#and suzuka is Seb's circuit
awkwardrocker · 6 months
My Suzuka conspiracy theory is that Toto Wolff changing his plans to suddenly be available is because Seb might be there and he's trying to recruit him to Merc for next year.
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sebnameyourcar · 1 year
my phone is such dogshit lately nothing is loading but i am using the last of its precious power to say: seb looks like a fucking snack today. buzz buzz beetiches
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tubbietommo · 1 year
I will be watching the Singapore gp (cause I love that track) but if Verstappen keeps winning I'm sorry I'll try next season to watch it again.
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drvscarlett · 29 days
About You Pt 13
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series
A/N: I am so sorry for the long hiatus because my laptop died and I have to get it fixed. About You will be in consistent updates starting next week every Wednesday and Thursday. I am actually planning to extend the chapters of About You up to Chap 18 because I messed up the pacing. I hope you enjoy this and let me know your thoughts
Taglist: @spideybv28@randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @khaylin27 @0710khj @its-elias-world @vizzzashley @allisonwoods @taytaylala12 @miarabanana @ceciii-b @lindsayjoy444 @mploopssek @snakelore @toldyouitwasamelodrama @lordpercevalcharles
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2013, Marina Bay Street Circuit
Sebastian was on an all-time high, he was winning on and off tracks. The championship was within his reach with each race he wins and his personal life is flourishing. He had felt the championship euphoria before but being in that podium and seeing Y/N proudly looking at him from below is something else.
Despite the energy burst, he opted to stay out of the Singapore night life and return to his hotel room. He didn't feel like mingling in sweaty clubs or the taste of intoxicating drinks tonight. Besides, he has a dinner at a skyline restaurant with a very beautiful girl so he has to change quickly.
Whistling down a happy tune as he texts a message to Y/N. There was nothing in this world that could ever ruin his happiness and that was a word spoken to soon.
When he turns the corner, there was someone that Sebastian didn't want to see.
"Oh Sebastian, thank God. I have to speak to you and its really important-"
"Hanna? What are you doing here?"
Sebastian's voice was mixed with confusion and anger. The past few meetings with Hanna was not a good memory for Sebastian and he could only feel as if trouble follows whenever he meets her.
"Are you stalking me?"the driver asked
The woman in front of him went red in embarrassment. She could understand why Sebastian would think that way but she was in a desperate attempt to talk to him.
"I know this looks bad but I had a friend here who told me where you would be staying and I needed to talk to you. I wouldn't have done this if it wasn't important"Hanna rambled.
"Didn't I make myself clear last time that Hanna I do not return any feelings for you and I'm really sorry if you thought a relationship could blossom between us because its never going to happen"Sebastian stated.
It would be a lie if Sebastian didn't notice how Hanna winced by the directness of his voice but he has to keep his boundaries. He doesn't want anything more to jeopardize what he is working on with Y/N. He will not be a man that will be unfaithful to her.
"But Sebastian, you have to listen. This is something big and this is something that I can't do alone"Hanna was begging.
"I'm sorry Hanna but whatever that is, I'm sorry but I couldn't be of any help"Sebastian ended the conversation.
He passed her by and shut the door in front of her. It was painful for Sebastian to hear the cries of his once childhood friend at the other side of the door but she has to learn that Sebastian cannot return her feelings back.
"You're not even listening to me Seb. You didn't even give me a chance to tell you about us"Hanna thought silently cradling the bump on her stomach.
2013, Suzuka Circuit
It was Y/N's dream to go to Universals Studio Japan to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. She mentioned this a couple of times but due to the distance between the circuit and Osaka, she always missed the opportunity.
"I still can't believe that you are taking me to Harry Potter"Y/N squealed, excitement was evident on her face.
"We still have a long way to go, they told me its a 2 hour drive" Sebastian noted "You can still grab some sleep"
"I should be the one telling you that, you just finished driving for the weekend and now you are driving at an ungodly hour of 7 in the morning"Y/N voices her concern "Don't you ever get tired of driving?"
"For you? Never"
Sebastian's hand found its way to Y/N's and he placed a gentle kiss. His eyes were still focused on driving and the road but he could see in the mirror the red tint on her cheeks.
For some it would be tiring to go on long drives. Sebastian thinks otherwise, he feels like he is the luckiest man alive to be able to go for long drives when she is at the passenger side.
"Do you have a list of which part of the Harry Potter world are we going first?" Sebastian wondered.
"Well maybe we could go and get some of those butterbeers and then we can explore the whole park. I wanted to try that rollercoaster that looks like Hagrid's bike and then the castle. I also want to buy some candies for Mick"Y/N listed down.
She looked up from her phone and she felt like she was being selfish not asking Sebastian about what he wanted to do. She wanted to do a face palm.
"That is if its alright with you? Maybe you want to go somewhere specific in Universals?"Y/N offered.
"Oh no, its alright. I'm good wherever you are happy. This is your day and I want you to enjoy the whole Harry Potter experience"Sebastian insisted.
Y/N thought he couldn't love Sebastian even more but she just did. She knew how Sebastian was not that big of a fan of Harry Potter, he didn't even know the names of the golden trio in the beginning. He just started to get into it because she was rambling all the time about it.
"Speaking of the Harry Potter experience, you can check the backseat because I believe there is a surprise for you there"Sebastian chuckles.
At the backseat, Y/N found two boxes. One has her name on it with a big black bow ribbon while the other had a scribbled vettel on it. She picked it up confused to what is Sebastian plotting now.
"Since when did you get all fancy?"
"I asked my Mom about it"Sebastian admits "Go and open it"
Once the bows were untied and the lid was lifted, there was a rustle of wrapping paper. Y/N couldn't believe her eyes upon seeing the emblem on the cloth.
"You got me robes?"Y/N can cry "And you got my house right!"
