my hand out, “Heather Locklear.” She replied, shaking my hand,
“Wait...you’re in that show, right?” I asked her and she smiled, “Not the Fall guy.” Tommy said with a chuckle. “No I know that, Dynasty right?” I asked her and she nodded. “My roommates and I watch it whenever it’s on, how did you guys meet?” I asked, confused.
“The party.” Tommy said, then had an awkward chuckle, “After you and Nikki...ya know, disappeared.” Tommy said, wiggling his eyebrows. “Don’t remind me.” I joked, looking at Nikki who was glaring at me.
Tommy motioned me to come closer, so I did as he cupped his hand around my ear, “I think I’m in love.” He whispered, I smiled at him, gently putting my hand on his head and ruffling his hair.
“What can I get to eat for everyone?” I asked, “I’ll take the cheeseburger deluxe with extra fries.” Tommy told me, I nodded. I looked at Nikki and he shook his head, “I’m fine.”
“Ladies?” I asked them, “Just a small salad for me.” Heather said, and I nodded, “You?” I questioned the redhead, “I think I’ll just skip to dessert.” She said, eyeing me while kissing the side of Nikki’s neck, a smirk on his lips as her lipstick left a print on his skin.
A part of me felt a deep rooted fit of jealousy when I saw her lips on him, the same exact spot I had left my mark on him a week ago.
“Your food will be out shortly.” I said, before walking away, clutching the pen so hard I thought the ink was going to burst out.
“Did you see that Tommy and Nikki are here?” Tonya said, taking off her jacket as she had just gotten back from her lunch, “Yes! Of course I saw they were here, with girls too!” I shouted while turning around to face her.
“Uh whoa, what’s your problem?” She asked, tying the apron around her waist, “Nothing, I’m fine. It’s all good.” I told her, sarcastically of course.
“Has he apologized yet?” She asked, I side eyed her, “I’ll take that as a no.” She said, walking out of the kitchen and. going to the floor, walking up to a customer to take more orders.
“Orders ready.” Rubio told me, as he placed the tray of food on the window seal, “Thank you.” I grabbed the tray, while walking it over to them,
“Here you go, T-bone.” I put his plate down in front of him, then Heathers in front of her.
“So you’ve known Julian for a while?” I froze when Nikki asked me that. Has Julian already called? What did he say to them? Did he say something about me?
“Uh...he’s..” I stuttered, pausing my words as Nikki looked at me, “Van? Hello? I asked you a question.” Nikki said, snapping his fingers in my face, “He’s a friend...someone I use to know.” I spat out quickly,
“Have you talked to him?” I asked Nikki, pushing Tommy’s shoulder softly so he could scoot over, “Only over the phone, he’s flying out here in a few days.” Nikki replied, my eyes going wide. “He seems like a nice dude.” Tommy said, mouthful of food. My eyes darted to him when he said that, “What?” Tommy said in a confused manner.
“He said he’s known you since you were a teen.” Nikki said, taking a sip of JD. “That’s all he said?” I asked, trying to clarify. “No, he also mentioned that you dated him for a long time...oh, and engaged too.” Nikki replied, more aggression in his voice as he went on. “Forgot to mention that one Vanity.” He snapped, leaning back into the booth while wrapping his arm around the back of it.
“You seem to hide a lot of secrets from me. You forgot to mention you are filthy rich and forgot to mention you were engaged, what else are you lying about?” Nikki questioned, his eyebrow slightly raising.
“I haven’t lied about anything.” I told him, my voice getting a tad louder.
“Guys...” Tommy said, slyly nodding his head toward Heather.
“I have to get back to work.” I said standing up, “Vanity, we are not done talking.” Nikki said, standing up and following me. “Go back to your red headed groupie, she’s waiting for you.” I said as I kept walking away from him.
“Vanity.” He said, grabbing my wrist. “Nikki, I’m at work! Let go of me!” I whisper-shouted as he dragged me down the side hallway and led me to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it.
“So you thought hiring your ex-fiancé would make things better for Vince? I told you to stay out of it!” He whisper-shouted back, causing my eyes to roll as my arms crossed my against my chest.
