#and stay off my poor things posts cause your negative reviews are wrong plain and simple
anyataylorjoys · 7 months
“Poor Things was gross and exploiting and had misogynistic themes and therefore was not femininely empowering.”
Sometimes themes of misogyny have to exist in media for a female character to rise above them. Although the film can be viewed as raunchy, the sex scenes were actually meaningful to the plot as this story was about her journey of self-exploration, a large part of that being her sexuality and unabashedly fulfilling her desires, as she dismissed and argued against male expectations when they did not suit her. In addition, this film perfectly depicted the way men will attempt to groom innocence and shame girls and women who do not conform to their standards. If you were unable to digest this film for what it truly was, you likely have a very shallow level of media comprehension in this essay I will
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