Sebastian will admit that he researched a couple of days ago about how to make this experience really special. Some said that the school robes was a good outfit to make the person feel like they are attending Hogwarts. He made some few calls here and there then tada he acquired some of the Hogwarts robes just like what was seen in the movies.
"So did you get a Slytherin robe?"Y/N asked, she often teased Sebastian that he could be F1's Draco Malfoy.
"Well I think I had to surrender, my Pottermore results said that I was a Slytherin"
"You took a Pottermore quiz and you didn't tell me right away?"
2013, Buddh International Circuit
The Taj Mahal looks exquisite with the sun setting at the back of it. Everyone was on their phones or their cameras to capture the moment but Y/N prefers sitting at one of the benches and preserving it in her head. There was something really peaceful to just live in the moment but she doesn't blame if people wanted something physical to commemorate this moment.
Maybe Y/N wanted to savor this moment of peace because by tomorrow she will be back in the paddock with all the different noises. She knows that there will be a lot of questions in the next few days following Mark's decision of leaving Formula 1.
She did not blame Mark, she understands that he has been doing this for quite some time now and he was bound to be burned out. She has also been thinking about retiring from this job but that would be happening in a few more years. The thought of retiring scares her because her life basically revolved around Formula 1. There was this idea that maybe if she doesn't have a job here then maybe she will lose everything that she have right now.
A heavy sigh escapes her mouth as she zoned out once more with the view.
"Mind if I join you?"
Y/N looked up and she saw the familiar grin of Sebastian Vettel. She gave a nod and gestured at the empty space at the bench.
"How did you know I was here?"Y/N asked.
"I didn't. We are doing some team video and then I spotted you here then I went ahead to say hello"Sebastian grins.
From behind Sebastian, she sees a filming crew at a distance. They seem to be distracted with Mark and the reserve driver Sebastien Buemi. Y/N acknowledges it with a smile then she proceeded to looking at the scenic view in front of her.
"You know when they told me about the Taj Mahal, I got reminded of us"Sebastian opened up "The two met when they were young and its love at first sight then they got married"
The thought of the very first time that Y/N saw Sebastian and the first time they talked to each other, crossed her mind. It seems like it was just yesterday but its been a really really long while now.
"And I don't believe in coincidences, I think some things are meant to happen"Sebastian stated "When I saw you here, I was given the sign of the universe and maybe a sign from Taj Mahal that its really you that I would like to spend the rest of my days with"
Y/N felt overwhelmed by the direct confession. This was usually how Sebastian is, he was very vocal about his feelings but the implication in his tone is different. Y/N felt like they are moving a bit too fast but maybe she doesn't mind at all.
A small box was placed in her hand.
"This was my Mother's. I carried it around with me since we started to tell each other how we feel. I am not asking you to marry me but I just wanted you to have it because someday I'm planning to marry you."Sebastian concludes.
"Seb, I can't.. This is too much" she was speechless.
"There is no other woman that I see myself ending up with" Sebastian insist "Its yours just like how my heart is also yours"
The silver band with a pearl in the middle stares at her. She ponders about it even after Sebastian left her side. This was technically not a marriage proposal but rather a promise ring.
She prayed for a sign in the weekends whether she deserves to place it on her finger or not.
Needless to say, it was a very eventful weekend for Sebastian. He crossed the finish line with a World Championship. Even after winning all these years, he was still amazed by the winning feeling.
The crowd chants his name as he shows his praises to his winning car. He managed to find his way to the podium with the congratulations littering everywhere he go and every face was a blur.
However, he had to do a double take as he saw Y/N on the barrier. She was wearing a proud grin and pointing at something in her finger. Sebastian didn't have to be a genius to recognize the familiar ring on her finger.
It was a memorable weekend.
 2013, Yas Marina Circuit
It was rare that Y/N gets to hang out with girls. Being surrounded by a lot of male bravado and testosterones can be a little too much which is why when there is an opportunity for her to meet another girl friend then she will make time.
Post qualifying sessions was a good opportunity as Jenson chooses to rest while the Red Bull boys are stuck in strategy meetings. Therefore, this was Y/N's window time to accommodate Hanna's request for dinner.
She couldn't wait to tell Hanna about the recent happenings with Sebastian or the latest gossip in the paddock. She was pretty sure that she might shock Hanna with the development of her love life. However Y/N was the one with a jaw drop when Hanna waddled in with a pregnant bump.
"Oh my God Hanna! Why didn't you tell me your pregnant?"Y/N was shocked "Are you okay or are you tired? Did you need to sit down?"
Hanna gives a weak smile, "just a little water"
"Of course,here. Sit sit."Y/N fuzzed "If I had known you were pregnant then I would have made reservations closer to your hotel"
"Y/N you're already treating me dinner"Hanna said
"I should be because I think I have been late in congratulating your little one"Y/N replied.
Hanna held her bump protectively. She was suddenly reminded the reason why she asked to meet Y/N. She was doing this to help her little one because she cannot afford that her child will grow up miserable.
"How far along are you?"Y/N wondered.
"About six… six months"there was an unease in Hanna's tone.
Hanna knows what she did and she knows what she is about to do. It plagues her mind how she could wipe the smile Y/N has right now with the bombshell of news that she has. Hanna blanks out as Y/N ramble about how she is so happy for her and the guilty feeling sinks even further.
"Y/N I have to talk to you"Hanna cuts her off.
It was better to rip the Band-Aid early than prolonging the agony.
"Oh we can talk later,lets get you some food first"Y/N dismissed. "I don't want you or your little one getting hungry."
The way that Y/N cares so much about Hanna makes the pregnant woman even more uneasy. Hanna noted how Y/N was so caring in asking her preference and she wonders if she would still be like that if she finally learns the truth.
Dinner went on smoothly with their chitchats of how life has been and how they are dealing with the changes. As time goes on, Hanna felt the gnawing guilt eating her even more which is why the minute the tables were cleared and the desserts were out, it was now time.
"I really need to talk to you about this Y/N"Hanna gestured at the bump.
