#and spent like 10 mins trying to kill it. bc im good at the other 3 games and would have been able to
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kirkwallguy · 4 months ago
I'm thirsty for your commentary on the veilguard like I'm in a desert btw
after all my dai haterism i was hoping to maybe be a lover on main for once 😔 but the writers decided the haterism must continue
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beyondd-dazedd · 4 years ago
EPISODE👏 REVIEW👏 hsmtmts season 2 episode 10: get ready for some enthusiastic writing and a little too much looking into details
first off seb doing the intro made my heart happy i love him
ok i know everyone has been saying it but there is no way in hell they’re winning the menkies. unless the writers just go with the main character favoritism route, there’s just no way. however for the sake of comedy, watching ashlyn give us everything in the transformation scene and ricky being an absolute disaster is SO funny to me. like shout out to joshua because that scene made me laugh so hard. also a trio i need more of is kourt, red and ej. i just feel like they would be dramatic gossipy bitches and i love that for them.
normally i think ms. jenn’s reactions are over the top but after seeing the shit show that just occurred 2 mins before... i think her reaction is very valid because oh god.
continuing with the theme of friendship dynamics we haven’t seen a lot of but we absolutely need more of, ashlyn and ricky!! that scene was so sweet and wholesome. i’m so so so glad the writers didn’t fall into the trap of making characters take sides after a break up. i just feel like it’s been done a million times before. but seeing ashlyn being so genuine when checking up in ricky made me so happy. the caswells remain being the superior characters (including gina obvs)
ms. jenn and mr. mazzarra are cute don’t get me wrong but they should’ve spent more time developing that relationship instead giving ms. jenn like 3 random love interests and that’s all i’ll say on that.
i love imagining what characters are saying when they’re just ad libbing. like what could ej, gina, ricky and red be talking about before carlos shows up to start the scene?? my guess is they’re all gushing about how amazing ash is and no i don’t take criticisms on that.
alright i’ll say it. the seblos drama is weak at best. they didn’t spend enough time developing it and kind of pushed it to the background so when it was one of the main focuses of the episode it was kind of like ok?? HOWEVER i did love the resolution to it and the deeper look into their individual characters. (i’ll talk more about this later)
carlos calling ms. jenn mother and everyone immediately knowing who he was talking about sent me omfg. but also who the fuck let these high schoolers try to figure out this transformation scene by themselves?? they collectively have 2 brain cells and they just bounce around between the 9 of them depending on the scene. but playful sleepover competition!! also gina nudging ej when he goes a little too ej 1.0 was everything.
i hate lily and i love sassy red. that’s all.
(im going to talk about the boys/girls sleepovers like they’re each one continuous scene respectively because it’s way easier than switching back and forth)
fun new friendship dynamics!! the boys!! sebbie and the girls! iconic. i know that the show is meant to be in a mockumentary style so we only see parts of the characters lives but i would give my left arm to see the boys getting closer and becoming friends. this is also the first scene where i really noticed ricky’s shirt. ricky is queer disney are just cowards. i’m not a big ricky/ ej shipper but the pretty boy had me feeling some type of way. carlos being worried about seb and their relationship and then red being like well this is why. bc he’s got a spy on the inside was peak friendship. but seriously disney?? just say gay. it’s not a bad word. now imma freak out about PORTWELL OMFG I WAS ALREADY FREAKING OUT DURING THIS SCENE SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW WELL I WAS DOING LATER ON. but ej just being like im not ready to put myself out there because of nini i don’t wanna get rejected... again. my heart went out to him. you can really see how much he’s grown as a person. but sure ej y’all are “buddies” also him saying the one thing i’m proud of from my time with nini was letting her go and ricky’s reaction to that hurt me to my core.
alright let’s talk about the girls and seb. first off i love that they’re actually working and the boys are doing fuck all LOL. seb actually talking about how he feels?? good for him. i hate that he thinks that carlos is only with him because there’s limited options but at least he’s talking about it. a moment of silence for ash’s scissor bucket (i won’t make a gay joke. i won’t make a gay joke. i won’t-) anyways... i really thought that maybe ash would know about portwell but it’s fucking EVERYONE. like y’all are that perceptive about other peoples relationships but not your own?? that’s why all y’all have relationship drama. gina not wanting to put herself out there because she’s afraid of getting hurt?? ouch. gina thinking ej is just being nice?? ouch but also gina, sis?? what. also nini reacting that way to the chocolates is so out of pocket. like 1) y’all aren’t dating anymore so what’s got you so pressed? 2) gina made it clear that they weren’t actually from ricky 3) nini you know they had some sort of chemistry before you and ricky got back together so this really shouldn’t be that surprising.