“Vince called me! He called asking for help because your manager doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing!” I said, unfolding my arms and jabbed my finger into his chest. “I am helping Vince! Your lead singer, and you don’t seem to care!” I yelled, continuing to poke my finger into his chest, knowing it is more than likely pushing his buttons.
“So yeah! I called Julian! Did I want too? No of course not! I absolutely hate him with every ounce of fiber in my body! In fact, I wish he was fucking dead.” I yelled at him, his eyes going wide when I said that.
“So I did this for Vince, I did this for the band, and I did it for you! Even though you don’t give a shit about me!” I continued to berate him. His hand slowly reached up, grabbing mine and removing it from his chest and gently rubbing his thumb across it, causing me to calm down as he continues.
“I never said I didn’t care.” I rolled my eyes, “You might as well have.” He sighed, giving me a stern look, “Would you just fucking listen to me!” Raising his voice, he took his hand away from mine, “I said fucked up shit to you and you didn’t deserve it, I am sorry for that. I was just angry, upset at the whole situation. I didn’t mean a single word I said.” He spoke softly, resting his hand under my chin to make me look at him.
“Then why would you say that Nikki? I felt worthless to you, like I was just another random girl you put your dick in.” He closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose, “Doll, I care about you so much, and I never want to make you feel like that. You were just the first person that crossed my path, and that is fucked up. I know you were just trying to make sure I was alright.” He said, my eyebrows scrunched together as I stepped away from his hand.
“So you just decide to be an asshole?! All because I was trying to check on you? I didn’t even fucking know yet that Raz had died or Vince was on his way to jail! They are my friends too Nikki!” I shout, causing me to become worked up once again.
“Van...Vanity...just calm down.” Nikki said, placing his hands on my shoulders but I smacked his hands off of me, I could tell he was also getting frustrated with me.
“Don’t tell me to calm down! You fucked me and then you treated me like shit! And I’m not gonna let you use the ‘oh I was angry and I didn’t mean it’ excuse!” I yelled, mocking his voice.
“How do you think I felt? I needed you and you didn’t answer my fucking calls! I tried coming over with Tommy, but Lucia and Tonya wouldn’t let me in because they said you had been too upset & crying that afternoon! I tried to apologize to you, I fucking needed you! My friend died and my brother almost fucking died and now he’s in jail! They told me you were crying and it fucking hurt! I care about you and us more then you fucking think, Vanity!” He shouted. I was taken back, I gawked at him as I took a step back. Us? There’s an us?
“Us?”” Nikki rolled his eyes, “Yes, us! There’s an us!” He shouted in frustration, “What? No there isn’t.” I was skeptical about what he was saying.
“Yes there fucking is, and don’t you tell me there isn’t! You always flirt with me! You’re always touching me, always trying to lean your head on me, or hold my hand or hold my arm! You are there for me when you shouldn’t be! There is an us, Vanity! We have a thing! A confusing, fucked up thing!”
My lips parted as I watched him pace around the bathroom, “Why do you think I get pissed off when you’re flirting with someone else? And yeah, you can say all day long that you aren’t flirting with them, but you are. Why do you think I won’t let the other guys have you, if we didn’t have a thing I would’ve already passed you around the band!” He yelled at me,
“It’s not like you’re my boyfriend.” I told him, his eyes instantly locked on mine. He took one stride over to me, as he placed his hands on the side of my face.
“I know I’m not your boyfriend, I’m not saying I want to be. But you and I have a thing going on whether you’d like to admit it or not Vanity. You are mine and everyone around us knows that. I always make it a point to let any guy I introduce you to know that, so they know to back off.” His eyes were dark, but his lips looked so tempting at the moment.
“Then how come if I’m yours you still go out of your way to fuck multiple girls a night, if I’m yours then you’re mine, Sixx.” He smirked, slowly taking his hands away from my cheeks.
“And that’s why we can’t be together. I don’t want a girlfriend, I couldn’t be faithful to you.” He said with a smile which made me laugh, “At least you’re honest.” I told him, while rolling my eyes.
“Can’t we just fuck? And nothing else cause jesus christ Vanity, why was that engagement broken off anyways? Julian couldn’t keep it up, huh?” Nikki said jokingly, I forced a laugh out of me.