There was a glee in Y/N's eyes, maybe she was thinking that Hanna is making her a godparent. Hanna tried her best to avoid her eyes because she cannot handle when her eyes starts crying.
"Now what do you want to talk about?"Y/N questioned.
"Im pregnant Y/N"it was now or never for Hanna.
If she could just change how things were then she wouldn't have been so stupid. She wouldn't have been in this situation right now and she wouldn't lose such a great friend like Y/N. However, this was a consequence of her selfish actions and now she will pay for it.
"I am well aware of that Hanna"Y/N grinned "and congratulations by the way. You should totally let me help you find some cute baby stuffs and-"
"The father is Seb"
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amakumos · 8 months
enhypen as f1 fans - headcanons.
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SYNOPSIS. enhypen as f1 fans this is literally just it
GENRE. probably just crack
AUTHOR'S NOTE. this is literally just for fun and i love lando norris. lmk what else you would want to add if u like f1 and enha... let me know what types of fans theyd be... not tagging taglist in this cuz its not that serious of a fic
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favourite team: aston martin
favourite track: spa-francorchamps
favourite driver: fernando alonso / lewis hamilton
heeseung also gives me the vibe that he likes red bull as well! i think he definitely wouldn't be mad if a rb driver won, but would prefer drivers from his favourite team
he's definitely gone to races before. occasionally buys paddock passes.
had the time of his life in the first half of the 2023 season when aston was good... after the upgrades (more like downgrades) he's been going through it...
but i think he'd still have hope.
the kind of guy to quit watching the race if his favourite driver dnfs
buys merch like a crazy person
loves fernando’s tiktok account with a burning passion. probably uses them as reaction memes in the gc
will lose his shit when fernando or lewis retires.
has a soft spot for oscar
bashes his head against the wall when his fav driver has a slow pitstop
the kind of guy to yell at the tv when the result outcome is terrible
"i'm never watching formula 1 again" he says when his fav doesn't make it to the points... and then proceeds to turn the tv back on the next race week
probably has a selfie with his fav driver (and probably cried a little bit after)
uses that video of fernando's celebration dance as a way to get out of awkward conversations
the first guy to like fernando's new tiktoks whenever they r posted
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favourite team: mercedes
favourite track: circuit of the americas
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / sebastian vettel
honestly i feel like everyone in enha loves lewis
lost his shit when seb retired
i think he also likes nico rosberg as well. seems like a brocedes guy (he sheds tears every time someone brings brocedes up tho)
would sacrifice his right lung for another lewis hamilton win
would gladly help seb build his bee hotels in suzuka
paddock passes every time when he goes and watches f1.
probably has selfies with every driver that he likes
hes just a mercedes guy through and through
he's loyal to his team! if ur a mercedes driver, jay loves u AUTOMATICALLY.
probably died a bit on the inside when george and lewis had contact on turn 1 in qatar 2023
not a red bull fan. im sorry
but he sometimes thinks about turning into a red bull fan because life as a red bull fan is much less depressing compared to being a merc fan
misses the merc domination era
probably on f1twt and is famous there
people know him for having selfies w the drivers and always buying paddock passes. he's a rich guy what can i say
another guy who yells at the screen during a race
whenever merc has disappointing strategies he just sighs and thinks: "i could do a better job"
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favourite team: ferrari
favourite track: monza / monaco
favourite driver: charles leclerc
he goes through it every single weekend. every weekend he is constantly disappointed by ferrari and at this point he is considering to quit watching f1
only cares about charles. loves that man with his life
he also likes oscar and danny ric as well, because they're australian
you know how every italian man is in love with charles? they post stuff on their story like "met my husband😍" and it's a pic of them and charles? that's jake. he is him
jake reminds me of that one fan who made charles a pizza and gave it to him in person. like that’s lowkey some shit that he would do
picks up on phrases that charles says. mainly "it's like this" ...
prays every single weekend for charles to get good results (he is always disappointed)
wanted to die when he saw charles' slow pit stop at the dutch gp in 2023... they had NO TYRES and jake threw the remote control at the screen
has charles merch. definitely bought the monaco special edition hat. probably buys apm monaco for charles too
he's definitely gone to races before. probably bought paddock once but he will never do that again his wallet was crying
was 100% in the crowd during charles' 2019 monza win. also shed tears during that moment
"BURN THE SF23" is the most tweeted thing on his f1twt account of the 2023 season
argues with sunghoon all the time over f1 because sunghoon is a red bull fan... but secretly they're literally lecstappen
in general jake would sacrifice his entire life for charles leclerc and... he's so real for that
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favourite team: red bull
favourite track: zandvoort / red bull ring
favourite driver: max verstappen
the only one enjoying the 2023 season
because his favourite driver always wins
the only one in enha whos NEVER disappointed whenever a race happens
yells rlly loud whenever max wins (so basically every race weekend) and the rest of the enha boys just look at him like 😒
probably has like 5 red bull shirts in his closet and sleeps in them
defends max with his life. probably has a twitter account w the user onlyverstappen and you'll see him bashing the shit out of max haters
prob bought a max mini helmet. almost bought the max verstappen christmas sweater (hes a dedicated fan what can i say)
big maxiel fan. would sacrifice everything for a max and daniel pairing again because he thinks they're funny together
likes max bc of his humour as well
watches youtube videos about f1 like "every f1 driver getting mad at nikita mazepin" or like "funny f1 driver radio moments"
the kind of guy to save every max edit into his camera roll (hes in love what can i say)
started drinking red bulls because of his love for the team… he says it’s his way of supporting them
fan of liam lawson too. needs him to get a seat and he does not care with what team. he just needs to see that man in a f1 car ASAP...