anyways the scene with ricky and carlos broke me. the decision for ricky to not show nini the song was so mature. despite wanting to get her back, he KNOWS that that would only drag her back and that’s not fair to her and he knows it. but his awareness of seblos’s relationship and wanting to help carlos work things out with seb was so wholesome and so sweet and is kind of a big moment of character development for him this season. like he was generally very selfish this season (again i’m a ricky apologist til the day i die but he was so selfish) and seeing him take the focus away from his problems to help carlos out was so sweet. also i need more ricky/carlos friendship moments.
kourt talking about howie learning her love language?? bitch you mean espionage?? i mean me too but that’s so fucking funny
ALRIGHT THIS IS THE PARAGRAPH WHERE I SCREAM ABOUT PORTWELL!!! i am so so so so happy right now about this. the fact that ej asked about risotto but for real was so satisfying and was blatantly like him saying i know we faked being in a relationship but what about it not being fake and omfg that’s so amazing. also gina being skeptical and asking if ash put him up to it and him saying not that i know of?? THE PARALLELS?? also gina this whole season has been talking about signs and finding reasons to stay, finding signs to know if someone is right for her and you can literally see the moment she realizes she said the same thing about the duke sweatshirt to jack. SHE KNOWS THIS IS HER SIGN and that’s so special to me. also ej’s nervous laugh after she says yes?? omfg. let’s look at ej’s character. historically he’s confident, cocky and generally puts on this facade of having his shit together but gina makes him nervous (in a good way). he doesn’t feel like he has to pretend to be confident around her. he’s showing her that he’s just as nervous as she is about this and that is just *chefs kiss* honestly not to be an andi mack stan but ej’s little nervous chuckle and ok after she says yes sounds like he’s letting out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding which seriously parallels tj after the tyrus confession. i’m just saying. ALSO GINA’S LITTLE EXCITED WALK BACK TO THE GROUP AHHHHHH
the seblos song?? i have no notes. it was incredible. frankie killed that shit. it was such a good song. so sweet. so wholesome. also ricky and carlos’s hug was so fucking meaningful to both of them and you can tell. ricky was absolutely beaming because he helped the two of them and it feels like a little bit of season 1 ricky shining through.
WHO THE FUCK LET A BUNCH OF HIGH SCHOOLERS RIG A KID IN THE AIR COMPLETELY UNSUPERVISED?? of course ricky fucking fell. that group shares 2 brain cells. obviously some dumb shit was going to happen
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tianamarieg · 7 years ago
edc 2018 review
first timer at this event. i've been to smaller festivals for one day (escape twice, countdown nye, beyond wonderland, hard day of the dead) and a handful of shows.
some things to know: i am older, almost 30. i have done my fair share of partying in my 20s, so my body can't handle too much partying anymore. admittedly, i was scared i wouldn't be able to hang that long all 3 days. my bf has a lot more energy than i, so i didnt want to disappoint him by not being able to last! ended up doing a lot of research and planning ahead so i could pace myself.
i ended up really enjoying myself!
stay: i booked a hotel in hendersen thursday night and the next 3 nights booked an airbnb at a woman's house in north las vegas. without traffic was only a 15 min drive, with traffic about half an hour. not much traffic on our route though, so that was a plus. was also near a lot of food and stores, so very convenient. place ended up being gated and safe.
travel: first day we left fairly early around 430p and took uber for around $12. leaving around 330a though uber x wait was suuuuper long, waited a good 20 mins before someone suggested requesting an uber select or xl to get something quicker. ended up getting an uber select within minutes... for $88 😵. i mean it was $20 more than uber x so i thought it was worth it to not wait. the next two days we ended up driving our rental. left a little later like around 7pm and ended up getting in by 830p. i was scared the parking and lines would be ridiculous but getting there at that time ended up being pretty smooth. didnt wait much. (maybe camp edc this year really helped!) but i also read to not leave to go to the festival after 9p because thats when u end up sitting in traffic forever. i think it also helped a ton that we werent staying near the strip and we were fairly close to the speedway. on the second night we left around 3am only to get to our rental and discover wed lost the keys inside!!! freaked out, as anyone would. thankfully my bf calmed me through it and we were so lucky to have found the keys where we last sat at the carnival square 🙏🏻 that trek back and forth killed my body though. but it all worked out and was grateful! leaving around 4am second night and around 330am third night ended up smooth, no traffic. kinda regret not staying until sunrise at least one of the days, maybe night one, but i was pretty scared of the traffic. heard ppl wait hours in it so i really wanted to avoid it. overall, travel and getting in and out did not seem to be much of a hassel at all :)
rides: since we got in early the first day we managed to be on the first gondola wheel ride which was great. didnt ride anything after that because of the lines but if i were more patient and had stronger legs id try and wait to ride more.