“I want more of what I got from you...so can we? Just hook up and nothing else? Would you be okay with that?” He questioned, putting his hand on my lower back, slowly making its way to my ass.
I looked up at him, silently deciding for a moment. “Okay...but you can’t get mad when I fuck someone else.” I teased him, “Same goes to you.” He replied, “And you can’t get attached to me.” I added on, “Doll, you’ll be the one doing the attachment...not me.” I smirked, nodding, “I have to get back to work,my shift is almost over.” I said, looking down at my watch.
“Not so fast.” He said, putting his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me into a rough kiss. I groaned into his lips, as his tongue found its way to mine. He slowly backed me up to the counter, lifting me up so I can sit on it.
His hands trailed down my sides, while peeling my shirt off. His lips slid down to my jaw, then to my neck leaving a wet kiss before leaving yet another hickey on my neck, “Shouldn’t you get back to your chick of the night?” I asked, putting my hands under his shirt, trying to take it off. He stopped kissing my neck and rested his forehead on my shoulder, sighing in frustration, “You sure now how to ruin a moment, don’t you?” He asked, finally looking at me and giving me another kiss.
“Fuck her.” He said, while unbuckling his belt, then fumbling with the button and zipper “Isn’t that the point?” I smirked, while hopping off the counter. I put my hand on his chest, backing him up so he was leaning against the wall. I watched him as I dropped to my knees in front of him, “Fuck, don’t look at me like that.” He breathed out, as i tugged his pants down, “Like what, Nikki?” I asked, pulling out his hard member as he tilted his head back.
I gripped his hard cock before slowly taking him into my mouth, moaning when I did so. I began to move my head up and down, then placed a kiss on the tip. I started pumping his shaft, quickly going back to giving him what he wants.
My tongue swirled around the tip of his dick as I kept working my way further down the shaft, “Fuck.” He dragged out his favorite word, while putting his hand on the back of my head, entangling his fingers into my hair, making me take more of him into my mouth.
I looked up at him, giving him a wink, “Jesus Christ, Van.” He moaned, looking down at me and taking his bottom lip in between his teeth. “You look so fucking pretty with my cock in your mouth.” Nikki groaned, pushing the stragglers of hair out of my face, my face going hot as a crimson shade scatters my cheeks.
I continued as his moans started echoing through the bathroom, almost forgetting I was in my work of employment. I closed my eyes, Nikki’s hand gripped itself around my arm, “Come here.” He said, pulling me up off my knees and turning me around so I was bent over the sink.
Nikki lifted up my skirt, while pulling down my underwear, letting his fingers run against me, before slowly putting one inside of me as his thumb gently brushed against my clit, his finger pumping in and out slowly, “Nikki, common.” I whispered my pleas, noticing a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth through the mirror.
I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper as he quickly slid it onto his shaft. His hands came up to my hips, and in one swift motion I felt his cock tease my entrance. Biting my lip, I pushed my self back onto him, “Impatient, are we?” He chuckled to himself as he eased himself into me, causing a loud moan to escape my lips, quickly putting my hand over my mouth.
Nikki’s pace started picking up as he kept hitting the same spot over and over. He put his hands on my hips again as he rhythmically gave it to me harder. I tried holding back my whimpers as I kept hearing people walk past the bathroom door, “C’mon Doll, be loud for me, who cares if they can hear.” Nikki groaned, removing my hand from my mouth, holding it behind my back.
I felt the familiar pit form deep inside of me as Nikki fucked me harder, “God, Nikki!” I moaned out as I gripped the counter.
My eyes almost popped out of my head when I heard Tonya’s voice, “Vanity! Are you in there!” Tonya banged on the bathroom door, “I’ll be right out!” I yelled, my voice was shaky.
I closed my eyes, trying to focus on how Nikki was making me feel, “You gonna cum for me?” Nikki whispered into my ear, his teeth grazing against it as he sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t form a sentence, only a head nod. I saw his smile that made me melt into his rugged hands.