has been to f1 races, bought paddock once to go with jay. max won that race and he never shuts up about how he saw max verstappen win with his own two eyes
has the same passion towards f1 as jake except he lives in a constant state of happiness due to red bull's dominance while jake lives in a constant state of depression
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favourite team: alphatauri / williams
favourite track: singapore
favourite driver: yuki tsunoda / alex albon
big yuki fan. thinks his radios are funny
he's not too invested in f1 but watches occasionally
loves alex bc of how he's somehow able to drag a williams into the points
he's pretty quiet when he's watching f1 i feel
feels like the kind of guy to just sit on the couch and be like "hmm. good job" or like "oh. maybe next time..."
mainly bc his fav drivers and teams arent fighting for podiums or championships... but he hopes that they'll be able to someday
he's that one rlly lucky fan that could just be walking around in the same city as his fav f1 driver and just bump into them on the street
doesn't hate any team and doesn't hate any driver. he's a pretty chill f1 fan
the ONE time sunoo probably got pissed was when yuki was on his formation lap and his engine broke down... meaning he didn't start
wanted to punch smth because How in the World
probably bought one of yuki's mini helmets bc he thinks its cute. "good room decor" - kim sunoo 2023
probably has a yuki or alex cap but that's as much merch as he'll buy tbh
likes the yuki / daniel combo for alphatauri but also thinks nyck should've been given a bit more time
probably hasn't been to an f1 race in person... if he went i don't think he'd buy paddock unless one of the other members bought it and brought him along
keeps up w f1 news from twitter or from jake bc he never stops talking about how ferrari’s fucking up charles' strategy again
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favourite team: mclaren
favourite track: silverstone
favourite driver: lando norris / oscar piastri
no, i’m not just saying jungwon is a lando enjoyer just because i am (maybe a little bc i’m biased BUT)
they’re both just adorable so what can i say really
depressed at the beginning of the season when the mclaren boys were driving a fucking TRACTOR for a car
landoscar enthusiast. i don’t make the rules… he and jake remind me of landoscar kinda… like jake would be a lando and jungwon would be an oscar
would do anything (I MEAN ANYTHING) for a lando win… me too
spends money on lando merch (HOODIES!) and prob wears it bc the designs r insanely cool
sits in silence in the corner when it’s a bad race week for his faves… like he’s crazily silent to the point where it’s scary. it's giving eye twitches vibes
gets hyped for race week tho he’s the kinda guy to have every race logged in his calendar
makes maeumi watch f1 with him. unfortunately maeumi is not a mclaren fan much to his disappointment
if you hate lando or oscar he will hate you. defends them with his life and trust and believe me he will win.
is on f1twt, pretty well known on there (he just tweets random shit and gets 1k likes and hes like... Wtf)
attends races whenever he can, prob not paddock cuz he thinks it’s not really worth it bc of how expensive they are
used to mclaren being good now compared to the start of the season so he’s devastated when they’re not top 5
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favourite team: mercedes (ferrari later tho...)
favourite track: suzuka
favourite driver: lewis hamilton / yuki tsunoda / kimi raikkonen
lewis fan because he’s the goat, yuki fan bc he thinks he’s funny and bc they’re both japanese, kimi fan because well... hes KIMI
riki’s prob been invested in f1 since he was a kid, definitely the most involved / passionate w motorsports
probably watches other motorsport series too! pretty sure he’s talked about formula e, and i could see him enjoying indycar and motogp
yk how lewis released that collab w fortnite? riki prob bought the skin and plays as lewis in fortnite😭
loves roscoe!!! would want bisco and roscoe to meet tbh
wants lewis to win again SOOOO badly
prob has a picture with yuki and the height difference would be hilarious (yuki is 159cm)
i think he's a big fan of schumacher, senna, prost too, definitely been watching this sport for a WHILE!
in a complete state of SHOCK when it was revealed lewis would be going to ferrari
started learning italian on duolingo after the big announcement
has definitely been to a few f1 races (suzuka, silverstone & singapore are probably the ones he's been to)
probably gets invited as a guest of his favourite teams n shit it's crazy he's practically an influencer there
would start an f1 podcast for fun and it would go viral
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umseb · 5 months
race winner sebastian vettel is interviewed during the post-race press conference, japan - october 10, 2010 (transcript under the cut)
Interviewer: "The top three drivers in the 2010 Formula 1 Japanese Grand Prix. In third place, for Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro, Fernando Alonso; in second place, for Red Bull Racing, Mark Webber; and taking the win for Red Bull Racing in the team's third 1-2 of the season, Sebastian Vettel. Seb, last season, pole and the win. This year, pole and the win, and all n the space of just one day." Seb: "Yeah. Incredible day, obviously, this morning with qualifying and the pole position, and this afternoon we just continued, so fantastic. I think it was down to the team. They have been working very hard. Most of the guys, they didn't sleep from Thursday to Saturday, so actually was good that there was no quali so they didn't have to touch the car and then cut some sleep, and I think they deserve it today. Obviously this track is, like, drawn for us. With all the high-speed corners it's always a pleasure, and with the car getting lighter and lighter in the end it's just more and more fun, and yeah, incredible. Good start, which was obviously the key from the clean side, and I could see Robert obviously got a bit of momentum, but the way down to turn one was too short for him. And then with the safety car, which stayed out quite long, obviously, with the incident with Kubica… But then after that I think both of us were able to pull away from the field and just controlling the pace until the end. There was a little bit of a rest behind Jenson because we couldn't really go through him, so we had to wait until he pits, but after that, just incredible. So really, really happy, and it's about time." [laughs] Interviewer: "You looked to have the race pretty much under control from the off, but Mark was putting you under some serious pressure after the pit stops, wasn't he?" Seb: "Yeah, I mean, obviously in his position he tries to push. I know that overtaking is not so easy and obviously… I think I just went as fast as I had to. Obviously I could see that we were pulling away. I was mainly given the pace Fernando was doing for the majority of the race. Obviously I can see Mark when he's about one, two, three seconds behind, so [laughs] as I said, obviously with Button in the middle after the pit stop halfway through the race we had to, yeah, back off a bit, and then once he pulled obviously it was free fast to go. But, as you said, it was pretty much controlled until the end, so just trying to carry the car home. But still you want to push every single lap because the car is magnificent around here. Just feels fantastic, so really happy." Interviewer: "Congratulations. Well done." [time jump] Interviewer: "Back to you. You're now tied for second in the championship. Only two drivers have ever taken back-to-back wins at suzuka other than yourself-Mika Häkkinen and Michael Schumacher-and they both went on to win the title. It's a pretty good omen." Seb: "I guess! I wouldn't mind, obviously. No, I'm very proud. I love this circuit. It's always special to come here. The fans, I think, the atmosphere for all of us is special. And yeah, it's the first time I win a grand prix for the second time, so I think ultimately you have to fall in love with this track. And yeah, very proud, so as you say. Think that's a good omen, so I wouldn't mind." [laughs] Interviewer: "Thank you very much, guys. Congrats."