food and drinks: so expensive and not worth it. spent $39 on two drinks with one shot each the first day and didnt dare spend more after that. its impossible to get a buzz unless you spend over $100. second day bought a small bottle and drank before entering which gave a good buzz but had to pee so bad in the security and check in line. luckily the wait wasnt long. tried the mac and cheese, cheese pizza, and fries with cheese.... all cost over $10 each. make sure u eat well before entering and if u plan on drinking good luck.
bathrooms: tread carefully lol. over 100k people each night. they do their best but its really hard to keep everything clean. try to use the stalls at the top of the stadium when u first get in. stalls at carnival square were so hot and musty.
the music and stages: wish i checked out more tbh. im reading about how the vibes at wasteland were great and never got to check it out. hung out mostly at circuit grounds and kinetic field.. really wish i walked around way more and checked out art cars and other stages. i spent a lot of time resting bc like i said im old and body needs rest haha. loved kaskade!! best set for me. hardwell threw down so that was fun, energy at circuit grounds was wild. martin garrix was great too. zedd was fun and good vibes as always but ive seen him like 10 times so it was predictable. suffered through dimitri vegas and like mike waiting for kaskade.. that was not fun for me. saw a bit of slander, illenium (cosmic meadows was packed for him), and zeds dead. the stages were so great.
i loved the attention to detail about this whole event. the lights, the stages, the decorations, the art cars, the cast members etc. its such a beautiful sight especially from the bleachers.
we didnt talk to many people unfortunately but the vibe still was great. i will say i read a lot of reports about pick pocketers. we were lucky not to have encountered those, but with any event you'll have your bad apples. also be careful of the undercovers. didnt see any myself but you never know whos watching you. always good to be sensible and safe. for all the bad theres also tons of people looking out for each other, which is great, offering snacks or water or even to fan you. everyones there to have a good time, so always know your limit and pace yourself and if someone looks like they need help dont be afraid to lend a hand!
overall had a great experience and would definitely go again! gotta really get fit so i can hang longer. other little festivals just wont be the same anymore after experiencing such a big event like this one.
will i have money for next year? we'll see.. but i definitely will be going again in the future
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survivor-mindoro · 8 years ago
Ep. 2: “Like herding very dumb sheep” ~ Seamus
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I don't like my tribe, they literally all seem like losers. like I will be super shocked if we win anything. at least it will be like herding very dumb sheep when we lose. plus this idol thing will make getting and using idols hella easy
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yay! Me and luke survived....thank god. But now were in tribes,and yes i love being in tribes but i hate missing my loved one. So to start this off i got an idol by combining mine with matts. And lets just say tgat was so fricken easy!!!! He trusts me because its like his first game and we became really good friends. So. After we agreed to combine them he basically said you hold onto it because i trust you. Um.....ok dont tell me twice,but this stupid immunity challenge came and nobodys doing anything. I dont wanna become a target by bossing people around but then again i wanna be safe. And what no reward challange???? That sucks i could really use some comfort items.
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a little while later....
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So........this tribe is alright so far. I really appreciate that we are all for right now being civil and working together to accomplish this lip sync video. I hope that everything goes well and I will be safe this round, I don't really know a lot of people in the tribe but I assume Julia might be the one to go if previous alliances still stand here. I'll check back after immunity results! xoxo 
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So wild losing huh, and its time for the amazing pre-jury stratagizing everyone loves!! Yay!! But seriously, i'm in a very good spot right now. Everyone on my tribe likes me, and my very deep participation in the immunity challenge definantly brought me into the goods with everyone else. Anyways, I have heard Mitch and Lukes names be thrown out, which is because they didn't participate in the immunity. Sad huh. I personally wan't mitch to stay, and so does seamus. But Dan says mitch should leave and im like ahhhh. I'll be back later with more information soon.
a little while later.....
