#and suddenly Chayanne is suddenly able to become cucurucho
My newest headcanon for today’s Cellbit stream is that Q!Cellbit creates his stupidest and most unsupported theories when he’s drunk off his ass only for it to become a reality when he’s sober
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at0micc0la · 1 year
A New Hairstylist in the Island
A/N: First of all guys I want to appologize beforehand my space bar is failing and sometimes
Chayanne was the one who gave Tallulah her first haircut, and who would blame her trusting the other kid, he is older AND her uncle and when he said "Trust me, I know what I'm doing" in the same tone he uses when he is going to protect her from mobs she truly believe her.
Phil was taking care of the potato farm when he suddenly came to notice that the house was really quiet, he started doing a small check list of what was out of place. The machine was working, there is no code nor Cucurucho near, Chayanne is helping with the potatos... wait... Chayanne is not even near the potatoes. The fear was palpable, throwing the potatoes to the side and screaming the kids names and running as fast ashe was able to, trying to fly if it's posible, once he was close to the house he saw Chayanne in front of the door, scissors on his hand and a fearful look, the kid ran inside, which made Philza ran faster, after living with 3 menaces to the world (all in different ways) he knew that look wasn't a good sign.
He opened the door slowly, preparing himself for the worst. The sigh of relief that left his mouth, he was expecting a broken arm or the house a mess just because of a playfight but right in front of him was Talullah in the middle of the room, teary eyes looking at him and a shy smile
"Do I look pretty, abuelito?"
Her hair was a complete mess, shorter strands and the hair all frizzy, she was touching with a hand a lonely braid that was longer than the rest of her hair
"The most beautiful girl in the room" he said while knealing down to the girl's level and hugging her, while throwing daggers to Chayanne, the moment the boy looked at his dad he threw the scissors to the ground and ran through the back door
"Let me send a picture to your dad so he can see your new style" Phil took his camera and tried not to laugh at the poor girl "Wait here I'll go outside to talk with your dad" The girl nodded and went to her room, where she started playing her flute
'Mate you will not believe this' read the message and the man added the picture, he couldn't help but laugh at the picture, maybe even a tornado would have left her less catastrophic than it is now, and the phone call made a minute later prove him right
"PHIL WHAT HAPPENED TO MY GIRL" the man voice was clear through the phone, Phil feared the kids where able to heat Wilbur rambling about how her hair was ruined and how much Tallulah loved her long hair
"C'mon man, you and Techno did way worse things than this"
"Yeah, but imagine I cut Techno's hair, I would no longer have a head" Ash's laugh was heard in the background while Wilbur keep on rambling possible scenarios in his hair
"Listen, is just hair it will grow out and I can ask someone here to cut her hair properly" Phil reasoned
"Don't ask Fit" the answer was so quick that the man wasn't able to process it in his brain til a few seconds laters just to laugh at the thought of a bald Tallulah
"Definetly not Fit, wait calm down, she is in her way here" Phil sat on the floor and handed the phone to the little girl, she sat next to him leaning into her grandpa
"Dad, did grandpa tell you?" Her voice was small, almost as if she sensed her father's disliked for her new haircut
"Yes darling, He sent me a picture and you look stunning, my love" the giggles were woth the lie to Wil
"I told uncle Chayanne I wanted my hair like you, dad" being away from eachother has been so hard the two of them "Miss you" tears touched the ground to become part of it
"Don't worry, I have a few night left here, you won't notice when I'm already there with you"
"Gotta go, we start in 3 minutes, love you Tallulah, take care of your grandpa Phil" he hanged before she was able to answer and there they sat, looking at the island.
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