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baiuzensenn · 7 months
🐝Sebastian Vettel donated 8 insects hotels to Yamada Bee Farm (山田養蜂場) in Okayama, Japan, which were installed at the Buzzin’ Corner (Turn 2) of the Suzuka Circuit during 2023 Japanese Grand Prix.
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Seb recorded a video for this donation ceremony as well: “Thank you for giving me the best base. I’m very excited about the progress of this project. Looking forward to visiting the insects hotels at Okayama in the near future!”
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8 out of 11 insects hotels at Suzuka (each team had one plus Seb had one representing himself) were donated.
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Britta attended this ceremony on behalf of Seb!
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leclerced · 10 months
Oof the idea of getting Seb roped in and Bunny bringing his rbr era cockiness out would be.. chef’s kiss.
I’m just imagining that Seb was her first crush from Formula 1 when she first started following the sport, so when he visited at Suzuka, she would just be super bashful and revert back to her old child hood self who had Seb posters up. And he’d laugh about it, teasing her about how every time he looked at her or had the smallest bit of accidental contact as they inspected the bee houses or he walked by her in hospitality, she just immediately turned red. And Mark would tease Oscar about this, letting him know that his protégé’s girlfriend wasn’t even insusceptible to Seb’s charm and it was just like the days where the other WAGS even had the smallest crush on Seb because of his outgoing and friendly personality.
Seeing Bunny’s reaction and hearing this would of course would prompt Oscar to invite Seb to “hang out” and get to know Bunny, the girl who has half of the grid wrapped around her little finger. And Seb would be curious to see why Lance would be dropping off gifts at McClaren hospitality, why Max and Charles would joke so closely with Oscar and Lando about how she seemed so tired.
But what really gets me? The way Lando would react, seeing who he thought was the most wholesome, gentlemanly grid dad revert back to the man who would openly flirt with reporters and ask their about their break plans, the way he would cockily tease and taunt Bunny during their time together and curse quietly in German and tell her she was his good girl.
I think Lando’s brain would short circuit watching the way he dommed Bunny because while he knew about Seb’s past, the only persona HE had met was the wise and generous elder on the grid who wanted a tree planted in his name for a Christmas gift, not playboy Seb who had Bunny’s ankles around his neck and her begging for more.
AHHH this is my new fav concept goodbye
bunny’s so confident w everyone else because she knows the power she holds over them, but it all slips away around seb. since he only retired a year before she would have met him before, but it all starts after he retires so like, she was okay around him before because he wouldn’t be an option. he’d know he’s one of her favorite drivers, if not her favorite, so when he returns to suzuka and she sees him for the first time after it starts, she can’t stop thinking about fucking him. she’d just stay with lando or oscar and watch seb interact with everyone, waiting for him to come over so she can rope him in. she’s thinking about the way he used to flirt with everyone and wonders if she can bring that part of him back out. planning what lines she can use to make him blush, but then he comes over and is talking to oscar and she just short circuits, she can’t function. she’s got stars in her eyes and she’s just… brainless. as soon as he walks away oscar’s teasing her over it and mark is like don’t sweat it bunny, we’ve all been there. he has that effect on women. and she’s like uhh no i mean- i’ve met him before idk what just happened??
he was charles’s mentor so he’d catch charles looking too long, or catch him with a hand on her waist, and he’d be like “charlie i have been involved with taken women, do not make the same mistakes i did. stay out of it, she doesn’t need a third boyfriend.” charles knows seb can keep a secret so he’s the one to let it slip, so when oscar’s asking him to come hang out with him and bunny… sebastian’s got ideas brewing in his head. he’s thinking about when he arrived at the paddock and was saying hello to everyone and he pulled her in for a hug and her voice was shaky and low as she said hello and then wouldn’t meet his eyes while he talked to oscar and mark. every time he sees her after that he finds a reason to touch her, like brushing her hair behind her ear, putting a hand on her waist when he’s walking by. he likes the way she reacts to him barely touching her, notices the little smirk on oscar’s face because he’s seeing her reactions too and knows what he’s doing.
bunny would be so frustrated at the end of each day, asking oscar why seb keeps touching her and oscar asks “do you want him to stop?” and she almost cries bc that is the last thing she wants. every little event he does for his bee project, he’s finding a way to get her attention, saying something dirty to oscar and looking over to see her blushing and squirming. he’d be asking her to help him with stuff, saying everyone else is too busy. maybe he wouldn’t even ask her, he’d ask oscar if he could borrow her like she’s not even there and ofc she’d follow him like a puppy dog wherever he wants. he’d be making dirty jokes, toeing the line of flirting and not. oscar and lando are reaping the benefits of all of seb’s teasing. oscar lets her get all pent up before slipping seb a room card, and he wouldn’t even need to say anything, seb takes it and shows up with condoms and lube and probably silk ties or smth.
then suddenly sebastian’s at every other race and no one even bats an eye when he’s caught flirting with bunny time and time again except lando, they’re all used to it but he can never get the sight of oscar and sebastian tag teaming her out of his head. sebastian would put her in positions he didn’t think possible, they’d fuck her until she’d gone completely silent and lando’s asking them to stop bc he’s kinda worried when she doesn’t respond to his check-in but as soon as seb and oscar back off, she’s crying for them to come back. she’d be so lost in how good she felt she didn’t hear lando, so when suddenly it stops she completely falls apart begging them not to stop and lando feels terrible for ruining what would have been an earth shattering orgasm. he’d never be able to look at him the same, and oscar would have a new best friend.