Tbh karen HOW YOU BEEN GIRL u aint gonna see this like ever and i cant talk 2 u so ill pretend im talking 2 u here. Are you still being messy girl??? I KNOW YOUR ASS GOT CONNOR ON YA TRIBE AND HE IS AFTER YOU. PICK IT UP KAREN PICK IT UP.
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So we escaped tribal council which is awesome like thank goodness i spent so much time on the challenge and then IT DIDN'T EVEN UPLOAD LIKE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. but regardless i'm just a little salty at karen because they didn't send me her footage until like 10 minutes before the video was due...like why? but fo real it was way too close for comfort. hopefully the next challenge goes better...
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so it's either Mitch or luke going home tonight, I'm pushing for Luke bc I think he will be better in challenges. But on the other hand I think luke will just do whatever I want so if he stays I'll pretend I voted Mitch and then make an alliance with him :)
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Okay so, im worried about this tribal because PEOPLE are gonna get blidsided, and thats not a great thing to start the game off with. Blindsides on the second tribal?? Not very good. But hey, its not gonna be me atleast. Ill be back soon with a less vague awnser
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I don't want to vote for Luke at all, but I'm actually making really good connections with other people that I didn't think I would, like Julia and Mitch. I think moving forward I'm going to just try to remain social for now and not be the chaotic, bitchy, paranoid gay that I normally am
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Everything is still going okay. Kinda bummed that we lost the immunity challenge but hopefully I won't be voted out. I actually participated and tried to get a video in, unlike some people. Not even trying to be aggressive but hopefully me actually participating will keep me in this game through this tribal. So far I haven't made any great connections, I think that may be important to do soon. I really like Luke, but if what I am being told is true, he most likely going home this tribal, so I am shit outta luck there. I guess we will see how this all pans out, ugh.
a little while later...
Luke wants Dan to put his half idol together with his own.... I mean this could work. I don't quite know wht Dan is coming to me with this information, but he doesn't want Luke to go, and neither do I. So if we could make sure everyone votes Luke, and have Luke use the idol and vote someone else.... We could potentially save Luke and get rid of someone else.
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so I have a super evil idea, I'm going to tell luke an alliance approached me of 4 others asking to vote him out and ask if I can have his half of the idol and ill play it on him tonight... then I wont and ill have an idol :)
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So, I was worried about a blindside, since Seamus and I wanted Luke gone over mitch. Dan and Pat wanted Mitch gone. And honestly I didn't want Mitch to flop and become pre-jouror again in a season, and I know Mitch and I have some sort of trust basis. So I was afreiad for the reactions of dan and pat, BUT I was informed a few mins ago by seamus that Dan is on board to vote Luke, so I got no need to worry.
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Luckily tonight our tribe is safe from winning the challenge, although I'm a little bummed none of the footage I recorded was used in the lip synch video. The challenge was really close, and I wonder if the two tribes will continue to be this evenly matched, especially after tonight's vote. At this point, I'm just worried about Mitch and hope he stays in the game tonight.
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Um so I honestly don't even know what's happening. I'm being told that I'm getting votes tonight but then Seamus wants to merge his idol with mine and keep me so I'm honestly shook. If he did that I'd want everybody to vote for me so then i could vote out Julia with my one vote and blindside Mitch because he thinks he could be safe right now. I just hope that it goes to plan because I do notttt want to be out.
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Hello I might die really early already. 
So I didn't put in a video for the lip sync challenge because I'm not incredibly comfortable showing my face. I did my best to offer help/critique but I slept in until 3PM because of Sun/Moon and I don't think I was very helpful. Long story short, everybody did something except for me and Luke, so that's who the vote has come down to.   
I love Luke. I'm upset that Luke is in the same position as me. I want to work with Luke, but if I want to live, he's gotta die. This is shitty. 
I'm getting freaked out about how easily accessible idols are, too. If Luke gets an idol, I am dead. And I'm going to dinner during tribal. So even if I did fuse with someone, I wouldn't be able to save myself. I'd have to rely on one of my allies to play it on me in my absence.   
Get ready to flop. I hope I get host tea if I'm voted out. I hope Kyla does 12x better than me.
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I didn't even know we won immunity until now whew so I'm popping bottles truly Also Julia? I don't know her? Idk how I'll feel if she gets voted out
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