“Vanity come on! I want to go home!” Tonya yelled, banging on the door once more. “Coming!!” I yelled as soon as I felt my release, my legs almost buckling underneath me, but he kept me in place.
“She can wait, I’m almost-“ “Have you seen Nikki?” We both heard Tommy’s voice, “Always wanting to ruin it.” Nikki said through gritted teeth, as he dug his fingertips into my hips and beginning to thrust into me faster, trying to get closer to his orgasm.
“Ah fuck...” Nikki moaned as his thrusts started to slow down. He kept himself inside of me as he rode out his release. He rested his head on the back of my shoulder, kissing it before leaving a soft bite.
He took himself out of me and I quickly pulled up my panties, pulling my skirt back down. “Here.” Nikki said handing me my shirt, I took it and slipped it over my shoulders, “What is that?” Nikki stopped me, my shirt half on as his finger touched my back.
“That’s one gnarly fucking scar, how’d you get that?” He asked curiously, “Don’t worry about it.” I told him, before grabbing his jaw and kissing his lips. I waited until he was decent too, before opening the door, only to run into both Tommy and Tonya.
“Oh hi guys.” I said, slamming the door, holding the door knob behind my back so Nikki couldn’t open it. “What were you doing in there?” Tonya asked me, her arms across her chest, “Have you seen Nikki? That chick left.” Tommy questioned, “Uh no...haven’t seen him.” I told them, but Nikki forcefully opened the door, making it bang against the wall.
“Oh, hey.” Nikki said as he stood behind me, continuing to adjust his shirt. “Nice, man.” Tommy said sticking his hand up for a high five, I glared at him and he put his arm back at his side.
“Now that your activities are over...I want to go home, I counted out for you.” Tonya told me, I nodded without making eye contact. I followed her as the boys followed behind us.
“At her job, that’s fucking sleazy.” Tommy whispered but not quiet enough for me not to hear him, “Shut up, T-bone.” Nikki replied with a laugh in his voice.
I grabbed my belongings from the coat rack. I watched as Tommy walked over to Heather, giving her his leather jacket. “Sorry about your girl.” I told Nikki, he rolled his eyes, “They come a dime a dozen.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders, I shook my head and laughed.
Nikki walked me to my car around back where Tonya was waiting impatiently for me, “Our tour is getting held back because of everything with Vince.” He explained, “So you’ll be home for a while?” I asked, which only got a nod in return. “Well...I’ll be seeing more of you then.” I said while biting my lip and looking at him.
“And I’ll be seeing a lot more of you too.” He said, his eyes looking me up and down. He put his hand on the side of my face, bending down to give me a kiss but I turned my head, “Not in front of them.” I warned him, motioning to Tonya behind me and to Tommy and Heather who were waiting at their car for Nikki.
“Oh fuck them, they already know we fucked.” He growled while forcing his lips onto mine, as his hands reached down to my ass and squeezing it. “Easy, Sixx.” I teased him as I broke the kiss, backing away from him and walking to my car.
“Goodnight Vanity.” I turned around, giving him another glance and a smile. “Bye, Nikki.” I told him as I opened the car door, sitting down in the drivers seat.
“You gonna tell me what all that is about?” Tonya questioned me, I looked over at her while turning the key in the ignition. “It’s nothing.” I said, but I knew I had a cheesy grin on my face. “Doesn’t seem like nothing to me.” I laughed, “I swear, it’s nothing.” I replied as I started to drive out of the parking lot.
“You’re blushing like a school girl.” She pointed out, while poking my cheeks, “I am not!” I said covering my cheeks, “Someone has a crush.” I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in disapproval.
“God, what are we, like twelve again?” I asked her, making her laugh, “No! But it’s nice to see you feel this way about someone.” She said, I looked over at her, “I don’t feel anything towards him.” She gave me a glare, “What I’m serious? He’s hot and he’s a great fucking lay, and he doesn’t want the relationship part which is perfect for me.” I explained to her.
“Don’t fuck around and get your feelings hurt, Van. I would hate to see your guys friendship get ruined.” She playfully warned me, I looked over at her, “I know better than that, it’s just a fun little thing.” I said, she nodded, not continuing to give me her opinion of my new found relationship with Nikki.
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