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solaireverie · 8 months
tagged by @oscar-fastri 🫶
1. Who or what got you into F1?
my family! i come from one of those european motorsport legacy families where we've followed the sport from day one. both my parents are enthusiasts and i grew up watching f1.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
the first f1 driver i supported would either be sebastian vettel or lewis hamilton. seb is retired now, but i'm still a lewis girlie through and through. i think my opinions have changed a lot, especially when they switch teams, but in my heart i'm still that kid screaming my heart out as my favorite driver drives past.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
max verstappen 🦁 if you'd asked me before feb 1st i'd have included lewis but i'm still reeling from the news
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
hear me out: oscar and fernando. it may be unconventional, but i feel like it'd be epic. it'll probably never happen but the vibes would be incredible omg.
but secretly i'll always want to see seb and lewis in the same team 😭
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
oh. ohhhh boy.
my mum's favorites are lewis and mick, my dad's are max and pierre, my brother is lecfosi through and through, and my sister is a lando fan. my extended family supports various assorted drivers that i honestly don't bother to keep track of 🤭
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
barcelona 2016 and interlagos 2021 are the ones that come to mind. yes, there are others that have been "better" for my faves, but max's first win (ft. brocedes public divorce proceedings) and lewis' insane comeback hold such special places in my heart.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i'm legally obliged to say circuit paul ricard and silverstone, but zandvoort, spa, and suzuka also hold special places in my heart.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
i've been lucky enough to go to quite a few 😜 there's a picture of three-week-old me at the 2005 barcelona grand prix that i keep on my desk lmao
i think my most notable experience is that the cars are a lot louder and faster than they seem online. my favorite gp experience would probably be silverstone but spa and interlagos are really cool too!!
btw monaco is a tourist trap. it's kind of boring and honestly it's more of a social event than a race, so if you want to experience the more technical side of f1, it's better to go to another gp
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
my lawyer (my cat) has advised me not to comment on this
(yes but mostly in passing)
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
w11 😌 you will never be forgotten, although rocky (rb19) comes close to stealing my heart
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
meeeeeeh. if i really had to choose it would either be heikki or pastor maldonado but nope, no favorites.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
"i don't apologise for winning" - sebastian vettel
"enjoy the butterflies" - daniel ricciardo
"no regrets, just memories" - daniel ricciardo
"still i rise" - lewis hamilton
not a quote but i really like the il predestinato nickname for charles :)
tagging @papayatifosi @formulahuh @matchnightt @lorarri @presdestigatto @renarots <33 and anyone else who wants to do this!
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avida-heidia-5 · 1 year
Sebtember Challenge #22: Spectator’s Eye View
Sebastian goes trackside today as a spectator to watch F1 cars tackle the Suzuka circuit during Free Practice.
In an interview with Sky Sports Germany, Seb admitted he found it “extremely difficult” to watch and it “hurts” him.
“I knew it would be difficult to be here, but here is extremely difficult. I mean, this was my favourite track.”
“[…] I would never mind a comeback just for here. I mean, it’s tough just standing here now knowing how it feels when you’re in the car now.”
– Sources: Essentially Sports & Racingnews365
Could we see a potential one-off comeback somewhere down the line?
I personally think he should come back. If it hurts him that much to see a load of F1 cars whizzing around the track, then he should jump in and go and join them. I wouldn’t even care which team he would join; I just want to see him on track again.
Please, Seb! Please! Do it for the fans! 🥺🙏🏻
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hyacinthsdiamonds · 2 years
Speaking as someone who has no option but the sky sports commentary, if you don't think they're biased you're wrong. I've watched F1 my entire life so just over two decades. The rights have changed from ITV to BBC to Sky in that time and the bias has always been there but as Sky Sports has the main English speaking F1 content in the age of social media, the bias is significantly more harmful.
Fans get to be biased. Commentary is supposed to be unbiased and impartial. Yes a driver's home country's commentary will undoubtedly be biased in favor of them and no commentary is completely free from bullshit takes, however the British commentary is held up as the "proper" one, it caters to more of the fan base than any other and is heralded as the home of F1. They continuously spread misinformation, are unable to remain impartial for the roughly two hours of races we get and are unable to not stir shit for views. British drivers and teams that have British drivers are held to a completely different standard.
And it's not just Red Bull or Max affected. I'm basically crying out for literally any info on the likes of Alex, Mick, Zhou, Yuki etc during race weekends but no I have to hear more about how Mercedes might actually have a chance at a win this time out which they've already discussed multiple times prior. Mercedes tend to get a free pass from criticism from the British commentators. Had any other team had "we deal with it in house" strategy in regards to punishing their drivers, the British commentators would absolutely lose it. But Toto giving stern talkings to Nico and Lewis whenever they crashed each other out (Spain 2016 for example) and to George after Imola 2021 (where he without question should've been held accountable by the FIA for hitting a fellow driver in the head after a crash when said driver's condition was still in question) is fine and goes by without question. Had say Ferrari pestered the FIA long enough in order to change rules and regulations (see changing the flooring regulations mid season this year or the pit stop rules mid season last year), they would be dogged by criticism and allegations of cheating. They've been silent about Mercedes doing the aforementioned. Meanwhile one of the alpha tauris or alpines or alfa romeos are starting from the pits but it's not deemed important enough to explain why until literally the last minute and we're getting underway. The way they talk about the likes of Checo and Yuki in particular have been disgusting and beyond insulting. It's far from impartial and it's nothing like real journalism. They criticize the FIA if they don't like a penalty (especially if it affects a British driver negatively) but, apart from Jenson Button, none of them saw the need to talk about the issue of the tractor on track during wet conditions with racing continuing under yellow flags at Suzuka. They often take quotes out of context to fit their narrative and often spread misinformation in order to uphold that narrative.
Some of you are too young or didn't watch F1 during the Schumi days or red bull era! Seb, but as someone who watched both and everything in-between and after, little has changed in regards to that bias. But as I've said before it's significantly worse in the age of social media. You're never free from trolls but spreading this bias as gospel truth leads to people believing it as such. The amount of harm that causes is horrific. I've seen racial abuse, death threats, body shaming, outright misogyny, and so much worse, directed at many drivers and many fans of said drivers both online and irl. They rightfully called it out at Austria. Yet they were almost entirely silent at Monza and at Silverstone. You don't get to cherry pick when it matters because it might fit your narrative because it always does matter and it is always wrong no matter who is directly affected or involved. No circuit or fanbase is perfect or free from bad eggs but to say that it was one driver's entire fanbase one weekend and that it was "just a few bad eggs" the next because it's a different driver's fanbase spreading abuse is clear evidence of inherent bias and double standards. You cannot pretend to be impartial while doing this.
I'm not going to sit here and say I'm without bias because I'm not. I don't have to be, however, because I'm a fan, not a commentator. They should be impartial for the length of the race weekend and be able to give an unbiased analysis on every driver and team. Can you honestly tell me that they are able to do so? I can set aside my biases and acknowledge if the drivers I support messed up or if a driver I'm generally indifferent to (I don't hate any driver, I don't get how people are so obsessed with hating on drivers they dislike) did well. I don't believe they can do the same, if they ever could because they've gone unchecked for years.
Also Sky Sports is the channel that used horrific crashes in ads to wish people a merry Christmas last year. They pulled the ad after rightfully receiving heavy criticism but I don't know if they ever apologized for it. I personally doubt it.
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sebnameyourcar · 1 year
why did seb choose his absolute favourite circuit to be the first race he watches from the sidelines live 😭 “it’s horrible and it hurts” king i wonder why????? you should have watched like… the spanish gp. not SUZUKA
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cynfulworld · 6 months
Happy Friday beautiful!
So personally with this season of F1 I’ve been kind of hoping for Max to have a DNF or some failure so we could see who else would come out on top! If I’m being honest I was rooting for lando or Carlos to get P1 in Melbourne so I was pretty excited to see Carlos walk away with it, especially after being cut by ferrari without a deal lined up. I think he’s been pretty consistent and seems even quicker now that he knows Ferrari is gonna give him up at the end of the year for Hamilton. Now I do think checo has more pace in the car and he seems to be warming up to it a little more, especially after watching FP1 in Suzuka yesterday but if I was Red Bull I’d be looking at replacing him with Carlos but that’s just me. It’s really exciting to see all the new talent coming up and I’m curious who’s gonna replace Hamilton at Mercedes. I’ve heard some rumors about Sebastian and Toto talking 👀
Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten to show you the cum pic yet either 😉
😂 everyone wants to see Seb come back. I don’t think it will happen though. I was talking to my husband the other day and he pointed out that we haven’t really seen such an incestuous driver pool before. So maybe they’ll start bringing in some young blood again. We saw a few youngsters filling that did pretty well. We’ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️ Checo is always strong on street circuits so, sadly for me, I’m sure we’ll see some change ups with him as the season progresses. 😔 I wouldn’t be surprised if Redbull tries for Sainz. My husband thinks they won’t because he’s too expensive, but I think that’s a silly argument. They want to win. I haven’t watched the practices but I heard about Sargeant. Lol I can’t imagine that guy will be back next season.
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boxenstopp · 8 months
1. Who or what got you into F1?
youtube recommended. (sports rpf on ao3)
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
i'm honestly not sure who it was? but out of max, seb, or kimi, i definitely do still support them. i thought max was more of a nerd shut-in and now i think he goes outside but that's basically it.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
max, but only because kimi not an f1 driver anymore.
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
i support lestappen because of their weird af relationship and the allegories and au's you can squeeze out of it. perfectly good for both cute slash fics and *ahem* ferrari-based gore.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no. my family does not watch/engage in sports.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
I personally like the messy ones that you can extract the most nerd shit out of. As 2023 is the season in most recent memory, I would pick Qatar.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
Not really? I like the standard Austria, Suzuka, Spa, etc. But none of them stand out to me. Would love a german race back on the calendar though.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
Sadly no, might attend one this year though.
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
Have not met, but saw seb and yuki at the nurburgring red bull event.
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
Not really, the RB19 is cool but I don't really have any I like much.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
Esteban Ocon!!! He's sooo underrated I love him so much. AND George Russell I can't believe he's only won one race but he's the weirdest guy and that gets him soooo many blorbo points.
honorable mention for the one point finish wonder: nyck de vries least bbg of all bbg's but simultaneously the most. i own his merch.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
no kimi you will not have the drink. leave me alone i know what i'm doing. i love- i mean kimi is a very nice guy. any kimi/seb quotes.
honorable mention: god may be with him but he is not god
tagging: @sennaverstappen
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f1version · 9 months
rules. answer the questions below!
tagged by @vinvantae tagging: everyone that wants to do it, just say i tagged you. also, @goldsainz @formulaforza @carlosheinz @chrysanthemonza
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1. Who or what got you into F1?
-> my family! they've been enjoying motorsports for years so naturally, i ended up falling in love too. something about forced proximity lmaoo
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
-> kimi raikkönen!! as a child i would get really excited to see him on tv or on track, my parents said i recognized his car and all. i supported him always, followed his years out of f1 and all, he’s 100% my favorite of all time.
3. Who's your current favourite F1 driver?
-> i have two 2023/24 favorites: lewis hamilton and oscar piastri.
lewis has been a favorite of mine from the beginning, his racecraft has always been enjoyable to me. also, he’s one of the reasons why (alongside nico and schumi) i decided to support mercedes. he’s a big big inspiration for me, all of the things he has done are wonderful so i’ve never doubted him as one of my favorites.
oscar, on the other hand, is ofc a new addition to the ‘fav f1 driver’ list but is one that doesn’t surprise me! i saw him go up categories and loveeed his driving style. i was never a diehard fan but a supporter of his career for sure. when he got to f1 (and seb left) i knew who my new favorite was gonna be! (now i am, in fact, a diehard fan)
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
-> not a pairing but…a boy band…
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they live on my head rent free, the videos (and the lore) were so funny (iconic). BUT, if i had to choose a pair, i would go for kimi and seb!! i had always wanted to see them as teammates bc of how well they got along, when it happened i was the happiest. also nico and lewis were my number ones back in the day and by consequence my biggest heartbreak.
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
-> everyone in the family likes something different. some have their special reasons but in general they vary.
dad’s favorites are mclaren, lauda, and senna, my oldest sister’s are mercedes and button, my older brother redbull and alonso, younger sister ferrari and verstappen (don’t even ask), and my mom’s favorites were ferrari, prost, schumacher, and häkkinen. <3
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
-> this is such a hard question but i’ll go for the ones i rewatch the most: united states 2018, canada 2011, suzuka 2005, abu dhabi 2010, turkey 2020, and germany 2019.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
-> hockenheim, suzuka, sepang, interlagos, istanbul, spa, silverstone. my lovers fr.
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
-> i have! i went to my first gp when i was almost one year old, it was france 2003 — nevertheless, the first one i remember going to/experiencing (faintly but i do) is the 2007 brazilian gp!
i’m lucky enough to have gone to multiple over the years and i’m so grateful to my family for it. 2022 and 2023 were the first years i was able to go by myself or with my friends/colleagues to races! (i did go a couple with my family + i go with my brother everywhere but yeah) it’s been amazing!
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
-> i’m very lucky to say yes, i have met a couple over the years and it’s been great! from the current grid i’ve met everyone but zhou and hülkenberg!!
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
-> FW14B, MP4/4, W11, F2002, RB19 AAAAAAAHQHEUJW. i believe this question goes more towards the liveries but i love those cars, they were such a wonder and the WAY they were driven. ugh. amazing. i love rewatching their races.
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
-> ok so, i would say george but since he’s still racing i’m not counting it. i’ll go with pastor maldonado. HEAR ME OUT. it was an insane day, i was ten but i still remember how crazy everyone felt there in barcelona, like what just happened. also insane to think about how it was pure pace, like yes he was lucky on saturday but sunday was his. ALSO having kimi on the podium is a huge bonus.
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
-> “we have to remember these days. there is no guarantee they will last forever. enjoy them as long as they last.” — sebastian vettel, 2013.
“that’s for all the kids out there who dream the impossible, you can do it too.” — lewis hamilton, 2020.
“i’ve always believed that you should never, ever give up and you should always keep fighting even when there's only the slightest chance.” — michael schumacher, 2007.
“just leave me alone, i know what to do.” — kimi raikkönen, 2012.
“bwoah” — kimi raikkönen, always.
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silverstonesainz · 9 months
Creds to @avida-heidia-5 for making this!
thank u @vinvantae & @rose-tinted-juls for the tags! if u see this and u havent done it, i'm pointing at u to do it.
who or what got you into F1?
my best friend got into it first, and spent the better part of two weeks to watch dts so that i could get a general run down before she let me watch races. and the only reason i did end up watching it was through her showing me a photo of charles leclerc everyday for a week of the two, and wore me down.
who was the very first F1 driver you supported? do you support them now? have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
danny was the first driver i watched and paid attention to, and i still do keep up with him and wish him all the best. and i would say that my opinions on him have evolved with time and his ever changing situation.
who’s your current favorite F1 driver?
if it isn't already obvious, it's carlos. my top 3 is carlos, charles, & danny. theyre my guys
(see more under the cut!)
is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? what made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
maxiel is really the only pair that i would say i support. i think of them so often, more than charlos or even carlando. maxiel is real special to me. i think galex is a close second because ever since it an anon mentioned the idea of george and alex in merc together, i havent been able to shake it.
do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite team and/or favourite driver(s)?
i am the only person who really keeps up with f1. but id like to think my mom supports carlos bc she asks about how he does sometimes. (also fernando bc... viva españa!)
do you have any favourite races? are there any that stand out to you the most?
baku '22 (it was the first race i ever watched and its sooo wretched), canada '22 silverstone '22, austria '22, abu dhabi '22, & singapore '23. these all are races that are engraved in my memory, all the good and bad. i have many– too many– thoughts about em actually.
do you have a favourite circuit? can be from the past or from the current calendar.
i do looove circuit gilles villeneuve a lot, the hairpin at turn 10 turns me on. some special mentions: singapore, suzuka, & cota.
have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
noooo, i wish. one day thought when im a wag
have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
no, but i have seen george, lewis, & checo in person!
do you have a favourite F1 car? if so, what is it?
i can't think of any off the top of my head except the all chrome mclaren from once upon a time. but i wouldnt say its my favorite, just the one in the forefront of my memory
do you have a favourite one win wonder?
i'll say george because i love how emotional he gets. and i mean he makes me so angry but what a win for him ya know?
do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? this can either be inspirational or hilarious.
all of kimi's radios in the one compilation. he is sooo funny, and sooo dear to me. when seb said he wants to go home after hs crash with mark (?). it's on purpose, from carlos in singapore '23. of course daniel's whole enjoy the butterflies spiel. sooo dear to me even if i hate butterflies. special mention: for the first time in formula one, carlos sainz is victorious!!!
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